03x11 - Fortitude

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x11 - Fortitude

Post by bunniefuu »

The life and legend

Of wyatt earp




All about wyatt earp

And the

Cattlemen's convention!

Boy, over here.

Here you are.

I'll take all of them.

Gosh, thanks!

( Chuckling )

Read this on page one...

"Marshal wyatt earp

Has been invited to speak

To the cattlemen's convention

At the opera house."

( Chuckling )

How's that for a trap?

If earp doesn't show up,

He's yellow;

If he tries to make

A speech, he's dead.

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


"The life and legend

Of wyatt earp"...

Wyatt earp: the long feud

Between texas cattlemen

And the frontier

Kansas cow towns

Was a projection

Of civil w*r bitterness.

The cattlemen hated wyatt earp

Because he was a yankee

From illinois

And because he was trying

To tame dodge city,

The cowboy capital.

And of all the schemes

To get rid of marshal earp,

The one cooked up by lon ashby

Was the most subtle and deadly.

( Indistinct chatter )

Talk up, gertie.

What's the pitch?

Where's the money?

Explain a little first.

Well, you and doc

Like wyatt earp,

Don't you?

Well, lon ashby

And some of the cattlemen

Are digging his grave.

What do you mean?

Like I said,

It oughta be worth ,

What I know.

All right.

Half in advance.

The other half

If it looks honest.

They're planning

To k*ll earp.



Paid g*ns...

Dressed to look

Like ranchers.


During the convention.

They figure earp

Will visit the opera house.

Just to see nobody's

Packing a g*n, you know?

They get him inside, see?

Then they cut loose.

But with men inside,

Who can pick out the K*llers?

Pretty crooked poker,

Isn't it?

Who told you?

Oh, well,

A gentleman friend of mine.

I gotta respect

His confidence.

All right.

Here's the other .

Your place clears

, A night

When good spenders

Are in town.

Why do you take

This chance for ?

( Chuckles )

Well, let's just say

I worship mr. Earp...

From afar.

Thanks, gertie.

Don't mention it.

I don't like it, wyatt.

Cheer up, hal.

Maybe it'll be

A quiet convention.

- Yeah, they're acting

Too quiet.

- Yeah.

We went through

Four saloons

And the hotel bar.

You never got cussed

One time.

You know, if it's

All right with you,

I'll make a tour

Below the line.

Maybe somebody

Will tip me off.


Why not, wyatt?

Because, hal,

These aren't cowhands.

They each own spreads

Up to , head apiece.

They all started from scratch

After the w*r,

And I don't any cattlemen

To think that

I'm a yankee so-and-so

That's envious of

His success.

Well, they'll still

Hate you.


But I can't do much

About that except

To show 'em that

I don't hate them.

And if you won't

Talk to wyatt,

Then it's up to me.

Katie, the deacon's

Got more sense

Than to walk into

A convention hall


With cattlemen.

And, oh,

I wouldn't do it.

Oh, yes, you would.

If you thought somebody

Was aiming a g*n at you.

But wyatt isn't like you.

He enjoys life.

It's an odd taste.

And he likes

And trusts people.

I've spoken to him

Rather sharply

About that.

You are in a bad mood.

Well, maybe wyatt

Will listen to me.

And believe me.


He might

Believe you, katie,

But he couldn't believe

That texans could be

So sneaky.

You send him a note,


I'll do my best

To disillusion

Mr. Earp.

I want the deacon

To come to me.

I'd sure like to know

Who's responsible

For this opera house


Quite a test of courage.

Imagine walking in there...

To spot a k*ller

As he draws.


Aren't you going

To tell wyatt?

Or are you going

To encourage him

To throw his life away

For what you men

Call bravery?

I'll tell him

What gertie said.

The rest is up to him.

If anything happens

To wyatt, I'll leave you



I couldn't buy my freedom

With another man's life.

Go send that note!

I want you men to

Understand the whole setup.

You'll get only one chance,

And I don't pay off

For bungling.

Now there are just

Four ways that earp

Can poke his nose in here.

- Allen?

- Yeah?

You sit back there

And watch the main door.

Curly, you sit

Over here on the side

And watch

The side entrance.

Spence, regan,

You sit down here in front

And watch the two side

Entrances to the stage.

Now remember:

Only a few

Of the delegates

Know about this.

You'll leave your horses

Out in the alley.

I'm counting on the surprise

And general confusion.

And no matter which one

Drops earp,

I expect the other three

To stand off his deputies.

I want you all

Out of town in five minutes.

I don't see how

It can miss, lon.

It better not miss.

If it does,

You'll be fighting earp,

Masterson and his deputies

All the way to texas.

Now let's take a look

At this floor.

That's katie's story.

And the convention

Opens tonight.

It's quite a temptation.

To do what?

To walk in there

Like they expect.

Don't be a fool.

You wouldn't even get

A fair shot.

( Sighs ) no.

Probably hit some

Poor cattleman

Who didn't know

Anything about it.

Well, you thank

Miss kate for the tip.

Now wait a minute.

If you'd hold off

A bit,

I'll go in with you

If I'm feeling a

Mite better.

Oh, I thought you were

A southerner, sir.

I am, sir.

From valdosta, georgia.

There are a few texans

I don't like.

Well, I heard that,

But, uh,

I never did hear why.

I'll tell you why.

They had a general

By the name of hood,

Who went rampaging

Up near tennessee

And let sherman

Take atlanta.

There was some who bragged

That if hood had been

At lee's place,

We would have won the w*r.

I've k*lled a few

Who argued that way.


Wait till tomorrow,

Will you?

Imagine ambushing a man

In a theater.

Every real texan

Will pay us

Head bounty

On those scoundrels.

Well, you let me

Handle this, huh?

You going in there?

No, sir.

You're not scared

To go in there?

My common sense tells me

It'd be just like you said--

The fool's way.

The idea fascinates me.

You get it

Out of your head.

You lie back and rest,

And I'll let you know

How the sensible plan

Works out.

Wait a minute.

Earp's been tipped off.

Think you can take him

Out here?

Too many in the way.

We'll try to sneak in

By the side door.

All right.

You gentlemen

Check your g*ns?

Why, sure.


We came to this convention

To talk about the hoof

And mouth disease.

You got it, earp?

Hal, you--


Lift 'em fast.

Take 'em!

Billy, get back there

And watch those other men.

( Men groaning )

This is allen, curly.

Who are these other two?

This is a gunslinger

With the name of pete spence.

I never saw him before.

Doc mccarty will

Have to patch them up.

Hold it, mister!

Why didn't you go along

With your friends?

I don't know

What you're talking about.

Marshal earp,

This is lon ashby,

Vice president

Of our association.

I don't care

Who he is!

Are you trying

To accuse me of--

Now you go hire

Some more g*ns.

You've got

The wrong man.


You oughta apologize.

- Mister--

- Shut up!

I do no apologizing.

Now you rig a smarter

Deal next time.

( Indistinct chatter )

Ah, the marshal mistook

Me for someone else.

I'm gonna tell

Mayor kelly about this.

Bill, give us a hand.

Take 'em over

To the doc's, let's go.

( Moaning )

Oh, my knee!



You didn't go inside,

Did you?

No, they jumped us

Right out here.

Stupidest stunt

I ever saw.

Who rigged it?

Lon ashby, I think.

I know ashby.

It doesn't sound

Like him.

Well, I might be mistaken.

He's a pretty smart man.

Something must have

Gone wrong.

What did you do?

Well, we were frisking

All the delegates

For their g*ns

At the door.

That's what went wrong.

( Coughing )

You oughta be in bed, doc.

Yeah, I know.

But I don't think

You've heard the end

Of this ashby situation.

You don't think

They'll try that again?

Wyatt, how would you like

To endanger your immortal soul

By making a small bet?

This idea is too good

For ashby to quit on.

Well, I'll risk, uh--

I'll risk betting you

A dollar.

And your life?

Next time they'll

Hide those g*ns in there.

And they'll actually

Pressure you into

Going in after them.

You must be a mite drunk.

No, I'm not drunk, wyatt,

But I must say that

This scheme fascinated me

Ever since katie first

Told me about it.

It shows imagination.

It's a perfect trap

If ashby handles it right

The next time.

Yeah, well, there's one thing

You're forgetting.

You know I don't have

To walk into that opera house.

You'll have to,


Just wait.

( Coughing )

I'll walk you back

To the hotel.


Mr. Mayor.

Have you seen "the globe"?

- No, sir.

- Well, take a look

At the front page.

"Cattlemen invite earp

To address convention.

Lon ashby pleads

For better understanding.

Action follows gunfight

At opera house."


Why don't they just have me

Stand out in front street,

Put an apple on my head

And no g*ns?

You think it's a trap?

( Chuckling )

Mr. Kelly,

Four men cut loose

At my deputies and me

In front of the theater.

Now-- now what do you think

Would happen if they lured

Us inside?

Hang it all!

You realize what

This does to us?

This makes

The cattlemen heroes--

Big-hearted, generous,


They invite you

To speak to 'em.

Sure. Some gunslinger

Takes careful aim

In the audience.

Mr. Kelly, I'd be an idiot

To go in there.

Ashby's outsmarted us.

Let him crow.

This time I don't

Wanna be brave.

Wyatt, the man from

"The globe" is here.

I told him

To wait outside.

You were busy

With the mayor.

He wants

An interview.

All right,

I'll see him.

Well, I'm gone.

I'd lose my temper.

Come in, sir.

- Marshal earp?

- Mm-hmm.

I'm clinton collins

Of "the globe."

Assistant city editor.

Well, globe's getting

To be quite a paper.

- Sit down, sir.

- Thank you.

Uh, can I get you

A cup of coffee?

No, thank you.

Now mr. Collins,

What can I do for you?

Um, well, I suppose

You read our story

About the convention.


Are you gonna make

A speech to the cattlemen?

No, mr. Collins, I'm not.

Well, why is that, sir?

Well, to to be frank

About it,

I, uh-- I think

It'd be waste a time.

You see, those fellas

Know more about ranching

And cattle than I do.

But mr. Ashby said--

I was given to understand

That this was to be

Sort of a peace meeting

Between you

And the cattlemen.

There's nothing

To make peace about.

Well, I thought there'd been

Rather strained relations

Between the marshal's office

And the ranchers.

Well, when they get

Too drunk

They carry g*ns

North of the line

While we arrest them,

But that's nothing personal.

We-- well, we arrest

Anybody who breaks the law.

Well, don't you think

Your refusal is a snub

To the cattlemen's association?

No, sir, I don't.

I have the greatest admiration

And respect for cowhands

And their employers.

And, uh, you can quote me

As saying that.


Here's a pencil.

Thank you.

Uh, anything else?

No, sir.

Uh, marshal earp?

Yes, sir?

Well, last night there

Was a sh**ting affray

In which you and your

Deputies wounded

Four men.

Would that have anything

To do with your decision

Not to appear

Before the convention?

No, mr. Collins.

You just tell your readers

That I have nothing

To say to the, uh, cattlemen

That they don't

Already know.


Thanks, marshal.

Not at all.

Always glad

To be of help.

( Coughing )

John, now

What's the matter?

That slicker ashby

Invited wyatt

To address the convention.


Don't let it get you

All upset.

You had a bad night.

( Chuckles )

They'll never fool wyatt

With that trick.

Take that stuff out of here!

I want my regular breakfast.

Now john, you drank

A pint of whiskey

Before you finally

Went to sleep.

Get it out of here.

There's a fresh bottle

On the closet shelf.

I still don't see why

You're all upset.

Wyatt'll simply tell him

That he's too busy to be

Making speeches.

( Grunts )

And what'll them

Imitation texans

Say about wyatt?!

They'll say that he

Let them run it over him.

That's what they'll say!

Now john,

You stay in bed!

- Get me my bottle.

- I will not.

All right, then I'll

Get it myself.

Why don't you let

Ashby brag?

What's the difference?

What's the difference?!

The difference is

Wyatt earp

Never backed out

Of a fight in his life

And neither have i.

You think it's brave

To walk into a trap?

Well, let me tell you

It's a lot braver to

Stay out of a trap.

Oh, trap trap trap!

Yap yap yap!

You wanna bet?

Bet on what?!

$ Even money

That wyatt turns

That invitation


Where'd you get $ ?


At the alhambra.

Here. Cover it.

In cash.

What kind of a husband

Do you take me for?

Taking my wife

For a sucker bet.

Where's my g*n?

Now john,

You're too weak

To hold a g*n.

Oh, you most likely put it

In that drawer as usual.

This isn't your fight.

Why are you horning in?

Unless I can get ashby

To withdraw that invitation,

I don't know what

I'll do.

I'll just make him do it!

I'll make him withdraw it!

- In "the globe,"

In the public!

- Why?!

I just finished

Offering you a bet

That wyatt won't even

Show up at that place.


Katie, I know wyatt

Much better than you do.

If I don't call off

This ashby,

Wyatt will walk in there

With a g*n.

Wait a minute.

Here's your tie.

Thank you!

- Good morning, judge.

- Good morning.

Go check

The freight ship.

You talk to wyatt

About this?

He says he won't

Go along with

The play.

But he told the reporter

From "the globe."

I've just come from there.

Mr. Lawson's agreed

To hold up the statement.

Wyatt says they'll g*n him

Right on the platform.

I just talked to

Rance turner and tom reeves

And john willoughby.

They got real hostile

When I questioned

The motives

Of the cattlemen.

Wyatt thinks

Lon ashby rigged it.

What if he's wrong?

It's a tough corner, judge.

The committee's asked me

To appear with wyatt

And introduce him.

It doesn't seem logical

That they'd be planning

An assassination,

- Does it?

- No.

I don't like to ask wyatt

To go against

His better judgment,

But on the other hand,

We can't insult

The town's best customers,

- Can we?

- Not only that,

If wyatt don't show,

Word will go around he's scared.

We got the cowboys

In pretty good order right now.

But if they get

The idea that--

If there's any trouble

I'll be right there

Alongside him.

True enough.

But a crack shot

Could get him

And not touch you.

Just doesn't seem

Like wyatt.

You suppose the job

Is breaking his nerve?

I do not!

Why, I think he's scared

Of risking gunplay

In a crowded hall.

Well, I don't agree

That there is much risk.

And I think you oughta

Ask him to appear.

That'll be an order,

But I can't do that.


I suppose he'd have

The same viewpoint

If I asked him.


Now, you better hide

All five g*ns in the floor

Just in case we need any,

Then slip out the back way.

That oughta do it.

Let's go.


You carrying a g*n?

Why, no, doc.

I heard you weren't

Feeling too well.

Lift 'em.

Oh, I'm lon ashby.

Don't you remember me?

Fort worth, san anton--

I remember.

Let's go.

You're joking, doc.

We were always friendly.


It's your joke, lon.

You invited wyatt earp

To make a speech to

That convention.

Oh, that.

I was only teasing earp.

You're a liar.

All right.

I'll withdraw

The invitation.

You come along to

"The globe" with me,

And I'll explain

The whole business in print.

Wait a minute.

Now what are you

Gonna explain in print?

Doc thought our invitation

Might embarrass you,

So I agreed to go

To "the globe" and tell them

The whole matter

Was a joke.

You have a loyal friend

In doc.

Don't believe him, wyatt.

He's just trying--

It's my trouble.

Thank you just the same.

Mr. Ashby, I told

The "globe" reporter

That I wouldn't be

Coming to your meeting.

But I've changed my mind.


What time may we

Expect you, sir?

Anytime you say.

How about : ?

I'll schedule

Your speech first.

Oh, what will your

Subject matter be, marshal earp?

I think I'll talk

About some illegitimate

Cattlemen I've known.

Very good.

That should wake them up.

See you at : .

I spring the trap

And you set it again.

I thought you

Enjoyed living.

Doc, you're under arrest.

$ Fine at the jail.

Come on.

You're a fool.

In an hour or so,

You'll be a dead fool.

I had it all settled.

I was willing to let 'em

Brag that they ran it

Over me,

But I don't have

To hire you or

Anybody else.

Threatening ashby

With a g*n.

I suppose if I hadn't

Come along, you would

Have marched him right over

To the "globe" office, huh?

Now what do you

Take me for?

A stiff neck idiot.

You go on back

To the hotel

And go to bed

Where you belong.

( Laughing )

Now what's funny?

My intuition.

I told you last night that ashby

Would pressure us into this.

Not us. Me.

I owe you a dollar.

I'll pay you later.

I'll take it out

Of this, wyatt.

All right.

You know he'll have

Men there to blast us.

- You know that, don't you?

- Maybe not.

Maybe it's a bluff.

You see, you do

Wanna live, don't you?

( Coughing )

I don't care.

Te morituri

Salutamus, caesarum.

Doc, you stay out

Of this.

I'm impounding your g*n.

( g*n clatters )

You go on to bed.

You look beat.

How do you feel?


What? No heroic speech

Before they cut you down?

Would you get out

Of here?

You know, wyatt,

You're not so brave.

There's no imagination.

( Opens door )

So long, wyatt.


I don't know

Nothing more,

Mrs. Holliday.

Like fun you don't!

Where's john?

And where's wyatt?!

- Talk!

- ( Whimpering )

Mr. Earp went

To the opera house.

He fell

For their invitation?


Lon ashby suckered him

Into making a speech.

Did john go with him?!

( Breathlessly )


Brave men.

A couple of

Stupid brats!

Thank you.

Thank you, gentlemen

Of the cattlemen's convention.

This afternoon,

We have invited

Marshal wyatt earp

To speak to us.

( Scattered applause )

We've extended

This invitation

To the marshal

As a gesture

Of good will.

Because we feel

There should be no more


Between us and marshal earp.

The association

Is greatly honored

That the marshal

Has consented to appear here

This afternoon.

But before turning

The meeting over to him,

I should like to remind you

That we have many things

On the docket--

Oh... My, uh,

Good ol' friend

Dr. John h. Holliday.

( Indistinct murmuring )

Go ahead, lon.

Well, as I was saying--

Anybody who moves

Gets it!

Most of you

Are honest men.

Grab anybody

With a g*n!

Sit down, katie.


Now you listen to me.

The whole caboodle

Of you are cowards!

Wyatt came here because

He was afraid of being

Called afraid.

My husband came here

Because he wanted to

Slink out of life.

And don't let me hear

Any bragging from

The rest of you.

The ones that didn't know

This was a bushwhacking party

Didn't have the nerve

To kick lon ashby out

On general principles.

You make me sick!

All of you!

( Men murmuring )

( Coughing )

Wyatt, wait.

I gotta have a drink.

- Medicine.

- Oh, no.

You go on home

To miss kate.

Oh, no.

You come with me.

All right.

This is really

Gonna take courage.


♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪
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