14x01 - 18 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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14x01 - 18 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Over the past 13 seasons, Hell's Kitchen has evolved into more than just a restaurant.

So good.

It's become an institution of higher learning Rule number one: Always turn the stove on before you start cooking.

That seen its share of wannabe jocks Class clowns You want to see crazy?
This is [Bleep]


I like the women.

Ah, yes.

And, of course, bullies.

- Get out of face.

- Shut the [Bleep]


Let's go step outside, [Bleep]


Presiding over these hallowed halls Get out! Is one of the most legendary headmasters in culinary history, Chef Gordon Ramsay.

- There you go.

- Lovely.

Many students have tried to follow the curriculum.

They won't stick.

That's why it's called nonstick! Stand back! But only a select few have graduated with honors.

Ladies and gentlemen, your Hell's Kitchen winner, La Tasha.

And now, school is back in session.

Here we go again.

But for the first time in his storied tenure I don't know where to go! I don't know where to [Bleep]

go! Chef Ramsay faces an incoming class I'll look him right in his eyes.

I'm not scared of Chef Ramsay.

More passionate I want a cigarette and a W.

- Really?
- Can you provide me with that?
- You second-guessed me.

- What the [Bleep]

And you can't even burn?
- You're not a chef.

- Stop [Bleep]

talking over me.

You don't have the balls to take over.

And more emotional ! Why do you got to do this to me?
Than he has ever encountered before You okay?
I really have to figure this [Bleep]


With the dramatic lows Oh, what a nightmare.

This is [Bleep]


What in the [Bleep]

Disgusting! Get out, get out.

- Get out! - Oh, my God! In 14 seasons of Hell's Kitchen, I have never set foot in these doors.

Are topped only by the thrilling highs - Wow.

- Whoo! In the most exhilarating Cheers! So fun.

Heart-pounding Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, there was just blood everywhere.

Wildly entertaining season of Hell's Kitchen yet.

I'm done with you.

I'm done with you, and I'm done with him.

So don't be tardy Hurry up! Because when the bell rings Let's go! Move! Class will be in session.

Wait until your pan is hot.

Hot pan.

Oh, man.

As this new crop of chefs makes it way to Hell's Kitchen - Hey, everyone.

I'm Brendan.

- Randy.

Not everyone gets off on the right foot.

Well, we speak English.

What the hell is Monique thinking?
You know, we're not even, like, ten seconds out of the gate yet, and she's already asking stupid questions.

I just hope she gets cut.

This is definitely a dream come true for me, but I'm a little nervous.

This is worse than combat, I think.

Yeah, let's do this! How about that! Whoo.

It's locked.

Whoo! What's going on?
I don't know.

Attention, Chefs! Where is it coming from?
There he is! It was like seeing an angel.

I thought he was just gonna have, like, wings just pop out of the back of his chef coat, and be, like Let me tell you, I've designed this year's Hell's Kitchen to be the most challenging ever.

Before you can enter, I need to know that all of you are 100% committed to being here.

- Yes, Chef! - Good.

Oh, no.

Now, let me tell you why I'm up here.

You'll be jumping off the roof and landing right down there.


I was just kind of like, "oh, [Bleep]


I'm leaving.

" Oh, my God, we're gonna die.

Whoo! There's no way this is really gonna happen.

I'm breaking my neck, and I'm going in an ambulance.

Let's go, guys.

Who's up first?
So, volunteers, let's go.

Young man, first name.

- Enrique.

- Enrique, come on down, please.

Young lady with a blouse, blond.

- Your first name is?
- Ruth.

Let's go, quick.

Give 'em some form of encouragement.

- Good going, guys! - Got it, Enrique! Come on, Enrique.

We need you! We need you, baby! Come on, baby! Easy, Enrique.

This dude look like he [Bleep]

his pants.

Almost there.

You got it.

All right.

Okay, on the count of three, one Two Three! Come on, Enrique! No! Oh.

Oh, my God.

We're actually jumping off of a roof.

Panic attack, here we go.

Make your way into Hell's Kitchen.

- Good job.

- Thank you.

Way to go, brother.

Whoo! Yeah! In you go! Ruth, how are you feeling?

Really, really scared.

Are you ready - I think I'm ready.

- To join Enrique in the kitchen?
On the count of three, one Two Three.


That's one way to do it.

Great job.


Enter the kitchen.

Well done, great job.

- Thank you.

- Good job, Ruth.

You've earned it.

I can't believe this is happening, but I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to win.

He could tell me to jump off the roof onto a concrete surface.

I'm game for anything.

Let's bring it on, baby.

Right, who's next?
Here's the thing.

You're Chefs.

Enrique and Ruth are stunt people.

Oh, my God.

Good job.

Oh, thank God we don't have to do it.

That was crazy.

I'm very impressed that all of you are 100% committed.

You're [Bleep]


I'd like all of you to take a big, deep breath, because it's time to cook me your signature dish.

Get inside.

Let's go.

Let's go, guys.

Pick it up.

Come on, let's go.

Get through there.

I'm in Hell's Kitchen.

I can't even believe it.

It's women versus men in the signature dish challenge, and for the first time ever, they are cooking in Hell's Kitchen in front of a live audience.

Gonna need a drink after this.

Let's go! I watch a lot of race car driving.

You got to be a team until the last lap.

Anybody have butter?
Butter, butter.


You already know.

And once that last lap come, I'm definitely putting somebody right into the wall, 'cause I'm gonna win.

Oh, I need those.

Everybody, you got 20 minutes to go.

Let's go.

They're rooting for you.

Pot behind you.

Pot coming through.

Hot, hot.

- Game time.

- Game time.

Cooking is my life, and I have worked my ass off to get to where I am.

Can you help me with this?
I have cooked this dish 1,001 times, and if I [Bleep]

it up, I'm gonna k*ll myself.

One minute to go.

Let's go.

Where are the plates at?
Come on, y'all.

We got to win this one.

Come on, baby girl.

You can do it.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five One.

Your stunning dishes will be judged on a scale of one to five with one being an absolute disaster and five being a truly outstanding dish.

- Clear?
- Yes, Chef.

Okay, let's go.

First up in the signature dish challenge, Brooklyn chef Josh hopes that his seared scallops will get the blue team off to a strong start.

Seared scallops with an apple fennel slaw.

The sauce seeing you is crazy.

It's crazy.

It's awesome, Chef.

You saw me on the roof five minutes ago.

But now you're, like, right here.

- You're talking to me.

It's awesome.

- Wow.

This is the greatest day of my life.

The scallops great sear.

It's a smart dish.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Four out of five.

- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

Now it's up to Dallas line cook Sarah to make a good first impression with her Filet mignon.

- The temperature's beautiful.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Delicious.

- Four out of five.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good job.

With both teams off to an impressive start, culinary student Christine's scallops with polenta cake Delicious.

Four out of five.

Good job.

Are up against executive Chef Brendan's Tempura soft-shell crab with ginger garlic sauce.

Crab, nicely done.

Four out of five.

As the dead heat continues, will Dallas line cook Michelle or private chef Nick break the pattern and the tie?
I have a pan-roasted duck breast with pepper and sherry gastrique.

Duck's cooked beautifully.

A solid three.

- Good job.

- Thanks, Chef.

- How old are you, Michelle?
- 22.

Young, wow.

I have only been doing this for four years, and everyone else has been doing it for, like, Huevos rancheros, quail leg, and then queso fresco.

Love the little elements.

Great finesse.

Four out of five.

Well done.

I may be young, but people should watch out for me.

With the women now leading by a point, Maryland sous chef Mieka is ready to show off with her Shrimp cake with asparagus and peach salsa.

Wow, it isn't half bad.

It's all bad.

One out of five.

It was just Let this be over.

Mieka's low score paves the way for Tennessee banquet chef Randy to take the lead.

When was the last time you had [Bleep]

disaster in your banquets?
Right now, when I'm not there.

What's under the dome?
This is a salmon with raspberry bourbon barbecue sauce.

I mean, it looks incredibly plain jane, and it actually tastes quite delicious.

You got a solid three there.

Good job.

Thank you, Chef.

With the men leading by a single point, the blue team's momentum rests with - Milly.

- Milly.

- Yes.

- Excellent.

- And you're from where, bud?
- Philly.


- Milly from Philly.

- Yes, Chef.


Is that a stick-on, or is that - Oh, no, no, no, no.

- No, it's real.

- Yeah, that's a lot of hard work.

- Okay.

- Does it ever catch fire?
- No.

- No.

- No.

- 'Cause it is long.

- Yeah, correct, yeah.

What's under the dome?
I have a seafood mac and cheese with a citrus gremolata.

- Wow, so it's a posh mac and cheese.

- Yes, Chef.

I put in heavy cream, added a little eggs, and butter.

It's good.


- Good job.

- Thank you.

Hoping to put the red team back on top with her rainbow trout is an executive chef from Virginia, Meghan.

- The dish is stunning.

- Thank you.

Definitely a five for five.

- Good job.

- Thank you.

With the first perfect score going to Meghan, the women are back in the lead.

Up next, executive chef Michael versus food truck owner and chef, Chrissa.

I was in the cookie aisle, and I was looking at cookies.

What in the [Bleep]

is that?
It's men versus women in the signature dish challenge.

And food truck chef Chrissa is trying to hold on to the ladies' one point lead.

What's under the dome?
But her dish has left Chef Ramsay asking a simple but important question.

What in the [Bleep]

is that?
That is ginger-crusted chicken.

I was in the cookie aisle, I was trying to get ideas, and they had ginger cookies.

Ginger cookie-crusted-chicken breast.

Yup, that's what's in there.

I'm glad you were inspired in the cookie aisle, not the [Bleep]

pet food aisle.

Oh, really?
Oh, no.

Oh, my God, really?
- That is hideous.

- Sorry.

One out of five.

I'm not really used to people spitting out my food, so it was very embarrassing.

- Young man, first name is?
- Michael, Chef.

And do you do for a living?
I work for a Jewish kosher upscale senior living.

Anyone ever passed away eating your food?
- Not that I know of.

- Not that you know of.

What's under the dome?
Chef, I have an herb-roasted chicken breast.


You know, it's solid.

It's not spectacular.

- Yes, Chef.

- Three out of five.

- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I knew it.

With Chrissa's chicken losing the lead for the women, New York line cook Alison's red snapper The sauce is runny.


Comes up short against New Jersey executive chef Adam's rack of lamb.

- Lamb's cooked perfectly.

- Thank you, Chef.

Yeah, I'm gonna give that four out of five.

Thank you very much, Chef.

The men now have a two point lead over the women, but Atlanta line cook T is looking to put the red team back on top with her coffee-crusted flank steak.

It's just suddenly dawned what "T" stands for.

Terrific, great job.

Five out of five.

Thank you, Chef.


The women have posted another perfect score, and now New Jersey sous chef Cameron is hoping to reclaim the lead with his coriander-rubbed rack of lamb.

The lamb's cooked nicely.

Four out of five.

- Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

Going in to the final round of signature dish, the men have a one point lead and are counting on Miami sous chef Bret's Bone-in veal chop saltimbocca served over smashed fingerling potato.

It's rustic, but it's got charm.


A sold three.

Good job.

Thank you, Chef.

The red team's fate now rests with Monique It's called Mo's pasta.

Who needs a perfect score of five to win for the women.

Tell me about the marinara sauce.

I want to know how you made it.

It's just from a jar.

So you didn't even make the marinara sauce?

I don't think there's anything wrong with canned sauce.

Unless you're from [Bleep]

Italy and you're, like, born as an Italian, you're not gonna be making your sauce from scratch all the time.

No, if you wanted it, you should've just told me.

I would've did it.

- Oh, I've got to tell you what I want.

- Yes.

Who the [Bleep]

uses jarred tomato sauce for Chef Ramsay?
Who does that?
Mo's pasta One out of five.

- Okay, got it.

- Well done, men.

Well done.

Great job.

Gents, I have one hell of an evening for you guys.

You'll be chauffeured in the most extravagant limousine to meet a Hollywood legend.

Oh, my God.

You know him from TV and film.

I'm not gonna tell you who it is.

Ladies, I want you to re-set this entire dining room.

Once the dining room is re-set, every year here in Hell's Kitchen, there are thousands of reservation confirmations that have to be mailed out.

You'll be getting every one of them ready to go.

Take a look at that massive amount of reservations.


You will be stuffing and licking all night long.

Congratulations to the men.

Great job.

The limo is waiting.

Boom, baby! Whoo! Yo! I just got to meet Chef Ramsay, and now I'm gonna meet a Hollywood legend.

- You have to be kidding me.

- Go blue or go home! I hate to lose.

I really hate to lose.

I'm on the same page as you.

Right now, I'm pissed.

Like, on a regular night, we're gonna whup their ass.

The guys aren't that great.

Dude, you haven't even whupped their ass right now, so how could you be talking about we gonna whup their ass?
You served him some jar sauce, and then you stand at the pass arguing with him.

Yeah, I used a canned sauce.

Whatever, I get it.

While Monique is on the losing end of the blame game, the blue team plays the guessing game, wondering which Hollywood legend awaits them.

I hope it's Willie Nelson.

We've been waiting for you.

Welcome to Saint Rocke.

Oh, my God.

Through my military experience, I've met numerous generals.

But I'm a little nervous to meet my first celebrity.

I mean, it's freaking Los Angeles.

It could be anybody.

Hello, everybody.

- Oh, [Bleep]


- Oh, [Bleep]



After winning the signature dish challenge The men have been whisked off in a limo to a concert venue in Hermosa Beach to meet a surprise celebrity.

Who we gonna see right now?
Hello, everybody.

- Oh, [Bleep]


- Oh, [Bleep]

! How are you?
Captain Kirk! Holy [Bleep]


This gives me some serious nerd street cred.

Thank you.


All right, so I'm gonna give you your menu back.

Does that sound like Ramsay at all?
Yeah, okay.

I just want to give him a captain kirk impression.

Spock, your your Vulcan mind is going crazy.

What are you doing?
I signed them, actually.

May the best man win.

Good luck, guys.

Let's all gather around, and we're gonna take a photograph.

Like, total nerd-gasm.

Everyone say, "holy [Bleep]


" Holy [Bleep]


As the men boldly go where no chef has gone before This is a nightmare.

The women are navigating an enterprise of their own.

You have a four top.

Teesh, hang on.

You can go either 11 or 22.

Monique, move your chair this way a little.

This is 12.

Alison, I don't know why you feel entitled to walk around with a checklist.

Like, shut the [Bleep]


I mean, you have to stay behind the chair, babe.

The red team now has a leader, and it's right here.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

- Ladies.

- Yes.

We're gonna go and get out the envelopes.

Oh, God.

Great, we just set a dining room all up, and then having to do this?
Oh, wow.

Oh, wow.



Holy [Bleep]


This mountain of papers is, you know, stacked up.

Probably taller than all of us.

Oh, my God, this is insane.


This sucks.

Well, maybe had you made your own [Bleep]

marinara Oh, just me?
Just me?
- Oh, okay.

- I'm just saying.

- This sucks.

- We're a team, all right?
With one full day in hell's kitchen under their belts Let's do it, guys.

Both teams are anxious to get in the kitchens and begin prep for their first dinner service.

You guys, listen up.

Chef has provided you guys with your own sets of J.


Henckels knives, okay?
It's all yours.

Pass it back, yeah.

This is pretty sweet.

Those Henckels knives They are such a fantastic gift.

I will keep these knives for a lifetime.

These are better than jewelry.

Not even [Bleep]


Armed with their tools for success Shrimp first, then you have the calamari.

- Peppers.

- Garlic.

The ladies are brushing up on recipes Flame's in the pan.

White wine.

And the women are all feeling confident.

That's good.

That's good.


You can't do this.

Well, maybe not all of the women.

What goes in a risotto?
You're missing the chives, the lobster.

- A little bit more salt would've been good.

- Okay.

And you put a little bit too much garlic.


I just want to run out of here What do you mean you want to run out of here?
- I'm just terrified.

- Chrissa, Chrissa.

There's no terrified in this.

I'm telling you, that girl Chrissa, she needs to get her mind right right away.

If you let us down, I swear to God I'm gonna beat you.

Let's line up, please.

Let's go.

Right, tonight is the night.

Bring your "A" game.

Focus, concentrate.

- Chrissa, you all right?
- Yeah, I'm doing well.

Thank you.

- Yeah, you sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.

What's wrong?
I needed to go to the bathroom before dinner service.

Would any of you mind if Chrissa disappears to the bathroom before she pees her knickers?
No, Chef.

Okay, Chrissa, off you go.

That's so embarrassing.

She really has to go.


Get on your stations.

We're opening up just minutes from now.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Marino.

- Yes, Chef?
Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

Let's go.


It's the 14th opening night in the history of Hell's Kitchen Let's do this, girls.

And excitement is in the air for this new crop of chefs We are not losing.

And for the diners, who have secured one of the hottest dinner reservations in all of Los Angeles.

I'm gonna have the lobster Risotto, please.

Lobster risotto for her.

For starters, the scallops.

For opening night, in addition to the classic menu, Chef Ramsay has added pan-seared prawns as a tableside appetizer While you're doing it, use your personality.

Talk to the guests.

Which will be served by Atlanta line cook T for the red team and Brooklyn chef Josh for the blue.

You can use these at the end, okay?
- Done.

- Awesome.

Ladies, let's go.

Four covers, table 50.

One shrimp, two scallops, one beet salad.

- Easy.

- Yes, Chef.

- Ladies, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

Definitely, you know, the nerves are high.

Let's do this, ladies.

We do not want the blue team to win.

We have a lot to prove to Chef Ramsay tonight.

Here, Chef.

Scallops, Chef.

Beet salad, ready.


Hopefully Chef likes 'em.

- Service, please.

- All right.

Thank goodness.

Let's kick this up, ladies! Yeah! Whoo! While Michelle and Mieka have gotten the women off to a strong start with the scallop appetizers Get it, girls.

Over in the blue kitchen Let's go.

Four covers, table 12.

One shrimp tableside, two scallops, one risotto.

Yes, Chef.

The pressure is on Cameron on appetizers to do the same for the men.

Cameron, speed up, please.

Yes, Chef.

I am the anchor position.

The app station sets the tone of the night, so it's time to rock and roll.

Risotto, Cameron, how long?
Risotto's up.

Come on.

More butter, more salt.

Let's go.

You can't cook a risotto?
I don't know if you're nervous, scared, or what, but get your [Bleep]

together right now.

Nick, get the [Bleep]

on there with it, yes?
Cameron fell flat on his face at the first ticket.

I mean, really?
Let's take this, man.

Come on! Walking risotto.

Risotto right behind you, Chef.

Risotto is cooked nicely.

- Nick, well done.

- Heard.

With Nick successfully rescuing Cameron on Risotto I'll watch this one.

Chef Ramsay is now looking to Michael for - Scallops, please.

- Coming right now.

The risotto's dying.

Meanwhile over in the red kitchen What do you need?

I thought he said pizzetta.

- No, no.

- What did he say?
He didn't say pizza.

Sarah is attempting to keep Chrissa on track.

- Well, then I have two pork.

- What?
- Two pork, and two - we're okay right now.

I know.

We're okay.

I feel like I'm babysitting Chrissa, and I don't have time right now.

Should I work on dessert or help other people or anything?
Not yet.

We're not on dessert already.

No! Meghan, get on get on here.

Right behind.

All right, what do you got?
Chrissa, what are you doing?
- Sarah.

- Yes, Chef.

- Why is she hiding?
- I don't know, Chef.

- Why am I what?
- She's okay.

Keep going, keep going.

Chrissa, come here, you.

Go outside and see if you can help T.

Chrissa is completely out of her element in the kitchen.

Hurry up.

Let's go.

We need to keep up the momentum, and without Chrissa, we're in better shape.

Let's go.

With Chrissa out of the kitchen Behind, behind.

And out of the way They're doing a great job.

The rest of the ladies continue to push out appetizers.


All over, two twos.

Ladies, wake up.

This is a VIP table.

Dean McDermott.

Let's go, ladies.

Now the pressure of a VIP ticket puts the ladies to the test On order, four pork, one lamb.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

I'm popping in my lamb now, okay?
As Monique and Christine look to shift into high gear on the ladies' first entrees of the night.

Get that sucker in there.

Back in the blue kitchen - Scallops! - Right now, Chef.

Michael is finally delivering his scallops for the first order of appetizers.


is that?
Hey, all of you, come here.

Hurry up! This isn't gonna be good.

Just touch them.

Just touch the top of them.

Look at that.

No, no, no.

So we got [Bleep]

color on one side.

- And bald the next.

- Yes, Chef.

Stupid mistakes, Michael.

We're on our first ticket.

We got Chef Ramsay up our [Bleep]


This is not a good sign.

The sad thing is, he [Bleep]

two portions as well.

Young man, you need to know you are not at the [Bleep]

senior home.

Yes, Chef.

One more like that and you can [Bleep]

off back there tonight.

Yes, Chef.

It's 40 minutes into dinner service for the grand reopening of Hell's Kitchen.

Color on one side.

And bald the next.

And because of Michael's undercooked scallops, the men have still not delivered their first table of appetizers.

You are not at the [Bleep]

senior home.

Yes, Chef.

One more like that and you can [Bleep]

off back there tonight.

Yes, Chef.

I don't understand it.

You know, we've been in this business our whole lives.

They're [Bleep]


It ain't rocket science.

Two minutes, scallops.

Two minutes.

Let's not lose it, guys.

You know, the girls are doing better than us right now.

Come on, guys! Behind, hot.


Scallops to your left, Chef.

That one's ready, so whatever you need to do.


Well done.

Oh, my God, these scallops are finally done.

Table 12, let's go.

So thank God for that.

As the first blue diners finally receive their appetizers Yeah, go, please.

The blue kitchen may be hitting its stride.

Meanwhile, the red kitchen has moved on to entrees.

How long do we have on the pork?
- Slice now.

- Oh, okay.

Slicing the pork now.

And the pressure is now on Christine and Monique at the meat station to complete a pork and a Lamb! For VIP Dean McDermott's table.

Slicing it, Chef.

It's not ready yet.

Stop, stop.

All of you, come here.

Who sliced the pork?
I did, Chef.

And before you slice the pork, what should you check on?
To see if the lamb was done, Chef.

So the lamb's raw, and the pork's [Bleep]


Dude, lamb's not a tough dish.

We look dumb as [Bleep]


Refire one pork, one lamb, urgently! Yes, Chef.

While the meat station has brought the red kitchen to a grinding halt, the blue kitchen On order, table 21.

Entrée, two Halibut, one lamb.

Yes, Chef! Has recovered from a slow start and is trying to continue its momentum on entrees, with Milly and Bret leading the way on the meat station.

- Lamb! - Right now, Chef.

Slicing now, Chef.


How long lamb, guys?
Right now.

Halibut, where is it?
Right here, Chef.

Lamb, let's go! Hey, milly, Bret! - Yes, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

It's [Bleep]


Oh, hell no.

Hurry up.

Let's go.

Refire one lamb.

We'll bring it back.

Let's bring it back.

Come on, fellas! We're better than this.

Let's do it! While Milly sheepishly refires his lamb, over in the red kitchen I seriously hope that VIP table's [Bleep]


One pork and one lamb.

It's really rare.

Monique, it's really rare.

That [Bleep]

not even hot.

Put that in the [Bleep]

combi oven.

Are you kidding me?
I open the oven, and I'm, like, expecting, like, a facial, and it's nothing.

Our oven's not hot for some reason.

It's not on.

It is on.

The oven's off.

Monique, are you [Bleep]

kidding me?
Your [Bleep]

oven is off, and you're cooking lamb.

Are you like, are you high?
Lamb! Chef, I'm bringing it up.

Got it.

- Are you following me?
- Yes.

- Right behind.

- Right behind.


All of you! Come here! [Bleep]

Like, again?
Oh, my God, this is not happening.

Raw lamb and dry pork, like pork jerky.

Look at it.

Ridiculous! Oh, [Bleep]


I'm redoing the pork.

That's hot.

Get the lamb in.

Lamb! Behind you, Mo.

I've got the lamb.

Where's the pork?
I need these two right here.

One, two, three, four, five, six chefs on meat.

- Pork is [Bleep]


- Is it raw?
Stop, stop.

Bring me the lamb, please.

We started off strong, and then the meat station It's like a ship out at sea.

The pirates came and [Bleep]

capsized that bitch.

So you bring me the lamb, and the pork's raw.

Now I'm taking it personally.

I need you to do one more thing together as a team.

Get out! Get out! A joke's a [Bleep]


Piss off! It's an hour and a half into the grand reopening of Hell's Kitchen.

- Who brought me the lamb?
- I did, Chef.

So you bring me the lamb, and the pork's raw.

And after a train wreck on the meat station Get out! Piss off.

We had one ticket left after that one, guys.

Chef Ramsay has banished the red team to the dorms.

Who took the oven off?
The temperature went down, and I don't know how that happened.

Or I wasn't paying attention to the temperature on it Right, I mean, I opened the oven for her, and I was like, "it's [Bleep]


" Really?
Meanwhile Service, please.

With Chef Ramsay personally completing the VIP table's entrees Gordon Ramsay cooked this.

Gordon Ramsay, for us.

Back in the blue kitchen - How's the lamb?
- It's perfect.

Service, please.

Molly's refined lamb is making its way to the dining room It's amazing.

And the men are in the home stretch.

Keep that momentum going.

Let's go, guys.

Come on, salmon.

Let's take this.

Let's finish strong! - Walking, walking.

- The salmon's up, guys.

- Right behind.

- Service, please.


- Blue team.

- Yes, Chef.

Well done.

Guys, get downstairs right now.

Chef's waiting for you.

Right now means [Bleep]



Line up on the stairs.

Trust me, it's not gonna take long.

Let's get one thing You definitely lost.

All of you, get together and come to a consensus with two individuals who you think you're better off without.

- Got it?
- Yes, Chef.


There's a couple people here that definitely don't belong here, and it's negating all the work that the bigs are doing to make this team successful, and I'm pissed.

Do y'all realize that this is what the [Bleep]

Y'all do on a daily basis?
It's, like, just [Bleep]


If the [Bleep]

is raw, don't put that [Bleep]


That's it.

I mean, someone's obviously two people need to go home.

And I vote you and you.

Both of you guys were on the meat station, and that's what went down.

At the end of the day, it's about winning dinner services, and I'm talking about getting rid of the weak link.

Who puts a shelf with no backing behind it?
I don't think she cares.

Chrissa, can you come join us, please?
Why are you over there doing dishes?
'Cause, like, I don't want to argue.

You're part of this.

- We're having a conversation.

- I know.

This is part of the team that we're talking about.

And I feel like I'm helping with it.

How are you helping?
Well, because I broke a glass, I wanted to clean it up.

I was gonna put fresh coffee on for us.

- I'm sorry.

- I don't want no damn coffee.

I want a cigarette and a "W" Can you provide me with that?
- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.

With anything that I did tonight, was I there 100% to support and do everything that I noticed I picked up Was I on top of it?
Honestly say.

The thing that was, like, really hard for me was, like, there were a lot of random questions, and then it got so discombobulated.

Meghan came over, and I was like, "okay, we can talk.

We can do this.

" - And we were communicating.

- I was on top of everything.

I was paying attention.

I'm like, that's why I was on your station, right?
All I know, someone's got to go home to make this team run smoothly.

Alison, the red team's first nominee and why.

Chef, we decided to go with Monique because of her display tonight on the meat station.

If you can't handle a station, then you just shouldn't be here.

Second nominee and why.

Chef, we decided to go with After a horrific opening night for the red team, in which they were kicked out of the kitchen, the ladies had to nominate two members for elimination.

Their first choice was Monique.

Alison, second nominee and why.

Chef, we decided to go with Chrissa.

- Chrissa.

- Yes, Chef.

When [Bleep]

hit the fan, I don't think Chrissa was even aware what was going on.

There's someone else I want to hear from as well.


Christine, Monique, Chrissa, step forward, please.

What happened on meat?
It got out of control.

Our oven wasn't on.

- Your oven wasn't on.

- Yeah.

We thought it was.

So who put the meat into a cold oven?
I did, Chef.

Monique, ten seconds, very quickly, why do you think you deserve to stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I think I deserve to stay here because I'm better than these two.

She under pressure, she breaks down.

Like, this is serious.

You say, "yes, Chef," and you do what you have to do.

And then she has no self-confidence at all.

Like, if you don't think you can be here, then leave.

Don't make us feel how you feel about yourself.

That's horrible.

Christine, ten seconds, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Chef, I know I'm a better chef than both these people up here, and I want this very badly.

I take this more seriously.

I wasn't talking about peeing my pants.

Chrissa, what's the matter?
Nothing, just thought it was a low blow.

When someone asked me what was a matter, I was honest.

We all go to the bathroom.

And I was nervous about dinner service.


Chrissa, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I really believe this is an amazing opportunity, and I would like one more night in dinner service to really show everybody here what I'm made out of, because I did not drop the ball tonight.

And you know what, if I didn't have confidence, I wouldn't be out here, and I wouldn't have made it through dinner service if I didn't believe that I can do it.

My decision is Monique.

Back in line.

Oh, what?
Thank you, [Bleep]

baby Jesus.

Oh, my God, my heart was beating so fast.


you guys.

I'm still mad at you for putting me up there too.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen Chrissa.

Give me your jacket.

I just don't get it.

- Okay.

- I'm not feeling it.

- No problem, Chef.

- Young lady, come here.

- Yes, sir.

- You can't even [Bleep]

listen straight.

Stand there.

I asked for your jacket.

Sorry, Chef.

- Good night.

- Good night, Chef.

I'm not gonna cry, 'cause I know I'm too good for this [Bleep]

, but it's very heart-breaking, 'cause I know I'm a beast in the kitchen.

Chef Ramsay asked me before dinner service, "are you okay?
" That makes me weak because I pee?
Maybe I'm a little quirky and different, but I don't know what to tell you.

It is who I am.

I suggest you all start taking this a little bit more seriously.

I've got something major at stake, and right now, I'm [Bleep]


Now, [Bleep]


The right chef went home tonight, and if I had my way, [bleep]

Monique would be going along right with her.


everyone in here who doubts me.

All them hating-ass b*tches, who cares?
'Cause guess what, you can't get rid of me.

I ain't going nowhere no time soon.

The blue team, we need to step it up right now.

We won, but it's like winning by default.

I want to blow the red kitchen out the water every service.

There is nothing more terrifying to Chrissa than jumping off a building, but there is nothing more terrifying to me than the thought of having her as my next head chef.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Writing about me?
I will never let you read this.

Sarah, she's sexy.

We'll see what happens.

When sparks fly between two chefs Why are they so happy?
I want to throw up.

This is not for you to get into.

And jealousy rears its ugly head he's just not the person that she needs.

Will it tear the blue team apart?
When you step on my toes, it wakes up the bear.

I got big feet.

And you don't want to find them in your [Bleep]


- Let's go! - All next time on a completely bizarre.

Totally overboard, Michael, what are you doing?
episode of Hell's Kitchen.
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