02x10 - Night Out of Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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02x10 - Night Out of Time

Post by bunniefuu »

WOMAN: Cliff, don't!

WOMAN: Cliff, don't!

You're in no condition to drive!



♪ ♪

WOMAN 2: Hello?

Doreen, are you all right?

She isn't here.

This is the cleaning woman.

Where is she?

Miss Roberts didn't
come home last night.

(screaming): No! Let go of me!

I-I-I hate you!

Oh, no...


(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

(knocking on door)

MAN: Cliff?

Cliff, are you there?

Look at you.

What happened last night?

I don't know.

It's... I...

Cliff, if you go on
drinking like this,

you'll be dead before you're 40.

Some other time, Dad.

Did you talk with the girl?


Yes, of course, Doreen.

Who else?

Did you talk with her?

Dad... Something
crazy... I can't remember.

I can't remember a single thing.

What happened to your hand?

I th... I think I
cut it on a glass.

In a brawl?

I told you, Dad, I
can't remember.

Nothing you did
would surprise me, Cliff.

Clifton Ross, Junior.

How do you do?

Uh... Ross, uh...

Your father is head
of Ross Aircraft?


I'm, uh, I'm known as the Ross
who never got off the ground.

Sit down.

Now, uh, what can I do for you?

Mr. Mannix,

I want to know what I did
from yesterday afternoon

until I woke up this morning.

Memory blackout, huh?

I guess you might call it that.

It's like a bad trip.

Was it a trip?

No, I never, uh...

I drink, but, uh,
but that's all.

Why is it important
to fill in this gap?

Well, because I'm...

I'm scared stiff, Mr. Mannix.

Of what?

I think I may have
been involved in...

in, uh, some sort of v*olence.

What sort of v*olence?

I may have k*lled somebody.

Oh, you, uh, mind?

All right, now, uh...

what makes you think
you k*lled someone?

Well, I keep seeing, uh,

bits and pieces of last night

in flashes, but I
can't put it together.

The shirt I wore last
night had blood all over it.

My own maybe,
I'm hoping it's mine.

And if it isn't?

Well, there's this
girl, Doreen Roberts.

Were you with her last night?

It's true! It's
true! You're lying!

You all right?


Are you all right?


I was with her last night.

We had a fight.

A terrible fight, I
remember that much.

I tried to call
her this morning.

She wasn't there.

They say she didn't
come home last night.

Hmm... Okay, uh,

let's take it from the top.

Uh, tell me everything you
can remember about yesterday.

(sighing): Well...

there's nothing out of the
ordinary about the morning.

I picked up my car about
11:00, and drove home.

I skipped lunch...

and later in the afternoon,
my father came home.

We had one of our fights.

About what?


He'd been after
me to break it up.

So I... I went upstairs
and I had a drink.

Just one?

Well, a couple, maybe.

Anyway, that's the last
thing I remember clearly.

Do a couple of drinks
always do that to you?

Oh, nothing like, uh...

I wonder if that
drink was doctored?

In your own home?

No, I guess not.

Now, uh...

about these bits and pieces
you keep remembering.

I can remember coming by here

to pick her up around 7:00.

No word from Miss
Roberts at all? No.

Well, is it unusual for
her to stay out all night?

I think people are entitled

to lead their own lives.

I certainly agree
with you, Mrs. Blainey.

Were you by any chance
anywhere on this floor

last night while
Mr. Ross was here?

As a matter of fact,
two or three times.

The other tenants
called me up here.

They were complaining
about the noise.

They wanted me
to call the police.

What were we fighting
about, Mrs. Blainey?

Really, Mr. Ross?

You mean to say
you don't remember?

I don't remember, Mrs. Blainey.

I swear.

Mrs. Blainey, you'd be doing him

a great service if you tell him.

Well... the whole
house could hear.

She said... It's
true, I tell you!

I'm going to have a baby!

She told me that?!

What did Mr. Ross say?

He was shouting:
"You're lying. It isn't true!"

How long did this go on?

About an hour.

And then, all of a sudden,

everything seemed to quiet down

and I thought that...

Well, the least you can
do is take me to dinner.

What did you
think, Mrs. Blainey?

I'd rather not say.

Anyway, they
both left, together.

But of course you was
here last night, Mr. Ross.

And you were really flying.


I hope you forgive
me for what I said.

And what was that?

Don't you remember?

I was obliged to
ask you to leave,

and when you refused... What?

Two of my men had
to bounce you out.


It's all right. Tell him, why?

He was shouting at the lady.

At Miss Roberts.

And he said... (laughs)

You've got to tell me,
no matter how bad it is.

I was close to your table,

and I couldn't believe my ears.

I didn't mind it so much,
but the customers... (laughs)

you know how it is.

MANNIX: What'd he say to her?

MAN: He said...
CLIFF: I ought to k*ll you!

Once I said that to my Maria,

and then I married her.


Harry, last night, where'd I say

I was going from here?

You weren't saying
anything, Mr. Ross.

You'd passed out.

Well, how did he
get away from here?

The girl drove.

I helped her get him
into the car. That's all?

Well, then she went over
there and made a phone call.

Did you hear any of it?

I had my hands
full with Mr. Ross.


(engine starts)

♪ ♪

You're not going to pull
out, are you Mr. Mannix?


(car door opening)

It looks like Doreen's dress.

Better open it up.

♪ ♪

Here... that'll make
you feel better, Mr. Ross.

Oh, thanks.


I k*lled her.

Well, they're not
sure of that yet.

Well, it adds up, doesn't it?

My father needling me,

"Get rid of her.
Get rid of her."

I guess I finally, uh...

That remains to be seen.

What do we do now?

Well, we, uh, call the police
and tell them everything

that happened.

The police.

Do we have to?

We have to.

Can I, uh... Can I clean up?

Yeah, sure. Upstairs.


Peggy, get me Lieutenant
Angstrom in Homicide.


Yeah, Lieutenant, he'll
be here, and so will his car.





Peggy, bring me
my apartment keys.

Do you think he's
k*lled himself?

Condition he's in,
he might do anything.

Not here.

Maybe he's outside.

His car is still here.

Yeah, that's because
I've got his keys.

I wonder where he went.

I don't know.

It was the worst thing
he could have done.

Ride with me?

Uh, no, I'll take my own car.

By the time you get there,

I'll have it typed up and
ready for you to sign.

If I know your department,
I could go by way of Azusa.


I think you better ride with me.

(engine starting)

(birds squawking)

overlapping chatter)


Notify Homicide to put
out an APB on Cliff Ross.

Suspicion... m*rder.

Go into my office.

I'll have the statement typed.

(distant chatter and typing)

Hello, Mr. Mannix.

I'm sorry.

I was kind of swamped.

I felt I had to get out.

Where did they pick you up?

They didn't. I
came in on my own.


I talked to, uh,

Charles Hobart,
my dad's attorney.

He convinced me the only thing

I could do was turn myself in.

I've, uh... I've told
them everything,

as much as I can remember.

The one thing that
helped me to decide was...

Well, I was leaving you
wide open for trouble.

Oh, I'm not in any trouble,
but thanks, anyway.

Uh, this is Charles Hobart.

Mr. Mannix?

That's right.

Thanks for helping.

As you can see, I gave Cliff
exactly the same advice you did.

Yeah, well, he's going
to need a good lawyer.

They found the girl's body.

(quietly): Doreen...

She was stabbed to death,

and then, sometime later,
thrown into the marina.

What's this going
to do to my father?

I thought I was past being hurt

by anything that boy could do.

Mr. Ross, I believe
your son is innocent.

I know he's innocent!

He's wild, irresponsible
and fouled up,

but he's not a m*rder*r.

I'm afraid that's more of a
character reference, Clifton,

than a defense.

He was drunk, out of his mind.

It takes discipline...
Clear thinking...

To commit this sort of
a premeditated crime.

If I were a juror...

But the state won't claim
premeditation, I told you.

They'll call it a
crime of passion,

and that gives us a chance.

Charles, I told
you I wouldn't stand

for an insanity plea.

On the face of it, I
can't see any other way.

No one is going to label
a son of mine a lunatic,

and lock him away in an
asylum for the rest of his life.

Mr. Ross, whatever
we might think,

the police still have
a very strong case.

I don't care what
their case is, Mannix.

Your job is to break it down.

That's how you make
your living, isn't it?

Outsmarting the police?

I'm afraid you've been
reading too many paperbacks.

Look... we know the
sort of a girl she was;

I had her checked out.

She knew dozens of men; it
could've been any one of them.

Nevertheless, it was Cliff
who was with her last night.

Until 9:00. That's
all they can prove.

They left the restaurant
at 9:00 and vanished.

According to the
medical examiner,

the girl was k*lled between
midnight and 2:00 a.m.

But not possibly before 11:30.

Now what if we
can prove that Cliff

was not with her at that time?

That, Mr. Ross, is
what the paperbacks call

"a perfect alibi."

That's what we want, an alibi.

Cliff didn't k*ll
that girl. Prove it!

Nail down his alibi.

No, I'm sorry.

After we left the
restaurant, it's a blank.

There weren't
any flashes at all.

I guess I really
must have been out.

Nothing in the car?

Nothing concerning a car,

Except when you were driving?



Lieutenant would like
to see you, Mr. Mannix.

You, too, Ross.


Melinda, Johnno...
What are you doing here?

HOBART: Good news, Cliff.

It's going to be all right, son.

Out there is Joe Mannix.

Joe, I want you to meet
Mr. and Mrs. Webber.

How do you do? How do you do?

How do you do? They're
old friends of mine.

We worked on a
couple of civic projects

before they moved
down to Palm Springs.

I thought you might like

to hear things first-hand, Joe.

You're on, Mr. Webber.

Well, we heard about
Cliff being picked up

in connection with a m*rder
in Los Angeles last night.

And as soon as we heard,

I said, "Jonathon, we've got

to drive up right
away and tell them."

We're in a position to know

Cliff can't possibly
be involved.

I'm very happy to hear that.

Darling, don't you remember?

Oh, yes, your father said
something about a blackout.

But you honestly don't remember

that you spent practically
the entire night with us?

Did I?

Did I really?!

You dropped in around 11:00

We filled you up
with black coffee.

You really needed it, too.

We talked, played some records.

You started back about 2:00.

2:15, dear.

I remember looking at my watch

and wondering where
the time had gone.

Well, isn't that something?!

Isn't it really something
to have friends?

It sure is.

You know these people to be

citizens, Lieutenant.

It's up to you now.

Do you want to call
the district attorney

or shall I get a writ
of habeas corpus?

ANGSTROM: I'll call the D.A.

It'll be all right.

Until this case is wrapped up,

I want that boy on tap.

He'll be around, Lieutenant.

Thanks again, Mr. Mannix.

Well, I'd like to
take the credit,

but then I was just digging
around here for an alibi.

When, all of a sudden,
one pops up out of left field.

But then, that's the way
it happens sometimes...

I guess.

MAN: That Doreen Roberts thing
you been working on, Lieutenant...

Yeah, the floater.

Well, we turned
up something funny.

Like a handbag,
a driver's license,

a couple of credit cards...

Yeah, Doreen Roberts.

It looks like a knife
might have done the job.

I know, some, some
sort of Japanese deal.

How'd you find out about it?

Well, when the owner
came home, it looked like

an instant replay
of World w*r II.

Your Doreen may have been
dumped in the water in L.A.,

but it's, uh, our guess
she was k*lled right here.

Hold on, Chuck.

Benjie, put out a
call for the Ross boy.

And I want a car right away.

BENJIE: What's cooking?

Strangely enough,
it looks like the girl

was k*lled in Palm Springs.

Okay, Chuck, keep in touch.

Oh, one more thing.

Who does the house belong to?

Kelsey Davenport.

Do you know him?

Sure, he's a good
friend of mine.

Did you ever go to his house?

Sure, lots of times.

When he wasn't there?

Yes. He gave me a key.

Did you ever go
there with Doreen?

A few times.

What about the other night?

Well, I don't see how...

I don't remember.

That house is only a mile
and a half from the Webbers.

Do you think I k*lled
her, Mr. Mannix?

CLIFF (on tape): flashes,
but I can't put it together.

The shirt I wore last
night had blood all over it.

My own maybe...
I'm hoping it's mine.

tape): And if it isn't?

CLIFF: Well,
there's this girl...

Doreen Roberts.

MANNIX: You were
with her last night?

How many times do
we have to hear it?

Shh, Peg.

MANNIX (on tape): You all right?

I can recite it in my sleep.

There's something
bugging me and I don't know

what it is, but
it's on this tape.

CLIFF (on tape): I
was with her last night.

We had a fight,
a terrible fight.

I remember that much.

I tried to call
her this morning.

She wasn't there.

They say she didn't
come home last night.

MANNIX: Hmm... Okay,
uh, let's take it from the top.

Tell me everything you can
remember about yesterday.

CLIFF: Well, there's nothing out
of the ordinary about the morning.

I picked up my car about
11:00, and drove home.

I skipped lunch.

Later in the afternoon,
my father came home.

We had one of our fights.

MANNIX: About what?

That's it.

CLIFF: I picked up my car
about 11:00, and drove home.

What do you mean you
"picked up your car"?

It was being serviced.

Everything? Oil
change, the works?


Peggy, get me Charles
Hobart on the phone.


Now, look, we've
got one slim chance

to prove that you weren't in
Palm Springs the other night.

While I'm gone, I want you
upstairs; don't answer the phone.

Play the radio, television,
read... anything you want...

But stay put this
time, you understand?

Yes, sir.

All right, now, move.

Yes, sir. Mr. Mannix
for Mr. Hobart.

It's urgent, please
put it through.

Mr. Hobart, it's Mannix here.

Have the police been
around to see you yet?

Oh... hello, Mr. Montgomery.


That particular matter is
currently under discussion.

The police are there now?

That's right.

Listen, the boy is here.

He came over to
thank me for what I did,

but I'm afraid he's going
to need some more help.

I've got to keep
him free for a while.

Well, that's very interesting.

You do realize there are certain

legal responsibilities
to be met?

Can you get me 24 hours?

Absolutely out of the question.

Well, how much, the
outside? Uh, five hours?

Well, uh, possibly I could
recommend that to my client,

but, uh, he may not think
it's a good enough offer.

I'll do my best.

Well, uh, guarantee them

that you'll deliver
him to headquarters

at say, uh... 9:00 tonight.

That ought to hold them.



But what if the police
come while you're gone?

What'll I tell them?

Tell them, uh... You'll
think of something.

(door closes)

♪ ♪

MAN: Hey!

What do you think you're doing?

No one's allowed in here.

(car door closes)

I'm a private detective.

My name is Mannix.

Well, I don't care who you are.

No photos and no trespassing

without the lieutenant's okay.

Oh, I'm sorry, I
didn't know that.

Tell me about your
friends, the Webbers.

They seem to be
highly reputable people.

The most respectable
friends I've got.

Any reason they
might lie about you?


They've always liked me.

I can't imagine they're
not telling the truth.

What'd you do to your odometer?


In your car! Did you monkey
with it? Turn the mileage back?

What are you talking about?

Don't lie to me. The
police can check it out.

I never touched it!

All right.

I just had to make
sure, that's all.

Does this invoice look familiar?

Yeah, it's the work I had
done on my car that morning.

What does it say under mileage?


Yesterday, before you turned
yourself in at headquarters,

how many miles do you
say you'd put on your car?

About 25 at the most.

Hmm... 32,250.

What is it?

That may be your lucky number.

(drawer slams shut)

Los Angeles to Palm
Springs, Lieutenant...

110 miles each way.

And here's his mileage
as of noon yesterday.

Now, yesterday and
the other night combined,

the most he could have
added was 40 miles.


Check with your garage.

They'll bear me out.

(dials one digit)

Angstrom here.

Get me the odometer
reading on the Cliff Ross car.

And make sure there
was no tampering with it.

Go on with your theory.

Fact... inescapable fact, David.

Young Ross was not in
Palm Springs the other night.

At least, not in his own car.

He was there, Joe.

Maybe somebody wants
you to believe he was there.

Like the Webbers,
his best friends?

Well, I'll admit Webbers'
story doesn't quite jibe

(phone rings) with
the rest of it, but...


Okay, thanks.

You were right on
the odometer mileage.

It wasn't juggled? So what?

So his car couldn't have been

to Palm Springs and
back, but he could've.

Something's been juggled.

I'll be in touch.

Mannix, come on in.

Mr. Mannix, nice
to see you again.

Mrs. Webber.

Would you like some trunks?

Take a swim?

It's a hot one, isn't it?

Uh, no, thank you.

Dip will cool
you off in a hurry.

We keep the water at 70 degrees.

None of those
lukewarm baths for us.

How about a drink then?

Oh, thank you.
Whatever you're having.


What brings you down
to the Springs, Mannix?

Well, I'm still missing a few

answers on the case.

(ice cubes rattling)
Oh, about Cliff?

Have you heard from
the police, Mr. Webber?

No. Anything new?

Well, a few conflicting facts.

For instance: when Cliff was
down here with you that night,

he was pretty ragged, wasn't he?

Well, you heard him yourself.

He doesn't even
remember being here.

What bothers me is
how he managed to drive.

Some people just
have that ability,

especially Cliff, with that car.

It was practically
a part of him.

Uh, that white foreign job?


You saw him drive
away in his car?

We were terribly
worried about him.

You're sure it was his car?

Well, I, I'd say yes.

I think so.

What are you getting
at, Mr. Mannix?

Cliff never drove his white
car down here, Webber.

Why did you lie?

He wasn't here at all, was he?

The trouble is the
police now believe

the girl was k*lled right
here in Palm Springs

just a mile and a half down
the road at Kelsey Davenport's.

Maybe you'd both
better jump in the pool

and, uh, think it over.

You'll probably find it
way over 70 degrees.

Mr. Mannix, we thought
we were doing the right thing.

Melinda! Jonathon, he knows.

We've tried desperately hard
to protect Cliff, Mr. Mannix.

We've known him
since he was a child.

Jonathon called Cliff's
father and told him that

we were willing to say
that the boy was with us.

You allowed those two people
to lie... to risk a prison term

to get your son off the hook?!

What's he talking about?

Well, you outsmarted
yourself, Mr. Ross,

'cause you put your
son in the one place

he shouldn't have been.
Will someone please tell me

what the devil is going on here?

I'll spell it out for you
in legal terms, Hobart.

Mr. Ross and his
friends, the Webbers,

conspired to
create a false alibi.


Your son was never in
Palm Springs, Mr. Ross.

I'd like to know who's
going to believe that now?

Clifton, do you realize

the consequences
of what you've done?

The boy is innocent.

I did what I thought
had to be done.

Given the same
circumstances, I'd do it again.

Look at the two of you.

What do you know about it?

How easy it is for
you to moralize.

Well, let me tell
you, gentlemen,

when your son's
life is on the line,

you don't stop to think in
terms of moral principle.

That's just the
trouble these days.

People twist the law
to suit themselves.

The bigger the man,
the bigger the twist.

Well, that usually
boomerangs, Mr. Ross.

You and the Webbers
can take a bow

for locking the case
up tight for the police.

And you've practically
sent your son to death row.

I think we ought
to call the police.

Let them have Cliff right now

before any more harm is done.

Now wait a minute.

They're not
expecting him till 9:00.

I want that extra time.

What can you do
in a couple of hours?

Ask me again at 9:00.

Given us almost a
classic example, Mr. Ross.

From a condition of
exaggerated perception,

where all sensations were
distorted and magnified,

you lapsed into a
semi-comatose condition in the car.

However, if your mind

continued to
receive impressions,

then what we
propose may allow us

to find whatever's buried there.

But these impressions may
be even more exaggerated.

I understand, Doctor.

You better understand
this, too, Cliff...

If you do remember the ride,

there's always a chance
the truth will prove

that you did go to Palm Springs.

You know what that can mean.


I've got to know.

Cliff... Cliff, do you hear me?

Mr. Mannix.

Cliff... Cliff... can
you remember?

(echoing): It is your baby!

Now leave me alone!



Yes, Cliff, what is it?


MANNIX: Can you remember, Cliff?


She's... she's falling.

MANNIX: Where are you, Cliff?

(bells ringing) Bells...

loud... bells ringing.

What sort of bells,
Cliff? A church?


blazing sun.

It's night, Cliff. Night.

Yellow... yellow
sun... blinding...

s.. sun...

Where are you now?

(chirping, hooting, squawking)

Jungle... A cage.

Jungle flowers.

A cage in the jungle? Where?

A place...

All exaggerated,

but all with some
basis in reality.


Gold flags waving.

Is there a sky...
A night sky, Cliff?



(woman screaming)


The car.

You're in the car, Cliff.

Doreen's car.

MANNIX: Your head
is back on the seat.

You're looking up.


Street lights...

Yeah, street lights, Cliff.

Where are you?


MANNIX: Which one,
Cliff? Which boulevard?

Temple... dragons
on it... Dragons?

Might be the Chinese.

A temple or a theatre?

MANNIX: The Chinese Theatre?

Chinese Theatre...

That would make it
Hollywood Boulevard.

Which way, Cliff?

Can you remember? East or west?

Tower... turning...
tower... round...

round tower.

The Capitol building.

That's on North Vine.

You turned north on Vine, Cliff.



You're in the car, Cliff.

You're in the car
and Doreen's driving.


No, no, Cliff, you're going
east on Hollywood Boulevard.

You turned north past
the Capitol building.

You're going away
from the ocean.

Surf... surf pounding...
pounding surf.

No, Cliff.

No, not surf, Cliff, water.

Where is it?

Where is the water?

You're going away
from the ocean.

You're in the car
driving, Doreen is driving.



Water, pounding.

Like s-surf... waves...
over and over...

and over... and o... ver...

Well, there's your ocean surf.

This place mean anything to you?


Right over there is where
Charles Hobart lives.


I had a different
candidate in mind.

What do you know...
Friendly family lawyer.

(wind chimes tinkling)

Bells... clanging.

Were you here the other night?

I don't know.

I don't think so.

Wait a minute.

There's your sun, Cliff.

Your blazing sun at midnight.



What about this?

Look like the golden flags?


And this must be the
cage... in the jungle.

Well, that accounts for
everything but the foghorn.

I wonder...

(instrumental jazz playing)

(trombones bleating
like a foghorn)

That's it.

That's what I heard.

(trombones playing)

The foghorn... when
I saw the knife...

(turns music off)

This is the place.

This is where Doreen was k*lled,

and I saw it happen.

MANNIX: All we need is some
lab men up here to prove it.

Doreen and Hobart?

It had to be somebody
with access to your house.

Drug your liquor.

Now, he could have
had Doreen call him later,

knowing the condition
you were going to be in.

The telephone call
from the restaurant.

And then he had
her drive you here.

Now, that accounts
for the sunburst,

the music, the foghorn,

the knife coming down,
Doreen falling, the works.

And then you're home.

All that's left is planting
the phony evidence

in Palm Springs
to close the trap.

Yeah, and it might have
worked, too... except for one thing.

You had your car serviced.

You know, there's still
one thing that bugs me.


(b*llet ricochets, metal clanks)


(door opening)

Mannix, what's going on?

Cliff's been hurt.

See if you can help him.


(Cliff groaning)

Let's get over
to the chair here.

HOBART: What happened?

Somebody started sh**ting at us.


Our friend with the alibi.

HOBART: Jonathan Webber?

MANNIX: He was the
father of Doreen's baby.

You were my first
candidate, Hobart.

It could've been your baby
Doreen was talking about,

until that phony alibi.

Then when that broke down,
Webber came up strong and fast.

Yeah, Lieutenant
Angstrom, please.

It's Mannix here.

Were you in the habit of
lending him your apartment?

Weekends... if he was in town.

I spend most of them on my boat.

Oh, Angstrom, you can
have that boy now, if you want.

Charles Hobart's apartment.

It's at Gramercy
and... You know it?

Good. Oh, Dave...

You better send
along an ambulance.

A fellow here by the name
of Webber got himself shot.


Now, I've got an idea he
was waiting for you, Hobart.

You're the only person
that could have tied him

into this apartment that night.

I was beginning to wonder.

I wasn't quite buying
his suggesting the alibi.

If Cliff's father had
come up with it,

yes, I could understand
that, but Webber.


I'm sorry for her.

(voice breaking):
I'm sorry for her.



The trip's over.

It's all over.

(theme music playing)
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