09x01 - Loco Boy Makes Good (1942)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Three Stooges". Aired: 1934 - 1945.*
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The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy team active from 1922 until 1970, best remembered for their 200 short-subject films.
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09x01 - Loco Boy Makes Good (1942)

Post by bunniefuu »


MAN: Let me get my hands
on you! You get out of here!

STOOGES: Whoooa!

MAN: Now beat it!

And you mugs
don't get your stuff

till you pay up your back rent!

He can't do that to us

just because
we're eight months behind.

But he did.

I'm going back
and getting my other shirt.

Get my other pair of socks.
They're behind the stove.

Yeah, but he won't let us in.

Hey, listen to this:

"Man collects
$ , damages from hotel.

Slips on cake of soap in lobby
and gets huge judgment."

All we need is a cake of soap
and we're in business.

Let's go up and get one.

Wait a minute.
He won't let us in.

Oh, he won't, eh?


Feel that muscle. Very good.

I'll tear him limb from limb.
I'll chop him to ribbons.

I'll wreck him. I'll crush him.

I'll give him the-- I'll give--

Believe me. Come on.


ALL: Whoooa.

Ow! Oh. Oh.

Look: soap.

Just what we're looking for.
Oh, boy. Let's go.

Boy, this is it: a hotel.

I can feel the money
jingling in my pocket now.

Start slipping. We start suing.

Keep your eyes peeled
for anybody. Go ahead.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,
nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Hey. Why don't you mind
your own business?


The nerve of some people.
He came outta nowhere.

Now, you work with me,

I'll see that you're put
in a tub and nobody uses you.



Why, you dummy.

Don't you dare
hit me in the head.

You know I'm not normal. Oh!



See that?


Now, why don't you
do things right?

I've been trying.
But the soap is too big.

"Soap is too big."
Get your leg up here.


Here. Now do things right.

Hey, porcupine.






Hey, you.
Quit eating your lunch.

We got some things--


A tourist.

Good afternoon, Mr. Scroggins.
Won't you come in?

Never mind the formality.

What about the interest
on your note?

Well, here's $ , Mr. Scroggins.
It's all I have.

[SOBBING] You know,
business has been very bad,

but I'm doing
the very best I can.

I haven't time
to listen to your excuses.

You have the rest in days,
or I'm taking this dump over.

But people won't stop here
unless the place is fixed up,

and I haven't any money
to do it with.

We gotta help
that poor old lady.

Come on.

Wait a minute, shylock.
She'll have the money on time.

Yeah, and I'll see
that you get it too.

Me, myself, I, personally.
I'll guarantee it, see?

SCROGGINS: And who are you?
Who is he?

Why, he's one of the biggest
steelmen in the country.

He'd "steal" anything--

I mean, his steel is known
from coast to coast.

Willy Steel. And how.

Is that your hat? Yes.

Why don't you
get your head simonized?




Just for that,
I'll dispossess you.


Oh, boys. Now, don't worry, Mom.

He can't dispossess you
for days.

And by that time,
we'll have you on easy street.

Oh, how can I ever thank you?
Don't try.

By the way, here's $
I just found in my hand.

Why, that's the amount
I gave Mr. Scroggins.

Now, ain't that a coincidence?
Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

We'll take care of everything.
You go see a movie.

Oh, thank you. Single feature.

Say, did you notice

the beautiful watch
Scroggins had on?

Notice it?
I got it. Nyuck, nyuck.

This will buy
paint and wallpaper.

I won't need this soap anymore.
Come on, fellas, let's go.

I got the whole thing--
Oh! Oh! Oh!

Hey. Hey, kid. Are you hurt?

Yeah, but I don't care.


Come on.

Get a move on. Okay, okay.

♪ Swim the creek
With the boys and girls ♪

Hurry up with that board. Ooh!

Sorry. Give me that, nitwit.


Knock it off.

♪ Gone away, far away ♪


♪ See two buoys ♪

♪ The beautiful water-- ♪

Wait a minute, you dimwit.

Don't you know nothing
about driving nails?

Are you that dumb?

Can you see
where that nail is pointing?

That nail
is for the opposite wall.

Come on. [GROANING]

Now, get busy. Oh!

That nail don't belong--

Hey. What are you
going to sleep now for?

You know-- Hey, Moe. Hey, Moe.
What happened? What happened?

Say a few syllables.

I'll annihilate you.
I'll m*rder you.

Wrong syllables. Oh.

Get busy over there.

And stop using
left-handed nails.


Start nailing.


Wait a minute, turniphead.


Oh. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

Three, four.

Company... halt.


ALL: Ow! Ooh! Ow! Ooh!

Come on.
Get busy and lay this stuff.

Ready? Go.

That's that. [ALL WHIMPERING]

Come on. Roll it back.


I gotta figure out a way
to fix this.

I'll fix it.


Well, would it
be possible for--?

I don't think
it would be possible.


Get back. Get back. Mmph!

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck,
nyuck, nyuck.





Hey, hey, hey. What are you
playing around for?

You know we've got work to do.

It double-crossed me.
It's "sabotoogie," I tell you.

I'll "sabotoogie" you.

Get that weight. Hold that roll.

Lift that barge. Tote that bale.


What am I doing?

Pull that back there.
Now, hold the last piece.

Got it on? Right.

You, lay across
all three of them.

You in there? LARRY: Right.

Let's go.

Hurry up, you guys.

This floor is hard,
and I can't hold-- Whoa!

Now, what we gotta do
is figure out a way to--

BOTH: Ow! Ow!

That settles it.

We get rid of this linoleum
and paint the floor.

Come on. Pitch it outta here.







This looks screwy enough
to be good.

Come on, let's look 'em over.

Look, boys. See who's coming.

Look. Waldo Twitchell.

This ought to be good
for a couple laughs anyway.

If he gives it a good write-up,
the place is made.

But if he knocks the place,
Mrs. Brown will lose her hotel.

You get him seated,
we'll get the show started.

It better be good. Let's go.

Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

I hope you'll enjoy
our new place, Mr. Twitchell.

Thank you.

Good evening, friends. I would
call you ladies and gentlemen,

but you know what you are.


Whew. Tough audience.

We have a request.
From the busboy.

Yes. To execute a song entitled
"She Was Bred in Old Kentucky,

But She's Just a Crumb Up Here."








♪ Oh ♪

♪ The cows were flying about ♪

♪ As the wife Made sauerkraut ♪

♪ So we-- ♪


That settles it. Hmph!

That settles it. I quit.


Heh-heh! Part of the routine.
I'll m*rder him.

How do you like that audience?

Hitting me with a tomato.

And Major Bowes said
I had talent.

Heh-heh! A tomato?

Yeah, a cowardly tomato.
One that hits you and runs.

Wait till I get out there,
brother. I'll wow 'em.



What's the idea?
Get out on that stage.

Oh, I'm all ready.

I wasn't talking to you, Balbo.

Relax. I'll call you
when I want you.

Come here, blubberhead.
Haven't you got more brains

than to walk off a stage
when you're entertaining?

Besides, we gotta
help the old lady.

Now get out there
and mingle with the guests.

Listen, you --
Mingle, or I'll mangle.

Oh, that's different.

He don't know the
show must go on. Well.

Go out there
and mingle with the guests.

Maybe we can overcome
a bad start.

Wait on 'em. Dance with 'em.

Go on out in the kitchen
and get busy. Come on.





Do you mind if I cut in?
Not at all.

If you dance like you act,
I know I'll get home early.

Aw, thank you. Hee-hee-hee-hee!

Yes, thank you.

Come on, shorty,
don't be no deadpan.

Smile. Come on, give in.


Oh, that's better.
We're in the groove now.




Try to keep up.

What are you looking at me for?


Ah-ha-ha-ha! Missed you, huh?



Come on, fly. Ungh!





For a fat man,
you're quite a dancer.


Oh, thank you.

Oh, Jasper, I want you
to meet Miss Stampindale.

How do you do? Nyuck, nyuck.





Come on,
let's finish our dance, toots.

Oh, waiter, do you have,
uh, pâté de foie gras?

I'll see
if the band can play it.






Pardon me, pardon me.
Will you let me through?

My, my, my, my, my, my.

Here you are, sir.

Oh-ho, boy. Ha-ha! Food at last.

Give me some food.

Whoo! Lovely food.






Keep it up. You're a riot.



Ooh. Mice. Mice.




Get away! Get away!


Get out.







Hold it, hold it.

I'll get it. I'll get it.








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