11x21 - 2 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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11x21 - 2 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen, the final four's palates and cooking abilities were put to the test I'm here for the fight of my life.

in what is always one of the most difficult challenges of the year Taste, taste, taste.

"Taste It, Now Make It.

" Taste the dish and replicate it.

Correctly identifying the protein is essential.

Serve! Cyndi and Ja'nel got it right.

Both of you got venison.

As well as many of the other key ingredients.

Well done.

It all came down to who had the right diced vegetable.

The winner of this challenge is the chef that gave me turnip.

And Cyndi won her first individual challenge.

Oh, my God.

Thank you, chef.

Well done.

I finally fricking won a challenge! Minutes before the doors to Hell's Kitchen opened, chef Ramsay surprised the chefs.

There's four of you now, and after tonight's service, there will only be two.

Then the final four were tested on their abilities to run the kitchen.

Each of you will have an opportunity to run the pass.

Cyndi was up first.

On the hot plate.

But she struggled to take control of her brigade.

Two tickets in.

Three risotto, one scallop.

I want those tickets read out again.

And although she did get more vocal Three risottos, one scallop.

She failed chef Ramsay's quality control test.

What is it? That's supposed to be lobster, it's crab.

I didn't even pick that up.

When Ja'nel took her turn at the pass Let's go.

She kept the kitchen on track.

This needs salt.

And aced the quality control test.

Chef, this is cod, not halibut.

Jon Wellington, one.

No pork.

Missed an incorrect ticket.

His mistake, your mistake.

But rebounded Service, please.

To send out entrees at a consistent pace.

Thank you.

During her turn at the pass, Mary found her voice.

How long on those appetizers? And the wrong ingredient that chef Ramsay had planted to test her.

That's lamb, not beef! Good catch.

Chef Ramsay was proud of his final four Never before have I had such a difficult time deciding who are the final two.

And had unfortunate news for one of them.

Cyndi, give me your jacket.

Then he revealed the first chef moving on to the finals.


Thank you, chef.

Who will face off against Mary in the finale? Will it be Ja'nel, the executive chef from Texas? Or Jon, the chef de cuisine from Pennsylvania? Tonight a champion will be crowd in the exciting two
-hour finale of Hell's Kitchen.

Fire Whoa the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child Ohh! Go, Jon! when you take what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot you're really something, child when you're hot, you're hot you really sh**t your shot you're dynamite, child yeah well, I can tell by your game you're gonna start a flame of love, baby, baby the way you push, push lets me know that Hey, hey! you're gonna get your wish oh, no fire what I said, child oww, fire uh
-huh And now, the conclusion of Hell's Kitchen.

Congratulations Mary.

Thank you, chef.

Thank you very much.

Good job, Mary.

Good job.

Thank you, chef.

Congratulations, Mary.

Thank you very much.

Well done.

Thank you very much, chef.

Jon, Ja'nel.

Yes, chef.

There's only one more spot.

The person joining Mary in the final of Hell's Kitchen is Ja'nel.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm in the final two! I can't believe it.

I'm so I am speechless right now.


Thanks so much.

Come here, big boy.


Good job, honey.

It's been an absolute pleasure.

You're gonna walk out of here as my lone shiny star from that blue kitchen.

Do me a favor, stay in touch.

I will.

'Cause there's always something around the corner.

And you know what? Keep the jacket.

Thank you, chef.

You've earned it.

So long, Jon.

It's been a pleasure, chef, thank you.

Bye, guys.

You're amazing, you're awesome.

Jon, it's been a pleasure.

Oh, God, dude.

It sucks not to be in the final pairing, but it was a hell of a ride.


You've managed to nail it.

And being on the blue team was hard.

The losing team tonight is the blue.

Every punishment This gravel's hot as .

How come I'm doing all the heavy lifting? Every time I won and still lost.

Jon, you had the highest
-scoring dish.

But once again, you've lost! You know, it knocked me down a little bit, and I just got back up.

The winning dish belongs to Jon.

I have nothing to be ashamed of.

I guess in the end even I couldn't survive the curse of the blue team.

Damn, it would have felt good to be in that last two though.

Why are you looking so nervous? Come on.

Well done.

Um, to everybody who underestimated me, whoa! Like, you never underestimate a butcher with a soft voice.

It's only fitting that I've got two women in the final, because this year is the year of the ladies.

I'm so proud.

Thank you, chef.

One of you will be the winner of Hell's Kitchen.

Enjoy the moment, celebrate, and pack your bags.

Oh, my God.

We are leaving Are you kidding? For Las Vegas! Hurry up, let's go.

Yes, chef! Las Vegas! Oh, my God! We're going to Vegas again! I can't believe it! I am so thankful to make to this final two.

The competition between Mary and I is going to be intense.

Oh, my goodness.

Let's go, ladies.

Aah! Holy smokes! This is gorgeous.

Check it out.

I can't believe this is happening.

Both of you, well done for getting to the final.


Thank you, chef.

Here's to you.


Yeah, that's exactly what the doctor ordered.

I love champagne.

So do I.

How many glasses does it take you to get your voice deeper? We're getting pretty close.


I think it gets higher.

On the eve of the final, how do you feel, Mary? I feel great, chef.

I don't know what to say.

I'm speechless.

Making it to the top two is incredible.

I came into this competition and I was the underdog.

Well, congratulations, you certainly butchered your dish.

My team underestimated me.

Chef, our first nominee this evening is Mary.

Second nominee.


Mary? We also nominated Mary.

But I never gave up, and I got better and better.

You've got the cheapest ingredients there, but you've made them taste a million dollars.

Oh, my gosh! Thank you so much.

Oh, my God.


Mary, you produced a five
-star dish beyond belief.

I have full confidence that I'm gonna win Hell's Kitchen.

No doubt about it in my mind.

Ja'nel, how do you feel? I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Coming out to Hell's Kitchen was a life
-changing experience for me.

And that cappellini, nailed, I mean Thank you.

Good job.

I started the competition strong.

Mary, are you watching what I'm doing? Don't worry, ladies, I'll get it.

I've had a couple of hiccups What is that ? I'll do it again, chef.

I'm sorry, chef.

But I've recovered from them well.

Broccoli? Yes! Pistachio? Yes.

Prunes? Yes.

The star of the red team, Ja'nel.


Good job.

Whoo! This competition is mine to win.


That's just gorgeous.

I absolutely feel like I'm the one to beat.

And I just can't wait to have, you know, this dream of mine fulfilled.

Start thinking of your menu.

I want you both to come up with four stunning appetizers, four stunning entrees, and two beautiful desserts that really highlight what you're about.

First thing tomorrow morning, you'll meet your sous chefs.

Mary, you're gonna be working with Andi.

Yes, chef.

Ja'nel, you're gonna be working with James.


So, um, bounce ideas off them.

Make it the best menu you've ever done.


I can't wait to show you my range what flavors, cuisines.

Ja'nel thinks of herself more highly than she ought to.

Make no mistake about it, I came here to win Hell's Kitchen.

Like, I'm here to kick her butt tomorrow.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Well done.

Las Vegas! Whoo
-hoo! Hello, welcome.

Welcome to Caesars Palace, Ja'nel.


Your own personal concierge is gonna escort you to the rooms.

Las Vegas, Caesars Palace, where my new home is gonna be.

It's so close, I can taste it.

So this is your villa for the night.

Are you kidding? Oh, my goodness, a villa? Wow.

Oh, my God, this is gorgeous.

Look at that.

Oh, my goodness.

Look at that tub! Seriously? This suite is absolutely breathtaking.

It's just pure luxury.

Oh, my gosh, look! I could totally get used to it.

Oh, my God! We have a lot of work to do.

I'll just bring this with me.

Don't copy me.

Yeah, don't copy me either.

Ever since I've gotten to Hell's Kitchen, I've just been thinking, "What would I like to do if I made it to the top two?" And it feels good to finally get to put these ideas down on paper.

Winning recipes right here.

Every little note and drawing that I put in this book is gonna put me one step closer to winning this competition.

I'm gonna fill it up with passion, and I'm gonna kick some ass.

With less than 36 hours until the final dinner service What's going on? Oh, my gosh.

Were you sleeping? No.

No? Mary and Ja'nel get a visit from their sous chefs, who flew to Vegas to help the finalists shape their menus.

So I had a couple of ideas that kind of just poured out of my head.


So these are my entrees.

I want it to be meaty.

Be as creative as you can possibly be.

Chef Andi and chef James advise them on their menus' strengths.

I think it's a good balance.


Um And weaknesses.

You're not only seafood heavy, you're shellfish heavy.


Yeah, that's a really, really good point.

Chef James definitely had some input.

I don't know if I agree with it or not, but I feel inspired and I'm ready to go.

Thank you, chef James.

Victory is ours.



Boom! It's definitely time to hop back on that plane, get back in Hell's Kitchen, because there's a lot of work to be done.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my goodness! After a surprise trip to Las Vegas, Ja'nel and Mary have been enjoying their villa and working on their menus.

Oh, my gosh.

But a knock at the door Oh, my goodness.

What the heck? It's a Roman centurion! Hi, there.

Makes it clear that the surprises aren't over.

I have a message from chef Ramsay.

Oh! Oh, my goodness.

"Be prepared to meet a very important member of the Caesars Palace family.

" Whoa.

Oh, man, I'm totally excited to meet someone who will be working very, very closely with me soon.

Please, I'd like to introduce you to Caesars Palace president, Mr.

Gary Selesner.

How are you? No way.

Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it.

The president? Like, what the heck? Am I royalty or what? Well, I just want to welcome you to the one and only Caesars Palace and congratulate you.

It's such a pleasure to have you here.

Thank you.

It's lovely to meet you.

It's a beautiful, beautiful place.

Ladies, there's one more surprise.

Are you ready? Yes.

This is awesome.

I am so excited to see what could possibly be around this next corner.

You're in for a very special treat.

Welcome to Gordon Ramsay Steak.

Jump in.

Thank you, chef.

Oh, my gosh.

Gordon Ramsay Steak is gorgeous.

I could be the head chef of a place like this.

Christina, come over.

Oh, my God, Christina.

She just won season ten of Hell's Kitchen.

This is really cool.

Are you well? I'm great, chef.

You look fantastic.

Thank you, thank you.

They're taking care of me.


Thank you.



And Mary.


Very nice to meet you too.

I mean, if there's one lady that absolutely nailed it in this competition, it's Christina.

So this is valuable time.

Listen to her.

Take from her.

And enjoy the food.

It's good to see you.

Very good.

Thank you, chef.

Enjoy, ladies.

Thank you, chef.

All right.


Let's have a seat.

You just made me get nervous again.

I remember what this day is like, right? Oh, wow.

It's tricky.


So you don't know who your brigade's gonna be, right? You guys haven't chosen Right.

No idea.

Yeah, so I had to keep in mind of the people I was gonna be able to choose from, who was the weakest, who was the strongest, and your first pick is so crucial.

Think about it.

Don't go with your best friend.

This isn't a kickball game, you know, this is your life.

Christina, she has so much insight and real wisdom and truth for us, you know? Things that we need to ponder before going into our big, final dinner service.

Trust me.

It will without a doubt be the most intense service of your life.

Ladies, whilst you've been indulging in the most amazing food, I've done a little bit of shopping.

Top box is for you.

Thank you.


And Ja'nel.

Chef, thank you.


Oh, my goodness.

Well done.

Oh, my goodness me.

Oh, my gosh.

Those jackets, you've earned them.

This has been a great day.

I love the feeling that I'm getting from Vegas.

Nice to meet you.

Christina's got an amazing job, and I can't wait for that to be me.

See you guys.

Good luck today.

Let's go.

After a whirlwind trip to Las Vegas, Mary and Ja'nel return to Hell's Kitchen for a little peace and quiet.

I knew it.

And a little is exactly what they get.

Hello? Hello, Mary.

Hi, chef.

I hope you haven't got too comfortable because we're going on another overnight trip.

Oh, my gosh.

What? Grab your bags.

There's a limo waiting downstairs for you and Ja'nel.

Hurry up.


Yes, chef.

Pack a bag.

We're going on another overnight trip.

Really? Yes.

This day is completely ridiculous, it's so nuts.

Oh, my gosh.

We just got back! I am always suspicious in Hell's Kitchen.

Things are never what they seem.

You just don't know.

Where are we? Ladies, we've got a train to catch! What? Welcome to Union Station.

Isn't this gorgeous? Yes.

It's beautiful.

You just follow me this way and I'm gonna show you and tell you a little bit about Union Station.

Isn't this where Harry Potter took the train to go to Hogwarts, like, where are we going? This is the main waiting room.

They must shed a lot of tears here with all the families saying good
-bye, hello.

Oh, all the time.

Every time It must be amazing.

Talking about families Oh, my God! Oh, my God! My family's here? What the heck? I'm so proud of you.


Chef Ramsay, you always have a trick up your sleeve.

Hi, Ja'nel.

The waterworks start again.

I can't even help it when I see them.

I'm so happy.

Maybe we're all going on a train.

Maybe we're all going back to Vegas.

I have no idea what's happening now.

We have a train to catch, okay? Yes, so if you don't mind following me, right through here is where the train is.

Come on, let's go.

It's pitch black, where's the light switch? Where are the lights? Where are the lights? Oh, my God! After a surprise reunion with their families I'm so proud of you.


The finalists are ready to board their train.

Right through here.

Come on, let's go.

Where are the lights? Oh, my God! I'm shaking, I'm nervous.

I can barely see straight.

The lights are blinding, the people are screaming.

It's really overwhelming.

Ladies and gentleman! Our Hell's Kitchen finalists, Mary and Ja'nel! This is crazy.

Like, this is so real.

You thought we were about to jump on a train.

Yes, chef.

Yes? You're not here waiting for a train, guys, right? No.


They are here to see both of you go head to head in your final challenge in Hell's Kitchen.

Are you ready? Come on! Definitely not expecting a live cooking challenge right now and I am not prepared.

Now, I have invited a panel of esteemed judges, and they will decide the winner.

Right now, I'd like you to head off into the kitchens.

You've got one hour to come back with five stunning dishes.

And your time starts now.

Off you go.

Careful! This is a big deal.

This is the final challenge.

It's one step closer to being the next head chef.

This way.

Five dishes in one hour? Uh, we usually do one dish in 45 minutes.

So chef Ramsay is kicking up the pressure.

Okay, I'm ready.

I'm ready.

So here's the deal.

For this final challenge, Ja'nel and Mary must create five unique dishes.

One cold appetizer, one hot appetizer, and entrees featuring fish, chicken, and beef.

I'm gonna get my pans on to do my proteins.

I'm feeling really confident in my plan for executing all my dishes tonight.

I want to keep it just very simple flavors that are gonna, like, highlight everything else.

That's phenomenal.

Whoo! So I've got the green tomato, some mussels, I'm about to drop the trout.

Behind you.

I always try to think outside of the box.

I just hope that the judges see my vision and that my thought process connects to my plate.

Nice and crispy.

That is perfect.

We're so proud, Ja'nel! Go! Mary, just under Yes, chef.

Ja'nel, under 30 minutes to go, yes? Yes, chef.

I'm gonna start searing off my steak.

I want to do something super traditional.

It's a traditional steak frites.

Yeah, I like it.

Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! This one's a little fatty.

These beef cheeks are definitely a risk because it's not a really popular cut of meat.

But if you don't take risks, you won't ever stand out.

The beef cheeks are ready.

Last minute, ladies.

Yes, chef.

Have to get my endives glazed off.

That is perfect.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and stop.

Happy? Yes, chef.

Plate up, I'll see you upstairs.

With the cooking complete, it's now time for Ja'nel and Mary's five creations to go head to head in the final challenge.

First up, judging our cold appetizer dishes, he is a master chef and pioneer of gastro cuisine.

Please welcome the chef of Lukshon, Sang Yoon.

Ladies and gentlemen.


This is an absolutely incredible feeling.

I'm really confident in my dishes and I'm just ready to kick some ass.

Ja'nel, please.

I did a little deconstructed BLT for you.

Fried green tomato, a little crispy prosciutto.

Micro baby arugula, and then I did a gorgonzola ranch.

Nice texture.

It's beautifully plated.

I love the prosciutto, but you called it a BLT.

I think it's a little bit of a stretch to call it that.

I really think it's a BLT.

I got the bacon, I got the lettuce, I got the tomato.

I'm pretty sure I covered all the elements of a BLT.

All in all, it's a pretty good dish.

Thank you, chef.


Great start.

Loved it.

Thank you.

Mary, please, if you could.

Yes, chef.

So today I prepared for you an ahi tuna tartare.

Sesame oil, daikon, Asian pear.

The texture's really nice, I think you did a good job of preparing the tuna.

Yeah! I might not have used sesame oil, I think that kind of weighed the dish down a little bit.

If you had to choose, would it be Mary's tartare, or Ja'nel's deconstructed BLT? I'm gonna go with Ja'nel's dish.

This definitely proves that I got every component necessary to call this a BLT.

Next up, judging our hot appetizer dishes, his restaurant, Moto, earned him a Michelin Star.

Please welcome chef Cantu.

I know that chef Cantu is looking for trends and techniques.

I'm hoping that I can display that.

Ja'nel, please describe your dish to chef Homaru.

I really enjoy mussels.

I did some garlic, shallot, white wine, and finished it with the coconut curry broth.

The flavors are really good.

The only thing that's missing here is the seasonality.

You know, it's all about seasoning the product.

Mary, please.

Yes, chef.

Today I prepared for you a sweet potato gnocchi.

It's a creamy chantelland bacon.

I'm really hoping that he likes it, 'cause I have to win this point.

I can't be down 2

I like the seasoning.

It's done really well, and I like the use of sweet potato because we are moving into fall.

But the gnocchis are a little dense.


Yes, chef.

Seasoned beautifully.

Well done, Mary, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Tough decision.

The gnocchi from Mary or Ja'nel's mussels? I gotta go with the gnocchi.


Well done.

Thank you very much.

-hoo! Ladies and gentlemen, that's one to one.

I'm right up in Ja'nel's grill, so look out.

Next up, judging our fish dishes is a Michelin Star chef.

He is the executive chef from the Manhattan Beach Post.

Please welcome David Lefevre.

Chef Lefevre has a Michelin Star.

Like, what he says is really important.

A man that knows his fish beyond belief.

Uh, Ja'nel.

Chef, today I prepared for you a pan
-seared rainbow trout.

I also prepared cauliflower two ways and I finished it with a brown butter pine nut vinaigrette.

What I like is the fish is nice and moist.

You know, it hasn't been overcooked.

It's a little busy for me, in a sense, but I think it's a really excellent dish.

Thank you, chef.


Great start.

Thank you, chef.

Mary, please.

Today I prepared for you a Chilean sea bass, and then on top, it's a napa cabbage watermelon radish salad.

It's good.

Looks beautiful.

I mean it's nice, bright colors, this is definitely a sexy dish.

Uh, chef David, tough one.

Is the trout of Ja'nel or are you going for Mary's? Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! You know, I think overall, with hitting all the points at once um, Ja'nel, I have to give that dish to you.

Thank you, chef.

Dang! But you said I had sexy sea bass, chef.

Why didn't I get the point? Okay, judging our chicken dish.

He has two Michelin Stars for his amazing restaurant.

Please welcome Douglas Keane.

Hi there, chef.

Lovely to meet you.

Good evening, chef.

Thank you.

This is it.

I'm ready to take this competition home.

If I get this point, Mary's outta here.

Uh, Ja'nel, please.

To chef, explain your dish, thank you.

I prepared for you an oven
-roasted chicken breast.

I did a soft parmesan polenta on the bottom.

And a salsa verde to go on top of that.


It's stunning.

Yeah, Ja'nel! Mary, explain to chef your dish.

I prepared for you it's a seared chicken breast with crispy skin, garlic potato mash.

Thumbelina carrots glazed off with a little bit of molasses compound butter.

Nice, visually.

How's that for you, chef? Gorgeous.

Gorgeous? Yeah.

Go, Mary! It was great.

Well done.

Two amazing chicken dishes.

Is it Ja'nel's or Mary's? I have to win this point.

If I don't take this point, then Ja'nel automatically wins the challenge.

Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! It is, uh Tonight, Mary and Ja'nel were surprised with a final challenge in front of a live audience.

They've prepared five dishes, and so far, the judges have given Ja'nel the lead, two to one.

Is it Ja'nel's or Mary's, please.

In order for Mary to stay in the game, she must score a point with her chicken entree.

Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! It is, uh On the moistness alone, it is Mary's.

Mary, congratulations.

-hoo! I'm still here.

Now that's how you cook a chicken breast.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is 2

We're tied again.

Now I have to go up against Mary on my riskiest dish.

Please let these beef cheeks be a hit.

Judging our final course, he is the vice president of food and beverage at Caesars Entertainment.

Please welcome Jeffrey Frederick, ladies and gentlemen.

Hi, there.

Hello, chefs, how are you? Thank you so much for coming.

Thank you, my pleasure.

Ja'nel, present your dish please.

Today I prepared for you a red wine braised beef cheek on top of a rustic smashed red bliss potato.

Please tell me you've heard of beef cheeks, and please tell me that you're willing to even try it.

Chef Ja'nel, I'm a huge fan of beef cheeks.

I'm so glad.

I'm looking so forward to delving into it.

Tasting it, it's certainly been properly prepared from a tenderness perspective.

You did an excellent job.

Thank you.


Great start.

Pretty good start.

Mary, please be so kind to describe your dish to chef, please.

I'm a girl who loves my meat.

I did for you seared New York strip with polenta sticks and then a little bit of thumbelina carrots.

Technically, the dish is flawless.


The meat temperature was very, very nice, so I think an exceptional dish.

Um, Jeffrey, no pressure, because your point decides the winner.

Two amazing dishes.

Two very talented girls.

Are we gonna go for Ja'nel's braised dish, or are we gonna go for the New York strip of Mary? Take your time.

Mary! Mary! Mary! Mary! This is the craziest scene ever.

People are screaming my name.

Please, just pick me.

Yeah! Go, Ja'nel! Pick me, pick me, pick me, pick me.

I'm so nervous.

This is tough.

Chef Gordon, I've gotta give it to Ja'nel.

Yes! Thank you so much.

I can't believe I win this challenge.

Yeah, Ja'nel! Amazing job.

Well done.

Uh, Ja'nel, congratulations.

Thank you, chef.

You are the winner of this final challenge.


You have a huge advantage going into the final of Hell's Kitchen.

You get to choose the first teammate for your brigade.


Oh, yes.

Are you two ready to head back to Hell's Kitchen? Yes, chef.

Yes, chef.


Well, I'm not.

Because for the first time ever in Hell's Kitchen, you'll be selecting your teammates live, in front of our audience.

Oh, my goodness.

Ladies and gentlemen, there they are! Aah! Incredible! Hey, guys! Holy crap.

This is crazy.


Welcome back, all of you.

Great to see you.

Thank you, chef.

Our first returning chef, please welcome Dan! Welcome back, buddy.

Good to see you.

Are you good? Good to see you.

I'm totally surprised that everyone's here.

Ladies and gentlemen, Amanda! I'm just hoping that there are no hard feelings.

Welcome back, Granddad Ray.


Nedra, ladies and gentlemen.


The very talented Cyndi.

That final chef, Jon! As you know, you are here for one last dinner service.

Yes, chef.

Ja'nel, you pick first.

Jon and Cyndi are the top two, and Jon is an incredible chef.

He has a great palate.

But I have worked way more with Cyndi, and so I want her.

Off you go, my darling.

I think Jon and Cyndi are the strongest, so this is a very important choice.

I need to really pick wisely and decide who I trust more.

All right, pick number one I'm just, like, praying, "Please, please, pick Jon.

" Um, I'm gonna go with After winning the final challenge, Ja'nel has first pick of the returning chefs for her brigade.

All right, pick number one And she's having a difficult time deciding between Jon and Cyndi.

Um, I'm gonna go with Cyndi.







Bye, Cyndi.

I have worked really closely with Cyndi this entire season.

I think she's really strong, she's really fast.

The winner of, "Taste It, Now Make It," Cyndi, well done.


Yes! Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

It feels amazing to be picked first, it just shows that it really was that close.


My first choice In my mind I'm like, "A no

I'm ready.

" Jon.


I picked Jon because he never gave up and I really admire that.

Individual challenge, the winning dish belongs to Jon.

Well done.

Ja'nel, over to you.

Okay, my next choice is going to be I'm wondering who's going to pick me.

I may have not had the greatest bond with the women team, but at the end of the day, the women love me.

Eat this! Unh! I don't want to hear it from you, because you do lie.

I think that Zach is the issue.

That's a blatant lie.

You are such a liar! Think carefully.

I think we work really, really well together.

Um, I'm gonna go with Susan.



Thank you.

Welcome, Susan.

I was really surprised to have Ja'nel pick me.

I'm faster than you, I have more ideas than you, I'm more creative than you.

You're really humble too! I know what I can do! Wow, wow, wow.

Obviously Ja'nel realizes that I am talented.

All girls? So far.

So far.

Mary, please.

My second chef would have to be a person who's very driven Here we go! I'm next in line, baby! I'm in the building! Who has always put their best foot forward, even if it was sprained.

My next choice would be Anthony.




Careful! My ankle.

You got this, man.

You got this.

Halibut? Halibut on its way.

Anthony! Halibut's beautifully cooked.

Thank you, chef.

Okay, Ja'nel.

Um I don't want Dan or Zach on my team.

I'm hoping that Ja'nel scoops up those idiots.

Feel free to ask 'em any questions.


Zach, how can I trust you in the kitchen? You can trust me in the kitchen 'cause I want to succeed and I want to see you succeed.

I'm trying to sabotage Ray.

Just touch that.

It's cold! And you stand by and watch him sabotage you? No.

Ha! I got you.

Who's joining Cyndi and Susan? Please.

Um I think I'm gonna I'm gonna go with Zach.



Welcome, Zach.

Thank you so much, Ja'nel.

Little handshake maybe to your chef.

A little "Hello, thank you, congratulations.

" I picked Zach because he's definitely got something to prove.

Wow, wow, wow.

Right, Mary.

My third choice, I would have to say Nedra.

You're gonna be my third choice.



Good choice.

You don't wanna with me.

I'm Mike Tyson, bitch.

Ring the bell if you wanna play.

Ring it.

Ring it, b*tches, ring it.

Ding, ding.

Ding, ding, ding.

Well, let's go! Now y'all are gonna have to help me dow .

Thank you.

Ja'nel, fourth member of your team is gonna be who, please? Um I'd like to choose Amanda.


Nice choice.

Welcome, Amanda.

I respect Ja'nel.

I'm ready to be there for her.

I'm ready for my redemption.

Amanda, wake up, please! This knife is not sharp.

It's not working.

Come on then, Amanda! Okay, great.

Mary, three left.

My next choice is somebody who's very passion
-driven, also an incredible palate from the get

I would have to say, Mike, I'm gonna choose you.

You'll be a great asset to my team.


Michael, please join Mary's team.

You just looked at the clam! How Move.

Get the out of here! Get out! Really? If he lays one finger on me, I'm gonna beat him all over the room.

Okay, Ja'nel.

We're now picking the last individual for both teams.

Oh, don't put me with Mary.

Don't stick me with Mary.

I I will you up if you stick me with Mary.

Um I think I'm gonna Please, please, I don't want Dan on my team.

I want to pick Ray.



Good choice.

"I want to cook too.

Please let me cook.

" Okay, I don't sound like a child, stop that.

You sound like a little bitch! Don't call me a bitch.

You're a bitch! do something about it! And Dan goes to Mary.

I'm so excited for you.

I am stuck with Dan, but I'm super stoked about my team.

I can't wait to sit 'em down and tell 'em what's up.

Okay, the teams are complete.

Ja'nel, a little present.

You both have a unique envelope.

In it, you will find special instructions that could impact your dinner service.

Please do not open it until you arrive back at Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, chef.

You'll understand why.

Give them a warm send

Ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you, well done.

Well done, well done, well done.

I am so ready to dig my heels in and get to work, but first I'm super excited to find out what's in there.

The brigades have been selected Welcome back, guys.

Go ahead, guys.

But Ja'nel and Mary have a bit of business from chef Ramsay to take care of.

Let's read it and weep.


I'm really shocked.

This is very interesting.

I don't even know what to think right now.

This could be a gift.

It could be a curse.

With less than 24 hours to go until their final dinner service Yay! We back, baby.

Ja'nel and Mary are eager to go over their menus with their brigades, but first there is the matter of the mystery chef Ramsay letter.

"Ja'nel, you may trade one member of your brigade for a member of Mary's brigade.

" "You will have until the doors of Hell's Kitchen open to make your trade.

" Okay, girl.

So I know yours says exactly what mine says.

I'm a little uneasy about Dan.

He is too into himself.

Somebody like that could sink us.

Can I trade Dan for Cyndi? We should talk about who we want to trade.

I really like my entire team.

I do, too.

But I would trade Dan.

Um There is something to be said about, like, his job in New York City.

He works as a one
-man person by himself.

I know.


I would take anybody but Zach.

I'm, like, "Please, Mary.

I do not want Dan at all, ever, under any circumstance.

" You know, I just think I'm good to go.


Sorry, Mary, totally happy with my team at the moment.

Better luck next time.


After failing to make a deal to trade Dan, Mary All right, guys! Whoo
-hoo! Rounds up the troops to go over the menu.


So I just want to know where people's strengths are, and I want everybody to be a voice in the kitchen.

I definitely think I would be strongest on meat.

My temperatures were perfect You say that now, but you better do it.

I promise you that.

Just be a team player, um, no attitude.

Blah, blah, blah.

Just fight.

Like, it's redemption night for everybody for myself included.

Jon, I especially want to hear from you just because you were kind of, like, the eyes and ears of the kitchen.

The one thing about Dan is that when you're trying to get him to do right, he tends to go, "Yeah, I know.

" "Dan, here's what I think you need to work on.

" "Jon, suck it.

" Work on that.

I need everybody to step up and take me seriously.

I'm counting on you guys, and I absolutely am I really am honored to work with all of you tomorrow, okay? I heard that.

I heard that.

That's what I'm down for, man.


We're here to make you look good, so let's win this.

Yeah, absolutely.

I've come up with a menu that I think is gonna be really easy to execute.

Apps, I have mussels, char
-grilled oysters, thai grilled prawns, and the deconstructed BLT.

What do you think? We got a lot of fish.

We got the oysters, we got the prawns, mussels.


Well, I wanted it to be on this menu, okay? Um, three out of the four have something grilled on it.


I think everyone's testing me a little bit, but this is my menu and my guests are gonna be pleased.

So, moving on.

Entrees, I'm gonna do beef cheeks Ooh.

Beef cheeks.

-I don't know, man.

Red wine braised beef cheeks, which I love.

Just the word, "cheeks" alone kind of gets me a little bit.

I'm not sure.


I don't see the beef cheeks being a big hit.

The beef cheek's gonna really be like butter, like, falling apart.

I mean, I don't know.

I'm not from out here.

Do people eat that? Nobody seems to like my menu, and I don't like that.

Back where I'm from, people would never order that off the menu.

I've never seen it on a menu anywhere in California.

I've never seen it anywhere.

I feel like it starts off really high, really strong, and then it kind of goes flat.

Everyone's trying to give me suggestions, but honestly, tonight, I am your boss.

It's my menu and, like, I'm running the show tomorrow.

I need my team to respect me, and I am seriously considering switching teammates at this moment.

You know, um I'm gonna talk to Mary.
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