03x06 - A Penny for the Peepshow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mannix". Aired: September 16, 1967 – April 13, 1975.*
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Joe Mannix works for a large Los Angeles detective agency called Intertect, using computers to help solve crimes.
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03x06 - A Penny for the Peepshow

Post by bunniefuu »

Miss James?

Uh, yes.

Mr. Mannix has been waiting
for you since you called.

Won't you come in?


Miss James to see you.

Miss James.

MANNIX: Please
come in. Sit down.

Um, I've made a
mistake, Mr. Mannix

and wasted your time.

You said it was urgent.

Now, if it's still urgent,
maybe I can help.

I promise there's no
charge for listening.

Sit down.

Well, my Uncle
Simon, Simon Garvey,

came to Los Angeles
three days ago.

We had dinner, and
afterwards he asked

if I'd do him a little favor:

Keep his attaché
case for him overnight.

Seems a little enough favor.

Except that that
was three days ago.

He didn't call the next morning,

so I called him.

The hotel said that
he'd checked out.

He hasn't called since.
He's just vanished.

Do you know what's
in the attaché case?

Did you look?


Yes, I did.

MISS JAMES: $312,000.

MANNIX: That's a fortune.

The question is...
whose fortune?

Tell me, was there
anything else in the case?

Some papers. Names and places.

Nothing that would
explain the money.

So you came to me.

Why didn't you go to the police?

Oh, I didn't want any trouble.

You're short an uncle
and long $300,000.

I'd say you've got trouble.

(scuffling sounds)

No moves.

No sounds.

(horrified gasp)

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

Jackson here. Give me Red.

I'll check upstairs.

Hey, Red, we're out.

And we found a place.

"17 Paseo Verde."

Pick us up as soon as it's dark.

No, man, we'll be fine as silk.

All set.

Well, that's cool.

All we have to do
now is k*ll some time.

Excuse me.

Look what I found: vitamins!


Peace and quiet.

Three cons on the run.

Come on now. We're tourists.

Here today, gone tonight.

Just looking at the sights...

What's your name, honey?


JACKSON: Relax, investigator.

Whole trouble today is,

there's not enough
love in this world.

Don't touch me!



Knock it off.

All of you relax.

You won't get hurt.

We just want a place to stay.

And, uh, maybe some
bread, eh, Jackson?

Yeah, we could use
some traveling dough.

Oh, uh, you don't
mind, do you, sweets?

(snaps fingers)

Where's the loot?

Well, maybe a house-
to-house search will...

Outside on the desk.

But it won't get
you to Long Beach.

(door opens)

22 bucks.

40 some.

Where's the office safe?

We don't have one.

Okay, blackbird, where is it?

He just told you,
we don't have one.

Drop dead!


Excuse me.

Easy, man!

Come on. Easy. Come on.


Look, there doesn't
have to be any trouble.

We'll be out of here
by the time it's dark.

But we need traveling bread.

I can get a check cashed.

(chuckles) Sure, at
your bank, maybe?

One of you can come with me.

You're full of angles, Mannix.

Figure out something
that's foolproof.

Hey, Jackson, maybe,
uh, maybe these...

One of these beauties got some
money stashed away at home

in a cookie jar, huh?


(chuckles) You
said that awful fast.

You sure, honey, huh?

Now you just think about it.

Here I am all tight on
the run, needing help.

I've been three years, five
months feeling sorry for myself.

You could be like my
angel of mercy, huh?

Put him on his leash.

Or you'll do something stupid?

That's right!

(phone rings)

You're the secretary.

Pick it up.

Clay, listen in on
the phone outside.

Mr. Mannix's office.

Oh, hi, Joanna.

Yes, I know I'm late. I...

Just a second, hon.

Late for what?

No games, Peggy.

Tell him.

My son at school.

Joanna's waiting with her son.

He's your son. You figure out

something safe for him to do.

Or we can call a cab for him.

Joanna, sorry, hon.

Listen, my-my boss asked
me to stay late as a favor.

PEGGY: I-I know
it's a lot of trouble,

but would you do me a big favor?

Yeah, yeah, I'm
gonna get double time.

Oh, Joanna, would you?

Oh, hon, you're a lamb.

Yeah, sure.

And Joanna, thanks.

Thanks a lot.


Now let's get back to business.

Good idea.

Hey, that's pretty, sweetheart.

CLAY: It's not worth
much, but it's pretty.

You, uh, you got
any other jewelry

stashed around, honey?

Three cons on the run.

If we could get our
hands on money,

we'd be crazy not to
use it to buy our freedom

instead of just
handing it over to you.

You make it sound as if
you had a pot full of dough

stashed away somewhere.
Is that right, Mannix?

I know a man with
some ready cash,

and he'll deliver,
no questions asked.

But nothing's gonna happen

until I get a few
solid guarantees...

about the two girls.

Let me work him over.



talk to the lady.


Come on.

Come on. Come
on. Let's dance, huh?

You smell good.

(humming tune)

♪ Dee da da da dee. ♪


(Clay laughs)

You don't have much
conversation do you, honey?

Come on. Now relax.

Relax, sweetheart,
just relax. Shh-shh.


CLAY: ♪ Dee da da da. ♪

Where'd you get the booze?

There's an apartment upstairs.

Hey, honey, did you hear that?

Guess what.

CLAY: We've got our own
private dancehall upstairs.

Come on.


No! No! Ow!

Hey, uh... we'll talk later.

(rock music playing)

CLAY: Good sound.

Your boss is an eye with an ear.


Oh, come on, will you relax?

Come on.

Why don't you grow up?

That's better, huh?


Hey, the conquering hero.

That's far enough.

Mannix, you nearly got
yourself k*lled... twice.

Now you ain't stupid.

You're a pro.

What set you on fire?

Your pet werewolf over
there got a little too cute.

He's needling you, Clay.


Answer: He's hiding something.

But what?

(music stops)

Downstairs, a few minutes ago,

you started to say something.


You're all covering.

I've had it.

You've got five seconds, man.

Mikuta, start your countdown.

No, don't do this!

He's bluffing.

Five, four,



Wait a minute! I'll tell
you where the money is!

What do you know, bread.

Ain't that a coincidence?

I've got it.

He was just trying
to protect me.

It's not worth dying over.

He's still close.

Where is it?

At my apartment.

I'll take you there

if you promise to let us all go.

How much?

Over $300,000.

In cash?


300 grand!



Hey, Mikuta, Mikuta,
you hear that, sweetheart?

300,000 biggies!


CLAY: Hey, uh, baby, 300!

CLAY: It's a big score!

(Mikuta, Clay and Jackson laugh)

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Careful, lady.

Walk as though you're my friend.

Feeding time.

Just relax over
there, against the wall.

Feet apart.

Hands flat.


Whoo, she cooks
like a real professional.

What else do you do?

I handle a g*n.

My husband was a cop.

You know, I like you.

I'll bet you're a good mother.

Nothing rates higher
with me than mother love.

I'm sentimental that way.

Dish it out.

Yeah, yeah, it's first class.

CLAY: Which is the way
we're gonna go from now on.

You, trot over and
pour us a drink, huh?

That's fine.

Now go back to your wall.

Hey, I bet ol' Jackson's
counting it now, huh?

MIKUTA: Dollar by dollar.

(Clay and Mikuta laugh)

MIKUTA: $300,000. (Clay squeals)

You realize that's a
hundred grand apiece?

I think I'm going to
get myself a palace,

live like a king
for a solid month.

Bourbon, with eggs?

He's a health drunk.

Helps the flavor.

Well, if it's flavor you want,

how about a little
salt and pepper?


Did I ever tell you,
you're a great woman?

Call Lieutenant Kramer.

Tell him I'm going after
the other one, huh? Right.


Your Uncle Samson, hmm?


That's the kind of
relatives to have.

Now, are you going
to let us all go?

When we get back
to Mannix's apartment,

the boys and I will clear out.

You've paid your way.

First class.

Let her go.


(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(tires squealing)

(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)

(tires squealing)

(brakes screeching)

(handcuffs tightening)

Well, I see you got my message.

Well, it was a
little hard to ignore.

This Miss James?

Oh, yes, Lieutenant Kramer.


Where's the third man?

He totaled himself.

MANNIX: The fire department
is putting out the fire,

and the highway
patrol's on top of it.

You were on his tail, hmm?

And pushing hard.

I wanted information,
I got a dead man,

and, uh, $300,000 in ashes.

Well, some days you
just can't make a nickel.

Anyway, the girl's all right,

and, uh, we picked up these two.

Did you get a make on them?

What pen they out of?


Like in penitentiary,

out of which convicts escape.

Hang on.

We ran a check.

This is Harry McCloy
out of Cleveland.

John Marish, Cincinnati.

Then we checked
a little further.

They haven't busted
out of anywhere.

They weren't even wanted
for anything until now.

They're not escaped
convicts, Joe.

Just professional
muscle for hire.

KRAMER: Oh, no.
Sorry, no chance.

MANNIX: Oh, come on,
George, sure it's a gamble, but...

It's no gamble, Joe.

You'll get yourself k*lled.

Look, now, this guy Jackson...
Whoever he is, he's dead.

And the money's
gone. Also totaled.

But who knows that?

Look, I'm a
private investigator,

which automatically gives
me a shady character, right?

On the take, a guy
that's trying to cut corners.

Is this a confession?

It does make it believable

that I'd have the papers, and
the money and I'm ready to deal.

If anybody wants to buy.

Well, look at it...

Three professional hoods
hired to play escaped convicts.

Which makes no sense, Joe.

But it does, George.

Now, they had to
make it look as if

they were after
money, and only money.

But this whole elaborate
game is for only one reason...

They were really
after the papers

in Simon Garvey's attaché case.

So they were using
the money as a cover?


Which means that the papers
are worth more than $300,000

Still pretty iffy.

I just put out the word:

Joe Mannix, dishonest
private eye has lied to the cops.

He's got the papers for sale,

and we wait for somebody
to knock at the door.

With a cannon.

Not as long as I've
got something to sell.


All right, be my sitting duck.


(door upstairs opens)

They must have
seen a lot of movies.

They won't talk
without their lawyer.

(footsteps thudding above)

(door upstairs opens)

You're double-talking
me, Mannix!

Where's that attaché
case with the money in it?

MANNIX: Now, Lieutenant,
would I lie to you?

It's gone!

It went up in flames,
the whole $300,000.

Yes, you'd lie to me
for that kind of money.

Well, I got nothing
except blisters.

All right, Mannix,

but we'll be watching you

and the D.A.'s office
and the tax boys.

Now, Lieutenant...

Don't play any violins, Mannix.

If you're out of line,
you get taken downtown.

Come on, let's put
this garbage in the can.

Well, uh, how do you
think our little act went?

A little rough around the edges.

But I think that
audience bought it.

What now?

MANNIX: Well, we see if Miss James
got a good enough look at those papers

to remember anything about them.

Is this where you offer to sleep
on the sofa, so I can use the bed?


No, this is where we drink
black coffee and work all night.

Oh, Joe, I've told you before.

I didn't pay any
attention to those papers.

All that money and
my uncle missing,

I couldn't think
of anything else.

Well, now, honey,
you saw the papers.

Your eye photographed the image.

Now, you've got an
undeveloped image up here,

and all we have
to do is bring it out.

Three sheets of ordinary
white typing paper

with lists of names
on each page.

Now, uh, what sort of names?

Names... people and places.

Were they in pairs?

A person's name
and then a place?


Now, Celia,

I'm going to try and sell
something I haven't got,

I don't know anything
about, I can't describe.

In order for this bluff to work,

I've got to have a
few of those names.

So, let's take it again
from the top, huh?

Kehoe, Baltimore.

Haggerty, Denver.

No, um, Dallas.

I think it was Dallas.

Take it easy.

Just try and
visualize the letters.

Just one letter at a time.

Kind of, let it surface.

Haggerty, Dallas.

That's right.

Oh, I can't, Joe,
I'm sorry, I'm tired.

Now, you can sleep
later. Just keep trying!

I am trying.

Now, look, I've got to
have a few of those names,

or I could wind up dead.

I didn't ask you
to go play hero.

Oh, you just go home
and wait for some nice man

to come around asking
about those papers, huh?

Joe, I don't know anything.

Now, you may be
able to convince me,

but you might not be
able to convince them!

Oh, stop trying to thr*aten...

Now, stop pretending
this is a game.

Your uncle is probably dead.

Jackson is certainly dead.

Clay and Mikuta are
going to talk to lawyers.

That leaves you and
me on a tightrope.

Now, we've got
to walk carefully,

but we gotta keep walking.

Now, give me the next name!

I don't know.

Well, keep trying!

I have tried.

I can't remember!

I wish you'd...

Uh, an Italian name.

Uh, with an "S", Spoletti.

That's the name, Spoletti.

And there wasn't
any place beside it.

And underneath,
there was one word

all by itself, underlined.


Paradise, Kehoe, Baltimore.

Haggerty, Dallas.

Spoletti, nowhere.


Ah, you're beautiful.


You bullied it out of me.

I'm sorry, but I had to
have at least a few names.

I could've taken a swing at you.

Well, you've earned it.


That's a pretty
deadly right, lady.

You ought to see my left.

MANNIX: How long
they been there?

Since half past 9:00. Hmm.

Who are they?


And guess who's the fish.

Well, they'll treat me
like an antique vase.

They're here to
make a deal, not a hit.

I hope those three
names you gave me

are enough to carry
the conversation.

What if they aren't?

Don't even think it.

Hi, hey, can you tell me
the way to Beverly Hills?

Yeah, just head east
at the next corner.

Get in the car.

On the floor, Mannix.

Mr. Mannix. Yeah.

you got a cigarette?

I don't smoke.

We have been led to believe

that you're interested
in negotiations.

What's the offer?

Please, Mr. Mannix.

This is, uh, the most
preliminary of discussions.

There's the question of title,

the question of the areas
of remuneration and so forth.

Are you the one buying?

I, sir, am an attorney.

I represent the
principals in this venture.

An errand boy.

Well, uh, you can

take this back to your boss.

I'll keep the money.

The papers I'll sell
for the right price.

Ah, the question then arises.

Do you actually possess
the items in question?

The papers?

Why not, I'll throw
one name in free.


I'll even throw in a place.


Kehoe, yes.

And Baltimore you say?

I shall convey your
general position, Mr. Mannix.

We shall be in touch soon.


In due course, Mr. Mannix.

In due course.

In due course
means like right now.

Do it.

All right, downstairs.

Go on down, Mannix.

Ah, you must be the principal.

Mr. Mannix? That's right.

It's a pleasure.

I'm Mr. Peters.

I want to apologize for all
the trouble you've been put to.

However, all things considered,

don't you think it would
be fair to return my papers?

For how much?

Well, if you already
have the papers,

then you have over $300,000.

Not enough, Mr. Peters.

How can I be sure
you have the papers?

Kehoe, Baltimore.

You have a name and a city.

But my informants tell
me that fire was very hot.

Oh, it was.

Lucky I got the
case from Jackson

before he hit the front burner.

If you have it, prove it.

Mr. Peters, I'm a professional.

I can add: Kehoe, Baltimore.

I happen to know Dallas, so, uh,

Haggerty meant something to me.

That stupid girl!

She had to go crying
to a private investigator.

She didn't look
beyond the money,

but I did.

Simon Garvey was a writing fool.

He, uh, he kept records.

Kehoe, Haggerty;
Dallas, Baltimore.

I just put them together.

And it's all on paper.

It's bad for business. Terrible.

When a man buys a hit,
he likes to feel secure.

Haggerty told me when he paid
Garvey, Garvey was sweating.

Then Haggerty did get delivery.

A very neat job.

You should have done a
neater job on Simon Garvey.

He wrote himself
an insurance policy.

Well, he was scared,
being involved with m*rder.

He only collected the money.

For the contract murders
you did for Kehoe, Haggerty,

Spoletti and all the others.

It's a business, Mr. Mannix.

50,000 people die each
year from auto accidents.

We're just a trifle
more selective.

And it's a lot more profitable.

That why I figure I can ask
top dollar for the records.

$250,000 dollars more.

That's over a half
a million dollars.

They're expensive names.

Kehoe, Haggerty, Spoletti.

You wouldn't want
the cops to ask them

who arranged their little
murders for them, would you?

You're very handy with a rack
and a thumbscrew, Mannix.

It's a deal.

Where and when?

There's a public phone
booth near the Observatory.

I'll call you there.

Tomorrow morning,
8:00 on the dot.

Don't forget the papers.

Bring the money.

Don't worry.

Meanwhile, relax, Mr. Mannix.

The watchman will let
you out in a couple of hours.

My Uncle Simon was
part of a m*rder ring?

I don't believe that.

Well, he may have
broken the whole operation.

If we can tie it down
to this, Mr. Peters.

Well, that starts
in the morning.

We'll stake out everything

for a mile around the
phone booth and tap the line.

And we're still checking
on those names.

Kehoe, Haggerty, Spoletti.

And Paradise,
wherever that is. Uh-huh.

If it's in the
state, we'll find it.

Well, you've got your
homework for the night,

and I've got an early
date in the morning.

Try not to be late, huh?

(phone ringing)

Mannix here.

PETERS: Go down to the
Pacific Coast Highway, past Malibu.

Sea Rock Motel. Room 31.

(line clicks off)

(line clicks on)

BEAL: Joe, this is Sergeant
Beal. You go ahead.

You've got two men up there
who'll be right behind you.

On my way.

MAN: I'll take your g*n, Mannix.

Yeah, we got the girl,

so you do exactly
what you're told.

(starts engine)

(engine starts)

MAN: Make a right
turn after the tunnel.

Take the next right.

Head east, inland.


That's right.

Last stop, on the way to Heaven.


Welcome to Paradise, Mr. Mannix.

Why all the games?

I'm ready to make a deal.

With the police in
your hip pocket?

Well, I couldn't stop
them; I figured to lose them.

You just made things easier.

Please, Mr. Mannix.

You two are very
bothersome to me.

PETERS: And two b*ll*ts
ought to solve the problem.

That's not gonna
get you the list.

If you ever had the list.

And it's not just a couple
of names and places

and a lucky guess.

As a matter of fact, perhaps
you can save me a b*llet.

You k*ll the girl;

we keep your g*n with
your fingerprints on it.

MAN: Hey...

yeah, and then that locks
him in to us for the m*rder rap.

You can live to be a
rich old man, Mr. Mannix.

What do you say?

All right.

Joe! Sorry, Celia.

The game's been called
on account of reality.

(gasps, grunts)

Only one b*llet, Mannix.

Go ahead, sh**t her.


(Celia yells, cries)

You stay here with the girl.

(mechanical whirring)

Come on, let's go.

Come on!

(tires squealing)

(handcuffs clicking)

Well, George!

Never thought I'd
see you in Paradise.

Well, I told you that if it was
in the state, we'd find it, hmm?

We had some help: Kehoe
and Haggerty both talked,

in detail, including
the Paradise g*n Club.

Now, where did you leave Peters?

Oh, you'll find him up
by the waterfall. Okay.

Are you all right?

Mm. Yeah.


did you miss me deliberately,
or are you just a bad shot?

Aren't you glad
you're alive to find out?


(theme music playing)
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