12x11 - 10 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x11 - 10 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Hell's Kitchen.

Please, put me back in line.


I'm sorry.

Jessica was eliminated after losing a "cook for your life" challenge against Richard.

I feel so bad for her.

But not everyone from her team was feeling sympathetic.

I don't care.

With half the chefs remaining Welcome, guys.

Come in.

Chef Ramsay felt it was a perfect time to take the chefs on a much
-needed field trip.

I'm gonna give you some inspiration and see what excites your palate.

I'll fight to the bitter death.

Then at dinner service Sliders in 30 seconds! Anton tried to lead his team to victory.

You have the buns ready for me, Rich? This is a kitchen think quick, act quick, cook quick.

But only succeeded in leading his teammates to revolt.

Yo, slow down the sliders, man.

Anton, he's gonna keep doing it his way, the wrong way.

And he's sucking us all down with him.

The blue team spent more of the service arguing He wants the chicken first, guys.

He flipped 'em.

I know, dumb

There's nothing coming out again.

Then actually cooking.

He wants the chicken.

Why don't you [Bleep]

listen? Stop [Bleep]

yelling! Stop.

The red team overcame a slippery start.

- Ohh!
- Please be careful.

And found their footing mid

How much longer for your chicken, baby?
- Two minutes
- Okay.

Joy Let's go, Joy.

- Walking with the meat.

- And Melanie Falling right behind with fish and chips.

Led the red team to an excellent service.

Cooked beautifully.

Man, they are bumping food out.

We got this.

The ladies were sent to the blue kitchen to save a fractured men's team.

- Melanie
- Yes, Chef.

He serves raw fish and chips.

Why are you serving raw fish and chips? But it wasn't soon enough.

Ralph, raw [Bleep]

fish! Come on, Ralphie, you can't get one fish and chips right? You, you, you, you, you, and you, get out! After a heated deliberation Two real [Bleep]

minutes, dumb
-ass! I did give two real [Bleep]


The blue team decided to nominate Scott and Gabriel.

- I'm not going up.

- It's not your choice.

I'm not going up.

All right, well, we're all voting for you.

But Gabriel refused to reveal
- that he was a nominee.

- Second nominee.

Chef Ralph.

Chef Ramsay decided to hear from a trio that was made up of Scott, Gabriel, Ralph, step forward.

But when all was said and done, it would be Ralph.

Who saw his dream of winning Hell's Kitchen and $1/4 million go up in flames.

And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen [Bleep]

off, will you? I was shocked that Gabriel would even pull such a stunt.

He's gonna have to be perfect here on out.

Dude, he should have gone home just because of that stupid
-ass stunt, dude.


That's what I was saying, yeah.

I don't know why he changes his mind like that.

We all came to a unanimous decision.

Gabriel clearly showed that he doesn't give a [Bleep]

about the team, so I'm not trusting that kid now.

Like, I'm almost thinking I'd rather be on the girls' team right now, and that's [Bleep]


That was real [Bleep]

stupid of Gabriel.

Really [Bleep]


I'm just thinking about what I did.

You know what, at this point in the game, you gotta fight for yourself.

- Yeah.

- I did what I had to do.

Nobody else was gonna fight for me, so I had to fight.

I definitely think I'm on the hot seat with my team.

It's just not looking good for me today.

You know, I'm starting to regret it now.

While Gabriel has had all night to think about the consequences of his actions Let's go, guys.

Good morning.

He is anxious to begin a new day so he can redeem himself with Chef Ramsay and get back in the good graces of his teammates.

Gabriel, how you feeling? Chef, I'm ready to go.



Okay, let's be honest.

To be a great Chef, you should know your proteins inside out.

So today you'll be working with Pork.

Oh, nice.

Pigs can fly, but only in Hell's Kitchen.

Meet my friends Wilbur and Curly.

Listen carefully.

Today's challenge has two parts.

The first part of the challenge each of these cards has a name of a cut of pork on them.

Take these eight cards and match the cards to the cuts on the pig.

Once you think you've got it correct,
- ring your triangle.

- Nice.

I know the girls don't know their [Bleep]


I know the guys know how to break down a pork, so we got this.

The team that completes this part of the challenge first will have a pretty significant advantage in the second part of the challenge.

I'm gonna tell you what it is later.

On your marks, get set, go! Go, Rich.

For this challenge, the chefs must take turns labeling the outlined cuts of pork.

All right.

Come on, come on, come on, come on! If a card is placed on the wrong area of the pig, the subsequent Chef will have a chance to correct the mistake Let's go, guys.

Or place a new card.

_ Oh, my gosh, like, Sandra, like, sometimes the names will correspond with where they're located on the animal.

Like the belly.

Come on, come on, come on.

Go, go, go.

Hurry up.

Come on.

- Come on, come on.

- Go, go, Rich, go.

- Get it.

- Run, Sandra.

Come on, Sandra it's a close one.

We're gonna do this.

- We're gonna do this.

- Let's go.

Hustle, hustle, hustle.

- We need one more.

- Come on.

Wow, wow, wow, wow.

Go straight for the triangle, straight for the triangle, straight for the triangle! Ring it! Blue team, you got two wrong.

Red team, two wrong.

Agh! Bam, I looked at the leg, and I'm like, oh, [Bleep]

, the trotter.

Trot, trot, trot.

That's the foot.

So we have to switch it.

Come on then.

I didn't say stop, did I? Go! Go, go, go, go, go! Quick.

Hurry up.

Hurry up.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hurry up, though.

Hurry up.

Come back.

Come back.

All right, come back, come back, come back.

Come on.



Well done.

Oh, my God.

We were so close to them.

Congratulations, blue team.

Thank you, Chef.

You have won a pretty cool advantage.

You get to choose which cut of pork you're cooking with.

And also you get to decide which Chef in the red team you'll be competing against.

Anton, your cut, please.

Ah, I'm gonna take a shoulder.


And you're going up against? Right now, I got one person in this place that I want to [Bleep]

bring down.


It's time to kick her off her high horse.

Richard, your cut? I'm gonna take the tenderloin, Chef.


And who are you
- going up against?
- Rochelle.



- Scott.

- Cheek.

- Kashia.

- Kashia.

Scott, you picked me because you're trying to underestimate my ability.

You gonna learn real quick who Kashia really is.

- Gabriel.

- Spare ribs.

And up against?
- Joy.

- Joy.

Jason, your cut, please.

The belly.

Who you going up against? Sandra.


Sandra's going down.

Okay, you'll each have 45 minutes to cook a stunning dish.

Your time starts now.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Chef Ramsay has decided to do this pork challenge now Beautiful.


Because he's looking to get more insight into the creativity of each Chef.

Spare rib.

Oh, yeah, baby.

I'm from the south.

I've cooked ribs so many times in my life, I know that I'm gonna demolish Joy in this challenge.


Gabriel, what you think? 'Cause I'm from up north I can't cook a damn rib? [Bleep]

, please.

When Gabriel picked me and he had the ribs, I assume that, since he's from Texas, he's gonna bring it, but he won't win.

- That smells sweet.

- That's my ribs, girl.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

You're making fresh pasta, Scott? Yes, Chef.

I decided on ravioli.

You know, the time constraint is always there, but I wanted to take a little bit of a risk.

That's what these challenges are about, man.

- Scott.

- Yes, Chef.

That is brave making the ravioli.

But you've got 20 minutes to go, yes? I don't know what the [Bleep]

Chef Scott was thinking.

Why would you risk losing the challenge making ravioli? Don't worry, Chef.

I'll have it out to you.

You're gonna love it.

It's not a good idea, period.

- Hands down.

- Yeah, it's my job to worry.

Move your ass.

Let's go.

While Scott hurries to deliver on his ambitious plan, over in the red kitchen Last ten minutes.

I need some kind of taste in there.

I can't think of what it is.

Kashia's plan is still under construction.

_ Yeah? _ Okay.


It's really watery, so just add salt.

I'm like, if you can't figure out there's not, like, enough salt, I don't know how much I can help you.

Boy, boy, boy.

- Last minute.

- Yes, Chef! Kashia, can I have one of your garlics? I'm not gonna be able to get this pulled in time that sucks.

Yes, Chef.


Come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Five
- Right behind you, Chef.

Four, three, two One, and serve.

Everybody come around, please.

Okay, let's start off with the battle of the shoulder.

Melanie and Anton, please.

Anton thinks, you know, that he's the [Bleep]

, so it's my time to shine and prove him wrong.

So what is that? Braised shoulder in orange juice and stock with garlic, and then I made a tomato and cranberry chutney.

Have you used that cut before? No, I've never used it before.

Never? It's delicious.

- Really tender indeed.

Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

Anton, please.

Um [Bleep]


It looks like a [Bleep]

dog's dinner.

All he needed was a dog bowl to put it in, and he would have been fine.

How do I start this off? Well, presentation.

Yeah, this is obviously not a meat that I usually cook with.

May not look great, but it's gonna be banging.



So what is it? Actually I kind of came up with the sauce for the port wine sauce, 'cause that was something I noticed was on your menu.

Here, Chef.

I was just trying to make a sauce that I've been recreating, sauce that I saw.

That's to me is The pork's actually delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Really good.

Unfortunately, it looks like a mess, Anton.

It's just splattered on the plate.

The point goes to, clearly, the red team.

- Good job, Melanie.

- Thank you, Chef.

Good job, Mel.

- Anton.

- Yes?
- Work on your presentation.

- Yes.

Who the hell cares what it looks like? Screw it.

I don't garnish dishes to be beautiful.

I make food that tastes great.

For me that was still a win.

Right, next up, the loin.

Anton's poor presentation has gotten the men off to a poor start.

But Richard is looking to get them on the board with his stuffed pork loin Nice flavor, but a little too much stuffing in there.

Against Rochelle and her spiced, glazed pork loin.

The balance is beautiful.

Pork cooked perfectly.

Point goes to the red team.

Rochelle, that delivers the wow factor, let me tell you.

Can you put that on my phone so that can be my ringtone? Good job.

With the women up by two, the blue team must score here to avoid another loss.


Pork spare ribs with Brandy and apricot gastrique.

Love the idea when the pork just slides off the bone like that.

- Love it.

- Thank you, Chef.

Delicious, tender.

You got that nice richness to the pork.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good effort.

Really good indeed.



All right, so today I got some barbecue spare ribs for you in a ketchup
-based barbecue sauce.

That looks great.

How long did you cook the ribs for? Um, maybe 30 minutes.

- Sauce is delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

Presentation much better.

Tough on this one.

If it goes to the red team, you've won.

Really tough.

Point goes to The women have a two
-point margin in the "be creative with pork" challenge.

Gabriel must score the next point for his team or the women will be guaranteed a win.



Thank you, Chef.

But Chef Ramsay is impressed with both Gabriel and Joy's dishes.

- Sauce is delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

Point goes to Blue team.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Gabriel, well done.

Joy, everything works on there, except I just need more cooking on the actual ribs.

Gabriel, well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Yes, I friggin' won! Joy, if you gonna go with barbecue, you better nail it, 'cause you going down in flames.

This is Hell's Kitchen, baby! Gabriel's point has kept the men alive.

Next up, pork belly.

But Sandra is confident that her Asian
-style pork belly will win the round and clinch the victory for the ladies.

That pork needs a touch more cooking.

But Jason has a lot of confidence in his spicy, Spanish
-inspired pork belly.

I think that's one of your best dishes you've cooked so far
- in this competition.

- Thank you, Chef.

Point goes to blue team.

Thank you, Chef.

No question.

I knew I was gonna pull this off.

I am the evil pork master.

With the men making a solid comeback Next up, battle of the cheek.

It all comes down to Kashia versus Scott.

Here, Chef, I have a buttercream, zucchini
-squash stew where's the cheek? The cheek is inside the stew, Chef.

The actual pork cheek is nice and tender.

Cooked beautifully.

The cheek, you've nailed.

Scott, what is that? Here, Chef, we have cheek ravioli.

Also on top of that is some more of the jowl meat.

I'm definitely taking a chance with the ravioli.

Is it worth it? Maybe.

I have no idea.

_ It's absolutely delicious.

- Oh, thank you, Chef.

- The meat is melting.

I didn't think you were gonna make it in time.

Congratulations, blue team.

You have won the challenge.

Ohh! Ho ho ho!
- Thank you.

- Ah, man.

- Great job, Scott.

- Thank you.

We weren't feeling real good about Scott to begin with, but he [Bleep]

nails it! He just nails it.

So we're all thinking a little bit different about Scott right now, that's for sure.

Blue team, congratulations.

You finally won a challenge.

Thank God, Chef.

Now today you're all in for a once
-lifetime opportunity.

All of you will be skydiving indoors.

Oh! What? It is phenomenal.

- Excited?
- Yes, Chef.

Head up to the dorms, get changed.

Well done, guys.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

To win is just awesome.

Just to get outside.

Just to see people.

Breathe air.

Nice job.

- We really needed it.

- Oh, man! Finally.

Ladies, your day, unfortunately, is gonna be nuts, because today you'll spend the afternoon cracking, shelling, and grinding peanuts to make the most amazing peanut butter.

Once that delicious peanut butter is made, okay, prep both kitchens ahead of tonight's busy service.

So get out of here.

- Oh, God.

- Run, guys.


I hate nuts, and I don't want to touch them.

It's been a long time since I've played with nuts.

One bag is only gonna do one jar.

Oh, [Bleep]


Good times.

I don't want to cry.

While the red team gets right to work with their nuts Need to run the whole way there and the whole way back.

The blue team arrives at their destination, where Jean
-Philippe Yeah! Is already going a little nuts.

Look at his cheeks.



was as stiff as a board in 100
-hour wind.

He was just No movement but the cheeks.

Let's go get suited up and try this out, okay? Awesome.

Let's go.

All right.

You guys ready to do this? I can't wait, man.

Whoo! Now I know what it feels like to fly.

It was one of the funnest things I've ever done.

- I gotta see Gabriel do this.

- Oh, my God.

Yeah! Whoo! Superman has nothing on me, man.

I didn't even need a cape.

Yeah, baby.


The blue team needed this so much.

That was the best! Such a giant morale booster.

I'm so glad I'm not playing with nuts right now! Yes! It's, like, k*lling me.

My fingers hurt.

Now my little thumb's, like, getting raw.

Any questions? Career questions? What? So how old are you?
- 33.

- Wow.

_ I didn't have a family.

I didn't have whatever.

I just worked my ass off in my 20s so I could be able to just chill in my 30s, a little bit more, at least.

Oh, lordy.

I'm trying to get married.

- Are you married, Chef?
- No.

Not married.

I don't have kids.

I'm not opposed to it, but in our careers you gotta kind of, like, push yourself to the top Yeah.

That's it.

Before you relax a little bit.

I don't want to put off having a family and getting married, like Chef Andi.

I want to get married.

I want to start a family right away.

You have any questions
- about Chef James?
- Do you have kids?
- I do.

- Is it hard to balance a family and work? Because I do want the family.

I want to get married.

We don't know if Rochelle wants to be a Chef or a housewife.

It's tough.

You know, you got to make a lot of sacrifices at the beginning.

A lot of 15
-hour days, 12
-hour days.

Rochelle, she's the nice girl, you know.

She wants a family and a husband.

If she really wants to be Chef Ramsay's head Chef, she can't do it.

- Hey, Chef Andi.

- What? You got any questions for us? No.

I don't care about you till you get down to just two.

No, I'm just kidding.

Oh, man.

After a tiring day for the red team of both cracking nuts and prepping both kitchens Let's pick it up.

The blue team returns energized for tonight's service.

That felt so good.

Melanie, when was the last time you handled that many nuts?
- I don't know what to say.

- Crude! This day couldn't get any better.

We could not ask for any more.

- Dude, guys.

- What? Come here.

Look at this.

What's this? [Bleep]

, yeah!
- Oh, my God!
- This is nuts! With the women rotating all day.

From nut work to prep work for tonight's service Oh, lordy.

The men have returned from their high
-flying reward What an awesome day.

Convinced that their day can't get any better.



What? Come here.

Look at this.

What's this? [Bleep]

, yeah! Ohh! "Congratulations on your win.

"Please enjoy the top
-line vitamix blenders.

" Nice! Vitamix is the best blender in the world.

Oh, my God! It's moments before the opening of Hell's Kitchen.

Come on, guys.

Let's go, let's go.

(Announcer and both teams are pumped up and ready to do battle.

I am ready.

Talking the whole time, okay, guys? Yes, Chef.

All right, gentlemen.

Here we go.

- J.


- Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

Look at that.

Ready, kid? Let's do it.

With the five strongest chefs remaining in each kitchen Stick together.

Yes? Chef Ramsay is more hopeful than ever that tonight both kitchens will get off to a good start.

Okay, guys, first ticket's up.

That wind tunnel, how was it?
- It was good.

- Yeah?
- Not a hair out of place.

- No.

- What is it, stitched in?
- No, come on.

On order, four covers, table 23.

Two salad, two risotto.

Yes, Chef.

How long on the risotto? Scott, grab the salads while I finish this.

You make the next two salads then.

- I'm good.

- No, I'm good here.

Make a couple salads.

Scott cooking the risotto uh

That's not gonna happen.

That's gonna be bad.

Jay, are you good on that risotto? About 30 seconds on the risotto.

Walking with two salads.

All right.

I got two risotto right here.

Delicious risotto.

Yeah! I'm ready to go and knock this service out tonight.

We rule this [Bleep]


With Jason ruling the risotto solo Service, please.

Appetizers are leaving the blue kitchen steadily.

Meanwhile, in the red kitchen Walking with the risotto, you guys.

Rochelle is ready with her first appetizer.

It just needs one important ingredient from Sandra.

Lobster! Let's go! Yes, Chef.



It fell apart.

- Sandra!
- Let him know.

I have to refire one lobster tail.

Oh, my God.

What are you doing, Sandra? We've been through the lobster tail thing plenty of times.

Ladies, start the whole [Bleep]

table again.

- Yes, Chef.

- Oh, my God, you guys.

I'm checking these lobster tails.

Leave it.

I just dropped it a minute ago.

Joy, no, no, no, it's my station.

I just checked it.

Give it 20 seconds.

If I need your help, I'm gonna ask you for it.

- Don't pull it out yet.

- You got to move with a purpose, girl.

Don't pull it out yet.

I wanted to sock the [Bleep]

out of her.

I understand why everybody says they can't work with her.

You can't work with her.

I got it.

- All right.

- Let me finish it.

Thank you, sweetie.

- Thank you.

- Unreal.

Despite a rocky start with the lobster tail, Sandra is determined to handle the fish station on her own.

All right, 30 seconds on lobster tails.

- We're good.

- Meanwhile in the blue kitchen Scallops! You got two scallops fired right now? Scott has completed the salad orders and is now looking to lend a helping hand to the fish station.

I need two scallops down.

- Yeah, he got it.

- Dude, yeah.

Scott comes over, and he likes to sit there and say, "oh, I got this.

" No, Scott.

You're gonna throw things off.

All right, you got it, you got it.


Just let me do my thing.

Scallops! Two scallops.

Here we go.

Here we [Bleep]


Anton! I've got nine scallops for two portions.

Fire one more scallop.

- Nine scallops with two portions.

- You got it.

Anton is over his head in the weeds.

So he's gotta let somebody help.

It's the same table.

One's got four.

One's got five.

Sorry, Chef.

If Scott, my little hemorrhoid, would stop getting on my [Bleep]

ass, I could do my job the way I'm supposed to do it.

I got it.

I'll take care of this one.

I got it.

Seriously, I got the scallop.

Dude, help Rich out.


I got Gabe giving me a hand.

Scott, go back on that side.

Go back on that side, man.

You messing him up.

While Scott looks to be useful somewhere else in the kitchen, over in the red kitchen, Chef Ramsay is trying to speed up the women.

It's just too slow.

Come on, ladies.

Well, why didn't it get done?
- Move, Kashia!
- Yes, Chef! Kashia, your gas is off.

Oh, my God.

Chef, I'm turning it on now, Chef.

Dang it.

How'd she miss that? That's so embarrassing.


I honestly don't get it.

She's just standing there.

She didn't even [Bleep]


Now that Chef Ramsay has lit a fire under Kashia, back in the blue kitchen We're now serving entrees
- and appetizers.

- Yes, Chef.

Like any normal [Bleep]


You want a count on fish? Oh, yeah, I got it.

I got 'em all set.

All right, you got it, you got it.



Anton has an unwelcome and familiar guest Chef on his station.

How long for the halibut? One minute On the halibut.

Scott, if I'm in the hole, I will ask for help.

Halibut's ready.

There you go, Chef.

It's overcooked.

Anton, come here.

I just want you at your [Bleep]

best! Honestly, Chef _ And that threw me right off from the beginning.

You can't just always blame it on us, man.

Scott got you all [Bleep]

up? How did Scott get you all [Bleep]

up? I'm not blaming it on anybody.

Hey, all of you all of you, [Bleep]

come here.


! Get in here! I suggest you [Bleep]

have a meeting and sort your [Bleep]

out! [Bleep]


It's 75 minutes into dinner service, and because Anton is playing the blame game _ All of you, [Bleep]

come here.



Chef Ramsay has decided to give the entire team a time out.

Get in here! I suggest you [Bleep]

have a meeting and sort your [Bleep]

out! Scott, just stop.

I got Gabriel.

He's helping me out.

That threw me right off from the bat.

And that's what I did.

Scott and Jason, stay on our side.


, yes.

- Okay, man.

Let's go.

- Yes.

He's like, "I got it, I got it, I got it.

" Anton, any time you can't get food out of the damn kitchen, you're a loser.

- Are we clear?
- Yes, Chef.

Are we working as a team? Yes, Chef.

With Anton flying solo on the fish station You still feeling good on those halibuts? I got it.

Back in the red kitchen Let me check my fishies.

Sandra, on fish, is ready to bring her first entree to the pass.

Okay, I'm walking with the salmon.

Cool? No.

You never told me you even fired it.

But not everybody is happy to hear that.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.



You got to talk to us.


Sandra does not know how to communicate.

She's a [Bleep]

-ass team player.

- Sandra.

- Yes?
- Yes, mama? The salmon?
- Hold back.

Hold back.

Yes, because my wellington's not [Bleep]


All right, all right.

Hold back, hold back.

- No problem.

- Let's go.

Two wellington, salmon, how long? Walking up the salmon.

I'm holding on my wellington.

I told you.

Hot behind you.

I'm on my own from here on out.

And I'm going to do what I have to do to get through it.

I said, "please hold back.

" Chef said give it to me right now.

- So I said okay.

- I know.

- But I told you please hold back.

- [Bleep]

me, yo.

Did you tell her you were walking? No, Chef.

What am I walking with?
- So what
- I have nothing to walk with.

I got the salmon and the halibut.

Where's the coordination? Joy.

Chef, I'm trying to tell them.

It's just she's it's we're I'm trying, Chef.

Sandra, she does everything her way.

She doesn't want to listen to anybody else.

If we have to put up somebody tonight, I'm voting for Sandra.

If he tells me to [Bleep]

run, I'm gonna run.

Oh, man.

Every time you walk first, I look bad.

All right, whenever you ladies are ready.

How's that? Whenever you're ready.

While the red team struggles to get in sync All right, all right, all right.

Over in the blue kitchen Wellingtons.

Behind you with two wellingtons, Chef.

Wellington garnish!
- Got it coming, Chef.

- Mushrooms.

Richard on meat and Gabriel on garnish are a picture of togetherness.

Beautifully cooked.

They're cold, ice cold.

Feel that one.

Hey, all of you.

Just touch that.

Just touch it.

It's not gonna burn you.

It's [Bleep]

ice it's ice

Gabriel, really? What the [Bleep]

? Ice [Bleep]

- Gabriel.

- Yes, Chef.

Look at me in the [Bleep]


How is that possible? It was my fault.

Refire the whole fricking table.



You're telling me I have to do it all over again.

Man, ah, I'm so frustrated.

Refire, Chef.

With Gabriel's mushrooms putting the freeze on the blue team's entrees Let's come on, man.

Let's bounce back, gents.

Tables on both sides of the dining room are wondering what is the status of their entrees.

I'm sure that they'll be out soon.

And I'm sure it'll be very good.

I hope bread and wine isn't the only thing I eat tonight.

And back in the red kitchen Please, let me check this [Bleep]


I want nothing sent back.

Sandra, who has been solid on fish but not on timing Where's the salmon? Is hoping this time she has everything right.

- Salmon!
- Yes, Chef.

Walking with the salmon.

Hot behind you.



Hey, red team, come here.

All of you, bit of speed! Look.

Just touch that.

Look how overcooked it is on the bottom.



It's like someone's puked on the [Bleep]


Sorry, Chef.

Can I refire? Can you refire it?
- Please, Chef.

- Oh, [Bleep]


Get one on right now.

Sandra, what are you doing? Every [Bleep]

time I second
-guess myself.

I want it to be flawless.

And I had a really good thing going.

Then I [Bleep]

up that fish.

I don't get it.

That was, like, so stupid.

With Sandra overwrought over her overcooked salmon I'm so pissed I [Bleep]

up that piece of salmon.

Over in the blue kitchen Two salmon in? I got it.

Chef Ramsay Don't give it to me overcooked.

- No, Chef.

- Is all over Anton.

Come on.

This one, this one.

Same one.

For the record, when these guys aren't up my [Bleep]

, I bang them out with no problem.

Salmon! Walking! Right here, Chef.

Watch your back.

It's overcooked.

All of you, come here.

All of you! What was the one thing I asked, Anton? Don't let it overcook, Chef.

So look at that.

Touch it.

Yeah, that's gonna fly real yeah, yeah.


It's overcooked, and it's [Bleep]

dry, Anton.

Sorry, Chef.

I can do something when it's undercooked.

I can cook it more.

But I can't do anything when it's overcooked.

Put the salmon down.

Let me do my [Bleep]

my way.

I'm tired of doing everything nobody talk to me unless I ask, please.


It doesn't work like that, man.

Anton's a douche bag, man.

Watch out.

There's zero finesse in what he's doing.

It's all rush, rush, rush, get it out, and scream as loud as you can.

You've got to have the confidence to cook salmon I do have the confidence, Chef.

But I don't want to hear everybody talking to me.

Okay, come here.

Two hours into dinner service, Anton continues to point the finger at others Put the salmon down.

Let me do my [Bleep]

my way.

For his problems on fish.

You've got to have the confidence to cook salmon I do have the confidence, Chef.

But I don't want to hear everybody talking to me.

Okay, come here.

But Chef Ramsay is focused on him.

Don't sear off too [Bleep]

early! It's dry.

Fire one more salmon! We got another salmon going down, Chef.

I'm disappointed.

I'm a better Chef than that.

Salmon in? I had two right here.

- What's under the pan there?
- There it is.

I dropped it when I was checking to see if it was cooked.

Anton, move.

Chef Ramsay came over to bail me out.

It's embarrassing.

You've got to stay on your pitch.

Tonight's service was a nightmare for me.

It was pathetic.





_ Of course it was my fault.

I've seen it all now in Hell's Kitchen.

I think I might've seen it all.

Refire salmon.

Apologies, Jean.

Thanks to Chef Ramsay's fish station intervention Your salmon.

Thank you very much.

Anton's salmon finally makes it to the table.

Well, it was worth the wait.

To your left.

And with the dream of a smooth, well
-coordinated dinner service long gone Let's go, guys.

Walking with the salmon, Chef.

Both teams manage to rally and finish service and please their patient customers.

Go, Jean, please.

It's good.

Stoves off, James, please.

k*ll all the heat, guys.

Tonight, the thing that I wanted to see more of was coordination.

It's not good enough.

So tonight The winning team Is neither of you.

Both teams come up with two nominees.

Think about the two people who are making it difficult for the rest of you to coordinate.

Now, get out of here.

Communicating and yelling are two different things.

It's always some kind of miscommunication, because there's too many chiefs on our side.

Look, two people [Bleep]

up Anton and Chef Scott.

I got Anton and Gabriel, man.

I know that I put up cold mushrooms.

That was because I grabbed the wrong dish.

Gabriel's one of the weaker chefs still here.

If we can't rely on him to get simple things done, we got to move on.

I think that, you know, your intentions were good.

You were over there.

You were trying to help.

But you were just confusing him.

I came over to see if there was anything I could do at all, because we all saw what was [Bleep]

taking place in front of us.

Dude, if I'm in a hole, I'm gonna say it.

Dude, if you make mistakes, [Bleep]

own up to them.

Don't play the blame game.

Who's playing the blame game, man? Dude, you were playing the blame game in the middle of the service tonight.

Own up.

It doesn't matter, man.

Who the [Bleep]

going up? It's already assumed you're the one.

We need another.

Damn, this [Bleep]


He said pick the two people that you feel like are holding you back.

My first nominee gonna be Sandra.

We have been saying communication from day one.

And we still this far, and we got the communication issue.

Okay, my first person is Sandra also.

Does everybody agree with Sandra for the first?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.

We know that me, Mel, Kashia, and Rochelle, we flow together.

Can we put Sandra up twice, basically? Like, can we just say, "Chef, we were just solid about this one.

" It was rough for me to [Bleep]

keep up.

It was really rough.

Yeah, [Bleep]

gets real on the fish station.


Second? I would say Kashia.

Joy? It's so hard, 'cause you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings at this point.

It ain't personal, so if you wanna to vote for me,
- go ahead and say it.

- Yeah.


Okay, so we're going with those two?
- Yeah.

- Done.

You know what, I'm thinking maybe Rochelle should go up.

Why? Because of the conversation that we had earlier with Chef Andi.

- I thought about that too.

- Mm

Are you serious? Rochelle did nothing wrong.

But now it's throw, you know, your partner under the bus time.

Do we make up a different story? Just say personal reasons that hindered things in the kitchen.

Jason, blue team's first nominee and why.

Anton, just due to the problems on the fish station tonight.

Second nominee and why.


His communication problems that we keep on having.

Joy, first nominee and why.

Our first nominee tonight is Sandra.

Her timing was off.

I tried my hardest to help her out tonight, but it was, you know, just no, no, no.

Second nominee and why.

Our second nominee this was really tough, Chef.

But we chose Rochelle.

Chef Ramsay was disappointed in the performance from his final ten.

So both teams had to nominate two for elimination.

The men put up Anton and Scott.

The women's first nominee was Sandra.

Second nominee and why.

Our second nominee this was really tough, Chef.

But we chose Rochelle.

It's not really based on what goes on in the kitchen.

We're just concerned that her passion outside of here is starting to overtake what's going on in here right now.

Rochelle, Sandra, Scott, Anton, step forward.

Rochelle, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I'm actually very vocal on the line.

I mean, I am growing and growing.

I'm picking up the timing, the teamwork.

I've been able to adapt to anything.

So I think that alone, plus my characteristics as not only a leader, as a person, I'm definitely head Chef quality for you.


But I am concerned that you are up here.

Chef, there are things that I have expressed with the girls.

We talk about the sacrifices that you have to make when it comes to family and marriage.

But I wouldn't be here if I wasn't hungry for it.

Sandra, the red team believe that your coordination skills are nonexistent.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? I think, even based on tonight's performance, I pushed really hard.

And it's been nothing but improvement on my part.

Do you have any fight left inside you? I have plenty of fight left in me.

And I want to prove it.

Scott, why did your team put you forward as someone that they cannot coordinate with? I don't know, Chef.

I really don't know.

I'm trying to work with every single person on my team every day.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, I'm working as hard as I can, trying to help anywhere I can, you know, when I do have downtime.

And the food I'm putting out is good food.

I'm putting it out to your standards.

- Anton.

- Yes, Chef.

I've never seen such a fall of grace from one individual the way you performed tonight.

What happened there? Scott decides to come over.

I asked Scott to stop doing it, twice.

That's when I started taking control.

And again my team starts acting like a bunch of little girls about it, and they get upset.



This is insane.

It has to change.

We have got to correct this.

My decision is Anton.

Take off your jacket.

Stay there.

Sandra, take your jacket off.

Scott, Rochelle, take your jacket off.

All four of you, listen carefully.

Since your teams felt that you were the reasons that they could not coordinate, I'm changing it up.

Anton and Scott, both of you are going to the red team.



Rochelle and Sandra, both of you are going to the blue team.

- Give me your jackets.

- Yes, Chef.

Join your new teams.

Every one of you right now has a chance of winning this competition.

Stand out.


Get out of here.

There's a lot of cattiness in the red kitchen.

It's real childish and real stupid.

Have fun, boys.

This whole thing is just a nightmare for me.

Now I have to learn to be sensitive when I talk to people.

Do I seem like a sensitive kind of guy? Blue team, the Sandra show is about to start in three, two, one.

Be ready.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen You're coming into a kitchen full of women, so don't bring that [Bleep]


The women of the red team lay down the law.

It will be me and you up in that [Bleep]


I'll let you know now.

I can't [Bleep]

believe this.

And when actress Angie harmon comes to dinner We are in love with her.

Can the men of the blue team focus on the task at hand?
- Oh, my God.

- Gabriel, calm down.

Or will she be a big distraction
- She is smokin' hot.

- Think, Richard! Okay.

That ends up sinking the blue team? What's that? This is basic stuff.

All that and an epic showdown on the red team I feel like they threw me under the [Bleep]


It's not like I was like, "oh, I'm not doing anything.

" Yes, the [Bleep]

you did! Next time on an in
-face episode You did so! You just was sitting there! That's punk

That's cowardly.


Of Hell's Kitchen.
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