15x11 - 8 Chefs Compete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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15x11 - 8 Chefs Compete

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Hell's Kitchen Get the [bleep]

out of here.

Bitter enemies, Jackie and Kristin, went to w*r.

- Kristin, sit down.

- What are you gonna do - about it?
- Get the [bleep]

out - of my face.

- Put your hands on me.

I don't know what garbage can that you got dragged out of but what the [bleep]

is wrong with you?


- Go, go, go.

- In their next challenge the chefs were instructed to get creative with breakfast.

I'm gonna do some fish tacos with, like a fried quail egg.

Chad's scallop tacos failed to impress.


And even a perfect score from Ashley's French toast bread pudding - Thank you.

- Good job, Ash.

Couldn't save the Red Team.

The execution wasn't there.

And it was Frank's take on steak and eggs - Steak's cooked properly.

- The eggs were cooked just the way I like them.

Thank you so much.

That secured the win for the Blue Team.

Blue Team, well done.

At a special brunch service for local chefs and their families He's gonna freak out about that burning.

The Red Team struggled as Jackie had issues with fried chicken.

- Would you shut the [bleep]

- I'm trying to help you.

And Chad failed unbelievably with French toast.

Bon appetite.

Now [bleep]


Things were even worst in the Blue kitchen How long do you need, Frank?
Most of which was caused by a lack of communication.

For what?
To fry them and cook them?
Give me a time.

- Oh, man.

- Things got so bad that both Jared The chicken is raw.

Jared, get out! I can't rely on Frank for [bleep]


And Manda Who's cooking the French toast?
I was supposed to watch it.

- Get out! - Are you [bleep]

kidding me?
Were sent back to the dorms.

After a truly disappointing service on both sides, the Blue Team didn't hesitate to blame their loss on Frank's lack of teamwork.

Frank, I had no support from you.

- None.

- Tough [bleep]


Well, [bleep]

you, buddy.

And when Chef Ramsay asked Who should leave the Blue Team?
- Frank.

- Frank.

Frank, Chef.

The Red Team's choice was also unanimous.

- Chad.

- Chad.

- Chad.

- Chad.

In the end, Chef Ramsay eliminated an early favorite Chad.

Ending his dream of becoming the head chef at BLT Steak in Ballys Las Vegas.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Now get out of here.

This is really aggravating because you got [bleep]

people that wanna smile in my face and then say my name a half hour later?
It's not fair.

How does it feel?
To be a target?
My thing is is like, yo, you're gonna put me up because I'm doing better than you?
Just keep doing what you do and soon you won't have to worry about them.

It's just unfortunate that I have to work with backstabbers.

- I used to bartend.

- I know.

I bet you did.

- I did.

- Did you make a lot of money from lesbians?
I'm sure lesbians loved you.

Oh, lesbians love me.

I've never met a lesbian who did not wanna [bleep]


I don't.

No offense.

Yeah, you do.

It's a fact.

Ashley's not gay.

She's bisexual.

And girls are always obsessed with me.

I'm offended by that.

You're just not my type.

It's no offense.

You're just not my type at all.

I'm everybody's lesbian type.

I would not bang Jackie if she was the last person to bang on this earth.

I would [bleep]


I know you're full of [bleep]


Jackie, I'm serious.

I'm I would not.

She is full of crap.

I am like a lesbian and bisexual magnet.

- She is so offended.

- I am so offended.

Because I said I would never sleep with her.

Every lesbian and bisexual girl wants me.

- Apparently not.

- Well, she's the only one.

And that's shocking and I'm sad, and I'm offended.

What about Jared?

Look at his face.

How could [bleep]

Jared and not me?
How is that even possible?
Sorry, Jackie, but this ain't happening.

I'm, like, super [bleep]


Ha ha ha! This way?
I can't see! Marino! Uhh! Ugh! Good morning.

Let's go, guys.

In front of you there are three trays of amazing proteins.

Sea bass, rack of lamb, and then chicken breast.

I want you to come up with three stunning dishes.

You can only use the ingredients that you collect and place on those trays with that protein.

I'm gonna give you five minutes to gather your ingredients.

- Clear?
- Yes, Chef.

Your five minutes starts now.

Okay, guys.

Let's start with the sea bass.

The sea bass, let's keep it light.

Let's keep it fresh.

Orzo with the sea bass?
Orzo with the sea bass or rice?
- I'm down with that.

- Yeah.

- Herb-crusted rack of lamb.

- I love it.

What else can we put in the couscous?
Um Jackie's not making any suggestions.

She's kind of just, like, letting us run everything.

I say we go with mushrooms.

And we're going to, like, rub it, right?
- And then pan sear it?
- Yeah.

Oh, yeah.


Just making sure.

I think a mushroom and a potato hash.

Mushrooms in chicken Marsala wine is perfect.

I got a challenge with the same people that just were trying to s*ab me in the back.

I [bleep]

hate all three of them, but I have to work with them now.

All right.

I got the Dijon?
- Yes.

- Okay.

Put the romanesco on there.

- First sauce for chicken.

- Crispy leeks.

Two, one Time's up.

You are now living with what's on your trays.

Waiters, come on out.

Oh, [bleep]


What's about to happen?
Thank you.

You will have 40 minutes to nail those three stunning dishes.

But there'll only be one person from your team in the kitchen at a time.

Oh, [bleep]


I knew it.

I knew it.

Chef Ramsay always has something up his sleeve.

Every five minutes, one chef will exit and a new chef will enter.

It is critical that you communicate and coordinate with each other.

Everybody, come and stand behind the velvet ropes.

Let's go.

- So you're gonna go first.

- You want me to go first?

We want Jackie to go first because anything that Jackie [bleep]

up, then there's three of us to fix it.

Jackie, Jared, are you ready?
Yes, Chef.

Your time starts now.

- Go, Jackie.

- Come on, Jar.

In today's communication relay challenge, Each team is responsible for three entrees featuring sea bass, chicken, and rack of lamb.

That rack of lamb needs to get prepped immediately.

Chefs will cook in five minute shifts.

With each team member going twice for a total of 40 minutes cooking time.

Gets some pans on.

Get some cream for the purees.



It's crucial that the first chef on each team lay down a good foundation for the chefs that follow to build upon.

Jackie, remember, we're searing that, so don't go to thick on the Dijon, all right?
- Heard.

- Salt, pepper, Jackie.

- Salt, pepper.

- Got it.

All right.

She's not that stupid.

Honey Jackie is the weakest chef on the Red Team.

Jackie, make sure you get that chicken going too.


2 1/2 minutes to go.

Jared, what are you working on right now?
- Sunchokes?
- I'm starting the puree.

- Awesome.

- Word.

Got it.

I feel like I am the strongest on my team so I decided to go first.

I can get, you know, things started and make sure everything's set up.

Vitamix will be ready for the puree.

- Thank you, good.

Got it.

- Awesome.

- Switch.

- Come on, Frank.

Go, Ashley.

Go, Ashley.

- Talk to me.

- The departing chefs have just 15 seconds to communicate with their incoming teammates.

All right.

That's already pan-seared, I put the butter in.

- All right.

- And that's it.

That's all I did.

Puree's on the other side.

- Where's the rice?
- Out.

- It's up here, Frank.

- Let's go.


Oh, no.

The Dijon's burnt.

Thanks, Jackie.

We are screwed.

Take it out of the pan and wipe that [bleep]

off with your rag.


Frank, Frank, you're boiling over! Frank, you're boiling.

You're boiling over.

If the puree is burnt, this could destroy our challenge.

Frank, make sure the bottom of that pan isn't scorched.

No, inside.

- Switch.

- Go.

Let's go, Ariel - Okay, look.

- What's up.

- Lamb's right there.

- Got it.

We got the puree going right there.

I have the couscous going.

Here's your lamb sauce.

Your lamb is in the oven.


It's a lot harder than it looks.


It's like you think you have time for something You don't.

You have no time.

All right, Dannie, let that sear hard.

No problem.

Pancetta, I'm working on right now.

- Heard.

- Awesome.

This is working, that's working.

Let me get the fennel in the pan.

Last 60 seconds.

Last 60 seconds, heard.

I'm putting the carrots in cold water, guys.


Get ready.


Let's go.

- I need this wine open.

- Heard.

I need you to glaze that pan.

Pepper sauce tastes good.

I would do some veg stock just to take down the saltiness.

- Heard.

- That is straight - in cold water - Out! - Hurry.

- Heard.

Come on, Kristin.

Pulling out the carrots, all right?
They're good?
You need to pan-sear them.

Kristin, make sure the carrots are cooked so all we're doing is glazing them.

They're al dente now.

They're gonna be mushy if you do anything else with them.

Ariel, just, like, relax.

It's not hard to cook baby carrots.

- Two minutes to go.

- Okay.

Mushrooms are going with what?
- With the potatoes.

- Yeah, so it's a hash.

Oh, my God.

Come on, Amanda.

I'm a mom.

I juggle three kids every single day.

But cooking three different dishes What the [bleep]

is this?
Is insane.

- Switch.

- Each chef has one more five-minute period to work on their team's three dishes, which must all be cooked and plated by the end of the final round.

- Chicken's in the oven, okay?
- Yeah.

You have to get the sunchoke clean.

You need to drop that sea bass.


Let's go.

Jared, are you gonna sear it now?
Yeah, I'm searing the bass.

- Heard.

- Heard.

- Dropping the sea bass.

- Heard.

Jackie, what are you doing?
- Don't drop that fish.

- What?
That's a five-minute fish.

- Sea bass?
- Five?
No, honey.

This is so frustrating.

We have got to drop that sea bass now.

Do the fish or no?
You need to drop that fish, Jackie.


Good, good, good, girl.


- Let's go.

- Frank.

- Talk to me.

- Go check the lamb.

Take those mushrooms out of that pan, okay?
That's pan's burning.

- Out.

Out! - And keep an eye on that orzo, - all right?
- Nice job, Jared.

Ash, talk to us.

You need any troubleshooting, - or you're good?
- No, I got it.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Going for the lamb.


Beautiful, Frank.

Nice and sexy.

Thank you.

Oh, the leeks.

Oh, the leeks.

Just under 60 seconds to go.

Sea bass in.

What's up with the sunchokes?
It's difficult to start where somebody else left off.

I have proteins to my left.

In front of me, there's four pans of veg.

This is probably the hardest challenge we've had.

This is [bleep]

m*rder - right now.

- Switch.

Come on, Dannie.

- Hey, Dannie, lamb's in the oven right now.

You've got a five-minute timer on that.

- Got it.

- That's all we have - for sunchoke?
- That's all we have.

- Three, two, one.

- Watch it.

- You got to watch it.

- Out.

- Good job, Ashley.

- Good job, Ash.

- I tried.

- Crush the Dijon on the lamb.

I didn't get a chance to do it.

Heard, heard, heard.

You guys trust me.

Can you just - I trust you, baby.

- I trust you.

I trust you.

I know what the [bleep]

needs to happen.

There's no room for error.

I have to try to set Kristin up with her mis en place so she can focus on plating.

Orzo is going with the Orzo is going with the sea bass.

All right.

Got you, got you, got you.

- Dannie.

- Yes?
Remember that bread crumbs toast up fast, all right?
There was a five-minute timer on there.

- Five minutes for what?
- The lamb - Dannie, check that lamb.

- That's gonna be way too long.

Dannie, check that lamb.

- Got it.

- This is where it counts.

This is so intense, it's not even funny.

- Switch.

- Come on, Amanda.

It's the final leg of this intensive test of teamwork, creativity, and communication.

The lamb is resting.

You got some leeks right here.

And with just five minutes left on the clock, it's up to Kristin and Manda to complete the cooking and plate all three of their team's dishes.

Out! This is it.

- All right.

- Get the plate set up on the pass and then do everything else.

- Kristin, put a little - Hold on.

I'm [bleep]


This is pure adrenaline right now.

I got to glaze these carrots, all right?
It's really hard because there's [bleep]


Where is the [bleep]

Ay, Dios mio.

I'm gonna have a heart attack.

30 seconds to go.

Where is everything?
Everything's sitting right in front of you.

- Go, Kristin, go, go, go.

- Come on, anchor us, Kristin.

- Quick, quick, quick.

- Chicken.

- Get that chicken.

- Make it happen.

- Five, four - Come on, Kristin.

- Three, two - Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

- One.

- [bleep]


Where is everything?
There are just seconds left in the communication relay challenge.

- Go, Kristin.

Go, go, go, go.

- Come on, anchor us, Kristin! - Yes.

- And the chefs in the anchor position, Kristin and Manda, hustle to get all three of their dishes plated - and to the pass.

- Come on, Manda.

- Go, go, go, go, go.

- [bleep]


- Stop.

- Whoo! Good job.

Well done.

Chefs, back in the kitchen, please.

- Let's go.

- Chef Ramsay will now judge the dishes head-to-head, giving one point to the team who has created the best dish for each of the three proteins.

Let's start off with the battle of the sea bass.

Bring them down please.

I'm worried about this fish being overcooked.

Ashley told Jackie to drop the fish about two minutes too early.

Ariel, tell me about the sea bass please.

All right.

So we have a pan-seared sea bass with fennel fronds, tomato, and purple spinach.

Wow, the sea bass is cooked beautifully.

It's glistening and it's got a lovely sear on there.

Beautifully done.

Hell, yeah, Red Team.

We got this [bleep]


Frank, describe the bass, please.

A pan-seared sea bass topped with some blood orange.

And some rice with stock, salt, and pepper.

It's glistening and it's moist.

Tough on this one.

Point goes to - Red Team.

- Yes.

Thank you, Chef.

And the Blue Team, good job.

- All right.

- Yes.


Next up, battle of the lamb.

I'm not feeling too great.

I'm hoping Ashley scraped all the burnt mustard off.

- Kristin.

- We did a pan-seared lamb.

Just salt and pepper.

We brushed it with Dijon and roasted cauliflower.

Still pink inside.



Lovely, indeed.

Thank you, Chef.

- Manda.

- We have a panko and herb-crusted rack of lamb.


Seasoned beautifully.

Tough one, this one.

But there is one lamb dish that has the edge 'cause it's been cooked better.

Congratulations Red Team.

Good job.

Thank you, Chef.


I saved the lamb.

Whew! Two-to-one, Red.

Let's go.

Slide down the chicken please.

The Blue Team, their chicken looked like an anemic dietary supplement plate.

Like, it was terrible.

- Jared.

- What we have is a pan-seared chicken breast with a fingerling potato hash with wild mushrooms laced throughout it.

And there's also pancetta in the hash as well.


For me, the chicken is cooked beautifully.

Seasoned nicely.

But it feels like there's something missing on the dish.

- Ashley.

- What we have for you is a pan-roasted chicken breast with a wild mushroom sauce, and sautéed baby carrots, and purple cauliflower.


The carrots are raw.

What a shame.

Point goes to Blue Team.

Well done.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good job.

Good job, guys.

I'm beyond furious.

Honestly, had Kristin listened to me with the carrots Make sure the carrots are cooked so all we're doing is glazing them.

They're al dente right now.

They're gonna be mushy if you do anything else with them.

I think we would've won the chicken dish hands down.

Red Team, Blue Team, we have a tie.

So I'm gonna go back to the original dishes, the sea bass and pick out the best dish.

That's hard.

One fish has the edge.

Congratulations Blue Team.

Well done.

- Good job.

- You just opened this up and look, it flakes beautifully.

Literally flakes.

Total perfection in cooking fish.

- Well done.

- We did awesome.

That gorgeous sea bass.

It was beautiful.

I wanted it.

Blue Team, I want you to fully enjoy this incredible reward.

In fact, Jared, you'll like this because I would like to wager.


I am a gambling man, Chef.

I want you to take care of that bundle of hundreds.

Yes, Chef.

Because all of you are gonna to be spending a VIP day at the track at the famous Santa Anita Park.

- Oh, my God.

- Yes.

I'm so excited to go to the horse track.

I could really use the cash when I go home.

I kind of owe my brother a grand.

- Oh, yes.

I love it.

Blue Team, good job.

- Congratulations.

Well done.

- Thanks, Chef.

I'm so excited right now.

For our next dinner service, we'll be featuring an amazing braised lamb shank dish.

We have two full lambs arriving.

Please be careful, because each lamb weighs close to 100 pounds.

Get out of here.

Thank you, Chef.

Oh, this is not gonna be fun at all.

Should we open the truck?
Oh, my God.

Just get the legs, let's go, bro.

I think we lost the challenge 'cause Kristin decided that the carrots were cooked rather than tasting them.

- Got it?
- Yup.

I don't like to think or feel that, like, I'm better than anybody here.

But everyone on my team is a lazy, slow [bleep]


My finger is in this thing's butt.

Oh, wow.

Make sure you don't get the Blue Team dirty.

They look nice.

They're going on a reward.

Dannie looks like she's ready to go to church on Sunday with a big flower in her damn hair.

- Congratulations, guys.

- Thank you.

- Going to see some horses.

- Dannie ain't going to no racetrack, that girl going to church.

Hallelujah! - So excited.

- Oh, my God.

- Time to gamble.

- Look! Blue Team, welcome to Santa Anita.

- Oh, wow.

I do see it.

- Wow.

- Whoo.


- This is amazing.

I'm so excited.

I love anything I can bet on.

Me and my best friend growing up used to bet on what time his mom would pick us up to the minute.

I knew we were gonna be close to the track, - but goodness, gracious.

- This is awesome.

God, I have food, I have champagne, I have caviar.

- I have bourbon.

- So incredibly beautiful.

It's not getting better than this right now.

You can drink that.

- I don't want it.

- Frank's got one drink - and one drink only.

- I know, vodka and ginger ale.

Frank was being a little bit of a party pooper.

I don't know what his deal was.

- Oh, Frankie! - Oh! Frank gets, like, VIP treatment everywhere he goes.

Happy now?
Yeah, ecstatic.

You don't wanna have a good time?
You wanna be a brat?
Stay home.

Do some dishes.

The people on my team, they're scumbags.

They're trying to get rid of me because I'm the threat.

One person, in your mind, who should leave the Blue Team?
- Frank, Chef.

- Frank, Chef.


If you think for one second that I'm gonna [bleep]

smile and be just as fake as them, I'm not stooping down to their level.

First race is coming up.

I wanna place a bet.

I wanna place a bet.

It's just like chopping wood.

Oh, man, this dude is ripe.

- Hold on.

- Just wait! Put the saw down.

You don't even know - what you're doing.

- Shut up! Yeah, I'm gonna cut the arm off.

I don't know who thinks it's a good idea to keep giving Jackie weapons.

You can prob no.

Stop why Look Jackie, don't do that.

- Turn it.

- Here you go.

You got to, like, grab it from both sides and, like, literally saw like this as if you were cutting down a damn tree.

Yeah, Jackie?
- Yeah?
- I don't know.

I'm not a carpenter.


Did it.

The horses for the thirds are now coming out on the track for the Hell's Kitchen Derby.

- Whoo! - Oh, yeah! We have an entire race named after us.

I mean, who gets this?
They're moving into the gate.

We do.

Whoo! - Number Two.

- Four's in the lead.

Number Two, baby.

Athens, let's go, baby, let's go.

- Oh, Brother.

- Brother, yes, three, yes.

That's mine.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Come on.

- Two.


- Three.

Athens! - I want my money.

- Good job, guys.

Following a closely contested challenge the day before, both teams prepare for tonight's dinner service.

I'm gonna go get six pans and nine pans.

- Heard.

- And looking to rebound from yesterday's loss, The Red Team is hoping to sharpen their communication and teamwork by doing a mock service before the doors open.

About 3 1/2 out on this risotto.

Steak's going in the oven.

I never put my steak in the oven.

I usually put my steak in the oven.

I'm the only one that successfully worked the meat station thus far.

So just listen to me.

This could use a little bit more.

Did you go in the oven with this?
- No.

- Okay.

I didn't render the side.

She went in the oven with it.

So we'll start new.

Pull open that steak so you can temper it.


Ariel is just like a toddler.

And she wants to find something to [bleep]

with me.

I don't even know what the problem is, Ariel.

You just wanna, like, explain to me - why you're pissed off?
- First of all, you lied to Chef about the steak 'cause you did put it in the oven.

I didn't [bleep]

lie to Chef about the steak.

I said I put it in the oven for like two, three minutes.

- No.

She said did you put it - It's none of your - [bleep]


- You know what?
Here you go.

This is what we do with my nieces when they wanna fight.

Come on.

We're gonna lock you in your room for a minute and you guys can work it out.

Go ahead so nobody else has to be worried about it.

Work it out.

I don't even know what the problem is, Ariel.

First of all, you lied to Chef about the steak 'cause you did put it in the oven.

I didn't [bleep]

lie to Chef about the steak.

I said I put it in the oven for like two, three minutes.


She said did you put it in the oven.

It's none of your [bleep]


You know what?
Here you go.

This is what we do with my nieces when they wanna fight.

Come on.

We're gonna lock you in your room for a minute and you guys can work it out.

Go ahead.

So nobody else has to be worried about it.

Work it out.

You asked me what the issue was and I told you - I know.

I understand - Why are you talking?
Let me [bleep]

talk then.

'Cause you don't know what the issue is.

Your steak wasn't cooked properly and you lied to Chef.

It was a practice for a reason.

You don't need to sit there and be like, you [bleep]

lied to Chef.

You [bleep]

did this.

Stay the [bleep]

out of it.

All you're doing is [bleep]

sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

- No.

Listen when I talk.

- I am literally - done with this conversation.

- And when I say, like You understand why I don't listen?
Even when I'm talking, Kristin All right, this is stupid.

This is [bleep]


- Okay.

- I'm done I'm done with this conversation.

You already know that we have agitation.

Why would you be disrespectful?
Plain and simple, bro.

I'm sick and tired of trying to be diplomatic.

Just like I have to deal with you being a fake [bleep]

-ass bitch, you have to deal with me being a crazy-ass aggressive bitch.

We still have to work together.

We have to figure it out.

I'm done.

That's what's plain and simple.

I'm done talking to you.

So how do we all feel, like, going into service, like, questions, comments, concerns.

Yeah, am I gonna be thrown under the bus again like that?
Well, I'm gonna hit you with this cutting board before I do it.

Frank, is that what you've been bothered about all day?
Frank, just chill out.

This whole situation, I'm totally over I'm just totally [bleep]

over it.

What's the problem?
What's the problem?
Frank thinks it's a popularity contest right now.

No, no, no, but honestly, I got to be on the team with them three, and Them three?
Okay, don't isolate yourself.

You see the animosity right here?
- Okay.

- Animal.

- What's the problem?
- It's personal because, like, the way I am, like, my attitude, and who I am as, you know, Frank, you know, it's basically why I went up for elimination.

Is that what you're upset about, because you got put up there one time - and you're still here today?
- That's not the point.

What's the point then?
- That's not the point.

- You're No, no, no.

I'm asking.

Step over here and tell me what the point is then.

What's the point?
So you went up for elimination, big [bleep]


You stood in front of one of the most highly decorated chefs and said why?
Let it be personal for them.

Don't let it be personal for you.

If they wanna play that game, let them play that game.

You just have to work together.

You know how often I know people are gunning gunning for my [bleep]

Do I take it personally?
I don't even look over my shoulder.

- Yeah.

- You know what I do?
I do my job and I do it well.

Chef Christina's right.

Just be a beast in the kitchen.

If they don't like it, it hurts their feelings, too bad 'cause it's Chef Ramsay's word, not their [bleep]


Ladies, good afternoon.

- Good afternoon, Chef.

- Good afternoon, Chef.

Now let's go.

Blue Team, you ready?
Yes, Chef.

You've heard the expression before, too many cooks, right?
Yes, Chef.

That's not the case tonight, Jared, is it?
- No, Chef.

- No, Chef.

- Marino.

- Si, Chef?
Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

- Awesome.

- Let's go.


Hell's Kitchen is open and a steady stream of hungry diners are arriving, eager to get a taste of Chef Ramsay's famous menu.

- Cheers, guys.

- Cheers.

- Look.

Isn't it gorgeous?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna go with the scallops.

All right, tickets are about to come in, guys.

Let's get this fired up.

On order.

Here we go, ladies.

Good luck, yeah?
Communication, right?
- Yes, Chef.

- Four couples, table 41.

- Two risotto, two scallops.

- Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Ash, talk to me, all right?
I'm about five minutes.

I am a chef at my family-owned restaurant, but I have to prove that I can do things on my own without them holding my hand.

There we go.

Work for me, baby.

Come on.

Lobster tail's going to the pass, Ashley.

Walking with risotto.



All of you.

Come here.

Here, quickly.

What does that look like?
- Soup, Chef.

- It's too thin, Chef.

- Too loose, Chef.

- Pumpkin soup.

I mean, come on.


It looked like Ashley was like and just [bleep]

snotting risotto everywhere.

Oh, dear, oh, dear.

Right, now you finish it off.

And add a touch of that back to it - and correct the seasoning.

- Yes, Chef.

Come on please, Ashley.


Let's go.

Come on.

- You with me now?
- Yes, Chef.

- Yeah?
- Yes.

That's your one for the night.

Four couples, table 22.

- Two risotto, two scallop.

- Yes, Chef.

Seven minutes out on that risotto.

Two risotto, correct?
Frank has no concept of teamwork whatsoever.

But I kind of thought that when you were a marine, you had to rely on each other.

Two risotto, correct?
Two risottos, Frank, right?
Frank, two risotto?
I hear crickets.

How long on that riso?
Can I walk with lobster tail yet?
Chef, risotto right here, Chef.

- Demand the lobster.

- Hey, where's the lobster at?
- There you go.

- Lobster's right here.

All right.

Let's go.

Bring it up.

Are we doing this already?
'Cause I'm not playing this game tonight.

Lobster behind.


Go, go, go.

As the Blue Team pulls together and delivers on their first ticket - Okay.

This risotto - Mm-hmm.

- Was worth waiting for.

- Over in the Red Kitchen - On order.

- Two couples, table 34.

- Two risotto, two carbonara.

- Yes, Chef.

Ashley's working hard to not repeat her earlier mistake of delivering soupy risotto.

This is still too thin.

My, God, what's happening?
Just stir it, stir it, stir it so you get that moving more.

- Risotto.

- 30 seconds, please.

- Come on, Red Team.

- All right.

Come on, guys.

What the [bleep]

is that, huh?
It's like a [bleep]

cheese fondue.


Hey, all of you.

Yeah, that's you as well.

All of you, come here.

Let me just show you something.

Just look at this.

Look at this.

I swear to God, there's more [bleep]

cheese in there than there is in [bleep]


Ashley, come here.

Are you okay?
So are you - I apologize.

- No, but are you okay?
What is it?
You've checked out, right?
It's not even 30 minutes into dinner service Hey, young lady, that's [bleep]


And for the second time in a row, Ashley has delivered a subpar risotto to the pass.

Are you okay?
- Are you - I apologize No, but are you okay?
What is it?
You've checked out, right?
I want a risotto.

- And I want it quickly.

- Yes, Chef.

Yes, Chef.

Got it.

I need 3 1/2 on these two risottos.

What else do you need, Ashley?
I need those two carbonaras started please.

- Two carbonaras - Yeah.


Ashley is [bleep]

up her risotto so Carbonara's in the water.

Things are coming in fast.

We got to move.

We got to move now.

Don't you guys leave Ashley hanging here.

I'm working her carbonara, Chef.

Stay with her.

You push with her.

- 30 seconds.

- 30 seconds heard.

Let's get Ashley out.

Walking with risotto.

- Carbonara.

- I'll do risotto.

I'm looking at him with the fear of God in me 'cause I know if it's bad, I'm [bleep]


Good to go.

You know where you're going, yes?
Much to Ashley's relief, Chef Ramsay has sent her refired risotto out to the dining room.

- Oh, my goodness.

- Yes.

Six top, two Arctic char, two lamb, two New York strip.

- Yes, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

I got two char dropped.

I need five minutes.

- Yes, five minutes - Five minutes.


All right.

I'm gonna watch the spinach.

I'm gonna keep having better services.

I'm gonna be louder, and I'm gonna run faster, and I'm gonna go hard.

Jared, you good over there, bro?
I'm all right, right now, yeah.


Manda, how you looking?
- I'm okay.

- Okay.

- Dannie.

- Yes?
- How you looking over there?
- I'm doing okay right now.

Okay, good.

Hey, what do you need right here?
What do you need right here?
- Frank, just, uh - You want me to watch this?
- Check that.

- Okay.

Get some snapper garnish going actually.

- Heard.

- Walking with steaks.

- Heard.

- Garnish.


- Yes.

- Yes.



Char walking.


Service please.

Hey, Blue Team, great timing, great communication.

Keep it going, Manda.

Yes, Chef.

Yeah, we're motivated, baby.

We're motivated.

Blue Team, you know, just hop on my [bleep]

back because I'm driving this mother[bleep]


While the Blue Team pushes out entrees to hungry diners Wow, that is amazing.

Over in the Red kitchen Entree, two Arctic char, two Wellington, two New York strip.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

All right, Kristin, our next fire is all us.

- Heard.

- All right, you're ready to go?
Give me five minutes total.

I'll meet you at the window.


Kristin and I don't get along that well.

But at the same time, no matter how much Kristin and I don't like each other, we work very well in service.

Did you see any Wellington up there, Ariel?
Give me one second, let me get this garnish - and I'll look.

- No problem.

Just double-check next time you go up.

- Heard.

- Sometimes, like, you work better in a kitchen with people who you don't get along with.

Kristin, you're ready with your Wellies?
I'm ready with both my meats.

All right.

I got your garnish for that Wellie, babe.

What are we going with first, guys?
What do you wanna go with?
Ariel, give me a poke.

Give me a poke.

They feel tight, and I think they're good.

Walking, Chef.

Working, Chef.

Nicely, cooked.

Thank you, Chef.

I mean, I can't believe I'm saying this but I can hate Ariel at 9:00 a.


but at the end of service, I wanna hug the bitch because she pushed us through service, you know.

Despite their differences, Kristin and Ariel's teamwork is propelling the Red Team forward.

Two Arctic char, two New York strip straight after, yes?
Yes, Chef.

- Go with lamb?
- Yes.

Walking with lamb.

I am walking with strips.

Walking with two Arctic chars.

And both teams are delivering entrees at an impressive clip.


Red Team, come here, quickly.

Let's go.

Hey, Blue Team, come here.

Let's go.

All of you, quickly.

Let's go.

This has been one of the best services so far.

Both kitchens.

- Last table.

- Yes, Chef.

- Yes, Chef.

- First to finish wins.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Go, go, go.

- Let's go.

Go, go, go, let's do this.

Everybody's running, everybody's rushing.

We were like cocaine addicts okay?
- Let's go.

Let's go.

- Go, come on, guys.

This is exactly like the horse races the day before.

This is all out [bleep]

-to-the-wall let's push as hard we we can.

We can not afford to lose.

Two minutes to the window, can we speed that up?
I got this.

Guys, I need another two minutes on that Arctic char.

Garnish for the Arctic char is going up right now.

As soon as you have garnish, I can slice these Wellies - right here, Jared.

- Walking with Wellie garnish.

- Walking with Wellie garnish.

- Walking.

Slicing Wellies - right now.

- Take the pan and go.

Go, go, go.

Garnish is in the window.


Char, how long?
About 45 seconds.

45 seconds to the window.

Let's go.

You don't think that's cooked?
Manda, where you at?
Char's not done.

Flip them back over and keep them hot.

Walking with one to the window.

You think it's cooked?
I'll take it up right now.

Guys, look.

I think she could pull it.

- You guys think this is cooked?
- Check them.

No, we're good, we're good.

Go, go, yes, go.

Guys, push hard.

- Behind.


- Let's go, Red Team.

It's 90 minutes into dinner service and with both teams working on their final tickets, Chef Ramsay has announced - First to finish wins.

- Yes, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Let's go.

- Let's go.

- Come on, guys.

If it's cooked, I'll take it up right now.

Guys, look.

I think she could pull it.

- You guys think this is cooked?
- You guys, push hard.

Go, go, yes, go.

- Behind.


- Let's go, Red Team.

It's raw.

Red Team, Arctic char is raw in the middle.

I'll throw it back on, Chef.

Back on, Chef.

- Raw.


- Back up.


Baste it, baste it, baste it, baste it.

Ash came by, touched it, and goes, "Oh no, it's good.

Send it.

" Bring it up, 'cause Ashley's an idiot.



Well done.


Blue Team, congratulations.

Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Lord.

I knew that [bleep]

was raw.

But you're worried about that Arctic char and you didn't even have the sauce seasoned or in a gravy boat, so relax.

Did that water bottle just go in the trash?
This isn't your bedroom.

You don't get to just throw [bleep]

around because you're having a temper tantrum.

Pull yourself together.

Be professional.

- Red Team.

- Yes, Chef.

Just line up there.

That's fine.

What a shame.

Overall, it was a pretty good service.

Unfortunately, you lost.

All of you, head up to the dorm.

I need two nominees.

Yes, Chef.

Let's go.

Two seconds, you.

What's wrong?
I'm better than that.

Well, you may have had an awkward night, but don't get down about it.

Get strong and get vocal.

- Yes, Chef.

- Get out of here.

I'm pissed off because I'm so much better than that.

You know, I'm a threat to them in the end, so of course they're gonna wanna get me out.

Now they have their chance.

Oh, I'm so mad.

I just wanna say I think everybody did well tonight.

It doesn't matter, I'm the one who [bleep]

us over.

I'm the one who told Jackie to send the fish.

So, yeah, it's my fault we lost.

That's why we lost.

I mean, that sucked so I nominate Ashley, I nominate Jackie.

You wanna nominate me?
You need to relax when you're throwing your water bottle around.

"I knew I shouldn't [bleep]


" Because I was pissed that we lost.

If we would've [bleep]

won, we wouldn't be here right now.

- Yeah, but you wonder - I'm sorry if I'm passionate.

Like, I'm pissed the [bleep]

off that we lost.

You're so defensive, Jackie.


, relax, bro.

You know what it is, I just feel like I'm being att*cked, and I feel like I did nothing wrong today.

And you still vote for me.

I don't wanna attack you.

Who else are we gonna vote for, Jackie?
It's more than just your cooking.

It's how you professionally act.

We all get pissed off, but you need to just contain it a little bit more.

We all were pissed off that we lost.

God, man, I'm so sick and tired of people telling me how I need to change the way I do things.

My, God.

Oh, my God! You're a bitch and you wanna give me a speech on how my personality sucks?
It should be Kristin and Ashley.

I shouldn't even have been a conversation in this.

I vote me and Kristin.

- You and I?
- Yeah, I vote you and Kristin.

Why am I nominated?
You need to say something.

Well, I'm I don't know who else to nominate.

Are you serious?
I don't get it.

I don't deserve to be up for elimination.

This is a mind - [bleep]


Please talk.

I don't know what you want me to say.

I want you to say why you want me to be voted for.

Don't put my name up there.

'Cause I did the best I could to help you.

Don't put my name in there because you can't think of something else.

We need to make a decision.

This is like I'm getting a [bleep]


Red Team, have you reached a decision?
Yes, Chef.


Red Team's first nominee and why.

Chef, tonight our first nominee was Ashley.

- Ashley.

- Yes.

Obviously a difficult decision, but we all agreed that she could've communicated a little bit more.

Second nominee.

Chef, um Name.

One word.

After overcoming setbacks, both teams completed dinner service with the Blue Team narrowly winning.

The Red Team team had to nominate two chefs for elimination.

- Their first was - Ashley.

Second nominee.

Chef, um Name.

One word.


- Why?
- I think there was too much focus on, like, we have to win, we have to win, when really the focus still should be, we have to rush but you also have to produce a good product.


Ashley, Jackie, step forward please.

- Ashley.

- Yes, Chef.

What happened?
I just got inside my own head, but it will never happen again.


So what makes you a better chef than Jackie?
I can run a restaurant.

- I run a restaurant back home.

- That's for your dads.

- I know the business side.

- Yes, for my dads.

Having parents that own restaurants doesn't necessarily make you qualified to be a success in this industry.

This is what I've wanted to do since as long as I can remember.

And I would've done it with or without them.


I know that.

I didn't feel that tonight.

- Jackie.

- Yes, Chef.

What happened with the raw fish?
At that point I had said it still needs more time and Ashley had said, "They're done, send them out.

" I knew they were not done.

So why bring them to me?
I made a mistake, Chef.

Are you not confident in yourself?
I am confident, Chef.

But I was trusting Ashley, and I shouldn't have done that.

This is tough.

My decision is Ashley.

Back in line.

Young lady, come here please.


Yes, Chef.

Let me tell you something.

Yes, you've shown so much improvement, but you are not ready to become the next head chef at BLT.

Thank you, Chef.

I appreciate everything.

- Thank you.

Good luck.

- I really do.

Thank you.

Bye, guys.

- Bye, Jackie.

- Bye, Jackie.

I'm standing here not on my cooking ability at all, but on how I get mad.

They feel like I'm not professional.

And maybe they're just intimidated.

I mean, maybe they thought I was gonna k*ll them all.

I don't know.

All of you, mistakes will happen but it's how you handle those mistakes and it's getting yourself out of that situation that intrigues me more now.

- Is that clear?
- Yes, Chef.

Well done.

Now get out of here.



The Jackie Show is over.

Finally we have the jester out of the court.


Oh, my God.

This has been a serious wake-up call.

It sucks because I'm so much better than this [bleep]


I can do things on my own without my dads.

I'm not gonna get kicked out that easily.

Jackie was one of the most outspoken chefs in the history of Hell's Kitchen.

It's just a shame her mouth was bigger than her talent.

Next time Everyone knows the fires of Hell's Kitchen only burn hotter at night.

Oh, my God.

After nearly being torn apart - I thought I was gone.

- I didn't.

Will fate finally bring these two star-crossed chefs together?
You've been the only person there since day one.

You have.

Like, what is that?
- This isn't a soap opera.

- And then Hey, from now on, just don't touch the snapper until I look at it please.

Will one chef's sinister plot - I'm over Frank.

- To destroy her mortal enemy
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