04x24 - She Almost Married Wyatt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x24 - She Almost Married Wyatt

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

[humming continues]

(male narrator)

The s were a time of

Victorian decorum and chivalry.

Men like Marshal Wyatt Earp

held to a code which we

smile at today as being

stuffy and sentimental.

Where women were concerned,

Wyatt felt obligations

which moved him to be

a friend and protector.

Historians of the period

had agreed

that life in

frontier settlements

was heaven for cattle,

but hard for women.

As Cathy Prentice

would testify to that.

- 'What's the matter with her?'

- What happened? What is it?

What happened, Cousin?

Who's the girl with you?

Alright, break it up.

This Indian's

a friend of mine.

What happened to her,

Mr. Cousin?

Don't know, Mr. Earp.

I find her on trail.

What's your name miss?

I'll take her

over to Dr. McCarty.

You get Mrs. Bates.

Wait for me in my office.

Come on lady.

Now, break it up!

[indistinct chattering]

Here, drink some of this.

She's suffering

from exhaustion, that's all.

Been walking the trail

a good many miles, I guess.

Oh-h, the poor little thing.

Has she been wounded?

No, ma'am. She's

just tuckered out.

Well, she certainly

needs a bath.

'And a long sleep.'

Let her sleep first, ma.

I brought my surrey. Is it

okay to move her to my house?

You're boss

of Traveler's Helpers.

She'll be in good hands.

Oh, please carry her

to the surrey, Wyatt.

- Yes, ma'am.

- And we'll need information.

Now, she doesn't look

to be of legal age.

You know how much

trouble that can cause.

When she wakes up, she

can tell you all about herself.

Sometimes they will

and sometimes they won't.

It's always the Traveler's

Helpers that takes the blame.

Well, pick her up,

Wyatt, pick her up.

Yes, ma'am.

Try and sit up and put

your arm around me.

That's it.

That's it.

Now hold on tight.

That's it.

[slow paced music]

What you gotten any word?

Not so far.

Mr. Cousin found her

about miles south.

From the trail

to the nations.

She saw him,

became frightened and ran.

Tripped and fell,

seemed to go into a faint.

When she through, she just

blinked and shook her head

at all his questions.

You think

they blamed Indians?

No, Mr. Cousin, she could have

run away from a wagon

or a ranch house

on the trail.

Girl on foot should

be easy to back track.

Well, that's the idea.

We want to give her

a chance to talk first.

We've already had three

runaways this week.

Ma Bates, she's always worried

the Traveler's Helpers

are gonna find themself in

the midst of a lawsuit.

How much could anybody collect

from them if they did sue?

Oh, quite a large

fortune...at least $ .


Now you stay here

with Mr. Cousin.

I'm gonna go see

if the girl is awake.

[slow paced music]

Here's some rainwater

to rinse with.

- Real fresh rainwater?

- 'Out of the cistern.'

Dust, alkaline water.

I hate this country.



'You didn't have any choice

about coming with?'


Well, the men

decide to pioneer

and the women

have to go along.

Are you...ready for more?

[doorbell ringing]

Oh, now who's that?

Let it ring.

Oh, it might be

that nosey doctor.

I'll have to go.


And dry yourself.

Then put on this nightgown

and get into bed.

[soft music]

[doorbell ringing]

'Coming doctor.'


Oh, Wyatt.

I thought McCarty

might snoop around

to see if I

obeyed orders.

- Come in. Do come in.

- Thank you.

- Is she, uh, still asleep?

- No. Finishing her bath.

- And a real problem.

- Oh.

Won't tell me her name

or anything.

Just that she

hates Kansas.

- Another runaway on our hands.

- No information for me, huh?

Well, she's bruised up

some on her back and arms.

Of course, you

won't refer to it.

Oh, no, ma'am.

Well, I'll go see

if she's properly covered.

Yes, you, uh...

you better do that.

It's Marshal Earp.

He wants to talk to you.

Why? I haven't done anything.

Well, you haven't said who you

are or where you come from.

Can he make me tell?

Young woman, the Traveler's

Helpers has certain rules.

- I think you're a runaway.

- Oh.

And in runaway cases, we have to

work with the Marshal's office.

Now, put this on.


- Get into bed.

- But I'm not going to tell.

We'll see.

Now, cover yourself up good.

It's alright, Wyatt.

Now, you can trust

Marshal Earp.

I never saw a man

you could trust.

Dear, I wish you wouldn't

say things like that.

Come on in, Wyatt.


Why, girl, you look

like a different girl.

Thanks to Mrs. Bates.

Oh, don't thank me,

just tell the truth.

Oh, I'm sure she will.

Now, the Indian that found you

Mr. Cousin is gonna

try and back-trail you.

I am to send Mr. Masterson too.

It's gonna be a long, long ride.


You can save us

an awful lot of expense.

We have kind of

a small town here.

Traveler's Helpers Society

doesn't have too much money.

And if you're not ,

your folks could sue us.

Does Mrs. Bate

have to know about it?

Well, she's your friend.

I'm...there are some things

you shouldn't try

to explain to a lady, please.

I'll be downstairs

if you need me.

Now then..

And so I ran away.

If-if you knew the Prentices

and you were a girl

you'd run away too.

Well, did they legally

adopt you as Cathy Prentice?

I don't know.

All I know is, I'm

not going back there.

Don't you have any..

Don't you have any

friends in present ville?

It isn't a town Mr. Earp.

Just a saloon in a tavern.

I did have one friend though.

A cowhand.

Norm Davis.


Well, he sort of hinted

that he'd like to marry me.

But he rode off

down the trail last spring.

Thanks, Miss Cathy.

I'll look into it.

- You believe me?

- 'Mm-hmm.'

It's just about

the first time that anyone..

...except Norm..

Thank you, Mr. Earp.

Thank you very much.

[intense music]


Her name is Cathy Prentice.

She was adopted by some

real low-down people

according to her story.

I'm gonna check it out.

Here's some money

for the Traveler's Helpers.

She'll need, uh,

some new clothes.

Oh, but if the child

was legally adopted

you'll have to

send her back, Wyatt.

I'm going to get proof

before I send her back.

Now, go on, take it.

If half of what this girl

tells me about the Prentice's

turns out to be true

you'd be in favor

of taking them to court.

Seems that only one man,

a young cowhand

by the name of Norman Davis,

treated her like a human being.

Didn't try to take

advantage of her.

Ah, shocking.

He's the only good thing

that ever happened to her.

The rest you'd call

white trash behavior.

You look out after her,

until I get back.

I certainly will.

- That poor child.

- Thank you.

[dramatic music]

Where's Wyatt?

He's out on a case.

That runaway girl

Cousin brought in..

That's right, sir.

This town has enough trouble

with runaway boys.

I'm not criticizing you, Cousin,

only thing you could have done.

But the relatives always

turn up and sue the city.

I thought they always sued

the Traveler's Helpers?

Nah, this city

has got real money.

Eight hundred or more

in the treasury.

- Howdy, Mr. Mayor?

- What's up?


You come along.

Mr. Cousin, you're

going back to your farm.

I wanna thank you

for helping Miss Cathy.

Oh, Miss Cathy is it?

Who's her folks,

where'd she run from?

Well, that's confidential,

Mr. Mayor. Police work.

Well, just see you

don't get us sued

for mistreating a runaway

or something.

Oh, I'll be real discreet.

We're gonna need

a lot of trail rations.

Bring that along.

Quite a ride.

[dramatic music]

[horse neighing]

[music continues]


You boys, wake up!

Two strangers outside.

You Mrs. Prentice?


Couple of Johnny Laws

getting nosey.

I only asked you if

your name was Mrs. Prentice?

He's no calling you hostile.

Yeah, she's ma Prentice,

I'm Lonnie and he's Ty.

You talk too much, Lonnie.

Nobody's saying nothing.

You got a sister

by the name of Cathy?

Yeah, where is she?

Don't know.

Cowhand rode in

to Dodge yesterday.

Said she was missing?

She went away?

But did you beat her

so she can't get around?

Mean talk to your ma.

Whop him!

[dramatic music]

Hold it.

You're more my size.


I'll drive your tack for you.


'Lonnie, get a g*n.'

Hold it!

Now, you're all

suspected of m*rder.



Well, Cathy just run off,

that's all.

Hush up.

You watch these two.

I'm gonna shake down

this rat-hole.

Ladies first, ma'am.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

You, uh...make

your daughter stay here?

That's my business.


He went for his g*n.

Plugged ya, did he?

Just wait till some

of the cowhands ride in.

It hurts, mom.

Ma, we shouldn't

be fighting the law.

Now, you tell 'em

the truth about Cathy.

- I'm telling 'em nothin'.

- Then I'm gonna tell 'em.

- She ain't our real sister.

- Hush up, Lonnie.

Ma adopted her.

She ran off 'cause

she didn't wanna marry Todd.

She loves some cowhand

named Norm Davis.

Was she legally adopted?

Sure, ma has got the papers.

Come on, Wyatt.

Nothin' more to do here.

I loved Cathy.

But I didn't hurt her bad.

Now you satisfied?

For the time being, ma'am..



[dramatic music]

Cathy is in Dodge.

That Marshal was lyin'

about her being k*lled.

- You reckon?

- Did, sure.

I promised Todd

he could marry her.

We'll be visiting Dodge.

Come on, son.

Did you send her back?

Well, she's not .

There's not much else to do.

Send her back to marry

somethin' like Todd?

Are you feelin' sorry

for that girl?

Now don't get yourself

concerned, Wyatt.

[dramatic music]


Oh, not Miss Cathy.

I guess, I do look

a little different.

Yes, ma'am.

You sure do.

- Did you see them?

- Hm?

Mom Prentice.

Do they know where I am?


Did you meet Todd?

Yes, ma'am.

I can't go back there.

I just can't.

Don't make me do that,

Mr. Earp, please.

Uh, well..

What does Mrs. Bates think?

Oh, she's afraid that

the Traveler's Helpers

might be accused

of abducting me or something.


Couldn't you abduct me?

I'd go anywhere with you.

Um, wait a minute,

Miss Cathy--

Well, last night when you

carried me in your arms

I felt safe.

I felt like being in love.

Look, you've been afraid

all your life.

Now, I wear a star and I

carry g*ns. It's only natural--

Oh, please, it's..

I'm just askin'

to be near you.

I wouldn't expect you

to marry me.

Miss Cathy, nice girls

don't say things like that.

I can't afford

to be a nice girl.

Nice girls don't have men

like Todd Prentice after them.

Or mom Prentice with a,

a whip or a beer mug.

What I need is--

I think that what we...

ought to do is

go and have a little talk

with Mrs. Bates.

I'll...I'll try and talk her

into a visit

to Kansas City

and you go along, hm?

Oh, that would be

just fine Mr. Earp.


Just...just fine.

Anyway, I won't work quiet.

Maybe that young cowhand

will come ridin' up the trail.


Norm Davis, the young fellow

you told me about.

One to marry you.

Oh, he's probably forgotten

all about me.

Besides, I'd rather be your girl

and go off with you

than marry Norm.

You're desperate,

aren't you?

I wanna send a message

to Norm down all the trails.

We'll find him.

Don't you like me well enough

to have me for your girl.

Ms. Cathy, please.

Well, I think I could find

another man who'd take me away.

But he wouldn't be as handsome

or as lovable as you.


Um, howdy folks.

Howdy, Marshal.

I'm sorry to rush you

but talk like that is just--

I'm not ashamed.

It's honest talk.

I just think

you're wonderful.


Uh, Mrs. Bates.

Mrs. Bate.

And you know the law, Wyatt.

The child belongs to the

Prentice woman until she's .


As for you young lady,

I never heard such..

...such brazen talk.

It's indecent.

You don't know Todd Prentice.

Oh, she's played on your

sympathy, Wyatt.

Now, the time has come

to send word to the Prentices

or take Cathy home.

No, ma'am.


I wouldn't send a dog back

to the Prentices.

Come on, Ms. Cathy.

We won't bother

Mrs. Bates anymore.

I'll rent you a room

over at the States Coach Inn.

- Oh, yes.

- What a shame!

I thought you were a paragon

of virtue, a deacon of church--

Mrs. Bates I will hire

Mrs. Williams to look after her.

Now, Ms. Cathy didn't mean

all those things she was saying

about me. She's, well she's

mixed up and I don't blame her.

I wouldn't trust Mrs. Williams,

not for one second.

Well, if it make you feel

any easier..

...I'll post a deputy outside

the hallway day and night.

He's fighting against it.

But he'll run off with me.

- You'll see.

- Oh!

Why did I ever get mixed up

in politics.


Lonnie, come on down and fix

this tarnation harness.

'I told you it wouldn't last

to Dodge.'

Oh, it'll last.

Now take this and bind it

to the single tree

and strap it

to the leather.

Get a move on or Cathy will fly

the coop on us again.

No, she won't.

The boys will hold the law

while I make her marry me.

Judge Tobin says

the Prentice's can sue us.

And charge Wyatt with abduction

unless he brings her back.

I don't know.

He's kinda sweet on her.

That little ragamuffin?

Ma Bates dolled her up.

She's beautiful now.

Besides, Wyatt pities her.

Huh! I'll talk some sense

into his head.

I'll show him that

that little..

Marshal Earp!


That kitty-cat got your tongue?

Sorry, Mr. Mayor.

- What were you sayin'?

- I talked to Judge Tobin.

- Legally you can't--

- I know.

Well, I can certainly buy off

Mom Prentice.

Did her rich uncle die?

No. Reward money. Head bounty.

I never touched a cent of it.

Why it isn't heard of?

Our marshal, a deacon

of the church.

I don't have any evil ideas,

Mr. Kelly.

It'd be hard to convince

people of that.

What if they don't deal

with you?

In that case, I guess I'll just

have to marry Ms. Cathy.

Marriage. Marriage with an

unknown female?

A girl you know nothing about?

Huh! he's deaf.

Wait a minute. Let me talk

to him. Now, look Wyatt..

Oh, Wyatt.

It's the Prentices.

Good. They saved me a long ride.

Don't you go out there.

Howdy, Mrs. Prentice.

Where's the girl?

Why don't you come

in my office and talk?

Ain't got nothin' to say.

Well, maybe you can use

a little cash money, huh?

- It's a trick, ma.

- Yeah.

How much?

Well...$ .

What for?

For you to release Ms. Cathy

from the adoption.

Cuttin' her loose.

It ain't enough.

You keep out of this.

We ain't gonna keep out of it.

Cathy's supposed to marry Todd.


And, ma, you've got no right

releasing her to Wyatt Earp.

Hush up, Lonnie!

$ dollars ain't enough.

She's a real good worker.

. She'll be of age soon.

You'll lose her anyway.

, young man,

and not a penny less.

Alright, Mrs. Prentice, .

No deal, Johnny Law.

Now, you go fetch Cathy.

Jump boys.


I'll drive your--

Go on, sh**t your horse.

No. I'm lawin' you.

I'm lawin' you

right into jail.

Get him over to the doctor.

He's your Marshall

and I'm accusin' him of

pursuading Cathy to leave me

and sh**t' up my boys.

Where's the judge?

You can take your case

to court, Mrs. Prentice.

- That won't be necessary.

- Why not?

Because I'm gonna marry Cathy.

She's past and doesn't have

to ask your consent.

Now, Wyatt.

Look, will you please

get the minister

so he can perform

the ceremony.

What's goin' on here, mom?

Where's Cathy?

Hush up, Norman Davis.

I, I'll take the .

No, you won't, ma'am.

$ is gonna go

to Norman, Ms. Cathy.

For a wedding present.

$ for what?

For a wedding present, boy.

You're going to wed.

You and Ms. Cathy.

Now, go get yourself a shave.

Yes, sir!

[indistinct chatter]

- Marshal bring your bag.

- Alright.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you very much.

[chatter continues]

There you are.

You haven't kissed the bride.

I'm mighty fond of Norm

but I kinda wish it was you.

Not really.

So long, Ms. Cathy.

You're a very lovely lady.

Thank you.

So long, Wyatt.

- Best of luck, Norm.

- Good luck, Norm.


You ready, honey?

All ready.

- Sure, thank you, Mr. Earp.

- Don't mention.

Hey, there's a wonderful spot

for a honeymoon

on your way west

called Whispering Waters.

Well, then we'll stop off there.

- Drop me a line now, will you?

- Sure will.

- Bye, Cathy.

- Bye-bye, Wyatt.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

Well, deacon,

that was close.

Hush up!

Shouldn't you be

on patrol?

♪ Well, he cleaned

up the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

be told ♪

♪ Long may his story be told ♪
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