01x13 - Fire in the Sky

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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01x13 - Fire in the Sky

Post by bunniefuu »

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons.

The Transformers

Robots in disguise

The Transformers

More than meets the eye

The Transformers

Wow. That's the biggest
snowman I ever saw!

-Not snowman, Spike. Snowbot!

Here's a flurry in a hurry!

-[ both laughing ]

-Aww, thanks, Jazz. I get the drift!

-[ laughs ]

Okay, spheroid projectiles ready?


-[ laughter ]

-Hey, guys. That's... snow fair!

-Ratchet, watch out for Bumblebee!

-Okay, Spike! You rat on me,

I'll splat on you!




-[ laughs excitedly ]

I can't believe I'm in a snowball fight,

in July in the middle of the desert!

It's amazing.

-And perhaps dangerous.

Teletraan I, activate all atmospheric
sensors for a worldwide weather report.

-Temperatures now degrees
below normal and falling rapidly.

Entire planet freezing.

-The heat energy from the Earth's
core is somehow being drained away.

-Megatron and the Decepticons.

I bet they're behind this.

THUNDERCRACKER: Tunnel blasting completed.

Layin' the new pipe.

Soon, hundreds of energon
cubes will be filled to capacity.

STARSCREAM: All is proceeding
on schedule, Megatron.

Locating the crystal shaft leading
to the Earth's core was the hard part,

but pumping the heat
energy out is simplicity itself.

-Soon this entire planet will
freeze into an icy tomb,

and we will return to Cybertron,

with enough energon cubes
to dominate the universe.

THUNDERCRACKER: Problems, Rumble?

Is the big bad ice too tough for ya?


Wh-Whoa... yaaaaaarhhh!

-Run for it!

What's that?

-Somethin's frozen in the ice!

-Why are you standing around
like lumps at a smelter?

There's work to do!

-We... we found something!

-So you did.

Starscream, I want a clearer look.

-You shall have it, leader.

-It appears to be a robot
of unknown classification.

With his size and probable strength,

he will make an excellent Decepticon.

TELETRANN I: Abnormally large energy
expenditure in the Arctic Circle.

-What's that weird light the
Skyspy just passed over?

TELETRAAN I: Heat loss at optimum level.

-Ah, then we've found the
source of Earth's problem.

-Maybe some kind of
natural phenomenon.

TELETRAAN I: Decepticon activity sighted.

-If we don't stop Megatron and his bunch,

the Earth is doomed.

Autobots, transform and roll out!

-Arctic Circle, here we come.

-Whatever it is, being
on ice kept it fresh.

SKYWARP: Not perfect. Info center's down.

-Then give him , volts to
activate his memory monitor!

-Starscream, why are you so
concerned about this creature?

-Because I knew him once, a
long time ago on Cybertron.

-Again. This time a million volts!

-Also, cyber-motor relays are useless.

STARSCREAM: Memory monitor activating!

-You knew him?

-His name is Skyfire.

Observe his history as it was
recorded before his icy imprisonment.

STARSCREAM: Skyfire and I were
both explorers from Cybertron.

MEGATRON: That must have been shortly,

before our final falling-out
with the Autobots.

-Yes. Skyfire and I were exploring what
was an uncharted planet at that time.

STARSCREAM: This one. Earth.

We detected no intelligent
life on the surface,

but Skyfire insisted we look closer.

A polar windstorm came up suddenly
and Skyfire and I were separated.

I circled half the globe searching for him,

but he was gone.

-And now, millions of Earth years later,

you have found him.

-[ skyfire begins to stir ]

What happened?

Starscream... it's you.

You have... rescued me.

But... where am I?

This is not Cybertron.

-No. This is Earth, where
you crashed many years ago.

-I am Megatron, Skyfire.

Supreme leader of all Decepticons.

We are on this planet to collect
the energy we need to revive Cybertron,

and conquer the universe.

And the Autobots are now our enemies.

-There they are, Optimus. Aurora
Borealis, the northern lights!

Aren't they terrific?

pleasing to my optic sensors.

Forward, Autobots!

MEGATRON: And with this
symbol, you, Skyfire,

become a member of the
exalted Decepticon forces.

Hail Cybertron!

-Hail Cybertron.

-And destruction to all Autobots.


-Put him on guard patrol.

-Are you happier being a warrior
than a scientist, Starscream?

-Yes. It is far more exciting. And one
day I, not Megatron, will lead us.

And then you will be my
second in command.

-I'm grateful to you for freeing
me from my tomb of ice.

I shall try to bring you credit.

Something's approaching from the south.

Several unusual vehicles.

Earth mechanisms, perhaps.

It seems the time has come for me
to make the change from science to w*r.

OPTIMUS PRIME: We are near the
location of the energy drain.

-Prime... what is that?

-Halt! Identify yourselves!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots, transform!


You must be destroyed!

Destruction to all Autobots!

-Hit the ice, Spike! He's
gonna fire again!

SPIKE: Dad, help!

-Grab hold, son! Hurry!

-We've gotta get back to land!

-No! It's too big a jump!

Unless one of the Autobots
rescues us, we're done for!

-Optimus! Hound! Somebody! Help us!


-Spike and Sparkplug are
in trouble! They need us!

-We can't move while that
big guy's got us pinned down!

SPIKE: Help!

-Strange voices. Must be
coming from Earth creatures.

I'll try to communicate with them.

-Keep your big mitts off o' me!

-Let go of us, please!

-Help! Optimus Prime!

-Why are you so frightened?

I will not harm you.

-Then why are you wearing
the Decepticon symbol?

-Only the evil Autobots need fear me.

-The Autobots are not
evil, they're good.

They're fighting to protect our
planet and all us humans.

-He's right. You Decepticons
are the real monsters!

-No, no, that can't be true.

I'll prove we are not evil.

I'll take you to Megatron, my leader.

He'll show you that you
have nothing to fear.

-No. You might hit Spike and Sparkplug.

-We've got to find a safer
way to rescue them...

...If there is one.

-MEGATRON: Excellent, Skyfire!

These two Autobot sympathizers
may prove useful to our cause.

Deal with them, Starscream.


-You won't get away with
this, Decepti-crumb!

-Optimus Prime will save us!

-I promised the Earth creatures no
harm would come to them. This is wrong.

-Then you overstepped your authority.

-Who are you to offer safety
to our enemies, Skyfire?

-Enemies? But they
are my... my friends!

-Do not interfere!

-I don't understand.

-The puny flesh creatures
are insignificant.

Once they cease being useful
to us, they will be terminated!

SKYFIRE: My function is to
further science and learning,

not to destroy innocent life forms!

-Autobots, transform!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Move in quickly
and secure your positions.


HOUND: What's wrong, Gears? Move it!

GEARS: I got a tingle in my sensor lens,

like we might be falling
right into a trap!


RATCHET: Ironhide's carrying
too much lead in his caboose!

GEARS: This freezing
weather's icing my relays!

HOUND: My electro-scanner
says that big Decepti-geek

took Spike and Sparkplug this
way! Come on, guys!

BUMBLEBEE: No sign o' Ironhide
and the others, Optimus!

You suppose they're lost?


There are hundreds of tunnels down here.

SPIKE: Please, help!

CLIFFJUMPER: Spike and Sparkplug!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Cliffjumper, be cautious!

-Are we glad to see you!

-Hang on! I'll have ya out fast.

Lucky for you my laser
has a defrost cycle.

BUMBLEBEE: Ahh, great!

Now let's find Ironhide and
the rest of the guys!

-Well, I'll be reprogrammed
with a rivet-roller!

HOUND: Just like Optimus figured!

They're draining the heat energy
right out of the Earth's core!

RATCHET: Look at that
stack of energon cubes!

-We'd better find Optimus and the
others before the Decepticons find us!

-Ahh, the work goes well.

Soon, we will have all the
energon cubes we need.

-Then we'll soon return to Cybertron and
leave this dead planet of ice behind us?

-Yes, Starscream.

Unless we are foolish enough to be...


Seize those Autobots!

Dispose of them immediately!

-With pleasure, Megatron.

-Soundwave, check for more
Autobots in the vicinity at once.

SOUNDWAVE: Ravage, transform.

JAZZ: We've been searchin' these
tunnels for astrominutes,

and still no Ironhide.

Maybe we oughtta split up!

-Or double back.

-We'll maintain the prearranged
search pattern.

We don't want to
roll around in circles.

-That takes too long,
Optimus. I gotta move!


-Autobots, transform!
I'll deal with him!

-Forget Ravage! Roll!

-Heheh! That's what I
call stoppin' 'im cold!

-One Decepticon down
and a whole mess to go.

-Those years under the ice diminished
your loyalty coefficiency, Skyfire,

but because of our old
friendship I shall be generous.

You may have the pleasure of
melting down these Autobots.

-But I'm a scientist,
not an executioner!

-I am your superior. I order
you to terminate them!

-No. I will not. They
have done no wrong.

-But you have, traitor!



-Why, you...

-You miserable machine!

-I shall enjoy this!

-[ laughs ]

Farewell, Autobot parts!

As for you, Skyfire,

consider yourself fortunate,

that you did not end
up like your friends.

-But... I saw him... destroy you!

-Heh-heh, an illusion, Skyfire.

You and Starscream saw
one of Hound's holograms.

-Then you are... functioning. Good.


-Yeah, we're functioning.

I sure hope we'll be able
to say the same for you.

-Let's get him behind some
cover and start working.

OPTIMUS PRIME: How is Skyfire, Ratchet?

-Not good. He was badly damaged.

-I don't get it. Why repair a Decepticon?

-He tried to save us.

-And Starscream blasted him for it!

Well, that's all I can do.

Now it's a matter of time and luck.

MEGATRON: You disgust me!

You failed to terminate the Autobots!

Laserbeak has informed me
they are still functional.

-Hound's holograms.

They tricked me!

-But we shall not be
fooled a second time.

Decepticons, prepare to attack!

STARSCREAM: Autobots below! Fire at will!

-You've got to get up.

I won't leave you here.


-Time for reinforcements.

SKYWARP: Stabilizers hit!

STARSCREAM: Can you pull out?

SKYWARP: Negative!


-Bumblebee, to your left flank!

Hound, duck!

Not close enough, Megatron.

-Interesting choice of weapons, Optimus.

But futile.

Well done, Optimus.

What a pity you've...


Skyfire, destroy Optimus Prime.

Crush him and all the
Autobots once and for all.

-I take no orders from you.

I am an Autobot now.


STARSCREAM: You're through, Skyfire!

-You forget, Starscream,
I can transform, too!

Time to even the score, "friend!"

-Belt him in the burners, Skyfire!

-Take him apart!

-Where are you, traitor?
Show yourself!

-Here I am!

-You shall pay for
your treachery!

-They're gonna crash!

-[ autobots cheering ]

-Skyfire's losing altitude!

SPARKPLUG: What's he doing?

-He should try to land!

-just... one... last... blast!

-Skyfire! No!

-He risked everything to
save us and the Earth.

-The energy drain
has been stopped.

-The Earth'll heat up again.

-And the Decepticons
are defeated.

-But Skyfire is... is gone.

-He won't be
forgotten, Spike.

He will live forever so
long as freedom exists.

We shall remember you, Skyfire.

-We shall remember.
-We shall remember.
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