14x08 - 11 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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14x08 - 11 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Opa! The teams squared off for Chef Ramsay's first-ever Greek cuisine challenge.

Opa! - After smashing their way - Oh, my God! to gather ingredients Bell peppers.

Immediately, wheels are turning.

The chefs' creativity and knowledge of Greek food were put to the test by Chef Ramsay and Michelin star chef Michael Psilakis.

Feeling a bit nervous.

Meghan got the red team off to a strong start with her squid.

This is really Greek food on a different level.

But Michelle's kiwi and frisée prawns Something really weird about frisée and cream.

- It's just not Greek.

- And Sarah's swordfish Swordfish is under-seasoned.

Struggled to impress.

I was expecting more.

In spite of Josh's bloody lamb - turning out to be a Greek tragedy - I wouldn't serve this.

- Adam's pork - I think that's one of the best dishes - you've cooked so far in this competition.

- Yes, yes! And Randy's chicken I don't think it can get any more Greek than this on a plate.

Country bumpkin-ass Randy k*lling it.

Were exceptional enough to secure the win for the men.

Yes! [Bleep]

, yeah! At dinner service, despite some early mistakes from Randy on garnish I've got, like, a liquid mash now.

I know sauces that are thicker than that.

And Adam on fish Look at the [Bleep]

oil in that.

It's swimming in it.

The men, led by a very vocal Bret, delivered their strongest service yet.

Nick, good job.

Adam, good job.

But over in the red kitchen, a completely different story.

Oh, my God.

Trouble everywhere.

Alison burnt the lobster.

Look at the color of my lobster! This is not happening.

Christine failed on garnish.

What are you doing, Christine?
And Sarah was incompetent on meat.

The Wellington are undercooked, that's raw in the middle, and the lamb is overcooked.

Not surprisingly, Chef Ramsay gave them the boot.

Get out.

Ugh! And the victorious men gladly finished off the tickets for the red kitchen as well.

- Into the red kitchen.

- Yes, Chef.

Boom, we go invade the red kitchen.

It's like invading Normandy.

The red team nominated Sarah.

And Christine, Chef.

For eviction.

Chef Ramsay then decided that it would be Sarah.

Who would be forced to say good-bye to her dream of becoming Head Chef at Caesars Atlantic City.

And now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

Yes, Chef.

Now that Sarah's gone, some of the deadweight is off.

I think all the crazies have left the team, so we're gonna be much stronger.

I'm glad you're still here, Christine, I'm not gonna lie.

Thanks, Josh.

I need a pretty girl here, you know?
I've been up for elimination three times.

Christine keeps dodging b*ll*ts, I get eye candy.

I did dodge a big b*llet today.

Phew! I don't want to disappoint Chef, so I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I like looking at you, but not up there.

I know, I don't want to be in the spotlight like that ever again.

Yeah, I'm glad you stayed.

Thank you, guys.


After a night of some minor flirting with the enemy, the chefs are up early Let's run.

And of course are in a different mind-set Let's go.

Ready to battle it out in Chef Ramsay's latest challenge.

Good morning.

Good morning, Chef.

Red team, ready for redemption?
Yes, Chef.

Good, glad to hear it.

Now, when used correctly, you know alcohol can really enhance a dish, right?
Yes, Chef.

And that is why, for today's challenge, each team will be cooking with three different types of alcohol: Beer, wine, and liquor.

I don't have a lot of drinking experience under my belt, or at least as much as these guys have, 'cause legally, I've only been drinking for, like, a year and a half.

You'll all be cooking as individuals.

You can cook whatever recipe you desire.

Your pantries are full, but you'll order your alcohol from two very special bartenders.

We all remember our first guest bartender as Cliff Clavin from one of the most popular TV shows of all time, Cheers.

Please give a very big, warm welcome for John Ratzenberger.

- Good to see you.

- Likewise.

- Thank you.

- Good to see you too.

It's a little known fact that I'm a big fan of Cheers.

Also helping John out behind the bar is a esteemed sommelier.

Please welcome Marino.


I think this is the first time I ever heard Chef Ramsay talk about you in a nice regard.

Each team must make at least one stunning beer dish, one incredible wine dish, and one dynamic liquor dish.

Now, decide who is doing what.

All right, what do you guys want to do?
- I want to do beer.

- Beer.

- I want to do wine.

- Can I do liquor?
You want to do liquor?
I want to do Grand if they have, like, Grand Marnier, I would like to use that.

- Beer, I'll do the - I want to do wine.

- I'm gonna do a port.

- I'm gonna do beer.

- I'm gonna do a port wine.

- So that's perfect.

We have two liquor, two beer, two wine.

Yes! You've all got 45 minutes to cook your dishes.

Your time starts Now, let's go.

In today's "cooking with alcohol" challenge, each chef must create a unique dish cooked with their choice of wine, beer, or liquor.

This is the sherry.

This is the marsala.

No, I'll take the sherry.

Chef, it's too [Bleep]

early right now.

I'm not in the mood for drinking.

What are you looking for?
I wanted, like, Grand Marnier or something with orange.

Sambuca, please.

- The port?
- Yeah.

Anything you need?
'Cause I'm a bartender, so you can tell me, you know, any problems you're having in life, you know.

I would, but I have to go make this dish.

Sure, yeah, go right ahead.

I'm gonna show my versatility.

I'm going to do something that I know no one else is gonna do, - chocolate stout soufflé.

- _ I chose a rib eye and port.

I'm using sherry to just do a classic steak and frites.

_ I always cook with alcohol, so I'm gonna jump in, and I'm gonna just start doing what I know how to do, and usually, that doesn't fail me.

Are you doing a batter for yours?
- I'm gonna do a dark stout.

- _ We're doing two completely different things with it, so it's fine.

Hope everyone's comfortable with me making dessert.

- I need to do something amazing, because - _ my last challenge performance wasn't so great.

It's time to [Bleep]

step it up.

- I'm doing a bourbon pork with mushrooms.

- _ It's what I used to drink when I was a drinker.

I haven't had a drink in a very long time, but I do love cooking with alcohol.

- That's pretty good too.

- Just because I don't like the alcohol doesn't mean I don't like the flavor.

I want to win for the team.

With the team.

Blue team, you do not want to lose this challenge.

No, Chef.

Ooh, [Bleep]


Damn it.

Hopefully, I get to present mine first, so my soufflé doesn't fall.

While Michelle wonders if her soufflé will stay standing, the blue kitchen has elected an official taste tester.

Money, baby.


Ooh! Money, baby.

I'ma hit my whole steak in it.

People were just handing me spoons, "taste the sauce, taste the sauce.

" "Good, Bret.

Good, Josh.

Anybody else?
" Taste my lyonnaise.

Oh, Milly, across the way.

"Dude, tastes fantastic.

" Let me get let me just cook.

I just want to keep cooking.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and serve.

Well done.

Now, joining me to judge today's challenge will be our guest bartenders, John Ratzenberger and Marino.

Each of you prepared a dish using alcohol.

However, for judging, we'll only be tasting three dishes from each side: One cooked with beer, one cooked with wine, and one cooked with liquor.

You've got 90 seconds.

Off you go.

I'm the only one that did beer, right?
Taste the doughnut, guys.

Taste one of my doughnuts.

Taste between mine and Milly's.


- Here.

- Hold on, I'm _ Dude, sweet.

A little dry?
_ Which one is yours?
This one, plum port, and then this is I like the plum port, 'cause you can really taste the wine.

Hurry up.

- Mine's great.

Check it out, taste it.

- I'm feeling pretty solid with my dish.

It's real, real difficult for me not to present my dish, but Josh gave me that crazy eyes, and he knew that his dish was money.

What do you think?
Bret, we're using my dish, right?
Okay, John, Marino, and myself will taste your dishes and then award points on a scale of one to five.

Let's begin with the battle of the beer, please, let's go.

_ That soufflé is still standing.

It hasn't fallen.

It's still, like, 2 inches high.

It's exactly how I wanted that soufflé to look.

Michelle, please describe the soufflé.

Okay, I have a bittersweet chocolate stout soufflé, berry stout sauce, and vanilla whipped cream on top.

Wow, very bold of you, making a soufflé.

That's a good breakfast dish.

It's a good way to start off the day.

It's quite a nice combination, the bitterness from the stout with the richness of the chocolate.

It goes well together.

I find the chocolate powdery.

I'd like to see a little bit more moisture in there.

Ugh! Seriously?
There is no powder in there at all.

John, to score that out of five, what would you give it?

I would say a four because of the boldness of doing a soufflé.

For me, it's a strong four.

- Great effort, well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

Thank you.

Nick, describe your dish, please.

We have a sweet potato doughnut, toss it in a candied bacon crumble, a stout caramel sauce.

Visually, it looks fantastic.

Thank you, Chef.

The flavor is good.

It's well balanced.

John, how was that for you, sir?
Oh, that's very good.

- Hmm.

- Let's go to a four.

For me, is-is a three.

The texture of the doughnut's a little bit too heavy.

For me, it's a very solid three.

- Great effort.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good job.

- Good job.

I give her props for doing the soufflé, but I just think that mine was a little more inventive.

Next up, the battle of the wine.

Let's go, please.

With the women holding a narrow lead Come on, Alison.

Alison and Adam are anxious to get their dishes sampled, starting with Alison's rib eye and port wine sauce.

Yeah, you guys get your own.

Oh, wow.

- John's happy.

- Yeah.

I think John's having lunch.

Yeah, that's excellent.

Save the bone, will ya?

- A three, three.

- Three, John?
- Oh, four.

- Four.

- Three for me.

- Okay, Chef.

- A little more finesse.

- Yes, Chef.

- Good effort, thank you.

- Thank you, Chef.

Adam, please.

For you today, I have a lamb.

It's in a port wine and poached pear reduction.

The port and pear is good, but I like it more as a dessert.

John, out of five, how was that for you?
I'd go with a four.

Thank you, sir.

For me, it's a three.

- Three.

- Thank you, Chef.

Good effort.

Thank you both.

Next up, final.

Battle of the liquor, let's go.

This will decide it.

Every challenge, Meghan's got something good, so I know I have to step up.

I have a pan-seared duck breast and a Calvados apple bacon gastrique.

This is a dish you could put on the wall.

Yeah, it looks stunning, doesn't it?
Yeah, just hang that right up.

Meghan has this.


you, boys.

We are not staying in Hell's Kitchen today.

We got this.

John, how was that for you?
Did it work?
It's very good.

What is missing is a little bit of acidity.

Score, Marino?
A three, a strong three.

Thank you.

I'd give it a strong three.

Thank you.

The gastrique's nice, but the Calvados is raw.

You need to burn off the alcohol content, so you've got that sweetness.

Three for me.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you.

Ah Josh, present the dish, please.

Thank you.

I have a bourbon mushroom sauce going with a grilled pork, and then I have a roasted root veg.

Visually, looks great.

It's like something straight out of a steak house.

God, please, just let Josh have nailed this.

This is good.

The meat is-a is a little dry.


Let's start with Marino.

I would say a three.

Oh, definitely a four.

It all comes down to this.

_ The final match up in the "cooking with alcohol" challenge is between Meghan's apple brandy duck breast It's very good.

And Josh's bourbon pork.

The meat is a little dry.

With Marino and John Ratzenberger's scores included, the blue team is now trailing by three.

It all comes down to this.

All that is left is Chef Ramsay's score of Josh's dish, and that will decide which team will win the challenge.

For me, it's a four.


Ugh! Thank you, Chef.

- Yes! Yes! - Yeah, Josh! Ugh! Ooh! Yeah.

Sorry, ladies, another loss under y'all belt.

Red team, blue team, a lot of good dishes.

I'd like all of you now to join me in thanking this amazing man.

Thank you so much.

- An absolute pleasure, sir.

- Thank you.

Best wishes, and I'll see you again.

- I go back to work.

Prego - Grazie Mille.

Yes, please, move your ass.

Now [Bleep]


Men, congratulations.

Thank you, Chef.

Josh, hero today.

Welcome back.

Thank you, Chef.

You are in for a day full of fun.

You'll be rocking and rolling At the Moonlight Rollerway, the roller rink to the stars.

Oh, [Bleep]

! Man! You'll then enjoy a spectacular lunch - Awesome.

- Oh.

At the Golden Road Brewery.

Ooh! A little beer tasting, Randy.

Yeah, finally.

Whoo-hoo! Well done.

Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.

- Head upstairs.

Your ride is waiting.

- Good job, girls, nice job.

Thank you, Chef.

Josh, good job.

I did it! I redeemed myself.

I'm the anchor today, and I pull through.

Ladies, you are in for a long, difficult, arduous, brutal day.

There's a laundry list of tasks I need completed: Ironing, starching, folding, steaming the glassware, polishing all the silverware.

The list is endless.

Get some fresh air on the patio, 'cause you're gonna need it.

Man, that soufflé was delicious.

I can't believe they won by one point.

It's frustrating.

We were so close to winning.

I shined today, and it was all for nothing.

We need to start knocking out those boys.

All right.

- Yes.

- Whoo-hoo! Forget about it.

They had some costumes for us.

You know, everybody looked ah, looked real cute.

Little action like this.

Nothing to it.

Oh, I gotta go I gotta turn back around.

Did a little backwards, a little sway and whatnot.

Oh, ran I told you, dude.

Look at freaking Josh.

He's such a ham.

- He's like a figure skater.

- That's Josh?
Damn! I love to skate.

Honestly, the first sport I ever did was figure skating.

I was three years old.

Josh looks like Elton John right now.

It's beautiful.

Okay, Josh.

Get it.


While the men are channeling their inner dancing queens, the women are feeling less than groovy.

- We're gonna put it on the table now?
- Yeah.

Just put the cloth on that table, and then when she gets back, you can start moving the tables with the cloth in there.

But that gee, that that cancels out us "steaming" it.

No, it doesn't.

Lay it on the table.


, it's not that [Bleep]


- We're steaming tablecloths.

- Exactly.

Michelle, don't be wound up so tight, girl, damn.

I'm not.

You talk about me.

You're like a [Bleep]


You're the first person to ever call me a [Bleep]


You can just put the tables up, but you I don't want to sign What the [Bleep]

is wrong with you?
Like, seriously?
Like, I don't sound like that.

If they want to make fun of me 'cause I'm the youngest and the smallest, like, [Bleep]

you guys.

See, Michelle?
I'm glad you figured out how to move a table, Alison.

Oh, my ankles! Ahh! Michelle! Just do what you do, Alison.

I don't give a [Bleep]

how you do it.

Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, [Bleep]

me, man.

- Hell, yeah.

- Let's have some beer.

- Lunch right now.

- Yup, beer time.

- Whoo! - Time to get my drink on.


All right.

All right, nice.


It's feeding time.

Oh, yeah.

Dude, that is awesome, man.

I mean, this is just good food, you know, it's beer food.

This is me I mean, I'd rather have this than a fancy-dancy dinner, to be honest with you.

Look what the cat drug in, boys, huh?
Oh! Hey, Chef James! Chef James, out of the clear blue.

It can't get no better than this right now.

I told you guys that you'd want to win this one.

I want you to win this one.

You guys are doing good.

You're doing I'm real proud of you, real proud of what you've done.

Thank you, Chef.

All your knowledge isn't falling on deaf ears.

Yo, blue team, Chef James.


Chef James, raw as hell.

Cheers, gu.

Congrats on the win today, huh?
Thank you very much.

Three in a row, y'all.

Three in a row.

After the men finished their day with a toast, both teams head to bed early for the first time Good night, guys.

Determined to make the next dinner service their absolute best.

Listen, fellas, tonight, nice, smooth, clean service, yeah?
My head is in the game, focused about dinner service.

I'm not letting nobody sink today.

Yo, stepping off to use the restroom, team.

Yes, sir, stepping off to the restroom.

Got you, baby.

_ We have to nail the blue team tonight.

They think they're hot [Bleep]

now, right?
- Hell, yeah.

- Yeah, they do.

It's annoying.

Is Bret gonna start these, or I don't know what he's doing, man, to be honest with you.

Where is he?
Bret fell in the toilet.

Oh, yeah?
He's been in the bathroom for a long time.

I just heard "[Bleep]

" from out there.

Ow! Why?
As the chefs prepare for dinner service, Bret's bathroom break Has turned into something else.

I just heard "[Bleep]

" from out there.

You okay?
_ Medic?
I had a severe flare-up of my disc that is already slipped, which puts me in excruciating pain.

Hey, he needs a medic back here.

Bret does?
What, did he have a problem in the bathroom?
I have slipped discs and, ah, pinching nerves and I just was taking a [Bleep]

, and something happened.

Is he all right?
No, he's got a slipped disc or something, - pinched nerve.

- Slipped disc?
Holy [Bleep]


Tearing your back while you're taking a [Bleep]

, like, that's something you see in, like in, like, a horror movie.

I just hope he got to wipe.

That's my main concern.

Why does this [Bleep]

Bret, he fights hard.

He's one of the best cooks on our team.

Watch your step.

Yeah, I gotta go left foot first.

- Go.

- Okay.

Take your time, do your thing, and, you know, we're gonna back you up regardless.

All right, good.

If you need anything, just holler.

- Yo, thank you, bro.

- No problem.

Yo, blue team, man, I'm sorry, y'all.

Hello, ladies.

Hi, Chef.

How are you?
Where's, uh where's Bret?
Bret hurt his back today.

He what?
Pulled his back out.

Uh, where is he?
He's upstairs, Chef.

Wow, um stay here two seconds.

Let me go Yes, Chef.

Chef, good afternoon, Chef.

How are you, buddy?
I've been better.

Unfortunately, I have a slipped disc pinching on my sciatic nerve.

Damn, Bret.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

I am sorry, to myself, to my team.

That's unquestionable.

Here's the thing.

You've done bloody well, okay, but I cannot let you continue.

Kitchens are busy places.

The last thing I want you doing is severe damage to your back.

That's long term.

That's not happening.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Listen, your family are gonna be incredibly proud, but you, right now, you've got to think of yourself and not the blue team And not Hell's Kitchen, young man, okay?
- Thank you, my man.

Take care of yourself.

- Chef, great meeting you.

- Take it easy, will you?
- It was a [Bleep]


- Get better, okay?
- Thank you.

Thank you, Chef Ramsay, it was an honor.

- Take care, bud.

- I will take this to the grave.

You know, it's my life, it's my passion, but I'm worried about the present and the near future, you know?
At this point in time, this is the end.

I got a lot of support.

That's why I'm not gonna [Bleep]

stop doing what I'm doing here.

Ah, ladies, line up, please.

Yes, Chef.

Ah, I've just been upstairs to see, um, Bret.

The sad news is, he will not be competing in the competition any longer.

I definitely think Bret's injury is a blessing in disguise.

At the end of the day, only one person can win Hell's Kitchen, so sucks to be you, Bret.

Tonight in Hell's Kitchen, it is gastropub night.

We're changing up the menu.

You are the only one tonight on your station.

No friends, no buddies.

In other words, nowhere to hide.

We'll also have two phenomenal chef tables, one on the blue team, one on the red team.

In the blue kitchen, you've seen him in popular movies.

Actor and comedian Fred Willard is joining you.

- Awesome, very cool.

- That's awesome.

Ladies, on the chef table in the red kitchen, you'll be cooking for an actor who rose to fame as America's favorite hmm, nerd.

Jaleel White?
You have Urkel in the red team's chef table.



"Did I do that?
" Get on your stations, let's go.

Yes, Chef.



Yes, Chef?
Open Hell's Kitchen for gastropub night.

- Let's go.

- Thank you.

Once again, Hell's Kitchen is filled with diners eager for a good meal and a good time.


Tonight's dinner service will feature Chef Ramsay's special gastropub menu, which includes fish and chips, kobe beef burgers, and a tableside appetizer of beer-steamed razor clams You're having your beer.

Don't drink it.

Served by Meghan for the red team and Milly for the blue.

Pour the sauce on top of the clams, andfinito.

Let's go.

Let's go, boys.

We got this.

All right, guys, rock and roll.

Let's do this.

Okay, blue team, table 20.

Two scallops, two risotto, two short ribs.

Yes, Chef.

Two minutes out on the risotto, right, Josh?
- Two minutes.

- Two minutes.

Dropping scallops.

Bret's not here.

We all have to step our game up.

Okay, two scallops to the window, Josh.

You ready to walk?
You Josh, you ready to walk two risottos?
Walking walking the scallops.

No hey, not yet! Get back there! Randy, you need to chill out.

I'm not ready with that one.

Freakin' Josh.

I mean, come on.

The scallops are in the window, and he's still not ready.

He's got 30 seconds to get the risotto, or we'll start again.

Yes, Chef.

While Josh and the blue team are off to a bumpy start on appetizers, over in the red kitchen On order, four covers, table one mussels, two Caesar salad.

Yes, Chef.

Christine is hoping for a smoother ride on the women's appetizers.

How long?
About two minutes, Chef, just waiting for the mussels to open.

T, you have bread for my mussels?
- Yes.

- Awesome, thank you.

I want to get us off on a great start and really, really push the apps hard.

Ready to walk?
Ready to walk?

Coming now.

My head's in the game.

I'm ready to go.

Right behind you, Michelle.

Right behind you, Michelle.

Thank you, Chef.

Christine Delicious, those mussels.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Let's go.

Christine seems in control, and the red team is off to a strong start.

Yes, Chef.

Back in the blue kitchen Walking.

Two risottos! Josh has delivered on his risotto Beautifully cooked.

We're good, guys.

I'm sorry.

And with appetizers now moving briskly out to diners Go.

Go, go, go, go.

_ It's really good.

The men move on to entrées.

Two fish and chips, two New York strip, yes?
It's gonna be eight minutes on the New York strip, Chef.

His fish is out.

I'm-I'm gonna need you to refire those.

I'm gonna be about eight minutes on my - eight minutes?
- Yes, Chef.


Hey, hey, hey, come here, you.

- Yes, Chef.

- Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

They're perfectly cooked.

, man.

Uh, I'm kind of kicking myself right now.

- When you're eight minutes behind - Yes.

And you're not saying anything to him, and he's cooked all this perfectly Yes, Chef, I need to communicate with Randy better, Chef.

You had better get organized.

Yes, Chef, understood.


While Randy and Adam start over on the men's first entrées I fell behind for the first table.

Not happening again, dude.

In the red kitchen, Christine tries to keep the momentum going.

On order, eight covers, table 30.

Two special app tableside, two mussels, two Caesar salad, two short rib.

Entrée: Two chicken, two New York strip, two lamb, two burger.

Yes, Chef.

Good, let's go.

Like, whoa.

Michelle, do I have two risottos?
No risotto.

Are you sure?

Christine, when there's several orders in play, she becomes overwhelmed.

Chef, two minutes on mussels.

I need another mussel, not two minutes on mussels.

No, how long on mussels?
Talk to me.

I have to make one more.

I'm sorry.

Christine, the stage for hand-holding is over.

Christine, let's go.

It's coming, Chef.

It's coming.

With now-shaky Christine falling behind I need to get a another mussel on.

Over in the blue kitchen Two fish and chips, two New York strip, how long?
We're coming up in a second.

Let's go.

Adam and Randy are still trying to get on the same page.

You ready?
Two New York strips?
He's walking.



Now the fish and chips are [Bleep]



Hey, all of you, come here.

Come here! Damn.

What is going on?
Nothing, Chef.

We're gonna regroup right now.

We'll refry, Randy.

Me and Adam just, like, screwing each other it pisses me off.

If there's one thing that I grew up with, - it was fish and chips, hey?
- Absolutely, Chef.

And it wasn't soggy [Bleep]

like that.

Come here, you two.

- Come here, you two.

- We're on the same page now, Chef.

- Come here.

Hey, you two, hey, hey, - Can you get my steaks?
come here, you two.

Watch my steaks, please, and my chicken - Come here! - Yes, Chef.

It's an hour into dinner service Hey.

And Randy and Adam's bad timing on the fish and meat stations What is going on?
Nothing, Chef.

We're gonna regroup right now.

We'll refry, Randy.

Has derailed the blue team's progress.

Come here, you two.

- Come here, you two.

- We're on the same page now, Chef.

- Come here.

Hey, you two, hey, hey, - Can you get my steaks?
come here, you two.

Watch my steaks, please, and my chicken - Come here! - Yes, Chef.

What the [Bleep]

is going on?
You screwed it the first time round.


- Now it's back over to you! - Yes, Chef.

- Now it's back over to him! - Yes, Chef.

- Now it's back over to you! - Yes, Chef.

And I don't know if you know, but we're not going anywhere! Absolutely, Chef.

- W-we'll bring it back.

- Three minutes.

- We'll get our fish and chips.

- Yes, Chef.

As the men work to coordinate their timing How long?
- How long, one minute?
- How much time do you need?
Two minutes on the first order.

- Two minutes?
- Two minutes, okay.

Randy and Adam's communication Breathe, recover! Is about to be put to the test now that the V.



diners are about to be seated at the chefs' tables.

This is very nice.

Black people been working all our lives to eat in the main dining room, and here we are, back in the kitchen.

- Hello, my friend.

- Oh, it's a pleasure.

It's my pleasure.

Good to see you, bud.

Thank you.

Mike Mike.

How are you?

Good to see you.

Please take a seat.

While the celebrity diners settle in, ready for a little V.



treatment I feel like honestly, I want that burger now, dog.

In the red kitchen Alison, walking with burgers?
Walking with burgers, slicing lamb.


All eyes are on Alison on the meat station to deliver on entrées.

Lamb, please.

Here, pass these over, Michelle.


Let's go.

That lamb was undercooked.

Yeah, bring it down, bring it down, bring it down.

I wanted to give it back to Alison, but Chef Ramsay's like, "no, give it to me.

" Uh, Michelle?
- Yes, Chef?
- Come here.

Oh, my gosh.

Yeah, T, come here.

Are you [Bleep]

kidding me?
Gonna make all of us look bad.

You handed that to Michelle.

What should you have said, being the youngest?
I should have said, "it's raw," Chef.

- Yeah.

- That was [Bleep]


Yes, Alison gave it to me to pass off the blame.

That's raw, that's raw, that's raw.

Ray Charles could see this lamb was raw.

So you under cook it and pass it to the youngest in the kitchen?
No, Chef.

- Get it back in the oven! - Yes, Chef.

What the [Bleep]

am I thinking?
Okay, ready, two lamb.

Chef, right behind.

Right, Alison That's the lamb perfectly cooked.

Yes, Chef.

All right, cool.

Let's get back.

Let's do it.

- We're good.

We're good.

- We're good.

With Alison's speedy recovery on the lamb Let's go.

Entrées are now leaving the red kitchen at an appropriate pace Really good.

While over in the blue kitchen Randy is still struggling to get out the refire on his fish and chips.

Let me get in here with you.

Let me get in here with you.

I got it.

I got it.

They're I can't hurry up the fryer.

No, you don't got it, obviously.

- Randy, you got this, baby! - I know.

You've been to [Bleep]

w*r! How long for two fish and chips?
Let's go.

We got to finish this table.

Two fish, walking now.

New Yorks, there you go, Chef.

Fish, two orders, walking to the pass.

Send that, please, James.

With Randy coming through on fish, entrées are making their way out to diners anxious to try the gastropub specials.

_ _ Really?

Meanwhile Chef table.

Back in the red kitchen Okay, here we go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

The chef's table has been served their entrées, two minutes out on burgers, please.

And Michelle is eager to keep everything moving in a positive direction.

I'm walking with the garnish right now.

Fries will be up in a minute, yeah?
I feel like the garnish station's perfect for me.

I know I can do it, and I kind of want to show off a little bit.

Like, I want everyone to know that I am a leader in this kitchen.

Right now, you're giving me one chicken going with two burgers and a fish.

After that, it's two of everything.

It's two of everything, guys.

- Heard! - Okay, heard.

Heard, heard, heard.

I'm glad that Meghan's in the dining room, because it's my time to shine.

I'm gonna make sure everyone knows that we do not need Meghan in the kitchen to succeed.

Come on, guys, pick it up! I need a good solid six minutes, please.

We need to sell this food! Hey, I can't sell this without selling these bur - these French fries, right?
- What?
I gotta put French fries down for this, and you got fish all in the fryer.

Two of everything, guys! While Michelle continues to bark out orders in the red kitchen This is, like, the tenth time I've said it.

Back in the blue kitchen Okay.

Chef Ramsay wants the blue team to pay special attention to the Chef's table, entrée: One fish and chips, two lamb.

Yes, Chef! Let's speed it the [Bleep]

up! Let's get this one for Bret! Josh, at times, can get so riled up and so crazy in the kitchen that you don't know what direction he's going in.

Walking with two lamb.

Hey, blue team, all of you, come here.

What's wrong with that lamb?
That lamb's medium, Chef.

And look at our guests.

- Yes, Chef.

- No, no, look at take a look at our guests.

Yes, Chef.

- And they deserve that?
- No, Chef.

Uh, I'm normally on point with lamb.

Of all the times to have an overcooked lamb.

I'm not accepting that.

Absolutely, Chef.

I'm gonna blame him, I'm gonna blame him, 'cause they're standing right opposite you, and they're watching you go down.

Absolutely, Chef.

Ooh, I gotta tighten my I gotta tighten it up.

I gotta tighten this ship.

You got any other lamb that can go?
- Yes, I have lamb ready to go.

- Okay.

I'm ready with fish and chips.

Walking it.

Uh, give me another 30 seconds.

Give me another minute.

Give me another minute.

- He needs another minute! - Another minute on lamb, please.

Hey, Randy, get back.

He needs another minute.

Just get back.

- You just told me to walk.

- It's okay.

The meat was not coinciding with the deep-fried foods.

It wasn't.

You long until we can walk?
Lamb coming up right now.

You have to Walking it.

Fish and chips.

Walking with lamb now.

It's nearly two hours into dinner service How long until we can walk?
Lamb coming up right now.

Walking it.

And the fish station helmed by Randy Fish and chips.

And the meat station run by Adam Walking with lamb now.

Have been out of sync all night.

What the [Bleep]

is this?
Hey, look at that, raw lamb.

Chef, I'll sh**t it back in.

From overcooked lamb to raw lamb.

Why and how is this happening right now?
This is the worst bit for me.

Just look at the fish and chips.

Just touch that.

Touch touch that.

Yeah, touch.

That was the straw, I guess, that broke the camel's back.

Come here, all of you.

Ladies, come here.

This has been the worst performance the blue team have ever cooked in this competition.

I'd like the red team to take over the blue team.

I'd like the blue team to [Bleep]

off out of here.

Yes, Chef.

Now! And, young man, every table, you [Bleep]


You watched it go down.

You wouldn't even talk to them.

Every table was a struggle.

Get out.

You and Randy didn't talk at all.

I was trying to communicate.

Not to each other.

I was trying to communicate.

I could talk to Randy the entire time, I could talk to Adam the entire time, but when I tell you guys to talk, you have to talk.

I hate to point a finger, of course, but there was a lack of communication between Randy and Adam.

That was out of character today.

That was You guys didn't know what was on the chef's table.

You needed to look at each other in the face and say, "I got fish and chips, and you have the lamb.

" It's got to be timed deep-fried food, when they come up, they got to go.

If they sit, it ain't gonna be good.

One fish and chips, two lamb.

Chef's table, yes?
Yes, heard.

Let's go, come on.

Chef, 30 seconds on fries, please.

Right behind you.

Fish and chips to the pass.

Service, please.

- Oh, my goodness.

- Look at this.

Oh, this looks With the men out of the kitchen, the women deliver food to a grateful Fred Willard and his guests.

Oh, very good.

And now Keep it going, ladies.

Yes, Chef.

They are racing to complete the rest of the blue team's tickets.

Working on lamb garnish.

Three minutes on burgers.

It was so sweet, going into the blue team's nasty-ass kitchen Burgers to the pass.

And finishing their dinner service for them.

I got through it.

I got through it.

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn.

I don't even know what to say.

It's plain and simple it was a breakdown of communication, and it was right from the get-go, we tried to get back from it, and we just couldn't we couldn't get on that same page.

Communication is the only way we will ever win again.

Josh, Chef Ramsay wasn't happy with you either.

For what?
For what was it?
I just heard him yelling at you.


What'd you say?
I said relax.

I don't know who Josh thinks he is.

I don't know what planet he's living on, but Josh planet, obviously.

After today, one of us is going home, 'cause that was just an epic breakdown.

Every deliberation we ever had, we go off whatever happened that dinner service.

Adam, you [Bleep]

up on meat.

Randy, you [Bleep]

up on fish.

Y'all two the ones that going up.

So it's a unanimous decision?
I need a minute.

Honestly, Josh was all over the place, and it caught Randy off guard a couple times.

Randy was trying to cook, and he's yelling at Randy to step off and foc it was Josh gets frantic and frazzled, and tonight, he was kind of all over the place.

Josh keeps saying he's a leader, but the blue team went down in flames.

He should go up for elimination.

Anybody else disagree?
No, I agree.

Josh was part of the problem.

After one of their best services last time, tonight, the blue team had one of their worst, and they had to nominate two chefs for elimination.

Nick, blue team's first nominee and why?
Our first nominee, Chef, is Randy.

When it came down to fish and chips, something that should be really simple seemed impossible.

Second nominee and why?
Our second nominee, Chef, is Adam.

Adam was on the meat station, and it just was mistake after mistake after mistake.

Randy, Adam, step forward.

Do you know what?
As I look at the two of you, there's someone else I'm desperate to hear from.


Move your ass.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Chef, I believe I am one of the best chefs in the blue kitchen.

I try to be vocal.

I try to be the leader of the team.

I'm trying to yell to fish and meat to talk.

I didn't notice how terrible that the meat was tonight.

You didn't notice, when you're standing side by side, like [Bleep]

siamese twins.



Absolutely, Chef.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Today was a fluke, Chef.

It was just an epic meltdown.

I have not peaked.

I know have more to prove to you and more to prove to myself, Chef.

Mistake after mistake was a fluke.


Fish and chips, burgers.

I can't go any lower.

Pretty easy, Chef.

You're right.

Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Got a lot of discipline.

I want to be here.

I want to learn I try to learn more than anybody else.

I got a lot of room to grow.

I'm running out of time.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Adam.

Your time is done.

Give me your jacket, please.

Young man, you sank the kitchen, and the biggest disappointment is that you were not bouncing back.

Thank you for the opportunity.

It's been an honor.

Tonight definitely was my opportunity to step up.

That meat station was the place to be.

I wanted to bang it out of the park, but it was a disaster of epic proportions.

It was just one of those things where you get caught in that quicksand and you can't get back out.

You know, I think Chef Ramsay expected more of me.

I expected more of myself.

Unfortunately, this is where I ended up.

When you make a mistake, you have to bounce back.

Your future in Hell's Kitchen depends on it.

Get out of here, guys.

We got rid of two strong competitors.

There's only four of us left.

I'm the best chef in this building.

It's time for me to step it up, right now.

It was really a disaster tonight.

I can't afford to be making stupid mistakes like that.

We're getting close, and people are going home.

There's no room for error.

I get it, Chef Ramsay's looking for perfection, and I did not give it to him.

And I know that he believes in me.

I have an opportunity to shine, and I just have to do it.

Bret's competition may have ended in the bathroom today, but it was Adam's failure on the meat station that flushed his dream down the toilet.

Next time on Hell's Kitchen Does Chef Ramsay suspect treachery among the ranks I want to talk to each of you one-on-one in my office tonight.

I'm definitely freaking out.

And launch an investigation?
Sit down, please.

I don't know what to expect, but my heart is pounding.

Will some shocking truth cause the chefs to turn on each other?
They look familiar?
Like, [Bleep]


I am literally gonna have a mental breakdown.

And Chef Ramsay reveals something so shocking Oh, [Bleep]


That some chefs I'm gonna die.

May want to leave Hell's Kitchen.

You can run, you can hide Sayonara, b*tches.

I'm out.

But there's no escaping.

Next time on a terrifying episode [Bleep]

! Oh, my God.

Of Hell's Kitchen.
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