03x15 - Bongo Rock/Dr. Three Brains

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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03x15 - Bongo Rock/Dr. Three Brains

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ We need
the living dictionary! ♪

♪ Her superior intellect

♪ Keeps the crime world
in check! ♪

♪ Go girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up!
It's wordgirl! ♪

♪ Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains!
Here she comes! ♪

Narrator: hey, kids,
today's featured words

Are "ponder" and "mighty."

It was a typical tuesday
in the basement lair

Of chuck the evil
sandwich making guy...

Tv announcer: we now return
to "dollars for dollars!"

The game show where contestants
trade dollars for other dollars!

Woman: chucky!

Oh, come on, ma!
I'm watching my program!

But there's
some mail for you.

Mail?! For me?!

Thanks, ma!

Mail, mail, mail, mail,
mail, mail, mail, mail!

Whoa...a radio?

Who would send me a radio?

Hmm, there's no name on this.

Ooh, maybe I have
a secret admirer!

Who could it be...?

Narrator: psst...chuck...
Can you ponder
that question later?

We've got a show
to get off the ground.

I'm sorry. Ok.

Radio announcer:
hello, and welcome back
to radio tough-guy.

Radio for tough guys
and their
immediate families.

Now a word
from our sponsor.

Are you really mighty,
but don't always
show it?

Would you like
to become mightier
than you already are?

Hmmm...i think so.

Are you sick and tired
of wordgirl

Always getting in your way?


And do you hate it when
your mom irons your socks?

Yes! They get all
stiff and crinkly!

If you answered yes
to any of these questions,

Then you're ready
to become more mighty!

Oh, boy!
What do I do?

I bet you're wondering
what you should do!

Why, the best way
for you to feel more mighty

Is to go do something
big and dramatic!

Something like,
oh, I don't know...

Disabling all the security
cameras at city hall.

Yeah, I can do that.

Wonderful! Now get going.

We now return to our
regularly scheduled
musical program,

"Bongos 'til dawn"...
For tough guys.

[Bongos playing]wow, this is great!

Look out, world...
And wordgirl!

Here comes
the mighty chuck!


Bye, ma!
I'll be back later!

While you're out,
can you get me

A couple of things
from the store?

I already left, ma!
I can't hear you!

Mighty villains
do not run errands!

Oh, chuck...
So easily deceived.

Go and do my bidding!

Soon what I want will be mine!

And then, this city will know
how truly mighty

Mr. Big truly is!


[Playing bongos]

Narrator: meanwhile,
at city hall...

Look, I know
you're a super monkey,
but rules are rules.

In the city, all pets
have to have a license.

it's so
if you get lost,

People will know
where you live.



Hi, um, I need to get
a license for my pet.

Dog or llama?

He's a monkey.

So, llama, then?

Ohh. Gonna be
a long episode.

[All screaming]

This sounds like
a job for wordgirl
and captain huggy face!



You know, that announcer
was right!

I feel much more mighty already!

How not surprising
to see you here.

Just give it up, chuck.

Whatever you're doing,
captain huggy face and I

Are going to stop you.

What exactly are you
doing, anyway?

I'm disabling
the security cameras

To feel more, ohh--
what's the word?

Oh, I just said it.

Do you mean "mighty"?

Well, what does
that mean?

Oh, well, it means having

Great power, skill,
or strength.

Like that condiment ray
is mightier

Than those
security cameras.

Right! Mighty.

That's the word
the radio man used.

The radio man?

Never mind.
Here, wordgirl,

Have a little
"horseradish surprise!"


He got away!

Did you see which way
he went, huggy?


Not only did I destroy
the security cameras,

But I also got away from
wordgirl and her hairy sidekick!

Ooh, and I stopped at
the dry-cleaners on the way.

Boy, what a productive

Let's see what
mr. Radio has to say now!

[Bongos playing]

Radio announcer:
whew! Uhh. So.

Feeling more mighty

Because you
just accomplished
a huge task, like,

Oh, I don't know...

Disabling all
the security cameras
at city hall

And getting away
from wordgirl?

How oddly specific,
but yeah!
I do!

Great! Now, how would
you like to feel
even more mighty?

Why, it's easy!

All you have to do
is go back to city hall

And tie up
all the security guards!

Then the building
will be

Completely defenseless!

Huh? It's kind of similar
to what I just did.

Let me think about it
for a minute.

Oh, come on!
This is no time
to ponder!

The only thing
standing in your way

Of feeling really,
really mighty

Are some lousy
security guards.

You're not going to let
them stop you, are you?

No...i guess not...

Boy, you've sure got
a thing for city hall.

Uh...and now, uh,
more bongos!

[Bongos playing]

But why would chuck disable
the security cameras

And then just leave?


Maybe if we ponder it
for a bit,

We'll come up
with an answer.

Narrator: uh...guys?yeah?

Narrator: we're kind of
grinding to a halt here.

Well, we're pondering
the situation.

Narrator: oh, ok.
Got it.

Might this be a good point
in the episode

To explain what ponder means?

Oh, ok, yeah.

To ponder something
means to think about it

Deeply and thoroughly
before you act.

Like when you had
a hard time deciding

What to give huggy for
his birthday last year.

You pondered that decision
for a long time.

Narrator: yes,
and rainbow suspenders

Was definitely the way to go.

There. Ha ha.

You didn't just
see that, did you?

it doesn't matter!

Because I'm mightier now
than I ever was before!


How's it feel to battle
someone mightier than you?!

You tell me!

I will, once
you're immobilized

In ten-thousand
island dressing!

My own recipe, you know.


[Sing-song] I'm mightier
than you-oo!

Whoop, time to go.

So long, weakgirl
and captain weaky face!


Narrator: and...we're back
at city hall again.

Ha! Ahh. There!

All boarded up.

There's no way chuck's
getting in there now!


Unless he goes

Come on.

Wow, these
sandwich-warming gloves

Melt the dirt
like nobody's business!

There it is!

It's just like
the radio announcer said.

Once I steal this,
I'll finally show wordgirl

How big and strong
and mighty I really am!


Ha ha ha.
Well, well,

Welcome to the basement,

You're not wordgirl.

You're right!
I'm not!

I'm mr. Big.

And I've come
for my prize--

That gold case!

Wait, wait...how do you
know about this case?

Do these look familiar?


Oh, right.
It was radio...

Do these sound familiar?
[Playing the bongos]

[Gasps] you!

Ha ha ha.
That's right!

I am the radio announcer

Who's been talking to you
this whole time!

You used me!
To get this case!

Well, you used
me, too, chucky.

Didn't you
feel more mighty
because of all this?

Well, yeah.

You got that all for free,
my little friend.

Hold it right
there--mr. Big?

That's right,

Cramp! Cramp!

I have been crammed
inside a van all day!

Why?well, usually

I have to resort
to mind control
to get what I want,

But with chuck here,

Good, old-fashioned

And false promises
did the trick.


All I know is it's been
a very long day,

So let's just
get this over with,
all right?


still mighty!

So hold it right there,
mr. Big!

No one makes a fool
of chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy!

Ha ha ha ha![Clicks]

I'm out of mustard?
Aw, that's a bummer.

Aww, don't feel
so bad, chuck.

Oh, wait,
you should feel bad.

You lost!
Hey! Adios!

You know what, I'd
rather go to jail
than see you get away!

Wait! No!
What are you doing?

He's doing
the right thing!

Hey, he was
talking to me.

I got excited.

just get him.


Oh! Hey!
Put me down!

Hey! You don't know
your own strength.

You got it!
Looks like your plan

Had one fatal flaw,
mr. Big.

You forgot
you're not as mighty

As wordgirl
and captain huggy face!

Ponder that while
you're in jail!

We're not ending the episode

Before we see what's
in the case, are we?

No way!
Let's crack
this baby open.

It's a--key to the city?

You went through
all this trouble

For a key to the city?

It doesn't really
open anything, you know.

I know, but I've always
wanted one, ok?!

They're so big and shiny!
I like big and shiny things!

Well, it's really
easy to get one.

I've got like
of them.

All you have to do
is do something good
for the city.

It's easier
to steal one.

Or trick him
to steal one.

That reminds me,
what are you doing
next thursday?

Nothing. Why?

Come on.

I'll call you!

Narrator: so, once again,

Wordgirl and her
little monkey friend

Have saved the city from
the evil and sometimes mighty

Chuck the evil
sandwich-making guy.

Phew, this punishment is a lot
harder than I thought.

But maybe, if I do it
well enough,

They'll give me a key
to the city.

Narrator: hey, chuck?
Less pondering, more working.

All right.
All right.

Hi, there.
Remember us?

We're here
for a monkey license.

Here's a ferret license.[Squeaks]

Best I can do.

We'll take it.

Narrator: so, tune in next week

To watch wordgirl
and her ferret sidekick...


Narrator: in another
action-packed episode
of "wordgirl"!

Hello I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: may-i-have-a-word!

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

All: may-i-have-a-word!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "devour."

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Anyone know the definition
of devour?

[Buzzes]yes, phil.

[With mouth full] demour me
do mobble bown moo.

Anyone else?


Devour means
to gobble down

That's what I said!

Well, who could
understand you

When you were devouring
that sandwich?

I clearly said,
"devour means
to gobble down food."


Demour me
do mobble bown moo.

Sorry, phil, we have
to disqualify you

For talking with
your mouth full.

Bad manners.

Congratulations, emily,
you are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

The official wordgirl
world's largest
stalk of broccoli!

[Audience oohs]

Ok, well, maybe
the world's second largest
stalk of broccoli.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

Audience: may-i-have-a-word!

Narrator: psst!
Listen for

"Outdo" and "unexpected."

In the "seriously dangerous
criminals who mean business"
wing of the city jail...

Stick the gum to the tinfoil...

Add a pinch of prison meatloaf,
one pencil eraser...

Hey! Two-brains!

What? Nothing, nothing.
Not building anything.

Yeah. That's nice.

Listen, I've got
a little unexpected
surprise for you.

Y'know how they're
painting all the cells
over in d block?

Yes, I saw.
Lovely shade of gray.

Well, we had
to move some of
the prisoners around.

Meet your new cell mate!

Glen furlblam?!

What's up...doc?

You two know each other?

Narrator and doctor two brains:
yes, glen used to be...

Narrator: I'm sorry.
After you.

No, no.
You're the narrator.

Please, narrate.

Narrator: thank you.
[Clears throat]

Glen furlblam was once doctor
two brains' number-one fan,

But when glen tried
to outdo his hero's crimes,

He ended up with a one-way
ticket to jail,

Courtesy of wordgirl.

Now a bitter and angry glen
threatens to--

Ok, that's enough!

Yeah, don't give it away.

Narrator: right. Sorry.

Ok, well...
You boys play nice!

So, glen, still
trying to copy me?

Ha. No way!

It's all your fault that
I'm even in this place!

My fault?

Look, pal, the only
reason you're here

Is that you were
always trying
to outdo me.

Pff! Like that was
ever gonna happen.

Oh, you think
you're sooo smart,

With your...brains

Oh, really?

Well, glen, tonight
is your lucky night!

What do you mean?

I mean I'm busting
out of here!

In a little while,
you'll have

This whole cell
all to yourself.

Ha ha!

Oh, yeah, right.

Suuure. How?

Oh, with
a little something
I whipped up

In the prison
"arts and crafts"

Whoa...is that
a homemade ray blaster?

This little number

Can black out
any nearby lights--

the whole room
into total darkness!

I call it
"the blackout ray."

Ha! Ha!

What are you
going to do with it?

Oh, you'll find out.

And once
I've escaped,

I'm going to start
my latest
crime spree!

This is a list
of the things

I just can't wait
to steal. Ha ha!

Oh, but,
first things first.

Oh! Dinner!

Right on time.

Eat up, jailbirds.

Minutes until lights out.

I have a better idea--
lights out starts
right now!


Prison guard:
hey, what's going on?

I can't see!

Who turned out
the lights?

My blackout ray!

Where's my blackout ray?

And my list?
And my keys?

They were
on my belt.

Hey, that totally worked!
I'm free!

Ha ha ha!
I'm free!

In your face!


Narrator: meanwhile,
up in the sky...


Panic at the grocery store?

Grocery store
manager: help!

Someone's stealing
all of our cheese!

Oh, I can't watch.

Cheese robbery?

Sounds like
dr. Two brains.

Come on, huggy!

Thank goodness!

Please save us
from doctor
three brains!

Uh, I think you mean
doctor two brains.

No, he said his name
was doctor three brains.

Ask him yourself.
He's in produce.

Aisle .

That's unexpected.

All right, hold it
there, doctor--

[Stifling a giggle]

Hello, wordgirl.

oh, hey, glen.

No! Doctor three brains!
Ha ha!


I have a list
of the things

Doctor two brains
wants to steal

More than anything
in the world!

I'm gonna prove
I'm a better criminal

When I outdo every crime
on this list!

Ha ha ha!
Like everyone
always says:

Brains are
better than !

Nobody says that.for example,

The first crime
on the list

Was to "steal
a lot of cheese

And make a giant bowl
of cheese soup."

I, doctor three brains,

Am going to steal
a bunch of onions

And make a giant bowl of
cheese and onion soup!

Ha ha! See?
Automatically better!

Ha ha ha!
Aah, monkey germs!

[Crashing, thumping, huggy face
squeaking, glen laughing]

I can't believe glen
got away from us.

Pretty unexpected.

[Squeaks]oh. Unexpected.

It means
it's a surprise;

Something you didn't
think would happen.

Like when glen
fired that ray

And all the lights
went out,

He caught us off guard
and escaped.

It was
completely unexpected.

Hi, wordgirl!hi, scoops!

Or like scoops
hang-gliding past us...


Now, how would glen
get a ray

That can turn out
all the lights?

Not really his style
to build one.

Seems more like...

Oh, you can bet your boots
that I built that blackout ray!

That half-wit glen
stole it from me!

Along with my escape plan,
and the list of cheesy items

I was planning to steal!

And now he's
running around

With rubber brains
taped to his head,

Calling himself
dr. Brains.

That's copyrighted.

We have to stop him!

We? Wow,
that's unexpected.

So, you're going to
help us catch glen?

I have to!
If he keeps this up,

Nobody will take
multiple-brained villains
seriously anymore!

It's bad for business.

Got it. Ok,
so what's the next
item on your list?

The world's tallest cheesecake--

On display today only
at the sports dome.

I've heard it's so tall, it goes
all the way up to the roof!

Giant cheesecake.
Got it!

Oh, one more thing--

I designed the blackout ray
to get stronger and stronger

Every time it's used.

So...so, if glen keeps using it,

He may turn out
all the lights
in the city--for good!

oh, no.
We'd better hurry!

Word up!

That should be me making
the city's lights go out.

Narrator: moments later,
at the sports dome...

Well, here's
the cheesecake.

But no sign
of glen...yet.

easy, big fella.

Whoa! Huggy!

What was that?

A strawberry?
That's unexpected.

[Glen laughing]

Come on out,
glen, and give
yourself up!

My name is
doctor three brains!

Yeah...i'm kind of
having a hard time
calling you that.

Well, I get
what you're going for,

Trying to outdo
doctor two brains

By calling yourself
doctor three brains...

Yeah, yeah.
That's right!

And trying to outdo
all of the crimes
on his list...

Yeah! So?

So, it's just that

To outdo means
to do something

Greater or better than
it's been done before,

And ...well...

Well what?

I'm not sure
this counts.

Sure it does!

Two brains
was going to steal

The world's
tallest cheesecake?

Big deal!

I'm about to steal
the world's tallest
strawberry cheesecake!

Everyone knows
that cheesecake

Is much better
with strawberries.

Yeah, strawberries,
as in more than one.

Ok, ok.

I got hungry
on the way over here.

But it
doesn't matter.

One strawberry
is better than none,

So my crime
is still better!

Ha ha!

Ha! You may
as well
give up, glen!

Oh, yeah?

Well, I think it's past
your bedtime, wordgirl.

Hope you're not
afraid of the dark!

Oh, no,
the blackout ray!

[Crashing, squeaking,
thumping, glen laughing]

Hello, wordgirl.

Did you enjoy
your cheesecake?

Or couldn't you
find it in the dark?

Ha ha ha ha.

Hey, whose side
are you on?

My side, of course.

Now, about that list--

Fine. The last item
on my list is:

One tub
of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese?
That's it?

Nooo! An extra-large tub

Of super-yummy
cottage cheese,

Made from the milk
of the town's
most famous cow--

Bossy the third!

Oh.ah, bossy.

She's only milked
once per year...

Out at peechum's
dairy farm.

Then it's
made into a priceless
cottage cheese--

And today
is milking day!

Cottage cheese,
bossy the cow,
peechum's dairy.

Got it!remember, wordgirl--

That was just my idea
for a crime.

Glen will surely
try to outdo it.

And remember--

Blackout ray--
stronger each time.


Oh, and wordgirl?

Could you bring back
a curd or two

Of that cottage cheese?


Narrator: wordgirl and captain
huggy face race to the dairy.

You're not getting away
this time, glen!

That's what you think!

I've already stolen
the cottage cheese! See?

Doctor three brains,


Yah! Doctor three brains, away!

C'mon! Go!
Giddyap! Mush!

Ok, I gotta say--
this is unexpected.

Trying to steal
the cottage cheese
and the cow

Is actually a pretty
smart way to outdo
two brain's plan.

But using the cow
for your getaway?

Not so smart.

Oh, yeah?

Well, at least
I still have this!

No! Glen,
the blackout ray

Gets stronger each
time you use it!

The next time you
press that button,

It could wipe out
the lights

In the whole city
for good!

My first brain
believes you...

And my second brain is
a little bit confused...

But my third brain
says you're bluffing!

No!nighty-night, wordgirl!

Ha ha ha!



Nice going, huggy!
And bossy.

No fair! Oww!
My brains!

You won't need these
where you're going!

Where am I going?

Back to jail.



I didn't know
you spoke cow.

Well, I never expected
to say this, but...

Thanks, doctor two brains.

You're welcome.

Could you do me a favor
and not tell

Any of
the other villains?


You know, we made
a pretty good team.

If only things
were different.

Yes, it's too bad.

But I'm not giving up
my evil quest for cheese.

And I'll never tire
of bringing evildoers
to justice.

All right,
come on, furlblam--
move it out!

Glen furlblam, away!

Well, see you around, doc.

Not if I see you first.

Narrator: and so, with some help
from an unexpected ally,

Wordgirl and captain huggy face
once again prove

That they can outdo
the dark and dastardly deeds

Of any old evildoer.

Tune in next time
for the continuing adventures
of wordgirl!

Hello. I'm beau handsome

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: may I have a word!

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "devour."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am, mr. Handsome.

Ok, take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "devour."

Ok, emily, time's up.

Well, doctor two
brains is really

Gobbling up
that cheese,

Which means
he's devouring it!

Number !

That is correct!

Congratulations, emily,
you've won the bonus round.

Captain huggy face,
show her what she's won!

It's the world's largest
baby carrot.

Not again, huggy!
Sorry, emily.

Perhaps you'll win something
huggy can't devour

Next time on...

Audience: may I have a word!

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

I like the word "dream"

Because when I think
about dreams

It's something you want
to achieve and a goal.

And I want to be an actress,

A dancer, and a singer
when I grow up,

And that's my dream, and I want
to achieve that dream,

So I really like dreams.

My favorite word is monkey.

I am just a person
who likes monkeys

And I just like the way
the word sounds.

It just sounds good.

♪ That's my favorite word!

Captain huggy face,
show us what delighted means.

That's right! Delighted means
to feel really, really good
about something.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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