04x03 - 3 Dumb Clucks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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04x03 - 3 Dumb Clucks

Post by bunniefuu »



Why is it every spring
we work ourselves to death

in this place?

I don't know.

Didn't you guys ever hear of
spring cleaning?

Yeah, it wouldn't be so bad

if we didn't have to wash
all our clothes.

Here, wash these socks.

More work.


Hey, you guys,
here's a letter for you.

MOE: "My darling babies",

"your father has made millions
off that old oil land

"and has divorced me for a blond
whom he's going to marry.

"You must get out
and stop the wedding.

"I want him back.

Love, Mama."

We gotta get outta here
and stop the old man.

Think of something.

Oh! Ooh!

I got an idea
in back of my head.

Well, bring it out front.


What is it?

You knocked it clear out.

I thought of something.

What? The tools.

What tools?

The tools we've been using
for the last years.

MOE & CURLY: Oh, those tools.


Come on, get busy.

Get up there and get to work.

What's the matter? It's stuck.

Let me see.


What happened to you?

What happened to me is
gonna happen to you.

It's a good thing they got an
electric chair in this building,

otherwise I'd k*ll you.

Go on. Give him a hand.




What's going on in here?

What's going on in here?



I'll report 'em.

Come on, fellas.

Give me a lift.


Hey, this is too small
or I'm too big.

Get down out of there.

Come on. We'll try the wall.

Wait a minute.

You get busy with that.

Hmm! Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Where are we gonna plug it in?

Where's my razor?

Under the mattress.

Give me that plug.

Hey, warden.

Hey, keeper.

Oh, hello.

Say, would you plug that in
for me, please?

I wanna take a shave.

I guess it's all right.

Sure. Best razor I ever used.

Let you try it sometime.



Stopped up.



What you need is a hacksaw.

No, we tried that,
but that window's-- Oof!

Imagine. A hacksaw in jail.



How are we gonna get that out?

Use your head, dummy.

Wait a minute. Give me a hand.

MOE: We'll use
your head. Come on.

MOE & LARRY: One, two, three!


That's the old man's joint,
all right.

Yeah, they got him
behind bars too.

You got your razor?

Hey, warden. Hey, keeper.

What's the matter?
This is no jail.

How are we gonna get in?

Use your head.

I got it.
If I only had a hammer.

Hammer? Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Oh, boy.

Mmm! Give it all you've got.


Good one.

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh, look. It's open.

Yeah, look what you did
to my hand.

Oh! Oh! Oh, oh, oh.

Yeah, come on.
We got work to do.

Look. There's Pop now.

And there's the girl
he's gonna marry.

[GIGGLING] Popsie,
you say the cutest things.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

And I got the marriage
license too, Daisy-Waisy.

Better let me take it, Popsie.

You're so forgetful, you know.

All right, my love.

Yes, sweetie.

Hmm, Popsie, why don't you have

those nasty old sideburns
shaved off.

Oh, not that.

Oh, please, Popsie.

They tickle your little baby.

All right. For you I will,

Well, I better be going.

Sorry I can't stay for lunch.
Me too.

Now, don't forget : .

Peek in there.
See if anybody's watching.

Watching? No.


Come on. Come on.
Get up outta there.

Hiya, Pop. Hiya, Dad.

Hmm, food.

Wait a minute.

Can't you wait till
we're all ready?


Low man again.

Say, what's the meaning of this.

What are you doing here?

Ma sent us to keep you from
marrying that blond.

And I aim to do it too.
That's what I aim to do.

I aim. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.






Now, you boys be nice

and I'll let you come to
my wedding this afternoon.

Here's some money. Go get
yourself some new clothes.

Nothing doing. We ain't gonna
let you marry her.

You can't bribe me.

Me neither. Me too.

Give it back.


You would, eh?

Now there's three nice,
smart boys.


Get outta here!


Whoo! Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo.

Now all you need is a new hat.



Well, that's nice.

Let me see it from the back.

Get out.


Oh, oh.

How about this one?

That's it. Why didn't you
show us that before?

I didn't know we had it.

How much do we owe you?

How'd you make out, baby?

Well, we got
the marriage license

and the wedding's set for : .

Ah, that's great.

Chopper and I decided
to have the wedding up here

at the penthouse.

Yeah, because
it wouldn't be polite

to give the guy the works
in his own joint.

Especially on his wedding day.

It's all right by me.
I'll bring him up here then.

[CHUCKLES] Attagirl.

When it's all over,
you and I will go to Europe

and spend the old guy's dough,
huh, baby?

Try to act dignified.

Hiya, toots.

Hey, get rid of that hat.

Get rid of that hat.

Not this one!



Why, Popsie, darling.

That's the girl
that Dad's gonna marry.

She thinks he's Pa.

Popsie, you look
years younger

without your sideburns.


Oh, what luck finding you here.

I was just coming to get you.

You know we're having
the wedding

in my brother's penthouse.

I can't wait till you marry him.
Come on, let's go.

Room for everybody. Don't crowd.

Come on, lady, hurry up.


Hiya, kid. Go ahead.


Hello, folks. Enjoy yourself.

Don't stiffen up on us now.


What's the matter with you?

Now, take it easy.
Don't get excited, kid.

Look at me,
I'm as calm as a cucumber.

What are you shaking about?

I don't know.
I'm in a hurry all over.

A guy that's gonna get married
should have a drink.

Fix him up a drink.

Mix him a sarsaparilla frapini.

Won't Ma be tickled
when she hears

we broke up the wedding?

But won't Pa sizzle
when he finds out

you married his girl.

She's supposed to be his wife

but now she's gonna be
his daughter.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

He'll tear your tonsils out.

Shake this up.



Hey, it sounds like it's done.

Let me see it.

We sure mixed it, didn't we?


What's the matter with you?

Put back them silver muglets.

But I didn't-- You didn't have.

Put 'em back.

Oh! Oh!





Yeah. Oh!



MAN : Wait a minute.

You know what to do.

MAN : Sure.

As soon as this mug
marries Daisy,

we'll polish him off.

Yeah, but we can't sh**t him.

That would make too much noise.

Do you think they mean me?

They don't mean me. Me either.

MAN : How about choking him?


MAN : No. That'll
leave fingerprints.

I got it.

As soon as they get married,

we dump him out of a window.

He falls stories
and it looks like an accident.

MAN : Great.

That guy thinks of everything.

I'm glad they made up
their mind.

They had me worried.
I'm still worried.

Wait a minute. Where you going?

After the thin man.

Hiya, Pop.

Come on, Popsie-Wopsie.

We're ready for the wedding.

I changed my mind.
I don't want to be married.

That's what you think.

You're gonna marry her
right now.

I'll marry her when I'm ready.

Are you ready?

Yeah, I'm ready.

How do I look?

You look much younger,
Mr. Howard,

without your sideburns.

Thanks. I wonder what's
keeping my Daisy-Waisy.

Just a moment. Mr. Howard.

Hello, is Daisy there?

Yeah, but she can't come
to the phone.

She's busy getting married to
old man Howard.

Thanks. I'll call later.


Wait. Hello, hello.

You can't do that.
I ain't there.

I'm here,
but I'll be right over.


I now pronounce you man and wife
until death do you part.


Oh, he's fainted.

Give him some air.

Bring him over by
the open window.

No, not the window.


He passed out again.

Speak to me, kid. Say something.

Come on kid,
please say something.


Oh! He's all right, folks.

Come on, everybody.
Let's have a drink.

That's a good idea.

We can't throw that guy
out the window

with all those people in there.

Hey, let's dump him down
the elevator shaft.

Daisy-Waisy you can't
get married without me.

Let's go get him.

Say, where you been?

I'm looking for my Daisy-Waisy.

Oh, Daisy's waiting
for you downstairs.

Oh, I better go down then.

You said it.



Where are you going?



That's that. Yeah. Ha, ha.

Nyah-ah, whoo!

There he is again.

Come on we'll head him off
with the elevator.


Say, are we drunk?


Whoo-whoo-whoo. Whoo!

Come on.



That guy must be twins.






They locked it!
Open this door, somebody.

Success. Whoo-whoo-whoo.

They're after me.
We've gotta get outta here.


Trying to do me bodily harm, eh?

I'll call a policeman, I think.





Oh! Ah!

What's the matter with you?

We're caught.

Up the pole.

Hurry up. They'll catch us.

Let us in here!

MOE: Faster.
I'm going as fast as I can.

MOE: Go on higher, higher.

Get that door open.

Hey, what's going on here?


Got room for me up there?

They asked for it,
let's give it to 'em.

Come on. Gimme a hand.

MOE: Take it easy. Whoa!
CURLY: Get away from me.

CURLY: Whoa! Whoo-whoo-whoo.

LARRY: My hand.

MOE: Take it easy.


Oh! Whoa! Whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo!


Spread out!
What are you crowding for?

Happy landings.



What's the idea of
getting in our way?

What's the matter with you?

Hey, look! It's Pop.

Come on! Take him home to Ma.

Come on!

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