03x06 - Warpath

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x06 - Warpath

Post by bunniefuu »



Bring here.

What is it now?

Want permission

to sh**t this pony soldier.


You and Wyatt Earp said

we could sh**t him

if Mr. Earp failed to come

with our money before sundown.

Sun not down yet.

We ponies, we keep our word.

Earp must keep his.

You sh**t me

and my friends will k*ll

every pony

found off the reservation.


We wait till dark.

If Earp not come by then

sh**t him.


♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

(male narrator)

Following the Custer Battle

in June of

the army organized a service

of security and information.

In frontier times, men used

the term Secret Service.

The main objective

of secret service officers

was to keep watch

on the various Indian tribes

to forestall an outbreak

by angry red men

smoldering under

the harsh injustices

of the Indian Agency System.

As marshal of Dodge City,

Wyatt Earp found himself

caught in the cold w*r

which could at any time erupt

in the shrieking of Indian

rebels on the warpath.


[man speaking foreign language]

Well, they must have been ponies

out of the Oklahoma territory.

They're pretty bad sh*ts

on horseback.

Say, I thought that Brave Bull

signed a treaty.

Oh, he did, but he can't

control Young Wolf.

Say, isn't that

a Buntline Special?

That's right, lieutenant.

It is.

Colt factory had a few made up

for Ned Buntline.

Maybe you're thinkin' of getting

a lot more of secret service.

It's a mighty fine g*n

especially at long range.

Of course, it's kinda

hard to conceal.

Well, the ponies have just

bought several hundred of these.

- Well, Colt only made a few.

- That's right, sir.

But some g*n peddlers are making

copies from the original.

And when Young Wolf and

his brave jump the reservation

they met the g*ng peddling

the imitation Buntline.

I thought you'd like to help us

track these counterfeiters down.

Well, you got any-any

kind of a line on them?

No, sir. I plan to ride

into the nations

and try to reach Brave Bull.

He's still top boss

of the ponies

and I don't think he approves of

Young Wolf going on warpath.


Of course I can't order you

to come with me

'but...you are Deputy

United States marshal and..'

You don't like the idea?

Lieutenant, how long have you

been on the West Point?

Oh, almost three years.

If you think I lack experience

in secret service work--

You sure do.

So do I, lieutenant Clark,

but what little I do know

about the Oklahoma territory

isn't good.

Now if those were ponies

who chased you into Dodge

I'm afraid you won't get past

their scouts along the border.

Now that, sir, is a risk

an army officer must take.

Why don't you stay here

until I get

further information

on the whole thing?

Sorry to have bothered you.

It would have been risky,

marshal Earp. Good day, sir.

[door closes]

He's gone. You can come in now.

Mr. Cousin, you and Mr. Brother

have been talking

about my Buntline Special.

We say buntline sh**t yard.

k*ll coyote on run.

- You say this to the pony?

- Not pony, no.

We say to Shayan.

Well, you talk too much

and in the wrong camp.

That young officer

that your pony brothers chased

to make a joke

may lose his scalp.

- Pony not hurt him, Mr. Earp.

- Yeah?

Well, he's riding south

to try and find Young Wolf.

[speaking foreign language]

[speaking foreign language]

- Young Wolf buy Buntline?

- Yeah.

Couple hundred of them

according to lieutenant Clark.

That makes me responsible.

I got to try and find Young Wolf

and the peddlers

who sold him the g*ns.

[speaking foreign language]

Young Wolf on warpath.

He's got crazy boys with him.

Well, he jumped the reservation,

but he's not on the warpath yet.

You sure?

Mr. Cousin, you and I

have been friends

too long to have

any twisted talk.

You know that Young Wolf

can't make a move

without Brave Bull

giving the word.

If you and Mr. Brother

are afraid of Young Wolf

I have to try

and locate him myself.

Young wolf bad man.

I tell Mr. Earp the truth.

We are afraid of him,

but we are your friends.

You not die alone, we die too.

Well, I'm not aiming to have

any deaths in the family.

And I'll tell you something.

I'm more scared

of the United States army

than I am of Young Wolf.

[speaking foreign language]

- You make joke?

- No.

Now the army's got a new

secret service. Scouts, spies.

They're brave but inexperienced

young men who think

that they can break up this

g*n-running business

by, well, posing as traders

like Mr. Clark did.

I will trail lieutenant Clark.

He won't find Young wolf

but...Young Wolf

will sure find him.


You Indian agent?

- No, I'm a trader.

- What you sell?

g*ns, cartridges. Whiskey.

You stand straight

like pony solder.

[speaking foreign language]

Ring on finger.

Where is ring?

I-I sold it.

Pony soldier officer!

I have seen them

wear ring like this.

He is spy for army.

sh**t him.


(Young Wolf)

White man, get off horse.

Shayan, move back.

I'm Marshal Wyatt Earp

of Dodge City.

Mr. Cousin of Brave Bear.

'Mr. Brother With Yellow Hand.'

No fight with Shayan.

What you want?

I'm looking for bad white man

who sold g*ns

to certain Indians. Like this.

Take g*n.

Give here.

Buntline Colt.

- Oh, you recognize it, huh?

- I see picture.

A white trader have picture.

- Did you buy any?

- No.

Young Wolf is lucky.

g*ns like that no good.

Cheap imitations.

Bad men make to cheat Indian.

Why you bother me

with this talk?

My Cheyenne friends will tell

you I do not like white men

who try to cheat Indian.

g*ns like that, no good.

They blow up, k*ll Indian.

You lie. Our g*ns

as good as this.


Our g*ns better.


I'll have to try and find some

bad Buntlines.

Maybe the Osage were stupid

and bought--

Quiet. I show you.

[speaking foreign language]

- White trader cheat Young Wolf?

- No.

Bring cartridges.

[speaking foreign language]

Good g*ns. Good cartridges.

k*ll coyote at yards.

Open the box.

[speaking foreign language]

You sh**t g*n.

Not in my hand.

Give me some rawhide.

[speaking foreign language]

- You play trick?

- No.

Just trying to save you from

gettin' your head blown off.

You think the g*n is so good

you try it.

No. You sh**t g*n.

[speaking foreign language]


[speaking foreign language]

The gunsmith

who put this together

didn't know how to ream

the barrel into the frame.

Maybe he didn't care.

Maybe he wanted you

and your men to get k*lled.

One bad g*n, rest are good.

All right, let's try

another one.

[speaking foreign language]

Young Wolf, you make big talk

about how good this g*n is.

- This time you sh**t.

- No. You sh**t.


[speaking foreign language]


[speaking foreign language]

The cylinder iron didn't line up

the chamber with the barrel.

The b*llet split. The side blast

knocked the loading gate

in your man's hand.

I will sh**t you

along with pony soldier.

Mr. Cousin, explain to Young

Wolf that sh**ting up people

isn't gonna help him

get his money back

from the man who cheated him.

[speaking foreign language]

Howdy, lieutenant.

You still have a g*n,

why don't you do something?

I never did figure

myself to be the equal

of twelve Indians

armed with Winchesters.

You take it easy.

We can talk our way out.

I'm an officer

of the second cavalry.

Yeah, it's a good outfit too.

Morris Robert Lee

used to be its colonel.

As far as Young wolf

is concerned

you're just a pony soldier

he caught spying on his camp.

Well, it's my duty

to try to escape.

Yeah, well, not right now.

Now the army can't use

any dead officers, you know?

Mr. Brother say Young Wolf



Lieutenant, they should have

taught you something

about Indians at West point.

As long as Indians talk,

no sh**t.

And I happen to know

Brave Bull.

Didn't you trade some of his

ponies for those fake Buntlines?


Now, I'm offering to arrest

the cheating peddlers

and get your money back.


Well, of course, maybe

Brave Bull has changed.

Well, maybe, he doesn't

mind being cheated.

Old chief Red is

devil about this.

Well, why don't you send

for Brave Bull

let him say whether he wants

to k*ll couple of white men

or whether he wants

the price of his ponies.

I will send for Brave Bull.

But you and Cheyenne and

pony soldier are prisoners.

Fair enough.

Mr. Brother and Mr. Cousin

will turn in the r*fles. Here.

I forget about this g*n.

Why you not sh**t me?

Because you got control

of your temper.

Talk like a sensible chief.

Stay that way, Young Wolf.


[horse neighing]

There's your judge

and jury, marshal.

You keep underestimating

Indians, lieutenant.

You could have made

a fight of it.

Oh, sure.

John Law, you come.


The marshal is right.

White man named

Gunham Doby

sell Young Wolf cheap g*ns.


He sells farm equipment

out of Dodge.

Also g*ns and whiskey.

Brave Bull, old man

I tell my young braves

stay on reservation.

We were wrong.

If you arrest bad white man

and give us back our money

we will return

to my father's camp.

- Good. It'll be done.

- Wait.

We hold until sun go down

second time.

'Pony soldiers

angered Young Wolf.'

They will not sh**t

while we have army officers

and Cheyenne scout.

You're giving me

until day after tomorrow?

That is right.

Brave Bull, I will need

Mr. Cousin and Mr. Brother.


They must try to buy g*ns

from Mr. Doby.

That way we will have evidence

to show our judge.


I can get into trouble

leaving the officer here.

- Brave Bull, I wish that--

- No!

Officer stay!

Talk is finish.


You two belong

to Arapaho or Sioux?

We Cheyenne.

Two Moon sent us.

Two Moon mark.

That's Cheyenne, alright.

Two Moon send you

here on business?

Two Moon wanna buy handgun.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Six time.

- Also wanna buy Winchester.

- How much money?

[speaking foreign language]

Well, you count.

It's not enough.

I've got lot of g*ns to sell.

I can't risk my neck

on a piddling deal.

We get more.

How much?

Five thousand dollars.

That will buy a hundred g*ns,

you tell Two Moon.

But he'll have to pick them up

at Stage Top Eleven.

First north of Dodge.

We tell Chief.

Be back tonight.

Through the back room.

I'll show you.

[speaking foreign language]

Alright. Move along.

Get the money!

You taking quite a chance,

ain't you, boss?

It's our last deal.

Two Moon will pay .

We make delivery, pocket

the dough, then ride south.

Not into pony country I hope.

You still don't get it, Pete.

Indians never fire new g*ns

until they meet the enemy.

Well, you've steered us right

so far.

Say, you better get started

packing all the g*ns on hand

I promised those Cheyennes

they'd be a hundred.

- Buntlines and Winchesters?

- Yeah.

There's not more

than all told.

That's near enough.

For them.


Now, as soon as Mr. Brother

and Mr. Cousin

hand the marked money

over to Gunham Doby

we'll set fire to the shack here

next to the warehouse.

Doby and his boys will try to

save those g*ns in the back room

that's where we'll take them.

There'll be

a lot of people.

But they all will be fighting

the fire in the street.

Any sh**ting will be done

in the alley.

We'll crash in the alley door.

[door opens]

Wyatt, this is Major Hendricks

of the Satan Cowboy.

- Howdy?

- Marshal Earp.

(Major Hendricks)

Where is lieutenant Clark?

Major, I had to leave him

with Brave Bull as a hostage.

- You did that?

- That's right.

Then I'll have to

arrest you, marshal.

How many soldiers

did you bring with you?

I don't need soldiers,

you're under arrest.

I'm sorry, sir.

Take his g*n.

You'll do time in federal prison

for this, Earp.

Yeah, I may at that.

I haven't got time to explain

this whole thing to you.

Will do at the warehouse.

Hal, take him into cell.

You sure, you can

pull this off, Wyatt?

Nothing's for certain,

Mr. Kelly.

Let's get going. Hal, you

and Brick catch up with us.


[knocking on door]

You were supposed to come

through the back room.

- Did you get ?

- Half.

Two Moon says he pay other half

when you deliver g*ns.


Count it out.

Five hundred.

Seven hundred. Hurry it up.

We ain't got all night.

(male # )

'Fire! Fire!'

The shack next door.

I gotta save those g*ns.

Alright. I'm gonna

clean out that safe.

And you Indians are

gonna get it.

Here we go.


I'll patch him up. Take

all the money out of the safe.

You dirty John Laws.

You k*lled Louie.

I can't take chances winging him

the way Wyatt does.

Here, put the cuffs

on him.

See you.

- How much do you figure?

- Enough to buy many ponies.

[knocking on door]

[speaking foreign language]

[Knocking continues]


'Wyatt, are you in there?'

'Open up.'

What are you trying to do?

Set the whole town on fire?

- Fire is out, isn't it?

- Well, almost.

Little thanks to you.

Why, Mr. Doby,

what you hurting about?

Peddling g*ns and whisky.

All prisoners taken care of,


Good. Take him along.

I gotta ride fast.

Hold on.

Where are you going?

To buy a man's life.

If I get there in time.

Well, what about

Major Hendricks?

Hold him for couple hours,

then let him go.

Maybe he can try me

for treason later.


Tie to post.


- What is this?

- The sun is down.

And marshal Earp has not

brought back our money.

No. Tell him to wait.

But the sun is down.

Earp agreed if he didn't come--

Sun not all way down.

Tell him to wait.

[speaking foreign language]

You're too much hurry

to k*ll soldier.

Marshal Earp says sunset.

Sun all way down.

We wait.

When we k*ll pony soldier,

we must all go on warpath.


All pony tribe.

Sun is down.

Tell him to sh**t.


Here's your money.

Count it.

I guess I should make

a speech of thanks.

Save it.

Climb on your horse.

I'll cover you.

Go on.

You'll keep your word.

We keep ours.

Alright. But take your young

men back to the reservation.

Unless you do that, I'll be

after you with many soldiers.

If there has to be a fight,

you will die first.

And then Young Wolf.

No fight.


Send them away.

[speaking foreign language]

How much?

A hundred ponies.

Maybe more.

Pay me.

Mr. Earp..

...I've been a fool.

Yes, sir.

But don't tell that to the army.

Never admit you're wrong,

and you'll be a colonel someday.


[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it,

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold.

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪
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