12x17 - 6 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x17 - 6 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Hell's Kitchen Good luck.

The chefs battle for a spot on the first
-ever Hell's Kitchen calendar.

Either I can really, really mess this up or I can do it right.

Joy's seared duck breast was the winning dish, and she not only joined an elite group of former Hell's Kitchen chefs Your dish will now be featured in the month of December.

She also earned this season's first black jacket and safety from elimination.

Well done, my darling.

I feel sexy in my black jacket right now.

Dinner service featured actress Minnie Driver at a special table for the Charity Oxfam.

Thank you very much.

The responsibility for this V.



table was split between the two kitchens.

- Joy?
- Yes, Chef?
- Rochelle?
- Yes, Chef? We're gonna go with Oxfam and the ten

- Yes, Chef!
- Six minutes to the window.

Oh, man.

In the red kitchen, Scott struggled on the fish station.

Scott! That's burnt.

Minnie Driver, burnt! The charity table! There's nothing personal here.

It's clearly personal.

But Joy's strong performance That tastes nice, Joy! Thank you, Chef.

helped them successfully deliver on their half of the V.




Service, please! But in the blue kitchen All of you, stop! Gabriel made mistake.

Just touch that! How can I serve that? Come on! After careless mistake This salmon is [bleep]

raw, and it's stone cold.

until Chef Ramsay had enough.

Stop! And sent him packing.

You are done! Oh.

me, man.


That's a bad way to leave.

Chef Ramsay asked both teams to nominate one chef for elimination.

Both kitchens had a hand in screwing up the Oxfam table.

On the blue team, Rochelle and Melanie banded together to nominate Jason.

Nominated me.

While the red team chose Scott, Chef.

But in the end, Chef Ramsay surprised everyone.

Scott, take your jacket off 'cause I got a black jacket for you.

Well done.

By giving the remaining six black jackets Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, thank you And keeping alive their dreams of winning Hell's Kitchen and 1/4 million dollars.

Idiot! Down there, stay where you are.

Catch it! Sync & Corrections by Wolfen And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Great job.

Thank you, Chef.

- Good night.

- Thank you.

I'm in the black jacket club.

It feels so good not to be blue or red.

I am a [bleep]

black jacket.

-ah! I'm gonna have dreams later about my black jacket.

This is the milestone I needed to reach.

I got, like, a new found confidence that I can do it.

I'm just overwhelmed with joy right now.

Can we get one celebration? It's the end of a long day, and still glowing from receiving their black jackets We need to celebrate.

The final six chefs are ready to unwind and have a late
-night snack.

Damn, you makin' a burger? Yeah.

But this is Hell's Kitchen, and the surprises never stop.

This is Scott.

Scott, it's Chef.

I need all of you to come downstairs right away, please.

Quick as you can.

- Yes, Chef.

- Thank you.

Everybody downstairs right away.

That was Chef on the phone.

- Oh, [bleep]


- In our black jackets? In our black? Uh, whoa.

What's going on? Is he gonna take our jackets back? Chef Ramsay really has a way of taking a solitude, tranquil event, and to making it into complete chaos.

Look at you guys.

It's amazing, you put on black jackets, all of a sudden, you get fast.

Line up, please.

Tomorrow morning, we are heading off to one of the most well
-known, iconic places in Los Angeles.

At this place, the selection of food items is enormous.

As a matter of fact, people start lining up there as early as 6:00 A.


in the morning.



Be prepared to be amazed.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

Thank you.

What do you think we're doing? I don't know, man.

After a few short hours of much needed rest [Bleep]

Damn it.

The chefs awake at first light.

Hi, everyone.


But are still in the dark as to where their day is headed.

Oh, nice, party bus.

It's gotten to the point where literally, I wake up and I'm like, "okay, I could be picking up baby pigs.

"I could be shoveling [bleep]


"I could be carrying 70,000 pounds of ice.

" Today can be anything, and I'm [bleep]

ready for anything.

"Lots of choices," he said, "lots of choices.

" Yeah, and it's a place in L.


Where people line up early.

Just another riddle here in Hell's Kitchen.

You really, you never know where you're going.

What's going on? Let's go, guys! Oh, my God! Oh, man, it's a football game! Are we totally gonna have, like, a celebration barbecue right now? [Bleep]


Yeah! Awesome! Smokin' hot cheerleaders, the marching band.

It's the whole college thing.

I was pumped up! Yeah! Thank you, ladies, gentlemen.


Good morning, chefs.

Good morning, Chef.

We're outside the world
-famous L.


memorial coliseum, the site of two amazing Olympic games, and home of the university Southern Californian football! Right.

We are here to participate in what is truly an American tradition: Tailgating! Yeah! I'm so excited.

I'm from Mississippi, so I've tailgated a lot.

Love to tailgate too.

I'm ready.

So this is your next challenge: today, all of you have got 30 minutes to design and prepare something spectacular for all these hungry football fans.

Okay, each of you have your own grill, your station, all the ingredients you need.

Now, every tailgater will vote for their favorite dish.

The chef who gains the most votes wins your first black jacket challenge.

Got it?
- Yes, Chef!
- Good.

This is gonna be easy, you know, because what do we have here? We've got college students.

And what kind of food are they used to? [Bleep]

dorm food.

Your 30 minutes starts now.

Off you go, guys! With today's tailgate challenge, chef Ramsay is testing the chefs' ability to transform ordinary tailgating food into something extraordinary Hell's kitchen, yeah! As they rush to create and prepare 50 sandwiches
- Keep the lid down, yeah?
- Yup.

Ah! Which will be judged by hungry football fans.

We're ready to eat.

Are you ready to judge? I wanna judge.

You got this, Jason! Come on! Rock and roll.

This challenge today was made for Jason.

I got to watch this fire for flare

I am making what I call "the ultimate pork belly sandwich", 'cause it's gonna make their bellies scream with love.

Whoo! You guys like spice? All right.

First challenge in our black jackets, so you know, this is a big one.

I'm gonna take my sandwich over the top.

- Mahi mahi?
- Yes, Chef.

Yeah? Nice.

It's not gonna be your typical tailgate food.

We're doing a little spice and a little fruit.

Scott is trying to be so damn complicated, cooking fish, or whatever.

When I thought "tailgating," I'm like, "I want to keep it simple.

" It's a football game.

I'm doing, like, a Philly cheese steak, basically.

Philly cheese steak, yeah? Okay, good.

Some meat and some cheese and some bread is really all you need.

It's different with no charcoal, so
- Yeah, I'm learning.

- Yeah.

Oh, sexy.

I like to call myself "the grill master.

" I love mahi mahi, and it's something that's delicious when it's grilled.

Melanie! Melanie! Melanie! Throw some avocado in there, throw some heirloom tomatoes on there, make some roasted garlic aioli, and call it a day.

Rochelle, ten minutes to go.

Get that chicken on there.

Yes, Chef.

Go, Jason! Feeling good.

Feeling strong.

I am not nervous.

I know what I am making is going to be the winner here.

- Jason.

- Yes, Chef.

Looks like you're on fire.

Careful there, yeah? [Bleep]





Wow, Jason's going down in flames.



It's down to the last few minutes of the tailgating challenge, and as each of the chefs hurry to turn out their gourmet grilled sandwiches.

Jason, looks like you're on fire.

Careful there, yeah? Jason's dream of victory may be going up in flames.

This is what I want.

Oh, you want it like that? Or maybe not.

- Yeah, this is perfect.

- There you go, that's good.

Just got ro you gotta rotate it, right?
- Yes.

- Yeah? Good.

I knew what was gonna happen with the pork belly on there, and that's what I wanted, to get that char going.

That's what I planned on happening.

I know what I'm doing with the grill, I know it.

Okay, good.


God, this flame is k*lling me.

People are staring at you from every direction.

It adds to my nerves, my anxiety, my stress levels.

Whew, cannot breathe.

- Last minute.

- Last minute!
- Oh, dear.

- You okay? Why the [bleep]

do I keep burning my [bleep]

bread? Kashia! Kashia! Kashia! Ooh.

Start serving.

Right on, Kashia! Are you guys getting hungry? Yes! With the food served on color
-coded plates, every tailgater can sample each chef's sandwich Everybody can grab if they want to.

And rank them from best to worst.

Avocado, roasted garlic aioli, and heirloom tomatoes.

Sounds delicious.

Rock and roll, dude.

Good to meet you.

I was just workin' the crowd.

This is a great sandwich, and everyone's just gonna love it and have a kick
-ass day.

- Go Trojans!
- Whoo! I want to make something clear.

I am not a Trojan fan.

- How are you today?
- Good.

I'm a Notre Dame fan, but I know how to work a crowd.

Am I right? Go Trojans! With most of the chefs busy talking up how great their sandwiches are There you go, a big piece of meat right there.

Rochelle I went to UCR and my major was, like, economics, and then I'm like, "Gee, I love food.

" is just talking.

Start serving.

- Oh! I didn't realize we started.

- Last minute, I've already of course.

Everybody else has started.

Yes! Why do you think they're standing in front of you? Oh, I thought we were just talking.

They're waiting for your food.

Oh, I feel stupid.

So I really hope this was worth the wait.

Well, that sucked.

All right, there you go.

Thank you, guys.

- That one has more flavor than this one.

- Yeah.

It's like an expl*si*n in your mouth.

- Oh, my God.

- Right? Are you coming back for me?
- Yes.

- Awesome.

These girls came up to me, they're like, "could we have seconds? Yours was the best," and I'm like, "ha ha!" Round two! Jason, what? What? So I'm feeling pretty confident, and I think I might win this.

Now that all the tailgaters have sampled the sandwiches, it's time to rank them from best to worst.

_ Mahi mahi? Scott, yeah? Melanie's has been my favorite so far.

I really like Joy's.

- Joy's?
- Yeah.

Interesting, that was a Philly cheese steak.

Jason's sandwich is
- Yeah, the bacon, good choice.

- really good.

Very flavorful.

And with the results tallied The votes are in.

Chef Ramsay has discovered We have a tie for first place.

Hey! Tied for first is Scott.

Well done.

Yeah! Man! Definitely so glad to hear my name.

It feels great to stand out and be up top.

The other person tied for first Jason.

Yeah! Yeah! We k*lled in this tailgating challenge.

- Great job, well done.

- Thanks, Chef.

- Jason.

- Thank you, Chef!
- Well done.

- Thank you.

There is nothing like beating the girls.

Yeah, it was nice.

Thank you, everyone! Thank you! Scott and Jason, you both have an amazing day ahead of you in Malibu at the four
-star saddle peak lodge Yeah! Where the chef prepared the most
- amazing tasting menu
- Unbelievable.

with wine pairings for you.

Yeah! Oh, my God, I'm so jealous.

- Yes!
- You are in for one amazing treat.

Yeah! Malibu? Oh! I can't wait to get there and talk about flavor profiles of wine.

That's true education.

I'm so excited to get going.

Thank you, everyone! Thank you! I want the alcohol.

Ladies, while the men are enjoying themselves in Malibu, I have volunteered all four of you for a very important job.

At Hell's Kitchen, we believe in recycling, so you're gonna sort all the garbage from our tailgate area and to Hell's Kitchen, recycle it, and compost this into proper trash dumpsters.

Every time we've had a punishment so far, I'm like, "at least we're not, like, separating trash.

" Today, we're out separating trash.

Chefs, head back to Hell's Kitchen.

A big round of applause for Scott and Jason, well done.

Thank you!
- Hoo, garbage.

- Oh.

Oh, no, that's a lot.


There is so much trash.


When will the bags stop? Let's go.

It's a lot of trash.

This one smells really, really bad.

I'm just hoping there's no bugs Ew! There's bugs! Diapers A baby diaper in here.

Oh, my God! This [bleep]

smells! That's like throw
-up! Ah, that's, like, a whole lobster.

Oh, that's sad.

He wasn't even cooked.

At least he died on his own.

He didn't die by being cooked.

He's not dead yet.

- Are you serious?
- He's cr _ What a beautiful day.

This is the best day to win a challenge since I've been here.

Just can't wait to sip on some wine, have some great food, and just be rewarded for doing what we did today.

Good afternoon.

- Hi, I'm Jason.

Nice to meet you.

- Good to meet you.

Name's Scott.

Nice to meet you.

Welcome to Saddle Peak.

This place is a historic restaurant.

It's been here in one form or another for 100 years.

I'm super excited.

The Saddle Peak lodge, it's what I would like my home to be.

Antlers, g*ns and stuff, dead game on the wall.

I live for [bleep]

like that.

- Cheers, buddy.

- Cheers, pal.

- To the two from Chicago.

- Yup.

Me and Scott, we nailed this [bleep]


We've earned this.

I know, man.

Everything here is just I love the whole atmosphere here.

You know, you have, like, Kashia up on the wall right there.

While Scott and Jason are enjoying their manly surroundings, the women are just happy there are no men around.

I'm just glad you guys are here and not, like, Jason.

Oh, God, he'd be throwing chicken around.

Us four girls, you know, we all have to pull together.

The original red team duking it out to the end.

It smell like cow manure or somethi ugh, something just ain't smellin' right.

How we gonna eat lunch after this? Ew! While the punishment may be turning the women off eating So good.

It is.

Scott and Jason are enjoying their four
-star lunch.

- Gentlemen, good evening.

- Hi, how are you? Anthony Dias Blue.


Blue has been rating wines for over 35 years.

Having the viognier with the scallops adds a different tone to this particular combination.

This is incredible.

Drinking some high
-class wine and eating some great food that's what dining's all about.

What's nice about this wine is it's definitely an aromatic wine, like a Riesling.

Particularly good with Asian food.

Spicy food.

Chardonnay from 2010.

Trocken, that means "dry," but it has real depth to it.

The tannins are too puckery.

It's a very significant and historic wine.

It's very nice.

I should have savored it.

We don't get out much.


We're good.

- Scott! Let me hug you!
- Holy cats, ladies.

How was dinner? Ah! Get the hell away from me.

Can we have a group hug? Go ahead! Hey, uh, no, Jay! Aw.


Those girls deserve the [bleep]

that they were in today.

I'll sleep with all of you tonight, don't shower.

They're dirty and they're nasty, and that's what they are.

Know what I'm gonna do? Gonna catch you
- Oh, sorry, Chef!
- [Bleep]


Chef, I'm sorry.

Yeah, sorry.

Oh, , that God, she scares me! While the women are still gunning for the men and vice versa, tonight the final six will be one team working in one kitchen.

You guys got this? Everybody does need to be on their game, I mean, there's really almost, like, no room for error at this point.

Like, you either do good or you go home.

Where's Jason? I'm not sure.

Ah, crap.

It's the morning of the first black jacket dinner service.

- Want me to get in and help you?
- Yeah.

And all of the chefs are working hard to prepare for the first night when they are all in one kitchen.

Where's Jason? I'm not sure.

Well, all of the chefs except one.


Ah, crap.

Mornings suck.

I think I drank too much, but I'm ready to I don't know, go back to a really hot, grueling, like, fast
-paced kitchen.

Come on.

Are you kiddin' me? Jason's, like, a hot mess.

Jason, you just need to hustle up, okay? 'Cause we got early service today.

I don't feel good at all.

Look at you guys.

Hello, Chef.

- Afternoon, Chef.

- Hi, Chef.

Line up, guys, please, quickly.

First of all, tonight, we start off as one dynamic team.

We are serving the entire dining room from this kitchen.

The dream team, in my mind, so we should be in for a great service, right? Yes, Chef.


Good on your stations?
- Yes, Chef!
- Let's go, guys.

- JP?
- Chef.

Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

For over a decade, Hell's Kitchen has been one of Los Angeles's most exclusive restaurants.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

I'm gonna get your order placed.

Happy anniversary.

Not surprisingly, it has becomea destination for special occasions.

- 23 years.

I'm very happy.

- 23 years.

And tonight, the black jackets are eager to impress and serve the entire dining room from one kitchen.

Communicate, guys, yes? Yes, Chef.

Four covers, table two.

Here we go.

One dynamic team.

The magnificent six, yes? Yes, Chef.

Two risotto, one scallops, one salad.

Yes, Chef! Let's go, guys.

Three minutes to the window on risotto.

- Yup.

- How many lobster tails do I need to have dropped for you all? Go ahead and fire two.

- Fire two.

- Okay, thank you.

I'm just so proud of myself just to have finally have my black jacket.

I feel more confident.

I have more energy than I've had for a while.

Just feels so good.

Walkin' with risotto! Lobster tails, guys.

Here's your lobster tail, Chef.

Two lobster tails, not one.



Hey, Kashia.

Service has barely started.

You gave me one lobster tail, I need two.

That's an easy order we should be pushing out.

Yes, Chef.

- Come on!
- Yes, Chef.

Y'all got to communicate, 'cause I asked you all.

I said, "fire two!" Kashia, your team doesn't deserve to get verbally abused because you're sinking.

Kashia, how long on that one order? Lobster tail? Coming right now.

Lobster tail.

Let's go! Lobster tail, Chef.

Service, please.

Now that Kashia has caught up with the lobster tails for the risottos I got it, Chef.

The black jackets are finding their groove.

- Scallops, where are they?
- Yes, Chef.

And appetizers are quickly making their way out to the grateful diners.

Oh, thank you.

It's great.

Really good.

It's really good.

And Chef Ramsay is looking to Scott to deliver the last appetizers of the night.

Where's our two risotto, please? Dude, I got to start these two over.

- Those that's mush.

- What? It's mush? Yeah, it's mushy.

Two risotto, how long? Yeah, six minutes, Chef!
- Six minutes?
- Yeah.

- Really?
- Yes, Chef.

What happened? Scott, there's only six of us left.

You can't hide behind anyone anymore, so if you're [bleep]

up, he's gonna know who it is.

Joy, he won't tell me.

He's got no balls.

- It it
- Why you throwing
- that risotto away?
- Because it was overcooked, Chef.

You, hey, shut the up! Hey, come here, you.

I want the truth.

Get me that risotto.

Get me the [bleep]


I'll ask again.

What's wrong with it? It overcooked, Chef.

It was mushy when So I want to know!
- Yes, Chef.

- Okay?
- Yes, Chef.

- Before you [bleep]

set me back another six minutes, that's my job,
- I need to know!
- Yes, Chef.



I'm sick of getting yelled at.

Chef, you've beaten my ass every single day that I've been here.

I'm starting to get angry about it.

Let's go, guys, come on! Two risotto.

Walking to the pass now, Chef.

It's cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

Scott has redeemed himself quickly on risotto Kashia, you're good with two lob tails done, right? But before it can be sent out, Chef Ramsay needs something from Kashia.

Lobster tail! Kashia, I'll have those two lob tails.

I got two of 'em sittin' right there already.

Mel, run those lobster tails for her, please?
- I got it.

- Two lobster tails to pass here.


I gotta pull 'em.

Just walk back.

Just watch me.

All I'm trying to do is get the [bleep]

food out.

I don't care where it's coming from.

If it's ready to walk up, let me take it up for you.


You're not working together! Melanie's standing next to you! I asked, and she begged off.

Oh, my God.

I just tried to take your lobster tails, and you took 'em away from me! Oh, my God.

Hey, hey.

I'm here to help you.

Come here, you.

Both of you, come here.

We've just started service! What did I say about you two working together? So you said "take the lobster," and she said "no"?
- Why?
- No, I didn't! I just went like that, and you're like, "I got it!" No, no, I didn't.

You backed off and left.

- That's what you did!
- But you won't let I told you I want to help you.

Two lobster tails to the pass here.


I gotta pull 'em.

Just walk back.

Just watch me.

Bitch, you's a [bleep]


You got him looking at me like I'm a liar.

What is it with you working against her? Nothing, I want to [bleep]

help her, I said it! I don't know why she threw me under the bus on that one, but she's crazy.

Open up and talk to her! Sort it out, together! Now! On your [bleep]

own! It's almost an hour into dinner service, and although appetizers moved out quickly to the dining room I just tried to take your lobsters tails
- and you took 'em away from me.

- Oh, my God.

Hey, hey.

Come here, you.

Both of you, come here.

Kashia and Melanie What did I say about you two working together? I want to [bleep]

help her! I said it! Are in need of Sort it out, now! Some alone time.

I'm right next to you! I'm here to help you, Kashia, I swear to God.

Why would I not help you? I'm gettin' tired of being hollered at.

Okay, let me help you then.

I'm telling you, okay? It's just really hard to help Kashia because she wants to put out her own food, but sometimes you need help.

Right now, we're looking for those two lobster tails to finish this order.

Yes, Chef! Let me run anything you do.

Okay, thank you.

Run the two lobster tails to the pass.

Chef? Now that Kashia and Melanie are finding a way to work together Let's go.

Chef Ramsay can finally push out the last set of appetizers.

_ _ And back in the kitchen.

Walking with garnish right now.

How long, guys? Chicken? Where's the chicken, guys? The team is ready to go on entrees.

Rochelle, is the chicken ready? Chicken in about 30 seconds! Just as soon as Rochelle completes one simple task.

We're slicing our chicken now, you guys! Oh, my gosh.

Dude, I'm gonna get yelled at for this crap.

This, like, knife isn't sh Hey, where's that chicken? Dude, I need a freakin' better knife.

Chicken, how long? Rochelle, you're doing, like, every knife but the right knife.

I was dumbfounded.

Don't tell me you're slicing it with a paring knife.

- No, I was
- Chicken! Yes, Chef! Just bring it up.

We're walking right now, Chef! I didn't know what else to do.

When you're under that pressure, like, sometimes you just literally do dumb stuff.

I mean, what is this? [Bleep]

dog chewed up.

I've see jerky looking better.

Just stop.

This is supposed to be the best [bleep]

cook this is supposed to be a dream team, and that's what I've got given there.

- Is that your best?
- No, Chef.

So if you're not giving me your best, don't [bleep]

bother! I mean, come on.

At this point in the game you should know how to slice chicken.

It's not rocket science.

Rochelle, come on! It looks like a dog's dinner! Yup, yup, this has to happen tonight.

Put pressure on the skin and slice down.

Hold it together.

- Hello?
- Yes, Chef.

That's a bit difference from the [bleep]

you just showed me.

- Yes, Chef.

- Get a grip! Now that Chef Ramsay's standards have been met, Rochelle's chicken is served.

This is really good.

And back in the kitchen I'm ready on the chicken.

Are you ready on the salmon? Kashia is anxious to deliver her salmon for the next ticket Gotta let us know when you're walking up there.

With or without her team.

Oh, man.

Right, come out, all of you, stop.

The salmon, it's not even cooked properly.

It's [bleep]

still moving in the pan! It's raw! Raw! What are you doing to me? Hello, I'm talking to you.

I know you don't care.

I do care! Chef, I I didn't want to overcook 'em, and Oh, stop! Kashia is dead weight.

She's just a, you know, a little chicken with her head cut off.

Kashia, how long you need? Kashia, let us know when you're walking with the salmon.

I'll fixin' to check' it now! Sorry.

I just didn't know.

Settle down, please.

When somebody gets in the weeds, like, that's your time to shine as far as how you get out of the weeds.


how am I how you see I'm steady movin'.

Kashia, hey! Is that you giving up now? No, I haven't given up, Chef.

Then get control of your section! Yes, Chef.

I'm trying to give my all and I'm still gettin' [bleep]

hollered at every five seconds.

It's frustrating.

Is the chicken ready? Chicken is ready.

- How long on how long
- Give me four minutes! Damn! Scott, on the fish station.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.


Kashia was in the [bleep]

weeds, man.

- Speed up!
- Yes, yes, Chef! Energy, let's go! You got my next three halibuts going up?
- Yup, next three halibut, yup.

- Okay, thank you.

I don't want to get caught up in, you know, Kashia's [bleep]

, but I'm gonna get it done, whatever I have to do.

Salmon! Excuse me, hot pan, hot pan, hot pan! Come on, get out of the way! Yeah.

Go, please.

With Kashia now teaming up with Scott on her fish station Madam, salmon.

Thank you.

Entrees are once again moving quickly out of the kitchen.

One halibut, two Wellington.




wedding anniversary.

Give me a time for one halibut, please.

I can walk with the halibut now.

Walking with the Wellington! Huh, welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go, guys.

And it seems that the black jackets have their rhythm back.

halibut's raw.

All of you, come here! Touch that.

Just touch that.

Start again.

I'm sending the two Wellington, they're cooked perfectly, and one's gonna die there with nothing in front of them.

Come on, short stop.

We got to bounce back, come on.

While Scott and Kashia rush to re
-fire the halibut One, please, bud.

Chef Ramsay makes sure that the anniversary couple receives at least some food.

Since they didn't bring yours, you can try mine.


At least I'm getting something.

Oh, that is so good.

And with the rest of the table already enjoying their entrees Want to try the potatoes too? Sure.

The pressure is on Kashia and Scott to complete the table.

We're draggin' the halibut.

It's not done.


What happened there? Hey, you two, bring me hey, hey, hey, you.

Hey, come here, you, with that, and bring it.

I'm gonna [bleep]

Hey, I'm gonna turn you upside down.

Put that down.

That's stone cold.

Touch it.

What does that say on there? "One halibut," Chef.

I'm talking the important thing.




Wedding anniversary.

" And has the have they finished the Wellington? Nearly, Chef.

Hey, what happened there?
- Scott?
- Yes, Chef? Don't run away.

What happened there? I have no idea, Chef, I just pulled them out of the oven.

They were like that.

No idea how that happened? Chef, I don't know how it happened.

Oh, my God.

I can see you've given up caring.

What what are you I don't know what you're talking about, Chef! Oh, my God! You don't give him any talk
-back at all.

Chef's not gonna put up with that.

Hey, you, hey.

Come here, you.

All of you! A lesson in common sense.

Have you had enough? Have you had enough?
- No, Chef!
- Do you know what? 'Cause I have.

I've had enough.

- The halibut is cooked, Chef!
- So hey, shut it! You still haven't got any idea what I'm [bleep]

talking about! I do, Chef! It's two hours into dinner service and Scott has made two major mistakes.

That's stone cold.

Scott! No idea how that happened? Chef, I don't know how it happened.

Oh, my God.

Undercooking the halibut I can see you've given up caring.

What what are you I don't know what you're talking about, Chef! Come here, you.

And mouthing off to Chef Ramsay.

I've had enough.

You [bleep]

shout at me again, I'll [bleep]

drag you out.

- The halibut is cooked, Chef.

- So hey, shut it! You still haven't got any idea what I'm [bleep]

talking about.

I do, Chef! Scott is being Scott.

Chef Ramsay is, like, in his grill! We're draggin' the whole table, and you've still no idea.

Chef, walkin' with the halibut in 30 seconds.

Just had to walk away.

I didn't know what to do.

I'm like, "oh.


Oh! Ooh!" That was crazy.

One halibut up, sir.

Despite Scott losing his composure V.




Service, please.

The fish station is back under control, and Kashia delivers an acceptable halibut for the anniversary couple.

Very good.

I'm glad you're happy with it.

Service, please.

And with the black jackets able to re
-focus on cooking Last table, guys! The chefs complete dinner service.

- Thank you.

- Oh, my gracious! Look at the size of that! Mmm.

- Yeah?
- Awesome.

It's not what I expected from the final six, let me tell you.

All of you, go back to the dorm and come to a consensus on the one person that you think should be going home tonight.

Get out of here, guys.

Chef Ramsay said tonight, "I want to see the dream team.

" We're not so much of a dream team, so obviously there's some "fat" on the edges that we need to trim.

You look like you're just dying to say something.

The fish station bombed.

From the get go, I mean, it was just bad.

I mean, two people babysitting Wellingtons and chicken.

I had to do scallops, drop the lobster tail.

- I mean
- I've done that and I've never had a problem doing any of that.

You can say what you want to say, but for two [bleep]

being over there, shouldn't have chicken came back.

There was a lot more fish that came back.

So is that your vote? Yeah.

I voted for Kashia to leave! Scott? You know, based on tonight, I got to go with Kashia.

You know, I'm sorry.

Oh, I don't at this point, Kashia don't give a [bleep]


I don't give a [bleep]

! Scott ain't no Saint.

I've been sittin' around here being nice for too [bleep]

long! There's only so much one [bleep]

can take! I don't give a [bleep]

! Hey, hey, hey.

What you yelling at him for? Mel, your vote? I'm, like, really torn.

I've actually never been this torn before.

You? I'm torn, and I think we're all torn between the same two.

Between Kashia and myself? If we had to vote for two people I would put up Scott and Kashia, but at the end of the day, Kashia's my girl.

It is what it is.

I don't know how my name could even be brought up if we have to pick on one person this evening.

Well, I mean, that whole situation with Chef? Exactly.


That was a tad intense.

Like I have a bad feeling that all them girls are gonna stick together and vote for Scott, and that's some [bleep]


You made your mind up, Mel? I'm trying to think.

You? That wasn't what I expected.

Jason, who have you selected and why, please? Um After a difficult first dinner service as black jackets, the final six were instructed to nominate one chef for elimination.

Jason, who have you selected and why, please? Um Tonight we selected Kashia For a breakdown on the fish station, the aggressiveness, the attitude was unnecessary, and it was just a complete lack of fundamental skills.

Kashia, step forward.

Kashia, your station was a disaster.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen? Chef, ever since day one, I came in as the underdog.

I've fought, fought every day, every day harder, to learn as much as I can, even with things I've never even seen before, Chef.

Tonight was a bad night for me, but I continued to fight, Chef, and even when you were gettin' on me, I always give you the respect and listen, because I want to be here.

I want to grow, I want to absorb everything I can from you, and that's every day I come in here, Chef.

Do you know what? There was someone else I wanted to hear from.


Step forward.

When I'm wrong, I'm the first to put my hand up, but when you screamed at me
- The halibut is cooked, Chef!
- So hey, shut it! You still haven't got any idea what I'm [bleep]

talking about.

I do, Chef! Have you lost the plot? No, Chef, I was confused at that moment about the pan, Chef.

That was it.

It's not about the fact that you're answering back.

It's what you said.

That was the insult.

Just like, "excuse me?" I meant no disrespect whatsoever, Chef.

Not even for a second.

I was trying to understand the situation.

That's all I was trying to do.

You can cook.

Let's get that absolutely right.

I am struggling because I don't think you're prepared to listen anymore.

this is really hard.

My decision is Kashia.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

Listen to me.

I have been so impressed with you in this competition on the level of progress, your attitude, and the fact that you've never, ever, ever stopped trying.

Keep your head up high.

Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

- You'll be okay.

Come on.

Okay? Okay?
- Thank you.

- Good night, darling.

Good luck.

I came into this with no culinary education.

Okay, I have a New York strip with a blue cheese crab butter.

That steak's delicious.

From the south, Mississippi, you got to know your shrimp.

I got this, Chef.

This was a rollercoaster ride from the beginning.

I'm sinking on something I know how to do.

Kashia, get it back together!
- Do you want to go?
- No, Chef, I don't want to go.

I want to be here.

But I didn't realize how strong I was until I got here.

Kashia, cooked perfectly.

Thank you, Chef! Well, I've made some friendships that I will keep.

Way to go, ladies.

Way to go, ladies.

And I got so many stories to go home and share with my family.

You're all going on a $1,000 shopping spree.

Oh, my God! What? Whoa! Ooh.

You know, the underdog prevails sometimes.

Wellington is cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

You deserve a black jacket.


I'm not someone who gives up.

When one door closes I think about the next four that can open for me.

This will not be the last time America sees Kashia.

Listen, everything you do from now on in has to be your best, 'cause you're supposed to be the best.

Good night.

I've been up for a lot of eliminations, but it's all what chef sees.

He wants me to continue and he knows that I deserve to be here.

Right now, my odds are one

I'm not here for friends.

I'm here to cook.

I'm here to win, and every day I just want those odds to get better.

Kashia is a great line cook with an incredible attitude.

Unfortunately for her, she's just not ready to run her own brigade yet.

Next time, on Hell's Kitchen Out of 20 people it's 5 of us left.

Damn! This is the episode you don't want to miss.

- Whoo!
- Really? Yes! For real? When comic book legend Stan Lee comes to dinner.

Holy smoke.

I'm in the kitchen! Which one of the fantastic five will play the hero? This is my pose that I do.

And who will become the villain? No, no, no, no, no! Don't take it out on my food! It's an epic battle.

- Come on, Scott.

- No, Chef, I got it.

Want to pick an argument? I'm ready.

Leading to one of the most dramatic exits You are done! Get out.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

In the history of Hell's Kitchen.

I think a screw came loose.

What a selfish attitude.

I know you're done.

It shows in your cooking.

It's all next time on a legendary episode.

No wonder they call it "Hell's Kitchen.
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