03x03 - Return to Summer Grove

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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03x03 - Return to Summer Grove

Post by bunniefuu »

And that just about wraps
it up, Mr. Gunderson.

Uh, I'm enclosing a photostat

of the, uh, lab
reports for your files.

Sincerely, etc., etc., etc.

Oh, uh, Peggy, on
the Glenville thing,

tell him that...
(knocking on door)

Come in!

Tell him that we do appreciate

his inquiry and his
interest and we'll give

every consideration
to the proposal

as outlined in his letter.

However, we...

Can I help you, ma'am?


Well, this is a
pleasant surprise.

How are you?

You look great!

And you, Joe.

How have you been?

Fine, fine.

How are things back,
well, back home?

Summer Grove's just the same.

Everything's just a little
older, but it's the same.

Can I fix you anything,
a drink or, uh...?

No, thank you.


Well, how is everything?

You and Troy and the family?

Troy's been indicted for m*rder.

He goes on trial in two weeks.


Uh, is there anything I can do?

Uh, name of a good trial
lawyer, money, anything?

Leo Kolligian is defending him.

But we have no case.

No defense at all.

We've tried everything
we can think of

except come to you for help.

Now I'm doing that.

I don't know how
much help I'd be to you.

Don't say no until
you've seen him.

He-He's just outside.

Troy's waiting out there?

Has Mr. Pro Football
all of a sudden gone shy?

Please, Joe.

Jean, are you telling
me that they gave him bail

on a m*rder charge and
he's walking around free?

Not exactly. Please?

All right.

Hi, Joe.

How you doing, fella?

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

and where River Road

makes a sharp turn, remember?

Simpson's Bridge.

I missed the curve.

I got sleepy and
dozed off and...

I missed it.

What do the doctors say, Troy?

Well, this guy, Radford,
that we talked to today

at UCLA Medical Center seems to

have more hope than the doctors

at Summer Grove General.

That bunch seem to think I...

I'm going to be
stuck in here forever.

Which just isn't true.

Uh, tell me about, uh, this
man that was k*lled, Bo Sanders.

Bo came to Summer Grove a
couple of years after you left.

He bought into our trucking
firm when Ed Barkley sold out.

You remember Ed.

Remember him? I guess.

He was the greatest blocking
back we ever ran behind.

I didn't know he was
in business with you.

For years, until his wife
went through all their money.

So, he sold out to Bo and went
to work for us as our foreman.

Um, what's the,
uh, State's case?

Well, somehow Bo got the notion

I was juggling the
company books.

I finally convinced him to
go over the accounts, and

if he was dissatisfied,
we'd bring in an auditor.

He took the books along with him

down to the fishing
camp and got k*lled.

They never found the books.

That's it? That's the
prosecution's case?

No, not exactly.

Bo was k*lled with
a fireplace shovel.

The police found
it a few days later

in some underbrush.

My fingerprints were
the only ones on it.

♪ ♪

I'm going to go by and
have a talk with Leo Kolligian

and then I'll, uh,
get back to you.

You're staying at...? The hotel.

No friends, no ties?

You've really cut
the cord, haven't you?

Well, anyway, thanks
for coming, Joe.

Yeah, Joe, thanks.

♪ ♪


(speaking Armenian)

New suit!

I should hope so.
It's been ten years.


As one Armenian to another,

don't tell people
my brain is going.

Has it really been
ten years... Yeah.

Since we put your

sainted mother in the ground?

Has it really been so long?

What are we going to do
about that poor boy, Joseph?

Uh, Mr. Kolligian, do
you think Troy is innocent?

I think Jean believes he is.

How shall I doubt
such a lovely girl?

Troy filled me
in on the details.

Motive, fingerprints.

The police place
him in the vicinity

at the time of the crime.

Sounds tough.


Did he tell you about the
other private investigator?

Other investigator?

Right after the accident,

I told him we needed
an investigator.

Finally he let me hire a man.

Oh, not you, but pretty good.

And what did he come up with?

Not much.

Jean is convinced
there is a witness.

The fellow spent most of
his time checking into people

who might have been
around River Road that night.

He finally gave that up

and began to dig into
Troy's habits... uh...

the Wednesday night poker
parties, that sort of thing.


Troy fired him.

The m*rder took place
on a Wednesday night.

Did any of his poker
buddies see him?

Troy didn't play that night.

He only went maybe once a month.

Nothing very significant.

Unless he, uh, went someplace
else on a Wednesday night.

Someplace like where?

Well, maybe he found

a good Armenian
restaurant over in Fairview.


I should be so lucky.


You're not leaving
before the coffee is ready?

Well, I have to check
in at the hotel, uh,

rent a car, a few
things like that.

Thanks, anyway.

Joseph, just one thing more.

Will you be seeing Stephan?

I'm not sure.

Do, Joseph.

I'll see, Mr. Kolligian.

(door opens and shuts)

TROY: I just don't
see what those

poker bashes had to do
with Bo getting k*lled, that's all.

You let me work it out, Troy.

Now, apparently, you didn't
go every Wednesday night.

So, if you weren't at
the poker games, Troy...

Driving around,
like I said before.

I went driving.

Okay, where?

No place in particular.

Sometimes I, I'd stop and...

and look at the
lights, the town.

I'd stop and try to think...


By yourself, Troy?

Are we friends, Joe?

Of course we're friends.

Just make your investigation
look good, will you?

Go through the motions,

walk around, talk to people.

Don't make waves, okay?

Why, Troy?

Why no waves?


I don't want Jean
to get her hopes up.

We're not gonna win this one.

Oh, come on now,
that's not the guy

I played football
next to for three years.

He hated to lose.

What's to lose, Joe?

What are they going to do?

Put me in prison?

Why should you mind if
I give this my best shot?

I mind!


Is there something
worse than prison, Troy?

Something you're
holding back on me?

I asked you a favor.

And I'd consider it...

if I thought you really
had k*lled Bo Sanders.

Then consider it.

That's right, Joe.

I k*lled him.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


(speaks Armenian)

Joseph! Joseph!

(speaks Armenian)

(speaks Armenian)

How's the world's
greatest housekeeper?

Love him.

Oh, Joseph, who cooks
for you in Los Angeles?

You are all bones!

Well, it's TV dinners
and instant coffee.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I come twice a week,
straighten the house,

fix some dolmas,
sometimes a little lahmajoun.

He is as skinny as you are.

Both of you should marry
nice Armenian women

who cook for you, make you eat.

Well, maybe soon.

Uh, is he around?

Oh, out there somewhere
in the vineyard.


He was sick, you know?

Last winter, for two weeks.

Wouldn't see the doctors.

What was wrong with him?

You think he tells me?

I might as well be a stick.

Thank you, Maria.

♪ ♪

I hear this might be
a pretty good year.

Price is up.

$156 a ton.

That's better than '67.

That was a dry year, wasn't it?


This, uh, soil
seems kind of moist,

maybe too moist.

Too much rain will make
the wine acidy, won't it?

You tell me.

18 year you spent
with the grapes.

You tell me!

Maria said you
were sick last winter.

I'm glad it wasn't
anything serious.

Are you?!

Now look, you and I,
we've had some problems.

Problems? (laughs)

With you, it was
always problems!

I will give you a problem!

Whether it is better to pick
on the 18th of the month

or wait for two more
days of good sun

and pick on the
20th when it may rain.

That is a problem.

Whether we should buy
our fertilizer here in the town

at three dollar 97
cents a hundred pound

or go to San Francisco,
buy it, ship it here

and save maybe
a few cents a bag.

That is a problem.

All right! I didn't come here

to start the same old arguments.

Why did you come?!

To try and make things
better between us.

You came all the way from your
successful business in Los Angeles

to tell me you were wrong?


You go.


Joseph, you are going already?

Good-bye, Maria.

You saw him? You
talked with your father?

I saw him.

(engine turns)

(tires screech)

Sit down. Finish your coffee.

I still have ten minutes
before visiting hours.

(jazzy lounge music plays)

I understand you
went to see your father.


How did it go?

Well, if you've ever
seen a Marine training film

on hand-to-hand combat,
just imagine it happening

in a California vineyard.



what happened to the
other private investigator?

You mean why was he fired?

I don't really know.

He seemed to be on to something,

and then all of a sudden
Troy just let him go.

It was almost...

Almost what?

Oh, I don't know, Joe.

Maybe it's the
shock of the accident

or everything happening at once.

Sometimes I don't
think Troy cares

whether he's
found guilty or not.

Jean, can you be
objective about Troy,

about the m*rder?

I think so.

Is there a possibility that Troy

could have k*lled Bo Sanders?

No. Do you think he did?

No. No way.

(romantic piano music playing)

I've been, uh...
meaning to tell you.

I have this, um, this scrapbook.

Just some, uh,
clippings and snapshots.

Do you want me to turn that off?

No, no reason to.

I still like that song.

Well, anyway, uh, this
scrapbook is just some, um,

clippings of you playing
football and basketball

and a picture of
you in your uniform

before you went away to Korea.

I-I even have that
awful telegram

that said you were
missing in action.

Your mother gave that to me.

I was wondering if
you had any use for it.

I've already cut out

all of the pictures of us at
the prom and snapshots.

Sure, fine. I, I
would like to have it.

Well, I'll get my sweater.

It's just...

something I thought
you should have.

You'll be getting married
one of these days,

and have children.

I'd like them to know as
much about Joe Mannix as I do.

He's a pretty remarkable man.

♪ ♪

No matter what time
of the night you drive by,

the lights in Troy's
room are always on.

He's afraid of the
power going off.

The lights seem to reassure him.

Tell Troy I'll drop
in a little later, huh?



Uh, I'd, uh, like to
talk to Ed Barkley.

Do you know where
I might find him?

Try the warehouse.
He usually works late.

Good night, Joe.

MAN: And the homecoming game.

Man, Joe, you
would have loved it!

Leesburg High's
got this big fullback,

you know, all-state
last couple of seasons.

Now, just get this:

our boys held him
to a net 42 yards!

(whistles) 42 yards, Joe!

We won the game, huh?

Why, sure, we won.

You don't follow
Grove High no more?

Well, I'm a little
out of touch, Ed.

Yeah, yeah, I guess.

You know, me and Louisa May
follow the team even on road games?

Yeah, yeah, Coach
and me are just like that.

Say, how is Louisa May?
Still as pretty as ever?

(chuckles): Oh, yeah, great.

Just terrific, Joe.

Hair's red now, you know.

And still knows how
to spend a dollar.

Hey, uh, you down
here to help old Troy?

Well, I'm here to try.

It's just awful, that
accident, everything.

Great athlete like that having
to spend the rest of his life

in an iron lung.

Tell me, Ed, uh,
this may help Troy.

Whatever happened to Lurene?

Lurene Warenski?


Nothing, nothing at all.

She ever get married?

No. Uh, her mother died
a couple of years ago.

Lurene still lives up on
Wagon Road, same as always.

She and Ed went together
all through high school.

Everyone thought they
were going to get married.

Yeah, right.

Do they ever see each other?

Gee, Joe, I... I don't know.

Come on, Ed. Now, you
work with him every day,

you heard phone calls he got.

You knew what time he left work.

No, Troy didn't run
around with no one.

Well, if not with
Lurene, anybody else?

No, no one else.
Just... Just Lurene, huh?

Come on. Stop worrying.

That may be just
the thing I need

to get Troy's m*rder
charge dropped.

You really mean that?

Could be. Come on. Cheer up.

Hey, look, why
don't you come down

and visit me some
weekend in L.A.?

I'll get us a couple of tickets

to one of the Rams' games.

We'll go out and have a
few laughs. How about it?

Yeah, sure, Joe.

Okay. Oh and say hello
to Louisa May, huh?

Yeah, sure, Joe.

Hello, Warenski!

Joe Mannix!

How long have you
been sitting here?

Well, I, uh, came by last night

and you weren't in,

so I came back this
morning to wait you out.

Had a nice chat
with the milkman.

I went to San Francisco
for the weekend.

I have some friends there.

It's nice to see you, Joe.

Oh, let me help you with those.

All right.

Have you been to see your dad?


And Troy McBride.

No preliminaries, right?

We're going to get right to it?

I need your help,

and you know Troy better
than anyone in Summer Grove.

Oh, I knew him in
high school, sure.

But since then, he married
another woman, remember?

Tell me a little bit
about their marriage.

Uh, was it holding together?

Oh, excuse me, Joe.

I'll just get rid of this coat.

Sit down.

So, you want to know
about their marriage...

The rundown on Jean and Troy.

Well, unfortunately, I can't
tell you how Jean feels.

We have very little contact.

Troy... glorious young athlete

who went as far as he could
go on nerve and muscle,

reasonably smart,
reasonably straight guy,

doesn't know where
the salad fork goes.

Might have been all-pro, but
he was way out of her league,

and he knows it.

For years that poor
jerk has been terrified

that she's going to leave him.

She's sleek,
sophisticated, bright-bright...

He's crazy about her.

And, uh, where
does Warenski fit in?

Warenski waits.

But you did talk, you and Troy?

On Wednesday nights?

Good-bye, Joe.

If you can tell me anything
about the Wednesday night

Bo Sanders was
k*lled, it may save Troy.

From the iron lung?

From a possible
life term in prison.

Troy won't go to prison.


Don't you think a jury would
convict a man in an iron lung?

What if I told you
that a specialist in L.A.

thinks Troy has a
chance of recovering?

Is that true, Joe?
He may recover?

It's possible.

He didn't think he had a chance.

He said... He said what?

Please, Joe, please don't
ask me any more questions.

Lurene, if Troy does get out
of that t*nk, do you want him

to spend the rest of his
life in another prison?

You know better than
that! All right, then help him!

Can you prove where
he was that night?

Now maybe we can clear this up.

But Troy made me promise!

Troy didn't k*ll Bo Sanders.

I want to know who did.

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)


You awake, boy?

H-How's Lurene?

She hurt, Joseph.

They took her to surgery.

Now, now, if that hurts, Joe,

it is because
something is broken.


(groans): This is
what I expected.

You walk around
this earth with a g*n,

a g*n is what you get.

Pa, I didn't get shot.

Don't argue with your father!

Haven't I been sitting here?

Haven't I been
hearing you shouting

while you were unconscious?

I know about the brakes.

I know someone
is trying to hurt you.

You think I don't see your name
in the Los Angeles papers, huh?

Joe Mannix, beaten by criminals;

Joe Mannix, shot
in the shoulder.

And with pictures!

What kind of a life is this?

Joseph, this is dignity?

(sighs): You go away
to that big, godless city

with no family,
no friends to take

care of you when
you are sick or hurt.

Pa, I don't mean to worry you.

I'm sorry.



I should spend my time worrying?

No, as far as you're
concerned, anything I do

that doesn't include
working your land is wrong.

My land?

You think I spend 40 years
working that land for me?

For myself? No,
for you I did it.

For your children and
your children's children.

So they will have land,

a life worth respect.

But no, you are headstrong.

You fight back your own father!

Okay, Pa. Okay.

You're doing it for me.

I appreciate it.

But you're doing
it for yourself, too.

Don't you understand, Pa?

You're doing what
you want with your life;

I'm doing what I want.

I wasn't cut out to listen
to the frost warnings

on radio every night.

I don't like chopping weeds.

There is something wrong
working with the hands!?

Yeah, if it makes you unhappy,

if you're not suited to it.


Pa, I like working with people.

I was miserable
in the vineyards.

STEPHAN: You gave it no chance.

No chance!

No, you... you go to w*r,

and this girl, she
marries a football player,

so you don't come home again.

That was only part of it, Pa.

The part is, you don't like dirt
underneath your fingernails!

Pa! Yes! (knocks)

They told me you were hurt.

It's nothing serious.

"Nothing serious."


No, this time,
thanks to the Lord,

he wasn't k*lled.

You're a smart man, Joe.

You understand what
he's trying to say to you.

He loves you. He
misses you very much.

He's got a strange way
of driving that point across.

I go out there every
once in a while.

He's given up hope of you ever
coming back to Summer Grove to stay,

but he sure would like to
have you come visit him

once in a while.

He say that?

Of course he didn't say that.

When do people ever s...

say what they really mean?

He's proud.

Please keep trying.

Try to understand.

(sighs): I'm-I'm trying,
Jean, believe me.

I'll keep trying.


does Lurene Warenski have
anything to do with your case?

I'm not sure, uh...


I, uh, can't tell yet, Jean.

(phone rings)


Yeah, this is Joe Mannix.


Sheriff who?

Cisco, Joe. Cisco Madeiros.

(chuckles): You're the sheriff?

(laughs): Isn't that
a kick in the head?

Yeah, it seems
like only yesterday

you were throwing the
morning paper on people's roofs.

Well, after I did my thing in
Vietnam I needed a steady job.

This was as close as
I could come to one.

When can we get
together on the accident?

Anytime. What have you got?

much... a few pictures.

Well, no proof of
tampering, Joe.

The car rental agency said that the
brake fluid line was deliberately cut,

but the rest of the car
was so badly damaged...

Yeah, it all adds up, Cisco.

Somebody besides Troy
wants me off the case.

Adds up, but it's not proof.

Here's the fingerprint report
from Sacramento on Troy.

I don't know what
you expect it to tell you.

Just doing my homework.

If Lurene doesn't make it,

what's Kolligian
gonna tell the jury?

Hey, Cisco, this says 1948.

Did Troy have a juvenile record?

Well, if he does,
it's in, uh, Leesburg.

No record here in town.

If he got into trouble, he
went 35 miles away to do it.

Well, how do we find out
what the original charge was?

Sally, get me the
sheriff in, uh, Leesburg.

You remember old d*ck Liggett?


(laughs): He got me out
of more scrapes than...

Uh, Sheriff Liggett, please.

This is Madeiros
in Summer Grove.

He was sheriff in
'48 and '38 and...

Buenos dias to
you, too, Uncle d*ck.

Yes, sir.

Just fine.

Yeah, family, too.

Listen, Uncle d*ck,
I need some help.

Could you read me the
booking slip on Troy McBride?

It was in '48.

Your card number
is, uh... J-U-V-32-58.

Sure, take your time.

Your dad was kind of sick
a while back, did you know?

Yeah, I heard yesterday.

I found him pulled
over in his car.

Took him to the hospital,
had him looked at.

Yeah. Great.

Go ahead, Uncle d*ck.

Grand theft auto.

Was booked but later
released at request of car owner.

Uh, l-listen, just a
minute, Uncle d*ck.

Joe, this is weird.

In '48, d*ck was maybe, uh...

40 years old and
weighed about 200 pounds.

Troy was, what, the
fastest quarterback

Summer Grove High ever had.

Does that make sense
that d*ck could catch him?

No, it doesn't.

Okay, Uncle d*ck,
muchas gracias.

Uh, the owner.

Oh, hey, you don't
happen to have the name

of the owner of that
stolen car, do you?

Yeah. I got it.

Thanks, Uncle d*ck.

Well, who owned it?

Your father, Joe.

Finish telling me about the
Troy McBride business, Pa.

The boy took the car, he went
to Leesburg... what's to finish?

Well, auto theft in Summer
Grove's a pretty big deal.

You never mentioned it before.

These are things
people don't need to know

about a foolish 15-year-old boy.

Did you, uh, ever
mention it to Troy?

Yes. He denied taking the car.

He said he had not been
in Leesburg that night.

Did you believe him?

A boy gets in trouble,
he makes excuses.

The punishment is
for the father to decide.

You really think
you can fix this?

(chuckles): Sure. Now,
you had the charge dropped.

Why would Troy lie to you?

The washer.

What washer?

There, the washer.

Well, that doesn't
need a washer, Pa.

It needs a washer... don't
argue with your father!

I always use a washer there.

I'll do it myself.

Now, look, Pa, will you
listen to me for once?

Don't turn your back on
me and just tune me out.

Ever since I left here,
I've driven racing cars,

I've rebuilt racing
motors... Now, I have a right

to have an opinion about
a washer in a carburetor.

You say, "Put a washer there
because I always put a washer there."

That doesn't make it
right... It makes it right

as long as I am the
father and you are the son!

JEAN: Excuse me.

You want to talk with
him, go up to the house.

I have work.

Well, I wanted to talk
to you, Mr. Mannix.

Not now.

I guess I was a little late.

I was going to give him
the same lecture I gave you.

What we need is not
so much a Pollyanna...

As a referee.


You know, there used to
be a picture of me up here.

Trophies, Mama on one side,

Joe on the other.

I guess that ought to
tell me how things are.

How's Troy?


I stopped by to see Lurene.

She's still unconscious.

Is she your witness, Joe?

What would you say if I told you

that I just went by to
see her for, uh, old times?

Well, I guess that
would be your privilege.

I've, uh, got a couple
of stops to make,

then I'll drop in and see Troy.

If things go right
and I'm lucky,

I'll be out of Summer
Grove by midnight.

(door shuts)


Hi, Joe. Where you been?

Freddie, go buy yourself
a cup of coffee, okay?

Oh, sure, Mr. McBride.

Just call if you need
me, Mr. McBride.

Did you see Jean?

A couple of hours ago.

Did she ask about Lurene?


She wondered how Lurene
was involved in Bo's m*rder.

Did you...? I didn't tell her.

That's a better break
than I deserve, Joe.

Warenski's a nice girl.

She deserves better than
a Wednesday night life.

Did she tell you
the whole thing?

No, but then neither did you.

You told me to cool the
investigation, remember?

You said you were guilty.

You were very close

the first time you came
into this room, Joe.

You asked me if I thought
there was anything worse

than going to prison, right?

Something to do with Lurene?

No, Jean.

If Jean left me, they
could just turn this thing off.

I, I wouldn't care.

If Jean found out
about Lurene...

You know, there's, uh...
one obvious question.

Why did I see Lurene?


Once in a while, a man
has to be himself, Joe.

There comes a time
in every man's life when

he's got to have someone
to... to be a failure in front of.

I'm just an ex-pro
quarterback, Joe.

That won't even get me a free
seat in the bleachers anymore.

Jean knew all about
Louis XIV furniture...

politics, art...
But with Lurene,

I was on my own dead level.

I could tell her my
personal troubles,

stupid mistakes I'd made.

I could be me.

Couldn't you say the
same things to Jean?

No, she wouldn't...

What if, uh, what if
Warenski doesn't make it?

You going to find yourself
another dead-level-type girl

to tell your troubles to?


So talk to Jean.

You admit she's bright.
Give her credit for knowing

that life isn't always gonna be

a four-column photo of
you in a football jersey.

Take it from me, Troy,

I'm great at solving
other people's problems.

Joe, c-can you keep this quiet

till I have a chance to
tell Jean in my own way?

You can tell her
whenever you like.

Not yet.

Why? There's no
pressure on you anymore.

I'm still up on a m*rder
charge, remember?

It's been dropped.


I just came from Cisco's office.

How about the
prints on the shovel?

They weren't yours.

They checked the
Sacramento files,

and came up with
some prints taken in '48,

with your name on them.

My name? I... I don't
understand, Joe.

Those prints were made
when a 15-year-old kid

was picked up in
Leesburg for auto theft.

It happened to
be my father's car.

The kid was scared and,
uh, he gave your name.

He was released before
it was checked out,

and it stayed on the books.

Yeah, yeah, I remember.


Your old man asked me
if I'd learned my lesson.

I didn't know what
he was talking about.

He thought you were covering up.

Well, then... then the
kid who stole the car in '48

is the... is the man
who k*lled Bo Sanders?

Looks that way.

And as long as you're willing
to take the rap, he's safe.

Look, Troy, is there anything I
can do for you before I leave...

A glass of water,
turn off the lights?

No, thanks, the lights stay on.

So long, Troy.

Thanks, Joe.

(door opening)



Fred, dial the phone, will you?

Prop it up here for me. I...

I want to talk to Jean.

Who's there?

Who-Who's there?

I... I'm-I'm in a lot
of trouble, Troy.

I never planned getting
you blamed for what I done.

That just happened, the
fingerprints and all that.

Everything just
snowballed, you know?

But I had to do it.

Money's the only thing
Louisa May understands.

It's the only reason
she stays with me.

Now, I... I gotta do this, Troy.

Do what? (grunts)

If they think it just happened...
You know, an accident...

Maybe it'll get me off the hook.

It really isn't that bad, is it?

I mean, 'cause, well,
you're already dead,

aren't you, Troy?



Stay down.

Stay down, Ed.

You all right, Troy?

Joe, I breathed by myself.

I breathed... on my own.

Well, if I leave now, I
can get to the hospital

and see Warenski
for a few minutes.

Good. Good, good.

I want to thank
you for everything,

what you've done for Troy,
what you told him last night.

He told me.

You should be very proud
of your son, Mr. Mannix.

What good is he for
fixing carburetors?

Now remember, Pa, you
promised to come to L.A.

for a few days and visit.

Maybe, I said.

Maybe, if the rains hold back
and the wind stays down, maybe.

Oh, Joe, where's your scrapbook?

MANNIX: I, uh, I must
have left it in the house.

I'll pick it up another time.

JEAN: But I wanted
you to have it.

I'll get it... I'll get it.

♪ ♪

I just couldn't find it, Jean.

Next time, huh?

Good-bye, Pa.

(engine turns)

(theme music playing)
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