03x09 - The Masked Meat Marauder/Sandwich World

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x09 - The Masked Meat Marauder/Sandwich World

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

Narrator: hey, kids.

Today's featured words
are "rival" and "morale."

On a sunny saturday morning,
the botsford family

Is trying something new
for breakfast.

and meatballs?

That's right.
Today's the annual

Car wash wash-off
school fundraiser.


Well, I was reading
this article

That said
you should eat pasta

Before entering a marathon
or a car wash.

Keeps morale high
and gives you more umph!

Umph. Oh, ok. Pass the
parmesan cheese, please.

And we're going to need
all our strength

If we're going to beat
our rivals, the mings.

Hon, the car wash
isn't a competition,

And the mings
aren't our rivals.

Right. This is all
for fun. Right, kids?

Right, dad.
Right, dad.

And it'll be
even more fun

When we're named
the top car-washing family

For the third year
in a row. Right, kids?

Huh? Who's with me?

Right, dad.
Right, dad.

That's the spirit.
Now, who wants more spaghetti?


Someone is robbing
the gilded cleaver

From the "kitchens
of the past" museum!

Oh, dear. But why
are you telling us?

Isn't this
the police station?

Nope. This is
the botsford residence.

We are the botsfords.

Oh, sorry. Help!

That's our cue.
We need an excuse.


That could work.
Mom, dad,

Bob and I need
to go get

New rubber gloves
for the car wash.

Ok, hon.
We'll meet you there.

Hey, they didn't finish
their breakfast pasta.


Word up!

Narrator: moments later,

On their way to the "kitchens
of the past" museum--

Wait. Did I
read that right?

Yep. Our mayor will
let just about anyone
build a museum.

So, huggy, someone
is trying to steal
the gilded cleaver,

And since a cleaver is
a knife used to cut meat,

I think I have
a pretty good idea

Who we're up against.


No. No, not two-brains.

His thing is
the cheese. Remember?

Come on.
The cleaver cuts meat.

Therefore, it must be...

All right. Well,
there's the museum.

Hang tight.
You'll see.

Hold it right there,

Who are you?

I, my dear, am
the masked meat marauder.

Prepare to be dazzled
by my never-before seen

Powers over meat
and meat by-products.

You're not from
around here, are you?

No. I just moved to the city
yesterday, in fact.

Well, I hate to break
this to you,

But this city already has
a meaty villain.

His name is--

All right. Nobody move.

It is i, the butcher,

And I'm here to robberate
the gilded cleaver--

Who are you? Who is he?

New meat villain.
And it's "rob," not "robberate."

New? I'll
have you know,

I've been doing this
for years,

Certainly longer
than pajama guy
over here.

Hey, bub, this here's
a professional uniform,

Not like your get-up.

Just because you
don't recognize

A real butcher's

Ha ha ha.
Real butcher?

You're copying my act
and stealing my idempity!

I think you mean

The only thing
I'm stealing

Is that
gilded cleaver.

Yeah? I don't
think so, bub.


I doubt you
think at all.

Oh, you're going to
eat those words!


You're not copying
each other, ok?

You're rivals.

We're what, now?

You're rivals--competitors
with similar qualities

Who are both trying
for the same goal.

In this case, you rivals
are each trying to be

The town's number-one
meat villain.


Lovely to meet you both.
Keep in touch.

Oh, no, you don't!oh, no, you don't!

Pastrami attack!

Ha ha ha.
Is that your idea
of a meat attack,

Dumping pastrami
on people?

Oh, and I suppose
you could do better.

I suppose I could.

Chicken with balsamic
shallot puree.

Au revoir.

Oh, you're gonna get it!


Not so fa--ooh!

Great. Two rival
meat villains

At each other's

Oh, and it's time
for the car wash.


Oh. Well, I'm glad you
think it's delicious.

Come on.


Yes. Hiya.

Hey, mr. Botsford,
my dad said to tell you...

"Good luck.
Enjoy second place."


Ha! How...nice of him.

Say, where's becky?
She's your best washer.

And it looks like
your team could use

A boost in, um...
What's that word?


It means how excited
a group of people feels

About what they're doing.

Yeah, that's
the definition.
Thanks, becky.

I was almost
late today, too.

I had to cover a story
for the daily rag.

That's great, scoops.

It was about
mrs. Von hoosinghaus.

Did you know that she bought
a diamond-studded grill

For her barbecue today?

barbecue grill?

I think I know
where this is going.

Dad, I'll be
right back.

I have to go get
some soap that's...

Soapier, so the sponges
will go faster.

Sure to improve morale.

Ok, but hurry back.
We're starting soon.

Soapier sponges, eh?

Word up!

Oh, I wish we had
matching t-shirts.

Moments later, at the mansion
of ms. Edith von hoosinghaus...

Oh, word girl,
thank goodness
you're here.

For the last time,
hands off, bub!

I'm taking
the grill!

Maybe you should.
You'll need something

To play with now that
I've replaced you.

The only thing that needs
replacing around here

Is your mouthwash.

All right.

Knock it off,
both of you.

No way!
This grill's mine!

I thought of it first.

Yes, but I got here
first, so it's mine.

Baloney breath here
won't give it up.

Watch it, steak face.

That's prime rib,

Hey, here's the thing.

Neither one of you
is stealing the grill.

I'm taking you both in.


Kielbasa crusher!

Filet mignon
with cognac sauce!


Now, then,
the grill is mi--


Aur, aur. Guards!

Why, that sneaky...

Well, that was
embarrassing...for you.

But at least the morale
of the party guests

Seems to be
picking up.

The ming family
is running away

With this year's
car wash.

I think the
botsfords might
be done for.

I don't remember
inviting him.

Sometimes we need a little help
getting to the next scene.

Oh, all right,

Come on, chf.
Word up.

Narrator: over
at the elementary school,

The car wash wash-off
is in full swing.

Another satisfied

How many
is that, son?


Oh, let's see.
By this time last year,

We had washed...

Sweet david blaine!
That's not very good at all!

Come on, g*ng.
We're out here
to have fun

And work for
a good cause.

Oh, cause, schmause.
This stinks.

We're losing,
becky's not here,

And we don't even have
matching t-shirts.

Hey, team, how
are we doing?

Oh, who cares anymore?

Yeesh. Seems like
morale sure could
use a boost.

I'll say. The mings
are ahead to

With only
minutes left.

Piece of cake.


The butcher is on tv!

this is the butcher

With a message
for my so-called rival,

The masked meat marauder.

See this?
This is the priceless

Ye olde butcher shoppe
porcelain figure.

Whoever steals it first
gets to stay in town.

The loser has to pack up
and ship out. Got it?

Wait just
a minute now.

Hey! Split screen.

Why do you
get to choose
what we steal?

Get off my tv!

Uh, oops. We need
a new spray bottle.

This one's
acting funny.



Be right back.
Hang in there.

Ha ha! You missed!

Corned beef kapow!


Chicken a la king
with dijon vinaigrette!

You missed again,

Hold it right there,

And also the masked
meat marauder.

Pork chop chop!

Venison sausage with
lingonberry mousse.

Huggy, incoming!


Hey, no fair.
Did you know
he could do that?

You've got a lot to learn
about those two, bub.

Time to pack it in,

I don't think so,
word girl.

We have you

We? I'm not
helping you.

You're my rival,
and you give

Meat villains
a bad name.

All right.
Have it your way.

Meatball mayhem!

peking duck.

Elevator up.


Aw, great.

Way to go,
steak face.

You know, with a splash
of tomato sauce

And some penne, these
wouldn't be half bad.

Tell them what
they've won, sarge.

A long stay in our special
meat villain jail cell.

Except there's
only room for one.

Let's go, butcher.

You're picking me?

Hey, thanks.
In your face, marauder.

We're shipping you
out, marauder.

There's an empty jail cell
in the next city over--



Yeah. There's
butcher shops,

A hamburger parade
every sunday,

And no superheroes
or superhero monkeys.

Sounds quite nice,

No fair! I want
to go to meatropolis!


Yeah? Hello.

Help! The botsford
family is about to

Lose their car wash
wash-off to their
rivals, the mings!

I don't think
that's a crime.

Oh. Sorry.
Never mind.


Gee, those botsfords sure
sound like a nice family.

and in no way related,

We have to go now.

Word up!

Narrator: and with just
one minute to go,

The botsfords trail
the mings to .

Looks like the botsfords
can kiss their title good-bye.

But what's this?

The botsfords' tally
is going up, up, up.

Cars. Cars.
, , !

Mom! Dad! It's becky!

Just look at her go!
! ! !

! And that is time,

Put down your sponges.

Great job, sweetheart.

Way to go,

Must have been
the spaghetti

We ate
for breakfast.

The final tally is...

To... !

It's a tie.


You, too.

You're going down
next year, botsford.

Come get some, ming.

so, car-wash/meat battle fans,

For a sure-fire boost
in morale

And action-adventure
entertainment with no rival

Tune in to the next
exciting episode of "word girl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play!

May I have a word?

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "scowl."

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "word girl"

That show the correct
meaning of the word.


mr. Handsome.

Call me beau. It means
good-looking in french.

A scowl
is a bad guy,

Like dr. Two-brains'

Uh, no, I'm sorry, emily.
That is incorrect.

You must feel
just as embarrassed

As toby did when becky beat him
at "cash or pie."

The name of the game
was "crash or pie."


Yes, phil?

[Speaking unclearly]

I'm sorry.
I can't understand you.

Well, it looks like
no one wins today's game.

By the way, the correct
definition of scowl

Is a frown
or an angry expression...

Like the look
on your faces.

Huggy, show them
what they could have won.

A state-of-the-art
official word girl

-Wheeler motorcycle!


But no one won.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: psst. Listen
for "compliment" and "lair."

In the dark depths of an evil
villain's secret lair...

I, chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy,

Should be the biggest,
most powerful,

Most feared supervillain
in the city.

And I would be if it
weren't for word girl.

Ooh, how I hate her.

Well, hate
is such a strong word.

Let's just say I don't
like her very much.

Yes! I don't like her
very much at all.

And here is the key
to taking over the city

And stopping word girl
once and for all--

My new super-yummy,
delicious salami sandwich.

It's so yummy delicious
that everyone in the city

Will give me anything I want
for just one bite.

Let's see word girl
stop that. Yeah!

And now for
the final touch--

Just a little dip
in my super-special mayo

With extra zing.

Chucky-bear, it's time
for the dentist.


Ma, you ruined
my evil plan.

I'll be
in the car.

[Door closes]

What does ma always
have to ruin everything?

She ruined my giant
mustard sprinkler,

My fake sandwich
coupon caper,

My halloween sleepover
in eighth grade,

And now this.

I've got to get
out of here.

What if I built myself
an evil lair?

That way,
I could move out

And get word girl
at the same time. Yeah!

From this day forward,

Chucky-bear will have
a new evil lair.

I mean, chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy.

Please, could you forget
the "chucky-bear" thing?

we wish we could.

The next day, in word girl's
spaceship clubhouse...

[Lively music playing]

Nice moves, huggy.
Looking good.


No, I'm not. That was
a sincere compliment.

I really meant it.


Oh. Uh...

Still looking


Oh. Ha ha. Incoming call.
Saved by the bell.

Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy?

Hey, word girl.
I was just sitting around,

And I thought I'd see
if you guys wanted to come out

And, I don't know, have a little
superhero/evil-villain thing?

Um, I guess. Sure.

Let me just grab
captain huggy face.

Ok. Meet you
at the park. Bye.

Come on, huggy.
We have to go stop chuck

From, uh...
Some evil crime...maybe.

Word up...i guess.

Hey, guys.
Thanks for coming.

Sure. So, did you
have a crime planned
or something?

Nah. I just wanted
to give you a little present...

Of mustard!


I can't believe
you fell for the old

"Inviting the superhero
to the park

Then coating them in a thick
layer of mustard" trick.

Ha ha ha.
Hey, a bus token.

Oh, goody.


Yah! Ah.
Man, it's hot in there.

We have mustard
at home, you know.

Well, we're definitely
not at the park anymore.

I wonder where
this hallway leads.

Chuck on loudspeaker:
to your doom.

Chuck? What is
this place?

Well, you, my dizzy super duo,
are in my new evil lair,

Sandwich world!
Ha ha ha!

It's a theme park
made to finish off

You and that captain
fancy pants once and for all.

Feel free to fight
your way out...

If you can.

We have to get
out of here.

Huggy, look!
That looks
like a way out!

Whoa! Whoa. Hey.
This is actually kind of fun...

In a nauseating
kind of way.

There it is!

Narrator: hey,
good thinking back there.

Really, really smart.

Oh, thanks
for the compliment.

Anytime, sister.

Anyway, huggy,
we have to find a--

We're sinking,
aren't we?


What is this stuff?


Is it good?


Quick, huggy.
Look for something
to grab onto.

You realize you're
just making me
sink faster?




Man, this is
some lair.

Great. Now we're
stuck again.



Hey, that was...
Kind of annoying.

Wow. Ha. This is
kind of fun, too.

Chuck: well, I didn't want
anyone to get hurt.

Ok. Kind of
defeats the point,

But I'm
not complaining.


Ha ha ha!

Well, it seems
my new lair

Has got the upper
hand on you.

You're right so far.
But don't worry.

Captain huggy face
and I

Will figure out
how to break out

Of your little

Hideaway? Ha ha ha. No.
This is a lair.

You're not that great
with words, are you?

A lair is
a secret hideaway.

It's a hideout
no one else
knows about.

For example, my lair
is--oh, wait.

I probably
shouldn't tell you.

Yeah. You could
if you want.

I'll probably forget
by the next episode anyway.

That's true. You do have
a pretty bad memory.

Ok. My secret lair
is the spaceship

I came to earth in.

It is? Wow. Awesome.

oop. You know
what that means.

Not really.

It's pickle time!

[Alarm buzzing]

Wow. We're really
in a pickle.

[Narrator sighs]

I couldn't resist.

Yes, you could have.


an air duct!



Where'd you go?
Come on.

Ok, huggy,
I'll distract chuck.

You crawl through
the air duct,

Find chuck's
control room,

And shut down
this sinister lair.


Chuck: word girl,
are you still in the room?

Maybe. Why?

Uh...no reason.



All right, word girl.

If you like the rest
of my lair,

I think you'll be really
impressed with this room.

That's why I said
the whole "impress" thing.

Get it? Pressed.

It's a sandwich press.



Come on, huggy.
Hurry up.

Hey, where's
your monkey guy?

Oh, him?
He's trapped...

In one of
the other rooms.

get out. Nope.

Ha ha. I knew
with this new lair,

I'd be able
to defeat you.

Yeah. You know,
this place is
really amazing.

And I'm not
just giving you
a compliment

In order to
butter you up

So you'll let
your guard down,

Allowing us to capture
you by surprise.

It really is great.
Ha ha ha.

Thanks...i think.
What's a compliment?

A compliment is when
you say something nice

About someone
or something,

Like if I tell
the narrator

He's been doing
a great job lately.

oh, it's no big...[Sniffling]

Thank you.

Don't mention it.
Or chuck,

When I say your new lair
is really amazing.

Oh, I get it.

Well, thank you
for the compliment, word girl.

No problem.
I'll tell you, chuck,

Sandwich world may be
the best evil lair

I've ever been in!

Oh, wow.
I'm blushing up here.

You really have
a beautiful new home.

Right. New home. Yeah.

What? What's wrong?

Nothing. Nothing.

Why would anything
be wrong?

No reason. You just
sound a little sad.

I'm not sad. I have
the evil lair of my dreams.


So what if it's hard
moving into a new place?

I'll get used to it.


And so what if I'm
having a little trouble

Figuring out
where everything is

And my mom's not here
to tuck me in at night?

Mom tuck-in's
are the best.

I know. They are.
It's just that...

This has been a bigger
adjustment than I expected.

And, well...[Sighs]

Chuck, you sound
a little homesick.

What? Homesick?
For that dark basement?

Well, I was
just saying...

And my pesky mother always
nosing into my business?

I don't really
know your mother.

And her delicious
hot sandwiches,

The special one she made
whenever I was feeling down.


And the way she
kissed my boo-boos

When I fell off
my exercise bike.

I want to go home!

How about stopping
these walls first?

This was a huge mistake.
How could I leave my mommy?

How could I leave
my mommy? [Sobbing]

Chuck, just hit
the stop button,

And I'll bring you back
to your mommy. Ok?

Please. Argh!

Huggy, find the controls!


Just push the button!

Whew. Thanks, huggy.

[Sighs deeply]

Oh, man,
that felt good.

Sometimes you
need to get

All the saddies
out, you know.

Oh, that's nice,

Well, I guess
I'll just head
back home, then.

Word girl: uh, could you please
let me out first?

Oops. Sorry.


No. Thank you
for helping me

I was homesick.

You know, you're
a really good

Oh. Well, thanks
for the compliment.

No problem.

So...i hate to ask,

But can you guys
help me move

All my stuff back
into my mom's basement?

Ooh. Uh...we have a lot
of crime to fight this week.

So, uh...sorry.

Narrator: and I'm
just a voice. So...

All right.
All right.

I can take
a hint.

I'll hire
a mover.

a great idea.

Narrator: my cousin
knows a guy.

So once again, word girl
and captain huggy face

Escape from danger

By listening and giving someone
a bunch of compliments.

Hmm...it doesn't sound
so exciting

When you say it like that.

Now this is
an evil lair--

Home, sweet home.

Mother: chucky-buttons,
your sandwich is ready.

Yes, mother.

Narrator: tune in next time
for another

Amazing adventure
of "word girl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Since no one correctly defined
the word "scowl" earlier,

The first person to buzz in
and give the correct answer

Will win today's
bonus round.

Ready to play,

Yes, sir.

Ok. Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows
the definition for "scowl."


Looks like we have
a -way tie.

What's your answer?

Together: number !

That's correct.
You're all winners.

Huggy, show them
what they've won.

An official word girl "tunnel to
the center of the earth" mobile.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to
your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Word girl

My favorite word
is "terrific"

Because it is
very exciting,

And it has a lot
of jump to it.

"Space" is my favorite word,
because it is the first word

I've never said.

Whenever someone
is too close to me,

I say, "space."

And sometimes
when I have free time,

I just, like, dream off

And look into outer space
for a little bit.

And also,
"give me my space."

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face,
show us what delighted means.

That's right! Delighted means
to feel really, really good
about something.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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