12x19 - 4 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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12x19 - 4 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Great job.


Thank you.

We will.

You deserve it.

Thank you, Chef.

Well done.

Good job, guys.

Nice job, guys.

It's definitely not who I thought would be here from when we started.

And I did not anticipate Joy just freaking out and leaving.

I thought she was gonna be my strongest competition, so it's anyone's game right now.

Well, good job, guys.

Look at this.

Look around.

It's all that's left.

Scott, I'm really proud of you.


I'm not gonna lie.

I had a slightly warped perception of you because of just how many times you've gone up.

I got, like, caught in that rut of, like, going up.

I became, like, the easy choice for everybody.

Because everybody wants that plan "B.

" Like, "he's always up.

Why don't we put him up again?" Yeah, exactly.

Chef Ramsay has beaten my ass every single day that I've been here.

For me to still be here means I've been doing something right.

It went from the fantastic five to the fantastic four.

Jason, Melanie, Scott, Rochelle.

After a pleasant, joyous night in the dorms God, I can't believe there's only four of us.

That's really weird.

Chef Ramsay has planned a morning these four chefs will surely remember.

Secret service.

Like, uh, what is going on? All of you, good morning.

Morning, Chef.


As I'm sure you've noticed, there are some extra security here, because Hell's Kitchen is honored for the first time ever to be hosting some very important dignitaries.

All of you, come with me, please.

Let's go.

Okay, we're about to see a celebrity or someone really important, because I haven't seen bodyguards like this in a while.

Remember, be polite and do not embarrass me, okay? Yes, Chef.

Yeah, here they are, guys.

Jason, stand up straight, please.

I'm nervous.

Representing the state of California, I'd like to introduce Rochelle's fiance Andy.

Welcome, sir.


And her mother and father, Stephanie and Ross.


Oh, my gosh.

I chopped my thumb off yesterday.

Let's see who's in the next car.

Melanie's boyfriend Patrick and her mother Kate.


Jason, there's your girlfriend, Susan.


And your mother, Barbara.

Hello, Jase.

I'm so happy.

I was just like, "yeah!" I missed you so much.

Scott, we have not forgotten about you, young man.

I wake up with a picture of my wife and kids right next to the bed.

That's the last thing I think about at night and the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning.

And in our final car And here we have Gigi Daddy.

Your wife Tiffany and your son Gavin.


Hi, honey.

I love you.

Oh, oh, I miss you.

We missed you.

Daddy's here.

Let's take some special time together as a family.

I'd like to welcome you inside to Hell's Kitchen.

Give me my boy.

You know, I had the opportunity to have them all in my arms.

It was really special.

Tell me what you made.

Since daddy's been gone, all I've been doing is cooking, cooking, cooking.

These are the three most important people in my life.

You know, it's amazing to have them here.

I miss you so much.

I can't wait to see what home feels like again.

- Has it been hard?
- Oh, yeah.

It's been it's crazy here.

Like, I've had to cook a lot of things that I've never cooked before ever.

But I think I've impressed Chef in that area.

Hi, you guys.

Compliments of the Chef a nice piece of fresh fish with seasoned vegetables.

Rochelle, what is this? It almost tastes like our pumpkin that we cut yesterday.

So we could have a little thumb in there? Mm

You could.

What I'm doing right now, millions of people in the world would pay anything to be where I am right now.


It was really cool just being able to catch up on, like, anything and everything in the quick amount of time we have together.

I'm just happy that you guys are here and that I get to see you really soon.

It was just so nice.

I just want to stare at them.

Chefs, I'd like you to say good
-bye to your loved ones, 'cause we got some work to do.


Chef Ramsay, like, don't make them leave.

You're so mean.

That was so mean.

Love you too.

I'll see you real soon.

Okay? Having to say good
-bye to my kids is probably the hardest.

See you real soon.

Daddy's leaving.


Chefs, please line up.

Come on.

Now it's time to get back to business, because your next challenge is the one that always separates the cooks from the chefs.

It's time for "taste it, now make it.

" Oh, all right.

And the dish you'll be working with Chef Andi, please is Wait a second.

I've already served it to you.

It was the dish you ate with your families.

Oh, [Bleep]


Melanie, what's wrong? I didn't eat any.

Did everybody else eat?
- Yes.

- A little bit.

I had a taste.

Man, I was just focused on my family.

I didn't really taste it at all.


Do you know what, I'll put another sample of the dish, so you can sample as you cook.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you.

Okay? You've all got 40 minutes to recreate the dish.

The Chef who comes closest to recreating that dish will win the challenge.

- Are you ready?
- Yes, Chef.

Your time starts now.

Off you go.

For the "taste it, now make it" challenge Good luck.

This one, you're gonna need it.

The chefs will have just Chef Ramsay's complex dish, relying on only one sample plate
- and their palates.

- The clock is ticking.

It's tough trying to match up whatever is on that plate.

I don't know, dude.

I was in between sea bass and escolar.

And I'm thinking it was meatier, like escolar.

So I decided escolar.

- What fish did you grab?
- I'm debating right now.


I'm pretty sure I got the right fish, just because sole wrapped in prosciutto does have a distinct taste.

All of the chefs have chosen to wrap their fish in prosciutto.

But while Jason, Melanie, and Rochelle have decided to go with sole, Scott has chosen the more exotic escolar.

- 30 minutes to go.

- Yes, Chef.

And with their proteins cooking, the chefs now shift their attention to identifying the garnish in Chef Ramsay's dish.

I'm thinking butternut squash was the key vegetable component.

On the plate, it was definitely a heavier squash.

So I'm hoping I got that right.

I think I taste pumpkin.

That's something that the other people don't have.

So, I mean, I can definitely win this.

While Melanie has chosen pumpkin
- Oh, yeah.

- Everyone else believes that it's butternut squash.

- 15 minutes to go, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

I'm gonna remove this one and use it real quick.

Oh, that's fine.

As I'm getting down to, like, what could this puree be, I'm, like, tasting it and tasting it.

It's very mild but light.

And I'm just like, parsley.

You can do a nice, light parsley puree.

Rochelle has chosen parsley for her puree.

See what that tastes like.

But Jason is still experimenting.

I was thinking, like, maybe they just did, like, a lettuce puree.

No, that's not it.

It's got to be the watercress, then.

Both Scott and Jason have decided on watercress for their puree.

Last minute, guys.

Here we go.

And Melanie has chosen arugula.

Come on, guys.

Finishing touches.

Oh, my God, my fish is, like, falling apart.

- Five, four
- Hot coming around.

Three, two, one, and serve, guys.

Okay, Rochelle, tell me about your dish.

Okay, Chef.

I felt like you used butternut squash.

And then with the fish I actually chose sole.

So inside here, what's in there? Parsley and olive oil, salt and pepper.

- Wow.

- Okay, wow.

Wait, what does that mean? Hmm, what does that mean? Melanie, please, pass me your dish.

Yes, Chef.

Thank you.

- Talk to me about it.

- So I chose the sole as well.

And then I did the arugula pesto with walnuts, roasted the pumpkin with dill.


Well, that's not pumpkin.

No way.

- Scott, please.

- Yes, Chef.

Describe your dish, please.

I chose escolar.

And then the squash, I chose butternut squash.

The puree on the plate, I used watercress.

-tasting dish.

You know, Chef liked the dish.

So I'm hoping I got it right.

We'll see.

Jason, please.

Thank you.

I chose the sole, butternut squash.

Is that just watercress puree there? Yeah.


Okay, let's get one thing straight.

The most important element of the dish is the protein.

Rochelle, Melanie, and Jason, you had sole.

And, Scott, you had escolar.

And the right fish is
- Sole.

- Sorry, Scott.

You're now eliminated.

Let's move on to veg.

Jason and Rochelle had butternut squash.

And, Melanie, you had pumpkin.

And the correct ingredient is Butternut squash.


Melanie, you're out.

So it's now between Rochelle and Jason.

And it all comes down to the puree.

One of you had parsley, Rochelle.

And one of you had watercress, Jason.

And the right answer is In Chef Ramsay's "taste it, now make it" challenge, Scott and Melanie have already been eliminated.

It's now between Rochelle and Jason.

And the Chef who correctly identified the main ingredient in the puree wins the challenge.

Congratulations Jason.

Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Watercress puree it was.

Thank you, Chef.

Good job.

Rochelle, not bad.

I was close.

Watercress, dang it.

Well done.

Nailed it! Right now, I'm kind of on a roll.

Jason, you are going on the most amazing, fabulous V.



restaurant tour.

Rocked this challenge out, so, yeah, this is my redemption from the blind taste test.

Something else you need to know.

Sous Chef Andi will be accompanying you.

There's a few more surprises as you eat your way around this city.

Your first surprise is actually waiting for you upstairs in the dorm, so head on up.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Well done.

- Good job, man.

- Thank you.

Scott, Melanie, and Rochelle, whilst Jason is eating out at some of the finest restaurants in Los Angeles, it's moving day in Hell's Kitchen.

There's a moving truck.

I want all the furniture out of the rooms, all the beds turned upside down, taken out.

After that, prep and setup to head off tonight's busy service.

- Got it?
- Yes, Chef.

Head up to the dorm.

I love moving day.


That's why I don't move.

Yeah! Yeah.

-clad stainless steel cookware it is beautiful, and I cannot wait to use it.

What did you get, you bastard?
- Nice job, bro.

- Yeah.

Nice job, man.

I am ready to get the [Bleep]

out there.

I'm ready to go change.

And I'm hungry.

I'm ready to get some food.

Riding high from his win, Jason heads out with sous Chef Andi to start his V.



restaurant tour.

Here we are, Fig & Olive.

Fig & Olive, beautiful place.

- I love trying new places out.

- Hi.

Welcome to fig and olive, Melrose place.

- My name is Mitchel.

- Nice to meet you.

- Hi.

- Jason.

It's just inspiring, seeing what's new, what people are doing.

It's exciting to see what I'm in for.

We have a rosemary
-garlic lamb chop smoked in the dining room and served as such.



- Mm.

- How is it? So soft and succulent.

I'm very happy right now.

So who do you think is your biggest competition at this point? I'm not real worried about the three that are left besides me.

I mean, Melanie seems to be getting stupider day by day.

As long as you stay consistent, you'll be fine.

While Jason does a little trash
-talking of the competition, back in Hell's Kitchen, Scott
- I'll jump up there.

- Okay.

I just I can't use my hand.

Is being taken advantage of by the competition.

Not only are you strong, but you're organized.

I know.

If I ever move, I'm calling you.

I had a strategy going on.

We have Scott as a guy to do this [Bleep]

for us.

Me and Rochelle don't really put up much effort.

It was, like, perfect.

I'm sorry, Scott.

That's all right.

Times like these, women aren't much of a help.

- So lunch?
- Okay.

Yeah, the girls were loving me today.

That's for sure.

I took care of a lot of lifting today.

And they didn't have to do much.

That sucked.

I'm tired.

I kind of want to try some of these chicken taquitos.

While Scott continues to be a one
-man moving company, Chef Andi is ready to surprise Jason with another culinary delight.

This is one of my favorite places, okay? Awesome.

Looks wonderful.

Oh, my God! After winning today's "Taste it, now make it" challenge.

Jason is enjoying a culinary tour of Los Angeles with sous chef Andi.

This is one of my favorite places, okay? Awesome.

Looks wonderful.

And their next stop has something extra special
- on the menu.

- Hi.

- Oh, my God.

- Hey.

Awesome to see you again.

Hi, babe.

Yeah, come here, ma.

Having my family here, you know, it means a lot to me.

It truly does.

See you back at the kitchen.

- Bye, guys.

- Thank you so much.

Just being able to, like, sit down and talk with them, that's what's gonna get me through and get to the next level.

- Good afternoon.

- How's it going? Excellent, Chef.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you very much.

- Michael.

- Jason.

Nice to meet you.

We're gonna do a few courses for you, if that's all right.

It looks wonderful, Chef.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

I can't tell you how happy I am to see you.

I've missed you too.

It's been mentally so frustrating here.

It's really difficult at times.

That's part of the game, I guess.


Have you yelled at people? Um Go back to the grocery store, [Bleep]

! 'Cause it's not on fire yet, you dumb little [Bleep]

! Oh, yeah.


- Do you got to go back to work?
- Yeah.

Oh, my goodness.

Yeah, and do a full dinner service.

- We're gonna go to the pool.

- Good.

Enjoy yourself.

It was a wonderful day.

And I'll never forget this.

- Bye

- Have a good day.

Love you.

As Jason races back to Hell's Kitchen Hi.

The remaining chefs have finished prepping for tonight's dinner service.

It was too good of a day.

I need to put that aside and just focus.

Line up, guys.

Line up.

Okay, tonight's service will determine if you make it into the final.

Each of you will take a turn running the pass.

If there was ever a time to separate yourself from your competitors, tonight is the night.

And after tonight's service, two of you will be gone, so give it all you've got.

Get on your stations.

Let's go.

That's exciting/nerve

Yeah, it's no big deal.

Just pressure's on.

Okay, J.


, open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Thank you.

- Here we go, guys.

- Yes, Chef.

- Taste everything, please, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

No matter what, I love you all.

I'm gonna yell at you, but it'll be okay.

As always, the chefs will have to perform up to Chef Ramsay's standards on the line.

- Let's do this [Bleep]


- Whoo

But tonight each will have a turn running the pass and must show they have the leadership and quality
-control skills necessary to be a head Chef.

Here we go.

On order, here we go.

Good luck, guys, yes? Thank you, Chef.

Four covers, table one.

Two risotto, two capellini.

Yes, Chef.

You got it? I got two capellinis gonna start for you, okay? At this point in time, everyone knows how to cook.

Dropping pasta right now.

And now it's time we stand out and be on top.

- Okay, first two.

- We're walking right now, Chef.

Let's go.

Good, perfect.

Now that appetizers are making their way out to the diners
- Thank you.

- Of course.

All right, James, take over.

Rochelle, come over.

Let's go.

Chef Ramsay is ready to hand control over to the chefs Okay, when you get the ticket, read the ticket first before you announce it.

Beginning with Rochelle.

Let's go.

Running the pass, I've never done it before.

I want to hear you now.

And it just makes me so nervous.

Okay, guys, one risotto, one scallop, one capellini, one salad.

I need that risotto, Chef, as soon as you can.

And I need those scallops, Jason, with the scallop salad and the capellinis, you guys.

No idea what you just told me, Rochelle.

It was too fast.

I could not understand what she was saying.

She was just like "One minute.

" And it's like, what? I need those scallops.

I need that risotto.

I need the scallop salad.

Salad, come on.

You have to control them.

James, how long on those salads? In my hands, Chef.


Come on, Rochelle.

Umm Realistically, these aren't very pretty.

Get him over to the hot plate and tell him.

Get him over to the hot plate.

You don't run to him.

You can't leave here.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You're driving the ship.

Chef James, would you mind coming over? Hurry up, James, please.

I'm so sorry.

Rochelle, come over here a minute.

You're running Hell's Kitchen right now, okay? Yes, Chef.

And every two minutes you're giggling.

I'm sorry.

Okay, so no one's gonna take you seriously.

- Okay?
- I'm so nervous.

I'm so sorry.

But you're running a brigade now.

Yes, Chef.

Okay, so get a grip and stop giggling.

I'm sorry, Chef.

Serious now.

Let's go.

I normally laugh when I'm a little bit nervous or when I'm like, "oh, gosh, Rochelle, pull it together.

" Like, it's just my way of, like, bouncing back.

Go on.

You're in charge.

Let's go.

How long on that one risotto, capellini, and scallops, you guys? A minute and a half.

Scott, I want to see your garnish up here in one minute.

You got it.

Coming up.

Right, that's better.

Look at me.

You're running them now, and they're not running you.

After a nervous start on the pass, Rochelle has taken control.

Hot behind.

You can set them down here on the right.

And appetizers are flying out
- to the dining room.

- That's pretty good.

It's, like, buttery.


But it's time for her to be tested again And there's four risotto working as well, yes? Yes, Chef.

As Chef Ramsay has enlisted sous Chef James to test Rochelle's quality control One minute.

By preparing a risotto with shrimp instead of lobster.


Taste everything.

Let's go.

Shrimp? Chef, I think this is shrimp in here.

What? Is that shrimp? Well spotted.

Tell him.

Let's go.

I need one more risotto, Chef, as soon as possible.

Coming now.

This is new for me.

Sometimes it takes a little bit of practice.

Service, please.

To go, please.

Thank you.

I did, you know, take a little bit of time to overcome.

But I mean, once I did, I felt like I did well.

Okay, Rochelle, back on appetizers.


Yes, Chef.

On the hot plate.

Come on, Melanie.

Let's go.

Get your ticket in, walk over, call it out.

Read the ticket through your mind first, okay? Okay.

While Melanie has just taken the reins of Hell's Kitchen
- Melanie, order in.

- Thank you.

Chef Ramsay wastes no time testing her attention to detail, starting with the very first ticket.

You guys, listen up.

We just got a six top in right now.

I need two risotto, two capellini, one scallop, one caesar.


That's not on the menu.

So I was curious.

- I'm like, "what is that?"
- What's the problem? I need to ask about this caesar.

Okay, that's not even on the menu.

- Yeah.

- So why did you call it out? Because I don't know if we're able to run a special or so we're not running a special.


Everything on the menu's special.

- Okay.

- You read the ticket first.

I don't know if Melanie can command enough respect to run a kitchen.

We don't have a caesar on the menu.

Oh, we don't? No caesar.

I definitely think that she could use a few more years of experience.

All right, guys, that six

I have two risotto working and two capellini, yeah? And a scallop and a regular butter lettuce salad.


Nobody says anything.

It's like a ghost town.

Hello? Like, does anybody hear me? Scallops, two capellini.

No one replies.

When they don't answer you, that means they haven't heard.

They don't give a [Bleep]


Can I get an answer, guys? I feel like I'm talking to no one.



You guys.

Tonight Chef Ramsay is testing the ability of each of the final four to run the kitchen.

Scallops, two capellini.

And after having a hard time getting the full attention of her brigade No one replies.

Melanie is clearly disappointed.



You guys.

Melanie, you've got to control them.

And they're controlling you.

You're not controlling them.

I know, Chef.

It's very important tonight to emerge as a leader.

And I want to prove to Chef Ramsay, like, oh, yeah, I [Bleep]

have a voice, watch me.

How long two capellini, two scallops? How long? Yeah, the capellini, give me 30 seconds.

- Scallops?
- 30 seconds.

Garnish, are you able to come in 30 seconds? Yeah, yeah.

- Walking right now, Mel.

- Service, please.

With Melanie seemingly in control of the kitchen Happy with that, Melanie?
- Yes, Chef.

- I tasted everything.

Let's go.

Table 73.

Dishes are once again making their way to the dining room.

This is amazing.

That has so much flavor.

Back on the station.

Let's go.

Scott, let's go.

Right, you're in control of Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, Chef.

I love working the stations and cooking, but I feel I'm definitely a good orchestrator overall, so I just want to go up there and, you know, just kind of do what I know how to do.

All right, listen up.

Entrees, one halibut, two salmon, one chicken.

Order in.

Two halibut, one salmon, one chicken.

Two halibut, one salmon.

One halibut, two salmon, one chicken.

- You got it, boss.

- Thank you.


Finally, a voice.

Let's go, let's go.

It's definitely not easy to run the pass.

The biggest thing is, you know, just to make sure that everybody is coordinated and working together.

Chef is the one that makes it look easy, you know.

Behind, hot behind.


Thank you.

How we coming on two wellington? Right here, Chef.


Thank you.


Service, please.

Under Scott's strong leadership, the kitchen is churning out entrees at a rapid pace.


Where's my salmon? Salmon.

Give me that.


Service, please.

But now his quality control will be put to the test, as sous Chef James has hidden a duck breast amongst the chicken order.

Chef James, looking for chicken.

- Right here, please.

- Yeah, he's there, James.

Thank you.

Let's go.

- Good.

- Chef James.

- Yeah?
- James, here, please.

What's wrong? I got pink chicken, and I got duck breast here, Chef.

- Quick, James.

- Pink chicken and duck breast.

Well spotted.

Let's go.

Urgently, one more chicken.

Thank you.

After passing his quality
-control test Chef James, please, what's in my sauce?
- Lamb sauce, Chef.

- Yeah, let's fix that, please.

Scott continues to scrutinize very carefully every dish that comes to the pass.

Just a hit of salt on this, please.

- More salt?
- Yes, please.


Scott was being a little too picky.

Chef, can you taste this for me? I think there's that was a hell of a lot of garlic in there, isn't there, Chef? There's a ridiculous amount of garlic in there.

Well spotted.

He was sending too many things back that didn't really need to get sent back, like garnishes.

I'm like, "really?" Hey, guys, I need a re
-fire on this halibut sauce.

This is full of garlic.

-fire it as soon as possible.

Get that rolling.

While Scott's pickiness may be annoying his teammates I need a re
-fire on a lobster tail, please.

This is mush.

Coming up.

Thank you.

Well spotted.

Yeah, mush.

The customers are experiencing near perfection in the dining room.

I like that.


That was good.

- Jason, on the hot plate.

- All right.

After an impressive run by Scott, it's now time for Jason to take his turn at the pass.

So are we still at, like, four minutes on that two salmon, two chicken, two wellington? In 3 1/2 minutes, I can walk with chicken and wellington.

I try to, like, liven things up when I know, like, people get down.

The people that work for you aren't gonna really put up good dishes if they don't like who they're working for.

Melanie, how long on that chicken, do you think?
- 30 seconds.

- 30 seconds.

I want to bring it to you cooked, Jason.

No, no, yeah.

I would like it cooked too.

So rock and roll.

Scott, good work on the garnish, keeping it fast, keeping it up to pace.

Jason's a goofball, man.

And, you know, I was a little bit surprised.

You know, I thought he would've kept it a little more serious.

Melanie, you're doing very well.

I'm glad to see this good work coming out of you.

Jason has to be able to command that respect when respect is needed during service.

I think we're doing pretty good, guys.

Like, I'm gonna make out with the back of all your hands.

No, be serious.

Let's go.

With Jason taking a more jovial attitude toward leadership Come on, guys, energy, please.

No one's counting back.

No one's calling back.

It's just flat.

All right, what's going on right now? The chefs seem to be taking a little more laid
-back attitude towards cooking.

Two wellington, how long?
- I need 2 1/2 minutes.

- Oh, come on, guys.

This is [Bleep]


There's nothing coming out.

Jason, come here, you.

It's two hours into a dinner service where the chefs are taking turns running the pass.

I think we're doing pretty good, guys.

I'm gonna make out with the back of all your hands.

No, be serious.

Let's go.

And Jason's laid
-back style Two wellington, how long?
- I need 2 1/2 minutes.

- Oh, come on, guys.

This is [Bleep]


Has resulted in the kitchen not exactly performing at optimum speed.

There's nothing coming out.

Jason, come here, you.

No flustering, no [Bleep]


You call out orders like they're your best friends.

You're not down at the pub.

You're not at a bar.

You're running them.

Do you understand?
- Yes.

- And so this is an important part.

But they've got to take you serious.

Off you go.

I take what I do very seriously in the kitchen.

Now I need to step it up and prove what I can do.

- Two wellington working?
- Walking with wellington garnish right now.

Now that Jason has taken a more serious approach Two wellington walking.

Scott, how you doing? Walking with salmon garnish, Chef.

- Walking on salmon.

- Thank you.

Entrees are making their way out of the kitchen.


Chicken and the jus walking right now.

All right.

Chicken up.

But his quality control is about to be tested as sous Chef James delivers crusted salmon instead of halibut.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Two halibut on? Isn't that salmon? Well spotted.

Yes, it was.

Come on, guys.


After catching the planned sabotage Let's go.


Go, go, go.

Jason sends out the evening's final entrees.




Everything off, please, James.


You now fully all understand what it's like running Hell's Kitchen, right? Yes, Chef.

I need some time to figure out who belongs in the Hell's Kitchen final.

But I want your perspective about which one of your fellow chefs you feel does not belong in the final.

- Got it?
- Yes, Chef.

Off you go.

I don't think anyone's gonna say my name, but, if they do, I don't give a [Bleep]


Anyone can say what they want.

I feel good about myself.

This is gonna suck.

Who's your decision? Scott.

I think he's done a great job lately.

And, you know, I'm gonna say that.

But, like, he wasn't good for the whole first half.

I know.

Scott's really been taking the lead, being a lot louder, like he should be, and putting out good food, so I mean, yeah, it's the right time to shine, but is it good enough? So, so torn.

I think Jason could've been a little more serious tonight.

I know.

It's hard, 'cause, like, Jason also has kind of, like, a goofball personality like me, but, I mean, I'm not seeing, you know, that strong leadership quality is, like, with that level of integrity that, you know, I'd be looking for.

- I have to go pee.

- Me too.


What's going on here? I'm not real confident in Melanie.

I'm not either.

Too young.


Like, just not serious enough, maybe? Yeah.

There's just something lacking.

And I think, you know, I think Rochelle's a great [Bleep]


But, like, even, like, when [Bleep]

got serious tonight, she, like, bursts out in laughter.

I think we got this.

I think that would be awesome.


Tonight I lose two talented chefs that I respect.

Melanie, who do you think should not be in the final? I'm gonna say Scott.

For the first half of this whole competition, he disappeared a lot during service.

He didn't communicate back.

I understand now he's doing a good job.

But isn't that too far in the competition to show what you have when there's people that have been shining the whole time? Rochelle, who do you think should not be in the final? I just have to go with Jason.

If you're gonna be in a position as a head Chef, you know, where you're under that stress, like, are you gonna snap? Are you gonna fall back? Are you gonna be able to take that leadership and run with it? He's the one that I'm a little bit hesitant on.


I'd have to go with Melanie, Chef.

She's had simple hiccups and stuff since I've been working with her, you know, here and there.

Just kind of the consistency level that I get concerned about.

- Jason.

- Rochelle.

When she gets nervous, the anxiety kicks in and starts talking really fast, and it's hard to understand, and seems to get, like, a little too frantic, and it's just not a healthy thing in the kitchen.

Thank you for your comments.

But this is a tough one for me, let me tell you.

The first person leaving Hell's Kitchen Is Rochelle.

Come here, you.

Let me tell you something.

Oh, I didn't mean to giggle.

I'm sorry.

You made me giggle.

Here's the thing.

Never in the history of this competition have I seen someone that has been so energetic.

And that energy can go far.

Whatever you decide to do in this industry, you're gonna have a very bright future, let me tell you.

- You deserve it.

- Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Now, without giggling, keep a straight face and give me your jacket.



I knew you couldn't do it.

I know.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

- Best of luck, you guys.

- Good luck, Rochelle.

It's been a pleasure to work with you.

Take care.

One of my biggest fears coming in here was the fact that I didn't have the experience as everybody else.

You cook like you've been working in a kitchen for five years.

- Thank you, Chef.

- What is so funny? I don't know.

I think I laugh a little bit when I'm nervous.

There were definitely times where thoughts of doubt popped in my head.

Is it hard to balance a family and work? It's tough.

You know, you got to make a lot of sacrifices in the beginning.

- Is that your best?
- No, Chef.

But I was able to push and push through it.

Even being a catering Chef, I stood my ground.

Gabriel, you have two chickens following that.

Make sure those are in right now.

The winner, Rochelle.

Yeah! Yeah! Yes.

I've learned so much.

And it's been such an amazing journey.

I've had some good services but nothing quite as good as tonight.

You are a natural, let me tell you.

Thank you so much.

Chef Ramsay, thank you so much for this opportunity.

And I feel like, your next restaurant, I might be applying.

And I won't laugh as much.

Melanie, Scott, and Jason, as I look at the three of you, I can see any one of you in the final.

But there can only be two.

The first person going into the Hell's Kitchen final is The first person going into the Hell's Kitchen final is Scott.


Congratulations, man.

You are the biggest comeback Chef in the history of this competition, let me tell you.

And tonight you proved that on running the hot plate.

You did a great job.

Thank you so much, Chef.

Melanie and Jason The Chef joining Scott In the final is Jason.


Thank you, Chef.

- Good job, guys.

- Thank you.

Well done.

Melanie, come here.

Let me tell you something.

Please, don't tear that off.


Hang on to that.

And here's why.

There is no doubt in my mind that you were born to cook, let me tell you that.

You have that level of tenacious ability to constantly keep going forward.

And you were born born to cook.

- Thank you.

- Okay, it's in your blood.

- Well done, my darling.

- Thank you.

Come here.

Good job.

Good job.

Well done.

Thanks, guys.

Thanks, guys.

I came into this competition with a lot of confidence.

I am confident enough to hop from every station.

I need five minutes, five minut
- Melanie.

- Yes, Chef.

Great sear and great temperature on the filet.

Thank you, Chef.

I was one of the youngest ones here.

And sometimes I got thrown on my ass.

Walking right now.


I pulled a bunch of rookie mistakes that I shouldn't [Bleep]


You're a better Chef than that.

I know.

But I always gave 175 million percent of myself.

Walking with my risotto.

Follow behind me with those tails, Jason.

And I learned being a head Chef is more than just putting out good food.

Drive your team, Melanie.

Let's go.

Getting this far in this crazy
-ass competition, and I'm so much stronger.

And I know what I'm capable of.

Dude, this is awesome.

Melanie, those New York strip are cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

Melanie, Melanie.

I can only grow from here.

I can only get better as the years go on.

So I mean, yeah, I lost tonight.

But you'll see me in a couple of years somewhere else.

Scott and Jason, congratulations.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you very much, Chef.

Both of you, enjoy this phenomenal moment, 'cause your biggest test lies ahead of you.

- Yes.

- Yes, Chef.

- Congratulations, seriously.

- Thank you, Chef.

Head upstairs.

Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Brother, dude.

Yeah, brother.

Holy cats.

Being resilient and not giving up has been my motto since day one, so I'm not about to go home now.

- Oh, man.

- Dude.

Yeah! I cannot believe where I am right now! This is amazing! I've come a long way.

I'm so ready for this.

I'm so ready for this.

Ha! Next time on Hell's Kitchen, its the showdown you've been waiting for.

You're going down! Who will win Hell's Kitchen
- Cheers, buddy.

- Last two.

Absolutely incredible.

And claim their place on Chef Ramsay's wall of fame as its newest winner Just a couple of guys from the midwest making waves.

And a salary of $1/4 million?
- What?
- Will it be the comeback kid, Scott, the refined and resilient from Woodstock, Illinois? My motivation to win this thing is for a better life for my family.

Or Mr.

consistency, Jason The rowdy, yet reliable The potential that is within me is insane.

And when their former teammates comeback.

Ahh, [Bleep]


Will it be for revenge? Don't talk to me anymore.

I want you out.

- You wanna leave right now?
- Nothing coming out.

Finds out, who wins it all.

- One.

- Next time
- Two.

- on the riveting conclusion.

- Three.

- of Hell's Kitchen.
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