11x15 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x15 - 7 Chefs Compete Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen, the challenge the chefs had been waiting for finally occurred.

Time for the 11th annual blind taste test.

This is gonna be awesome.

Zach got the blue team off to a good start.




But the red team chipped away at the lead.



Yes! Pistachio.

Anthony was disappointing.

Tuna, chef.

Potato? Cashews.


It's not licorice.

Ja'nel was impressive.


Three out of four.

Great job.

Yes! Yes.

In the closest taste test in history All tied up.

Susan clinched the victory for the women.


Yes! And the blue team lost their 10th challenge out of 11.


The next day, with the chefs at each other's throats I don't want to hear it from you.

You whine about everything.

I'm done.

And the black jackets on the horizon You are getting very close to the honor of earning a black jacket.

Chef Ramsay surprised the chefs I'm doing an individual challenge, even though you're still in teams.

With a critical test Make me whatever you want.

And the opportunity to win a rare reward.

The chef that creates the dish that I like best will be safe from elimination.

Being safe from elimination is huge.

Gutsy Susan tried to make up The lamb is absolutely raw.

For past mistakes.

You're doing lamb again, Susan? I'm redeeming myself.

The risk completely backfired.

It was raw.

Ja'nel's dish was outstanding.

The duck is cooked beautifully.

And she earned a place in the winner's chair.

Anthony wasn't even close.

Anthony, you're not taking Ja'nel's place.

But Jon's mahi
-mahi Very good.

The dish is replacing Ja'nel's.

Good job.

Unseated Ja'nel and easily beat Mary's fillet.

It's almost like you got paint on your plate.

And Zach's surf and turf.

One little portion's coming out of a doll's house.

Leaving Cyndi as his last challenger.

-seared halibut, and then on the bottom is like a play on succotash.

Find out, will it be Cyndi or Jon who earns the safety card for the next elimination Seasoned and cooked beautifully.

And gets one step closer to being head chef of Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace, right now on Hell's Kitchen.

Fire Whoa The way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child ohh! Go, Jon! When you take what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really smokin', child When you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child Yeah.

* yeah * well, I can tell by your game you're gonna start a flame of love, baby, baby the way you push, push lets me know that Hey, hey! Ha ha ha ha ha you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child oww, fire uh
-huh And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Who has the best dish? I do, chef.

In an important test of the chefs' creativity, Jon has the best dish so far.

The only one left to beat him is Cyndi.

One of the best pieces of halibut I've seen cooked so far in this competition.

It's Jon's mahi
-mahi versus Cyndi's halibut.

The winning dish belongs to Jon.

Well done.

Wait a minute.

Did you say Jon? Do you need a medic? Yeah, no, I'm fine.

No? You sure? Yeah.

Yeah? Just extremely excited, chef.

Well done.

, yes.

This is so cool.

Cyndi, great effort, my darling.

Thank you, chef.

I've been edged out by a hair.

But chef just realized that I've been a frontrunner, and I will edge them all out in the end.



Jon, at the next dinner service, you're safe.

One step closer to that black jacket.

I'm gonna look great in a black jacket.

What's starting to emerge now is that individual talent shining through.

All of you have a one
-seven chance of being the head chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesars Palace.

Yes, chef.

Get out of here.

Hell's Kitchen will be open tonight.

If I could have gotten past Jon, I'm pretty sure I could have stayed until the end.

Jon, I'm so proud of you.



That's twice with you and me.

Jon has taken one of my dishes down, not just once but twice.

Definitely keeping a close eye on him.

so close.

Damn, I liked my dish.

I wanted chef to like it as much as I did.

At my restaurant, that will be going on the menu.

Come on.

Zach is talking up his dish, even though he didn't do so well in the challenge.

He's almost like a used car salesman.

The only thing he didn't like about my dish is I did it in the medallion.

"Oh, this is a Porsche.

" No, really, it's a Pinto.

Nobody's buying it.

Damn, I'm pissed about my dish.

The colors was spot on.

Tasted so good.

Please! With another dinner service just hours away Red team! Red team! The unified women's team is all fired up.

Tonight's gonna be good, ladies.


The men are Anthony, you're gonna be a beast tonight, right? Right.

Much less so.

I've got a lot riding on this dinner service.

I need to perform.

My focus is just so extreme right now that that's why I'm quiet, that's why I'm not as open as I should be.

I'm gonna fire everybody up.

I don't care, man.

I'm gonna get loud as .

Get everybody else amped up and energized the way that I felt this morning when I won that challenge.

Even though I have immunity, I don't want to lose anybody else.

Every time we lose somebody, they have more of an advantage on us going into every challenge and every service.

Zach, why are you so quiet, man? I don't like it when you're quiet, man, 'cause, you know, usually something's up.

I'm still pissed about my dish from this morning.

It was a great dish.

That did something to my pride.

Because I really liked that dish.

This is my twist on surf and turf.

Fillet medallions at the bottom, beautiful cauliflower.

The prawns are dominating that.


I want more fillet on there.

One little portion's coming out of a doll's house.

Yo, Ramsay tore me up a new one.

When you care, when you give a about what you do, yeah, that hurted.

I'm gonna be thinking about that for a long time.

As long as it's out of your head during service.

Yeah, I know, but it hurts.

Give me a minute.

Calm down.

But it hurts.

Quit freaking out, man.

Yeah, it ain't the time to talk about it now.

Dude, what the ? While Zach takes an emotional timeout upstairs, the blue team tries to make do without him.


As for the red kitchen It looks like he's gonna crumble.

I hope he does.

They are not missing him at all.

I want Zach out of here.

And the best way to do that is keep up the teamwork and have a great service.

Mary, what do you have going? 'Cause I'm gonna be done right now after this lime juice.

Leeks are ready.

Fingerlings are ne.

I need some chives.

I'll do the chives.

We are gonna win this dinner service.

While each of the four chefs in the red kitchen have evenly divided up the tasks, in the blue kitchen Yeah, I got to get these in tins.

Jon and Anthony are struggling to get all the work done themselves.

We get this done for Zach, and then we'll be on that.

Now that Zach is gone, we're doing the work of essentially 12 people.

All right, let me knock 'em out, do some strawberries, and then I'll get right back to the beurre monte.

Got about 45 more minutes.

This is pretty hectic.


I just dropped it.

It slipped.

I just roasted 'em too.

Am I losing my mind? Hopefully we don't start falling apart.

Hey, it smells great in here.

Whoa, what the ? Jon.

I smell something burning.

Like, , there's a fire.


It's just over an hour before the doors of Hell's Kitchen will open.

And with Zach on emotional sabbatical in the dorm, Jon and Anthony hold down the fort.

Whoa, what the ? But it's about to go up in smoke.

I smell something burning.

Like, , there's a fire.

Oh, .

Good lord almighty.

Holy .

Jon's burning down the kitchen.

There's a forest fire.

It's hot.

It's like sitting on top of it.

What's going on? Sorry, everyone.

I'm not surprised at all that I come back, and is in shambles.

I leave you guys for two minutes, and you set the place on fire.

Yeah, that's my fault, chef.

Jon, I know you have your safety from elimination tonight, but that doesn't mean you have to take out the entire restaurant.

It wasn't even a lot.

Let's take a breath.

Let's go, blue team.

Let's not suck.

With the best seven chefs remaining Let's go, ladies.

Yes, chef.

Gents, line up, please.


Let's go.

Chef Ramsay has decided to increase the pressure for tonight's dinner service.


How are we feeling? Great, chef.

I've decided to invite some very, very special guests into the kitchen this evening.

Blue team, on your chef table, she currently is the host of Extra, Maria Menounos.



Amazing lady.

Very cool.



I'm here, baby.

I'll feed you.

Don't worry.

Red kitchen, you're in for a treat.

The star of the hit series Suburgatory, Law & Order, Six Feet Under, and the movie Clueless Jeremy Sisto.


It's exciting because we're in a good mindset to have a really flawless service, and he's gonna be here to see that.

Jon, just 'cause you're safe tonight, I do not expect you to have a bad service, let me tell you.

Absolutely, chef.

If anything, it should be the best service.

With chef tables in the house, a fully
-booked dining room, the only way to have a successful service is to cook with passion.

Yes, chef.

And for once make me proud.

Let's go.

-Philippe, open Hell's Kitchen please.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Go, my ladies.

Yes, ma'am.

Another day at work, gentlemen.

Another day at work, man.

Chef Ramsay has made it clear that his expectations are higher than ever.

Here they come, guys.

Let's do it.

And with the first VIP table being seated Thanks.

Good lord almighty.

Nice to meet you.

It's time for the chefs to focus on the task at hand.

Are you hungry? Starving.


You've got the hot seat tonight.

I'm super excited.

No one's gonna throw anything at me, are they? Oh, my God, she's so hot.


On order six

Two Caesar, two risotto, two scallops.

Yes, chef.

Mary! Yes, chef.

Cook with your tongue in, please.

You're like a cat.

Let's go.

I'm sorry, chef.

Let's go.


Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Chef, I can't work with my tongue in.

It's just how it is.

Mary, 4 1/2 out on the next.

While Mary concentrates on getting her scallops out and keeping her tongue in, over in the blue kitchen On order VIP chef table.

Yes? One Caesar salad, one scallops.


Yes, chef.

It's up to Anthony on fish and Jon on appetizers to get their team off to a strong start.


Let's go.

I got it.


I'm really counting on the guys to pull their own weight in front of Maria Menounos.

Time to step up.

Here we go.

I'm pulling for blue, baby.

Let's go, team.

Now flip over, you son of a bitch.

Scallops are out in one.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Out and scallops in one.

Yeah, hurry up.

Hey, you.

Out in one.

Absolutely, chef.

Out in one.

Heard that.

I don't understand a damn thing he's talking about.

Scallops out in one, let's go.


Coming up.

How many times stop have I said look at me.


Out in one.

Out in one.

Yes, chef.

Look at me.

Out in one.

Yes, chef.

How many times? Too many for me to be forgetting, chef.

And you're there fumbling around like an old granny in a hardware store.

Once out of the pan, chef.

Once out of the pan.

All right.



Perfect scallops.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

Caesar salad.

Yeah, Caesar's up.

You had the scallops.

Oh, thank you.

Chef table.


Yes, thank you.

And the Caesar salad.

Thank you.

Maria, there's more where that came from.

How about dessert? Mm.

It's really good.

While the men's first order of appetizers is a hit with their VIP guests So good.

Over in the red kitchen Two Caesar, two risotto, two scallops.

Where is it? Walking on the scallops.

Mary on fish Walking up with risotto.

And Cyndi on appetizers seem to be working well together Service, please.

And are getting appetizers out to the dining room.

Mine's fantastic.

Three risotto, one cappellini.

How long? Walking up with risotto.

And I got the cappellini right behind it.

Now lobster, please.

All they need is one thing to keep up this good pace.

Hey, where's those lobster tails? Oh, I'm sorry, chef.

I'll have 'em in one minute, chef.

Cyndi, it's her job to remind me to drop the tails.

She knows better.

Cyndi, wake up.

Talk to her.

You're putting your team behind.

Yes, chef.

Yeah, Cyndi.

I'm sorry.

She has a garnish for me.

I should be automatically telling her that I need it.

What the is wrong with me? Mary, my fault.

My fault.

It's okay.

The red team has adjusted and are back in the groove.

Here you go, chef.

In the blue kitchen Risotto up.

Walk with the lobster tails, please.

Lobster tails on their way.

Jon is doing his best to make sure his team is in sync.

This is so fascinating.

Jon, Jon, just taste that.

Hurry up.

Come on.

Taste it.

Get a spoon.

It's just bland.

Needs salt.

Yeah, it just needs salt.

You know that.

Oh, God, that's embarrassing.

Really? You need to season! Yes, chef.

And you, get your head in the game.

Yes, chef! All right, I got two more down.

You're not doing this 'cause you think you're safe, Jon? No, not at all, chef.

Jon, just because you're safe from elimination tonight, don't screw us over here in the kitchen.

Keep the pan down.

Yes, chef.

We don't cook in midair.

You're not a air stewardess.

Yes, chef.

While Jon reworks his risotto, back in the red kitchen Thank you.

Thank you.

The women are eager to make a good first impression on their VIP guest.

Three risotto, one cappellini should be driving, Cyndi.

Right here, chef.

Ten seconds to the window.


Yes, chef.

You're just making a mess.

Yes, chef.

Come on.

Hey, madam.

Yes, chef.

Try and keep the risotto in the pan.

Yes, chef.

Now you've splattered it everywhere.

Yes, chef.

And you're working like a dirty little pig.

Yes, chef.


I don't like it.


I'm gonna need a week of therapy after this.

We definitely don't want chef Ramsay yelling at us in front of these VIPs, embarrassing us and causing us shame.

Come on, Cyndi.

Get it together.

Two cappellini, chef.

Cyndi? Yes, chef.

Now you're turning out to be a bit of a joke.

Two risotto.

They got six portions.

Yes, chef.

Do you understand? It's just like look at the plates.

Yes, chef.

So I got three there and three there.

Yes, chef.

We're slowing down.

You're dragging the kitchen.

They're falling behind, and you're giving me six portions when I only need three.

Sorry, chef.

Not happening again, chef.

I really wish I could take myself in the back storeroom, slap myself a couple times, and finish this service.

Hi, gentlemen.


Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Despite sloppy work This is really good.

Appetizers for the chef's table have been well received.

This is so good.

I'm actually blown away.

And the women have now completed more than half their appetizers.

This is fantastic.

Meanwhile, back in the blue kitchen Risotto.

I got it working right now.

A minute and fifteen on lobster risotto.

You got my two tails down? Tails are down.


Thank you.

The men are not far behind.

You got my two lobster tails? I will get you your lobster tails.

I promise.

Lobster tails coming.

Coming out with two orders of risotto, chef.

Very nice, that risotto.

Anthony? Chef.

It's two risotto, yes? Come on, man.

Come on, another lobster tail.

Coming up.

Hey, Jon.

I asked you for two lobster tails, man.

I did, chef.

He comes up with one lobster tail.

More drama.

Thought that was the one.

My bad.

I swore he only said he needed one.

You got my two tails down? Tails are down.


Thank you.

You got called two risotto.

You bring out one lobster tail.

Wake up! Yes, chef.

Man up! Step up! Absolutely, chef.

Get your head out of the pan and start talking to your team.

Fixing it, chef.


Anthony's hanging on by a thread.

All right, I got two coming up on the next one.

Yes, Jon? Anthony, just clear your head and put the out, please.

Come here.

All of you come here.

It's 45 minutes into dinner service, and tonight the teams are hosting chef's tables.

That's really good.

And while both kitchens got off to a reasonable start Come on, another lobster tail.

More drama.

The blue team is heading downhill.

All of you, come here! Just touch that.

It's overcooked.

Come on, Anthony.

The lobster should be like butter.

Yes, chef.

Not some bubblegum in your mouth.

You're the only weak link in this chain right now.

Hurry up.

Yes, chef.

I just feel dinner service slipping through my fingers.

I've got to get a grasp on it and work.

Lobster tail.

Behind you, chef.

Service, please.

With Anthony bouncing back on the lobster, both the men The apps are done, you guys.

And the women We got this, ladies.

We're good.

Have completed sending out appetizers.

Come on, ladies.

Let's keep it up.

Keeping it up.

Keeping it up.

And are now ready to go full
-speed ahead on entrees.

One lamb, one bass.

Drive, yes? Yes, chef.

On the blue team, Zach is ready to show he is rock
-solid on meat.

Come on, guys.

And Anthony Bass is going down right now.

Is looking for more redemption on the fish station.

How long? How long do you need? Give me six minutes.

Six minutes, come on, Anthony.

Jon is not going home tonight, no matter what.

So, come on, Zach.

It's me and you, man.

I have faith in you.

Talk to me, Zach.

Zach, if you need more time, talk to me.

Yeah, just two minutes.

Heard that.

Walking with the bass.

Hold on.


What the ? What the did he just do? He just he took the fish up.

You served the bass? Zach, I'm waiting.

Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.

Two minutes.

Come on, man.

So you're dragging? Yes.

He served his bass.

Two minutes, chef.

And that's tops.

Oh, almighty.

Jon, why is it breaking down now? I don't know, chef.

Listen, push it, 'cause the other gonna get pulled back.

Let's go.

Don't k*ll out table, man.

Let's go.

We don't need a setback.

Blue team is so embarrassing.

You know, this late in the game and still falling apart.

I got to eat bread, because our team is delaying our food.

While blue diners are looking for a sign that they'll be eating something soon I'm frustrated.

I'm hungry.

I've been working all day.

I want to eat.

In the red kitchen chef Ramsay is looking for One lamb, one bass.

Yes, chef.

Susan, push it, please, yes? Yes, chef.

Let's go.

Ew, there's like blood coming out of this.

I'm really nervous tonight about Susan on the meat because she had raw lamb at the signature dish That lamb is absolutely raw.

She had raw lamb today.

Unfortunately, the lamb is raw.

She had raw lamb when she was on the meat station a few times ago.

So what's that then? It's raw lamb.

And so tonight is a big night for Susan.

If she doesn't pull off this meat station gonna go home tonight.

Where's the lamb? Coming, chef.

You okay, Suze? Yup.

Come on, ladies.

Yes, chef.

Goal of the night is redemption.

I am praying to the lamb gods.

Please let this lamb be cooked.

Behind you with lamb, chef.


Yes, chef.

They're beautifully cooked.

Thank you, chef.

The lamb is perfect.

Finally! Now that the lamb gods have smiled on Susan Service, please.

Oh, that looks good.


Entrees are moving briskly out of the kitchen.

I don't know.

I'm rooting for the red team.

They have heart.

But in the blue kitchen Let's go, team.

Zach's lamb has yet to make it to the pass.

Where's the lamb? Right here in my hand, chef.

Definitely going to redeem myself on the meat station.

I got something to prove to chef Ramsay tonight.


That lamb is cooked perfectly.

Thank you, chef.

Now you're on the money.

Stay on it.

Yes, chef.

Service, please.

The men's first entrees finally make their way out to grateful diners.

Oh, wow, that looks amazing.

Back in the red kitchen Two lamb, two bass.

How long? I'm walking with lamb garnish.

The women are sending out entree after entree.

I'm walking.

Walking on my bass.


And look to be unstoppable.

Ow! I cut myself.

Ja'nel, you need help, hon? Oh, no, I'm bleeding out all over the place.

"I cut myself.

" Is it bad? Huh? Is it bad? Yes.

Get the medic in.

Let's go.

Yes, chef.

With only four people left in the kitchen, we cannot afford to be one man down right now.

We need everybody.

I feel like I should jump up and help out a little bit.

You think I should jump in there? No.

While the red team is one chef down It's just bleeding, and it won't stop.

Chef Ramsay shifts his attention to the blue team.

Entree two halibut, two Wellington.

Yes, chef.


And continues to push them on entrees.

Zach, Wellington, how long? Right now.


Heard that.

I'm gonna walk with two halibut then.

Halibut's raw.

Fish is raw.

Anthony! Hey, all of you come here.

All of you come here.


You as well.

Come here.

Chef table in there.


Now look at this.

Come here, you.

Look at this.

, yeah.

No, look, just touch it.

Just touch it.

Just touch it inside.

Cold and raw.

Come here, you.

Come here.

Put it back in the oven, Jon.

Yes, chef.

Right now.

One's cooked, one's raw, one's cooked, one's raw.

You just got your head out your .

Now you're talking, but you're sending me raw food! It's an hour and a half into dinner service.

Look at this.

Cold and raw.

Come here, you.

And Anthony's latest failure on the fish station has earned him some one
-one time with chef Ramsay.

What are you doing? I'm trying to fix it, chef.

What is going on? Every other fish is cooked.

Every other fish is undercooked.

His words are just hitting me in the face like a punch, and in this tiny room, I mean, walls are shaking.

Get a grip.

Yes, chef.

Hurry up.

-lutely, chef.

It's embarrassing, but at the same time it's motivating.

He wants to see me fight back.

He wants to see me succeed.

Fixing it right now.

Going down with it.

You'll have it in 90 seconds, chef.

While Anthony gets back to work on the fish station, in the red kitchen Entree one bass, one Wellington.

How long? We've got two minutes on the bass.

Okay? Two minutes heard.

All right, Ja'nel.

I'm back.

Ja'nel has been patched up and is ready to jump back in on the garnish station.

I run right back in the kitchen, trying to pick up exactly where I left off.

I just need to try to catch up.

But Chef's table, yes? Let's go.

I don't know what's going on.

Ja'nel, can I walk 'em? We good, Ja'nel? Garnish for the Wellington.

Come on, Ja'nel.

I've got the mushrooms right here.


Wellington walking.

Garnish for the Wellington.

Come on, please.

Yes, chef.

Ja'nel, please.


Come on.

You're lagging.

Let's go.

Walking garnish.

Come on, come on.


I'm looking for sauteed mushrooms, yeah? Not mushrooms in a bath.

Yes, chef.

Come on.

Take the , please, Ja'nel! Even though I cut myself and it really hurts, I'm on garnish, it's a really important station, and I don't want any of the ladies to have to pick up my slack.

Ja'nel, are you good? I'm good.

Pick up.

Let's go.

Wellington garnish.


As Ja'nel bounces back and completes the garnish for the VIP table's entrees Hey, man.

All right.

It's beautiful.

Wow, look at that.

Chef Ramsay is looking for Anthony on fish Halibut.

Halibut on its way.

To make a comeback of his own.


Halibut's beautifully cooked.

They're perfect.

I am so lucky.

Like, thank God.

Can I have those Wellingtons now? Walking right to the pass, chef.

It's raw.




All of you, stop.

We can't win.

It's like, if it's not one person, it's another person.

Look at that.

Just touch that.

Slice one, okay, next to the other one.

So it's raw.

So he went and sliced the other one.

And, look, does that not look dry to you? He's in hot water.

Chef, I cut it You hey, look at me.

I swear to God, you can off.


I want clean, straight, answers.

Yes, chef.

Look at me.

I'm up to here with your .

Yes, chef.

Does that not look dry to you? Yes, chef.

Right, it's ridiculous.

That's not the standard of Hell's Kitchen.

Fix it, Zach.

One minute.

Send the two halibut, please.

Dude, please tell me you have more Wellingtons.

Come on, Zach.

I told chef, "Give me one minute.

" But I realize I don't have any Wellington ready in case of.

Oh, come on.

My God.

Two Wellington.

How long? Come on, Zach.

Come on, Zach.

How long for two Wellington? My heart is racing like a cardiac patient.

Last thing I want to do is tell chef Ramsay it's gonna be 20 minutes for a beef Wellington.

Can I have an idea what's happening? We're working, chef.

It's in the oven cooking, chef.

I know you're working, but how about giving me a time? Oh, my God.

Faced with a 20
-minute wait for Wellingtons in the blue kitchen Wow.

But what the can I do? Chef Ramsay is forced to do something he almost never does.

Are these extra? They will be extra, chef.

I need these.

You can take them all, chef.

Apparently, somewhere in the blue kitchen, they need these extra Wellingtons.

And, of course, they're cooked perfectly, so right now I'm gonna make someone else look good.

They took your Wellingtons for the blue team? Yeah.

This is a disaster.

You see that? They saved our asses, man.

As a blue team, we are now using red team's food.

That's just humiliating.



A few extra perfectly
-cooked Wellingtons made by Susan have saved the blue team.

And no one is more grateful than the diners.


And back in the red kitchen Service, please.

The women have completed their entrees and are ready to move on to desserts.

I'll take the chef's table desserts, guys, right away.

Yes, chef.

Except for one chef who's looking for a little extra sugar.

Did you enjoy everything? Yeah, it was fun.

The whole the action? Would you up a little bit so I can get some You want more action? I don't know what his status is, but I definitely have a little bit of cabin fever.

You know.

I wouldn't mind a little extra conversation.

And maybe he'll remember me, and, I don't know, give me a ring.

The red team, the ladies, we've won 12 out of 13 challenges.


Susan, stop flirting with Jeremy Sisto and get back in the kitchen and help me make desserts.

Hopefully your food was legit.


Thank you, guys, so much.

With all the red diners served Two lamb, one bass, one Wellington.

Yes, chef.

Chef Ramsay looks for the blue team to complete their last two tables.

One lamb, one Wellington for the chef table.

Yes, chef.

Can you remember that one, you two? Yes, chef.

Bass in 30 seconds, chef.

Two lambs, one Wellington, one bass.

What's going now? Two lamb, one Wellington, one lamb.

I'm flustered.

My mind is going crazy.

What's going? Two lamb, two bass, one Wellington.

Oh, my God.

Two lamb, one bass, one Wellington, Zach.

Come on, man.

Oh, .

That little dude with the beard's gonna cry over there in a minute.

I just want this service, this nightmare, to end.

Two lamb, one Wellington, one bass how long? Minute and a half.

Yes, minute and a half.

Heard that.

Is that lamb oh, please.

Oh, please.

Come on.

Does that not look overcooked? Hey.

Hey, you.

Just throw that in the trash.

Chef Ramsay is gonna kick my ass.

I mean physically me up.

Looks like elephant from here.

I understand, chef.

I'm just waiting for the fish.

Give me one more excuse, I swear to God, take your jacket and off out of here.

It's 2 1/2 hours into dinner service, and all of the red diners have been fed.

That's delicious.

Oh, my God.

But thanks to Zach's careless performance Is that lamb Oh, please.

Does that not look overcooked? Hey, hey.

Hey, you.

Yeah, just throw that in the trash.

Hey, face.

"face"? The men are struggling with the two remaining tickets, and all eyes are on Zach's lamb.

It looks like elephant from here.

I understand, chef.

I'm just waiting for the fish.

give me one more excuse, I swear to God, take your jacket and off out of here.

You should say you're sorry.

I'm sorry, chef.

Stop making excuses.

Yes, chef.

Two lamb, one Wellington, one bass how long? Just put it down.

I can do the rest.

Just off, Zach.

Chef Ramsay has just had it.

He comes in and just says, you know what, Zach, I'm going to work your station now.

Chef, gonna put it fat side down first? Now he's asking me stupid questions.

Hey, chef, can I brush my teeth? Hey, chef, can I change my pants? One mistake and so frazzled.

Five minutes to the window.

Yes, chef.

Five minutes.

Two lamb, two halibut.

Heard that.

Chef, watch out, this handle Zach, leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Customers had their appetizers Leave me alone.

Just please shut the up.

Don't push it, man.

Just go disappear somewhere.

Two minutes to window.

Any time I think about quitting, I think about chef Ramsay.

He wouldn't quit.

That's my mentor.

So, thank you, chef.

I love you for that.


Oh, yay.

Oh, wow.

That looks good.

That looks Oh, my goodness.

Worth the wait.

Stove's off.

Shut it down.

What a night.

What a night.

Blue team, what a disaster.

One mistake, and it's Bang.

It's like you hit a wall.

And that's why the winning team tonight is the red team.

Great job.

Thank you, chef.

The men will be losing another member, so the teams will be four on the red, two on the blue.

Red team, I want you to discuss which one of you is gonna join the blue team.

Jon, you are still safe from elimination.

I have one very difficult assignment for you.

I want you to think about who do you want to drop from your team? Will it be Zach, or will it be Anthony? Head to the dorms.

Get out of here.

Thank you, chef.

This is gonna be tough.

Look at this.

Zach, we gotta talk.

Zach could sell ice to an eskimo and then some, but Jon is smart enough to know when Zach is full of it.

happened today? You shut down on me, and it's not the first time, man.

Zach up royally on the meat station.

Utter failure.

I know you have a heart of a lion, but do you have the heart of the lion in this place? It's only gonna get worse.

Are you up for that? Yeah, I'm up for it.

This definitely made me stronger, and it's a wakeup call.

I'm getting stronger in here in every way.

I would love to stay, and it would be an honor.

I'm ready.

While Zach begs to keep his blue jacket, downstairs no one on the red team wants to put one on.

Who do you think can afford to lose on the red team right now? Somebody who can hold their own.


When red members go to the blue team, they go home, so I'm not raising my hand.

I don't think Jon is the issue.

I think that Zach is the issue.

None of us want to deal with Zach.

He's so full of , arrogant, a tool.

I'm hoping that one of them volunteers.

I feel like I'm strong enough to force Zach to communicate.

And it seems like Anthony's just really quiet, and he just needs to be more vocal.

He just needs to be woken up.

For me to go over to the blue team, I think it'll be a good move.

I want to prove myself.

I want to impress chef Ramsay.

So do you definitely want to go? I think me going over there would definitely be the most seamless.

Thank God.

I am so relieved to not be going to the blue team.

I think you over there, we have the best chance of all being together in black jackets.

I agree.

I agree.


Ja'nel, you will always be red at heart, but going over to the blue team is like going into the black hole.

You go, and you just never come back.

Son of a bee sting.

The women's decision comes easily, but upstairs Jon's decision on who to nominate I got a hard decision to make.

Is going to take a little more work.

I need to know where your mind and your heart's at, dude.

My mind is in that kitchen.

My heart is in that kitchen.

I'm an asset to the kitchen, and I just want to be that asset to the kitchen in Jon's eyes right now.

If I'm there next to you in that chaos, it's gonna be awesome.

Anthony's really strong.

But sometimes he kind of switches off.

Are you gonna be willing to jump in and lead the ticket? You've seen me do it before.

Can I? Yes.

Will I? Yes.

This is such a hard decision.

Who do I trust more standing next to me? Who can I work with the best in a w*r zone downstairs? Hmm.

Zach knows what he's doing on a line, but I feel like Anthony has a better attitude towards getting done.

Oh, .

Anthony's willing to adapt a lot faster than Zach is, 'cause Zach gets in his own way.

But so does Anthony.

It's like half a dozen of one, six of the other.

I just gotta go make a real hard decision and trust that my judgment is right.

Seven of the blue team have gone.

There's only three of you left.

And after tonight there will only be a team of two.

I've never ever seen a team disintegrate so fast.


Yes, chef.

Which chef are you ready to drop from your team? It took a lot of thought, and it hasn't been easy, but I think I'm gonna have to put up Both teams have completed dinner service, but the red team was the clear winner.

And now Jon has been asked to pick his nominee.

I think I'm gonna have to put up Anthony, chef.


Yes, chef.

I appreciate your decision, but I still need to hear from both Anthony and Zach.


Yes, chef.

Step forward, please.

Anthony, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think you've seen me shine.

And for me to be here, the last three on the blue team, it's an amazing accomplishment for myself, and I feel that I can only go higher from this.

What separates you from Zach? Chef, my heart separates me from Zach.

I just need the confidence to kick it into gear right out of the gate.

I personally can't be responsible kick
-starting you every time.

At Caesars Palace, with a brigade of 45, how on earth are you ever gonna run that team? Chef, I will have the confidence.

I'm giving you my absolute word.


You hit a wall tonight.

Bang you fell flat on your ass.

Yes, chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, because the determination, the leadership skill, the creativity, the love.

I didn't come this far to give up.

What separates you from Anthony? The difference from me and Anthony is night and day, chef.

Like, I'm a fighter, and I love people, I love what I do.

This is my passion.

I do it all for a reason, chef.

It's a fight within myself to prove who I am.

Screwing up is one thing.

Sugarcoating it and not getting straight to the solution is your big downfall.

Are you done? No, I'm not, chef.

I'm nowhere near done.

Anthony, what's left in the t*nk? Chef, my t*nk is nowhere near empty.

I am ready to go.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen All of you come here.

It's overcooked.

Come on, Anthony.

Cold and raw.

Come here, you.

You're sending me raw food! Stop.

All of you, stop.

Does that not look dry to you? Yes, chef, it looks dry.

That's not the standard of Hell's Kitchen.

How about giving me a time? Anthony Give me your jacket, big boy.

Your time is done.

Here's why.

It's not just tonight's service, but you have been on a serious downward spiral.

And when you lose your confidence, I lose mine.

But You go through those doors, you continue that journey and continue searching for what you want out of this industry.

Thank you, chef.

Good job.

Thank you.

Bye, Anthony.

Bye, Anthony.

Win, Jon.

Hell's Kitchen is insane.

It's like no other kitchen I've ever heard about, worked in, or seen in my entire life.

The blue team really couldn't get it together this whole competition.

There was a bad cloud hanging over us this whole time, and I am the most recent victim.

Zach, come here.

Do your jacket up.

I'm watching you closely.

Back in line.


Yes, chef.

Which member of your red team will be moving over to the blue team? The red team has selected Ja'nel to move over to the blue team.

Ja'nel, wow.

Yes, chef.

We think that she will be able to really strengthen them and lead them and guide them.

Ja'nel, come on over here.

This is weird.


You look different in blue, that's for sure.

You look good in blue, Ja'nel.

Thanks, Jon.

You're welcome.

I hope you do not follow in Nedra's footsteps.

Absolutely not, chef.

Get out of here.

Good night, chef.

It's really hard to see Ja'nel put on a blue jacket.

She's really gonna give us a run for our money.

With Ja'nel on the blue team, we're like a freight train without any brakes.

I don't think the red team fully comprehends what they've just done.

Dude, we're gonna be a team that I don't think they can handle.

I'm from Philly.

You seen the Rocky movie, right? Well, you're looking at him.

So I'm gonna show chef Ramsay and everybody else what it means to be a champion.

Anthony hobbled through Hell's Kitchen.

And even though his leg eventually got better, his cooking didn't.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen With Ja'nel on their side Let's walk.


Let's go.

Blue team might actually pull this off.

The blue team finally has a fighting chance.

Good job, Ja'nel.

You got this, Ja'nel.

Or are they just pawns in an evil plot? Ja'nel, it's on fire.

What in the are you doing? Ja'nel's gonna make sure that the blue team loses tonight.

Oh, boy.

But when the red team gets caught red
-handed All three of you, come here.

It all blows up in their face.

Oh, I think he got splashed.

You won't believe who gets burnt.

Oh, my God.

No way.

Next time Help.

Someone help, please.

Medic! On Hell's Kitchen.
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