03x08 - Little p*stol

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x08 - Little p*stol

Post by bunniefuu »



[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]


♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪


(male narrator)

Story of Susan Leonard, the

child known as Little p*stol

is a part of a legend

of western folkore.

Except for the intervention

of Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday

Susan might have vanished

into a nameless grave.

As it happened, Little p*stol

became the central character

of an episode which started

tongues waging

from Dodge to

the New Mexico border.

Gossip established

Susan Leonard

as the first female outlaw

in the western country.

But the truth

about Little p*stol

as truth often turns out to be

was stranger than any fiction.

Oh, thank you.

Well, some favor

Prairie chicken

but give me Bobwhite

quail and toast.

It's a handsome spread,

Ms. Kate.

Thanks, Wyatt.

John dear, you need

good nourishing food.

I have it, Katie.

The very essence of corn

dissolved in alcohol.


They're robbing my place.

Where is my g*n?

[glass shattering]

sh**t, Wyatt.


No, there are too many people.

Wyatt, John, the dinner.

You're talking of dinner

when I'm being robbed.

[indistinct chatter]

The drawer's clean.

How much was in it?

About , , Doc.

Alright, this one is dead.

Take him over to Dr. McCarty.

(male # )

Come on, get up.

- You recognize any of them?

- No, Marshal.

They had masks with

eye holes cut in them.

Quit jabbering.

They haven't got much of

a start, we can catch them.

- Take care of the body.

- 'Okay, boys, let's go.'


Over there.

Must be them.

, dollars

and my best faro dealer.

Wait a minute, Doc.

I know how you feel,

but let's not rush into things.

Wyatt, this isn't John Law

business, it's personal.

And what about your horse?

Old Loco enjoys living,

you know.

Let's make this fight

on foot.

Why do you always

have to be right?

It ain't your money, it ain't

your best faro dealer.

You can afford to remain

calm, cool, and collected.

Alright, General Custer,

I'll await your orders.

Well, we can't cut them off

and run him

but we can try

and outthink them.

I hope they're

cooking breakfast.




Give me that.

Doc, give me a hand.

That's a girl.

Take her coat off her arms.

Stand still you little brat.

Put your arm down.

- Stand still, honey.

- Put it down.

We're not gonna hurt you.

Now, just stand still.

The b*llet

just nicked it.

Give me this.

- What's your name, sis?

- Little p*stol.

- We need your real name.

- Won't tell you nothing.

- Take it easy, honey.

- You little brat.

- You oughta have a spanking.

- You give me back my p*stol.

Not until

your bandage's tied.

We're wasting time, Wyatt.

We could overtake those fellows.

Nothing bushwhacking.

I wanna ask her a few questions.

I want my p*stol,

you give me back my p*stol.


Hey, you're unloading it.

What d'you expect him to do?

Let you sh**t us?

You take her, Wyatt.

I'm going after my money.

Wait a minute, Doc.


Look, there's no sense

in cold trailing it alone.

Besides, I think

she'll talk.

That little wild cat.

Stop her. Wyatt, she took those

cartridges from the pocket.

Hold still,

you little brat.

We better take

all her clothes off.

I'll just take her g*n.

Now, you had your chance

to behave.

I hate you.

I'll k*ll you both.

She oughta have

her breeches warmed.

Alright, you spank her.

No, you do it.

I'm so mad, I might

raise blisters.

You must be hungry,

come on.


- Dodge City.

- No.

Alright, suit yourself.

I want my p*stol.

You give me back my p*stol.

You stop that.

The next time you touch that g*n

I'm gonna leave you right here.

- Wasn't touching it.

- Yes, you were.

Little girls like you got

no business with g*ns.

- You've nothing to be afraid.

- I'm not afraid.

Well, everybody

is scared of something.

Are you really Wyatt Earp

and is he really Doc Holliday?

- That's right.

- You're fast g*ns.

- Now, who told you that?

- They..


- Who's they?

- Nobody.


I told you to sh**t her, Rocky.

It's too hard in here, boss.

I did take a crack at her,

but guess I missed.

Well, I don't think

she'll talk but she might.

We'll have to ride back

into Dodge tonight.

Now, scrub hard, child.

Then we'll get dressed

in these nice clean clothes.

- Isn't this a pretty dress?

- No, I want my old clothes.

Oh, no, you don't.

They're filthy.

Wyatt will like you much better

in decent little girls clothes.

He likes you.

Don't you like him?

No, he took my g*n.

Oh, little girls don't go

around carrying g*ns

and trying to sh**t people.

Now...come on.

We'll get all nice and dry.

If I wear the clothes,

can I go see Mr. Earp?

No, Wyatt is too busy

in his office.

Then I'll tear up the clothes

I'll tear them up right now.

No, no. Alright,

you can see Wyatt.

Well, put your mind to it, Doc.

You used to handle kids when

you were practicing dentistry.

How did you, uh, how did you

gain their confidence?

I didn't. I used to have

their parents hold them

while I shoved the wodden

block in their mouths

so they wouldn't bite.

- Then I yanked the tooth.

- Yeah, well, that's no good.

Wyatt, you leave

the obvious

Maybe our Little p*stol

belonged to one of the g*ng.

Maybe, she was kidnapped.

At any rate, we've got

a scared youngster on our hands.

We still gotta try

and gain her confidence

and make her talk.

She probably could name every

man in that bunch if she wanted.

Perhaps, they'll

come back for her.


Wyatt, she's a deadly witness.

Maybe they'll kidnap her

or even k*ll her.

You say that

mighty offhanded.

I don't expend sentiment

I can't afford, Marshal.

If we had left her,

like I wanted

we could have caught up

with those hoodlums.

Now, where are we?

'Or to put it bluntly,

where's my money?'

You cherish Little p*stol,

I don't like brats.

You go away,

I came to see Mr. Earp.


How can he be such a fast g*n

if he drink so much?

Well, liquor doesn't

seem to affect him

What a pretty little gal.

- New clothes, huh?

- Stop it!

I want my g*n

and I want the b*ll*ts.

Oh, well, then you

gonna have to trade.

For what?

You answer some questions

and I'll return the g*n.

What questions?

We'll start with

what's your name?

I told you.

It's Little p*stol.

- Well, you have another name.

- No. Just Little p*stol.

Alright, then who were

those men you were with

Can't tell ya?

- Why not?

- They'll get me.

Doc Holliday and I are

guarding you day and night.

That's pretty fast.

They'll come at night

and you won't be around.

Well, you can stay here

with me during the day and..

...and at night you can stay

with Doctor and Mrs. Holliday.

No! I wanna stay

with you all the time.

I don't like Mrs. Holliday.

She talks too much.

She reminds me of my..

Can I stay with you, mister,

all the time?

Well, I tell you what,

why don't I..

I-I'll move in with

Doctor and Mrs. Holliday

and you could stay

with us all.

- How about that, huh?

- No! You just want me to tell.

Then you'll send me to

the orphan's home or some place.

- Orphan's home? Your folks--

- You're not getting me to talk.

Wait a minute. I gotta catch the

outlaws and put 'em in jail

and then they won't

bother you, understand?

In order for me to do that, you

gotta tell me who they are.

- You understand that?

- Well..

- I'll think about it.

- Good.

Now, I gotta go out

and patrol

and you can walk

right along with me.

- I'll tell you one name. Susan.

- Susan. And who's that?

- That's me!

- Oh!

Susan, huh?

Well, I like Susan.

That's a mighty pretty name.

Thank you.

You better not try it.

It's a little too risky.

We'll camp outside Dodge

and try to get him tomorow.

I didn't spot

any strangers around.

Wyatt, why don't you

turn in on the sofa?

- Oh, you take a rest.

- I don't sleep much.

If I doze off,

Katie will spell me.

They're not likely

to come around here.



Where are you?

Indians, Apaches..

Don't k*ll me, please.

Oh, don't k*ll me.


You'll be alright, sis.

Take it easy, darling.

Lay back down.

- Doc and I are--

- Gentlemen, what is it?

- Just take it easy.

- Kid had a nightmare.

- That's it, darling.

- Oh, poor baby.

Perhaps, if we gave her

a little soothing syrup.

My tooth, it aches.

It aches so awful.

- Right here.

- I'll have a look.

Katie, bring

that lamp down.

No, it'll hurt worse.

- Wyatt, you better hold her.

- Yeah.

Now, open your

mouth wide, honey.

- I wanna get a look.

- No, I wan't Mr. Earp to look.

Alright, honey, you come up here

and open your mouth wide

and I'll take a look, huh?

That's it.

You're a good girl, sis.

You can close your mouth now.

It still hurts.

Alright, Mrs. Holliday will

give you some medicine.

Come on, Wyatt.

You go to sleep, honey.

- Where you going?

- Outside, in the hall.

- We'll leave the door open.

- Be right back.

Pain will be gone quicker

than a wink, dear.

'I'll pour a teaspoonful

of this thing.'

'You gulp it right down.'

She's got a couple of

impacted right upper molars.

Would you be kind enough

to ask Dr. McCarthy

if he's got

any nitrous oxide.

Nitrous oxide?

'There! Now drink

some water, honey.'

Dr. McCarthy'll

know what it is.

Did you ever hear

a woman talk so much?

Hey, are you sure this new

gas thing in the jig is safe?

I didn't give her much.

It's to stop her talking,

the main idea.

Nitrous oxide does that?


Occasionally, it makes them

giggle or talk silly.

Well, you take rest, Doc.

Ms Kate and I will watch her.

Alright, Wyatt.


Yes, baby.


- Wyatt?

- Hm?

- Think she's coming out of it.

- Yeah.

Don't sh**t at them.

Wait...the soldiers.

Yes, I will hide

in the barn, mommy.

'I'll stay there until..'

Susie, Susie.

What happened after you

hid in the barn, huh?

Barn? I didn't stay there.

I got scared.

Apaches all around the house.

I ran into the bushes.

They caught me.

One-Eye Milburn.

One-Eye Milburn.

They gave me to

One-Eye Milburn.

Don't k*ll me.

Please don't k*ll me.

'Don't k*ll me..'

Susan, Susan, honey, wake up.

I'm awake, Mr. Earp.

- Now, what's your name, huh?

- Susan Leonard.

- And where do you live?

- Copperspring.

It's in New Mexico.

I'm sleepy.

I'm sleepy, yeah.

Goodnight sweetheart.

Is that the truth

or just babbling?

I think it's the truth.

Look, if she wakes up

again, you call Doc.

I need to go to

the telegraph office.

They're mixed up with

that Santa Fe depot.

Via that fort

at New Mexico.

This comes from

Prescot, Arizona.

Well, army commands

move around, Hal.

Apache attack at Coppersprings.

One-Eye Milburn believed

to have ridden with Indians.

You stay here and

watch the office.

- I'll be at the Dodge House.

- Right.

Well, how's the little patient

this morning, huh?

- Pulse normal, Wyatt.

- I'm mad at you.

Why didn't you stay here

all night, like you promised?

Well, there were big dunes last

night, Susan. Don't you


Yeah. Doc Holliday pulled out

two of my teeth. See.


Well, those are mighty

horrible looking wounds.

Does it hurt, huh?


- What?

- I'm in agony.

- Oh.

- Now, Susan.

- Go on, eat all your oatmeal.

- Ow.

- Katie, I said lukewarm.

- She burned me.

Here, I'll go and cool it.

I'll put it in

the ice box, John?

Katie, all you have to do

is pour cold milk on it.

Get that maid up here, this

place looks like a pigpen.

Right away, John.


...Katie said that Suisun got

caught in an Indian fight.

Yeah, she did

a lot of talking.

- Who talked?

- You did.

I did not. I don't remember

saying one word.

Yeah, well, I remember.

Let's see, you're

Susan Leonard

and you're from

Coppersprings, New Mexico.

- I told you that?

- Yep.

You also told me that

the Apaches captured you

and turned you over to a

white renegade named

of One-Eye Milburn.

It's all a lie, a big lie.

I think Milburn's our man,

but what I can't figure out

is why he'd want

to keep Susan alive.

- You want to tell us that?

- The other men wouldn't let..

I'm not talking.

Wyatt, did you check this

out with the army?

Yeah, there was an Apache attack

in Coppersprings alright.

Milburn's believed to have

ridden with the Indians.

Any line on where

he might be?

No, but I'm gonna wire

all the sheriffs

between here and

the New Mexico line.

Susie, did one-eye Milburn

wear a patch over his eye?

I won't tell you nothing.

Then let's make a deal.

You describe Mr. Milburn and

I'll give you your g*n.


Maybe we oughta give Susan

some more gas.

I think it will be

a very good idea.

Shame on you, Wyatt.

That stuff is dangerous.

Have you no pity in your heart

for this child?

None at all. It wouldn't work

a second time.

- They want me to depend on 'em.

- Oh, my poor baby.

Oh, Katie

and her maternal mood.

Wyatt, let's do our

detective work at the bar.

'You drink too much.'

And you're nothing but

a big old John Law

trying to get me

in trouble.

That's right, dear.

Don't trust any man.

- Now, wait a minute, I tried--

- Wyatt, don't apologize.

You're nothing but

a sassy little snip

and Kate you're nothing

but a sentimental idiot.

Come on Wyatt.

I see through you both now.

Ms. Kate is my only friend.

Now, remember, we ride straight

up to the hotel.

Rocky and me will go inside

and attend to the kid.

And we will blast our way out

if we have to.

I don't like it, boss.

Earp and Holliday can do

some blasting too.

That's fine with me if

you wanna go on the run

with a m*rder and kidnapping

charge against us.

That kid's the only one

that can identify us.

I wanted to get rid

of her days ago

but I let you

talk me out of it.

Now all in favor of taking

my advice say so.


We're all in.

- Let's go.

- Alright.

I'm a mighty worried.

Well, there's no need to be.

Milburn's easy to spot.

I'll spread this telegram around

and there'll be a posse

and soldiers on his tail.

It's not Milburn.

It's Katie, she wants

to adopt Susan.

- What?

- Impudent, sassy little brat.

I'd spank her three times a day

if I had to go to court for it.

Besides, there's

the element of contagion.


Wyatt, I'm gonna put my

foot down hard with Katie.

I want you to back me up.

Alright. Now, there's some doubt

that Susan is an orphan.

- What?

- Apaches att*cked settlement.

Her mummy and daddy sent her

into the barn to hide

but ran off

in the brush somewhere.

- It's just possible--

- Nonsense.

They are dead,

both of them.

Don't you go upsetting Katie

with thatkind of talk, Wyatt.

I just thought you said--

I said it and I mean

every word of it.

Ms. Kate shouldn't go

getting her heart set--

Wyatt, it's her heart.

It's not yours.

- Now where you going?

- To the telegraph office.

Now, you take care of Susan,

Papa Holliday.


You got a little girl of

about years old living here.

- You're lying.

- He's lying, Milburn.

Hey, it's the kid.

Let's get her, boys.

One-Eye Milburn,

he's after me.

No, he's not, Susie.

Doc Holliday and I dropped

him allover the street.

Is One-Eye dead?

If he's not, he's sure

gonna wish he was.

Now this telegram just came.

Looks like your prayers

have been answered.

Mommy and daddy are alive.

But I didn't pray for it.

I guess I'm wicked.

I was sure I'd never see

mommy and daddy again

so-so I prayed

for something else.

Oh, what was that?

Well...I prayed that

you give me back my g*n

then I prayed that I grow up

and be one of your deputies

and live with you.

Is what awful wicked?

Well, Susie, an arrangement

like that can be sinful

but the good Lord saved you.

[Ken Darby singing

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of Wyatt,

forever will live on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous, and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪
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