04x20 - The Muleskinner

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x20 - The Muleskinner

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ken Darby Singers's

"The Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp,

Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪


(male narrator)

Many of the men and women

who peopled the early west

were unschooled and unlettered.

Primitive in their thoughts

and their passions.

Such people could be

warm friends or deadly enemies.

And often, too often they

brought trouble to Dodge City

and Wyatt Earp.

(male # )


Here I alight.

I'll be right back out.

Hm...now, let's see...

Wyatt's here and I'm here. Um.


What can I do for you?

You ain't Wyatt Earp.

He's better looking.

Well, I reckon

you broke plenty of mirrors

in your time too, grandpa.

I reckon, Philip once said, my

mules is better looking than me.


You got mules?

Hm, yeah. I got three

standin' outside there.


- Sit down.

- Thanks.

- You're a mule skinner?

- No-o, I'm a free-doer.

- Do business for myself.

- Hmm.

Well, Marshall Earp

ain't here right now.

I'm his Chief Deputy,

Shotgun Gibbs.

An old man likes mules.

Can't be as bad as you look.

You like mules too, eh?

He, he.

Sure do.

Ridin' one.

Better than a horse.

Now, what can I do for you?

O-oh, nothin', Mr. Gibbs.

Just put me in touch with Wyatt.

I know them back in Wichita.

Thought I'd look him up.

McGuffin's the name.

[mule whining]

- Hey, is that one of yours?

- Yeah. It's Mike. My lead mule.

He wants me.

Must be somethin' wrong.

I'll be right back.



- I suspected you might.

- Of what, Sam?

Trying to the steal the map

and desert me.

First real road town we come to.

Oh, what you sayin', man?

Wanna get to Arizona ahead

of me, so you get it all, eh?

Now, Sam.

Me let you in on everything,

just out of kindness.

- Well..

- No, wait.

'I didn't mean anything.

Don't hit me.'

You wanna run to Arizona?

Well, alright then, you'll run.



Sam, no...no.

I'll give it back to you, Sam.

Don't hit, uh...please don't.

- Where were you?

- Back in the jail section.

This fella says

he's you friend.

I was once.



Sam McGuffin.

Is this any way to treat

an old friend, Wyatt?

Was that any way

to treat your swamper?

Yeah...when the swamper's

know no good.

We'll figure out a way to do it.

You'll k*ll a man with a whip.

Yeah, throw him

in jail, Marshal.

Shut up, or I'll hide you

with my bare hands.

Just you try it.


You wanna argue,

you do that somewhere else.

Ain't gonna be no argument.

Just let him get outta here.

When he gimme back what's mine.

He steal somethin' from you?

I decided to get rid of him

comin' down here anyway.

He don't know how to treat

mules. He abuses them.

- 'He ain't no real mule-man.'

- No. Who wants to be?

Who wants to be a filthy old

mule skinner like you?

Wait a minute.

You get outta here

while you can, mister.

- Just give me back what's mine.

- It's part mine too.

- We're both partners.

- Only if you went all the way.

If you help me take

that team to the Arizona.

You deserted, now,

all agreements is off.

You stealin'

what belongs to me.

You got somethin' of his,

you better give it back to him.


Alright, go on back

to Arizona, back to Wichita.

- Anyways suits me.

- I'll fix you.

You're like your filthy mules.

- Hey.

- Wait a minute.

Just take it easy, Sam.

Just take it easy.

He try to steal somethin'

from you of value?


He just wasn't no good, Wyatt.

I don't know why I ever thought

to take him along to Arizona.

You gonna pull that load

all the way?

No...just takin' it on

a little ways further

and then I'm goin' on empty.


you might say.

How come Arizona, after so many

lo-ong years in Wichita?

Them rail-roadies puttin' us

traders outta business, Wyatt.


Well, Arizona's a long way to go

on chance, much less alone.

I donno why I ever ask him?

Cut me, I guess.

Why, them mules of yours

are mighty good company.

They are.

Especially Mike, you know.

He's my leader. He's the best.

'He's almost human.

He's so smart.'

You know, I got one,

just like him. Call him Rosco.

Old dang knew everythin'

I tell him.

Your Mike don't get along

with that mister, I take it.

He don't.

God, he'd beaten Mike one day.

Is that so? Only justice,

you've done the same to him.

Only not

with a black snake.

You know

it's a lethal w*apon, Sam.

You hit a man with that,

you can k*ll him. You know that.

You know I don't hit nothi''

I don't aim to, Wyatt.

Well, he needs

a lesson, that one.


Let's forget it.

Let me buy you a supper,

talk over old times, eh?

If you wait till I take this

load outta town and make game.

- Feed them and bed them down.

- Sure. I'll come along.

Good, good, good.

[soft music]

Pull 'em, Mike.

Take 'em out.

Sure is some fella, anyway.

Yeah, he is.

He's one of the best.

Well, I'm comin' high onto

miles outta my way to see you.

I did. I'm getting stopped

and bow me in my old age, huh.

[both laughing]

Let's just say,

you're a sound mental saint.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[vessels clanking]

[mule whines]

[music continues]


Yeah, that's

kinda right. Whoa.

There you go, Sam.

Watch yourself.

O-oh, thanks, Wyatt.

Thanks for the ride.

It's good to see you after so

long. Good to chew fat with you.

Yeah, that Del Monaco

sure puts on a fine spread.

[both laughs]

Well, eat through again

when you come back again, eh?

Ain't likely, Wyatt.

- Good luck to you, Sam.

- Thanks.

- Somethin' ain't right.

- 'What's the matter?'

Somethin' ain't right.

Mike usually says hello.

Wyatt, he's gone.

Wyatt, he was picketed

right here.

Why, he couldn't

have strayed far.

He didn't stray.

Rope's cut.

Must've been someone

who knows how valuable Mike is.

There's only one man

around here like that.

- Fuller?

- Um.

He could've told

somebody else.


That was that Fuller, alright.

Who else should rummage

lookin' for the map?

- Did he get it?

- No, I got it right here.

Eh-h, I reckon you figured it

was somethin' like that, eh?

Yeah, but um...

map to what?

It's a goldmine over in Arizona

in the Superstition mountains.

South of the Tucson Poubelle.

That don't matter now.

I gotta get that mule back.

- Get outta my way, son.

- Sam...Sam.

Sam, wait a minute.

Now, we have every chance

to find that mule.

But just take it easy, relax.

A valuable animal like that

is easily identified.

He'll take it far away from

Dodge before he sells it.

Then we gotta get him

before he can sell Mike.

Wyatt, you gotta help me. I

don't know much about trackin'.

Sure, I'll help you.

But not tonight.

The moon is down.

Wait till morning.

You expect me to wait

around here until mornin'

knowing that Mike's

out there somewhere needin' me

and that skunk Fuller, will--

see, even I can see

his tracks are goin' this way.

If we go now, we might come upon

him camping, he can't get far.

- Sam--

- Look, Wyatt, I just got to go.

Sam, believe me.

I know my business.

Best to wait till morning to

ensure we got the right trail.

Now, the man's got to

take a rest some time.


that's what he does best.

Guess you're right, son.

[intense music]

Hello, McGuffin.


Fuller. Where's Mike?

- 'What've you done with him?'

- He's in a safe place.

- You hurt him, I'll k*ll you.

- Sam, Sam.

Let me handle this.

I got a g*n now, McGuffin.

You ain't gonna whip me again.

You're not as smart as I thought

you'd be, Mr. Fuller.

I figured you'd be real

long gone from here by now.

I will be, this time tomorrow.

I'm taking a train from here on.

Now, that you stole

that mule, you're not.

- You can't prove it.

- You just admitted it.

No, I haven't.

I said it in a safe place.

Maybe I found the mule wonderi''

around, so I tied him up

in a safe place and I've come

to tell the owner where he was.

That rope was cut.

You wouldn't happen to know

something about it, would you?

Can't prove I had anything

to do with that.

- Maybe I can.

- You shouldn't try, Marshal.

- Sam wouldn't like it.

- What do you mean, Fuller?

He means, Sam, that if I arrest

him, he might lose his tongue.

Or, I might just forget

where that mule is tied up at.

Why, you rotten.

I'll k*ll you.

Alright, Sam. Maybe he won't

have to use his memory.

- We'll track that mule anyway.

- I wouldn't bank on it.

- Pretty rough places we went.

- I'll k*ll you.

No, I don't think so. Likely,

you'll never see me again.

I'm taking that o'clock train

west in the morning.

By the time you get to Arizona,

I'll be come and gone.

Why'd you come back here then?

From the kindness in your heart?

Oh, no, Marshall, you don't get

no call to be sarcastic.

- Haven't I?

- 'No.'

I know how Sam hankers after

that lead mule of his.

It's real touching,

ain't it?

So I thought he oughta

know where the animal was.

Of course I did kinda expect

some kind of a reward.

- Like the map maybe, huh?

- Yeah.

I was promised

half interest in it.

That's extortion, Fuller.

Call it what you want.

I was promised.

- You had enough of this, Sam?

- No, no, wait a minute.

Don't let him

get away with this.

- I want Mike back.

- You'll get him back.

Well, maybe so, maybe not.

I can't take that chance!

- Sam!

- No!

If he won't prosecute, there's

no case against me, right?


Alright, McGuffin,

where's the map?


- Now, where's Mike? Tell me.

- Now, wait a minute.

There's one other part of this

agreement to be understood.


Nobody's gonna interfere with my

getting on that train tomorrow.

I don't know you, Marshall.

But I do know Sam's word's good.

Is yours?

Yeah, how do we know

you ain't lying?

Well, you just have to

trust me that's all.

I swear to you. You'll find

the mule where I tell you.



I'll give you my word.

Now where is he? Tell me!

Well, you go south.

Cross the river

and onto the blus.

Then west to the

second warst that cuts them.

You walk that

about a mile

past a grove of cotton woods,

there's some thick brush.

- Mule's in there.

- He'd better be!

- We gotta take him with us.

- I know. But I promised, Wyatt.


But Mr. Fuller, you better

never show your face in Dodge

as long as I'm Marshall.

Don't you worry, Marshall.

From now on, I'm finished

with these filthy little towns

like yours.

When I clean this...I'm heading

for the real Del Monaco's.

In New York.

You think he's lying about,

uh, old Mike?

I hope not, Sam.

They don't know what I'd do

without old Mike.

Would have had

find that man alright

if I had to hunt forever.

Well, Sam, most folks would

think that you made a bad deal.

Trading an old mule like that

on a possible gold mine.

Them folks ain't learned

to know about animals.

Animals got feelings

just like people.

Still, most folks

would take the gold mine.

I never wanted that really.

Just an excuse I guess

to try a new country.

Besides, I'm sure that old coog

who gave it to me was local.

Didn't you say that mine was

in the Superstition mountains

just south of,

uh, Tucson Poubelle?

- Yeah, just a little way.

- Well, that must be a mistake.

Superstition mountains,

they're uh, way far in North.

No, I remember it perfectly.

I can see it before my eyes.

If I ever get there

I can go right to it.

M-maybe I'll never

get there, huh?

Sure, you'll make it.

Bah...what would I do

with a whole lotta money?

I'm just an old mule skinner.

It's just as well you didn't

go to Arizona with Fuller.

Man like that, he wouldn't

hesitate to k*ll for gold.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe it is all for the best.

All except Mike.

Wyatt! You just

got to help me find Mike.

We'll find him, Sam.

I know right where

that cotton grows.

I'll find my way

there in the dark.

Good, I'll go saddle a mule

right away.

[dramatic music]

He gotta be around

here somewhere.

I don't know.

Mike oughta be saying.

"Hello" by now.

Wyatt, bring that lantern here.



[sad music]



[music continues]

He didn't have to do that.

Why did he

have to do that, Wyatt?

Just out of spite, I guess.

If he thought he'll be gone

before we found out, he's wrong.

We'll be back in Dodge

before five o clock.

- Come on.

- No.

- I gotta bury Mike.

- Sam, we'll be back later.

Few hours aren't going to make

any difference to Mike now.

Y-you're right.

Guess you're right.

We got to get to that fella.

We've got to get that mister!

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

We'll leave them here.

I wanna surprise him.

Get over that fence.

[music continues]

[train whistling]

Hear that?

It's the five o clock coming.

Give me your g*n, Wyatt.

No, Sam. This is my job.

You let me handle it.

- Now, you wait here.

- Wyatt, don't take him alive.

Of course. He'll stand trial

and go to jail.

For what?!

- Horse stealing?

- And extortion.

- But this is m*rder!

- Not to the law it isn't.

I don't care anything

about what the law says!

- Sam, I know how you feel.

- I got to for Mike.


You're gonna stay out of it.

I'm telling you, wait here!

Sam, the man has a g*n.

You're unarmed. Even if I--

You said this yourself this was

a lethal w*apon, I'll show you.

Now, get outta my way, Wyatt.

No...you stay here.


[train whistling]

If I have to fight you

first, Wyatt, I will.

I don't want to...but I will.

Then you're going to have to.

I don't want to hurt you

but that man

don't deserve to live.

And he ain't gonna.

Now, get outta my way.


[dramatic music]

[music continues]

Sorry, Sam.

[train whistling]

- Hold it right there, Fuller.

- Why, Marshall.

How did you know I--

I found out in time

to get back here in a rush.

Alright, Marshall.

I eh, I--

That wasn't smart, Fuller.

You're not getting away.

I'll come after you.

You come and I'll pick you off,

I'll sh**t to k*ll.

You better start sh**ting

because I'm gonna take you.


A few years

aren't going to be as bad

as that slug

you're asking for.

Now, once more, are you going

to give yourself up?

[dramatic music]

[music continues]


[horse neighing]

[music continues]

[Fuller screaming]


Move over there, boy.

Move over.

[slow music]

[dramatic music]

What is it, Wyatt?

What happened here?

Let's go get Sam.

He's over by the shed.


You alright? I'm awfully sorry

I had to hit you so hard.

Yeah, you gave me

a heck of a bump.

I heard a g*n fire.

You get him?


Your mule got him.

- Stomped him to death.

- Mule?

- Then you didn't have to?

- No.

He didn't deserve to live.

I took this out of his pocket.

That map's a hoax, Sam.

There's no terrain like that

around Tucson Poubelle.

Yea-ah, I kinda suspected it.

Don't matter though. I guess

I'll go along there anyway.

Sure kinda glad things

turned out the way they did.

So am I, Sam.

'Cause I can't arrest

a mule for m*rder.


♪ Well he cleaned

up the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪
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