16x06 - Let the Catfights Begin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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16x06 - Let the Catfights Begin

Post by bunniefuu »

(male narrator) Previously on Hell's Kitchen d Sailors sing songs d d Of lassies and bravery and fortune d Yar, matey, the pirates of Hell's Kitchen are here.

Yar! - Hip-hip! - (All) Huzzah.

(narrator) In a seafood challenge, the chefs got to choose their opponents.

Who do you think you can take down?
- Kim.

- I'll take Z.


(narrator) And when they faced off (Gordon) Speed up, guys.

Let's go.

(narrator) It was clear that Heidi's selection of Johnny paid off.

Yours look like it's being att*cked by a cat.

Definitely not my best, Chef.

(narrator) In another battle, Aziza's Wahoo I don't even know what a Wahoo fish looks like.

(narrator) Was far from perfect.


That is not what I call perfection.

(narrator) But Paulie's take on Wahoo Wow, you got some finesse going on there.

(narrator) Was a smashing success.

And then it all came down to Andrew versus Wendy.

You nailed it.

(narrator) But in spite of two great dishes, the one with the edge belonged to the - Blue Team, well done.

- (All) Whoo! (narrator) And they won the challenge.

There's no question how salty I am about losing this [bleep]


(narrator) At dinner service Come on, ladies, you can do this.

(narrator) The women got off to a great start - Risotto's coming up.

- (narrator) Led by Aziza.

Who redeemed herself on appetizers.

- Very nice, that risotto.

- Thank you, Chef.

Yes! - (narrator) And - (Gordon) Ryan.

(narrator) Who delivered on meat.

- Nicely cooked.

- Thank you, Chef.

(narrator) The Red kept their momentum Cheers and bon appetit.

(narrator) And had an excellent service.

Unfortunately for the Blue Team Hey, Andrew, I'm under rare.

(narrator) Andrew's undercooked New York Strip You work in a steakhouse, and your steak is raw?
(narrator) And Devin's garnish We got a bowl of spinach that's bland as [bleep]


My three-year old makes creamed spinach.

(narrator) Were just two of the reasons why Chef Ramsay All of you, come here.

Decided to remove the Blue Team from the kitchen.

It's just mistake after mistake.

We look like [bleep]


(narrator) During deliberation, it looked like it was going to be Andrew and Devin as potential nominees.

You pushed a raw [bleep]


- I had one steak.

- One?
Two steaks.

He had two [bleep]

steaks that were raw.

Come on! (narrator) But then the men shifted their focus We got to start looking at everything previously.

- (narrator) And put up - Aaron, Chef.

- (narrator) And - Devin.

(narrator) In the end, it was Aaron.

(narrator) Whose lack of experience and confidence were the main reasons why Chef Ramsay ended his dream of becoming Head Chef at Yardbirds Southern Table & Bar at the Venetian in Las Vegas.

And now, the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Now [bleep]


- Got the message?
- (All) Yes, Chef.

- Ladies, great job.

- (All) Thank you, Chef.

Great job.

Great job.

It's pretty [bleep]


How scary was that?
Sorry, bro.

Sorry, you know?
(Devin) I'm not trying to throw people under the bus either, man.

- I just - I know this [bleep]

blows, bro.

Difficult part was, you know, recooking the garnishes for fish all night and undercooked meat.

What the [bleep]

is he trying to throw you underneath the bus for?
I am so pissed that Devin is still here.

He's just really bad at cooking.

- Yeah.

I mean, and - You all right, Devin?
Are you hostile towards me still?
Yes, you are.

I can see it in your eyes.

I can see you're hostile.

I'm tired of these guys plotting against me.

I hate their little clique.

I don't want to be part of it.

You know, this competition's not about making friends.

He's mad at me.

'Cause I'm insensitive.

He's mad at all of us.

I'm gonna watch my own back because nobody else will.

I'm here to win it all no matter what they [bleep]


I'm going to bed.

[Ohio Players' "Fire"]

d d d Fire d d Unh, uh d d The way you walk and talk d d Really sets me off to a full alarm, child d d Yes, it does d d When you're hot, you're hot d d You really sh**t your shot d d You're dyn-o-mite, child d d Yeah d d The way you squeeze and tease d d Knocks me to my knees d d 'Cause I'm smoking, baby, baby d d Well, I can tell by your game d d You're gonna start a flame d d Love, baby, baby d d Fire d d Got me burning d d Fire d d That's what I said, child d d Ow, fire d Line up, please.

Library books?
Good morning.

(All) Good morning, Chef.

Welcome to the Hell's Kitchen library.

What is the connection between books and kitchens?
"Cookbooks" is the answer.

You know, cookbooks, our beloved treasures.

A great recipe will always remain a great recipe.

So for today's challenge you're going to be using books to decide on what you're gonna to be cooking.

I hope you can spell.

I kind of suck at spelling words.

English was not my, um, my best grades in school.

(Gordon) As a team you're going to be spelling out the ingredients that you'll be using to create your own dish.

Here's how it's gonna work.

One at a time one person of each team will select the books with the letters that spell out the ingredient that they want to cook with.

Now, the next person on the team will select an ingredient that shares a letter with an ingredient already on the board.

I'm actually kind of excited for this because the Blue Team as a whole, they're dumb as rocks.

Your five minutes starts now! Let's go! - Tenderloin.

Tenderloin! - Tenderloin?
No, chicken.



Chicken, yes, it's versatile, - but it's also [bleep]


- What are we doing?
- Chicken.

- Chicken.

Wait, no! I don't know what it is with Shaina and chicken.

I think she's out of her [bleep]


Get the chicken.



Go back, get the chicken.

They got the chicken already.





(Andrew) Let's go, buddy.

Hey, go to the top, though.

Go to the top.

- Go high with it.

- And don't go in the middle.

Try to stay to the left, like three in.

That's good.

Good job.

- Rib eye.

- Chicken.

One minute gone, guys.

Come on, let's go.

For some reason, Aziza decided to put chicken dead center in the board, so we have very little room on either side to kind of build off of.

(Kimberly) Come on, Ryan.

Come on, Ryan.

(Devin) Matt, talk to us.

What are you doing up there?
- Crab.

- What?
- Crab.

- Crab?
- That's good.

- Crab.

Well, there goes rice.

- Carrot.

- Yam.


(Heidi) I can definitely work with lime.

The gears are turning already.

- Beans.

- Bacon.

I'm hoping to k*ll this thing.

- What do you guys want to do?
- Bacon.

- Yes, we can.

- Bacon.

- Bacon.

- Where am I putting bacon?
- Bacon.

- B-A-C.

- Oh, no, we can't.

- We can't.


Guys, do you know the rules?
Have you ever played this game before?
- Kale?
- Um - Can we do kale?
- Kale! [buzzer]


Those words don't fit.

Oh, my God.

- Two minutes left.

Come on! - Onion.

No, go the other way.

Other way.

Put the "O" above the "N.

" Put the "O" above the "N.

" Put the "O" above the "N!" You have to work off of the "N.

" How the [bleep]

do I put "O" above the "N?
" Devin definitely is not the sharpest tool.

(Devin) And It was like watching him do, like, Japanese algebra or something.

O-N! - There you go, bro.

- All right.

O yes.


- Onion.

- Turnip.

- You got it.

You got it.

- Okra.

Uh I want snap peas, but there's no room to put it.

- Snap?
- What the [bleep]

is that?
- Snap for peas?
- Can we do that?
Uh That's not gonna count.

The blonde's kicking in.

20 seconds to go! (Kimberly) Go, go, go, go, go, go.

(Andrew) How about peas?

- Pea.

- Get it up there! P-E-A.

- Aah! - [Andrew laughs]

- (Devin) Hurry! - (Andrew) Pick it up, John! Five, four, - three - You got to get the "A!" Two, one, and stop.

Wait, how is it "snap"?
Yeah, how is "snap" a word?
That's not right.

That's not right.

Snap pea is out.

Peas, get off the board.

What the hell's a "snap"?
You've all got 45 minutes to create one stunning entree.

Your time starts now! Let's go.

(narrator) In today's Ingredient Crossword Challenge, each chef has just 45 minutes to create a dish using as many or as few ingredients as they wish from their team's board.

(Ryan) I'm going Asian just so everybody knows.

(Heather) I'm going Indian.

Um, I'm gonna just go Southern I guess.

- What are you making?
- Sweet and spicy mashed potatoes with caramelized onions over the steak and Worcestershire sauce.

That is an awful sounding dish, but I want him to go home.

We'll see what happens.

Anybody have red chili flake?
(Wendy) I've got chili powder.



What the [bleep]

am I gonna do with these ingredients?
Ladies, I got fish sauce, soy here if anyone needs it.

How many things at our disposal can we actually do to make seven chicken dishes stand out and look good?
Anyone have any brown sugar or sugar, ladies?
- Brown sugar.

- Where?
- Right here.

- Thank you.

(Gordon) Last 15 minutes.

Let's go.

Oh, good.

I got a lot of good colors going on.

- Like, look how green that is.

- Check this, dude.

- Crab-stuffed okra.

- That's gonna be good.

I'm trying to, like, do a few things that are a little more technical.

Stuff the okra [whooshing sound]

and then fry it.

Chhhh [sizzles]

Badda-bing, badda-boom.

(Paulie) Crab-stuffed okra, Chef.

[exciting music]

d d There you go.



It doesn't even look cooked all the way.

My chicken's not cooked at all, but there's nothing else you can do about it.

I have to put it on the plate and then run to the front.

- See what happens.

- (Gordon) Five - Come on, get it on there.

- Four - Behind.

- Three, two - Come on, move! - One, and serve, guys.

Let's go.

Red Team, you have seven members.

Blue Team, you have six members.

Red Team, decide which dish you don't want to present to me.

Is that cooked?
I think this might be a raw chicken.

All right, so we'll take Z's out.

(Gordon) Whose dish are we taking down?
- Mine.

- Aziza's.

(Gordon) Aziza's.

I checked it, and it wasn't cooked all the way through.


I'm pissed.

I have not proven yet to Chef Ramsay that I can make a creative dish, and this didn't help.

Let's start off with the Blue Team.

Paulie, bring your dish forward, please, thank you.

(narrator) Chef Ramsay will judge all of the dishes from the Blue Team first, awarding between one and five points for each based on creativity, presentation, and taste.

I have a grilled rib eye with crab-stuffed okra.

It looks rather strange.

Okra badly prepared and raw.

Puree's slimy.

And that is the worst bastardization of a rib eye I've seen this year.

Out of five, Paulie, that's got a one, and I'm struggling at one.

(Paulie) I'm pissed off.

Like, I'm not used to being on the bottom of the barrel.

That's just not me.

You can get defensive all you want.

I'm not defensive at all, Chef.

You give me raw [bleep]

okra and expect me to kiss your ass?
- Absolutely not.

- You[whistles]

are dreaming.

Let's get that right.

Was there anything redeeming about it at all?
[tense music]

(narrator) Paulie was first to present in today's challenge, and while his dish was poorly received Out of five, Paulie, that's got a one.

(narrator) He's having a hard time with his dish only registering one point.

Was there anything redeeming about it at all?
Is there any one component that was good?
Yeah, the plate you served it on.

Now [bleep]


Paulie, stop thinking you're better than the rest of us.

Obviously you're not.

- Devin, let's go please.

- Yes, Chef.

Devin's up.

This is gonna be interesting.


A rib eye that looks like a rib eye.

Describe the dish, please.

It's a grilled rib eye, Chef.

Salted up some lump crab to put on top with a nice mustard deglaze.

Steak is absolutely delicious.

Great sear and cooked beautifully.

Love the mustard.

Bacon crispy, nice, salty.

Four out of five.

Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

- (Johnny) Yeah, Devin.

Yeah, Devin.

(narrator) After an impressive turn by Devin, Matt is ready to wow with his rib eye - topped with Crab Imperial.

- Delicious crab.

It's a little bit too clumsy in the plating.

- Three out of five.

- Thank you, Chef.

Johnny, let's go.

(narrator) Up next is Johnny's sweet and spicy grilled rib eye served with a fried egg and fried okra.

- Steak's cooked beautifully.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Three out of five.

Good job.

- Thank you, Chef.

(narrator) After solid scores from Matt and Johnny, Koop is ready with his Southern-style rib eye oscar and yam hash.

Love this little bearnaise.

Hash delicious.

- Four out of five.

Good job.

- Thank you very much, Chef.

- Good job, Koop.

- Yeah, Koop.

We're moving up the scale in points.

Feels good, especially after the way this started.

(narrator) The last to present for the Blue Team is Andrew Got a seared rib eye, pea and truffle puree.

(narrator) Looking to add a big number to the men's total with his experience as a steakhouse chef.

That's one of the most minimalistic dishes I've seen.

No okra.

No no yams.

I don't think it needs any more ingredients.

Insufficient sear on the steak, and the dish is plain.

Two out of five.

I beat you today, [bleep]


All right, men, 17 out of 30.

Time to see how the women did.

We only have to beat 17?
- Kimberly, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

I really feel like at this point it shouldn't be a difficult task.


Asian-inspired chicken infused with a little bit of ginger, lemon grass, cilantro.

- Delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

- It looks very colorful.

- Thank you, Chef.

Solid effort.

Four out of five.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you.

Heidi, let's go.

(narrator) Up next, Heidi's curry chicken breast with brown butter carrots.

Love that ginger fragrance and matches well with the spice.

- Four out of five.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good job, Heidi.

- Good job.

- Wendy, let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

(narrator) With the women off to a strong start, Wendy presents her Latin-inspired dish.

When I think of Latino, I think of something sexy.

That does not look sexy to me.

Great crispy skin, fine, but that's where it stops.

That is terrible.

Two out of five.

Thank you.

(narrator) After a poor showing from Wendy It's all right, Wendy.

(narrator) Heather looks to get the women back on track with her honey-ginger lime chicken.


hard to swallow.

One out of five.

(narrator) With only two dishes left to taste, Shaina is ready to impress with her Southern-fried chicken.

It's cooked to hell.

It's just dry.


Shaina had pushed to make the chicken our protein and then can't even cook it.

You suck.

- One out of five.

- Whoa.

(narrator) Ryan is up last for the women.


(narrator) And with the men leading 17 to 12, she must get a perfect score just to tie.

It's an Asian-inspired chicken breast.

Yep, all on me.

- Wow.

- I hate you b*tches right now.

That is tasty.

It's really good.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Back in line.

- That was delicious.

- Thank you, Chef.

In fact, I would say the Red Team's best effort.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Good job.

Ryan your score is four out of five.

Men, congratulations, well done.

Boom, son.

I'm happy that we won.

Andrew, Paulie, I hope you say "thank you" to the rest of us today.

(Gordon) Ladies, tomorrow night is family night here in Hell's Kitchen, and Marino has a very long list of chores.

You'll inflate the balloons, reset the dining room, and then you need to bake a special batch of cookies for all the kids.

Ladies, one more thing.


Marino! Oops! - [all groaning]

- Really, Marino, really?
- Marino.

- [laughter]

Marino, come on.


Okay, ladies, I'd like those crayons to be put back in little packs one of each color ahead of tomorrow night's service.

Women: Yes, Chef.

Men, whist the ladies are setting up for family night, you'll get a chance to act like kids because all of you are gonna spend the rest of the day in bumper cars.

- Yeah! - Yes.

But these bumper cars battle it out on the ice.

- What?
- No [bleep]


Once you've finished slamming the hell out of each other, all of you are gonna be heading off to a great steakhouse.

- Whoo! - Looking forward to this one.

Oh, that is awesome.

I'm looking forward to a good steak today, so what?
- Have fun.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Thank you, Chef.

- Ladies, get out of here.

- Ready?
- Whoo.

Dude, this is cool.

(Koop) This is the kind of [bleep]

I like to play with back home.

Bumper boats?

Bumper cars?

Ice bumper cars This is a first.

- Go ahead.

Go, guys.

- Boom.

- Somebody hit me.

- Aah! [laughter]

I feel like I'm six years old.

Everybody get Johnny.

I'm coming.

It's gonna be massive! This is awesome.

All the stresses you go through, it's good just to, like, forget about that and be a little kid for a few hours.

Aah! Boom! [sighs]

My back is hurting.

To hell with the kids right now.

I don't want to do this.

This sucks.

Well, let's keep moving and it won't suck any much longer, okay?
Yeah, all right.

I hate that.

I'm so aggravated.

Shaina's very lazy.


I feel like I'm working with an 80-year old woman that can't pick up her feet.

I feel like I'm gonna tip over right now.

Shaina, can you come help with crayons?
I got to get a water.



(Andrew) Here's to the good life.

- Yeah.

- To the good life, gentlemen.

This means the world to me to be able to spend time outside of Hell's Kitchen, but as a team, we still have a lot of work to do.

We keep winning these [bleep]

damn challenges, and then we look like rejects when it gets to the service.

I think we need to just tone it down because in a real restaurant, the line is not screaming back and forth.

That's not always the case, man.

Yeah, I agree I don't think that's always the case.

- That's not always the case.

- No.

(Devin) There's only two people on our team that think they're better than everybody else, and that is Paulie and Andrew, and I don't know why because they had the worst performances today.

All we got to do is humble ourselves, and let's be more soft spoken and communicate with respect.

I'm from Philly.

I'm loud.

I'm boisterous.

That's how I am.

He can't handle me yelling at him, then get the [bleep]


You have to be calm to be running smoothly.

Even though we think we're working together, we're not.

[fake enthusiasm]

Let's bake some cookies.

- I [bleep]

hate baking.

- I hate baking too.

I absolutely [bleep]

despise baking.

So you're having fun?
I'm having the [bleep]

time of my life right now.

Shai, you want to do a count of cookies, how many we have?
No, I'm good.

Can someone wipe down these counters?
Here we go again.

You know, I run my own business.

I'm not used to lazy people like Shaina, or I would've already [bleep]

fired her ass.

(Shaina) Did you get a tray in yet?
- I did.

I did.

- I'm just asking.

I know, but you're, like, falling over me like I don't know what the [bleep]

I'm doing, and it's like, "Keep yourself busy.

" We're in this kitchen because you [bleep]

up today.

We're all breaking our backs because you can't even cook chicken.

- I'm sorry.

- First of all, I'm not gonna go where you're going.

I'm not gonna let you [bleep]


I only went where I went because I'm feeling overwhelmed - I'm not just standing over you.

- Here we go.

You stand here, "Oh, did you do this?
" Did you do this?
Did you do this?
" I'm gonna be quiet 'cause I don't want you to get me to a place where you don't - want to get me.

- Well, do something then and just leave me the [bleep]

alone, okay?
- I'm I'm - Bitch.

(narrator) After losing today's challenge, the women made it through an exhausting day of punishment Good night.

(narrator) And are calling it an early night and so is Devin.

What do you honestly think we can do to win service?
We shouldn't be able to beat them in challenges and lose miserably in service.


(Andrew) Everyone needs to take care of their station.

That's the bottom line tomorrow night.

If you [bleep]

up on your station, you're done.

I agree.

We base elimination off of service.

That's it.

This is our turning point for the guys.

We all know we have a job to do.

If you can't handle your station, you're going up on the block no matter what.

Whatever station you're on, - if it goes down - Õou're done.

You're done.

[upbeat music]

Guys, get up.

(narrator) Tonight, Hell's Kitchen will be hosting its annual family night dinner service.

Come on! Ladies, let's go.

On my way.

(narrator) And the chefs are up and off - to the kitchen early - Wheels up.

(narrator) To review tonight's special menu items and start prepping for the big event.

- Good morning.

- (All) Morning, Chef.

All right, guys, real quick, please?
Here's the special menu for tonight.

Kids' menu.

Kids are gonna be here.

I'm so excited.

I like kids.

- I love kids.

- I love kids.

- I love them.

- I want one more.

I want one more, but I want to wait until I'm married.

All of my teammates except Wendy is a mother.

We want to get the food out.

We want the kids happy.

If the kids are happy, the parents are happy.

All right, ladies, good afternoon.

- Good afternoon, Chef.

- (All) Afternoon, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

- Gentlemen, are we ready?
- (All) Yes, Chef.


Appetizers, especially for the kids, jump on them straight away, yes?
- (All) Yes, Chef.

- Yeah?

Si, Chef?
Open Hell's Kitchen, please, for family night.

Let's go.

[exciting music]

d d (narrator) The restaurant is quickly filling up with diners of all ages Absolutely.

(narrator) Lucky enough to secure a table for the much anticipated family night dinner service.

I think I'll do pizza for an appetizer.

Okay, let's get the roasted sea bass.

(narrator) In addition to his classic menu, Chef Ramsay has added several kid-friendly items Did you guys prep for the kids' dessert?
- Yes.

- (narrator) Including quesadilla stations to be run by Andrew for the Blue Team All right, what kind of cheese do you guys want Pepper jack, mozzarella, cheddar, yellow cheddar?
(narrator) And Kimberly for the Red Team.

Just shrimp and cheese?
My kind of girl.

Let's go.

On order, table 20, let's go.

One grilled cheese, one risotto.

- (All) Heard, Chef.

- Let's go.

- Grilled cheese working, yes?
- Yes, Chef, I got it.

After the last dinner service, my team threw me under the bus, so tonight I'm gonna show these guys what's up, that I'm one of the top competitors on the guys' team, and I'm gonna knock it out of the park.

Risotto's coming up, Chef.

- Paulie, tail down?
- Tail's down.

You got 30 seconds until it rises.

Walking risotto.

Tail's coming up right behind this, Chef.

Come on, guys, please?
Where the [bleep]

's my grilled Yes, Chef.

I got a grilled cheese right here, Chef.

I'm still waiting on a grilled cheese.

- Right now, Chef.

- Let's go.



Hey, hey, Blue Team.

Blue Team, come here.

Grilled cheese is just, like, dry cold bread, and it's not even melted.


Hey, come on, guys, please?
Devin, come on, man.

How do you [bleep]

up grilled cheese?
Get it in the [bleep]


- Let's go.

- Yes, Chef.

(narrator) While Devin starts over on the grilled cheese, in the Red kitchen On order on fire.

Two grilled cheese, one risotto, - one pizza.

- Yes, Chef.

(narrator) Shaina and Heidi are center stage on appetizers.

Get that in there.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

- Get in.

- Go in?
Yes, you have to get it in now.

- We have three minutes.

- We got a kids' pizza.

All right, no sweat.

Do I need to go any more?
A little bit longer.

The top of it's not cooked.

It's all right.

A little bit.

It's okay.

Don't ask for my opinion, Shaina, if you're not gonna take it.


- It's raw, no?
- Yeah.

Pizza's undercooked.

Raw dough.


Look, put your finger in there, it just goes straight through.

- Who cooked the pizza?
- I did.

Maybe Shaina should listen to me next time - that I give her advice.

- You have three young children, right?
- Yes, Chef.

- And they eat raw dough?
Hey, young lady, raw dough.


(narrator) With delays in both kitchens - There you go, buddy.

- Kids are at least a bit distracted because of the activities in the dining room.


Hell's Kitchen.

- Meanwhile, back in the Red kitchen - Behind.

(narrator) Shaina's re-fired pizza makes it to the pass - Service, please.

- (narrator) And out to diners.

- Pizza-pizza.

- Ah, grazie.

(narrator) Now the women are sending out a steady stream of appetizers That's crazy good.

(narrator) And are ready to begin entrees.

On order, four couples table 31.

For entree, two sea bass, two New York Strip.

- (All) Yes, Chef.

- How long?
Ten minutes, Chef.

- Heard.

- Let's go.

All right, right now I'm doing the sides for the two sea bass and for the two New Yorkers.

I'm on garnish tonight.

My strategy is just to try to be ahead of the game.

I have all my garnishes ready, and Chef Ramsay can get them out the window.

After the New York Strips, the two, it's gonna be two chickens, okay?

We haven't fired any chicken.

Aziza, this is not normal.

All these pans are getting further stacked down the [bleep]


Because I have a lot of garnishes, and I know that Aziza, I just called the first table.

Aziza, we have no proteins ready to go up.

What are you doing?
It's not needed yet.

(narrator) While Aziza tries to be slightly less proactive on garnish, - back in the Blue kitchen, Devin - I got the grilled cheese.

(narrator) Is now delivering grilled cheese with the cheese actually melted.

Service, please.

(man) There you go.

Dig in.

On order, table 22.

Two risotto, one burger, yes?
- (All) Heard, Chef.

- Burger on.

- Let's go, guys.

- Yes, Chef.

I only got a dog and a cat, but I love kids.

I'm really good with them.

I guess I'm like a big kid anyway.

Risotto's working, yes?
- Yes, Chef.

- Good.

Let's go.

(Devin) Paulie, how we looking on that first burger?
Real 30, just melting cheese.

Risotto's nearly ready, guys, yes?
Speed up.

Can I get tails, please?
Walk with tails, please.

- Walking risotto.

- Lobster tails coming up right now.

Walking on the burger.

You want to give me the burger?
I'll walk.

Walking burger.

- Walking tails.

- Burger, Chef.


Got to check everything, especially the kids' side.

Raw burger.

Hey, Blue Team, come here.

Hey, all of you! Get in! [thump]

Raw! (narrator) It's an hour into family night, and Paulie's kids' burger Raw burger.

(narrator) Has met with unsatisfactory reviews.

Hey, Blue Team, come here.

Hey, all of you! Get in! [bleep]

! Raw! I do not mind waiting, but I do when I'm kept waiting for [bleep]

that's [bleep]

raw! (All) Yes, Chef.

All right, whoever has free hands, help Paulie.

- I'm good on garnish.

- (Andrew) I'm gonna check on on whoever needs help, bro.

Paulie needs help.

Paulie is losing credibility as a chef.

We [bleep]


Let's go.

We got this.

Okay, I have a remade kids' burger.

Kid burger coming up to the window, yeah?
Kids' burger rising.

Kids' burger.

Service please.

There you go.

(narrator) Now that Paulie has delivered his re-fired kids' burger On order, four covers table one.

Entree, two bass, two New York Strip.

- Two sea bass heard.

- (Narrator) Chef Ramsay is moving the Blue kitchen on to entrees.

Yo, start your sea bass garnish.

Sea bass garnish heard.

Creamed spinach.

You got creamed spinaches, Johnny?
- Right here.

Working right now.

- Okay, heard.

Thank you.

All right, guys, we got this, okay?
This is just cooking.

Johnny, you got two minutes or three minutes, okay?
Hold the New York for four.

Hold the New York for four, heard.

I got a sea bass going up.

Sea bass garnish, hurry up.

(Johnny) Don't take that bass up there until I get up there, Paulie.

Paulie! I could see a piece of bass floating past me, and I'm like, "What the [bleep]

" You just took bass before I gave them.



On your left, Chef.

Paulie, you are screwing me.

All right, I'm walking with the New York garnish.

Not yet.

Not yet.

I'm resting though.

I'm resting.



Johnny, over here.

Right behind you.


The steaks are not ready.

Like, talk to me.

I'm cooking.

So the egg's [bleep]


Hey, hey.

Come here.

Got raw egg whites and a raw bass.

(Johnny) Paulie wanted me to hurry up with the garnish, and now, of course, I've put up an egg that is not done enough.

- I told you, yo.

- So we should be able to Hey! Shut it! Hey, don't sit there with your [bleep]

mouth open.

I'll put something in there.

- Got me?
- Yes, Chef.


It's [bleep]


(narrator) With Paulie dragging the men straight back into the weeds The New York I can walk right now.

- Garnish, can you walk?
- Yes.

(narrator) Over in the Red kitchen, Aziza - This is very hot, Chef.

- Sea bass walking.

(narrator) Has finally made sure that her garnish station is in sync with the rest of her team.

Service please.

Oh, look.

He's so happy right now.

Nicely cooked, Wendy.

(narrator) And as a result, entrees are being delivered at a steady pace.

Prepared how you like it?
- So delicious.

- Perfect.

On order, on fire.

Two salmon, two lamb.

- (All) Yes, Chef.

- Heard.

Two salmon down.

How we looking with that lamb?
I grew up on a farm back in Pittsburgh, but I'm not a fan of things that are super gamey.

Lamb reminds me of the smell of the milk cows.

Wendy, you're good.

I think it's [bleep]


Two salmon, two lamb.

How long?
Chef, 30 seconds on that salmon.

No answer from Wendy.

Two salmon, two lamb.

- Hey.

Hey, Wendy.

- Huh?
Wendy, don't shut down right now.

We really need you.

Don't lose it now.

How long?
30 seconds.

I'm ready to walk with salmon.

You ready?
Salmon walking.

- Salmon's up.

- Lamb?
- Walking lamb.

- Walking with garnish.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Chef.

[suspenseful music]

d d And the lamb hey, psst.

The lamb's still got its [bleep]

wool on.

Are you kidding me?
We're falling apart here.

Who cooked this?
Me, Chef.

Ice cold and still running around in the [bleep]


Sorry, Chef.

Oh, my God! I have to start from scratch.

It's a [bleep]


Get them going, ladies.

Let's go.

- Where's our food?
- Been a while.

- Been waiting a long time.

- And we had three appetizers.

(narrator) With frustrated guests on both sides of the dining room How long for two salmon, two lamb?
- Two minutes.

- Two minutes, Chef.

(narrator) Wendy on meat and Heather on fish race to deliver their re-fired entrees.

(Gordon) Heather, what are you doing?
Skin side down, Heather, keeps it crispy, stops it from overcooking.

Yeah, I don't want to ruin that skin, Chef.

It looks nice.

I need to bang this food out.

We cannot screw up anymore.

Salmon ready to walk.

How we looking, ladies?
- Walking lamb.

- Salmon's up.

Come on, ladies.

- We got it, right?
- Is everybody good?
- We're good?
- Ladies, everybody good, yeah?
That's what I just heard?
Just touch that there.

It's still raw and cold in the middle.

And you say to me, "I don't want to overcook it.

" Well, thank you so much, and they don't want overcooked salmon either, but what they do deserve is crispy skin! This should cook, for the 27th time, skin side down! (narrator) It's two hours into family night dinner service For the 27th time, skin side down! (narrator) And Heather's raw salmon is just one in a series of problems in both kitchens.

How many [bleep]

- (Ryan) Get on it.


- (Shaina) Let's get a refire.

(narrator) While Heather starts over on her salmon, back in the Blue kitchen - Right behind you, Chef.

- Beautifully cooked.

Service please.

(narrator) The men have finally found their rhythm, and entrees are making their way out to grateful diners.

(narrator) And back in the Red kitchen Salmon walking.

(narrator) Heather's re-fired salmon has made it to Chef Ramsay.

Salmon's cooked beautifully.

(narrator) And despite a very rocky service, both kitchens are finishing strong on their last tickets of the night.

Come on, ladies.

Let's go.

All right, guys, we got this, okay?
We're almost to the finish line, okay?
(Kimberly) Walking table 31 desserts.

(Devin) All right, so we're two minutes out on the two New Yorks.

(Paulie) Let's make sure the eggs are done perfectly.

Fight back, that's what we're doing.

- Service please.

- (Man) Tasty.

- Wow.

- Wow, now we're talking.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.


There were problems everywhere on every station, but there is no question on who the losing team is.

The Red Team And the Blue Team.

So now, Red Team and Blue Team, come up with two individuals that you would be better off without.

- Is that clear?
- (All) Yes, Chef.

- Now get out of here.

- (All) Yes, Chef.

(Ryan) It's been a frustrating two days.

The Red Team is pissing me off.

These girls aren't carrying their own weight.

Tonight's service was really just frosting on a stupid [bleep]


First off, let's start out with which stations went down.

Every station was going down tonight.

Garnish went down the most.

That was Z's station.

I know in the beginning I was overzealous on my garnishes.

- I know I was.

- (Ryan) It was more than that.

It wasn't consistent.

It was, you know, overcooked, undercooked.

(Aziza) We all make mistakes, so you never pin it on one person, and tonight it was being pinned a lot on garnish, and What was the second station to get the most send-backs?
I only had one fish come back at the end.

I [bleep]

up the very last lamb, but I felt like up until that lamb, I really wasn't doing that bad.

We had one fish, one lamb.


I got to be honest.

I don't know who else to put up.

We made a simple rule last night which was whoever didn't handle their station's going up.

(Andrew) Yep.

Was there anybody not handling their station in all seriousness?
(Johnny) Devin and Paulie you guys all made that deal.

That's how you want to do it.


All right, put me up.

Yo, I was in the hardest [bleep]

station all by myself.

(Matt) It's Paulie and Devin.

He sent up a [bleep]

burger that wasn't done, and he had a grilled cheese that the cheese wasn't melted.

What do you think, Koop?
Going with Paulie, and I didn't see Devin go down.

Did you go down?

I had a grilled cheese in the beginning, and that was it.

Everything else came out fine.

Devin, you had a grilled cheese and didn't even melt the cheese, bro.

You guys told me last night, whoever [bleep]

up tonight was gonna [bleep]

go home.

- Who made that deal last night?
- Everyone did.

- (Andrew) We all did.

- Where was I?
I don't know.


I'm glad you all are deciding stuff while I'm sleeping.

Well, it's not It's not about - Dude, you go to bed at 8:00.

- You went to sleep at 7:00.

They had their [bleep]

meeting last night while I'm sleeping, so [bleep]

them for doing that behind my back.

I had one little hiccup with a grilled cheese sandwich.

I do not deserve to be put up right now.

(Devin) Hey, I just got to say, 'cause this is getting me pissed off, you're having a [bleep]

meeting while I'm sleeping?
- Hold on - No, you [bleep]

decided last night who was going home today.

- No, we didn't.

- I was not yes.

- Evidently you did.

- Listen! (Matt) Ain't no yelling.

Ain't no reason for you to yell like that, bro.

I mean, I'm not I can't just keep sitting here quiet and say Devin's nominated again, because it'll happen a third time and a fourth time.

I want to hear who you would put up after tonight.

I'm not basing it anymore off of tonight's service.

- Who do you put up?
- I would put up Johnny.

- Why?
- You had one hiccup tonight, that one spinach, right?
And Johnny, you don't have the best challenges, man.

Bro, you [bleep]

up a grilled cheese.

We were able to fix it.

You're saying you don't have any business up there?
- No.

- Are you delusional?
You can't say I sent wrong [bleep]

up to that pass.

And then you had two people on your station I had one.

Well, you're putting up raw food.

- You can [bleep]

a [bleep]


- That's [bleep]

kind of rude.

Did I tell you to [bleep]

a [bleep]

Do the math.

You can [bleep]


yourself too, you [bleep]


(narrator) Following a dismal family night dinner service, Chef Ramsay instructed both teams to nominate two chefs for elimination.

Johnny, Blue Team's first nominee and why.

Chef, our first nominee is Paulie.

The raw burger is obviously a major problem, and that's why we're sending him up.

Blue Team's second nominee and why.

Second nominee, Chef, is Devin.

The grilled cheese which, you know, is very simple, and you know, the cheese was not melted.

Ryan, Red Team's first nominee and why.

Chef, our first nominee for elimination is Aziza.

Tonight it really seemed that up on garnish it was a disaster.

Red Team's second nominee and why.

Our second nominee is Wendy.

It's just time to step it up, Chef.

You're right there.

It is time to step it up.

Wendy, Aziza, Devin, Paulie, step forward.

- Paulie.

- Yes, Chef?
Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I bring a lot to the table.

I had one bad service.

I don't make any excuses for it.

I would hope that you would give me a second chance, Chef.

Do you think you're a better chef than Devin?

You have to be able to work as a team, and I think I work better with my team than he does.

Devin, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Chef, because I have not repeated the mistakes twice.

I'm only moving up the ladder.

I'm not moving backwards.

- Wendy.

- Yes, Chef?
Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I feel like I've been strong up until this point.

This is my first wonk in service, and I can fight back.

Your lamb still had its wool on it.

I got too far into my own head, and I admit that I [bleep]

that up.

Aziza, what happened tonight?
I was, at the beginning of service, overzealous with my sides.

It hurt us because of that.

(Gordon) Why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
I love being in the kitchen.

That's where my drive is.

I make a mistake.

I learn from it.

- I can do what you need me to do.

- Ever heard the expression "The lights are on, but no one's at home?
" - Yes, Chef.

- That's how I felt standing by your side.

My decision is [suspenseful music]

d d Devin and Wendy.

- Back in line.

- Yes, Chef.

d d (Gordon) This is really hard.

You both had your worst dinner service.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is Aziza.

Aziza, listen carefully.

I am just not getting it from you.

Yes, you're a sweet girl, passionate, but you are not ready to take a position at Yardbird for the Venetian in Vegas.

Give me your jacket.

Thank you.

Thank you, Chef.

I really appreciate the opportunity.

Thank you.

Good night.

- Good luck, everyone.

- Bye, Z.

(Aziza) I don't feel like I'm the worst cook here.

I'm upset, but at the same time I learned so much while being here, so I'm not disappointed in myself.

I'm just I know what I have to improve on.

So it's just a chapter that's over.

Now it starts a new chapter, and you only go up from that.

- Paulie, [bleep]

off back in line.

- Yes, Chef.

I want you all to listen carefully.

I am not gonna tolerate another night like tonight.

If it does happen again, I'll be cutting chefs at a much faster rate.

- Now piss off.

- (All) Yes, Chef.

I'm gonna prove them all wrong if they think I'm one of the weakest chefs on the Blue Team.

I'm a contender in this kitchen, and I'm not going anywhere.

I don't understand where the ladies' team is headed.

It's really pissing me off.

We rock one dinner service, and then we're absolutely terrible the next dinner service.

We should be getting stronger, not getting worse.


This experience is definitely a wake-up call.

It was the fuel to the fire that I needed.

I'm coming back, and I'm coming back stronger.

(Gordon) Aziza has four kids at home.

I think they need her more than I do, unless of course, they're hungry.

[siren wailing]

(narrator) Next time on Hell's Kitchen Let me finish talking.


I'm not about to argue with you about it.

(narrator) You've seen Kimberly versus Shaina [bell dings]

Round one.

- I'm not gonna let you [bleep]


- Just leave me the [bleep]


'Cause I don't want you to get me to a place - Well, do something then.

- Where you don't want me to be.

(narrator) Now it's time I'm telling you, I'm pissed off.

(narrator) For round two.

[bell dings]

I'm not a conniving person.

I don't give a [bleep]


(narrator) And when Chef Ramsay's surprise Tonight, bring your A-game.

(narrator) Leaves all the chefs in awe (Koop) I'm taking the biggest chance doing this.

(narrator) Will Koop take himself out of the competition on purpose?
I am not wanting to be here anymore.

Oh, [bleep]


- Koop.

- Hey, look at me.

- Hey, Koop.

- Koop.

Hey, Koop.

(narrator) And will he ever wake up?
- Koop.

- Hey, Koop.

[voices echoing]

(narrator) Next time on an emotional Can you talk to me?
[siren wailing]

(narrator) And serious Koop?
(narrator) Episode of Hell's Kitchen.
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