02x31 - The Straw That Broke Two Brains' Back / Nocan the Evil Ingredient Finding Guy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x31 - The Straw That Broke Two Brains' Back / Nocan the Evil Ingredient Finding Guy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: hey, kids,
today's featured words

Are "abrupt" and "recreation."

Just another beautiful day
in the city.

[Alarm bell ringing]

Hey, who's ruining
this nice day?

I did it.

I robbed the jewelry store,
and wordgirl didn't stop me.

Ha ha! Ohh.

Hello, wordgirl.

Look. I have
someplace to be,

So could we
make this quick?

Ha! I don't think so.

Prepare yourself, wordgirl,
for the fight of your life.

Ok, but it seems
silly to be putting
up such a big fight

Over a bag full
of doughnuts.

A bag full of what?
Oh. Aah! Ohh.


All right.
We can take it from here.

Whoa, that was
an abrupt entrance.

Yeah. Well,
we usually wait nearby
and watch you work.

You put on
a good show.
Oh, thanks.

You know, we try
to bring a little flair

To the job and
really, you know--

right, right.
We have to go.

I put up a good
fight this time,
though, right, guys?

Eh, you've
done worse.


Wait. Why am I
laughing? Oh...

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the botsfords...

All right.
We didn't miss it.

You guys are just leaving
for the party now, right?

Just leaving?
Oh, no, no, no, honey.

We're just
coming back.

Man, I can't believe
how many different types
of ice cream they had.

The sandersons sure do
know how to throw
an ice cream party right.

Don't worry, hon.

We brought some
back for you.
You did?

Sure, but then it
melted on the way home

And splashed
all over the car.

So we stopped and
got you some ice cream
at the store.

You did?

But the store was
totally out of ice cream,

So we got you
this instead.

Prune pudding?

It was either that
or asparagus sorbet.

Boy, hon, it really
is too bad

That you have so many
of those school projects

And you're constantly
running off at the worst
possible times.

Yes. I know.

Oh, well. Come on, t.j.

Let me show you
one of my favorite
recreational activities.

Watching tv, I hope.

No, celery sculptures.

Becky: that's it.
I've had it.

I'm sick and tired
of missing
my recreation time

Because some villain
wants to take over
the city

With ropes
or meat or cheese

Or some other
ridiculous thing.

Well, no more.

I will not interrupt
my next recreation time

Because of some
ridiculous villain.

Dad: becky,
come in here, quick.

I know you're down
about missing

The ice cream party,
but look.

Announcer: you love her.
Your family loves her.

Even your little brother
loves pretty princess,

But what goes on
behind the scenes

When the lights are down
on this very sparkly show?

Want to find out and see
amazing, colorful scenes

Never before seen on tv?

Then stay tuned for the
pretty princess documentary--

"Citizens of a sparkly planet,"
up next.

Can we
watch it, dad?
Can we?

Of course.

I'm just going to sit here
and work on
my celery sculptures.

This one's going to be--

Nah. I'll let it be
a surprise.

Stay tuned.

Announcer: and now, presented

With almost limited
commercial interruptions,

We present the world premiere of

"Citizens of a sparkly planet:

The pretty princess story."

Check, test, test, check.

Is this thing on? Hello?


Dr. Two-brains:
it is i, dr. Two-brains.

You should have known
that your paltry--

That's "paltry"
as in small and weak,

Not "poultry" as in
chicken and turkey--

Your paltry prison
would never hold me.

I mean, come on.

How many times
do I have to break out

Before you guys realize
you need stronger bars?

Seriously, it's getting
a little insulting.

Be right back.
School project.

Aha! Wordgirl.

Um, ok.

Little shy today,
w.g.? No problem.

I'll segue right
into describing

My latest
evil scheme,

So brilliant,
there's no way

Anyone is going
to stop...


Wow, that was--

It means
sudden and fast.

You mean, like
how wordgirl

dr. Two-brains
down so fast?

Or how the police
showed up so suddenly?

Hmm, interesting...

But you know what's
even more interesting?

My latest celery sculpture
of the butcher.

"Mm! I throw meat at people.
Grr! Meat."

Ha ha ha!

Ok. The impression
needs a little work,

But you have to admit
the sculpture
is pretty dead on.

That is the butcher.

It's coming
back on.

Announcer: we now return you to

"Citizens of a sparkly planet,"
already in progress.

Oh, come on.

Um, hi. Me again.

Sorry to keep cutting in
on your program.

No, I'm not, but since
my capture was so abrupt,

I didn't get a chance to yak
about my latest evil scheme.

I need closure.

But how did
he escape?

And if you're wondering
how did I escape,

Well, wordgirl and the police
forgot all about my henchmen.


They were at the store
buying crackers.

Why crackers, you ask?

Well, that brings us right back
around to my latest scheme.

Be back.
Project stuff.

Step one--

Well, well.
Look who's back--

Ha ha ha!

Uh, all right.

Well, glower all
you want, kiddo.

There's no way
you're taking

All of us down
as abruptly

As you did
just me be--

What just

Wow, becky, did
you see that?
See what?

Wordgirl took those
bad guys out even more
abruptly than before.

Must've missed it.

I missed it, too,
because I was working on this.

♪ Da da da da da

Check it out.
"I'm ralph the sandwich guy."


"I'm chuck
the sandwich guy.

Grr! Sandwich."

Announcer: we now return you to

"Citizens of a sparkly planet,"
already in--

Dr. Two-brains: two-brains here,
abruptly interrupting
your show again,

But I wouldn't have to
if wordgirl

Would just give me a chance
to describe my scheme.

I mean, what gives?


Announcer: we now return you to
"citizens of a sparkly planet,"
already in progress.

Ok. Now hold on just a--

Announcer: we now return you to
"citizens of a sparkly planet,"
already in progress.

If you think you're just
going to--

Hmm, did you feel
a draft?

Announcer: we now return you to
"citizens of a sparkly planet,"
already in progress.

All right! Stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop.


What's with
all the abrupt
takedowns, wordgirl?

I'm supposed to have time
to explain my evil plan.

I'm tired of it, ok?

There's, like,
of you villains
and only one of me,

So every day, there's
at least one of you

Trying to pull off
some evil scheme,

And who always
has to push aside

Her recreation time
and come save the day?


Yeah. You know,
like hobbies

Or things you do outside
of school or work
that help you relax.

I mean, everybody needs
to relax once in a while.

Henchman: oh, I like
collecting buttons.

I like making
celery sculptures.

you just once be

A little more
of other people?

Oh, wordgirl, why
didn't you just say so?

I'm a villain.
What do you think?

No! Ha!

What's the matter,

My trap a little
too abrupt for you?

Ha ha ha!

Let me go.

Not until you sit here
and listen to my evil plan.

Make it snappy.

Oh, it's snappy,
all right,

And it's going to get snappier
when I use my ray

To turn the whole city
into cheese.

Ha ha ha!


That's your super
special evil plan

That you just can't
wait, wait, wait

To tell the whole
world about?

Yeah. What's wrong
with it?

You've threatened
to turn the city

Into cheese, like,
a million times.

Yeah, but all
those other times,

I was going to turn
the city into gouda.

This time, I'm going
to turn it into--

Wait for it--
smoked gouda.

Smoked gouda.

Smoked gouda?

Yes. Smoked gouda.
Quit saying it.

That's supposed to be
the brilliant part,
smoked gouda?

Yeah. Hey, going from
gouda to smoked gouda

Isn't just about
blowing smoke, you know?

Actually, it is just
about adding smoke,

You know, but that
doesn't mean it's easy.


Hmm, I guess bob
has someplace to be.

Oh! Oh, no!
I ruined winston churchill.

Get ready, wordgirl,

Because after I turn the city
into cheese, you're next.

Then we'll see if you still
think my plan is no gouda.

Ha ha ha!

Narrator: will wordgirl escape

From the evil clutches
of dr. Two-brains?

Will dr. Two-brains finally
succeed in what feels like

His th attempt
to turn the city into cheese?

All right.
So I'm a little predictable.

We get it.

When something's good,
you stick with it.

Narrator: or...

Will things wrap up so abruptly

That I can't even finish
my dramatic speech thingee?

Ok, so are we
good this time?

I think so.

Back to
recreation time.

Come on, huggy.

Smoked gouda.

Why can't anyone else see
the genius of it?

Meh. You've
done better.


Dr. Two-brains: ha ha. Yeah. Ok.
Enough with the laugh track.

There you are, honey.

You missed a whole big
wordgirl thing on tv.

Too much

Announcer: we now return you to
"citizens of a sparkly planet,"
already in progress.

All right. We can
still catch the end.

It's over? It's over?


Why do I always have to miss
all my recreation time?

Why? Why?
Um, honey--

Announcer: stay tuned
for a very special

Encore presentation of

"Citizens of a sparkly planet,"
coming up next.

Ooh, wait.

One quick thing left to do.
Be right back.

Uh, hi, everyone.
It's me--wordgirl.

Sorry for the abrupt message,
but I'm taking

Some recreation time
for the next couple of hours,

So just in case
any of you villains

Were thinking
of committing a crime...

[Metal creaking]

So again, if you were thinking
about committing a crime

In the next
couple of hours, don't.

Thank you for your time.

Announcer: we now return to

"Citizens of a sparkly planet,"
already in progress.

Honey, glad you
could make it back,

And check it out--
my celery masterpiece.

It's a wordgirl
giving a high-five
to abraham lincoln.

Narrator: and so wordgirl
puts an abrupt end

To any villainous mayhem for at
least the next couple of hours

And gets some much-deserved
recreation time,

Which I'm kind of afraid
to interrupt.

I would be
if I were you.

Narrator: right.

Join us next time for
another exciting episode of...


Narrator: "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have
a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have
a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "strenuous."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "wordgirl" that show
the meaning of the word.

give it a shot.

"Strenuous" means requiring
great energy or effort.

In that last clip,
it must have been
very strenuous

For the whammer to pull
those huge trucks.

That's correct,

And, speaking of great
energy or effort--



What are you doing?
Bicep curls.

I've got my reunion this weekend
at game show host university,

And I want my old girlfriend
belle stunning

To see I'm still
in awesome shape.


And you can't
work out after work?

Nope. I spend all my free time
combing my hair.

Anyway, congratulations, tommy.
You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him what he's won--

An official wordgirl
weight bench.

That's it for today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have
a word?"

Narrator: today's featured words

Are "scrumptious"
and "apprentice."

We take you to this amazing,
action-packed battle,

Already in progress.

How about a little ketchup
and mustard, wordgirl?

Huggy, dodge.

Your condiment ray
is no match for us
anymore, chuck.

Now turn over
that golden trophy.

But you haven't seen
my new setting--

Barbecue bolt.

Hah! Hoo! Hah hah!

Ha! That's a little
trick we learned

From fighting
the butcher.


Huh, wouldn't
have thought.

Uh-oh. This
doesn't look good.

I guess I'm
really done for.

Oh, man, look
how defeated I am.

Huh. Ok, huggy.

He's out of sandwich weapons.
Let's take him downtown.

Ha ha ha!

Have some slippery
pickles, wordgirl.

Slippery pickles? Waah!
Whoa, whoa! Ooh! Ugh.

Who's sneaky? I am.

You underestimated
me, wordgirl.

So there!

You were just lucky
this time, chuck.

Mark my words.

I won't stop looking for you

Until I find you
and bring you to justice.

Slippery pickles!

Narrator: later
in chuck's lair...

Wordgirl, I'm so good
at defeating you,

And now I've even got
this trophy to prove it.

Announcer: hey, all
you radio listeners,

Do you like

I'm all about

And how about
winning trophies?

I've already
got one, actually.

What about really,
really big trophies?

Well, I guess I'd like
a bigger one.

Then you need
to enter the city
sandwich making contest

This saturday
in the city park.

Saturday, saturday,
saturday afternoon!

I wonder what's in it
for me, though.

If the judges like
your sandwich the best,

You will win an enormous
sandwich trophy

Plus a year's
supply of bread

From the sourdough
central bread company,

Providing the city
with scrumptious bread

Since .

, , !

That's extreme!

Yeah. I'm gonna win
the big trophy

And a year's supply of bread.

Ok. All I have to do is
make the best sandwich

And enter it in the contest.

It's the perfect plan.

Narrator: um, chuck?

Yeah, guy who
talks to me sometimes,
even though I can't see him?

Narrator: have you thought about
what wordgirl told you

Right before she got away?

Oh, no. Wordgirl will be there
looking for me.

I need to find a way
to get into the contest

Without wordgirl catching me.

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the botsford's...

We've got to find out
where chuck will
strike next.

Dad: holy lucky letters!
Becky, listen to this.

"Dear tim botsford,

"You have been selected
at random to be a judge

At the city
sandwich making contest."

Whoo hoo! I love
scrumptious sandwiches.

This is pretty cool.
Oh, living the dream.

Wait a second.

Did you say
there's going to be

A city
sandwich making contest?

This weekend.

The letter says,
"saturday, saturday,

This will be our chance
to catch chuck.

He won't be able to resist
entering the competition.

Uh-oh, bummer alert.

I already have plans
on saturday.

I signed up to be an apprentice
for richard the zookeeper.

You're going to be
a zookeeper's

New year's resolution--
learn how to do more things.

Um, dad, couldn't
you just reschedule

With richard the
zookeeper and then

Do both things
you want to do?

Good idea, becky.
I'll reschedule with richard.

Look out,
sandwich making contest.
Here I come.

And look out, chuck,
because here we come.

What was that?
Yay, sandwiches!

Narrator: the next day, back
in chuck's mother's basement...

Nocan is
somewhat surprised
you called him.

No. Very surprised.

Are you kidding me?
You're nocan the contrarian.

When I needed someone
to help me,

You were the first
villain I thought of.

Nocan doesn't
believe you.

Ok, maybe not
the first villain.

You see, I lost
the whammer's number,

And dr. Two-brains
isn't allowed to come
over here anymore,

And I don't trust mr. Big
with his mind--

So I'm not the first.
No. I'm the last.

But listen, nocan.
I've got a great plan for us.

You'll enter the
sandwich making contest,

And I'll hide
in the bushes

And tell you how to
make the sandwich.

If you do exactly
what I say,

We'll have the most
scrumptious sandwich,

And we'll win
the prize.

interesting plan.

It'll be great.
You'll be my--

Oh, what's the word
I'm thinking of?

Narrator: best friend?

No, no.

It's a person who
helps somebody out.

Narrator: assistant.

Sort of, but
what is it called

If the assistant is
learning from an expert?

Narrator: apprentice.
Yeah, apprentice.

You'll be
my apprentice.

I do not need
a dentist.

No, apprentice.

You'll be helping me out,
and at the same time,

You'll be learning how
to make great sandwiches

Because I'm a master
sandwich maker.

Sounds fun, right?

Hmm, agreed.

Nocan will be


Do you mind letting go
of my hand now?

But when we win, I get
to keep the big trophy, ok?

Trophy? Ha ha!

Nocan only wants his
share of the bread

For long journeys
out at sea.

Whatever floats
your boat.

Ha ha ha!
Bread does not
float my boat.

Nocan's boat
is made of wood.

No. I meant--
oh, forget it.

Silly sandwich maker.

Mayor: welcome, one and all,

To the city's annual
sandwich making contest.


The creator of
the most scrumptious sandwich

Will win this trophy here

And a year's supply of bread.

[Crowd cheering]

Mayor: and allow me to introduce

This year's citizen judge--

Tim botsford.

No sign of chuck yet,
but I'll bet

My last unicorn
he'll be here.

Are you bready
for a sandwich?

Ha ha ha!


Ah, don't worry.

Plenty more sandwich comedy
where that came from.

Hmm, he has
to be here.

I mean, it's
a sandwich making

Mayor: and let's have a hand
for this year's competitors.


Nocan the contrarian?
What's he doing here?


You remember nocan.
He's very contrary.

Whatever someone
asks him to do,
he does the opposite,

But why is he entering
a sandwich making contest?

Mayor: and now
let the sandwich making begin.

[Crowd cheering]

Chuck, can you hear me?

Your apprentice
needs instructions.

I can hear you
loud and clear, nocan.

Now do exactly
what I tell you,

And we'll make the most
scrumptious sandwich ever.

Start by cutting
the bread really thin.


Yes, thin. Exactly.

Hmm. No. Thick.

What? No. Wait.


Oh, that's not a--
no. Oh...oh, well.

Ok. Maybe we can
make up some ground

With the meat,
but listen.

You're my apprentice.

You've got to follow
my directions, ok?

Follow directions.

We need to pick
just the right combination.

We'll go with turkey and ham,
just one handful of each.

One handful
of turkey and ham?

Hmm. No.

Many handfuls
of everything!

No! Oh! No.

I can't watch.

You're ruining
my scrumptious sandwich.


Get a hold of yourself,
chucky boy.

You can still
pull this off...

Maybe, probably not,
but maybe, I hope.

I don't know.
Ok, chuck boss.

Nocan is ready
for the toppings.

Um, what does
the diagram say?

Mustard. All right.

Just put a little
mustard on it, a little.

A little? No. Lots.

Lots of everything!


That's it!

You're not
my apprentice anymore.

You don't listen to me,
and you do the opposite

Of everything
I tell you to do.

You're fired.

Looks like chuck
was here all along.

Let's get him.

He parked his crusher
in broad daylight?

How could we
have missed that?

Didn't I tell you
to check the perimeter?



I'm gonna destroy
that terrible sandwich

If it's the last
thing that I do.

Let's move fast, huggy.

So the pumpernickel bread
turns to the wheat bread

And says, "rye not?"
Get it? "Rye not."

Ha ha ha!

Well, that wasn't the response
I was expecting.

Take that, you terrible excuse
for a sandwich.

Whoa, thanks,

I could have been toast.
Get it? Toast?

Is now really the time
for sandwich jokes?

I know. I always
ham it up.

Ham! Heh. Finished.

Nocan is
a bad apprentice.

Oh, so that's
how chuck figured

He could
enter the contest
without being seen.

Chuck the sandwich
maker said

If I helped him
win the contest,

I could learn
about sandwich making
and share the prize,

But nocan doesn't take
direction very well.


Wordgirl: ok, chuck.
Time is up.

I'll get you.


Aah! Waah!

Nice work, huggy.



Mm. This is
a scrumptious sandwich,

Simply delicious.

I declare it
to be the winner.

Winner? Nocan!

No! That was my
sandwich. Mine!

Sorry, chuck.

Looks like
nocan gets the
entire prize.

Half the bread
is mine? No!

All the bread is mine!

Uh uh uh! Not bad.

No. Wait. That's my sandwich.
I get the credit.

Come on. That's not fair.

Narrator: and so
with chuck hauled off to jail

And nocan the apprentice
returning to contraria

With a year's supply
of scrumptious bread,

All is well in the city.

Join us next time for another
exciting episode of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have
a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "strenuous."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "strenuous."

Give it a shot, tommy.

I'm going to go
with number one.

Mr. Big's secretary is
carrying a lot of boxes,

And it looks
really strenuous.

That's correct,
which means you're our--


Show him what
he's won, huggy--

An official wordgirl crane.

See you next time on...

"May I have
a word?"

Announcer: scheming? Check.

Destructive? Check.

You better believe it.

Unstoppable? No way.


it's "wordgirl" on pbs kids go!

Word up!

Announcer: want more "wordgirl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

On pbskidsgo.org.

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library,
cape not required.

Word up!
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