Babylon 5: The Road Home (2023)

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Babylon 5: The Road Home (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(John) I was there.

(Elizabeth) I was there.

(Delenn) We were there.

(Dr. Stephen) At the dawn...

(Londo) Of the Third Age.

(G'kar) Of a new age.

(Lochley) The birth

of the Interstellar Alliance.

(Susan) A proud moment.

A powerful moment.

(John) Delenn? Oh, damn it.


-Yes, John.

-Have you seen my blue socks?

There are plenty of socks

right over there.

They're not blue.

Yes, good point.

The blue socks are my lucky socks.

All socks are lucky socks,

because at the rate you lose them,

you're lucky to have any at all.

You don't understand.

These are the socks I wore

when I took over Babylon 5.

I thought it would be,

you know, symbolic wearing them

when I leave B5

to take over the Alliance.

No one will know.

I'll know.

I can't go out there without them.

Then what are your plans, Mr. President?

To go sockless? No, of course not.

Now, please. We need to go.

They're waiting for us.

I'm just saying,

you shouldn't have challenged me.

I'm not having this conversation.

Delenn, he's not wearing any so--

(sighs in exasperation)

Don't. Just don't.

(reporter) This is an Interstellar

News Network special report.

Two years after winning the Shadow w*r,

Captain John Sheridan...

...President of

the Interstellar Alliance,

is leaving Babylon 5 for what

many expect to be the last time.

He is accompanied on this journey

by his wife,

former Minbari ambassador, Delenn,

another veteran of the Shadow w*r,

which began

when the exploratory vessel Icarus...

...awoke an advanced race

known as the Shadows

on their homeworld of Z'ha'dum.

When they reactivated

their w*r against the Vorlons...

...the conflict put Earth

in the crosshairs

and threatened to destroy

dozens of worlds and k*ll trillions.

When all else failed,

Sheridan was able to end the w*r.

Now get the hell out of our galaxy!

(reporter) Upon arriving on Minbar,

Sheridan and Delenn

will take up residence

in the capital city of Tuzanor,

which will serve as permanent home

for the 12-world alliance.

The emotions of the moment

show in his eyes

as Sheridan bids farewell

to the station where he served,

now under the command

of Captain Elizabeth Lochley.

Godspeed, John.


In preparing for this report,

we repeatedly asked

President Sheridan for an interview,

only to be told that Sheridan is not big

on the press these days, and--

(metallic clanging)

(reporter) Hello? Hello?

Is this thing on?


(John) Over here.

Why are you standing in the shadows?

Got used to it, I guess.

Are you having second thoughts about,

well, about all this?


No, I passed second thoughts days ago.

I'm up to 14 now.

(both chuckle)

(John) I'm just not sure if I'm cut out

to be a politician, Delenn.

I don't want to spend my time

doing ceremonial things,

opening shopping malls,

giving medals to people I don't like.

Pardoning a turkey.


Uh, Thanksgiving.

It's a big holiday back home.

People celebrate by eating turkeys.

But by tradition,

one turkey always gets pardoned.

It says much about your species

that you have based an entire holiday

on deciding not to k*ll something,

for a change.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know

we'll be jumping out to Minbar soon.

-You should get ready.

-Copy that.


I'll admit I'm a little nervous.

But I know I'll get through it.

Not because I'm the smartest guy

or the best guy for the job,

but because I know you believe in me.

I don't need an Interstellar Alliance.

I don't need the stars

or any of the worlds

spinning around them.

I only need you, Delenn.

You're my universe.

The brightest star in my sky.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Now, get ready.

Oh, and I brought you a present.

(Delenn's voice echoes) Now, get ready.

Oh, and I brought you a present.

(Trudan) Thank you for coming,

Mr. President.

I was told that

Satai Delenn would be joining us.

She's running behind,

but she'll be here

before we're finished.

Ah, good. Good.

I trust you have settled in well

these last few weeks?

Yes. Unpacked, found my blue socks,

settled in, over the star lag,

and, generally,

garden-variety peachy keen.

Excellent. We appreciate you doing this.

I imagine that

being asked to give your blessings

to a new power system may seem trivial.

No, no, no, no. Not at all, Trudan.

I like opening shopping malls.

Uh, what's a shopping mall?

It doesn't matter.

What's important is that,

from what I've been told,

this will provide power

for the entire city of Tuzenor

at a fraction of the pollutants

put out by the previous generators.

I couldn't possibly be more excited.

Thank you. Yes, thank you very much.

This way, please.

(grimacing) Oh.

(Trudan's voice echoes) Thank you.

Yes, thank you very much.

This way, please.

Uh, Mr. President? Are you coming?

Yeah, right... Right behind you.

A friend of mine once said

that the future is all around us,

waiting in moments of transition

to be born in moments of revelation.

Surely, this is just such a moment

for Minbar and the Minbari people.

I believe

this is where we fire this baby up.

(people gasping)

Fire up a baby?

Find the "On" switch.

Ah. Yes. Initiate Phase 1.

(machine powering up)

The experimental process

used by this new power system

will be adopted by all member worlds

of the Interstellar Alliance

and will be key

to the advancement of several...

(energy surging)

Initiate Phase 1.

...key to the advancement of

several civilizations on the brink of...

-(machine whirring)

-Phase 2 activated.



(gasps) Mr. President.

Are you all right?

No. Something's wrong.

(feedback whines)

(Trudan) We should get help.

Are you...

Trudan. What kind of energy

does this facility use?

It was in the release.

Nobody reads press releases!

What's the damned energy source?

(stammers) Tachyons.

Oh, crap!

When we travel in time,

we pass through great waves

of tachyon impulses.

You can become unstuck in time

unless there is anchor.

These will keep you from drifting.

Also, protect you.

Time distortion can do terrible harm.

You have to turn off the system.

We can't. Once it starts,

it cannot be terminated

until it reaches full--

Then get me out

of here before I... (groans)

(Trudan) Before you what?

Lennier, get us out of here.


(Susan) His stabilizer, it's hit!



(Susan) What happened to him?

Time stabilizer damaged.

He's unstuck in time.

Zathras warned.

But no one listen to Zathras.

What do you mean, unstuck in time?

Where is he? In the past? In the future?

Cannot say.

Say, I would know, do not know.

So cannot say.

It's happening again.

I'm becoming unstuck in time.

(all murmuring)

(John groans in pain)

(electricity crackling)

Is there anything I can do?

Do you have a time stabilizer?

(grunts softly) A what?

Yeah, I didn't think so.



(people shouting)

This way. Hurry!

(Delenn panting)


(John) You better run.

-(Trudan) What?



(Delenn) No!



No. Stay back!

Delenn, no!

Run. Run!

(electricity crackling)

(Dr. Stephen) The hardest part

of dealing with the Pak'ma'ra

who, as you know, are carrion eaters,

is the methane residue

they leave behind, which can be...

(energy whirring)


(students gasping)

Don't panic. Don't...

(energy surging)

Run! Run, run, run! (panting)

(students gasping)



(scanner whirring)

Nice setup.

Uh, sorry, I kind of fried

your classroom.


You'd be surprised what goes down

when you're dealing with alien medicine.

So the university

is very patient with me.

I'm just glad to see you doing well.

Getting the test results.

Looks like your theory was right.

(John) Yeah, well,

traveling in time,

bright lights, plus boom

equals unstuck in time.

How far did you say I jumped?

Eighteen years since you left B5.

Can I call me? Future me, I mean?

That would be weird.

Hi, me. It's me.

Might not be wise.

Timeline issues could cause trouble.

You said these flashbacks started

when you left Babylon 5.

(John) Yes. Why?

(Dr. Stephen) It's possible

there could be a link.

Time stabilizers

came from the planet beneath B5.

Epsilon 3. I know.

So it's possible

that moving outside the range

of whatever tech Zathras used

to moderate the tachyon field

began to wear off

as you got farther away,

reducing your stability

in the time stream.

Then, when you got hit by the massive

tachyon flow at the power station,



Maybe a big boom.

You see, the tests also show

that you're out of phase.

Out of phase? Wow!

That's bad.

You don't have any idea

what that means, do you?

Not a clue.

It means that the longer you stay

out of your own timeline,

the more you'll start sliding.

Not just into the past and future,

but even alternate realities.

Timelines in parallel worlds.

Like our reality in most ways,

but different in others.

So, how do I fix it?

Can I fix it?

You have to get back to Babylon 5,

then down to Epsilon 3, find Zathras.


I'd rather be annihilated.

(grunts in pain)



Every time I even think about him,

I get this pain behind my left eye.

I think agitation

might hasten the time jumps.

Now you tell me!

-(energy surging)

-(John grunts)

John! Listen to me!

Quantum physics says

the observer affects the observed.

You might be able to find your way back

by remembering

exactly what you were thinking of

when you disappeared from your timeline.

Did you hear me? John? Did you hear me?

What was that?


-You okay?

I'm fine. But you missed him.

Damn it.

Is he gonna be okay?

I don't know.

I don't know if any of us will be okay.

But the worst is...

I lied to him, Michael.

I told him

he jumped 18 years instead of 23.

Couldn't bear to tell him

that he died three years ago.

Any idea where or when he's going?

None at all.

(David) John?


Should have told me you were coming.

I could have made

something special for dinner.

I'm as surprised as you are.

I like the beard.


I wasn't sure about it at first,

but I think it grows on you.

Most beards do.

Where's Mom?

Oh, went off to the store.

Should be along anytime.

Weird question. What's the date?

January 17th.

The year?

Don't ask, long story.

2258. Uh, why?

The year I took over

as CO at Babylon 5.

A lifetime ago.

I thought it was just a few weeks.

Time's funny that way.

I forget sometimes

how much I love this place.

You remember

when you got lost in the cornfields?

Some things you don't forget.


(John) I got turned around.

The sun was straight overhead,

no way to tell east from west.

And I started to panic,

which only made the situation worse.

(yells, grunts)


And I thought,

"Okay, if panic doesn't help,

maybe being calm will do something."


(John) I thought about you and Mom,

how much I loved you and this place.

It was like

I could feel which way to go.

And I did.

I followed that feeling

all the way home.

For a long while after that,

I'd go in once a week

to get lost on purpose.

Just to prove to myself

that I could always find my way home.

Mmm. Why'd you stop?

Got tall enough to see past the corn.

Perspective changes everything, I guess.

(aircraft approaching)

There's your mom now.

I better help her land.

You know how she is on parallel parking.


Won't she be surprised to see you.

I love you, Dad.

You know that, right?

I love you both so much.

Well, then I suppose

we love you too, son.

What the hell?

(electricity crackling)


Now where the hell am I?

I can barely breathe.

(breathing heavily)


(reporter) The Shadow w*r, which began

when the exploratory vessel, Icarus,

awoke an advanced race

known as the Shadows

on their home world of Z'ha'dum.


No, no, no.


What the...

Stop! Wait!

(man 1) How did you...

There's no time for that.

You have to... (panting)

You have to...

Here, breathe.

-Who are you? What're you doing here?

-(John) Doesn't matter.

No time to waste.

We thought we were the first.

(man 2) We are.

Looks like we've got a claim jumper.

The exploration team, where are they?

They went down into the city,

said they found a way

inside some big structure.

-Call them back.


(man 2) Don't listen to him. It's--

Call them back!

Don't let them touch anything!

(digital beeps)

(woman over comms)

We're inside. There's something here.

Get back to base. Right now.

(woman) Who is this?

It's too late.

We're already deep inside.

The walls... The walls are moving.

There's something behind them.

We... (gasps)

We're not alone.

They're coming toward us! They're--


Too late.

(creatures screeching)

(men yelling)


(grunts, panting)

There has to be a light switch

around here somewhere.

Where was Moses

when the lights went out?

In the freaking dark.


(grunts in effort)

Babylon 5!

I made it.

Now all I have to do

is go down to Epsilon 3

or get Zathras up here.

Not sure which is more annoying.

-(distant expl*si*n)



Not good.

(woman over PA)

Civilians and ambassadorial staff first.

Repeating, this is a general evacuation.

All station personnel and residents

report immediately

to shuttle bays one through nine.

Civilians and...

What's going on?

Where's Captain Lochley?

Lochley? I don't know

what you're talking about.

We have to get out of here.

They're coming through.

If Lochley's not in charge, then who is?

This is Commander Jeffrey Sinclair

of Babylon 5.

We're under attack,

and evacuating all hands.

We urgently request assistance

from any ships in this sector

to pick up survivors.

Long-range comm systems destroyed.

-Did the distress signal get out?

-I think so.

Keep resending on short range

as long as we can.

We need to get everyone off station.

Don't tell me, tell them.

(distant expl*si*n)

Here they come.

Form up. Alpha squad, watch your six.

Weapons aren't getting through.

We need to get up close and personal.

Follow me in.

How much time do we have?

Not much. Shadow vessels

are taking us out three-to-one.

We've got breaching pods

all over the hull.

If they break through

to the shuttle bays

before we finish

getting everyone out of here...

Then we have to make sure

that doesn't happen.

Garibaldi, meet me at Bay 1.

Bring anyone

who's willing to stay behind.

(Garibaldi) Copy that.


-Don't worry about me.

Do what you have to,

just get our people out of here.

That means you too, Susan.

Get to the shuttles.

I'll run things from here.

That's an order. Go!

Everything ends.

I'm not afraid.

Bring it.

(Jeffrey) This is Commander

Jeffrey Sinclair of Babylon 5.

We're under attack,

and evacuating all hands.

We urgently request assistance

from any ships in this sector

to pick up survivors.

This is Babylon 5.

We're under attack

and request assistance

from any ships in this sector.

(alarm blaring)

Sir, we have an intruder.

Whoever you are,

you picked the wrong time to stow away.

I'm not a... I'm Earthforce.

Not the uniform.


-Enemy is in Blue Sector, 30 seconds.

You've got 20 seconds, Mr...


-Use them well.

I got hit by a tachyon field.

Came unstuck in time and space.

Fifteen seconds.

I ran B5 during the Shadow w*r.

But if you're in charge during all this,

then this must be

some kind of an alternate timeline.

(Jeffrey) Doesn't matter.

We have to get our people out,

or they'll end up

just as dead in this timeline

as they'd be in yours.

-And so will you.

-Yeah, I kind of figured.

You know how to handle one of these?

Of course I know how to.

Do you know what a last stand is?


Good, because you just joined one.

Since you fought these things before,

is there any way

we can stop them at close quarters?

They're a million years ahead of us.

-Was that a "no"?

-That was a "no."

Here they come.

(creatures screeching)

Splash 2. Good going, Alpha 7.

Let's make another path.




(sighs) This is Babylon 5.

We are under attack.

We need ships to pick up survivors.

Please, if you can hear my voice,

we need help...

(grunts) to save them.

They're coming through.

Repeat. They're coming through.

(breathing heavily)

This is Earth Alliance station

Babylon 5.

They're all over the place.

They're k*lling us.

Can anyone hear me?

(man) CNC. This is Bay 9.

The last shuttle is away.

We got them out, but...

No rescue ships in range.

No ships, jumpgate destroyed,

no one nearby

who can pick up the shuttles.

They'll be sitting ducks.

(creatures screeching)

They die, we die,

you die!

Ivanova. Ivanova? Reply.

I think she just did.

(John) Susan's right.

Once the Shadows take the station,

they'll turn around

and destroy the shuttles,

k*lling everyone

before help can show up.

We can slow them down, but that's all.

No, there's something else.

The power core.

Their ships are circling the station

right in the blast range.

We blow the core,

we can take out all of them

and buy time for help to arrive.

I know how to do it.

So do I.

Your people don't know who I am.

They won't fight for me,

but they'll fight for you.

I'll get it done.

We'll hold them off as long as we can.

Nice guy. What was his name?

Don't remember.

(John grunts)

(creatures warbling)

(sighs in relief)


Missed one, damn it.

Just hope the default admin codes

are the same

or I'm gonna look pretty stupid.

(AI) Admin codes accepted.

Override safety protocols.

(AI) Confirmation required.

Override all fusion reactor safeties?

Confirmed. Activate destruct sequence.

-(AI) Destruct sequence?


(AI) Are you feeling all right?

I'm fine.

(AI) This isn't just one of those

"I'm having a bad day" things?

No. Just do it.

(AI) Confirmed. Specify time-delay

countdown to destruct.


(AI) To ensure intentional destruct,

final activation must be entered

in correct sequence.

You couldn't have put them

a little closer together?

(AI) We are all victims

of our programming.

(John groans)



(creature warbling)

I told you I had him in my sights.

Squeezing his neurons

was quite unnecessary.

Yeah, well,

squeezing his brains made me feel

a lot better about what's coming.

-I know what you're doing.


I'm a telepath. I...

You know me.

Or a version of me.

Then you know

I have to reach that switch.

-We will stand with you.

-Also run with you.

That, too.

(John grunts)


No. No, not now!

The survivors, they have to get clear.

Many of them are my people.

Do not fear. We will get it done.

-Shall we?

-May as well.

I missed the last shuttle out

and I am totally in the mood

to blow some stuff up.



Can you?

Not like this.

I think this is gonna take both of us.

It has been an honor

to fight beside you.

(groans) Just help me

pull the damn switch.

(both grunt in effort)

(machine powering up)

(John grunts)

Ah. What are you...

doing here?

I made it.

I made it back to my own timeline.

Made what? (sighs)

Aren't you supposed to be on Minbar?

I have a lot to explain

and not much time.

So I'm gonna talk really fast

and you're gonna fire up a shuttle.

Right now.

Um, can I get dressed first?

Oh. Oh, sorry, I didn't even...

Uh, right. Right.

I'll just wait in the other room then.


-(objects clattering)

-(John) I'm all right.

-(sighs softly, chuckles)


This is Captain Elizabeth Lochley

to anyone receiving on Epsilon 3.

This is an emergency.

We are on approach vector.

President Sheridan is with me.

Kindly do not sh**t us down

until we have had a chance

to explain the situation.

And don't sh**t us down afterward.

Basically, just don't

sh**t us down, okay?

(speaking foreign language)

You know, I've never met Zathras before.

I'm kind of excited by the idea.

Yeah? Well, that won't last.

Ah, ah. There you are being.

Hello, Zathras.

No, not Zathras.


There are nine of them,

all named Zathras.

Ah, ah, ah. Zaah-thras.

And you are the One.

-Hi. I'm--

-Not the One. This way. Hurry.

Can I hit him? Just once.

Told you.

Things change

since first Zathras met the One.

Now, he is lost in time.

-And lost in s--

-Do not say!

Even now, many issues with copyright.

So there are still nine of you left,

is that correct?

(chuckles) No, no, no.

Great Machine Replication System

has been very busy.


The Zathrii.

(Zathrii) Much greetings to the One

and some greetings to not the One.

sh**t me. sh**t me now.

(Zathras) You are in grave danger.

(John) Delenn, no!

Run. Run!

(Delenn) No!

(Zathras) Not only is the One

unstuck in time,

and the thing we cannot mention.

You are moving between timelines.

Universes, realities.

Yeah, that part I figured out.

-How is that dangerous?

-Not just to you.

To everything.

Quantum physics says

observer affects the observed.

Particle is only particle

when you are looking at it.

Look away, it becomes a wave.

Look back, it turns back into particle.

So, like any relationship,

particles can't commit.

-She came with you, you know.

-I needed a ride.

Get to the point.

Great Machine shows

you are now quantum perspective.

You are now observer.

The more realities you see,

the more it become real to you.

The more they will collapse

into each other,

destroying each other

as they try to become one.

Soon, all worlds gone,

all timelines gone,

all realities gone,

all universes gone,

all Zathrii gone.

Bad for Zathras.

But all things bad for Zathras.

-You have heard of the Big Bang?


(Zathras) This will be Big Silence.

The end of all.

You know I just came here

for a time stabilizer, right?

Time stabilizer not enough.

Must stabilize you

in time, space, and reality.

Requires big upgrade from Great Machine.

Vast new technology.

How long will this take?

Ten minutes.

This is why we call it Great Machine.

Not So-So Machine.

Zathras make coffee

while Zathras wait for Zathras.

Why is it that most of the alternate

realities I've been in so far

have had something to do

with the Shadow w*r?

Quantum probabilities

bend to your quantum perspective.

Shadow w*r was great part of your life.

You are drawn to what you feel.

Drawn by your heart.

Like my dad, home,

Babylon 5, my friends.

Yes. Zathras has no friends.

Only slow-moving insects

and pocket lint.

Here. Zathras show you.

No, not so soon. (grimacing)

Try to stay calm.

Agitation makes jump faster.

That thing, I saw it before.

Following me.

Stay back!

(energy surging)

No. Stay calm.

-Try to hold on.

-(John grunts)

(Zathras) Do not panic!


(sighs wearily)

No one listens to Zathras.


Okay. Definitely back on Earth.

But where is everyone?


Anyone there?

(Londo) Over here, Captain Sheridan.

Out of uniform, I see.

Good. Here, join us.

I thought you were dead.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

Just one Centauri's opinion,

but if this is you post death,

I must say it suits you.

Last we heard,

your shuttle was destroyed

while trying to make contact

with the Vorlons

in what I correctly said

would be a futile attempt

to talk them out of

what's going to happen in...

In what?

Two minutes, forty-seven seconds.

What's going to happen?

Where'd everybody go?

Depends on

where they want to be at the end.

Most of them are home, I expect,

with loved ones,

or at other places

that meant something to them in life.

Churches, shopping malls,

bowling alleys.

(laughs boisterously) Bars, casinos.

We told many of them

in the last few hours

since we learned

we could not leave the planet

without being destroyed.

"Go to Earth," the Centaurum said.

"Make a deal.

Perhaps there's a way

you can save both our worlds."


Now I'm trapped here.

But I suppose I had to try.

Will someone here start making sense?

He's in denial or shock.

I don't blame him.

Where is the bartender?

Losing the Shadow w*r

wasn't your fault, you know.

You did everything you could.

Even with the Vorlons,

the odds were always against us.

Wait. We lost the w*r?

The Shadows won?

Look, you can see

a thought forming behind his eyes.

Hello, little one.

Good of you to join us.

It's all alone in there, poor thing.

Because the Vorlons were our allies,

no one counted on them

being the ones to finish us off.

But it makes sense.

For centuries here at home,

losing armies burned crops

and poisoned wells as they retreated

to make sure

the winners couldn't use them.

The Shadow influence on Earth

is significant.

(chuckles softly)

And the Vorlons are very sore losers.

Destroying worlds that are sympathetic

to the Shadows is a good move for them.

For Centauri Prime, for Earth.

For us? Not so much.

But it's an imperfect universe. Yes?

They're going to destroy Earth?

And they're not even

going to fire a shot.

Apparently, they think

you're not worth the b*llet.

At the moment, I concur.

Right now, up there somewhere,

a Vorlon planet k*ller

is moving into position.

It takes a lot of raw power to

tear apart a planet as big as the Earth.

So they've decided to use something

that will take less energy

because it's only one-fourth the size.

The moon.

Oh, my God!

They're going to hit us with the moon.

Got it in one.

(engine powering up)

(Londo) Well, on the positive side,

at least we have a good view

of the show, eh, Sheridan?

(John grunts)

I said...

(John) Stay...

Stay back.

Stay back!


(energy surging)

Well, there's something

you don't see every day.

What is it you humans say?

Oh, yes.

Eight-ball in the corner pocket.




It's getting worse every time.

I'm not sure

how much longer I have before...

What the hell is this?

Where did the stars go?

You look like

someone in need of a friend,



If that is who you see, then yes.

So, what is this place?

The edge of everything.

On that side, nothingness.


The void.

On that side,


-The Rim.

-One of many names for it.

The last time I saw G'Kar,

my G'Kar,

he was heading for the Rim to find out

what was on the other side.

He did.

Is he alive?


He is,

as I am,

as we are.

And we wished to meet you at the Rim.

On the precipice

of the end of all things.

If I'm that dangerous, why not k*ll me?

That would go against

the purpose of all of this.

Against the great experiment.


Without that, there can be no purpose.

If a universe springs into existence,

and no one is there to see it,

to think about it,

to give it meaning,

does it really exist?

This cannot be what it must be

without someone to see it.

Quantum physics.

The observer affects the observed.

Without the observer,

there cannot be the observed.

That is the secret, the missing piece.

For now, you are that observer.

And if I die...

Everything dies. Yes.

(sighs softly)

The Minbari believe

the universe is conscious.

That it looks through us

so it can try and figure itself out.

To give itself meaning.


An infinity of eyes and minds and hearts

turned toward one singular question.

One riddle to end all riddles.

One word.

Which is?


They also believe

that while the universe

usually speaks through us,

at other times, it takes a more...

direct approach.

Do they?

Do they, really?

Consciousness must make its own way,

find its own path, without interference.

Only in this way

can the child outshine the parent.

If I intervene,

the experiment is rendered meaningless,

as am I.

So, I will say only this:

In all realities,

all universes,

the everything of everything,

there is no greater force than love.

Tearing apart is easy.

Destruction and hate are easy,

which is why they do not endure.

What love knits together

can never be torn asunder.

The universe itself

and all things within it

bend to that power.

As you say,

the observer affects the observed.

And when that eye sees through love,

everything is possible.

That is all I came to say.

I hope it is enough.

But I have so many questions.

And that is the glory and wonder

of mortality.

(John yells)

(grunts, panting)

I can't take much more of this.




I... Yes?

I need you to help me.

Of course.

Because I don't feel so good.


What year is it?

147,923 by the Obadi calendar.

No, not Minbari years.

I'm in no shape to do the conversion.

Same with Celsius and Fahrenheit.

And why do we still

have to use those, anyway?

Here. This will make you feel better.

Yeah? I wouldn't bet on it.

I should call security.

I just need a moment.

I'll be fine

once the room stops spinning.

But the station spins constantly

to produce gravity.

Wrong time to mention that.

I want it on the record,

I did not touch him.

And I knew he could not be you

because I had just said good-bye to you

at the transport tube.

Oh, my head.

(Garibaldi) Yo, he's awake.

You, uh, better take a look.

Good morning.

This just gets better and better.

Alternate realities.

Of course there'd be an alternate me.

So, who are you supposed to be?

I'm you.

Me. A different version of you.

You're a different version of me, or...

It's a long story.

How much time do you have?

Go for it.

Nope. Don't believe a word of it.

But then, I don't have to.

(Garibaldi) She's here.

You briefed her?

A story this complex? I "longed" her.

Fair enough.

-Lyta, this man...

-If it's even human. either a madman, a spy,

an assassin here to take my place,

or he's telling the truth.

Take a peek inside his head

and tell me what's what and who's who.

I'll try.

Do you consent to the scan?


This might feel a little funny.

(gasps softly)


He's telling the truth.

He even met

an alternate-reality version of me.

Apparently, I died bravely.

Okay, now listen. We need to--

(Lyta) And there's something else.

Something in his mind

about a Shadow w*r.


What's that?

The Shadow w*r?

You never...

You never had the Shadow w*r?

How long have you been in charge of B5?

Coming up on two years now. Why?

And nothing?

What nothing?

Interplanetary Expeditions

went to a world off the charts,

woke up an entire civilization.

IPX went out of business ten years ago.


Then they never went to Z'ha'...

Z'ha' what?



You heard me.

-What kind of name is that?

-Not my department.

And right now it's not important.

If I jump one more time,

it might be the last time for everyone.

So, what do we do?

Contact Zathras.



He works for the Great Machine

on Epsilon 3.

Look, whoever you are,

if there was anybody named Zathras

living on Epsilon 3,

or a Great Machine,

we'd know about it by now.

(digital beeps)

Sheridan. Go.

(Susan) Captain, we have a ship

requesting permission to dock.


I know this is gonna sound crazy,

but it's from Epsilon 3.

He said his name is Zathras.

Works for the Great Machine.

Yeah. No one listen to Sheridan.

We'll meet him at Bay 9 in ten.

Better make it five.

Hurry. Not much time.

Sheridan to Ivanova.

Stop all incoming traffic.

We've got a situation.

(Susan) Copy that.

(high-pitched ringing)

How did you follow me?

Zathras did not follow.

I am different Zathras.

All Zathrii united

across time and space.

We use quantum communications system.

Keep in touch, like, on birthdays.

In one reality,

we are considered very handsome.

The stars there are not very bright.

Here. Take stabilizer quickly.

Press red button.

It's not doing anything.

You are final component.

Quantum observer

must sense your way back.

Focus on what you were thinking

when first shift happened.

Stephen said the same thing.

But I don't remember.

Zathras thinks you do.

And so does she.

I was thinking about Delenn.

I thought about you and Mom.

How much I loved you and this place.

And it was like

I could feel which way to go.

I followed that feeling

all the way home.

I was thinking about

how much I loved my wife.

How all I wanted

was to hold her again one more time.

Not knowing where you were

or where you were going on quantum scale

made it impossible to find way home.

You are so far off course

that you cannot

find your way back alone.

But you are not alone.

When she came to us,

we told her, "Great danger,"

but she insisted.

So we made two.

She has been chasing you

across time and space ever since,

never giving up, never surrendering.

He said love is

the most powerful force in the universe.

Love is all.

(energy surging)

(Delenn) Come home to me, John.

I'm here, John.

I'm here. I love you.

I love you so much.

I love you!


I'm coming...


Let's go.

Still the One.

I should go.

(Garibaldi) No.

We need to talk.

You should have seen it, Ambassador.

The raw power of creation itself.

Right there in front of us.

For a minute,

I thought we were done for.

But then he said,

"Love is the most powerful force

in the universe."

And the next thing you know,

they're gone.

(Delenn) He's not wrong.

Love is a powerful thing.

To follow him through time and space,

putting her own life at risk.

Sounds like someone

I'd like to meet some day.

Well, perhaps you shall.

Only one thing puzzling me.

He talked about this whole shadow thing.


That mean anything to you?

No. I'm sure it's nothing.

-Maybe so.

-(Jeffrey) Captain Sheridan.

How long

until the bays are cleared for launch?

I have to get going.

Hey, so do I. And my reasons

are twice as important as his.

Repairs are almost finished.

Anytime now.

Why are you always so hostile?

I'm not hostile.

Just relentlessly self-aware.

-(Lennier) Nine of clubs?


-Queen of diamonds?


-Ace of...


Perhaps you're not projecting

hard enough.

I am projecting at full P5.

That's not the problem.

(softly) Problem is,

telepathy requires two minds.

(Lennier) Sorry?

Nothing, nothing. Keep going.

(Lennier) Ten of spades.

Someone please k*ll me.

Ugh, don't you have

somewhere else to be?


My people will not rest

until the Centauri apologize

for the attack on our shipping lines

and pay reparations.


Dr. Franklin. Good.

I have a rather ugly growth

that needs to be removed.

It's standing beside me.

(chuckles) Talk to the wrist,

the hand's not listening.

-Mr. Garibaldi?

-Another time, Londo.

(scoffs) Whatever that is,

it belongs on a leash.

You think

the whole world belongs on a leash.

Eh... That's fair.

So we're agreed.

You're gonna bring us down there

and show us the Great Machine.

And meet other Zathras.

Right. Other Zathras.

-No, not Zathras. Zathras.

-(John groans softly)

(Susan) This is Commander

Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5.

We apologize

for the delay in transmission.

But sometimes

life gets in the way of things.

Bays are cleared for launch and docking.

Babylon 5 is back online,

and we are here to stay.

Let's go.
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