04x17 - A Good Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x17 - A Good Man

Post by bunniefuu »

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


There was a saying

In the west.

It varied from place

To place, but it always

Went something like this--

"There's no sunday past

Junction city

And no god past abilene."

And at times it seemed

There was some truth to that,

But there were men who

Carried god in their hearts.

( Hammering )

Man: what do you think

You're doing?

"Sinners repent.

The sin of gambling."

Great evangelist, huh?

Is that you?

Get out, reverend.

You better watch out

Who you're throwing down

On the ground, sir.

And you oughta look out

Where you're putting your

Posters without permission.

My permission comes

From above.

Yeah, well, I own this

Saloon, and I don't want

Handbills on it,

- Especially yours.

- You'll rue this day.

Vengeance is mine,

Sayeth the lord.

And the hour's

Not far off

When this man will feel

The wrath of the almighty.

I said get out!

Though you purge me

With hot irons,

Yet I shall preach.

- Why, you--

- Hold it.

You leave him alone.

Do your duty, earp.

There's an ordinance

Against putting handbills

On private property.

It's a small fine,

Mr. Ganly.

Doesn't call

For a p*stol whipping.

I've had all from you

I'm gonna take!

Break it up,

The rest of you.

( Murmuring )

"Reverend oliver tittle,"

Is that you?

Dodge city is just like

I've always heard.

Full of vice

And corruption.

Even your ordinances

Are against men trying

To preach the word.

No, sir, just against

Defacing people's property.

All you gotta do

Is ask permission.

Do you think

They'd give it?

Yes, sir, for a church.

By the way, what's yours?

Well, I'm not ordained.

But that doesn't mean

I can't be a sincere

Servant of the lord.

Now am I under arrest?

No, sir,

But you do look like you

Could use a little food.

Come on.

You haven't even gotten

All the trail dust

Off of you

And already you pick

A fight with the meanest

Man in town.

I'm not afraid, sir.

The lord will protect me.

He's my shepherd

And my staff.

He comforteth me.

Yes, sir, I know.

I also believe that.

But does it promise you help

Against g*ns and b*ll*ts?

Against all evil, sir.

What are you selling,

Mr. Tittle?


I asked you what

You were selling.

I'm selling

Redemption, sir.

And how much do your

Customers have to

Pay for it?


You think I'm one of those

That use the good words

Of the lord

For commercial purposes,

Is that it?


How do you live?

By the grace of the lord

And the contributions

Of my congregations.

Is there any law

Against that?

No, sir, but I'm afraid

You won't find much help here.

See, all the good people

Already go to church,

And the others,

Well, they don't want to.

These frontier towns

Are all alike. I manage.

But not very well.

Would you like some more?

No, thank you, sir.

And so, brothers,

Sisters, sinners,


Yes, you, my brothers.

For all men,

Big and small, are sinners,

Even as I was,

But hear me.

Hear my story.

For I say to you,

You can be forgiven,

Even as I was.

If you truly repent

And promise

To go and sin no more,

You can be forgiven--

If you put behind you

The wickedness

Of this world.

But if you continue

To indulge

In the sins and vice

Of this vile city,

Then I say to you,

You shall not escape

The wrath that is to come.

- But look at the fun

You're having.

- ( Laughing )

Think not that you

Can escape his scrutiny.

For his eyes

Are upon all of us,

Each and every one of us.

Yea, even upon

The little sparrow.

- Like you, sparrow?

- ( Laughing )

The lord smiteth his enemies

And guardeth his own.

How, with hired

Hands like you?

Beware of the words of evil.

For the devil

Walketh among you

And make a sin

Appear attractive.

But the wages of sin,

O my friends,

Is death!

If he had his way,

Dodge would be

A cemetery.

All churches

And no saloons.

Nowhere to whet a dry throat

Or see a pretty face.

I'd ride him out

Of here on a rail.


Let's ride him out of town.

Mr. Ganly,

You go on back to your place.

Look, earp, I've got

As much right here as he has.

If he can say his

Peace, so can i.

All right, you've said it.

Now get out of here.

There's not gonna be

Any tar and feather party.

You're getting

Mighty righteous, earp.

All right, boys,

Come on.

- Free round for everyone.

- Hurray!

Wait a minute, my friends.

There can be redemption

For all.

All will be forgiven

If you just listen

To the word--

Looks like you lost

Your congregation,

Mr. Tittle.

I'm not beaten

Easily, sir.


Neither is mr. Ganly.

Now if I were you,

I'd find someplace

Else to preach.

Are you running me

Off the street?

No, mr. Tittle,

I'm just asking you

To be careful.

Tar and feathers

Aren't pleasant.

- ( Chattering )

- ( Laughing )


Generation of vipers!

Let me warn you

Of the wrath that is to come.

Woe unto you,

For you're all spoiled.

Get out of here.

Thou hast heard,

O my soul,

The sound of the trumpet,

The alarm of w*r,


Upon destruction is cried,

And the whole land

Is spoiled!

Listen, you--

I shall make the whole

World desolate,

And yet,

I shall not make an end.

For this,

The whole earth shall mourn

And the heavens

Above be black!

I said get out!

Now wait a minute, ganly.

He talks scripture

Pretty good. Let him talk.

No, this is my place

And I don't want him

In here.

Come on, ganly,

Let him talk.

What about it, men?

Sure, let him talk.

He's pretty good.

Go ahead, mister,

Let us have it.

Bless you.


I say unto you,

I shall bring evil

Upon these people,

For they are all

Grievous revolters.

And they walk

With slanders.

They're all brass

And iron

And corrupters.

And thou, daughters,

Gird thee in sack cloth.

Wallow thyself in ashes

And make thee mourning.

For suddenly,

The spoiler shall

Come up upon you.

And how long shall

The earth mourn?

As long I tell thee

As you allow satan

To dwell among thee.

I say to you,

Drive out the devil!

Who are you

Calling the devil?

He that wears that name

Shall know himself.

But redemption is near.

All can be forgiven.

Even those worse sinners

Of all,

Those soiled sisters

Of jezebel--

Even they

Shall be forgiven,

If they truly repent.

All will be forgiven

If you only repent

And go

And sin no more.

And sin no more.


- ( Cheering )

- Well, that is

A real fine sermon.

That was a real fine

Sermon, reverend.

I ain't heared preaching

Like that in years.

- How about a collection

For that sermon, huh?

- Sure.

( All murmur and chatter )

Go ahead, ganly, here.

- How about a collection

Over here, boys?

- Sure.

Sure. Pay him

For his performance.

That's what it was for.

Go ahead.

- Throw away good money.

- Now, ganly.

If he's so righteous,

What's he need with money?

Let him refuse it.

Let the marshal hold it.

And see that it's used

Only as you want it

To be used.

If that's the way

You want it.

That's the way I want it.

Now get out.

You got what you came for.

- Not everything.

- What do you mean?

I am going to

Vanquish the devil.

Come on, mr. Tittle.

- That was a good sermon.

- ( Murmuring )

You're brave, but I hope

You're not too brave.


You need to eat.

Otherwise, you won't

Be good for your work.

- ( Chattering )

- ( Laughing )

Well, howdy, reverend.

You come to preach

Another sermon?

Or maybe you was figuring

To sit in on this little game?

Is that money burning

A hole in your pocket?

Go on, sit down.

Go on, nothing ventured,

Nothing gained.

You might multiply the little

Stake and make more money

For the church.

Go on.

Go ahead.

It's a friendly game.

( Shouts )


I thought the gambling

Fever had gone,

But it hasn't.

It's still there

Tearing away at me.


Everywhere I go,

He's there before me.

The tempter, the devil.

I've tried

To fight him, lord.

I've tried to do battle

For you.

But I'm weak.

Tell me what I'm to do.

Give me a sign.

A sign.

A sign.

Marshal, that money is

Going to build another

Fine church for the lord

Right here in dodge.

Well, we can certainly

Use a new church.

But there's gonna have

To be quite a return

On your investment,

And I don't know

Any investments

That are that good.

Legal ones anyway.

It's legal.

Maybe it's sort of

A miracle,

Like the loaves

And the fishes.

You might say

Something like that.

Mr. Tittle.

Marshal, I was told

To do this.

How do you know?

I received a sign.

This is for the lord's use.

Well, I guess I'll have to

Take your word for it.


You might not think

That a church should

Be built this way.

But I know

My sign is right.

It ain't no fun

Drinking alone.

Come on over here.

You, get out.

No more of your sermons.

I'm not here to preach.

Then what?

To play.

Well, sir, you was right

About that preacher.

He's sure a-heading

For trouble now

And with half the town

A-watching him.

What's he doing?

He's a-playing draw poker

With ganly.

Tittle: call.

Three ladies.

Aces and tens full.

Hello, marshal.

Why'd you give him the money?

He said he had

A use for it.

He sure does.

I've never seen such luck.

It isn't luck, mister.

It's the lord's money

Against the devil's.


Wait a minute.

You have enough there,

Mr. Tittle.

You've performed your miracle.

Now why don't you quit?

Oh, no. He's got

Too much of my money.

- Deal 'em.

- He can quit

If he wants to.

Is that your scheme,

Earp, to wipe me out?

I'm in this by myself.

I'll be told when to quit.

No doubt.

- Now I'm gonna run you

Out of town.

- Why?

Because I don't want

A phony preacher here.

Well, marshal,

His preaching ain't phony.

It's real good.

That's your money

He's using to gamble.

We got our worth of it.

Didn't we, men?

- Yeah.

- Sure.

Don't you trust me,


I don't think you're a real

Preacher, mr. Tittle.

I think that's just a front.

That you're really a gambler.

- You're right.

- ( Murmuring )

Your marshal is right,


I'm a gambler.

Been one all my life

Up until a year ago.

And that's true,

But I'm a preacher, too,

And that's true.

I tried for a long time

To get rid of the bad,


But it kept coming back

Time after time after time

Until I lost my home,

My family,

My wife, my self-respect.

And then a year ago,

I turned to heaven for help.

And I was cleansed.

And ever since then,

I've been wandering

And preaching.

Running away, hmm?


But I haven't gambled since.

Until today?

I was told to do this,


It's for his

Inscrutable purpose.

This time it isn't sin.

I won't lose.

I can't lose.

Mr. Ganly,

You can't beat that.

Deal 'em.

I'll open for $ .

And $ more.

And another $ .

And $ more.

Deal 'em.


I'll bet $ .

( Crowd murmurs )

And $ more.

( Crowd murmurs )

And another $ , .

Your $ ,

And $ , more.

I haven't got that much.

You can put in your i.o.u.

For the saloon.


Wow. Reverend,

What did you have?

I'll bet he bluffed

You out, ganly.

Deal me out.

I've had enough.

- You can't play against

A man like him.

- Aww!

Come on, mr. Tittle,

Game's over.

You take charge

Of this for me, marshal.

Yeah, I guess I better.

Somebody's liable to hit

You over the head.

Where you staying?

Rooming house

Down on bridge street.

You better head

Straight there.

I'll take this

Over to the office.

It's too bad.

Another couple of hands

And I'd have run

Him out of town

For you, marshal.


I don't think mr. Ganly's

Gonna take this lying down.

I'm not afraid.

Maybe you should be.

Ganly, drop that g*n!

- Look out, marshal!

- ( g*nsh*t )

- Get a doc.

- Is he hurt bad, marshal?

You all right, wyatt?

Yeah, go take care

Of ganly and then

Throw him in jail.

Why, it's the preacher.

The money.

Give it to the churches.

They do the lord's work.


Thank you.

You fed me

When I was hungry.

He was a strange man,


Like the indians call holy.

He did what

He set out to do.

He rid dodge city

Of one of its devils.

Mr. Ganly will hang

For m*rder now.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪

( Men vocalizing )
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