Stronghold (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Stronghold (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Nena] The markers

are here to keep us safe.

Don't ever cross them.

[eerie music playing]

[Nena] You don't want to see

what's on the other side

of the markers.

Nothing but pain,

fear, and destruction.

[Sol gasps]

-[Sol panting]

-[high-pitched ringing]

You will not take

my girl from me.

[Sol humming]

[birds chirping]

[Nena] We'll have

full bellies tonight.

Good job, Sunshine.

You have to always

be alert, Sol.

-[Sol] I was.

-You didn't hear me coming.

That's how you can die, Sol.

You have to be alert.

You have to know

your surroundings.

You said that we were safe here.

From the sick people, yes.

But not from the bears.

[mysterious music playing]

The bears don't carry spears.


They don't carry spears...

but they run faster than you.

-I wish that we saw a bear.

-[Nena] Why?

Because if we caught one,

then we could eat for months.

That's if

it didn't k*ll us first.

[music intensifying]

[both laughing]

[both humming]

[Nena] I bet...

we will have

enough food for the winter.

I better eat all the fruit

while I still can.

Mm. That's the one thing

I miss from before.

Being able to stock

fruit and vegetables

and meat in a fridge

was the life.

Tell me about before.

I bet if we made

jams or preserves

from the fruit,

we could keep it.

[Nena chuckling]

[sighs] You've never had

jam before, have you?

I'll pick up some containers

the next time I make a day trip.

Tell me about before.

It was...

loud and busy.

And the air was heavy,

thick, and dirty.

And there was a lot of people

and not enough food.


it was enough people...

just not enough

willing to feed the hungry.

And, uh, people, they...

they became slaves to objects.

They-- they valued it

more than--

than human life,

more than family.

And, um...

people were just consumed

with the objects...

and the gadgets and the gizmos.

They were the worst.

I never told you

about the gadgets.

Well, they were

these tiny devices

meant to make life easier.

But it was just an illusion.

Life only got harder.

People became slaves

to these objects.

What about the gizmos?

You're so silly

[indistinct], sunshine.

It means the same as a gadget.

Two words

that mean the same thing?



There were so many devices.

Just so many names.

[Sol] Did you have one?

Yeah, everyone did.

Man, child...


Children, too?

[Nena chuckles]

[Nena] No matter how many

parenting experts told them,

"Do not give these

to children..."

"Wait until

they're two years old,"

they would say.

These kids, they had them.

The babies,

before they were out of diapers.

Why did everyone

want these devices?

[Nena] They were meant

to keep people connected.

You could find someone

anywhere, anytime.

That's wonderful.

[Nena] No.

People rarely

answered their devices.

They were just too consumed

with things

that were meaningless.

And no one had any privacy.

All of your information

was out there...

for anyone to find.

So, no one ever had to be alone?


Just the opposite, sunshine.

The only thing

that people were connected to...

was their own loneliness.

Let's eat.

[soft ominous music playing]

Mm. Which book

do you want to read tonight?

I'm not in the mood

for Dracula or Frankenstein.

I know. Tell me about Papa.

He was handsome,

and he had your eyes.

And he had a smile

that could melt anyone's heart.

That's how he got me.

That's the smile. [chuckling]


he took care of us

for as long as he could.

[crickets chirping]

Tell me a story about him.

Once, um, there was a squirrel

right there

on the side of the house.

Easy pickings?

No, no, no.

This was before.

Um, we didn't eat squirrels.

We-- we got food

from grocery stores.

There were these

big grocery stores

with everything

that you could imagine.

And squirrels,

they were just these

fuzzy little creatures

that people found adorable.

So, when your papa

saw one with a broken leg...

he just had to nurse it

back to health

and release it into the wild.

Oh, no, Sol.

It's not like that.

Things were different.

We have to hunt now.

Where was I?


You were just a baby.

-A baby.


What's that like?

Oh, loud and noisy,

and fussy and messy and...


I want a baby.

You know that

you need a man to do that.

We are the only two people

out left, I mean, there's--

there's no one else

out there, Sol.

[solemn music playing]

Good night, Sol.

I love you.

Good night.


[liquid sloshing]


[birds chirping]

[Nena] Morning.

What are you doing up there?

Had a dream last night.

[Nena] About?

You were kissing Papa.

You weren't you.

Who was I?

[Sol] Someone else.

And there was a butterfly.

Dreams don't always make sense.

About last night...

I don't wanna

give you false hope, Sol.

We may be the only

two people left who aren't sick.

I know.

I just liked it better

when there was a chance.

You eat breakfast?

I'm going to town soon.

Get some supplies.

You'll be all right by yourself?

I always am.

[birds chirping]

[wheels rattling]

[g*nsh*t echoing]

[ominous music playing]

[branches cracking]

[sunglasses clatter]

[Sol panting]

[Sol sobbing]

[Sol panting]

[Sol whimpering]

[Sol breaking shakily]

[crickets chirping]

[music fades out]

[birds chirping]

[water trickling]

[Sol] Let me help you.

You were gone too long.

Did you see anyone?

It's getting hotter out there.


Take me with you next time.

No, um, you're not ready.

Well, I'll have to go sometime.

Not now, we'll just wait

'til you get older.

I'm old enough.

The things out there,

once you've seen them,

they change you.

You-- you'll never be the same.

You seem fine.

That's because I had to learn

to live with a lot.

Had to bury the people

that meant the most to me.

Your uncles, your father.

You may not remember this,

but your papa...

he suffered a lot.

When all this happened...

order was the first thing to go.

There was no police,

no military.

There was just chaos and people,

they were k*lling themselves

just for simple items.

No police?


Why, what happened?

Well, when there was no order,

the respect for the uniform

was the first to go.

And people

were getting infected.

Police had to

protect themselves.

There's no honor in the badge

when the virus is the enemy.

What are the signs

of the infected?

Well, there's fever and chills

and your skin turns gray.

And then you start coughing,

you know,

sometimes you cough up blood.

Then you become comatose.



It's like when you go to sleep,

but you don't wake up.

I thought you only sleep

and not wake up

when you're dead.

Well, the virus, it changes you

during the comatose stage.

And when you do wake up...

your skin is really gray

and there's red

around your eyes,

and your whole body has sores.

And the worst part is...

You're not yourself anymore.


There's no light

behind the eyes.

Only v*olence.

It's a nightmare out there.

And I just want to protect you

and keep you safe

just a little longer.

I just want you to be happy.

[mysterious music playing]

[Sol gasps]

I thought you could retire

your old doll.

That doll was yours

when you were little.

I'm never getting rid of it.

But I love this doggie.

Thank you.

Were the real ones

this soft and little?

Yeah, some of them.

They looked just like the wolves

we see up in the mountains.

[Sol chuckles]

[Sol gasps]

I figured you would like that.

This looks almost brand new.

Where did you find it?

I had to go a little further.

But this one house

had all these goods.

[Sol giggling]


How did they ever

make it smell like that?

[Nena] Well, they used to have,

like, these big factories

and big machines,

assembly lines,

and a chemistry lab.

-Like in Hard Times?

-[Nena chuckling]

-Speaking of Hard Times...

-[Sol gasping]

-[Sol] Ooh.

-[Nena gasps]

[Sol] Where'd you find this?

Don't touch this, sunshine.

g*ns can be dangerous.

Um, I got it in case

an animal comes too close.

[Sol] Or if the infected

show up here?

Yeah, well, we would hear them.

-[Sol] The bells?

-Yeah, the bells.

They keep us safe.

I-- I'll teach you

how to use this one day

and I have the feeling

you'll be a natural.

In the meantime, don't touch it.

Could only get

so many b*ll*ts and...

we only have to fire this

if it's absolutely necessary.


-[Nena] Okay.


I want to see you in that.

[Sol chuckles softly]

I wanna save it

for a special occasion.


[crickets chirping]

[metallic clanking]

[Nena gasps]

I know you wouldn't be

on the property lines.

Where did you find that?

In your room.

Why would you hide this thing?

Who was that?

What was he doing here?

I mean, he didn't look sick

and you said that--

Sol, we have talked

about this so many times.

[Sol] You said

that there were no police.


-[badge clatters]

What did you do with the body?

I-- I buried him.

Way out into the woods,

far away from us.

You touched the body?

You know

you could get sick, Sol!

How many times have I told you,

don't go past the property line!

[Sol] What was he doing here?

I don't know.

He was sick,

he-- he att*cked me.

He didn't look sick.


They don't always look sick.

Except for the b*llet hole.

That's how this disease works.

They look normal,

until they lunge at you

and they try to k*ll you.

He didn't look sick.

They don't always look sick.

What did you do, Sol?

[Nena panting]

[twigs snapping]

[ominous music playing]

[Marcus panting]

[birds chirping]

[book clatters, Sol gasps]

Nena, I found a man

in the woods.

A survivor.



Stay back.

-Sol, stay back.


It could be dangerous.

Let me show you where he is.

Sol, stay back.

Keep your distance!

I don't need you

to come with me.

[Sol] Come on. It's okay.

-Is he alive?

-Stay back, Sol.

Can you fix him? Is he infected?

He doesn't look infected.

I don't know.

I wished for him.

Don't let him die.

[tense music playing]

He needs water.

I told you, do not touch him.

-You could get sick.

-What about you?

I had it, I lived, I'm immune.

You never told me

you were infected.

Sol, I am trying

to help this man.

-[Marcus coughing]

-[Nena gasps]

-[Sol] He needs water.

-[Nena] I know he needs water.

Stay back, Sol.

If we both help,

this will go faster.

[wind whistling]

How is he?

He's knocked out cold.

I gave him some herbs.

I'm doing the best that I can.

What's this?

Same thing that I gave him.

It'll help you

with the infection.

But I'm not sick.

[Nena] That's how

the disease works.

But you touched the sheriff...

so it's better to be safe.

But you said that the disease

was certain death, Nena.

You had it before.

If I told you to eat

those berries in the woods...

that it might make you die

or just very sick...

would you risk it?

That you might die,

but it's not certain?

This disease took your father

and it tried to take me.

Why would you risk it?

[Sol] Sometimes

I used to wish for death...

to be reunited.

-But now--

-But now?

I have hope.

[Nena] Hope?

That there might be

others like him.

Go to bed.

"He couldn't tell

where he was...

or when he was.

As he looked

out into the darkness..."

[birds chirping]

[Sol groaning softly]

Oh. Nena?




[eerie music]

[Sol retching]

What happened?

You were sick.

We both were.

We're better now.


What's your name?


-And you?


I found you in the woods.

Who's the mean lady?

That's my Nena. She helped you.

Is she your mother?

What are you two

doing out here anyway?


I guess

that's what I'm doing, too.

Are there others like you?

Other survivors?

Yeah. There's others like me,

you can say that.

That's wonderful.

Where did you come from, Marcus?

Can you take us there?

I-- I don't even know

where there is.

Do you have children?

I've never even

seen a child since I--

Whoa, slow down, Sol.

Slow down.

No, I don't have any children.

And my sister, Bri,

is the only person I have.


You're the first person

that I've talked to in years,

besides Nena and Papa,

but he died when I was little.

He was infected.

But before the virus--

I thought I told you

to stay away from him.

I-- it's okay, Nena.

He's not sick and I'm not sick.

Everyone's okay.

Marcus, this is my Nena.

Thank you very much

for everything

you and your daughter did

to help me.

We're happy to help.

Now that you're all better,

I can help you

find your way back.

Yes, of course.

I'll be leaving

first thing in the morning.

No, you-- he can't go.

-He just got here.

-Sol, we have work to do.

Someone has to clean

and smoke all this meat

before it goes bad.

He can't leave yet!

He just got here,

he can tell us about the world.

I already know all that.

[Sol] Well, I don't.

Sol, there's nothing out there

for you.


And you don't even know

anything about this man.

Because you won't let me.

I tried to ask questions.

He's not sick.

Sol, I know his type.

He's no good.

He's gonna bring us

more trouble if he stays here.

-What does that even mean?

-There's people after him.

What people?

Everyone is infected or dead,



Tell me the truth.

There are people out there,

and you've seen them.

Admit it.

There are some people.

I haven't seen many,

but there's some.

It always scares me.

Scare you? How?

You know the sheriff?

Marcus brought him here.



How? The sheriff came before.

He followed him into the woods.

And now there could be others.

We've been exposed.

And there's gonna be

some people coming after them.

I don't even know

if we are safe here anymore

and I think we have to leave.


I'm ready to leave

when you are, Nena.

But you're not ready

for what's out there.

They hunt people.

They hurt women.

And they steal and infect you

just for a sport.

But you're a woman.

They've never hurt you.

[Nena sobs]

My sweet and naive Sol.

That's because I had to learn

to protect myself...

after being hurt so many times.

And I have protected you

from all of that.

And I have kept you safe.

And I am not going to let

that no good Marcus

take that from me.

[tense music]

Was the sheriff sick or not?

He surprised me, sunshine.

He caught me off guard,

and I just--

I had to act fast

and I regret it.

I have never k*lled

anyone before.

And I'm not proud of it.

But I did it to protect you.

I would do

anything for you, Sol.

I would die for you.

And that is what a mother does

for her child.

She protects them

no matter what.


-Okay, Nena.


When do you want to leave?

Where are we gonna go next?

I-- I don't know, um...

Let's just get the meat ready

for dinner in the smoker.

And then you and me

are gonna get rid of Marcus.

And then we're gonna come up

with a plan

to leave this place for good.


I'm, um-- I'm gonna

go get the maps.

And I'mma see

where we could go.

[water lapping]

Jesus, Sol.

You can't sneak up

on people like that.

Especially when they're naked.

What is this place?

Who is this?

I need to get dressed.

Can you please turn around, Sol?

[bathwater sloshing]

Your Nena was right.

You really are young

for your age.

When did you talk to Nena?

Last night.

She told me all about you.

She said that

you were dangerous.

Is that right?

Yeah, she's right.

But don't worry.

I won't be around

you and your Nena much longer.

And I'm not gonna hurt you.

Either of you.

I'm not afraid of you.

Who is this?


no good will come from this.

I found a body.

A sheriff in the woods.


What do you mean a sheriff?

-How long ago?


That's not good.

That's not good at all.

Did you bring him here?


Yes, but not on purpose.

He must have been after me.

-I don't know.

-It's okay.

It's safe here. Nena k*lled him.

She what?

Why would she k*ll him?

I need to get out of here.

No, no, no, no.

Why did you do that, Sol?

I've never kissed anyone before.

Sol, you shouldn't have

done that.

You're just a child.

[eerie music playing]

[Marcus grunts]

Uh, I have a first aid kit.

-I don't need your help.

-You do.

-Here, careful.

-[Marcus groans]

I'll be right back.

[Nena] What's going on?

[eerie musical flourish]

Marcus hurt himself

on one of my traps.

He's not going

anywhere for a while.

Nobody's going anywhere.

Don't get too attached.

Just like that squirrel

your papa nursed back to health,

Marcus will have to go back

where he came from.

I'm all he has now, Nena.

He needs me.

[Marcus panting]

Why did you do this to me, Sol?

You fell.

It's okay,

I'm gonna help you now.

I'm gonna bandage you up.

-Does that feel good?

-That's enough, Sol.

-[Sol] What's wrong?

-I just need to get some rest.


[suspenseful music swelling]

[Sol] Marcus?

Hello, Sol.

What are you doing here?

My leg is k*lling me.

Do you have

any more of those pills

your Nena gave you?

I don't know

where she keeps them.

Nena uses this for pain.

Last time I had

one of Nena's concoctions,

I was sick like a dog.

Do dogs get sick a lot?

It's just whiskey.


Are you even old enough

to drink?

Nena was always

giving me whiskey,

if I couldn't fall asleep

or if I was sick.

Mm. Not bad.

Who was the girl in your photo?

That's my sister, Bri.

You're so lucky.

[Marcus] Why?

I always wanted a sister

or a brother or...

anybody, really.

You have Nena.

It's not the same.

What's it like?

Having a sister?

Well, she made me

who I am today.

I didn't know what love was...

before she came around.

I mean, don't get me wrong,

she could be very annoying


But there's nothing

I wouldn't do for her.


It's much simpler here.

I understand

why your Nena loves this place.

I don't want to talk about Nena.

Can I see that photo?

I can't wait to meet her.

I don't know when I'm ever gonna

see her again.

Does she have the virus?

No, Sol.

I want you to take me with you

when you go.

I can't.

Why not?

Have you ever heard the saying,

"Ignorance is bliss?"

You can't put the genie

back into the bottle, Sol.

Once it's out, it's out.

I want out.

I can't sit here

and make the same mistake twice.

[mysterious music playing]


There is no virus.

There never was.

Your Nena, she's been

lying to you this whole time.


[Marcus whispering] I'm sorry.

What do you mean

there's no virus?

[Nena] Sunshine.

What's the noise out there?

[Sol] Uh...

[tense music]

I'm just going to

check on my traps.

I'll be back later.

[birds chirping]



She's gonna catch you, Sol.

She's going hunting.

We have time.

Nena always kept this locked.

She's hiding something.

[Sol grunting]


Do you--

do you know what this means?

She's been out to the world.

These are receipts

and-- and bank statements

and this is--

this is a grant deed

applied to this house.

She owns this house.

I need to talk to Nena.

"Missing: Sol Moreno."

[Sol] Always be aware.


when I taught you to hunt?

First time you struck an animal,

you started crying.

I didn't want to embarrass you,

so I didn't ask you.

Why were you crying?

They were...

tears of joy.

I felt like

I could do anything that day.

I felt like

I could survive on my own.

You can do anything.

Just not now.

And one day

you'll be able to survive,

but right now, you need me.

You know, we owe it

to your papa to stay together.

You and me.

To be good to each other.

We owe him that much

to honor his memory.

I'll have this ready by dinner.


I'll see you soon.


What did she say?

She didn't say anything.

I need real answers.

There's something

you need to know.

[eerie music playing]

Now, Sol,

this is a very old flier.

There's no way of knowing

if your mother is still there.

Why didn't you tell me

the truth from the beginning?

Why did you s*ab me in my leg?

'Cause I didn't want

you to leave.


I didn't know what was going on.

I thought it was best

to assess the situation first

and talk second.

And then Nena and I spoke.

And there were threats.

But you deserve

to know the truth.

I'm gonna try this number.

[line ringing]

-[Sabrina over phone] Hello?


I'm looking for Sabrina Moreno.

Is this the correct number?

[Sabrina] Yes, this is she.

Who is this?

My name is Marcus, and...

I think

I found your daughter, Sol.

She's here with me.

-Is she there?

-[Sabrina] Who is this?

This is... Sol.


I think

you might be my-- my mother?

[Sabrina] Sol?

[sobbing] Sol, Sol!

[speaking Spanish]

Is this really you?

Yeah, it's-- it's me, Sol.

[Sabrina] How do I know?

How do I know it's really you?

I can take a photo.

Is this a cell phone?

[Sabrina] Yes.

Okay, hold on.

Sol, look over here.


[Marcus] Yeah.

[Sabrina] Oh, it's been so long!

[sobbing] And...

She's a woman now. Oh, my God.

[sobbing incoherently]

She's a woman now,

but I think it's really you.

Sol-- Sol, do you remember me?

I, um...

I think I remember butterflies.

[Sabrina] I got--

I got matching butterfly shirts

for your third birthday.

I used to trace the shape.

[Sabrina] You traced

the butterfly shape, yes.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Young man, please, please,

can you please

just bring Sol back here

for me, please?

Or I can-- I can go,

I can go pick her up right now.

Where are you? Where are you?

Like, how do I do this?

How do I get you both?

Or I can call--

I call 911 right now.

No, no, that's not necessary.

-We'll-- we'll find you.

-[Sabrina] Okay.

Please, please tell me

where are you.

We're somewhere

in the Black Hills Forest.

[Sabrina sobbing] You're close.

[Marcus] Text me

all your information.

[Sabrina muttering]

I'm texting you right now...

Thank you again.

Thank you again, young man.

Yes, thank you.

What's your last name?

Just Marcus, Miss Moreno.

I'll see you soon, Mother.

[Sabrina] I'll see you soon,

my baby,

I see you soon, okay?

Can-- can we stay on the phone?

No, I'm sorry.

My battery is low.

I have to hang up now.

[Sabrina] Okay, okay, okay,

Marcus, I have your number.

Call me back right after

you charge that phone, okay?


-Sounds good.

Uh, see you soon.

[phone beeps]

Your Nena, or whoever she is,

didn't take you very far.

Your mother was right.

This whole time

you were really close.

71 miles to be exact.

That's not very far.

We-- we can go--

we can go in a car.

[Sol] Nena always said that

cars kept people apart

and polluted the planet.

[Marcus] Yeah, well,

she's not wrong.

But she forgot to mention that

they can be very convenient

when we need

to go somewhere fast.

How can we get there?

Let's just go

the same way that you came back.

[Marcus] Sol...

-[Marcus sighs]

-Marcus, how did you get here?

I drove... in a car.

But it wasn't my car.

It was borrowed.

It doesn't matter,

the-- the sheriff's department

probably has it now.

I had to ditch it a while back.

[Sol] The sheriff is dead.

No, Sol.

That's just one of them.

There's a whole department

looking for me.

Okay, well,

how can we get there?

I-- Maybe they can help us.

[Marcus] No, Sol.

If they find me, I'm toast.

I've done some things.

The world

is a complicated place.

Not like here.


I wanna help you, I do.

I wanna take you

back to the world

and to your mother, but...

I don't want to go back.

I can't go back.

Then tell me how to get there.

I can go by myself.

You've never been

anywhere on your own.

You don't know anything

about the world out there.

[Sol] It doesn't mean

that I can't do it.

No, it's not safe for you.

You shouldn't go.

[Sol] I can't stay here.

I'll do it

with or without your help.



I can't let you go alone.

I'll take you.

Oh, uh, sorry, uh-- [sighs]


that's a great color on you.

Okay. Let's go.

Uh, yeah. Let's go.

Uh, wait, Sol, uh...

I need to show you this.

You need

to memorize this address

in case we get separated.

1706 Clark Lane.


Do I need to remember

those numbers, too?

No, only if you

want to write a letter.


-[Marcus grunts]

You will not take

my girl from me.

Sol, it's okay.

He's going away, and you and I,

we're gonna go back

to our old lives.

No. No, I'm not going back

to our old lives.

Sol, you can't listen to him.

He's a liar. He's a bad person.

-He's a fake and--

-[Sol] You're a liar.

You're not my mother.

You k*lled the sheriff.

Who else have you k*lled?

Who the hell was Papa?

Sol, don't let him

come between us.

It's me and you.

It's me and you

against all of them,

me and you against

all the sick people out there.

I never had a say in any of this

and I don't want to

do it anymore.

-[Nena screaming]

-[Marcus grunting]

No! [screaming]

Let go of me!

Ah! Sol!

-[Sol] Stop!

-[Nena breathing shakily]

Careful, Sol,

it's-- it's loaded.

Sol, what are you doing?

Who are you?

You owe me that.

I was your neighbor.

I used to babysit you sometimes.

Everybody's not dead...

but they might as well be

by the time

we had left civilization.

They were all zombies

to their technology,

their v*olence, their dr*gs.

Their prejudice.

Why me?

[Nena] Because I wanted to

give you a better life.

Your father was never home...

and I watched you

and your mother,

and she was always

glued to her phone

or her TV or her tablet

or some other gadget.

Her Alexas, her smart watch...

but never you.

She-- she-- she didn't pay you

any attention, Sol.

More lies.

No, no.

You-- you were

just a possession for them.

They didn't see

how special you were...

how you deserved attention.

It was always money or things

or events, but never you.

Sol, she didn't love you.

Sol, I saved you,

gave you a better life.

I saved you to save us.

It still...

doesn't make sense.


Because she died.


[crying] My baby girl!

She died in the crib.

And I-- I just--

I couldn't-- I couldn't

get out of bed for months.

I tried everything.

Therapy, medicine...

and nothing--

nothing made me feel

whole again, Sol.


And I watched that baby.

I watched that baby like a hawk

since she shot out of me.

I never left her aside

for one waking moment!

Not to use the bathroom,

not to eat.

And then one day she's just--

she just stopped breathing.

And so...

I-- I watched

and I waited...

and told him...

that I had a surprise.

And you, you were waiting here

in the cabin...

and I told him, I said,

"We can have a-- a fresh start,

we could be a family again."

But he didn't see

what I saw in you.

And he looked at me

like I was a monster.

And I told him we were far away,

but he just couldn't accept it.

Did you k*ll him

for not seeing how special I am?

No. Mm-mm.

He did that himself.

He hung himself

right there in that tree.

I didn't know, Sol.

[sobbing] I didn't know

he was in so much pain.

I mean, how can you know

when you're

in so much pain yourself?

And then that's when I knew...

I had to go back.

I had to make sure

that I had medicine

and a first aid kit...

because I couldn't let

anything happen to you.

What I don't understand

is how you went so long

without being caught.

If you were their neighbor

and you disappeared

at the same time they did...

how did they not catch you?

You had to have been

the prime suspect.

Cops don't really

look that hard...

for missing Brown girls.

It's the first thing

you and I agree on.

I'm sorry.

You're not ready

to go out there.

Once you leave this place

and you see that real world...

you will never be the same.

Don't listen to her, Sol,

she's trying to manipulate you.

You need me, Sol. You need me.

You are not ready,

Sol, you need me.

This was only real

because I believed.

I know the truth now.

I can't keep living a lie.

[Nena gasping] Sol!

No, Sol, Sol!

Sol! Sol.


Please, please, Sol.


Please don't do this.

Don't leave.

Sol, please...

I won't let you take her back

to that filthy world!



I'm not about to hit a woman,

that's not who I am.

Good. [screaming, grunting]


[Nena struggling]



-Stop, stop it!

-[Nena screaming]

[Sol] Get off of him!

Are you okay?

That's it! That's it!

I've had enough of you.

Get out of my face

while you still can!

-[Sol] No!

-[Nena] Sol, move!


[Sol grunts]

[Nena] Sol! [groaning]

[Marcus and Nena struggling]



[Nena] Sol.

I'm sorry, my baby.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

[sobbing] I'm sorry

I let him hurt you.

I'm gonna get you help.

I'm gonna--

I'm gonna get you help.

Marcus, Marcus, she needs help.



Stay with me.

[whispering] I love you.

Stay with me.

[Sol] I love you.


Ah, God, Sol.

Sol, I need your help. Come on.

What did you do?

[sobbing] No!


[sobbing] No!


God, Sol.

Sol, I need your help. Come on.

You k*lled her.

Why did you k*ll her?

I didn't want to k*ll her,

it was self-defense, okay?

-[Sol] Self-defense?

-Ow, God!

[grunts in pain]

What is it with you women

and the v*olence, huh?

What are you doing?

Did you come here to rob us?

[Marcus] No.

No, I grabbed that because

I knew you would need that

-out there in the real world.

-How can I believe you?

I'm not Nena.

I wouldn't lie to you.

[Sol] You were gonna

come into our house...

-No. No, no--

-...and leave me here.

[Sol] You were

going to leave me here.


-[Sol] How can I believe you?

No, I wouldn't

do that to you, Sol.

This is what

got you here, isn't it?

You took things

that weren't yours

and the sheriff came after you.

It's not that simple!

I had to do those things.


Because I k*lled a man!

I k*lled a man

because he hurt my sister.

My only sister.

So, I k*lled him

because he hurt her.


You don't know

what she meant to me.

So, I had to leave,

and if they find me,

they're gonna put me in jail.

And I don't deserve

to go to jail.

Maybe you should get caught.

You k*lled Nena.

And she k*lled the sheriff.

[Sol sniffs]

Can you take me

to my mother's house?


I'll take you as far as I can,

but you have to give

the flier to a sheriff

and they'll take you

the rest of the way.

Let's get you cleaned up.

I know how to sew.

Oh, slow.


Thank you. [grunts]


[Sol panting]



[Marcus] You need

to sterilize that

with alcohol or something.

I've done this

a million times with Nena.

-Hold still.

-[Marcus groaning]

[Marcus] We gotta go.

I have to bury her.


Sol, this woman kidnapped you.

She's my Nena.

I'm only alive because of her.

I gotta go now.

Sol, please.

Sol, we gotta go.


I won't live

by someone else's rules anymore.

This is my time.

We go when I say we go.

I need to get to a hospital.

Please, hurry up.

[sobbing quietly]

[somber music plays]

Goodbye, Nena.

[both grunting]

[birds chirping]

What is it?

We don't need these anymore.

What do you think

she'll be like?

My mother?

I don't know.

She'll probably look like you.

I hope she's like the woman

in my dreams, full of music.

Are you okay?

Do we need to rest?

No, I'll be fine.

I just need some water.

[inhales sharply]

We should keep going.

I wonder

if I'll have my own room.

Do you think

I'll meet people my age?

Sure, of course you will.

[Sol] What do people

my age even do?

Well, people your age don't live

with their parents anymore,

that's for sure.

[Sol] They don't?

Why not?

[Marcus scoffs]

I don't know, Sol.

They just live on their own

or at school.

Many places.

[Sol] School.

I always wanted to go to school.

Give me a second.

Give me a second.

-You okay?


-[Marcus grunts]

-Okay, okay, okay.

[both grunting]

Are you all right?

Marcus, wake up.

Marcus, I need you.

[Marcus] Sol...

find her.

I need you, Marcus.

You can survive on your own.

She's probably

out there waiting for you.

Keep going.

What about you?

I just--

I just need to rest, Bri.


I was just

trying to protect you, Bri.

I hope you know that.

I can't leave you.

[Marcus] Yes, you can.


You have to keep going.




Go now.

[somber suspenseful

music playing]

Are you okay?

Did your car

break down somewhere?

Where are you going?

Is this you?

Were you locked in a basement

somewhere for years?

Can you talk?


I was lost.

[Justus] Do you need me

to drop you off somewhere?

Can you take me

to my mother's house?

How about I take you into town?

You must be hungry.

I am.

Get in.

Safety first.

[seatbelt clicks]

What's your name?


[uplifting music plays]

-[Sol humming]

-[baby cooing]

Hold my hand, hold my hand

Hold my hand, hold my hand


-[baby cooing]

[ominous music playing]

Oh, it's okay, it's okay, yes.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

-[baby cooing]

[dramatic music playing]

[music ends]
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