03x28 - Big Brother Virgil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x28 - Big Brother Virgil

Post by bunniefuu »

The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

Announcer: wyatt earp

Had four brothers.

His younger brother morgan

And older brother virgil

Were now to play more active

Roles in his life.

Later in tombstone,

They fought side by side

Against hoodlums who

Called themselves cowboys.

But to virgil earp,

Wyatt was just

His younger brother

Who had to be protected

From bad men and bad women.

And larry's family

Doesn't approve of me.

They wouldn't approve

Of any divorcee.

A grass widow just

Naturally has to be

A moral.

That's old-fashioned.

The divorce

Wasn't your fault.

Your husband

Was a drunkard

And he deserted you.

All that happened

Back in illinois

Years ago,

It seems like.

You've told all this

To larry herrick, haven't you?

Of course.

And I think he believes me.

But his family doesn't.

I can just hear

His mother talk.

( Mocking )

She's just susan dodd

From little ol'

Monmouth, illinois.

A nobody from nowhere.

Well, they better not

Let me hear them say that.

Us earps are from monmouth

Too, you know?

Look, if larry's family

Is gonna give you

A lot of trouble,

Why don't you just

Tell larry to find

Himself another gal?

I'm afraid

I'm in love with him.

- Real bad, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

You know, I don't think

This is the time to show it.

What do you mean?

Well, you're gonna

Have to help him

Make up his mind

About you.

You oughta make him

A little jealous.

- Jealous?

- Sure, you go out

With me one evening;

You go out with

Mr. Masterson the next.

You're very sweet,


But I can't play

The flirt.

Oh yes, you can.

- ( Both chuckling )

- You found me out.


( Slurring )

Hey, ain't you the one

Putting that girlfriend

Off last trip

And made her walk

A mile into town?

He sure is.

Climb down.

Hey, watch this, slim.

That's earp.

Looks like earp

Wearing a mustache.

Let's go find out.

- Howdy, marshal.

- Howdy.

You better check

Those g*ns.

- Oh, yeah.

- Check g*ns. Right away.

Yes, sir, marshal.

Come on, slim.

Thank you, marshal.

My little brother seems

To have things here

Well in hand.

He sure has, mr. Earp.

And I wouldn't say

He's your little brother.

He's as big as you are.

Well, I'll have

To be careful then.

Little brother might

Just sh**t my ears off.

- ( Chuckles )

Yeah, he might.

- Virgil!

Hello, virgil.

Bat masterson?

- Well!

- Yeah, I grew up.

Wyatt's got you a room

Across from here.

- It's over at

The dodge house.

- Good.

He would have come

To meet you himself,

But there's a sh**ting

At the long branch.

Hey bat,

I'm glad you're here.

I wanna ask your advice

About something.

- It's a family matter.

- Oh?

I understand

Susan pritchett's in town.

Oh, it's susan dodd now.

She took back her maiden


- Oh?

- Hey.

An old married man like you

Interested in miss susan?

Why, no, bat.

It's nothing like that.

- Yeah.

- ( g*nshots )

( Men hollering )

No. Duck.

You might hit a horse.

Can't wyatt make

Those barkeeps ration

Their whiskey?

Well, he tries.

Wyatt ain't drinking?

Oh, about two quarts

A day.

Two quarts?!


I guess I asked for that.

( Both chuckling )

Well, here it is.

The mayor's office.

Well, this is where

She works, according

To larry.

Yes, gentlemen?

Are you miss susan dodd?

That's right.

I'm larry's cousin mel

- And this is his uncle

Webb herrick.

- How do you do?

How do you do?

Is larry in town?

No, ma'am.

He's riding

To the railhead.

He'll be in town

Tomorrow sometime.

Well, that's a relief.

You both look so solemn,

I thought--

Won't you sit down?

No, thank you.

Larry just asked us

To drop by and pay

Our respects, ma'am.

And to tell you

That he's in good health.


In good health.

You know what I think?

I think larry's folks

Asked you to look me over.

Well, I'm ' " tall.

I weigh pounds.

I have brown hair

And blue eyes.

And I'm a divorcee.

And right plain spoken.

And if I need

A character witness,

I suggest you ask

Marshal earp.

We came from

The same town in illinois.

Whoa now, miss susan.

Larry's already told

The family he wants

To marry you.

Yes, we didn't apply

For the duty.

Family orders, ma'am.

All right.

You've looked me over.

Now what?


We'll-- we'll report

Back to larry's folks.

Don't bother!

I've changed my mind!


I'm gonna tell larry

It's all off.

I've never butted into

Wyatt's affairs before,

But susan did write people

In monmouth she was setting

Her cap for him.

They wrote to our folks

In san bernardino,

And well, mama told me

I ought to look into this.

No, you got it

All wrong.

- She's engaged.

- Oh?

Yeah, a fella by the name

Of larry herrick.

- Fine texas family.

- Hmm.

Listen, I wouldn't say

Anything to wyatt

If I were you.

- Make him sore.

- Say anything?

I've been worried about

What to say and how

To say it

All the way

From california.

Mr. Masterson,

I will buy you a drink.


You wear this.

That's against the law,

Isn't it?

You're an earp.

In dodge city,

You need a g*n.

Life insurance.



- Howdy, miss susan.

- Are you awfully busy?

No, I was just on my way

Over to the dodge house

To see if my big brother

Virgil got in yet.

- Virgil's visiting?

- Mm-hmm.

Oh, good.

I've always liked virgil

And that sweet girl

He married.

Wyatt, I told larry's cousin

And his uncle I'm not going

To marry him.

You did?

The two of them came

To look me over.

Well, some people

Are stupid about

Family pride.

( Sighs )

You think I did right?

Miss susan, if larry is

Any kind of a man at all,

He won't pay any attention

To the herricks' family


I still say why couldn't

We have fallen in love?

- Well, I love you.

- Ah.

Yes, I do.

Love you like

A big brother.

( Soft chattering )

The herricks?

Larry's kinfolk.

Watch yourself.

Since when did wyatt earp

Start wearing a mustache?

That ain't wyatt.

Almost fooled me.

Fooled me too.

It's his brother virgil.

Ah, he's joshing.

Come on.

Marshal earp?

No, sir.

Barkeep was right.

You're his brother

Virgil, huh?


And you, sir?

Webb herrick.

And this is

Mel herrick.

- Howdy.

- Howdy.

You know

Bat masterson?

- Sure.

- Hello, bat.


Join us in a drink?

I think not.

You and wyatt have been

Sparking miss dodd while

Larry's away.

That any business

Of yours?

Now now.

I had some

Wrong ideas too.

Now let's get this thing

Straightened out.

The truth ain't

In your brother!

And maybe not

In you!

Now don't you

Say that about


Look out, virgil!

Hold it!


I'm sorry it had to be

This kind of a welcome.

My own fault.

I shot him, marshal.

No, it wasn't his fault.

Mel herrick

Called you a liar.

Virgil clouted him,

Then webb tried to draw.

All right, all right.

Mr. Masterson,

You take care of them.

We'll go on over

To the office. I, uh--

I guess I can trust you

To come peacefully.

Susan tried to be

A good wife to bud pritchett.

But he hit the bottle

And ran off with another woman.

Now why-- why should susan

Be punished for that?

You can't change

Public opinion overnight.

But you don't have

To join it.

You seem

Mighty riled, brother.

Of course I'm riled!

Webb and mel

Badgered susan into

Calling off her engagement.

Now where does that

Leave susan?

Maybe she'd like

To marry you.



Did the folks

Send you here?

Well no, wyatt.

Not exactly.

See, I'm to meet

Morgan in omaha,

And I just thought

I'd stop by--

No, you didn't.

You came here

To save me from

A wicked girl, didn't you?

I did not!

Well, hang it all,


You and morgan are

My younger brothers.

Oh, we're babies, huh?

Look, wyatt, let's just

Call off the w*r, huh?

You can't

Call off the w*r.

You got a passel

Of hotheads after us!

- That's my fault, I suppose?

- Yes, you shot webb herrick!

Well, I was

Sticking up for you.

That's just the point,


You don't have to

Stick up for me.

I can fight my own fights.

I'm a big boy now!

Well, go ahead!

Marry susan for all of me!

Well, maybe I will!

Now look, wyatt.

I didn't want to come here

In the first place.

But mama was crying

And dad was groaning.

Well, the pressure got

To be too much for me.

But you go ahead

And you be a big boy!

Hold on, will you--

Oh, you talk

To the idiot!

I'm through!

Now stop that.

Both of you have

To stop it.

There's gonna be

A little w*r

When larry herrick

Gets into town.

You want virgil

Caught in a gunfight

All by his lonesome?

- No.

- Well then,

Tell him you're sorry.

And make him

A deputy marshal.

- A deputy?

- Yeah.

Snap out of it.

We went through

The same thing

When morgan was

In town.

Any earp has to wear

A star

When he's around you.

I'll talk to virgil.

Why, virgil earp.

Wyatt told me you

Were coming.

Miss susan, I'm sorry

For all the trouble

I caused.

What's happened?

Why, I had to g*n

A fella.

Name of herrick.

Not larry?

No no.

His uncle webb.

Uh, a shoulder wound.

Well, that is a relief.

More trouble?

I had a rout with wyatt.

Oh, that doesn't mean anything.

You earp boys were

Always fighting, I remember.

Ah, please.

You in love with wyatt?


Then you ain't

Gonna marry him?

Wyatt hasn't asked me.

What if he asked you?

He wouldn't do that.

And even if he did,

There's larry.

I think I love him.

If wyatt should ever

Ask me...

Susan, you're a born flirt.

I guess I am.

Only you're in dodge city now,

And flirting can mean

Bloodshed here.

You don't want that.

Oh no, virgil.

Just say the word

And I'll leave town

Before larry gets here.

That wouldn't solve anything.

I'm just asking you

To make up your mind.

It'll depend on

What larry says.

His folks don't approve of me,

And larry may not want me now.

I think he'll want you.

Just quit teasing wyatt

And quick working on

His sympathy.

Does wyatt feel sorry

For me?


I wouldn't be happy

With a man who pitied me.

No, I don't think

You would.

All right, virgil.

No more flirting,

I promise.

Good girl.

Thank you.



It ain't wyatt earp

That's mixed up with her.

It's his brother virgil.

( Murmuring )

And not only that.

When mel and webb

Called virgil on it,

He slugged mel

And shot webb.

Hello, mister.

We're not talking

About you.

I'm talking about that

No-good brother of yours.

Married man carrying on--

You're a liar.

Now you wanna fight

It out with me?

Or apologize to virgil?

We'll fight it out.

- Right here.

- Yeah, take off those g*ns.

I'll be glad to, mister.

( Indistinct )

Hey, tim, you know

Better than that.

Get him in there!

( Punching continues )

No g*ns.

Well, what are you

Doing here, mr. Masterson?

No use breaking

Your knuckles.

Touch that g*n

And I'll drop ya.

Hey, big brother.

Aren't you getting,

Uh, kinda old

For fistfighting?

Well, that's gratitude

For you.

I save you

From a beating,

And you talk smart.

Hey, why don't you

Go on upstairs

And put some arnica

On your face?

Well, thank you,

Mr. Masterson.

You know, you got here

Just in time.

What was that fight

About anyway?

Well, that blabbermouth


Said that a certain

Young lady was your girl.


You got in a fight

With the herricks,

Didn't you?


Well, that's the way

Certain cowhands think.


You better

Put this on.

A star?

What for?

Well, I had to give one

To morgan when he was here.

It's open season on earps.

All right.

Say, that cowhand

That started the fight...

Was he a herrick man?

I don't know.

That gossip about susan and me

Must be all over town.

Oh, sure.

You're a moral leper.

That's not funny!

I'm a happily married man.

And we gotta set

Larry herrick straight.

He'll be coming

After me first.

( Knocks on door )

Come on in.

Larry herrick

Just got into town.

Stopped over

At the mayor's office.


Well, let's wait and see

What miss susan

Can do with larry.

I think he's in love

With her and that he'll

Believe what she says.

Now then, larry,

If you wanna yell at me,

We won't be interrupted

By taxpayers.

Have you been seeing

Wyatt earp?

- Of course.

- Bat masterson?

Two or three times.

What about virgil earp?

I talked to him once.

Did you know him

Back in illinois?

Oh, larry.

Don't be ridiculous!

The earps are old friends

And bat's just a kid.

There have been

Two fights over you.

My uncle webb got

His shoulder smashed.

( Sighs )

Well, they weren't

Fighting over me.

I heard different.

- I heard--

- Oh, sure!

That I'm a liar

And a no-good divorcee.

And your folks told you

To drop me cold.

Well, I've had about

Enough of the herricks.

Susan, honey--

Don't "susan, honey" me!

I wouldn't marry you now

For million dollars!

Now get out of here.

Then it's true.

There's another man.


Who is he?

That's for you

To find out.

Isn't virgil earp


That's none

Of your business.

Now you get out of here!

I'm gonna make this

My business.

Larry, please...

Check your g*n.


Did you talk to her?

It's the married one,

Ain't it?


She admit that?


But the main reason

I know it's virgil...

She was ashamed

To call him by name.

Well anyway,

You found out in time.

You g*n him, larry.

- I'll help ya.

- Hold on, hold on.

Just sit down.

I ain't satisfied

It is virgil.

I'm gonna ask him point-blank

And right to his face.

We already had one fight

With him, uncle webb.

I won't be armed

This time.

You're taking a big chance

Leaving your brother alone

At the hotel.

I want to wait and hear

From miss susan before

We mount the guard.

We'd look awful silly,

Wouldn't we?

If susan has decided

To run off to texas

With larry herrick.


You know, I used to be

The setup for pretty



The easy mark now.

Well, I feel sorry

For all women,

Mr. Masterson.

Good lord gave them

A tough load to haul.

Amen, deacon.


( Knocks on door )


Webb herrick,

Mr. Earp.

I'm not armed.

Sorry to doubt your word,

Mr. Herrick.

Sit down.


Larry thinks

You're susan's lover.

I think wyatt

Is the man.

Is that so?

Wyatt has his deputies

And bat masterson.

I doubt if larry would have

The sand to go after him.

But he and the boys

Would sure g*n you.

I suppose it's no use

Trying to convince you

That susan is a decent girl.

A divorcee?


I'm giving you a chance

To name wyatt.

My brother is not involved

With susan.

Meaning you are?!

Your nephew wants

To g*n somebody,

Mr. Herrick,

Then I'm his man.

All right.

You deserve k*lling.

And I tried to make

Larry be sensible,

But he's crazy jealous.

He must be

To be going after virgil.

Now you stay here.

You might see something

You won't want to watch.


You and your men

Are wearing g*ns.

Now you throw them down

Or I'll make you fight!

It's your brother we want.

He's admitted he's the man.

Wyatt, you keep out

Of this!

Why, you--

Well, big brother...

At least you didn't

k*ll him.

Oh, larry,

Your poor hand!

Those earps,

They never were anything

But nasty, brawling


We're going straight

To dr. Mccarty.

You should be ashamed.

Here you go, jonesy.

You give my best

To morgan, huh?

I will.

Now, wyatt,

Will you promise me

To quit feeling sorry

For women?

( Chuckles )

I'll do that, big brother.

And when you get to omaha,

You write mother and tell her

That I'm-- I'm safe.

Yeah, I'll do that.

( Both laughing )

Take care, wyatt.

All right.

Have a good trip.

( Clicks tongue

And whistles )

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told.
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