01x13 - Run, Sheep, Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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01x13 - Run, Sheep, Run

Post by bunniefuu »

(horn honks)

Wait, I got to find something.

What are you
looking for, baby?
My keys.

Here, let me help you up.
No, no, no, no,
I got them. Olé.


(keys clink)

Oops, I dropped them.

Here, I can get them.

No, no, no, no, I'll get them.

(tires squeal)



(tires screech)

(police siren blares)

(tires screech)

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

(police siren blaring)

But it's important that
I see the inspector.

I have a right to
make inquiries.

Oh, Inspector.

Any lead on the girl?

If there was, you'd
know before I did.

But if she doesn't
turn up by Friday,

they forfeit my bail bond.

I've got a bigger stake
in this than you have, $10,000.

That's right.

All I've got is my reputation.

You'd better leave
that on, Mannix.

You're going out
the same way you came in.

I'm Inspector Frank Kyler.

This is captain of
detectives, Tom Randolph.


Lieutenant Barry Frohm,
Central Division.

Now, what's all this cloak
and dagger bit, Inspector?

Maybe you heard about a man
named Myles Stroud

getting shot to death

a few nights ago
over on South Tenth.


He was an undercover man
working for me.

There was a woman with him
when it happened.

Mavis Miller.

She was booked into Central.

But she refused
to make a statement,

and by 11:00 the next morning,
she was out

on $10,000 bail.
She left town immediately.

Now, we come to the part
that didn't get into print.

It seems we've run
into a problem...

Oh, the same kind of problem
every police department faces

one time or other...

Crooked cops.

Frank, he doesn't
have to hear this.

I'm making the decisions, Tom.

Then make one that makes sense.

Why take a chance
on an outsider?

I'd rather risk putting
a kinky cop on this

than let some two-for-a-nickel
private d*ck foul things up.

Where do you think you're going?

I don't suppose
you know how it is

with us two-for-a-nickel
private dicks, Inspector.

We don't like to get caught
in the middle of a cop fight.

Mannix, I asked Intertect
to send me their best man.

They sent you.

That's fine with me.

Now get back here and sit down.

Any more objections,
make them through channels.

Right now we're getting this man
briefed and out of here.


Stroud was working on a tip

that an unknown number
of unidentified cops

are tied in with
a citywide vice ring.

Mavis Miller was handling
the payoffs for the police.

Stroud got close to her,

they caught on,
tried to k*ll them both.

She got away, he didn't.

Except that she's got
nowhere to go.

All she can do is run.

And that's what she did.

That's where
you come in.
To do what?

I've got good reason to suspect

she's holed up
in a rooming house

about 300 miles from here.

You're to bring her back.

What if she won't come back?

Since when did guys

in your line start worrying
about being legal?

Since some of the guys
in your line

stopped worrying about it.

You apologize.

Apologize to this man or
I'll have you up on charges.

I'm, uh...

I'm sorry that happened.


There's a rented car
parked on Highway Six,

past Conway Park.

The ambulance'll
drop you off there.

The woman is at...

Hold it.

Anyone else in the department
know where she's staying?

No one.

Then maybe we'd better
keep it that way.

Captain, Lieutenant.

Two guys I've known for years,
trust completely.

And I stand still while
I let you push them around

like a couple of pickpockets.

What are you, a cop hater?

We're looking at the ballgame
through different knot holes.

Now, where do I pick up
this Mavis Miller?



Good evening, Miss Miller.


What did you call me?

Look, you've made a mistake.

Now let me go!

Behave yourself.

Just who are you?

Name is Joe Mannix.

Well, whoever it is
you want, Mr. Mannix,

it's not me, because
my name is Jean Coleman.

Nice meeting you, Miss Coleman.

Now, get your things packed,

we've got a long trip
ahead of us.

You must be crazy.

You come charging in here...

Nobody I've ever laid eyes
on before in my life...

And you've got the nerve
to expect me to go...

Look, I am not walking out of
here with you or anybody else!

You're leaving right now!

'Cause if they find you here
and take you back,

they'll step on you like a bug.

And don't tell me you don't
know what I'm talking about.

Who are you?

Who sent you?
A cop.

No, not the kind
you're thinking of.

This one happens
to want you alive.

Not that he's
fond of you,

but he feels with
your testimony,

it'll help him clean up
his department.

Your friend, uh,
what's his name?


He's, uh, an inspector
from Central.

Yeah, well, what's
in all this for me?

He didn't say.

But with what you know,
and a good attorney,

I would, uh, sh**t for
a suspended sentence
if I were you.

Oh, sure.


I wouldn't live long
enough to talk.

They'd put me in some cell,

and I'd be hanging
from the ceiling before morning.

Or they'd stick me
in some hotel room,

and I'd fall out of the window.

Oh, no.

Oh, no thanks, Mr. Mannix,

because I am dynamite
for too many people!

They're people you picked,
Miss Miller.

Look, I am not leaving.

Now you get out of here,

before I start screaming
my head off!

You do that.

Then the local law
comes galloping up here

and takes us both in.

They find out you're a fugitive,

then the desk sergeant makes
a routine call to the city,

and before you know it,
there are a couple

of big-time detectives
down here to take you back!

Well, you try and get away
by jumping out of the car,

and that breaks your
pretty little neck.

Oh, wait.

Let me go.


Look, they wouldn't have
to know that you found me.

You could tell them
I was gone when you got here.


Oh, please.


Now, don't you
ever try that again.

'Cause that's how people
get store-bought teeth.

Let's get out of here.

Uh, get out of the car
and don't slam the door.

Why? What's the matter?

Just get out and
don't slam the door.

They'll try again.

You know that, don't you?

It's possible.

But you won't let them hurt me.

Oh, no, you'll take care of me...

Big, strong
private detective like you.

Would it help if I,
uh, reached over

and kind of gave your
knee a little squeeze?

Uh, just to reassure you.

Oh, Smoky the Bear
wouldn't like that.

Oh, shut up.


(nervous chuckle)

Oh, boy, I guess
I'm just plain scared.

If you hadn't found
that dynamite...

That's right.

Look, if they knew where I was,

how come they didn't make
their move before you did?

That's one answer
they didn't know...

Until I led them to you.

Pretty careless of you,
wasn't it?

Thanks. Carelessness
had nothing to do with it.

Somewhere along the line,
there had to be a leak.


Now here we are on the end
of a creaking limb.

You take awful chances, Mannix.

For what?

A roof over my head,
an icebox full of food,

a jug of wine,
a collection of stereo tapes.

Oh, that you can get
selling neckties.

You know something?

I don't think you're
a private detective at all.

I've met a few in my day.

Usually greasy little guys

running around
peeking through keyholes.

We come in all sizes and shapes,
Miss Miller,

like bagwomen.

You're in no shape
to throw stones, Mannix.


What's wrong?
(cocks g*n)

Get down.


You like it down there?


My mother used
to always say to me,

"Mavis, be a nurse.

"There's no finer calling

than soothing the pains
of the afflicted."

I knew a girl named Mavis once.

I was nine years old.

Pushed her out of a
tree... broke her arm.

You haven't changed much.

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

(g*nf*re continues)

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

(tires squealing)

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

(tires squealing)


(car engine starting)

(car accelerating)


(g*nsh*t, b*llet ricochets)

(g*nsh*t, b*llet ricochets)

(g*nsh*t, b*llet ricochets)


(g*nf*re continues)

Mannix, there's the car,

I think we can make it.

Stay down.
Come on!


(g*nf*re, b*ll*ts ricocheting)

(two long horn blasts)

(car engine starting,
car doors closing)

(tires squealing)

(vehicles accelerating)

(intercom buzzing)

Now stick that in your
glass case with the others,

"k*lled in the line of duty."

It's all right, Sergeant.

Just a little accident.

Yeah, I notified her parents

It wasn't easy.

You mean not easy like finding
four sticks of dynamite

under the hood of your car?

Or not easy like
getting a r*fle b*llet

through your back?

Taking risks is something
a cop goes through

every day of his life.

Jean Coleman knew
what she was getting into

when I put her out there
in that rooming house.

Which is more than what I knew.

Why didn't you level
with me, Kyler?

A good decoy
doesn't know
he's a decoy.

One false move on your part,

one hint that it was all an act,
and we're all nowhere.

And even if you had known,

what would you have done
that you didn't do?

We'll never know the
answer to that, will we?

Yeah, that's right.

Mavis Miller really did call me.

Wanted to turn herself in.

I agreed to meet her
at 11:00 last night.

But that presented
a bit of a problem.

I knew I was being watched.

So to draw them off,

I called the police in Salito

and had them put Jean Coleman
into that room.

Then I got word around
that you were hired

to bring in Mavis Miller.

To make sure word got out...

I brought Captain Randolph
and Lieutenant Frohm

in on your briefing.

The two men you trusted

if I'm quoting you right.

The two men I trust the least.

Yes, I know,
it's not easy to say.

That's the way it is.

Mavis Miller give you
the name of both of them?

She never even showed.

Oh, you really blew it,
didn't you, Inspector?

All that fancy footwork,

and you still end up
without a witness.

And all that cost you was
a sore jaw and a girl's life.

You can always take that
out of petty cash.

Watch your mouth, mister.

Officer Coleman knew
what she was getting into,

I told you that.

What did she know?

That you had fixed it
so I'd lead the K*llers

right to her doorstep?

Or did you forget to explain
the finer points to the lady?

What do you want?

What do you want from me?

You want to hear me say
I'm sorry she's dead?

Well, yes, I am sorry.

I'm sorry in a way
that you'd never understand.

But let me tell you this...
If I thought for one minute

it would help clear the lice
out of my department,

I'd do the same thing
all over again.

Do you understand?

Now get out of here!

Pleasant dreams, Inspector.

For anybody who thinks like
you do, that should be easy.

(door slams)


Yes, certainly I understand.

All right.

Yes, he just walked in.

Yeah, I-I'll tell him.

Uh, good-bye.


I don't believe it.

Sorry, Lou, he had it coming.

Well, that's what he said;
that's what I can't believe.

He say anything else?

Yeah, he said case closed.

For who?

You. You're a marked man now.

You're not anonymous anymore.

Neither are the K*llers.

I happened to see one of them.

You don't think they're going
to let me live with my memories?

It's not that bad, Joe.

It's that bad, Lou.

Even Kyler isn't sure

which of his men
is on the level.

'Course, uh, till he cleans up
his department,

I can remember not to turn
my back on a uniform.


All right, Mannix.

What do you want me to tell you?

To go and do what you were
going to do anyway?

Drop it.

(g*n thuds on ground)

Now, just keep it a
simple who and why.

Mr. Kelbo sent me here.

Who's Kelbo?

Everybody knows Monty Kelbo,
Mr. Mannix.

Oh, I'm sure you've seen his ad,

you know, uh...

"Take the E-Z way out."

The bail bond tycoon?

That's right.

Well, he'd like to see you, sir,

About what?

Well, now, Mr. Kelbo
wouldn't be telling me that,

uh, Mr. Mannix.

He sends me out
to get things for him,

you know... coffee, sandwiches...

private detectives.

Ah, Mr. Mannix, how kind
of you to come.

Considering the grueling ordeal
they put you through

this morning, you must
be utterly exhausted.

Well, nothing that sitting down
a while wouldn't cure.

Orville, clean the chair
for Mr. Mannix.

I'm not that exhausted.

A drink, maybe?

No thanks.

Uh, tell me, how did
you find out

about this grueling
ordeal of mine?

Come, come.
The newspapers have the story.

And the newspapers never
mentioned my name.

Oh, come, come,
Mr. Mannix.

You don't suppose I've been
in the bail bond business

for 22 years without acquiring
a lot of friends.

Yeah, fine. Well, uh...

What did you want
to talk to me about?

No wasted words, eh?

Right to the heart
of the matter.

I like that.

This office posted bail
for Mavis Miller...



A mere pittance,
did I hear you say?

I quite agree,
but, you know, my concern is

in something of far more value
to me than money.

Somewhere out there,

a young woman cowers in fear.

Now, as humane men,
we cannot allow
this to happen.

You must find her,
Mr. Mannix,

and deliver her safely
to Inspector Kyler.

You know, I-I hate to hurt
your feelings, Kelbo,

but I don't believe
a word of it.

I like you, Mannix...

I really do.

Thank you.

Do you want to know
the real reason?

That would be nice.

In 22 years
in the bail bond business,

I have not permitted
a single client

to successfully jump bail.

I repeat, not one.

Well, I'm sure you've got
some good men on call.

You must have
with a record like that.

Why don't you have them
find the girl?

Oh, no, my friend.

No. I, I need a man
with incentive.

Now, like it or not, you have
a personal stake in this matter.

A woman in your care
is m*rder*d.

I work for wages, not revenge,

Sam Spade went out
when the Great Society came in.

Mr. Mannix... can you, in good
conscience, calmly sit there

and say to me that you're
refusing this assignment,

knowing that one woman
is already dead

and another soon may be?

Um... I'll have that drink
if the offer still stands.


Tell me, what is it
you think I can do

that you or the police
can't do better?

There is one area,
Mr. Mannix,

in which you alone
are competent to deal.

would you mind?

(door closes)

What's that all about?

Oh, Orville is a good man,
Mr. Mannix,

but, uh,
I'm a percentage player.

Besides, he's been behaving
a bit strangely of late.

All right, now that we're alone,
what's the big secret?

Lola Collins.

Lives in the same
apartment house that was

the last known address
of Mavis Miller.

And they were close friends.

Why don't you talk to her?

I did.

She was most uninformative.

However, according
to my information,

you were once instrumental
in extricating her

from a most unpleasant

Yeah, something like that.

Naturally, she was grateful.

I wouldn't know.

I didn't send her a bill.

If you don't mind a suggestion,
my dear fellow,

I think it's high time you did.

(knocking on door)


Who is it?

About that used

you've got advertised, lady...

Just in case you think I've got
nothing better to do, Mr...!

Joe Mannix!

Now, you wouldn't
have a small cup

of cooking whiskey around

for an old friend, would you?

Get in here.

Oh... Joe.

Oh. If you only knew

how often I've thought
about you...

and wondered about you.

It's been
three years.

You haven't changed a bit,
do you know that?

Well... maybe slowed down
a step or two, uh...

(clears throat)
another inch
around the belt.

Yeah, well, it's
the same here, I expect.

Come on in.

Scotch on the rocks, right?

Right, that hasn't changed.

I can't get over your
just dropping in like this.

No perfumed note,
no "guess who" phone call,

just a knock at the door,
and there you are.

What are you up to these days?

That hasn't changed either.

Oh, still chasing
unfaithful husbands, huh?

Well, the Lord knows,
there's plenty of them around.

This is just a social call,
isn't it?

Well, uh...
up till now, yeah.

Mavis Miller.

MANNIX (on machine):
She's got to be found, Lola,

for her own sake,
before something happens to her.

MANNIX (on machine):
Mavis Miller is working
the wrong side of the law.

What she knows could
get her k*lled.

Are you working with the police?

Well, that's how it started,
but not anymore.

Who are you working with?

Now you know
a private detective's client

must remain anonymous.

Mine is anonymously known
as Monty Kelbo.

That figures.

He's been under my feet ever
since the last time I saw Mavis.

For an old friend, Lola...
Where is she?

I don't know.

I haven't been out of my
apartment for three days,

and I've let no one in.

What about Kelbo?

LOLA (on machine):
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Well, I talked to him,

but, oh, I wouldn't give him
the right time,

even if I knew.

Hey, Joe, I'm sorry.

So am I.

I was kind of hoping that, uh...

you would help.

Oh, by the way, you'll need
something simple,

a basic black...
but no décolleté.

What's that supposed to mean?

That mourners are expected
to wear black.

Never did know why.

Well, uh, thanks
for the drink, anyway, Lola.

We'll have to do it
again sometime.


Mavis phoned me earlier today.

Where was she?

Well, I don't know;
she didn't say.

In a phone booth, I guess.

What did she say?

LOLA (on machine):
She said that she needed money,

that she'd call back
at 4:30

and tell me where to send it.

And when she calls,
if she calls,

you let me know where
I can reach her

the minute you hang up,
you understand?

Listen, Joe, I can't
make any promises.

You know, all I can do
is ask her...

Don't ask her;
tell her.

Try and get it through
her thick skull,

I'm the only hope she's
got of staying alive.

Now it's either me
or an undertaker.

She wouldn't be safe
in a bank vault.

(door opens, then closes)

Who's there?

Open up. It's me.

What's happened?

A friend of mine was here,
looking for you.

A private cop.

His name is...
Have you lost
your mind!?

I wouldn't trust one
of them guys...

far as you could throw Nevada.

What did you tell him?

Will you just let me finish?

What did you tell him?!
I didn't tell
him anything!

Now if you will
just let me finish!

The next thing you know, they'll
be crawling out of the woodwork.

What am I gonna do?

Will you just listen to me?

Three years ago,
a politician in this town

came that close to
framing me into prison.

A man named Joe Mannix,
a man who...

who didn't know me
from the Bobbsey Twins,

came out of nowhere
and saved my neck.

Nobody hired him to do it.

He didn't ask for dime one.

He wouldn't even
tell me why he did it.

Now you try and tell me

you can't trust a man like that?

He had an angle, don't worry.

He say who sent him here?


Monty Kelbo.

He's really something else,
that boy.

You should've heard the lecture
I got on how nobody's

ever jumped bail on him
and made it stick.

Well, I got a lot more
to worry about

than him and his precious money.

Like for instance,
staying alive.

Now, Mavis...

Mavis, you know
I'm on your side.

Aw, please...

Please, will you just talk
to Joe Mannix?

No! Not a chance!

Maybe he's your friend,

but to me,
he's just another brand of fuzz.

You were hired
to do a job.

As far as we're concerned,
that job was over last night.

You knew that...
you couldn't help
but know it.

Now I find you've
been snooping around

Mavis Miller's
last known address.

You questioned some
of her neighbors,

you interviewed
her friend, Lola.

I want to know why!

I want to know what he found out

and I want to know about it
now, right now!

I say we ought to
run him in, Inspector.

Interfering with a
police investigation.

Sorry, but it's against policy

for me to disclose information
on an active case...

at least at my level
in the company.

For once, Joe,
I think we can suspend policy,

I'd like to hear a report
on this one myself.


Mavis Miller skipped bail
on Monty Kelbo.

he wants her found...

Now, right now...

Before your next brilliant
gambit gets her k*lled, too.

End of report.

End of your interference.

There's too much at stake

to let you get in the way
of police action.

Try and stop me.

Hold it, Mannix.


All right, Inspector.

Intertect cooperates
with the police, you know that.

We're not glory grabbers.

We don't push in
on your territory.

Fine. Then keep this
clown out of our hair.

The ground rules don't apply
here, Captain.

I won't try to pull Mannix off,

and I'll give him
any help he needs.

Intertect isn't too big
to lose its license.

Don't thr*aten me.

The police have a stake
in finding this woman?

What about Mannix's stake?
All he's got riding is his life.

Let him lay low.

We'll find the woman.

You stay out of this.

Any time you want to bring us
up before the Commission,

we're ready.

Your fancy footwork created
this situation...

One woman dead, one missing,

and one of my men
in danger of being k*lled.

That kind of police work
does not inspire confidence.

I am not telling Mannix
to trust you to save his life.

Look, I've been in this business
for 25 years.

I don't need you to tell me
when I've done a bad job.

I played the odds
and made a mistake.

It isn't the first and
it won't be the last.

You want to keep your boy alive?

If he keeps nosing around,
he'll wind up dead.

I appreciate your concern,

Don't let it keep you awake.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've got a phone call to make.

(door slams)

Keep in touch.

(bell rings, typing)

Okay, put it through.

(phone rings)


Long-distance calling.

I have a collect call
for anyone at this number

from a Miss Mavis Miller.

Will you accept charges, please?

You told me you expected a call
from Mavis at 4:30.

Now, you weren't
or you wouldn't have hung up.

You were lying to me, Lola.

All right, I lied to you!

All I've heard for
the past few days

is the same stupid question.

From, from police at the phone,

from police at the door, from
Monty Kelbo, and even you.

"Where is Mavis Miller?"

Well, I don't know where she is.

I don't know.



Very rapid.

Body temperature?

Much too hot.


All right, now,
honey, nice and easy.

When was the last time
you saw her?

When she made bail, she came
here, packed a bag, and left.

Well, could she
have come back
after anything

while you were out?

I haven't been out for days.


Look, uh, how about a drink?


Hey, Joe...

you might as well know.

I did my best to talk
Mavis into contacting you,

but she wouldn't listen.

When did she phone?

She didn't have to phone.

A friend of mine left town
for a couple of months.

He gave me the key
to his apartment.

She's right here

(on machine):
in Apartment 7C.

058X calling Mobile 324.


(two beeps)

Captain Randolph.

Cover me.

Then find him fast.

Tell him it's Mannix.

(soft clicking)

(clicking continues)

(soft clicking and rattling)

(quiet rattling)

(loud click)

Drop it.


(rapid g*nf*re)

(knock at door)

Police, open up.

Lola, no!


Of the names
you've given us,

Miss Miller, only three
are police officers.

Are you saying
that only those three

are involved
in the entire operation?

If there were any more,

you can bet the egg money
I'd tell you.

They were out to knock me off.

Anything you'd like
to say at this time?

You're not required
to answer any questions

without the presence
of an attorney,

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

But you know all that,
don't you, Captain?

Will you go for a deal,

What's he got to sell?

The head man.

The only person
that could have planted

that bug in Lola's apartment,

the only man she let in.

How about it, Randolph?

What'll it buy me?

Nothing... not a month off your
sentence, not a week, not a day.

I know who it is.

But you can't prove it, Kyler,

at least not to the satisfaction
of a jury.

All right.

I'll go as far
as I'm able to go.

But it won't be much.


Send him in.

Inspector, I must confess
I'm utterly mystified

by this cavalier treatment
you've decided.

My dear, dear girl.

Ha, I can't express to you

how delighted I am
to find you here,


Sit down.

But I wish to know...
Sit down.

I want to know...

Your boy Orville is dead.


Utterly appalling.

I must confess I'm
not really surprised.

I told Mr. Mannix
that I suspected

he was mixed up
in some activities

that I knew nothing about.

But surely you're not going
to hold me responsible

for some foolish misdeed
that Orville...?

Why don't you
shut up, Monty?

They've got us.

You, me, Sergeant Burns,
the lieutenant,

the boys down at the club,
every mother's son of us.

The whole thing is absurd.

I demand to know what it is
I'm being charged with.

Whatever it is,
it has no foundation.

(phone rings)

What's going on in there?

A little game
of "he did it, not me."

From where I stood,

it looks like Kelbo is
going to be the loser.

What about me?

I mean, I did hide Mavis out.

Only technically.

The way I see it, uh, you had
her in protective custody.

Anyway, by the time
the thought occurs to Kyler,

we'll have had a chance
at a couple of dry martinis.

(theme music playing)
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