12x18 - 5 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x18 - 5 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen The surviving chefs were rewarded.

I'm in the black jacket club.

But early the next morning, it was back to business, as they were faced with their first individual challenge
- Oh, man.

It's a football game! At a massive tailgate party.

Off you go, guys.

While Joy took a practical approach I'm doing, like, a Philly cheesesteak.

Like, I want to keep it simple it's a football game.

Scott We're doing a little spice and a little fruit.

- And Jason
- Looks like you're on fire.

Chose a slightly more adventurous route.

- This is what I want.

- Oh, you want it like that? It paid off for both of them.

- Jason!
- Yeah! Scott! Well done.

As they each received an equal amount of votes and tied for the victory.

Thank you, everyone! Thank you! Chef Ramsay, not surprisingly, had high expectations for the black jackets' first service.

We should be in for a great service.

And even though it started strong
- Here's your lobster tail, Chef.

- Kashia's problem You give me one lobster tail.

I need two.

After problem on the fish station It's raw! Caused the dinner service to unravel.

Let us know when you're walking with the salmon! I am fixin' to take it now! And when Chef Ramsay tried to remedy the situation Scott! On the fish station.

Scott had problems of his own Halibut's raw.

Which he only made worse when he challenged Chef Ramsay.

I don't know what you're talking about, Chef! Come here, you.

You still haven't got any idea what I'm [bleep]

talking about.

I do, Chef.

Disappointed by the performance of the final six This is supposed to be a dream team.

Chef Ramsay tasks them with choosing one team member
- for elimination.

- Tonight we've selected Kashia.

But then he added one of his own.

Scott, step forward.

Despite an impassioned plea I want to be here.

I want to grow.

I want to absorb everything I can
- from you, Chef.

- Kashia.

Kashia was sent packing.

Your time is done in Hell's Kitchen.

- And tonight
- Aah! With the finish line in sight Medic! Medic! One of these five chefs will make a dramatic departure.

- I just
- Yes or no? Want to pick an argument? I'm ready.

Melanie, I can't be any more patient.

Get out.


Who will lose out on the opportunity of lifetime to become the head chef of Gordon Ramsay Pub & Grill at Caesar Palace.

Find out right now.

Fire The way you walk and talk Idiot!
- * Really sets me off *
- Down there, stay where you are.

To a full alarm, child Yes, it does
- * the way you swerve *
- Aah! and curve Really wrecks my nerves and I'm so excited, child When you shake what you've got and, girl, you've got a lot You're really something, child
- * Yes, you are *
- Catch it! Well, I can tell by your game You're gonna start a flame Love, baby, baby The way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees 'cause I'm smokin' Baby, baby Fire Got me burnin', got me burnin' Fire, got me burnin', got me burnin' Sync & Corrections by Wolfen And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Good night.

Good night, Chef.

Holy cats, man, I'm still here.

- Never giving up.

- Never give up, bro.

I got a one
-five chance to be the winner, so I'm in the top five.

Looking to be number one.

Like, I've never sat back and thought about how many people aren't here, but it's really not a lot of people here.

- Yeah.

- Like, out of 20 people, it's 5 of us.


- But I'm that girl that, like, [bleep]

up on the last day of something.

That's me.

Like, I'm always the one that's this close, and then poof.


I know what's at stake, and I know how bad I want to be here.

I just don't want to [bleep]

it up right now.

But I know what Chef Ramsay needs from me, and tomorrow I'm gonna go in louder and stronger than ever.

It's almost over.

With only five chefs remaining, now more than ever, the chefs are feeling nervous
- I have butterflies.

- Pressure
- And right now
- Good morning!
- A little confused.

- Rochelle, you okay?
- Uh, yes, Chef.

What's the matter? I was wondering why there's random trash.

Oh, yeah? Yeah, yeah.

Well, as you can see, we're having a great clear
-out here.

It's important to have that clear
-out every so often, yes? Yes, Chef.

You know, it's funny, though.

What may look like junk to some people Can be valuable for others.

One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! Oh, my God! Guys are banging on drums, hitting stop signs, and there's sparks flying in the air it was awesome.

- Ha
- Ha
-ha! Hey! Come on! What? That was pretty damn cool.

These guys are just hitting, like, the washing machine, and I was just like, I just wish I could just could just break something.

It makes me feel better.

Let's hear it for street drum corps.

Thanks, guys.

The reason why I brought these guys here is to show you how talented individuals are able to take undesirable objects and make something wonderful.

And we all know we can do the same in the kitchen.

For your next challenge, you're gonna be working with Leftovers! Cool.

I can definitely work with leftovers.

There's been so many times where I've looked in my fridge and I'm like, "well, gotta make something work tonight.

" You've got 30 minutes to create one stunning entree.

Your time starts Now.

Off you go.

- Whoo!
- Let's go, guys.

Chef Ramsay has cleaned out all of the refrigerators in Hell's Kitchen to provide ingredients for today's challenge.

Grab, grab, grab, guys.

Using just leftovers, each chef will have 30 minutes to create a dish that will be judged on both taste and presentation.

What's this? One of the hard things is that we have to pick out of really, really random ingredients I don't even know what that is.

And, like, scrap pieces.

I got a filet.

So as soon as I saw that filet, I was like, "aah! Mine!" Nice.

Oh, yeah.

What do you got, Jason? I have clams, mussels, scallops, salmon, carrots, chard, mushrooms.

I'm like, "what the hell is this guy doing here anyways?" Uh While most of the chefs have started cooking their dishes
- Is this one of your guys' chicken?
- Yup.

One chef Potatoes.

Is still struggling to choose her ingredients.

There's so many different options, and I hate that.

Sometimes options are bad for me.

- 20 minutes to go, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

Rochelle, you got a game plan yet?
- What's your dish?
- Kind of.

Yeah, well _ And I kind of want to do, like, a different like, I don't know.

_ I can't.

- You have to.

- I know.

We have a short period of time.

You have to move with a purpose.

If you don't move with a purpose, you know, not everything's getting on that plate.

Scott, can you tell me a little bit about your dish? I'm gonna do a pan
-roasted duck breast and pork tenderloin.

Come on, lentils! This is crazy.

He already knows exactly what he's doing.

I hate this.

Just under ten minutes to go, yes? Oh, my God, that was bad timing on my part.

With Rochelle's indecisiveness putting her way behind I just want to get my chicken.

Is that possible? Joy is confident she's timed everything perfectly with her chicken.


I don't even know.

I'm like, "oh, my God.

The chicken's raw.

" No, skin.


But I can't get frazzled.

Like, I'll bounce back, 'cause once you defeat yourself in this competition, you've already lost.

_ Oh.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm gonna run out of time.

Really focus on that presentation.

Come on, guys.

Come on, come on, come on.

Finishing touches.

Five, four, three, two, one, and serve, guys.

Okay, to help me judge today's challenge, I've invited a very special lady.

She is the food editor of better homes and gardens magazine.

Please welcome Laurie Buckle.

- Good morning, my darling.

- Good morning.

- Nice to see you.

- Good morning, everybody.

- Excellent.

Good morning.

The winner of today's challenge will have their dish and their recipe featured in the magazine.

- That's pretty awesome.

- Great, Chef.

Please? Like, I want to be in a magazine so bad.

Let's start off with Scott, please.

Let's go.

Food editor Laurie Buckle will critique each dish on both taste and presentation Hello.

How are you? To determine which chef has created an entree that is worthy of being spotlighted.

We had a little leftover pork tenderloin along with a pan
-roasted duck breast, lentils with some lobster, mushrooms, and pancetta.

It's a lovely presentation.

- Very nice.

- Thank you very much.

- Lentils are really good.

- Seasoned beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

It all has kind of a cohesiveness to it
- Yeah.

- that I find very appealing really delicious.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Really good.

Holy cow, they both loved the dish.

Any time Chef says something positive, you really kind of take that in and hold it, even if it is for a split second, you know, before he yells at you.

With Scott's dish making a bold impression from the start, he has set the bar high for
- Joy, please.

- I read this magazine.

I'm excited.

- You read the magazine?
- Yeah!
- That's so nice.

Nice to meet you.

- It's my favorite bathroom literature.

Really? For real? Oh, wow.

All right, so for you I have a coriander
-crusted chicken.

Dig in, please.

I would hope for a little crisper skin and a little bit more composition
- Yes.

- in the salad part of it.



Thank you, Joy.


I know I can do better than that, so I'm frustrated with myself.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Today, it didn't work.

With Joy's dish failing to measure up to Scott's in presentation and taste, the next dish to be judged belongs to Dainty, delicate Jason.

Is that your nickname? Dainty and delicate? _ So we have a seafood lover's delight here.

We have some steamed clams and mussels, seared scallops and seared shrimp, with a little bit of white wine.

If you put this in a magazine, how the [bleep]

would you make it? It feels a little bit like everything's swimming a little bit right now, no pun intended.


You're a generous guy, by the size of that portion.

It's only one page, not a double
-page spread.

- Hmm.

- The texture's strange.

It is a little strange.

It's yeah.

It feels like leftovers.

Thank you, Jason.

What? Come on! Jason's failure to impress judge Laurie Buckle leaves Scott in the lead.


The question is, is it better than Scott's? But there are two more chefs to go.

So I did a pan
-seared duck, and then I did a little bit of dates also to kind of give it that richness.

Rochelle's duck was, like, sticking up like a tepee, and I was like, "I don't know how they're gonna like that.

" I would hope for a little more elegance.

I think I just don't know how to plate stuff.

Please, help yourself.

He's such a man.

I'm such a big believer in, you know,
- eating through your eyes too.

- Absolutely.

That face.

_ _ Like, what the [bleep]

? Yeah.

There's a lot going on there.

Thank you.

Thank you.

After another dish falls short Melanie, please.

Let's go.

Only Melanie is left to challenge Scott for the opportunity to be featured.

Melanie's strong, but I know flavors, I know food.

I've got a great palate, and, you know, I'm confident I'm gonna win.

What I have here is a macadamia and hazelnut
-crusted filet, and then I did an Israeli couscous underneath it.

Looks like jewelry on the plate.

It's very pretty.


Everything's really nicely cooked.

- Thank you.

- And it's got that "wow" factor.


I thought that was a really nice idea.

- Very creative.

- Thank you.

Oh, yes! Yeah.

I was pretty much in the zone that whole dish.

I totally see myself on one of the pages, like
- Nice.

Thank you, Melanie.

- Thank you, Chef.


Right now it's between Scott and Melanie.

Scott, bring your dish up here, please.

Thank you.

What the hell? They're torn.

- Two very good dishes, guys.

- Really nice dishes.


We do have a winner.

Pick mine.

Congratulations Chef Ramsay challenged the final five to get creative with leftovers, and now, there are only two chefs still standing.

It's between Scott and Melanie.

One of them will be featured, along with their recipe, in better homes and gardens magazine.

- We do have a winner.

- Pick mine.

Laurie? I was very impressed by everything you guys created, and I think in the end, I see one that truly won me over.

Congratulations, Scott.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Great job.

Winning this is absolutely fantastic.

- Well done.

- I'm a good Chef.

I've got the black jacket on for a reason.

Thank you very much.

Okay, Scott, in half an hour from now, Laurie and her photographer will be ready to take your picture for the magazine.


There's more to your reward.

You're gonna be flying on a private jet.

What? But it's not just any jet.

It's a genuine fighter jet.

No way! And it's going to be so amazing that you should have somebody else to enjoy it with.

So select one more person to come and join you.

Come on, I want to go on a fighter jet! You should pick the runner

You know, it's respectful.

I got to take my comrade J here with me.

All right! Okay, Jason and Scott, you can head up to the dorm.

Scott, thank you so much! Thank you for picking me! This is gonna be the time of our lives! Oh, my God! We're going in a [bleep]

- Yeah, dude!
- Holy [bleep]

! I know I'm probably gonna pass out in that thing, but it's gonna be awesome.

Okay, ladies.

I have the most amazing delivery of stunning pumpkins and acorn squash arriving shortly.

So they've got to be prepped, gutted, seeded, seeds dried, toasted, ready for tonight's service.

k*ll me now.

Head upstairs.

You're supposed to take the runner
-up always! Just go.

Just go.

This punishment I'm not feeling it.

I'm beat down.

Hopefully there's not that many pumpkins and squash.


- Hi, Scott.

- Hi.

How are you?
- Congratulations.

- Thanks so much.

Can't believe it 40 million readers, and there's gonna be my mug sitting on one of those pages? That's good there.


That's perfect.


One, two, three.


- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

This is one heck of a day.

Are you kidding me? Oh, my goodness.

I can't wait to fly on a jet!
- Hey, Scott, how you doing?
- So excited, man.

Give me a diaper and a barf bag, and I'm ready to go! _ We're all set.

You all set, Jason? I'm very, very scared.

Picking up speed.

- Whoa! Holy.

- You're okay.


My heart is beating, like, 1,000 miles an hour.


Mine is too.

I'll slide you out a little bit, and then I'll let you fly it.

Okay, here you go.

One hand on the stick.

The feeling of flight, man, it's an incredible thing.

I'm like a little boy again.

-hoo! Yeah!
- Aah!
- Relax, buddy! Aah! Whoa! Pretty much what I was doing was just a whole lot of screaming the whole time.

Whoo! Whoo
-hoo! _ No! _ _ _ _ Combat 1 flight.

Runway 24.

Clear to land.

Wind comp.


You're a sweaty mess.

Yes, I am.

That scared the [bleep]

out of me, but you couldn't ask for a better day.

-hoo! Oh.


Today was an awesome day, you know? It's just a once
-lifetime opportunity.

It's beyond all expectations.

Did you do a couple rolls on the way back? I think so.

I don't know.

I was sweating.

I was just like, "aah!" With the men still flying high Oh, hey.

Back in Hell's Kitchen, the grounded women are still hard at work.

- This is gonna take a while.

- Oy! Okay.

These pumpkins are a nightmare.

Holy hell.

I'm, like, legitimately breaking a sweat.

Like Ugh.

I don't like pumpkins anymore.

Oh, my God.

I've never carved a pumpkin before.

Really? Aah!
- Uh

- Oh,.

Sink? Oh, that was a big chunk.

- Are you okay?
- Medic, uh, we got a bleeder.

Oh! It's, like, part of my thumb! We need a medic in the blue kitchen.

Rochelle lost her thumb.

Oh, my God.



During a punishing afternoon of carving pumpkins
- Aah!
- Uh

Rochelle's carving got a little bit out of control.

Oh, [bleep]


- Oh, that was a big chunk.

- Are you okay? Medic, uh, we got a bleeder.

Oh! It's, like, part of my thumb.

We need a medic in the blue kitchen.

Rochelle lost her thumb.

Oh, my God.

Can you just grab me a napkin or something? Part of my thumb's on that little edge, so just don't do it.

Don't look.

Oh, my God, I saw! Ew! Where? Oh, [bleep]

, Rochelle! So stupid! I want to cry.

Are you cleaning that [bleep]

up? Yeah.

She's gonna need to get it cauterized.

How am I gonna cook? Oh, great, Chef Ramsay's gonna be like, "you can't even cut pumpkin without cutting your finger off.

I don't want you as head chef.

- Make sure you keep it up.

- Okay.

Mel! Cover it up.

Please cover it.

- I'm gonna throw up.

- Can you cover it up?
- I'm gonna throw up right now.

- Can you cover it up?.

There was finger on the butcher block.

Like, live in person, the tip of somebody's finger.

I I can't ugh.

Just push pull me in that direction, and I'll drop a napkin on top of it.

- All right.

- Ew! Drop it? Yeah.

It's still there! That's [bleep]

- You all right?
- Sorry, team.

There will be a car waiting for you, and they'll take you to urgent care.

- All right, thank you, Chef.

- All right? Oh, this sucks.

Is this it? Hopefully Rochelle makes it back for service.

At this point in the game, if you're not here to shine, you can lose your space.

Scott and Jason are now back from their high
-flying adventure.

How bad is it?
- What?
- The her thumb? Melanie and Joy continue to be shaken by Rochelle's accident.

I've never seen somebody's finger on a table.

That was [bleep]


She whacked her thumb good, huh? It's not the good time to do that.

So is Rochelle out, or what's going on? I don't know.

- Everybody gather around, please, guys.

- Yes, Chef.

Um, where's Rochelle? The hospital.

What happened? She sliced the tip of her thumb off.

Literally off? Mm


Wow, wow, wow.


Tonight we're gonna get out the gate early and fast.

Listen carefully.

We have a very, very special guest dining with us at the Chef's table.

This individual is extraordinary.

A true creative genius.

He is the creator of Spider
-Man, the Hulk, X
-Men, the Fantastic Four, and Iron Man.

Stan Lee.

When Chef Ramsay starts listing, like, all these different, like, superhero names, I know exactly, like, who is going to be dining with us tonight.

Stan Lee.

It's every little kid's, like, dream.

Make it a night for him to remember.

We're opening in just under 15 minutes, guys.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Is she back?
- Mm

I hope she can make service.

I'm a little concerned about Rochelle.

I hope to God she comes back in time.

- Let's go, guys, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef! Rochelle!
- You okay?
- Yeah! Show me.

This is hands down the worst cut I've ever had.

I either can quit, or I can just go at it It'll be okay, just bandaged for the next couple days.

- Okay, good.

So on meat, please, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

I'm right next to you, so let me know if you need anything.

Okay, thank you.

-Philippe, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.

As Hell's Kitchen opens its doors to another packed house of V.



s and celebrities Thank you.

Enjoy your wine.

Chef Ramsay is expecting greatness tonight from the final five chefs.

All right.

Tickets are coming in.

Thank you.

Here we go, guys.

Let's go.

Four covers, table 31.

Two scallops, two risotto, followed by five covers, table 30.

Three scallops, one risotto, one pumpkin salad.

- Yes, Chef! Yeah.

- Fantastic five.

Let's go, guys.

Joy, go ahead and drop five scallops, okay? What'd you say? Wait, you want all five orders dropped right now? Yeah.

You can go ahead and do all five.

Five orders? Hey.


Now, this is not fast food to go.

- Yes?
- Yes, Chef! Thank you.

Scott is pushing tickets too fast.

You're not on a fighter jet.

Like, come on.

Take your time.

I'm not looking for the fastest [bleep]

chefs in America.

I'm looking for the best.

Pace it, Scott.

Yes, Chef.

With Scott being pulled out of hyperdrive, out in the dining room, comic book mastermind Stan Lee has entered Chef Ramsay's lair.

Oh, wow.

I grew up reading all his comics when I was a kid.

I am in awe.

Aah! Holy smoke.

I'm in the kitchen! Oh, wow!
- Sir, welcome.

- Hello there!
- Good to meet you!
- An absolute pleasure having you all here.

- Sit back and enjoy.

- We will.

It's definitely an honor to be able to cook for someone like him.

- Thank you.

- You're very welcome.

That would have been so cheesy if I, like, spider
-manned him.

Chef Ramsay is hoping Stan Lee's presence at the Chef's table turns the fantastic five into superheroes.

- I'm waiting on two scallops, two risotto.

- Yes, Chef! First up under the spotlight is Scott, who is using his culinary super skills on the risotto.

Two risotto are one minute away.

I'm Captain App.

I have the ability to create happy, happy food for everyone in the room.

Scott, can you smell that? All that [bleep]

rice is burning.

They can smell it in there.

It stinks! Pull the pans off to the side a minute and clear down.

Yes, Chef.

Right off the bat, Scott is struggling on hot apps.

If we can't get hot apps out the window, we're just gonna sink fast.

I got the scallops.

Scott? [Bleep]


Come on, Scott, please.

These chefs must be nervous wrecks.

Come on, let's go! Walking with the risottos.

- Yes, Chef?
- Very nice.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Go, please.

While Scott's risotto proves marvelous with both Chef Ramsay and hungry guests Yay! Back in the kitchen Four covers, table 22.

Two risotto, two capellini.

Capellini starting right now.

It's Melanie's turn to show off her special powers.

Capellini in one minute.

I'm part of the fantastic five.

This is my pose that I do every time.

Come on, Melanie! Walking right now with the capellini.

Behind you.

- Melanie?
- Yes, Chef? You don't get it, do you? Scott, come over.

Over! Yeah.

Come on.

I'm not gonna run to you all night.

You got so much capellini in there, I can't see the crab.

That's just I don't know what you're doing.

- Sorry, Chef.

- It's stupidity.

- Can I have some crab?
- Yes, Chef.

- Please?
- Get some butter in a pan.

At this stage of the game, Melanie,
- it's not your second service.

- No, I know, Chef.

- It's got to be perfect!
- I'm sorry, Chef! Melanie's putting out appetizers, and we're working together.

I didn't know that I would have to take over the capellini.

Crab! Crab, crab, crab! Coming right up.

Five seconds, Chef! Walking right now.

Let's go.

Service, please.

With Scott saving the day on Melanie's capellini
- Boy, he earns his money.

- Oh, yeah.

Melanie is trying to bounce back.

On order.




, our Chef's table.

- Two risotto, one capellini.

- Yes, Chef! I'm gonna start my capellini.

I got off to a pretty rocky start.

I don't really have an excuse, so I just got be 100% from here on out.

Come on, Melanie! Out of control.

This is incredible.

No wonder they call it Hell's Kitchen.

- Burnt, Melanie.

- Yes, Chef.

Bouncing right back.

Lady Melanie here, I think she's starting to lose her mind.

Don't burn the second one, Melanie.


Melanie, that's burnt again.

I think a screw came loose.

- Come on, Melanie! Let's not panic!
- Yes, Chef! Come on, then! Let's go! Walking with those two risottos! Walking right now with the capellini.

I feel sorry for that little girl.

She'll never make it.

Can you believe it? No cilantro.

It's lacking salt and butter.

Melanie! Oh, he's back shouting again.

No, no, no, no, no! At this stage of the game, I can't be any more patient.

It's 45 minutes into dinner service, and Marvel comics creative genius Stan Lee is at the Chef's table.

But thanks to Melanie's poor performance on the appetizer station Can you [bleep]

believe it? No cilantro.

It's lacking salt and butter.

Melanie! The capellini is not.

Oh, he's back shouting again.

No, no, no, no, no! At this stage of the game, I can't be any more patient.

Just come here! Just taste that.

Quick! Just jump in and taste it.

Let's start off with you.

Tastes like.

That capellini's missing that lime, that butter, that cilantro it was missing everything.

Yeah, it's bland.

There's no cilantro.

There's no salt in there.

I forgot the cilantro.

I'm sorry.

Come on, get it finished! Where's the lime at the end?
- I put the lime in, Chef!
- Yeah, well, I can't taste it! You think I scream in the office? He tops me.

Come on, Melanie.

You got to care for it a little bit.

Love it.

I'd like to say to him, "don't holler.

" Be nice.

I'm sorry, Chef.

Coming up right now.

30 seconds! Everything is going silent in my head.

Melanie, the capellini! Excuse me.

Behind you.


Service, please.

Oh, thank you, God.

- Bon appetit.

- Thank you.

Avenging her previous mishaps, Melanie has finally delivered a successful capellini for Stan Lee's table The seasoning is unbelievable.

And Chef Ramsay is ready to attack the first entrees.

- Okay, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

- Pick it up with Joy, Jason.

- Yes, Chef.


Two halibut, two Wellington.

- Yes, Chef!
- Let's go.

- Joy, can you go in four minutes?
- Four? Yeah.


Ready to communicate and be a team right now.

All right, I'm gonna start that halibut sauce.

Put the pan down.

I'll cook the sauce.

I'll put the pans down, and you can do Thank you, baby.

Joy's very vocal.

I'm vocal.

Jason's gonna be able to pull off this garnishes, and I think we're gonna be able to rock this.

We can walk 'em out in a minute, guys.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Walking with the halibut! No.

- Are you walking with it, Joy?
- Yeah.

Take it up.

You got to let me know, so I can cut my Wellington! Joy, I need the sauce first.

Oh, I can get it right now, Chef.

- Come on, guys.

- Walking with my Wellington! Jason, I need the garnish first!
- Come on, let's go!
- Yes, Chef! Yes, Chef! I'm not stopping and starting and stopping and starting.

I don't want you to, Chef! What happened? Everything was going fine, but Joy, like, just started messing things up in no time flat.

- Garnish for Wellington is up.

- Come on, guys.

There's a little bit of this, a little bit of that.

I just need to run this to the pass.

Halibut? Come on, please.

- Excuse me.

- No mussels, Chef.

- No what, darling?
- There's no mussels in here.

Joy, I've got no mussels in here.

We forgot them? [Bleep]


Steam some quickly! [Bleep]


This is incredible.

This is called dining under pressure.

- Let's go! Come on, let's go!
- Yes, Chef.

Oh, man.

I messed up.

I get frustrated with the fish station because it's a lot going on.

I need the mussels.

Behind you, Chef.

Service, please.

Joy's halibut finally makes its way out to the dining room.

Some of the best fish I've ever had.

And back in the kitchen Joy? Let's try again, shall we? Chef Ramsay tries to keep the pace going with the next ticket.

On order, five covers, table 20.

Two halibut, two chicken, one Wellington.

- Yes, Chef!
- Let's go.

- This is like the lull before the storm.

- Yeah.

You said 3 1/2 minutes out? That's fine, Rochelle.

Jason, you heard? 3 1/2 minutes? Yup.

I'm with you.

We're on our last ticket.

A little miscommunication was going on with the fish.

How long, Rochelle? Minute and a half out, Chef.

We have to bounce back from this.

I want to hear it.

Thank you.

Oh, wait! Wait, wait, wait.

Hold up, pause.

Joy, give me a time then, so I can yell it out.

Joy, we can go in two minutes with this chicken? No.

Three minutes? Talk, Joy! Whether you like it or not, you're just holding the whole [bleep]

kitchen up! I'm try Whatever, Chef.

If you feel like I'm holding the kitchen up and I'm slowing everything down, how about I'll leave and you can have somebody else work fish? Well, if you're gonna start getting attitude I'm not getting an attitude, Chef! Okay, well, then talk to me! Joy, give me a time.

Can you tell me? Garnish, halibut, please, I'll take, I'll take.

Garnish needs about 90 seconds to finish these shrimp off.

Walking with the halibut.

I need the garnish for the halibut before the halibut.


I know, Chef.

Well, if you know, why doesn't Joy know? What? What am I I don't understand what you're saying.

I'm try okay, come here, come here.

I would like the garnish look at me.

- Look at me.

- Chef, I'll heat I tr Can I finish my sentence? Plain English.

I would like the garnish for the halibut before the halibut.

- Chef, I just
- Yes or no? Want to pick an argument? I'm ready.

Can I finish cooking, Chef? Young lady, if you're in a mood, don't take it out on my food.

- I'm done.

- You're done? Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Joy, stop! I'm done with this.

Joy, no! Joy, come back here! It's two hours into dinner service Look at me.

Chef, I'll heat I tr Can I finish my sentence? And after a mess
-up on the timing of the fish, Joy has completely lost it and has had enough.

I would like the garnish for the halibut before the halibut.

- Chef, I just
- Yes or no? Want to pick an argument? I'm ready.

Can I finish cooking, Chef? Young lady, if you're in a mood, don't take it out on my food.

- I'm done.

- You're done? Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Joy, stop! I'm done with this.

Joy, no! Joy, come back here! Oh, my God.

She left.

She left.

She walked off.

And he went chasing after her.

I've never seen anything like this.

What a selfish attitude.

One thing wrong and you run away.

- Absolutely phenomenal.

- _
- No, you're not telling me.

- _
- No, you're not.

You're arguing.

- Yes! Yes, I am! You're arguing.

You're shouting.

_ Hey, I know you're done.

It shows in your cooking.

Okay, fine.

Get out.




So did that really happen? I guess.

I think we wrecked this place by ordering halibut.

I can't believe what was just happening.

She just blew it over a fish.

I don't understand that.

Chicks, man.

She better not give up.

No, she better not.

I'm just like, "please, walk back in with Chef.

" But no.

- Melanie.

- Yes, Chef? On the fish station, please.

Yes, Chef.

And excuse me, everybody? Yes, Chef? That is not the attitude I expect at this stage of the game, let me tell you.

- No, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

Okay? So we're one down.

We're gonna get stronger, okay? Yes, Chef! We can still have a great service, let me tell you.

Yes, we can.

Prime time! This is perfect.

All we need is four people.

I like three, though.

Three would be better.

What are we at, guys? Two minutes? Three minutes? Three minutes.

As the remaining chefs persevere It is fascinating.

I've got to find a way to turn this into a story.


"Super Chef.

" Upstairs in the dorm, unbelievably, in one of the most shocking moments in Hell's Kitchen history, Joy is packing her bags.

Joy, what happened, girl? I'm done, like I know, but why? He just, like, went off on the handle.

It's just like, "you're not listening.

You're giving me att" I'm not giving you attitude! I'm I'm telling you what it is, like I know, but, like, you just have to say "yes, Chef," and you were giving attitude you know you were.

Being in this place brings the ugly out in me, and when I'm in a kitchen and I'm not happy anymore, that's a problem.

It's gonna get stressful, but you have to take it.

I don't I'm beat.

Like, I'm beat down, Chef.

Like, there's just certain things you can't just deal with or whatever, and then, it's just like I've been beat down enough.

Just I can't take but so much.

I'm just tired.

Like, I'm really just tired.

That's all it comes down to is, like, anything I do when I put everything into it is never enough.

- Nobody is ever satisfied, like
- No, but, I mean He's been your biggest supporter.

He's been pushing you through the whole time.

Very few cooks hold that level of arrogance because they haven't got the talent to back it up.

You've got the talent.

Believe in yourself more.

Yes, Chef.

It's like a coach.

Like, look, I'm hard on you because I see some of me in you, and I know you're better than that.

That's what he's doing.

The people that are the hardest on you in your life are the ones that care about you most.


I'm so close, and then I know I just threw it all away.

I don't know what to do.

Like, I really don't know what to do.

Honestly, I made a mistake.

I definitely regret it.

I wish there was a chance for me to say, you know, "can I have just one more chance? Just let me prove myself.

" While Joy contemplates the consequences of her actions, downstairs in the kitchen
- Walking now.

- There we are.

The four remaining chefs have totally hit their stride.

- Right behind.

- Very good.

See, look, perfect.

Thank you, Chef.

Tonight is the biggest night of bounce
-back history for all of us in the kitchen right now.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

- Absolutely.


- Thank you very much.

Oh, that's beautiful.

We are bounce
-back kings and queens.

Last but not least.

- Oh, thank you very much.

- Halibut.

You're very welcome.

- Enjoy your dinner.

- Thank you very much.

I'll check back with you, okay? They're so nice.

We're coming back.

We're coming back.

- This is good.

- Yeah.

Hey, guys? Look at me, all of you.

We're in sync.

Keep it going, yes?
- Yes, Chef!
- Ramp it up, let's go.

It does make it go easier when we do well.

I'm not gonna lie.

With one of the most dramatic dinner services about to come to an end The last ticket, one halibut, two Wellington.

Yes, Chef! Upstairs in the dorm, Joy is debating her next move.

I need to tell Chef Ramsay I apologize wholeheartedly.

I need just one more chance.

Let me prove myself.

That's the only way I'll be able to redeem myself, but I don't know if I have the confidence to go in that kitchen.

So do I do it, or do I not do it? I just don't know.

Like, I don't know, you know? After her worst dinner service You're just holding the whole [bleep]

kitchen up.

And a complete meltdown Young lady, if you're in a mood, don't take it out on my food.

I'm done.

Joy is debating what to do next.

I feel like I need to tell Chef Ramsay I apologize wholeheartedly, but I don't know if I have the confidence to go in that kitchen.

So do I do it, or do I not do it? I just don't know.

Like, I don't know, you know? It's too late.

I can't apologize.

I feel like I let Chef Ramsay down, and I didn't think about anybody but myself when I walked out that kitchen.

I was really hungry, I really wanted it, but the closer I got to the end, the more I started doubting myself, and I should have never did that, because my doubt is what drove me to just walk away.

Now that I sit back and think about everything that's went on here, I realize I've come a long way.

It's like runny, cold, scrambled eggs with someone's vomit at the bottom.

Chef, can you run the order back to me, please? Ever since my first service, my worst service Oh, my gosh! I've only moved forward.

Pick it up, ladies.

Nobody should be feeling defeated right now.

Joy, beautifully cooked.

Really nice.


I grew a lot in the kitchen and outside of the kitchen.

- Cheers to the red team!
- To the winners.

Five out of five.

Thank you, Chef.

I made a best friend while I was here.

Get off me, Mississippi, with your old country ass.

And I was the first one to get a black jacket.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

- Well done.

- Thank you.

- Well done.

I really did blow one of the biggest opportunities I've had in a long time.

I'm done!
- You're done?
- Joy, stop! I'm done with this [bleep]


It was everything I asked for, and I threw it all away.

I threw it all away, and that's just something I have to live with.

What a night.

To be a great head chef, one needs to have composure, discipline, and maturity.

What Joy did tonight showed me she is not ready to be a head chef.

Joy was my competition.

That's what I thought.

Me and her are the last people standing, so for her to flush all her hard work down the [bleep]

, it blows my mind.

We have had a lot of ups and downs this evening, but you fought back, so none of you will be leaving Hell's Kitchen tonight.

But Oh, God.

After our next dinner service, we are cutting the field in half.

Give it all you've got, because this competition is dead even And I can see any one of you in the final.

Make sure it's you.

Good night.

Oh, my gosh.

The pressure's on.

I have to prove to Chef that I have this, I can do it, and I can do it better than everybody else.

Right now, it's battle of the sexes.

It would be ideal to have me and Rochelle the last two standing.

Bye, Scott.

Bye, Jason.



I know what I'm capable of.

I just have to put my head down and just keep pushing forward.

I mean, this competition is not going to get any easier.

Joy's quitting was one of the most shocking things I've ever experienced in Hell's Kitchen, but her lack of maturity tonight proved that she is not ready to be a head chef because leaders never quit.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Look around.

This is all that's left.

The final four are looking forward to celebrating Jason, Melanie, Scott, Rochelle.

But Chef Ramsay wastes no time testing them once again Hell's Kitchen is going to be hosting some very important dignitaries.

And a special visit has everyone on edge Oh, [bleep]


The pressure is definitely on.

- Do not embarrass me, okay?
- Yes, Chef.

In this unforgettable episode I can't believe this is finally happening.

- Wow! of Hell's Kitchen.
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