04x03 - The Bounty k*ller

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x03 - The Bounty k*ller

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪♪

- As Wyatt Earp's fame as a

peace officer in Dodge City

spread across the

western country

men remembered that he was

also a deputy U.S. marshal.

Thus, when his old friend

Colonel Bentine

of the th Cavalry at

Fort Louis, Colorado

found himself facing the problem

of a mysterious k*ller

who shot only from ambush,

Colonel Bentine could

think of but one solution.

- Now this is Robber's Roost

on what they call the

Outlaw Trail in Utah.

All the killings have been

done in this area here.

Washington's ordered

me to arrest the man.

But the Apaches are threatening

a breakout and I...

Well, I just can't spare a

detail right now, Wyatt.

That's why I almost begged

you to come out here.

- Hmm.

- I know what you're thinking.

All the victims have been

outlaws or rustlers.

- Yes, sir.

- Well, the rustlers own

small cattle spreads,

and they call themselves

small ranchers.

That's what the w*r

department calls them.

- Well, even a rustler

shouldn't be bushwhacked.

- I knew you'd see it that way.

Now if something isn't done,

Washington will order me

to take a full cavalry troop

on a wild goose chase.

The Apaches would

like nothing better.

- Well, you're right, Colonel.

You have any lead to the k*ller?

- Just one. A fella

named Elzy Rash.

He's chairman of the group who

squawked to the department.

- Is he a cattle thief?

- Ah, they all are.

But Rash knows the country and

he's offered to act as guide.

I think you can trust him.

- Well, I owe

you this, Colonel.

- You don't really.

But I'm glad you think so.

Now this k*ller's

crazy as a coot.

You'll be dealing with

a madman so cunning,

he can terrorize

tough outlaws.

Watch yourself.

- Thank you, sir.

♪♪ The thief and the robber

who live outside the law ♪

♪ Dark are the

deeds they've done ♪

♪ But black as a pit and

the pallest of them all ♪

♪ Is a coward who

wears a money g*n ♪

- Hold it!

Keep your hands away

from them g*ns.

Johnny Law, huh?

Anybody can steal a star.

- I got a note for

you, Mr. Rash.

From Colonel Bentine.

- Emma!


My wife, she can read.

Here's a letter. Read it.

- He looks like

a Johnny Law, Elzy.

"Fort Louis", it says.

"Dear Mr. Rash,

"This will introduce United

States Marshal Wyatt Earp

"of Dodge City.

"Render him all

possible assistance.

Frederick Bentine, Colonel."

Elzy, put down that r*fle

and mind your manners!

- Well, sure.

Excuse me, Mr. Earp.

I reckon I'm spooked!

- Oh, everybody's spooked!

Welcome, Marshal.

Supper's almost ready.

- Thank you.

- Well, go ahead.

I'll water your horse.

- Well, thank you kindly.

- So, we figure the man was

hired to do it, Marshal.

Oh, an outlaw with a grudge

will dry gulch one or two.

But this feller works

for the wholesale!

How many is it now, Elzy?

- Nine!

So far as we found.

- You got any idea

who hired him?

- Why the big

cattlemen, of course!

They got a grudge

against us folks.

- We round up a few mavericks

now and then, sure!

I won't lie to you.

Boys run off a few head,

use a hair-brushin' iron.

- All right, Mr. Rash.

Let's go.

- At night?

- Day and night. The fella's

got to sleep sometime.

- The marshal's right!

Elzy, move out!

- I'm sleepy right now!

- Here, Mr. Rash.

You take one of these.

- A pill?

What for?

- That pill is about equal

to cups of coffee.

I've chased hoodlums for

about days and nights

without a wink of sleep.

- Here, take it.

- Oh, Emma!

- Take it!

- How about you, Mrs. Rash?

Don't you have some neighbors

that you can stay with?

- There's plenty of g*ns right

here, and I can use 'em!

- I ain't never

worry about Emma,

but we ain't likely to pick

up no trail in the dark.

- Well, I saw a man on

horseback when I rode up.

- Huh?

- Where?

- Right in back of your house.

He rode off when I came in.

- Well, no wonder you could

take Blackie Saunders!

Now you do like

Mr. Earp says.

And don't come

home without him!

- She means if you

get it, I get it.

Mighty lovin' gal, Emma.

- Now Mr. Earp, Elzy's a

good man in a fight.

He just needs

leadin' into it.

- Well, we'll be

careful, Mrs. Rash.

♪♪ He lurks in the shadows

with ever-deadly aim ♪

♪ Ready to sh**t and run ♪

♪ And Satan himself could not

bear the guilty shame ♪

♪ of the coward who

wears the money g*n ♪♪

Well, his horse is tired.

Stumbling a lot.

You know of any

trail higher up?

- I never heard of one.

- Well, we'll just

keep moseying along.

Following the trail.

♪♪ For the money g*n kills

when your back is turned ♪

[ Horse neighing ]

♪ And the money g*n kills

'til its pay is earned ♪

♪ Any day any night

there's no way you can fight ♪

♪ The money g*n ♪♪

How bad?

- Oh, I'll be all right.

But he got my horse too.

- Here, you take my horse.

You go on home and

patch that arm.

Come back with

another horse.

- What'll you be doin'?

- I'm going to trail him.


I'll leave you Marcus.

Try and get back by sun-up.

- Well, I'll do

the best I can.

Take it easy, boy.

Take it easy.

- How's your arm?

- Oh, Mrs. doctored it.

Burns right smart.

- Well, he headed down there.

I figure he's got

about hours on us.

- Well now, why would he

go down into the valley?

Nothin' down there but

Old Man Glassford's place,

and bad water.

- Mr. Glassford steal cattle?

- Steal?

Hmm! Once in a while, sure.

- Here, hold this.

Just keep on the

trail. Go ahead.

♪♪ For the money g*n kills ♪

♪ When your back is turned ♪

♪ And the money g*n kills ♪

♪ 'Til its pay is earned ♪

♪ Any day, any night ♪

♪ There's no way you can fight ♪

♪ The money g*n ♪

♪ The money g*n ♪

♪ The money g*n ♪♪

- How long you think

the old man's been dead?

- Oh, about an hour.

At least we're

gaining on him.

- Well, oughtn't

we to bury him?

- Later.

[ Horses approach ]

- You're riding

with the law, Elzy?

- This is Marshal

Wyatt Earp from Dodge.

- Yeah?

- Colonel Bentine send him

after the man we want.

Got here too late

for Old Man Glassford.

- You always this

late, Johnny Law?

- Not always.

- He's the man that

took Blackie Saunders.

- What you men been doing?

Airing your ponies?

- Mister, we've been hunting

that skunk steady for a month.

The boys'll tell you, we

ain't only ones after him.

- Sure.

- Do me a favor, will you?

- Just this one time.

- Ride your boys back

up into them hills.

Raise dust along that

side of the valley.

If we can keep him

down in the flats,

Mr. Rash and I can

run him down.

- You vouchin' for

the marshal, Elzy?

- I sure am.

- Boys, Mr. Earp wants us

to keep that dry gulcher

out of them hills.

Come on, let's ride.

Come on! Git!

- Do you think he stopped

at the water hole?

- Just a hunch.

But I don't agree with you

about leaving the horses.

- Halt!

Get him!

- I hit him at least once.

- I shouldn't have

yelled a warning.

Force of habit, I guess.

- We can track him

by the blood now.

Let's see how bad you're hit.

- Just scraped a

rib a little bit.

Look, he left his saddle bag.

Let me look...

Hey, he is a

methodical man. Look.

He keeps a list

of his killings.

Notebook... Mitch Moyer's

name on the front cover.

- Emma always said

it was Moyer!

"Stuber, Glassford, Rash..."

Say, that's me!

Say, I'm next after

Old Man Glassford.

- Yeah. We better make a

fast ride back to your place.

- But he's hit! Why don't

we run him down now?

- Mr. Rash, I can't risk

getting your wife hurt.

- Oh, Emma can sh**t

as good as me!

You Johnny Laws!

If you hadn't yelled,

we coulda cut him down.

Now you're worried

about Emma!

- Look, I can't sh**t a

man without warning him.

And I can't take a chance on

getting your wife hurt. Come on.

- You're the boss, I said.

- Don't be such a baby!

It ain't nothin' but bear

grease and balsam of Peru.

- Thanks, Ma'am.

Which trail to Moyer's place?

- You ain't aimin' we

should go there tonight?

- No. Me.

I want you to look

after Mrs. Rash.

- Ain't no need of that!

I set catamount traps and

another one loaded for bear.

- Emma's too spunky

for her own good.

Say, I just thought

of something.

If Callum heads this way with

the boys, what will I advise?

- Callum?

- He was the man

leading the posse

we met at Old

Man Glassford's.

Emma, the dry gulcher

k*lled Glassford.

- Oh, may the good Lord have

mercy on his poor wicked soul.

Well, Glassford, I mean.

- You tell Callum and the boys

to head for Moyer's place, hmm?

- Well, I...

- They'll go, Marshal.

You can depend on it.

- Good, 'cause

I may need 'em.

♪♪ This g*n is for hire ♪

♪ T'is evil merchandise ♪

♪ For sale to anyone ♪

♪ And death can be bought for

a special bargain price ♪

♪ From the coward who

wears the money g*n ♪

♪ Any day, any night ♪

♪ There's no way you can fight ♪

♪ The money g*n ♪

♪ The money g*n ♪

♪ They money g*n ♪♪

- Who are you, mister?

- My name's Earp. Wyatt Earp.

United States deputy marshal.

- What's your business?

- I want to see Mr. Moyer.

It's important.

- The boss is sound asleep.

Why don't you come

back tomorrow?

- No.

You tell Mr. Moyer that I want

him to explain something.

Right now.

There may be a

warrant for m*rder.

- You're barking up

the wrong tree, mister.

- All right, I'll

get him up myself.

- Elzy! It's way past bed-time!

Why ain't you asleep?

- I can't sleep.

That pill Earp give me.

It's him, all right.

The bear trap got him.

- Yup! The bear trap got him!

Is the varmint dead?

- Doctor...

[ Coughs ]

Get me a doctor!

- You tell us who hired you

or we won't get no doctor.

- Say who. Say who!

- Moyer.


Mitch Moyer.

He sa--

- You won't need no doctor.

- What does that

notebook prove?

I give 'em to all my round-up

hands who have a cattle count.

Could have been lost,

or somebody stole it.

- Yes, sir. It sure

could have been.

- The names in that book,

I know 'em all.

Hoodlums and cattle-thiefs,

every last one of them!

- They were ex*cuted

without trial, Mr. Moyer.

Cut down from ambush.

- That makes me very sad.

[ His men laugh ]

Who are you feeling

sorry for, Earp?

The Robber's Roost g*ng

have been stealing from

us ranchers for years.

We've appealed the sheriffs

and United States marshals,

and not one single Johnny Law's

had sand enough

to move against

them roosters!

- Well, m*rder is still

m*rder, Mr. Moyer.

But, you say you had nothing

to do with this, huh?

- I resent these question, Earp.

I'm a respectable rancher!

- Well, I still haven't caught

the man that was hired.

- I don't like your attitude.

I think you better

get off my property!

- Johnny Law bothering

you, Mr. Moyer?

- Yes he is, Kendall.

I want him put off my property

and I want him kept off!

- Yes, sir.

- You know, you

better be certain

you had no hand

in this, Mr. Moyer.

- Oh, you'll be back

with a posse, hmm?

- I think so.

- Emma got him with a bear

g*n. He's in the wagon.

- You sure that's the man?

- Said Mitch Moyer hired him.

Me and Emma was both witnesses.

- We won't be needing

you, Marshal.

We can settle it with Moyer.

- Mr. Callum, Mr. Rash,

I think you're making a mistake.

- You keep out of

it, Johnny Law.

In the showdown, you'd

be on Moyer's side.

- Well, I have the authority

to deputize all you men.

- Us? Johnny Laws?

- To arrest Moyer, yes.

But if you go down

there to k*ll him,

it'll be the big

cattlemen's turn.

- For what?

- Squawkin' to the government.

They'll send in soldiers.

Cavalry that should be

watching the Apaches.

- The marshal's right.

- Moyer ain't gonna let

nobody arrest him, Mr. Earp.

- Oh, there'd be a

fight all right.

But all I'm asking

you men to do

is to wound those

cattlemen and not k*ll 'em.

Now you're all good enough with

a g*n that you can do that.

You give me your word,

and I'll deputize you.

But if you want

a turkey sh**t,

you do it your way, but you

suffer the consequences.

- Elzy! Jeb!

- All right, Mr. Earp.

We'll do it your way.

We'll just wing 'em.

- All right.

You're all deputized.

- Hey, Boss! Boss!

- Now what?

- Them Rooster men,

a dozen of 'em.

They got Bill Hicks

dead in the wagon,

headed straight for here.

- That Johnny Law with 'em?

- I don't know, Mr. Moyer.

- You'd better

round up all hands.

- Yes, sir!

- All right, I'm going

to ride in there

and tell Moyer

he's arrested.

If he wants to fight,

let him commence it.


- That's far enough!

- You're under

arrest, Mr. Moyer.

- No, I'm not.

- You mean me and my deputies

are going to have to take you?

- That's right.

- Well, don't try

sh**ting me in the back.

Or you'll be cut down.

- Hold it.

We can whip Earp and his

riff-raff in a sh**t-out.

Go tell the boys.

- Mr. Callum, you and two of

your men follow me on horseback!

The rest of you men

spread out. Surround 'em!

Mr. Rash, you come

with me. Let's go!

Just wing 'em!

Cover me!

- We got to get out of here!

They sh**t too good!

- No!

- Hold it!

[ g*nshots outside ]

Mr. Rash,

Tell Mr. Callum

to stop fighting.

[ g*nshots ]

- Jeb!

Jeb, hold your fire!

It's all over!

[ g*nshots ]

Will you stop sh**t'?!

- Mr. Moyer, you're coming

to Fort Louis with me.

- You'll have a fight on your

hands every miles of the way

when the other

outfits get together.

- No fightin'.

Unless you agree, I'll turn

you over to Jeb Callum.

- I've surrendered

to Marshal Earp.

- Too bad. I'd sure hate

to miss your hanging.

- Come on, Mr. Moyer.

- A federal jury will give

Moyer at least years.

It'll establish the rule

that you can't bushwhack even

rustlers without paying for it.

Thank you, Marshal.

Good luck.

- Good luck to you, Colonel.

If the Apaches cut

loose, you may need it.

♪♪ ...the end of the trail

for the money g*n ♪♪

♪♪ Well, he cleaned

up the country ♪

♪ The old Wild West country ♪

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it,

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Oh, Wyatt Earp,

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story ♪

♪ Be ♪

♪ Told ♪
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