04x02 - Becky and the Bard / Monkey Robot Showdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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04x02 - Becky and the Bard / Monkey Robot Showdown

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
shimmer and memorize.

It's word girl
and captain huggy face

Versus the energy monster

In an all-out, down and dirty,
fists-a-flying battle royale!

I guess disco
really is dead.


Hey, big guy, you
like things that
shimmer, right?!

Right this way,
mr. Energy monster!


Oh, right. Recess
is almost over!

Thanks, huggy.

Word up!

I've been rehearsing
really hard.

I know all my lines!

I've got my speech
memorized, too!

Sounds like we're both
ready for the big audition.

What audition?

The audition
for the school play.

"Romeo and juliet"!

As in, my favorite
play of all time,
"romeo and juliet"?

That's right.
And auditions are
this afternoon!

This afternoon?!

But I won't have time
to memorize my lines!

Why didn't
I know about this?

All right.

Now, before we
start the auditions,

Let me to tell you
a little bit

About "romeo and juliet."

"Romeo and juliet"
is a play written by--

William shakespeare.

It is the story
of a boy named romeo

And girl named juliet

Who fall
madly in love,

Even though their
families don't
like each other.

It is a captivating,
honest, and beautiful
tale of young love.

Yeah. And now
the auditions.

Each of you will have
a chance to perform
a speech from the play,

And the student who
does the best job

Will get the role.

Scoops ming, playing
the role of romeo.

Romeo enters.
But, soft!

What light through
yonder window breaks?

Walk over here,
look up at juliet.

It is the east,
and juliet is the sun.

Grab my heart,
because I am in love.

And scene!

All right. Next.

Hello. While I
am a huge fan

Of "romeo and juliet,"
I unfortunately

Did not hear
about these auditions

Until this afternoon,
and so I have not

Had time to memorize
my speech.

Just do your best.

Yes, but you see,
I really should have
my speech memorized,

And by that I mean,
I should have learned

All the words
in the right order,

So I can just
remember them

Without reading
from the page.


It's ok, becky.

Just give it a shot.

Ok, here goes.

O romeo, romeo!

Wherefore art thou--
oh. That was bad.

Hold on.


Deny thy father
and refuse thy--

You guys still with me--

Or, if thou wilt not,

Be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be
a capulet.

Oh. Great.







Violet, reading
for juliet.

O romeo, romeo!

Wherefore art thou romeo?

Deny thy father
and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not,

Be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be
a capulet.

Hmm. Wow.

Not bad, violet!


Hello. My name is
hunter throbheart,

for the part of romeo.

Uh, who's that?

hunter throbheart,

The new student
from england.

Oh. England.

The birthplace
of william shakespeare.

And hunter

But, soft!

What light through
yonder window breaks?

It is the east,
and juliet is the sun.

Ohh! Good job,
good job!

Bravo, hunter.

There may be hope
for us after all.



Narrator: the next day,
back at school...

All right.
Here we go.

It says here I am
to play the part
of romeo.

Hmm. It says I'll be playing
the "orchard wall."

It's a great part
for an actor
with your range.

Cool! I'll get
standing still

And not saying
right away.

Scoops, you're
a dedicated professional.

Thank you,
or should I say...


Oh, wow!
I'm playing juliet!

Ohh! I have
the perfect hat
for juliet.

It's shiny and sparkly
and shimmers in the light!

Wait a minute.

If violet is playing juliet,
that means I'm...

"Juliet's understudy"?!

That's right.

The understudy is
an important part
of the play, becky.

If something goes wrong,
you're there to swoop
in and save the day

Just like word girl!

So I only get
to be juliet
if violet can't?

That's right.

Oh, this is
a travesty!

Narrator: meanwhile,
somewhere in the city...

♪ Your silver ring ♪

♪ Your silver ring ♪

Now let's take
it from the top.

But, soft!

What light through
yonder window breaks?

It is the east,
and juliet is the sun.

O romeo, romeo!

Wherefore art...

Thou romeo?

Oh, bob.

Being violet's understudy
is no fun at all!

I've memorized all
of juliet's lines,

But unless violet gets sick
or just doesn't show up,

Which is highly unlikely,

I'm not going to
get to perform.

What's in a name?

That which we call
a rose by any other name--

Excuse me, violet?

What is it, becky?

Eh, just want to
be sure you're not

Coming down
with a cold.

Because I am ready
to take over for you
if that's the case.

Let me know.

And be honest
with yourself.

Will do, becky!

That which we call
a rose by--

Or maybe you just need
to take a vacation?

Director: ok, becky,
let violet continue,
shall we?


Ok, that which we
call a rose
by any other name

Would smell
as sweet.

With love's light wings
did I o'er-perch these walls;

For stony limits
cannot hold love out.



I wish I were juliet.

Scoops: whoa! Falling wall!

And scene!

Ok, everyone, that's
all the time we have
for rehearsal.

See you tonight
at the big performance!

And remember:
whatever happens,

The show must go on!
Must go on!

Narrator: that evening,
as violet walks
to the theater....

Acting in a play
is so much fun.

I get to wear
a pretty costume

And my special
shimmering juliet hat.

Thou art my favorite
sparkly hat in all the world!






It's almost
show time,

And violet
still isn't here.

Oh! I might get
to be juliet?!

That's right!

Do you have your
lines memorized?

Oh, yes!

I know all
the words by heart!

Good! You're on
in minutes!

Ok. It's happening.


Bob, did you hear?

Violet didn't show up,
so I get to play juliet!


But, bob, if I leave
to help violet,

I can't play juliet!



Go, go, go.

The show must go on.

Um. Hello there,


Narrator: looks like you chose
to help your friend after all.

Of course.

A play is just
a pretend thing.

Friendship is real.

That shimmering hat
is hard to miss!

Let's do this,

Um, I really have to
get going now.

Word girl!

meanwhile, back onstage...

Ok. The show must go on.

Ahem. Well,
here I stand,

An orchard wall
in fair verona.

Wow, have I seen some
interesting things,

Standing here
for so long.

What is
this guy doing?

And since we seem to have
some time on our hands,

Allow me to tell you
the story of two crazy kids

Named romeo and juliet.

Oh, boy.

Hey, big guy!

Lookee here!

Whoa! What's going
on over here?!

Wow! What an interesting

Mr. Energy monster,
I really must insist

That you put me
down now.



Whoa, got you!

And then romeo says
something like,

"Oh, juliet,
you are so beautiful,

I love you so much!"

And juliet says, "but my
parents don't get along

With your parents,
and that's a big problem!"

But romeo says he has a plan,
and it's all very exciting.

Thanks for rescuing me,
word girl!

Any friend
of becky botsford
is a friend of mine,

But there isn't
much time.

I think we--

I mean you, have
a play to get to.

Word up!

Becky, I couldn't make it
to the theater on time

Because I was captured
by the energy monster

Because he loved
my sparkling,
shimmering hat,

And...since you're
my understudy,

Shouldn't you be
onstage right now?

Oh! That's right.

I had to, um,
reorganize my entire
unicorn collection...

All of a sudden.

But if I couldn't
play juliet

And you couldn't
play juliet,

How did they even
perform the play?

That was
the strangest production

Of "romeo and juliet"
I've ever seen!

But what a performance
by that wall!

Hey, you two!

Scoops, what
happened in there?

Well, since there was
no one to play juliet

And romeo got stage fright
and was too scared to perform,

I had to do
the whole thing by myself,

But it went great!

Oh, I wish I had
gotten to play juliet.

Me, too.

Wait a minute.

and so we present to you

"Romeo, both juliets,
and the talking wall."

Oh, juliet, thou
dost look so lovely
in thy shimmering hat.

Why thank thee,
other juliet.

Good day, both juliets!

Good day,
talking wall!

Who did they get
to play romeo?

I don't know.

Narrator: nice outfit, bob.

That shirt really shimmers!

Well, that's it for us.

Maybe you have
my next line memorized by now.

Say it with me:
join us next time

For another exciting episode
of "word girl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word"!

Beau: as usual,
the player who correctly

Defines today's
featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word"!

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "disguise."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl"
that show the meaning
of the word.


A disguise
is the type
of monkey huggy is!

And what a cute
disguise he is!

Uh, no.

A disguise is
a way of changing
how you look.

If say I were to
a wear a beard
and a cowboy hat

So word girl didn't
know it was me asking

For her autograph again.

That is correct, tommy.


You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official word girl
trunk full o' disguises!

Disguise yourself
as a fireman, a french spy,

A teapot,
a game show host--hey!

We didn't talk about you
disguising yourself as me!

Very funny.


Come on, huggy.

There can only be
one host of this show.

Much better.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are champion and vanquish.

Becky botsford, aka word girl,
is deep in concentration

Because she's preparing
for the city's annual
checker compet--aah!

Ha ha ha!

Well, I can see
you're practicing

For the big checkers

And you aren't
the only one. Hmm?

You're going to be
the referee

In the checkers

That's right.

The mayor said
I could do it

If I agreed to provide
my own whistle

And get out
of his office.

Mrs. Botsford: becky,
bob, t.j., Tim! Dinner!

We're having
salisbury steak!

Salisbury steak?!

That's my favorite
salisbury meat!

Got to go!

Narrator: the next day
at the park,

The checkers competition
is about to begin.

Greetings to the billions
of checkers fanatics
watching today!

You folks are
in luck!

Because you've got
the news team

That's first
on the scene

For hard-hitting

If there's a cute kitten
in a tree

Or a -year-old blowing
out a fire-storm
of birthday candles,

We're there!

Both: now. Let's get to--

I'm supposed
to say this.

You always steal
my lines.

All right.
Go ahead and take it.

Both: now let's get
to the action!

Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls.

The board is set,

The black and red
disks are in place,

And that means
it's tiiiiiime

For a cheeeeck-uuuuuup!


Was that a joke?

Oh, bummer.

I worked all night
on that.

Um, ok.

Everyone can start
playing checkers now.

[Boom boom]

Ah, checkers.
The sport of kings.

No. Horse racing is
the sport of kings.

Yes, uh, checkers.
The beautiful game.

That's soccer.

Whatever. The only
thing you have

To worry about
is which of you
will finish second.

Because my robot,
the checkmate --

Built with my
exceptional intellect--

Will vanquish everyone.

Becky: oh, yeah?

If your intellect
is so exceptional,

Why aren't you playing?

Uh, because i,
uh, sprained--

my checkers finger.


It can't be!

Wow, a pony!


Male reporter: well, fans,
the competition is

In full swing,

And the action is
fast and furious!

And if I had to pick
the early favorite,

I'd have to go
with becky botsford.

Nice game.
Good job.

Besides young
becky botsford,

I'd have to say
the other early favorite

Is the checkmate .


Why is a hyper-intelligent
robot allowed to enter

A city checkers

Beats me!
I didn't get
to the top

Of the local news
team by asking
a lot of questions.

Wait a minute.

Where's everyone going?

There you go, again
with the questions!

Oh. Well,
I'm receiving word

There's another
checkers match
in the park

That isn't part
of the city's


Seems there's some sort

Of checkers-playing

Vanquishing anyone
willing to play him!

This creature is cute
and smart,

And his movements
make me smile.

This may be the most
important news story ever!

Narrator: yeah. Maybe
I should handle the commentary.

Uh, meanwhile, back
at the real city
checkers championship.


End it now!

Vanquish the human!

Tobey, give
the poor robot
a break.

Yes! Ha ha ha!
Victory is mine!

Well, congratulations.

Everyone, behold
the greatest checkers
champion in the land!

I mean, the greatest
checkers champion
in the land

And the boy genius
who built him!

And the boy genius
who built him!

Where is everyone?

Bob! Bob! Bob!

Narrator: ah, here they come

Do you believe
in miracles?!

If by "miracles,"
you mean

A checkers-playing aardvark
vanquishing all comers,

Then call me a believer.

What?! Why is everyone
so excited about some
diaper-wearing monkey?!

My robot is
the real champion!

Hey! Now, bob may
not have been

In the tournament,
but he still beat

Everyone else
in the park!

If your robot's so good,
he'll take on bob.

Oh, fine!
Let's do it right now!

All right!

Well, if you want
a referee,

You'll have to wait
till tomorrow.

All right.
We'll play tomorrow.

: .

Can we make it noon?

Uh, yes.

Phew. Thank you
so much for agreeing

To push the time.

You know, I've already
worked hours today.

I know better than
to cross the cru.

Checkers referee union?


They're really
quite ruthless.

Narrator: later that day,
becky sits with her
little checkers phenom.

That tobey is
so arrogant!

What makes him so sure
his robot can beat you?!

I don't care
what it takes.

We're going to win
this competition!

Oh ,sorry.

I guess I got
a little carried away.

You know what,
I'll help you train

But only because
I want you to do
your best, ok?

Only a lunatic would place
that kind of importance

On winning
a checkers competition.

Listen to me,
you befuddled
bucket of bolts!

Nothing is more important
than vanquishing
this pretender

To our checkers throne!


Narrator: hmm. Dramatic music,

Two competitors
preparing for a showdown.

I smell a montage!

[Rock music playing]


Well, we've got
a classic on our hands.

You've got
that right.

In the long
and storied history

Of robot-monkey

This one
stands alone!

I already said that
when I said we had

A classic one
on our hands.

No, you didn't.

This is first
I've heard of it.

Well, you talk too loud.

a little smug.

Oh, nice move, bob!

Don't blow it!




Well played, bob!

Bob, bob!

Give our viewers
at home

A little something


Listen, we didn't
come out here to lose!

We came out here because
I have unfulfilled dreams

Of being a checkers champion.

I mean, you have
unfulfilled dreams

Of being
a checkers champion.

You sure?

No! That's
a terrible move!

Oh, you're a disgrace!

You'll never be
a champion!

No more checkers!

What? Get your head
in the game!

Hold on. Let me just
check something.

Yep. Just as I suspected.

Smashing the checkerboard
during a match

Is against the rules.

The robot is disqualified.

Bob is the champion!

No more checkers!

That's not good.

Word up!

Robot, I order you to
put me down posthaste!

No more checkers!

No more checkers!

What? No checkered flag?

So the race isn't over?


I love driving
in circles eternally.

Uh, yes.
That's it.

Continue clutching me
and rampaging about.

Now where's
he going?

Of course.
He's headed

For the marble floor

They're having a sale
on checkered floors.

Narrator: well,
that certainly makes sense.

Ah. Yeah.

No more checkers!

Perfect. Yes.

Upside down gives
me a better view
of the destruction.

Hold it right there!

Uh, word girl!

What are you
doing here?

I assure you, I've got
the situation entirely
under control.

Will you just admit
you need our help?

Fine. If you
want to vanquish
the checkmate --

And by vanquish
I mean defeat
or overpower him--

I know what
vanquish means!

Of course you do.

Anyway, to vanquish
the robot,

You have to override
the checkers
circuit board

In the back
of his head.

Got it. Huggy,
you know what to do.


Well, that's better.

Now make him
put me down.

Not until you promise
to stop putting

So much pressure
on the poor robot to win.

He's a nervous wreck.

But he has to win!

When he wins,
it's like I win!

That's exactly
the problem!

Oh, fine.

Robot, being
a checkers champion
isn't important.

What matters
is having fun

While vanquishing
all of your

No more checkers.

Fine. You never
have to play
checkers again.



Come on, huggy!

Word up!

Narrator: ladies and gentlemen,

Since he's defeated
his opponent,

I officially declare
bob champion!

And the quick-witted muskrat
has vanquished

The supposed boy genius!

Moments like this
explain why checkers

Is universally

As the greatest
test of skill ever.

It's like a much more
challenging combination

Of chess, triathlon,
and brain surgery!


And now that
the game is over

It's time for us
to eat lunch!

Do you like hotdogs?!

If the teleprompter
says I like hotdogs,
then I do!

Yes, I do!

Ahh, come on,
one game!

Oh, I get it.

You want
to go out on top?

Narrator: and as becky
tries to get bob

To come out of retirement,

We conclude another
thrilling episode.

Loyal viewers, if you want to
become a vocabulary champion

And vanquish boredom,
be sure to tune in

To the next episode
of "word girl!"

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word"!

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "disguise."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am!

Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows
the definition
for "disguise."

Give it a shot, tommy!

I don't know who granny
may thinks she's fooling

Disguising herself
as a cheerleader!

That is correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.


I win huggy disguised
as a cheerleader?

No, you just win
the disguise, tommy.

Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"!

want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is refresh,

And I like it because
it just gives you

This nice
feeling inside.

Here's what my vision
of refreshing is:

Me just sitting
in a plain field
of clovers.

It puts me
in this happy mood.

This happy,
hippy-like mood.

My favorite word
is paleontology,

Which is the study
of dinosaurs
and dinosaur fossils.

Exciting stuff.

I love dinosaurs.

I want to be
a paleontologist
when I grow up.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Captain huggy face,

Show us what frenzied means.

That's right! Frenzied
means to feel so crazy

You can't sit still.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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