03x14 - Granny Mayor/Tobey Goes Good

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x14 - Granny Mayor/Tobey Goes Good

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

Narrator: psst, listen for

"Masquerade" and "appreciate."

Another peaceful
high-speed chase

Down the center
of main street.

[Tires screech]

Give it up,
granny may.

Ugh! Granny perfume.
Smells so bad.

Ha ha ha!
So long, wordgirl.


Hey, my lunch.

That's your lunch?

Oh, you poor boy.

What you need is
a home-cooked meal,

Like some nice
chicken soup.

My nana used to make
me chicken soup.

Hold it right there,
granny may.

You're under arrest
for bank robbery.

A rest?
Oh, no, thank you.

I got plenty of sleep
last night.

Don't pretend like you
don't understand me.

I've got the money
you stole right here.

Me? Steal money?

Well, I never.
Children these days.

Now, how about
that chicken soup?

Oh, please.

The mayor is not
going to fall

For that "nice
old lady" masquerade.

Mm! Chicken soup.
My favorite.

Wow, he fell
for it.

back at the mayor's office,

Granny may doles out
a giant spoonful

Of tender, loving care
to her clueless victim.

And here are some
nice, fuzzy slippers

For your little feet
and a pillow.

Thank you, granny.

It just feels good
to help people.

Oh, I wish
I could do more.

What do you mean?funny you should ask.

I have a couple
of ideas

That would really
improve life

For the fine citizens
of this city.

"Replace all
police squad cars
with roller skates"?

I'm not sure that's
such a good idea.


Ooh, you know, it's
all that terrible
car exhaust

Polluting the air

And makes it tough for
an old woman to breathe.

Hmm, cutting air pollution
is important.

Ok. No more police cars.

Next, "cut the sound of
burglar alarms by %"?

With less
noise pollution,

People will be
much happier.

Hard to imagine a happy
person robbing a bank.

Ok. Done.

And last on the list,

"All security guards
will only have to work

From noon to : ."

So they'll have
more time to spend

With their nanas

To show how much
they appreciate them.

Huh. Well--

Now, how
would you like me

To knit you a nice
little blankie?

Just for me?
You betcha.

Just sign
right here,

Initial here,

And stamp it here.


Now then, one homemade
blanket, coming up.

Oh, you take such good
care of me, granny may.

Heh heh heh!

Becky: I can't believe the mayor
was so easily deceived

By granny's masquerade,
but don't worry, huggy.

Sooner or later,
granny will try

To pull off
some other crime,

And when she does,
we'll be there.


What do you mean,
"what is it?"

It's a keychain.

I made it for mom
to show her how much
I appreciate her.

It's true.
It's not quite right.

I've got it.
It needs more stuff.

Let's go into town
and get another kit.

You know, making a keychain
is not as easy as it looks.

Hey, that was granny may.

Woman: help!
We've been robbed.

Come on, huggy.
Word up.

What happened?

Why didn't you sound
the burglar alarm?

I did.
It's on now.

that's the alarm?


Aren't alarms supposed
to be, you know, loud?

Tell it
to the mayor.

His new law calls
for % quieter
burglar alarms.


Well, why didn't the security
guards try to stop her?

Another new law.

Security guards can only
work from noon to :

So they can spend more
time with their nanas.


Hmm. Huggy, I think
it's time we had

A little talk
with the mayor.

Word up.

You're so sweet,
granny may.

And you're
such a good boy.

Mayor, we need to have
a talk about--

Granny may?
What are you doing here?

She's my new
senior aide.

Senior aide?
But she's a criminal.

She just robbed a bank.

I did? I don't
remember doing that.

Hmm, let me sit
my old bones down

And think
for a second.


How dare you accuse
a sweet old lady

Of being a criminal?

Does she look like
a bank robber to you?


But, mayor, she's just
pretending to be sweet.

It's just an act,
a masquerade.

It's not real.

Ahh, feels good
to rest my feet.

Now, what was
the problem again?

You robbed a bank.

Rob a bank?
With these bunions?

That's it.

Wordgirl, I'm going to
have to ask you to leave.

I'll see you out.

You may have won this round
granny, but huggy and I will--

My, my,
it's almost : .

♪ Time for
your nappy-poo ♪


Maybe I'll rest my eyes
for just a minute.

That's right.
Sleep tight.

Hee hee hee!

Ugh! I don't know
what's more frustrating--

Granny may or finishing
this keychain.

More trouble. Let's go.

Freeze, granny.

You're not getting
away this time.

Oh, yeah?
Well, just try to--

Wait. What is
that thing?

What? Thi-- oh.

It's, um, a keychain
for my mom

To show her how much
I appreciate her.

With that?

You sure you know
what "appreciate"
means, dear?

Yeah. It means to be
really grateful or thankful

For something
or someone,

Oh, like how I appreciate
captain huggy face.

Oh, never mind.


Well, it's been nice
talking to you,

But I got to run.
Ha ha ha!

Hey! Come back h--

Sorry about that.


Wordgirl: but you have
to listen to us, mayor.

Your new laws
have caused a record
crime spree. See?

"Record crime spree.
New laws to blame"?

Hmm, let me discuss this
with my senior aide.

But your senior aide
is the one committing
all the crimes.

She's just masquerading
as a sweet old lady.

Granny may:
♪ doo doo doo
hello, dear.

Have you finished your
keychain yet, sweetie?

Forget about
the keychain.

I'm more worried
about this
crime spree.

Right. Granny,
wordgirl says the city

Is in the middle
of a crime wave.

Maybe we should rethink
some of those laws.

Now, now.

Remember, what I said
about focusing
on happy things?

That's why we
canceled all those

Pesky emergency council
meetings, remember?

You what?
This is preposterous.

She's a criminal.

That's preposterous.
She's my senior aide.

Ooh, all this yelling.
I need to sit down.


You know what,
mr. Mayor?

You're right.

We could all use
a little more relaxing.

Let's go, huggy.

Wordgirl: this crime wave
sure is bad,

But at least the city's
million bars of gold

Will be safe since they're
stored in a bank vault

With a super powerful
electronic lock.

Well, so long.

Well, now I
just have to--

Hey, is everything
all right, granny?

Oh, I was
just thinking

About all
the electricity

Being wasted by
those bank vault locks.

Why, just think of
how much we could save

If we turned them off
at night.

Uh, yes, but then

Someone could steal
whatever is in them.

Oh, that's silly.
Who's going to rob
banks at night?

Everybody is asleep.good point.

I'll write up
a law tom--
already written.

Just sign, initial,
and stamp.

Oh, ok.

Narrator: that very evening...

Oh, boy, it's late.
I'm sleepy.

Wait. Where are
you going?

Aren't you going
to tuck me in?

No. I can't tonight,

I mean, sugar plum.

It's, uh,
my bingo night.

Oh. Well, good luck.

I hope you win
a little money.

Yeah. Me, too.
Ha ha ha!

Good night.


Mr. Mayor's office,
mr. Mayor speaking.

Mr. Mayor?
It's wordgirl.

Hi, wordgirl.
This is really

Is granny there?
She just left.

I knew it.
Listen, mr. Mayor.

I need you
to do me a favor.

I need you to meet
me at the park.

Oh. Uh,
I don't know.

I get to wear what?
Oh, boy! I'll be right there.

Going somewhere,
granny may?

And captain huggy--

Wait a minute.

What happened
to your monkey?


Well, it's past
huggy's bedtime.

I didn't want
to wake him,

So I called in
a last-minute replacement.

I'm a monkey.

Well, it doesn't matter
which monkey you have.

You haven't stopped me before,
and you're not stopping me now.

We'll see
about that.

Even if you do
take me in,

The mayor will
just let me go.

I got him wrapped
around my little finger.

By doing your
"sweet old lady"

That's right.

I turn on the charm,

And he gives me
whatever I want.

Is that so?

What? You?


You're not
the only one

Who appreciates
masquerades and disguises.

Narrator: really?
Nobody saw that coming?

how could you?

I thought you
appreciated me.

I do, sweetie.

It's just that I
appreciate this gold more.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
so long.


Now to put her away.

That should keep you
till the police arrive.

Hi, mom.
Guess what?

I made this to show
how much I appreciate you.

I think you're the best mom
in the whole world.

♪ Ta da

Holy cow.

Narrator: I'm with you, bob.

No use masquerading
my true feelings.

That's a whole lot of ugly.
Oh, well.

Hey, audience, if you appreciate
action and adventure,

Be sure to join us next time

For another exciting episode
of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "stroll."

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl "

That show the meaning
of the word.

go ahead, emily.

Becky has such
awesome friends.

She and violet
talk about--

Um, could you--oh, and scoops.

One time, scoops
asked becky if she
wanted a sandwich,

And she got all nervous
because she had
a crush on him,

And so she said
she wasn't--

Hungry. Yeah. We know.

It's from the episode
"I could go for a sandwich."

Yes. We really should
be getting back--

But her closest friend
is definitely bob.

Sure, we may not
understand him,

But becky knows exactly
what he's saying.

yes, emily?

To stroll
is to walk along,
taking your time.

Yes! Congratulations,

You are
today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what's she's won--

An official
wordgirl jet pack.

Yes. Strap on this baby

When strolling
is just too darn slow.

Oh, but taking
a stroll is the best

When you want to
talk to your friend.

That's it for today's show.
See you next time on...

"May I have
a word?"

Narrator: today's featured words
are "demonstrate" and "mumble."

Down at the park,
children citywide enter

The young inventors challenge
and friendly competition

For a shot at glory.

I think we have
a good chance to win
this competition.

Don't you, becky?
Uh, maybe?

It's just, well,

Our invention isn't
really an invention.

We just took an apple
corer and an egg slicer

And squished them

I know, and look
how pretty it is.

I still can't figure out
how you got them
to stay together.

Oh, uh, just squeezed
really hard...

Using a little
super strength.

What was that?
Oh, nothing.

Just mumbling
to myself.

and thundering footsteps]

Oh, come on.
It's a saturday.

Uh, violet, bob and I
will be right back.

We have to go, um, get
our lucky bottle caps.

Can't enter
a competition without
our lucky bottle caps.

Ok. I'll wait here...

Or here or here
or here...

and thundering footsteps]

All right, tobey.
Let's see you get past--

Howdy, wordgirl.what's going on?

Ah, my darling

How nice of you
to come all the way

Down here to see me,
and on a saturday.

First of all, ew.

Second of all,
I don't know

What you're trying
to pull here, so--

What are you
trying to pull?

Your heart strings.
I'm sorry.

I couldn't hear you.
You were mumbling.
Hmm, was i?

Oh, well,
my dear wordgirl,

I have decided
to give up my evil,
naughty ways

And become a good,
little boy--

Man! Man.
Young man, I meant.

So, in accordance
with that,

I have come here
today to enter

My splendid robot
into the young
inventors challenge

And friendly


I realize
it's better to use
my inventions

For good,
for the betterment
of human kind,

And to win your heart.what was that last part?

You were mumbling again.uh, to make me tacos.

This guy makes
some k*ller tacos.

Mmm, tacos.

Well, I still think
you're up to no good,

And I'm going to keep
my eye on you.

By all means,
spend every second

Of the contest
by my side

my every move...

my sweaty hand.

I said, "hoping
I'm a lucky man."


Hmm. Come on, huggy.

♪ Toodle-oo

Don't go too far,

For I know
the only way

To win your heart
is to turn good.

Today is the day
you finally realize

How super dreamy
tobey mccallister is.

Oh, yes. Of course.
Sorry about that.

Narrator: later on,
during the contest...

It's a paperweight,
and then also, it's a rock.

No. I think
it's just a rock.

Oh, yeah?
Then check this out.


I just don't
trust him, bob.

He's up to something.
I know it.

We'll have to keep
a close eye on him all day.

Next up,
tobey mccallister, ahem, iii.

This is it, bob.

He's going to strike now.
I know it.

Thank you, judges,

But most importantly,
thank you, audience.

You are why we invent,

For the chance to make
your lives better.


Now, let me demonstrate
the myriad ways

In which my peace robot
can be used.

He can bake cookies
for little children,

Shield the elderly
from the sun...

Whew! Huh.

Tobey: rocket to mars

And build a colony
for our expectant astronauts.

The possibilities
are limitless.

Thank you,
mr. Mccallister.

That was a most impressive

No, no. Thank you.

I'm just honored to be
allowed to compete.

Come on, bob.
Let's go follow tobey.

Word u--
oh, hey, guys.

I've been wondering
where you were.

I wanted to go over
some things

Before we demonstrate
the corer/slicer.

Oh, uh, yeah.
About that.

You know, violet,
I get really nervous
in front of crowds.

I tend to mumble a lot,
so I think it's best

If you do
all the talking
and demonstrating

And, well,
I guess everything

While bob and I watch
safely out of sight,
nowhere to be seen.

Sure. No problem.

I don't know
if I'm comfortable
in front of crowds.

Oh, nothing.

I wasn't
even talking. Bye.

Hmm, I wonder what
she was mumbling.

Come on. Word up!

It's about the smile
on a small child's face.

It's about knowing humanity
is better off

Because I was here,
you know?

Why, wordgirl,
I didn't see you.

How long have you
been standing there?

Long enough to see
your little display,

Ah, yes. I don't hope
to win this contest.

I only hope that
by demonstrating

All the good things
my robot can do,

I have helped
at least one person.

You can't fool me,
tobey. I still
don't trust you.

Oh, wordgirl, you don't
have to trust me.

You just have
to love me.


People need to speak up
and stop mumbling.


Well, good-bye,

I shall see you later.

Ta ta.

What is tobey up to?

Narrator: he seems nice now.

No. Tobey is up
to something.

This is all a show

To make everyone
think he's gone good,

And then when we
least expect it, bam!

Violet: thank you.

Violet is on stage
demonstrating our invention.

So, if you've got two bags,

One full of apples
and one full of eggs,

Oh, then this invention
has you completely covered.

Thank you!

Well, thank you
for demonstrating

Your wonderful
invention, violet.

Thank you!
Thank you.

I'm on stage.thank you, violet.

Please step
off the stage.


Hey, great job, violet.where am i?

Thank goodness I wasn't
up there with you, huh?

Ha ha! Yeah.

[Children screaming]

Uh-oh. Word up!

All right, tobey.

This is the last time
you and your robot...


Delight little children?

What's going on here?

Oh, wordgirl.

I was just
to these children

The fun applications
of my masterful

Mr. Tobey,
what is

Ah. I shall defer
to the expert.

Oh. Well,
thanks, tobey.

Well, to demonstrate
means to show

How something works
or is used,

Like tobey

How his robot
can play hopscotch...

Or that girl

How her shoelace-tying
invention works.

So, you just
turn the handle.


Oh, thank you,

Thank you, tobey.

Yes. We make
quite a team, don't we?

Judge, on bullhorn: if everyone
would return to the stage,

We're ready
to announce our winner.

Alas, I must
get going.

Wordgirl, I hope
you'll be able to spare

A few moments
for the winner,

Whomever it may be.

Huh. Maybe tobey
has gone good, after all.

Wow, did I just say that?


First, I want to thank
all the contestants

For their wonderful

There are no losers here,
only kids who didn't win.

Now, the winner of this year's
young inventors challenge

And friendly competition is...

The apple corer
and egg slicer in one.

Um, what?

Thank you!
Thank you!

Thank you, violet.

Thank you.
Very good.

Congratulations.thank you!

Hold on.
Hold on. Stop.

There must be
some mistake.

Did you guys forget
about my robot?

Don't get us wrong.

Your robot
is pretty amazing,

But the apple corer
and egg slicer in one,

Ooh, it's so practical.

This is ridiculous.

There is no way that thing
is better than my robot.

Sure, it is. Ok.

Let's say
you've got two bags.

One is full of apples,
and one is full of eggs.

Forget the apples
and eggs!

I'm sorry, tobey.
I just don't think we can.

That is it!
I've tried to be good...


But I refuse
to lose this contest

To that hunk of metal

as a kitchen utensil.


Wait for it.


And there it is.

[All screaming]

Oh, is it time
to go already?

Huggy, aim
for the eyes.

Please. You'll have to do
better than that, wordgirl.

I've memorized
your favorite att*cks

And programmed my robot
to anticipate them all.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Hi-yah! Ow!

A flying air kick?

Who taught you
how to fight,

My grammy
sweet mum-mum?

sweet mum-mum"?

She makes me
call her that.

take them out!

Push harder, huggy.

I have to hand it to you,

You were right about me.

I hadn't changed
into a no-good do-gooder.

Doesn't pay to be nice.

After all, you try to be nice
and not destroy things,

And look at what happens.

You end up losing
to an egg slicer.

It also cores apples.silence!

Good-bye, wordgirl.

Wordgirl, catch.

Oh, yes.

My robot and I are so scared
of your ridiculous invent--

Hey, what are you--

No! No! Hey!

I can't believe it.

Beaten by the same pathetic
invention twice in one day.

Wordgirl: well, the good news
is, you'll have plenty of time

To think about that
where you're going.

You haven't heard
the last of me, wordgirl.

Tobey mccallister
will be back!

Violet, we'd like
to give you another
first-place trophy

Since your amazing
invention saved the day.

Thank you!

Tobey: come on! That's just
salt in the wound.

well, that about does it

For another funtastic episode
of "wordgirl."

"Funtastic "
isn't a word.

Narrator: I heard that.

How come people can
understand my mumbling?

Narrator: maybe you're not
doing it right.

Let me demonstrate.

[Mumbling] tune in next time
for another thrill-packed
episode of "wordgirl."


Narrator: now that's
how it's done.

No. Seriously,
what did you say?

Narrator: not telling.aw, come on.

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this
is the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "stroll."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

mr. Handsome.

Ok. Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "stroll."

Ok. Time is up.

Um, is it number ?

No. I'm sorry, emily.

A stroll means
walking along slowly.

Picture number one

Shows mr. And mrs. Botsford
taking a stroll.

Huggy, show emily
what she could have won.

It's the all-new official
wordgirl jet pack
with bubble action.

That's great because
I'm allergic to bubbles.

That is great.
Join us next time on...

"May I have a word?"

want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is cr*cker.

It was my first word
when I was a baby,

And it's just
a fun word to say.


My favorite word is exquisite.

This is because I like
the way it sounds in my mouth.

Starting in second grade,
my grandma

Was always saying to me,
"you look very exquisite today."

So that's how I became
to like the word.

♪ That's my favorite word

Captain huggy face
show us what "drowsy" means.

That's right.

Drowsy means
to feel really sleepy.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Phonograph needle hissing]

[Techno music playing]

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