Little Bone Lodge (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Little Bone Lodge (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's said that mother

is the name for God

on the lips and

hearts of all children.

She can be glorious or terrible,

benevolent or filled with wrath.

She'll fight away the monsters

with the fangs of a wolf

and the teeth of a dragon.

And love with a ferocity

that can never be matched.

Her job is to protect.

No matter the cost.

And if anyone were

to ever harm her family,

there's no telling what

she'd be capable of.

Sounds really nasty out there.

Yeah, I think we're

in for a rough one.

How are you

getting on with that?

Can't rush a masterpiece.


He's gonna love it.

Hands off.

Best one you've ever done.

That's so beautiful, darling.

I love it.

Let's go, Picasso.

Is he awake?

Happy birthday, Pa.

Happy birthday.

- Can I open it?

- Yes, go on.

Look what mama made for you.

It's beautiful.

Picture time.

Big grin!

How about I let you

stay up a little later?

We'll cozy up and listen

to the storm. It'll be fun.

Yes, Mama. Thank you.

Here we go.

First the medicine,

then the cake.

Here we are.

It goes by so fast.

Hello! Anybody? Anybody,

help! Please open the door!

Please! Please, help

me! We need help!

Who's there?


My brother, he's really hurt.

- He's hurt, please!

- What are you doing out here?

We got lost, and we came off the

road, and there was an accident.

My brother is

bleeding really badly.

- We have to help them, Mama.

- Maisy, get back, please.

I can't help you.

There's no phone here.

Please. Please, don't let him die.

Don't let him die! Don't let him die!

Please, please. Don't

let him... Help us, please.

He's bleeding so badly.

Please. Please, don't let him die.

Please, don't let him die.

Please, don't let him die.

Don't let him die. Don't let

him... Please, just don't let him...

Where is he hurt?

I don't know. I think

his head maybe.

But there's blood

everywhere. I just...

Just stop. Stop it.

Is he gonna be okay?

Can you do anything?

Well, there's a

deep cut to his head.

His ribs may be broken.

There might be

some internal bleeding.

If I pull this straight out, it'll cause

more damage than when it went in.

He needs to go to a hospital.

- The closest one is 100 miles away.

- No, no.

- And you won't get there like this.

- No, I'm not going back!

I'm not going back

there. What can you do?

I need to stitch him up

or he'll bleed to death.

Now, everything's

gonna be all right.

But I need you to give

me some space now.

So back up, back up.

All right.

Right. Right.


You hold it tight.

- You okay, baby?

- Yeah, fine.

God, God...

When I pull it out on three,

you have to apply

extra pressure.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

One... two... three.

- You okay, baby?

- Yeah.

All right.

What's your name, darling?

Matty. My name's Matty.

Well, I'm Rose. And this

is my daughter, Maisy.

- Hello.

- Hi.

Maisy, why don't you get Matty a

towel and some of Pa's clothes?

Yes, Mama.

He's gonna be all right.

He just needs to

have some rest now.


Trust me.

Go on.


I don't fear the fire,

because I am the fire.

Come and sit down, darling.

Maisy's made some stew,

and I've made some coffee.

Do you drink coffee?


Thanks for helping.

I thought...

It's all right. Really.

You're safe now.

Can you tell me what

happened to you?

It was dark. There was lots

of rain. I couldn't see anything.

You came off the road. Where?

A long way back.

I kept walking. But there

was nothing, it was just fields.

Lots of mud.

Go ahead. Eat.


Yeah, I am. Yeah.

But where are you

from? You talk funny.

Maisy, the coffee.

Where are you headed?

Me and Jack's friend. We're

going on a boat. Fast one.

A boat?

So, where is that?

I don't know.

Don't know where you're going?

I can't remember.

That's all right. How about

where are you coming from?


Maisy, let's clear the plates.

Now, it's bedtime.

- But... Mama...

- Mama? What?

Yes, Mama.

Where are you going on the boat?

- We're going fishing. Right, buddy?

- Jack!

How are you feeling?

Like I've been in a car wreck.

Come, sit. Sit down.


Yeah, thank you.

Have you got anything stronger?

I have to thank you

for sorting this out?

She popped you

straight free like a kebab.

Well, I tried to clean

you up as best I could.

But you'll need someone

to take a proper look.

But the best that I can

offer you is Tramadol.

This is neat work.

Not my first time with

a needle and thread.

Yeah, I can see that.

Well, thanks all the same.

It's him you should be thanking.


You've done real good, bud.

- Is it just the three of you?

- That's right.

We've got people waiting on us.

They need to know we're

okay and come pick us up.

No, no. You won't

get any reception here.

Not until that storm passes.

They don't have a phone either.

No phone, no TV, no computer.

It's a working farm. We

don't have any use for it.

No, Mama. I was just saying.

We're self-sufficient.

We sell or trade what we don't

use for what we need at the market.

It's a choice.

But it works for us,

doesn't it, Maisy?

Yes, Mama.

There is an old hardline phone

box on the road to the village.

It may still be working.

I could take you

there in the morning.

I appreciate that, but we

need to make that call tonight.

There's nothing I can do.

Do you think Mac

will come for us?

I guess we'll see, won't we?

You could take Pa's room for the

night, be on your way in the morning.

That's very kind.

If you want to get cleaned up,

- we can show you the bathroom.

- I know where it is.

Come on then.

This way.

Did you tidy up?

Come on.


Jack, are you okay?

Where's the other bag, mate?


This is the only bag we have.

Tell me.

We have to steal the bag.

You're hurting me.

Stop it. Don't make

a f*cking scene.

You can't do this to

me right now, bud.


I don't feel the fire.

I don't feel the fire.

Because I am the fire.

That's right.

You burn and I burn.

If we don't have the

bag, we're f*cked.

Nothing else worth it matters.

I must have taken the wrong one.

- Get off me. Get...

- It's okay. It's okay.

Is it still in the car?

Are you sure?

I think so.

It is, yeah.

Okay. Okay.

Now, what else did

you tell these people?

You gave them our names.

What else do they know?



Yeah, I swear.

All right.

Come here.

What the f*ck do we do now?

We need to get back to that car.

I know what's

best for you, right?


You won't like what

you've made me do now.

You haven't given me a choice.

Why would you come here if

you were headed to the coast?

You wouldn't, baby.

Unless you were lost, I guess.

Or didn't want to be found.


What are you doing?

- No! No!

- Stop!

- Stop it! Stop it!

- What's going on?

All of Matty's stuff, his

notebooks, they're still in the car.

- I have a notebook he can have.

- Dad gave me that notebook.

Will he be okay?

Well, this ain't gonna stop

until he gets his stuff back, okay?

So you can either help me do

that, or you can watch this happen.

I can't give you my truck. And

the roads are too dangerous.

I'm sorry.

Great! Nice one, mate!


We have money.

We don't need your money.

And you can't buy my help.

Matty, darling.

Now, come here, sweetheart.


Now, I understand

that you're frustrated.

Your things are special to you.

I just want him to give

them to me, please.

Just give me...

And I want to help

you to get them back.

But can you help me by

doing a few deep breaths?

Come on.

We need to be quick.

My husband is on a strict

schedule of medication,

and I don't want

that to be disrupted.

Shall we go and get

your face washed up?

Come on. Come on.

Come on.

That's my brother, Ollie.

He died the same time

Pa had his accident.

I was too young to remember him.

You think that's bad?


Sometimes, it's better that way.

It's going to be all right.

Please, you promised.

Hold my satchel, yeah?

You're not gonna leave me again.

I never...

Close your eyes. Go to sleep.

This is good people.

What was she like?

- Bud, we don't have time for this.

- No, please, please. It helps me sleep.

She was pretty.

And soft-skinned.

She made a funny face when

she was thinking, like you do.

I see a lot of her in you.

And she loved us.


Hold up. What are you doing?

If he's staying here,

he's staying in there.

I'm not leaving my daughter

alone with a man I don't know.

He's calmed down.

There's no problem.

He seems like a nice boy,

but if you want my help,

this is non-negotiable.

Well, he's not a dog, is he?


Now, I'm trusting you to

be in charge when I'm gone.

And if I'm not back by 10 pm,

you give Pa his medication.

- Yes, Mama.

- Okay.

Now, unless the house is falling

down, his room stays locked. I mean it.

- I love you.

- I love you, too.

What's someone like you

here playing shepherdess.

Excuse me?

You're a nurse, right?

I figured you didn't learn

how to do this on a farm.

Anaesthetist actually.

The way you were with Matty...

I've seen that before.

The f*cking odds

on that, though.

And I get

skewered in the

ass out of nowhere.

Somehow, Matty finds

a doctor's front door.

It was a long time ago.

Another life.

That must be tough.

You're running a farm. Living

off the land, raising a kid,

- all on your own.

- I'm not on my own.

See, now, I didn't

mean it like that.

- I wasn't trying to say...

- No, it's fine.

And it's not tough when

you know what matters.

So you're an idealist.

I just know loss.

You lost your boy.

They called it

"no-fault accident."

That's bullshit.

It's always someone's

fault, isn't it?

He wasn't an easy boy,

but he was my blessing.

And you?

Anyone else?

No one else. It's just...

It's just us.



Are you okay?

Did he tell you to

check up on me?

- Well, no, no. I...

- I'm not stupid.

No, I know.

I just wanted to talk to you.

Do you want to talk to me?

About what?

I don't know.

I've never really talked to

anyone before. Except Mama.

She's the only person I know.

Well, you're lucky.

I don't remember my mom.

She got sick after I was born.

It's okay. Don't

worry about that.

I can't believe you

walked away from this.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

All right. I'm

going in. Wait here.

No, no! I'm good,

I'm good. Come on.

So how about you?

Where do you live?

Is it a big apartment

block or a house?

I don't know. I never

lived anywhere properly.

Jack says all we have

is what we're going after.

If that's true, then you

never really have anything.

I don't know.

I wish you hadn't seen that.

Seen what?

I wanted this to go smooth. It

still can. Or it can go another way.

- I don't understand.

- You're in this now, okay?

Whatever you think

that I saw, I didn't.

- Yeah? Are you done?

- I don't know you...

You'll take me to that

phone box right now.


He wanted me to stay in

this institution, but I hated it.

That's why we left.

He said that when we get to

Norway, then we'll stop moving.

Plant some roots.

I want somewhere like this.

What else is up there?

Mama's room, mine too.

Can I see it?

What's through here?

That's Mama's workshop.

No one's allowed up there.

The place would

be like Fort Knox.

Mama doesn't like to

keep an open house.

Mama doesn't know

everything. Come on.

I'll show you

something. You'll like it.


You're scared. I understand.

I'm not scared.

I have done some

horrible f*cking things.

Things that you can't imagine.

You don't know my life.

Come on.

I like to imagine the voices

and songs but just for me.

Is that weird?

- No.

- You won't tell Mama, right?




You visited all these places?


No. I wish. They're just

places I like the names of.

Who is this and how

did you get this number?

It's JB.

You some kind of f*cking idiot?

Entire country up your ass

and you call me from a box?

I know, but there's

been an accident.

- Put Junior on the phone.

- I can't.

Look, Michael's fine,

okay? He's with Matty.

But the car's f*cked.

We're staying at a farm

until the storm passes.

We just need more time.

There is no more time.

I've got the money.

Tell me where you

are. We'll come for you.

No, no. It's fine.

I'm not asking, son. And,

Jack, my price just doubled.

You want me to help your brother,

that is what it costs. Are we clear?


Now, where's this farm?

Is this for me?

There is a man on his

way to your farm right now.

Whatever I could do

to you, to your Maisy,

is nothing compared to what he will do

when he finds out that his son is dead.

If he touches my

family, I'll k*ll you.

The only thing that will stand

between him and your family will be me.

And that bag of money.

Don't forget that.

Let's f*cking go.

Forest of Knives, Madagascar.

What do you think it's like?

Well, I don't know.

It sounds dangerous.

You sound like Mama.

Maybe you could come

and visit us in Norway.

- Maybe.

- Yeah?

Mama likes me to be

here where it's safe.

I feel safe here.


I like that you're here, too.

With an armed raid in

East London last Friday.

Police believe

Michael McCalister Jr.,

along with brothers Jack and

Matthew Byrne, maybe headed north.

In the last few hours, police

have confirmed that Matthew Byrne

is also wanted in relation to the death

of the mental health nurse Karen Carr,

whose body was found

on Thursday evening.

- I'll turn it off, it'll be fine.

- They may be armed...

Let's pretend we didn't hear it.

- They were talking about you?

- No, no.

We just turn it off,

and it will be all right.

- You're scaring me.

- I'm not lying. I'm not.

No, I'm not. I didn't do

anything. I just need to...

It wasn't me. It was a

mistake. It was an accident.

I wasn't supposed to be

there. He left me there,

- and he thinks...

- Don't touch me.

He said it was for the best,

but it wasn't. He wouldn't listen.

- I listen to you.

- Okay. Well, then...

You know, it was not my fault. I

need you to believe me. Okay?

- Okay.

- I did, but I didn't anything wrong.

I never heard it, okay?

We need to go back downstairs.

Mama's gonna be back soon.

If she finds out I let you

out, we'll be in a lot of trouble.


Now you think I'm bad.


I don't. Promise.

Open up that door.


I need to give

Pa his medication.

Not till we get some ground

rules set. Matty, get out.

- What's going on?

- It's gonna be all right. I promise.

Listen to your

mom. Move your ass.

We're back on track. Mac's

on his way. Let's go. Sit down!

- No.

- No, no, you! You, over there.

She stays with me,

that's the end of it.

- No, this is the f*cking end of it!

- Jack, please.

Shut the f*ck up,

Matty! Go. Sit, now.

We play it out tonight.

Happy families, yeah?

You don't do nothing,

you'll be all right.

And tomorrow, we are

gone. You have my word.

- Otherwise, I can finish it now.

- We'll do whatever you want.

Damn right.

You're bleeding, Jack.

I need his medication. Please.

Go with her.

You've got 60 seconds,

or there won't be any medication

that will put him back together.


What's it do?

It manages the pain.

It's not right, the

way he talks to you.

No, he was right. I

shouldn't have said nothing.

No, no. He's not right.

I know what it's like

to be beaten down.

You deserve better.

Hey, hey! What the f*ck?

- Maisy?

- There's a headlight.

- It could be Mac.

- No, it's too soon.

- What did you do?

- Don't touch her!

- No! She didn't do anything!

- Who the f*ck is this clown? Move.

- Go, go.

- No.

You've got to be sh1tting me.

It's a f*cking cop. Come here.

No, please don't do that.

If you do, there'll be more.

- I'll fix it.

- You better.

Hey, take the kid into the back room.

Keep her quiet. No more f*ck-ups.

- You shouldn't talk to me like that.

- What did you say?

- Nothing.

- You f*cking dare?

Not now.

Hey, you. Get rid of

this f*cking bumpkin.


- Good evening, ma'am.

- Good evening.

Excuse the late hour.

You mind if I come

inside and explain?

Yes, sure.

What in the God's name

has you out at this hour?

Man hunt. Nationwide.

Armed robbery, m*rder

suspect, too, one of them.

It's all over the news.

Forgive me. News

doesn't travel fast here.

- May I?

- Of course.

Sorry about your radio.

I'll get you a new

one. A better one.

A digital one.

Did you really hurt someone?

I never hurt him.

Right. Sorry.

It wasn't my fault.

You do know that, don't you?

It's just an accident, right?


You think they came this way?

Unlikely. Word is they headed

north. Someone had to check.

I drew the short straw.

Well, as you can

see, no robbers here.

Just the two of you

running all this land?

That's right.

That's quite the load.

I'm heartier than I look.



We lost a child.

It must seem sentimental, but

on special occasions, it helps.

I would hate to impose,

but it's so grim out there.

Any chance of some

coffee before I head out?

It's the shutter.

I'll get the coffee.

Do you think you'll

be out all night?

Looks that way.

At least till I hear otherwise.

Not much this far out.

But a couple more

places still to drop by.

- What's that?

- It's a spasm.

Involuntary. He

needs his medication.

Is he okay?

Yes, he's fine. Fine. I

just need to sit him now.

Are you sure

everything's okay, ma'am?

Jesus, yes, absolutely.

It's just it's getting late,

and I appreciate you

coming and checking in on us,

but my husband really needs me.

If you won't mind with the...

Of course.

Well, just stay safe out there,

and I hope you find them.

Just before I go, your

child, what was the name?


His name was Ollie.

Then who's this?

I couldn't place her right

away. It's been so long.

- It's her, though, isn't it?

- I'm sorry. I don't...

It's all anybody talked

about that summer.

She just disappeared.

The family, too.

Her mother's name was

Bella. But that's not you, though.

- I don't...

- Is it, ma'am?




Jesus Christ.

It is you.

Mama, what did you do?

What the f*ck?


Pa just spoke. He just spoke.

- No, baby.

- No, I heard him.

No, you didn't. He

was just convulsing.

Look what you made me do.

Why did you do that,

Mama? It's not right.

I did it for you, baby.

Everything I do is for you.

You k*lled him.

No. He was confused, and he'd

have brought trouble with him.

He'd have tried to

take you away from me.

And I will never let

that happen. Ever.

You just trust me.

You do what I tell you.

- Baby, can you help me, please?

- Mama, I can't.

You want them to

take you away from me?

Is that what you want?

Someday, you'll have

a family of your own,

and you'll understand.

How can I ever have a family of my

own? You keep me here to yourself.

Yes, I'm trying to

protect our family!

No one ever protected me.

I couldn't protect them.

Just help me.

And then it's done.

Go. Follow me.

Hey, buddy.





Let us f*cking go!

Cover your ears, baby.

What are you doing, Mama?

We have to make it look

as if he found them here.

Keep people away from us.

Wait, no. Where is his

phone? Have you seen it?

They can trace it.


- Maisy, have you?

- No, no. I haven't seen it, Mama.

It doesn't make sense. Why'd

anyone take you away from me?

Because people are cruel.

That's why I've had to

shield you from them.

Why are you scared of them?

- The police are good.

- No one is good.

Baby, I'm sorry.

But do you remember the

first time that I held you?

You were so weak and frightened.

But now, I've made you strong.

And now, you have to be strong

for me. No more questions, okay?


Mama. Mama, look.


Come here with Mama.

Clever girl. You're so pretty.

Look at you.

Jack. Jack!

- Jack! Jack!

- Yeah, yeah. It's okay.

I'm right here. Stop that.

- I can't move.

- I know.

- Stop pulling.

- May arm's stuck. I can't...

- Stop pulling.

- Please, get it off me.

- I can't breathe.

- Stop f*cking pulling.

- Stop. Calm down.

- I can't breathe.

- Yes, you can.

- I can't breathe.

Stop. Stop. Stop acting

like a f*cking baby, all right?

- It's fine.

- Get off me.

It's okay.

Hey, come on. I don't

feel the fire. Come on.

Hey, hey.

Hey, I don't feel the fire.

Come on. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, mate.

- Yeah.

- I'm sorry.

Where are we?

We're in a lot of trouble.

You should call the police.

It's that woman.

She spread that cop all

over the floor with a 12-gauge.

Why did she do that?

Because she's hiding something.

A f*cking whopper.

But we need to get out of

here. Okay? I need your help.

Okay, mate?

Okay. Need to get

this off the wall?

Okay? Can you pull with me?

Come on, mate.


Jack, it's okay.

We're chained to a f*cking

wall in a basement by a nut.

I've got you.

Unless you've got any bright

ideas, we're pretty f*cked.

I'm not as dumb as you think.

Get in, Matty.

All right.

We might be in business.

Thank you, baby.

You okay?

Do you remember when I

was very little, before the farm?

There was a red brick house.

You remember that.

What else do you remember?

My nightlight.

A blue hippo with your

necklace that sparkled against it.

I was so scared of the dark.

You'd lay there and

hum this song to me.

Always made it better.

Then one day, you stopped.

Maybe you didn't

need it anymore.

Sometimes I try to hum it to

myself, but I can't remember.

I'm scared now, Mama.

Don't be, baby.

We just need to be ready, whoever

shows up looking for those boys.

Okay, okay.

Okay, I'm gonna pull it.

Ready? One, two, three.


All right. All

right, hold it tight.


Come on, use your shoulder.


Look for another way out.

That's it.

Her car's gone.

Let's just go.

We can't leave yet.

Please, I don't wanna

hurt anyone else.

Nice. What do you think

she had planned for us?

She was protecting Maisy.

From who? The police?

Use your f*cking head.

She won't let us go.


Where do you wanna go?


She said there's a town nearby.

Maybe we could boost a car...

The only way out of

here is through Mac.

And we need the money.

We're starting again with nothing.

I can't do that.

Hey, hey. That's our in.

Yeah? Get yourself to that

sheep barn. Wait for me there.

Why can't I come with you?

Because I need

your eyes out here.

No, please, I don't

wanna be alone.

I don't have time for

your shit right now, okay?

- Get in the f*cking barn.

- No!

Why do you hate me?

- How do you say that to me?

- Because it's true.

All of your life,

it's been just me.

We were put in that home

when mom died, I got us out,

- I kept us safe.

- Why'd you put me in Norton View?

- For your sake.

- You wanted to get rid of me.

Now that woman is dead,

and you put that on me.

I never meant to hurt her.

- What about Michael?

- He was laughing at me,

because I read the map wrong.

And he was always laughing at me!

We needed him, Matty.

Him and his old man's

connections, and you...

It's not my fault!

It's not my fault.

It's all your f*cking fault!

You don't see it because

I follow you around

cleaning up your

shit out of guilt.

Like I failed you somehow,

and that's why you're ill.

But that is not

what it is, Matty.

You're just a nasty f*ck-up.

Right down to your core. It's

who you've been from the start.

I wish you'd died and not mom.

Do you wanna know the truth?

She didn't die.

She left.

Because she

couldn't deal with you.

- You're lying.

- No.

All you did was

f*cking cry and whinge.

And she couldn't do it.

Doctors said there was nothing

wrong with you. It was just colic.

But you wouldn't f*cking stop.

She couldn't do it.

- She left.

- No, you're lying.

She died. You told me she died.


I used to think that before

you came, she was perfect.

She wasn't.

She was always a

selfish piece of shit.

But she was mine.

I was meant to be

something proper.

But everything good in

me, I had to give it to you.

I can't do that anymore.

After this day, mate,

you are on your own.

Well, nothing you

ever do is really for me.

It's always for you. You

never ask what I want.

You think you'd be so

much better without me?

You'll always be nothing.

It wasn't just me she left.

She didn't want you either.


Get in the barn, mate.

What if we just took the money

and left before anyone gets here?

We're not running,

baby. This is our home.


Hey, turn around.


Get up now! I'm

not f*cking about!

You were driving the other car.

Hey, hey.

Where is she?

She's gone.

Where is Jenny?


She's gone, too.


Call... Call the police.

I can't do that.

Help us.

You'll help me prepare the

boys and then you'll wait with Pa.

- But...

- No. Listen to me.

I want you out of

sight till this is done.

- No more risks.

- What if I...

Don't make me tell you again.

Wait here.

What about Pa?

f*ck off!

Maybe I can lower you down.

It's not that far.

You just hold me.


Stop. Okay, stop.

We need to go

before she gets back.

No. No.


She hums all night.

She remembers.

No. Jenny remembers

me, all right?

Why don't help me...?

I'm trying, okay?


- Help me.

- It's okay.

No. I don't wanna

do that. Please.

It's okay. It's okay. Just

help me. Help me sleep.

How many times? Please.


I'm not me anymore.

Help me.

Help me sleep, please.

I don't want to live

like this. Just k*ll me.

It's all right. It's all right.

You said it doesn't

have to be like this, Jack.

Well, it still doesn't.

Can you hear me?

We have to think of Matty.

We need to talk.



He left me here.

He said that no one wants me.


He said that mom didn't want me.

She didn't deserve you.

Mine didn't deserve me either.

She did terrible things.


You remind me of my Ollie.

Maybe we belong together.

I don't feel fine.


I'm gonna look after you.

Come to Mama.

Come to Mama.



Slow down.

What the f*ck? Is she in here?


Crap! Listen to me!

Listen to me! Listen. Listen.

I'm not the one. Okay?

She's lying to you.

All of it is a lie.



Get in there. Get

in there. Move.

Not a f*cking sound.

Okay, okay.

- I can scream for her.

- Yeah, you could.

Then you'll never know the

truth, will you? Watch yourself.

Pa. You okay?

You said she's lying.

What do you mean?

Your name's not

Maisy. It's Jenny.

This isn't your home.

She isn't your mom.

The accident that k*lled

Ollie k*lled her husband, too,

and her baby, Maisy.

What are you talking about?

Your mom was

driving the other car.

Your real one.

Look, she took you and your dad

to replace her family as payback.

As punishment. I

know, she's mental.

- You're lying.

- Why?

- Why would I?

- Because you're a k*ller.

You saw somebody

get k*lled tonight.

It wasn't me holding

the g*n. Think about it.

Here, look.

I remember this. I

remember her face.

What happened to her?

Do you know where she is?

I don't know.

How the f*ck is this glued

shut? Come on, help me.

You won't get out

of these shutters.

Okay, f*ck it. We'll go

out through the front.

Hey. Soul search later.

Call the police. I don't give a

f*ck. But right now, we gotta go.

What about Mama?

- f*ck her.

- I can't just leave.

Well, then don't. Stay here.

But you won't get the

chance to leave again.

- Where will I go?

- You figure that out on the way.

Just get your old boy

into the truck. I'll get Matty.

We'll call Mac from the

road. I'm not missing that boat.

Why are you helping us?

It's not about you.

What's it gonna be?

Come on.

Put him in the car.



Where is he?

I don't know.

Please, please,

can we just go now?




Just stay here.




What the f*ck are you doing up?

She wants me to stay.


Where is my daughter?

- What did you do to her?

- You said you wouldn't hurt him!

- Matty!

- You know when your friends arrive,

someone has to be accountable

for the dead body in the car.

You think he won't

give you away?

No, he'd never do that.

You said yourself he

doesn't care about you.

- You can't hurt...

- Shut up, you f*cking nutter!

Matty, what are you doing?

Jack, please, no. You don't

have to look after me anymore.

Mama's gonna look after me.

And all you have to do is

just give back Maisy, please.

I know what you've done.

I've seen upstairs.


She owed me. She owed me a debt.

The kid knows, too. She's gone.

- What did you tell her?

- Everything.

Ask her what she's done.

She's insane.

No. She took my

family, I took hers!

Maybe there could

be a place for you, too.

You could stop running, Jack.

They say that you

can't choose your family.

But you can.

She's right about

choosing family.

If you burn, I burn.

No, Jack, please! Stop!

No. Please, Jack, no, please.

- What are you doing?

- Can't we stay?

- f*ck off! What are you doing?

- Please!

I don't want anything. Let her

go, Jack! Stop! We can stay here.

- Shut the f*ck up! Stay there!

- Please!

- Please, Jack! I don't want to!

- Shut up!

No, Jack! Stop!


Are you okay, Mama?

Get up. Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Stop! I'm warning you, Jack!


Are you okay?

Are you all right?

Listen to me, baby.

Everything's gonna be all right.

Will you come out?

I promise you.

- I'm not angry.

- Is it true?

You're not my real mama?

Of course I am.

I'm the one that raised you.

I'm the one that cared for you.

I'm your mama, and you're mine!

No, Mama.

No, you're not!

Mac. Mac's here.

Mac's here! Jack!

Do you hear that?

- It's over!

- No, you owe me a debt!

Get yourself out here, lads!

Good luck.

- No, Mama, wait! Wait!

- What? No!

Who the f*ck is that?

It's a long story.

How many in there?

It's just her.

Are you f*cking with me?

One woman?

Where's my money, Jack?

She's got it.

And my son?

She took him, too.

Did she?

All right, let's go. Come on,

son. Come on, son. That's it.

What was your plan?

Get f*cking back.


I found your car on the way in.

Up, up.

Are you really

that f*cking stupid?

You think I wouldn't have

noticed Junior's not f*cking here?

Where is Matty?



- Please.

- Please.


No, Matty!

Please, Mac, don't hurt him!


Hurt him?


I'm gonna cut him open and

splash around him what comes out.


Come out now.

That's the boy.

It wasn't Jack.

I k*lled Michael.

If you're gonna hurt

someone, it should be me.

Matty, stay here.

This isn't on you.

My money buys your life.

But these two pieces of shit,

they're already in

the f*cking ground.

I don't want your money. Take it.

You want him? You can take him, too.

But you're not

touching this boy.

Is that right?

You know what he's done?

Are you ready to die for that?

It won't be me that dies today.

That sounds

dangerously like a threat...

You f*cking...


You crazy, f*cking bitch...!


You okay?

Doctors say your

father's coming around.

He's asked for you.

Do you wanna see him?

We'll catch her.

Don't worry.

She can be glorious,


or filled with wrath.

Her job is to protect.

No matter the cost.

And if anyone were

to ever harm her family,

there's no telling what

she'd be capable of.
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