04x12 - Santa Fe w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x12 - Santa Fe w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

Announcer: many bitter things

Have been written about

The western railroads.

And some of their tactics

In the ' s were questionable.

But what is now known

As the santa fe w*r

Or the finney county w*r

Was started by corrupt

Land speculators

In finney county

Who tried to drive

Honest farmers off the land

They had bought

From the santa fe railroad.

Dodge city was

A santa fe town.

It still is.

And marshal wyatt earp

Had many friends

Among the railroad men.

But wyatt had to know

The truth.

And the truth was obscured

In v*olence and blood.

( g*nshots )

But I don't see how

You can blame the santa fe.

You sold us the land.

Then you let these thieves

From the county seat

Mix up the legal records

So they can claim

Our property.

This time they k*lled

Two more people doing it.

But I'm only

The chief special agent

For the santa fe.

I don't see how

You can expect us--

We ain't asking

For nothing.

All the farmers

In this part of kansas

Has joined the grange.

We'll fight this out

If we have to.


No, I'll get help

From our chief officials.

Well, get it quick.

Or we'll hang

These murderers

To your water tanks

For every mile from

Here to dodge city.


Wyatt, hold it.

Dan christy

Of the santa fe

Is waiting in your office.

I tried to keep you

Out of it,

But they got orders

From the chief u.s.

Marshal in topeka.

Yeah. What about?

Well, the grangers are

Hanging land thieves

In finney county.

They swung two

From santa fe

Water tanks yesterday.

Well, that oughta discourage

Passenger traffic.

Wyatt, you ain't taking

Sides against the railroad?

No, mr. Kelly.

I take sides

With law and order.

The whole thing centers

Around garden city.

The grangers seem to think

The sheriff's in cahoots

With those land speculators.

Well, sir,

We had grangers

Back in illinois,

And they were just

Ordinary dirt farmers

That organized together

For a good freight rate,

Decent market price.

You don't know

Deacon burns.

He's a fighter.

Well, all right.

I'll head

For garden city first,

See what I can find out

From there.

We need wyatt

Here in dodge.

If the santa fe

Won't call in the army,

You could at least

Hire him a posse.

All right.

How many will you need?

Well, I don't know yet, sir.

But, uh,

You better move

Some special agents

In here to garden city.

Move 'em in

On a sleeping car,

And make it look like

They're deadheading back east

With mixed freight.

Lift them, friend.

You're covered.

I'm wyatt earp.

United states marshal.

Where's sheriff johnson?

I'm sheriff johnson.

Tie up and come on in.

And lift your hands.

Wyatt earp, you say.

Also the dodge city


That's right.

And I don't like g*ns

Poked at me.


It's all right, boys.

Let's talk

In the shade, huh?

Now these are

The legal land deeds

As certified

By the county court.

Now they don't square

With what the grangers claim

They bought from the santa fe,

But I can't help that.


And who's on

The county court?

Judge prentiss,

Three county commissioners,

The clerk and the recorder.

Do any of them own land?

Why, sure.

We all own land.

No, I mean, do any

Of the members of

The county court

Own land that's claimed

By the granger people?

Hey now,

Which side you on?

( g*nshots )

- It sounds like the deacon--

- Hold it.

Put it back.

I'd like to meet

Deacon burns.

( g*nshots continue )

Hold your fire.

I'm after that government man

Who's conniving with johnson.

You're arresting

That skunk?

No evidence yet.

You deacon burns?

Sam burns.

They just call me deacon.

Well, I'm wyatt earp.

They call me deacon too.

Well, I'll be.

They sent us

An honest policeman.

I came here

To get the truth.

Well, get your horse

And come with us.

Can't we talk here?

Nope, we can't.

Johnson's riders

Will be coming in pretty soon.

All right.

So long, sheriff.

Don't you pick that up

Until after we leave.

He won't.

Hired gunslingers

Do his bushwhacking.

Ace, you and tom ride out

And collect the men.

Tell them there's a meeting

At my house right away.

As I would say-- and their

Own tax books will show

That the finneys themselves

Decided what was legal

Or illegal

In the way of land deeds.

Well, johnson

Admitted that.


The land title book?

Back in his office.

I guess I should

Have grabbed it.

Eh, won't make

Much difference.

We got a little w*r

On our hands.

Well, little wars

Aren't allowed, deacon.

That's what you say.

Us grangers

Put everything to a vote.

You speak your piece

At the meeting.

And forgive us for

Hanging those murderers

To the santa fe

Water tanks.

The santa fe ain't

Really responsible.

But us folks need help

From somebody, lord.

We're sick of

The hanging and k*lling.

We know we're

Miserable sinners,

And we plead

For thy mercy.

- Amen.

- Men: amen.


Marshal earp has been

Sent here by the government.

Seems like a right

Bright young fella.

And I hope he has an idea

For ending our troubles.

Speak up, marshal.

Well, sir, I think you

Oughta give me a few days

To get some evidence

Against the finney g*ng.

If I get it, I'll--

Well, I'll form a posse

And arrest them.

All right.

Wyatt wants a truce

For a few days.

All those in favor

Say "aye."

( Scattered "aye"s and "no"s )

Oh, shut up.

I'll get a vote

For a truce,

If I have to whup a couple

Of them with my bare fists.

You ride back

To garden city.

Try to grab

That land title book, huh?

Yes, sir.

All right, men,

Here comes wyatt now.

We were afraid those grangers

Were gonna hang you.

Mighty happy to see

The railroad helping in this.

No, the grangers

Wouldn't bother me.

It's the finney g*ng

That started all the trouble.

- How many g*ns

Have they got?

- Too many.

Well, I'm gonna take

A ride back to garden city.

See if I can work

On johnson.

Now there's an army patrol

Riding north from camp supply.

Haven't we better

Send for them?

Yes, sir, but meanwhile

I wish you'd trail me

Back to the city.

I'll tell you

What I had in mind.

I don't like

The looks of it, judge.

I think we should wipe out

The grangers.

Well, can't earp

Be handled?

Well, how?

That's your job.

Now we need a clean record

Before the showdown--

Whatever the cost.

We can't have a deputy

Unites states marshal

Reporting against us.

Well, earp said

He'd be back, judge.

Well, then he'll be back.

And you try to buy

A good report from him.

All right, mr. Christy.

You send just one man in

To wire to santa fe.

If I get the evidence,

I'll expect you near

The train.

I wouldn't want to

Pull out on you, wyatt.

You won't be, sir.

Now the grangers

And the finneys are

Gonna have a showdown.

Now you wouldn't want

A santa fe special agent

On the firing line,

Would you?

No, I guess not.

The company wouldn't

Stand for that.

All right, sir,

Then you just get the goods

And sheriff johnson.

Let's hope the army

Gets here in time.

I'm gonna head

For garden city.

Now play it smooth, ben.

Offer him a section

On the river.

( Horse approaching )

Get a smile

On your face, sheriff.

Here he comes.

Those stupid grangers!

Letting him get away.

Hiya, marshal.

Come on inside.

I wouldn't try to stop

What's gonna happen.

I'd be practical.


I'd grab me

A nice tract of land

And tell those folks

At topeka that the santa fe

Sold farms it didn't own.


Well, uh,

How much land?


Half a section?


All right, a full section.

Bottom land.

Well, who's gonna

Give that to me?

Your friends.

Well, it sounds good.

I'd like to see

A layout of it.

You just take a look

At the plot.

And when you've

Written your report,

You can just

Pocket the deed.

- Mm.

- Page ...

Section .

- ( Cocks g*n )

- Lie down.


Lie down on the floor.

See you later,

Mr. Johnson.

Ben's talking too much,

Though he didn't

Put it over.

You go in there

And cover earp.

We'll do the rest

Out of town.

That book! Take him!

Here's the phony

Land titles!

Get on that train

And head for dodge!

I'm gonna warn

Deacon burns.

- Wyatt!

- I'll see you in dodge.

The truce is over

And no wyatt earp.

This means

A showdown fight.

Go collect the men.

You women got

Your orders.

Head south.

All right,

Get going.

All right, boys!

Time to fight!

We hit deacon burns'

Place first.

What about the soldiers,


Don't worry about them.

All you have to whip

Is a passel of hicks.

All right, boys,

Let's go on out.

Well, howdy, mr. Burns.

No evidence,

I reckon, huh?

Oh yeah, plenty.


Sent it all over

To mr. Christy

To santa fe.

You got any word

From that man

That headed for

The army camp?

Not yet.

Load the rest of that

Dynamite on the wagon

And cover it with hay.

All right.

It's gonna be

A mean fight, wyatt.

You better head for dodge.

Well, i, uh--

I think you oughta

Wait for the soldiers.

They won't give us

That much time.

I can pick 'em off

Or snipe them for you.

I got plenty of men.

There's a plan

We voted on.

We voted to wipe out

The finneys.

You fighting or leaving?

Well, I can't do

Either one.

It's my job to see

What happens and make

A full report.

We could use your help.

If you really need it,

I'll join in.

You, uh--

You voted to m*ssacre

The finneys, huh?

The idea was suggested,



Everybody up the hill!

It's our turn to do

A little bushwhacking!

All right, boys!

Deacon burns:

Come on, let's go!


We're out here to settle

With these grangers

Before the army

Can interfere.

They'll all be gathered

At the deacon's ranch.

We hit them fast.

I think we should

Take care of wyatt earp.

He's trouble, judge.

Our men are all duly sworn

Officers of the law.

It's our word

Against earp's.

Now get

Them moving, ben.

We hit deacon burns!

Turn the horses around

And take off the tongue.


Let 'em get

Off their horses and

Move into the yard.

Then sh**t slow

And careful.


This meet with

Your approval, son?

Well, sir, they can

Sure do a lot of damage

To your property.

But not to the land.

It's the land

That matters.

A farmer can make it

From good land

If he has to live

In a tent.

May I make

A little suggestion?

Why don't you send

Some of your men

Down the hill--

Both sides, both flanks.

They can get a crossfire

That way.

I'll attend to it.

You, uh--

You sure you wouldn't

Like to take charge

Of this fight, wyatt?

( Chuckles )

No, sir.

I'm just

An official observer.

But I will get my r*fle

Just in case.


Looks like the deacon

Has cleared out, judge.

That's all right.

We'll burn up his

House and fire.

They're lugging cans

Of coal oil, deacon.

Trying to burn a man's house

Is a felony, ain't it?

It sure is.

Remember that.

( Cocks g*n )

Fire back!

Keep him down.

Get in there

And burn it!

Deacon, you better have

Your men on the flanks

Move in.

We'll make them

Take cover in that

Bunkhouse over there.

You men on the right,

Move in!

And on the left,

Move in!

I'll go down there.

You take over now.

Come on, boys.

Wait a minute, deacon.

You men on the left there,

Move in to the right

And cover that bunkhouse!

( g*nf*re continues )

It's too hot

Over here, judge.

Let's get out of here!

There's no place to go.


Scatter them horses.

Over there!

Get 'em!

They're trying

To stampede our horses!

Cut 'em down!

Get 'em, boys.

We'll drag 'em into

The old bunkhouse.

sh**t your way

Into the house.

Put out that fire.

Put out them fellas

Still in it!

Hold your fire!

We're gonna make a rush

For that bunkhouse.

All right now,

Pour it on!

Go to the bunkhouse.

I'm gonna talk to

The deacon.

We got the bunkhouse



Maybe they'll submit

To arrest.

That ain't what we want.

We want them k*lled.

It's my job

To arrest them.

He's right,


For a fighting man,

You're the chickenest-hearted

About k*lling I ever did see.

Well, go ahead.

It's worth a try, I guess.

All right,

Sheriff johnson,

I want you and your men

To come out of there

With your hands up!

What do you say, judge?

No, we can hold out here

For a week.

Without water?

Well, that deacon

Would hang us.

Not with earp

In charge, judge.

Yeah. Well,

Earp ain't in charge.

Nobody can boss

Those grangers but deacon.

Make them answer

Yes or no!

Time's up!

You coming out?


Tell deacon to come in

And get us!

They about got you, huh?

Now we'll do it

My way.


Back up the hill.

Take her

Down the hill, boys.

All right.

Point her

At the bunkhouse.

We'll light her up

And then let her roll.

Hold it.

Deacon, blowing up

That bunkhouse

Is stupid.

A man shouldn't point a g*n

At his friends, wyatt.

Look, you've got

The finneys bagged.

The army patrol

Will be here pretty soon.

Now blowing up that bunkhouse

Is just plain m*rder.

They shot at you

When your back was turned.

That'll be in my report.

But I don't

Wanna have to report

That the grangers

k*lled a bunch of men

- Who were cornered.

- Grab him!

I'm sorry, son.

But you ain't had relatives

And neighbors k*lled

From ambush.

( g*nf*re continues )

All right,

Light her up

And we'll let her roll.

( Men shouting )

Sheriff, look!

They're trying

To burn us out.

They got

A flaming wagon.

Let's get out of here!

- Come on!

- ( Men shouting )

Deacon, I bet you

Got them all.

Let's go find out.

Dag blast it,

Only six hired g*ns left.

Johnson and them others

Died too quick.

Rustle me six ropes, boys.

We'll finish this

Right now.


Hold it.

Deacon, these men

Are my prisoners.

I don't wanna hurt you, son.

Why do you keep crowding

Us folks into a gunfight?

There's been enough

Hanging without trial.

Now you men think

About it for a minute.

And deacon...

You'd be first.


I'm a united states

Deputy marshal.

I have six very badly

Wounded prisoners here.

Ten dead over yonder.

Mr. Burns here

And his people

Wanna hang 'em

By lynch law.



Round up

The prisoners.

Now we'll try to get them

Into town as soon as possible.

- Yeah.

- ( Captain shouting )

Marshal wyatt?

Yes, sir?

Us grangers wanna say

A prayer for you

At meeting tonight.

You got any objection?

Well, thank you,

Deacon. I, uh--

I can always use a prayer.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story...

♪ Be told.
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