03x39 - My Husband

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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03x39 - My Husband

Post by bunniefuu »

The life and legend

Of wyatt earp

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

Narrator: the friendship

Between marshal wyatt earp

And dr. John h. Holliday

Was one of the mysteries

Of dodge city.

Why marshal earp,

A deacon in the church,

Could tolerate doc holliday

Was mighty puzzling

To wyatt's friends.

Doc holliday--

Gambler, gunfighter, k*ller--

Had a mean disposition

And a caustic tongue.

That two men,

So different in character,

Could even associate

On friendly terms

Would seem preposterous.

And wyatt's insistence on

Making a friend of doc holliday

Finally came to a crisis

Between wyatt

And the men who hired him

To civilize dodge city.

Cards, gentlemen.

Give me three.

Doc, we'd better

Call it no deal.

We got to shove along,

Get us some fellows

That crossed us.

All right, snakey.

You know

Your own business.

Well, what else can you do

With fellas that'd turn you

Into the texas rangers?

Spare me the tale of woe.

Just k*ll 'em

And get it over with.

Now that's what I wanted

To hear you say, doc.


When it's all over,

Remember doc holliday

Was the judge and jury.

He said k*ll 'em.

We're just carrying out

The judgment of the court.


You amuse me.

Whenever I

Gamble with you,

I always collect

A rare bit of humor.

Well, thank you doc.

Irony appeals to me.

Appointing me

Judge and jury,

That shows real


You do have style,


Now, in acknowledgment

Of my praise,

I'll trust you give me

A good start back to dodge.

Why sure.

Minutes be enough?

Ample, my friend.


( g*nshots )

That's mighty

Nice work.

We'll hole up

In devil's garden.

Ain't that too close

To earp and dodge?

Devil's garden--

I like the name.

Come on, boys,

Let's get the horses.

And I don't care

How many favors

He's done ya,

Holliday'll be the ruin

Of your career

As a peace officer.

The man is cold,

Ruthless, cruel.

The whole town thinks

We should have tried him

For that

Maxwell killin'.


Doc broke the case,

He pulled me

Off a tough spot.

Well, I don't care.

Now something's

Got to be done.

The judge and I

Have come here to try--

Now, wyatt, will you

Listen to me?!

Wyatt! Wyatt.

Five dead men

On the trail

Less than a mile

From the city limits.

Well, any idea

Who did it?

The cowhand told me

They used to ride

With snakey gratton.

- Snakey gratton?

- Right.

Then let's get out there.

Now, wyatt,

What about doc?

Not now, mr. Mayor.

Oh, wyatt, thank heaven.

- What's the matter, miss kate?

- It's about the doctor.

He went out

To play cards

With snakey gratton.

- Oh?

- He promised to be back

An hour ago.

I'm afraid

He's had a relapse.

Now don't you worry

About the doc,

Miss kate,

We'll find him.

The doc can

Take care of himself.

Come on, hal.

Hold on, ms. Holliday.

Oh, mr. Kelly,

Judge tobin.

I was so upset i--

Mrs. Holliday,

Sit down a moment,


We have something

Important to discuss.

Oh... Well.

Of course.

Is it about

Doctor holliday?

Something wyatt didn't--

Mrs. Holliday...

Five members

Of the snakey gratton g*ng

Were just ambushed and k*lled.

Your husband

Was playing cards

With snakey gratton.

Why yes,

But you don't think...

John doesn't

Ambush people!

Well, while you

Were in kansas city,

He did some

Unnecessary k*lling.

To keep wyatt

From being framed.

He didn't help wyatt,

Mrs. Holliday.

He hurt him.

Oh, I see.

You want john to stop

Being friends with wyatt.

Well, at least he could

Stop being such pals

With a hoodlum

Like snakey gratton.

You don't understand that?

Why john likes mr. Gratton?

No, we don't.

How would you like being

Locked up in a texas jail

For sh**ting a gambler

In a square fight?

The gambler was crooked

But he had all

The influence on his side.

I had no one to turn to

Except mr. Gratton.

Well, howdy, miss kate.

John's in jail-- in bracos.

They aim to hang him for

sh**ting one-eyed gillum.

Well, I'll be.

Doc ought to get

A medal for that.

The rope is what

He'll get.

Unless you can

Do something,

Mr. Gratton.

Do something?

Why that bracos jail

Ain't nothing but

A board shack.

Hey, muggins!

This is

Mrs. Holliday,

- Doc's wife.

- Howdy.

She'd like for us

To get old doc

Out of that jail

In bracos.

We'll need

Some of the boys.

I'll round 'em up,


They like breaking jails,

Miss kate.

You've done 'em

A real favor just

To mention it.

Now you lie down

And rest a while.

We'll have him

Right out for you.

Kate: mr. Gratton

Pretended it was nothing.

But he and his men risked

Getting in trouble

With the rangers.

Men: ♪ we'll hang wyatt earp

♪ To a sour apple tree...

Hey, you fellas!

Quit that singing so early

Or I'll have to run you in.


- Both: all right.

- Get in there. Inside.

( g*nshots )

Here we are.

Bring him out.

Thank you, snakey.


John owed mr. Gratton,

You see?

I'm a circuit judge,

Mrs. Holliday.

I can't enthuse

Over mr. Gratton's

Outlaw generosity.

And right now

Doc's probably

Ridin' with gratton

To some

Hoodlum hideout.

My husband,

Joining with the outlaws?


Wyatt and hal,

Loaded with

Spit and ginger.

Where'd it

Happen, doc?

Back yonder

A few miles.

I heard sh**ting.

Look, I've been up all night,

I ran out of whiskey

And I'm feeling mean.

So, ride along,

Will you?

I'm sorry, doc,

But miss kate told me

You were with snakey gratton.

Kate tells you too much.

It's more trouble

For wyatt.

He's already in bad

With tobin and kelly.

Ease off, hal.

Did you just have

To be playin' cards

With snakey gratton?

Why not?

I like snakey.

But you took no part

In the k*lling, huh?

No, i--

( Coughing )

Give him

Some whiskey.

Is that an order?

Yes, it is.

Your chief deputy

Doesn't like me,

And it's quite mutual.

If he wasn't your chief deputy,

He'd be dead.

Temptation to sh**t him

Has often assailed me.

Hal has a job to do

And so have i.

I concede that.

Thank you, I feel better.

Now, I'm gonna

Ask you once more,

Were you at the sh**t'?

No, sir, I was not.

Did you know

That snakey gratton

Was gonna ambush those men?


That makes you

An accessory before

The crime.

Aren't you going

To arrest him?

You try, deputy.

All right,

Quit your jabbering.

Both of you.

Now, hal,

Ride back into town.

Get a handful

Of deputies.

We'll meet you

Out there.

Yes, sir.

Well, I'm trying hard

To stay your friend,

But you don't

Make the job easy.

Oh now, cool off, wyatt.

I'll let you arrest me.

What good is that gonna do?

I'm still a united states

Deputy marshal,

And I got to try and find

Snakey gratton.

Now do you know where

He's likely to be,

Or does your perverted sense

Of loyalty to outlaws

Require you to say nothin'?

You know, if you'd take

A drink occasionally,

You'd be a lot

Easier to deal with.

Come on.

'Tis contrary

To common sense,

Mrs. Holliday,

For a man to consort

With outlaws

And claim friendship

With a peace officer.

Doctor holliday

Compromises wyatt.

Law-abiding citizens

Can't understand

Such a friendship.

People don't

Understand my husband.

John saved wyatt's life

On at least two occasions.

And another time,

John had a run-in

With two of

Sheriff masterson's men.

They were new deputies

And they'd been drinking and...

Here he comes.


Ain't you the famous

Doc holliday?

I'm doctor holliday, yes.

Fast g*n,

Mean with a knife--

Everybody's scared

Of you, huh?

You'd better go back in that

Saloon and drink it off.

We ain't scared

Of ya.

Just start

For your g*n.

I'm not wearing a g*n.

Go get one.

We'll wait

Right here.

And we'll

Be right here.

John, what is it?

Two of masterson's deputies

Got fresh with me.

They asked for a gunfight,

And they're gonna get one.

No. No, masterson and

Wyatt are close friends.

Bat should keep

His deputies sober.

We don't care about him.

It's wyatt.

You'll make

Trouble for wyatt.

Kate, they're drunk,

But they have no right

To insult me.

I don't take that.

John, wyatt's

The only real friend

We have in this town.

I'm not fighting

His deputies.

But you'll get

Wyatt in trouble.

You'll just be proving

What everybody says,

That he's foolish

To be friends with us.

They'll-- they'll

Laugh at him, john.


Well, why don't you

Finish your letter?

Yes, yes, john.

You don't know tough

That was for john--

To keep out of a fight--

But he swallowed his pride

For wyatt's sake.

But he rides

With snakey gratton,

And he helps

m*ssacre five men.

You know better than that,

Mr. Kelly.

John never shot anyone

From ambush.

He doesn't have to.

He's as good

With a g*n as wyatt.

If john's mixed up with gratton,

It's social,

Not business.

They never even

Had a chance.

Gratton got them

From those rocks

Not more than feet

Off the trail.

Well, they never gave

Snakey a chance.

They stole his robbery hole

And then informed on him

To the rangers.

And how much would snakey

And his boys

Have gotten for that

In texas?

Someday I must give you

A lecture on criminal ethics.

Criminal ethics?

Precisely, deacon.

You have your codes,

Snakey has his.

In snakey's code,

What those men did

Merited a death sentence.

And you agree with that, huh?

No, but I understand it.

Oh, and you think

It's quite all right?

You're trying to ask me

Where I think snakey

And his boys went.

Well, why don't you ask me?

Point blank.

All right, where?

I can't tell you.

Criminal ethics, huh?


I don't want you

Riding into an ambush.

Katie'd leave me.

She should have left you,

A dozen times.

He tell you anything?

No, not yet.

I'm gonna give him

One last chance.

You go see if you

Can find any sign.

Well, they can't

Have gone too far.

We'll have to trail 'em.

They'll bushwhack you.

Well, I've been

Bushwhacked before.

Not by snakey.

He's a genius at it.

All right,

You warned me.

Good bye, doc.

Too bad.

I hate to think

Of an old crock

Like me outliving you.

You just save your tears

For the funeral.

Did they scatter?

No, they headed south

Toward bushwhacker country.


All right,

You deputies spread out

To flank hal and me.

You keep a wide interval,

But keep in touch.

Let's go.

Take the horses down there

About a quarter of a mile.

Picket 'em by a stream

If you can find one.

That far, snakey?

Yeah, earp's gonna

Be coming along here.

I don't want no horse

Whinny to warn him.

What about holliday?

Ain't him and earp

Good friends?

Doc holliday

Is a good friend

Of mine, too.

But he don't know

Where we're at.

Now get these

Horses moving.

( Murmurs )

Come on.

Wyatt's the only man

John knows,

For a friend,

Who goes to church

And prays.

John is ill.

He can't live

Many more years.

I think john holds

To his friendship with wyatt

Because he's just too

Stubborn and cantankerous

To ask the good lord

For pardon.

Wyatt's out there

Riding into an ambush.

What doc holliday

Does about it

Will be a sort of

A test case, won't it?

I don't know.

I can't honestly say

What john will do.

Well, what would you say

If he threw in

With the gratton g*ng?

Then he should leave dodge

And never see wyatt again.

We agree.

We'll stand on that,

Mrs. Holliday.

Why you stoppin' 'em?

I figure snakey gratton's

Holed up here someplace.


In devil's garden.


Well, there's no need

To take six men

Into an ambush.

I figure we ought

To stay here,

Send back to dodge

For at least more

Good g*ns.

There are not that

Many in dodge.

I don't want a lot

Of family men

In a gunfight

With gratton.

We're riding on.

Maybe earp ain't comin'.

He's comin', all right.

We k*lled five men,

Not one mile from dodge.

He's a united states marshal.

You just stay down and hold

Your r*fle on that trail.

Call in the deputies.

Now, they

Branched off here.

Everything indicates

That snakey's holed up

In the devil's garden.

I know that

Neck of the woods.

If snakey's

As good a bushwhacker

As doc says he is,

He'll be laying for us

In that clump of brush

And rocks over there,

About a mile.

Now there's a trail

That winds around and back

In the rear of devil's garden

About five miles.

And we'll take that trail.

We're with you.

No, I'm going myself.

Hal, I want you to move

Within long r*fle range

And lob some b*ll*ts

Into that brush.

You take the deputies.

But won't that

Scare snakey off?

I don't think so.

You just keep him

Pinned down.

Take me about an hour

To get around

To the rear of them.

What then?

When you hear me call,

You come runnin'.

You heard the marshal.

Get moving.

( Whistles )

Come on.

( Distant chatter )

They're comin'.

( g*nshots )

Hold your fire till they

Get in here real close.

( g*nf*re continues )

( g*nshots )

( g*nf*re continues )

( Clears throat )

We can get 'em now.

I said hold your fire.


Don't nobody sh**t.

It's doc..

Keep your sights on earp

And them deputies.

Doc, what are

You doing here?

You got any liquor?

I ran out.

I closed the bar, doc.

It's fourth of july.


Thank you, snakey.

( g*nsh*t ricochets )

You better sit down.

Them's real b*ll*ts.

So they are.


They're close enough.

Yeah, all right.

Mow 'em down.

( Groaning )

Down, down!

Let 'em come and get us.

Wyatt better hurry.

All right, load up.

We'll charge 'em.

That earp

Is awful smart.

He's smarter than you.


If you were

A smart man, snakey,

You'd head for texas

And turn yourself

Over to the rangers.

And get hanged.

They can't pin

That ambush on you.

The worst you'll get

Is two years.

Who's that talkin'?

You or earp?

Don't be an idiot.

You start k*lling

Peace officers,

And you will

Get the rope.

Have you gone

Over to earp?

I'm sorry you

Said that, snakey.

That statement

Calls for a draw.

Don't try it, doc!

He makes a move for his g*n,

Break his arm.

All right, the rest of you,

Let's rush 'em.


Hold it, doc.

Drop it!

Now tell the rest

Of your men

To drop their g*ns.

Drop 'em!

Use your head, snakey.

All right,

We're whupped.

Drop 'em.

Let's go.


Come on!

Doc, you better put

A tourniquet on that arm.

All right, let's

Get down the hill.

Come on. Hal, stay here

And take care of these men.

What happened?

Oh, john.

Wyatt, won't you

Tell me what happened?

Well, I'm sorry, miss kate.

I told doc I wouldn't

Say anything about it.

John, please!


Did john do

Something wrong?

Is he under arrest?

You've got to tell me

What he did.

Mayor kelly

And judge tobin

Don't think you

Should be friends

With john anymore.

( Murmurs )

Well, miss kate,

Doc and I

Are still friends.

We're still friends.

( Chuckles )

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪
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