04x26 - Juveniles – 1878

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x26 - Juveniles – 1878

Post by bunniefuu »

( Men vocalizing )

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪


They had a juvenile-delinquent

Problem in too.

Kids from the small towns

And cities of the east

And middle west headed

For the frontier

In search of excitement

Or reputations as outlaws.

Dodge city had a plague

Of these brats

And marshal wyatt earp didn't

Have a child-guidance expert

Or a psychiatrist to tell him

Just what to do.

Marshal wyatt earp used

Plain common horse sense.

Drink here.

Don't take all day

About it.

- How old are you?

- Old enough.

Well, I don't know.

You don't look no more

Than or to me.

I ordered a drink.

There's my money.

Hold it, mr. Brice.

I have to arrest you,


What for?

Packing a g*n.

You're too young to be

Hanging around a saloon.

I'm past .

You forgot to check

Your colt in the g*n rack.

- Come on.

- I hate you cops.

That's too bad.

Go on.

No matter what you do to me

I'm not gonna talk.

Sit down there

And stay there.

Another runaway,

Mr. Gibbs.

They just keep dropping off

Every freight train.

I came

In a regular train car.

And I'm not a vagrant!

Hush up, kid!

Seems to me you take

An awful lot of sass

Off these smart kids.

What he needs

Is a good larruping

With a hickory stick.

- You just try it.

- Mr. Gibbs!

You go on patrol.

I'll be glad to.


Loud-mouthed kids

A-comin' in here

And raising cain.

As for you, sonny,

Don't you go around

Daring a man to spank you.

You're liable to find somebody

That'll take you up on it.

Not while I have my g*n.

- Well, I'm holding this.

- ( Drawer rattles )

Now I want your name,

Where you're from

And your age.

It'll save a lot of time

And trouble for both of us.

My name is john smith.

I'm and I come

From chicago.

Now what's the charge?

You have a job or $ ?

I've got $ .

You want me to count it for you?

- Where'd you steal all that?

- You prove I stole it.

All right, $ .

For what?

For violating

A city ordinance:

Failure to check

Your firearms.

- Do I get my g*n back?

- Nope, I'm holding your g*n.

Until you tell me

Where you're from, what your

Name is and what your age is.


Two s and a five.

Anything else?

Yeah, you get on that

First train heading home.

I may not be able

To hold you for vagrancy,

But you keep hanging

Around dodge and you're

Gonna be jailbait.

- That's what you say.

- You don't like policemen,

Do you?

You probably think that

All hoodlums and outlaws are

Real nice people, don't you?

I sure do.

I've heard a lot

Of young fellas say that

And used to think it was

Very funny, but I don't think

It's very funny anymore.

You're gonna have

To learn the hard way.

Well, thanks for

The fatherly advice.

You must have paid ned buntline

To make you a tin-star hero.


- Walt!

- Right here, marshal.

Take a look

Out that window.

See that kid

Walking up the street?

I want you to tail him.

I just took his g*n away.

The first thing he'll do is

Try and buy another one.

Dodge city kid, huh?


A punk like that can k*ll you

Just as dead as a grown man.

You be careful.

I got a hunch

He's from a good family.

Maybe we can stop him before

He lands in the reform school.

Howdy, son.

What can I do for you?

I want a colt's . .

Colt's frontier.

Let's see... How old are you?

I'm past !

About I'd say.

Can't sell you a handgun.

How about a nice . r*fle?

No, i--

I want a colt's . .

I'll pay you $

Above the price.

Sorry, son.

( Clatters )

Here's the $ .

What are you scared of?

Come on, give me the g*n.

I don't know, sonny.

What's a kid like you

Want with a . ?

Don't call me sonny!

What I want with a g*n

Is my business.

Now are you gonna

Sell it or not?

All right, all right,

I'll sell it.

But now mind you, don't you

Tell earp where you got it,

- 'Cause there happens to be

A town law against it.

- Howdy, morton.

Oh, uh... Howdy.

Uh, I was just showing

The kid the g*n.

No harm in that.

Take a good look, kid.

Now you go hang that

On the rack, morton.


What right have you got

To butt into my business?

The law and marshal earp

Don't want children

To have g*ns.

My advice, sonny,

Try some other town.

- ( Tapping telegraph )

- That does it.

What can I do

For you, marshal?

Sir, I'm trying

To trace a young fella

That says he came in

On a sleeper from the east.

Uh, blond-headed boy.

Kid about years old,

Maybe ' ", ' "?

- Mm-hmm.

- He came in number nine

Last night.

Think there's any way

Of tracing where he might

Have bought his ticket?

Well, I could send

A wire to sam willoby.

He's the conductor

On number nine.

He'd know point of origin,

Maybe even his name.


Do it, would you?

- The kid making trouble?

- He's trying awful hard to.

I'd like to send him home

Before anything happens.

Shotgun, you and walt

Go around front.

What if that kid

Starts sh**ting?

Then take cover,

But don't sh**t back.

I'll try and get in

Behind him.

He'll be

A walking arsenal.

We'd better wing him.

No. Now go ahead,

Start for the front.

I'll give you time.

( Footsteps )

( g*nshots )

- Let go.

- No!

Let go,

You're breaking my arm!

- Come here.

- A burglar, huh?

Why, it's that kid who tried

To buy a g*n from me

This afternoon.

Shotgun, take him

Over to jail.

Use the back door.

- My pleasure.

- All right, break it up,


Just a fool kid.

Nobody hurt.

Walt, I'm gonna check

His room at the hotel.

- Now get

Those people outta here.

- He tried to steal my g*ns!

Broke my window, huh!

Wyatt, this one goes

To reform school

And there's no

Begging him off.

We'll see, your honor.

Now you check your stock.

- I want a full report.

- Reform school!

That's where he goes,

Reform school!

Marshal, marshal?

The telegraph operator

Left this for you.

Thank you.

Steubenville, ohio--

Point of ticket origin.

"The passenger bought

Pullman space at cincinnati,

Giving the name

Of john smith, jr."

The kid who robbed

Jim kelley?


I'll wire the police

At steubenville.

You have the maid

Straighten this place up.

Will the boy

Come back here?

I doubt it.

Leave his luggage here.


Well, it's about time.

He's the son

Of a distinguished member

Of the ohio bar

And circuit court judge.

Well, what if he is?

The boy was caught red-handed.

Oh, take it easy, jim.

His folks'll be here soon.

Too many dime novels

And wild west shows, I suppose.

I wish I really knew.

Well, I know!

Dime novels and buffalo bill

Don't make a criminal.

His folks neglected him

Or something.

The boy's father is a judge.

He wouldn't neglect his son.

- Oh, indeed now?

- Every time a kid goes wrong

Only his parents get the blame.

You go along with that, marshal?


Not always.

- What do you think, mr. Gibbs?

- Well, sir, I'll tell you

What I think.

I don't believe these kids

Is whupped enough.

Well, the parents

Won't use discipline

And they won't let

The teachers use it either.

Now wait a minute,

Mr. Kelley.

I suggest we hold alf in jail,

Just until his folks get here.

It's the only

Fair thing to do.

I say no!

I won't withdraw my charge.

That young hoodlum

Goes to reform school

And that's final.

If you gentlemen

Will excuse me.

Well, I guess I'll go feed

Roscoe his breakfast.

I still say it's

The trash they read

And the stage shows

They see.

They all glorify

The outlaw.

Make him

A sort of a robin hood.

Our friends buntline and cody

Have their share of the blame.

- No sir.

- What do you mean?

Well, judge, thousands of kids

All over the country

Read dime novels,

They go to theaters,

They watch buffalo bill.

% Of 'em have

More sense than to try to act

That stuff out in real life.

No, there's something else

Bothering alf.

- You think he's loco?

- No sir.

But he doesn't...

Well, he doesn't react to things

Like any other normal kid--

The world,

Life as it actually is.

He's got no sense of realism.

- That's about as close

As I can get to it.

- Yeah.

We're gonna have

Trouble with jim. All he can

Think about is reform school.

Reform school isn't going to

Solve anything with this boy.

No, I think we're

Gonna have to wait

Until his folks get here.

See what they're like

And what they have to say.

Yes, you're right.

You're lucky, wyatt.

You're not a parent.

My daughters call me

A grumpy stuffed shirt.

( Chuckles )

Hey, kid, how long

Are you in for?

Not long.

Well, days?

All I have to do

Is telegraph my folks.

They'll get me out.

- When'll that be?

- I don't know.


Well, earp got me

For robbing a stage.

You a stage robber?

- I'm no greenhorn.

- Well, bang your cup

On the bars.

When earp comes ask him.

I suppose you were

The leader of the g*ng.


Greasy murkin.

You've heard of him, huh?

Greasy murkin?

He's wanted by the pinkertons

And the federals.

- What's the deal?

- Greasy don't know

That earp caught me.

Him and the boys are

Camped south of dodge.

Get it?

Now I was thinking

If your folks spring you,

Will you get the word to greasy?

$ , Kid.

I don't need money.

Greasy won't hurt you.

He'll treat you like

A real friend.

Shut up, will ya?

Let me think.

Wyatt, this here kid says

He wants to talk to you.

What about?

About sending

A telegram, he says.

All right,

Send him in.

- Alf: I don't like

You shoving me around!

- You need worse than that.

Take it easy,

Mr. Gibbs.

We're dealing

With a child, you know?

- Now what's on your mind?

- I want to send a telegram.

- Is there any law

Against it?

- No.

You, by any chance, wouldn't

Want to send a telegram

To mr. And mrs. Judge horton

Of steubenville, ohio,

Would you?

Because mr. And mrs. Horton

Are already on their way

Here to dodge.

They think you might be

Their son alfred.

"Little alfie,

Years old.

Stole $ from his papa.

Being hunted by police

And private detectives

All over the middle west."

( Sarcastically )

Gee, what a smart cop!

Would you like to notify

Anybody else, alfie?

Naw, never mind.

Stop right there,


Now, madge, you go on

To the hotel and register.

- I'm going over to the jail.

- No, I'll go with you.

- All right, dear.

- Mr. And mrs. Judge horton?


Oh, you must be

Marshal earp.

Yes sir.

I been kinda

Watching out for you.

Well, thank you, marshal.

I just want you to know

How much mrs. Horton

And I appreciate the way

You've handled this.

How is alfred?

He wasn't injured, was he?

No, ma'am.

You'll have plenty

Of chance to talk to him

Before judge tobin

Hears the case.

In open court,

I'm afraid?

Sir, we try to handle

Our minors quietly.

Oh, thank you, marshal.

Thank you.

I don't know how

This happened

Or what we did wrong.

I... I hope the court

Will parole alf to us.

Yes, give us

Another chance.

Well, ma'am, judge tobin,

Mayor kelley, they're

Understanding men.

Driver, would you take their

Bags over to the dodge house?


Come with me.


Stop or I'll fire!

Don't sh**t!

Let him go!


Wasn't that our son?

Yes sir.

Now you and mrs. Horton

Go on over to the hotel.

- I'll take care of things.

- You won't hurt him, will you?

What are you

Gonna do with him?

I'm just gonna try

And bring him back.

You go on over to the hotel.

Now don't worry, ma'am.

Come along, madge.

I told walt not to trust him,

But he said you gave

Him permission

To let him wait for his folks

In the jail office.

He whacked walt on the head

And stole his r*fle

And p*stol and took off.

Any idea what trail

He might have taken?

Well, him and dode clemens

In the next cell

Was mighty friendly.

I reckon he'll ride south

- To join greasy murkin.

- Let's ride.

Come on, move that mule.

Hold it.

It's just a fool kid.

Is mr. Greasy murkin


What's it to ya, sonny?

I got a note

From dode clemens.

- He's in jail in dodge city.

- Let me have it.

Are you "the" greasy murkin?

The famous outlaw?

I ain't doubting your word.

You just don't look like

An outlaw leader.

( Laughs )

There you are, greasy,

You should have

Shaved this morning.

- He should have shaved.

- Shut up!

It's from dode

All right.

Let him stay in jail.

Why, you can't do that!

One of your own men.

You gotta ride in there

And spring him.

You're a fresh kid,

Ain't you?

Grab his g*n.

Here, I got a dishwasher

For you, cooky.

- I didn't come here

To wash dishes!

- He's a spoiled brat

From back east somewhere.

You're gonna have to whup

Some sense into him.

If you don't need

A real hand, then gimme

My g*ns and let me go.

Now I couldn't do that.

I've changed hideouts.

I don't want you to go

Blabbing to wyatt earp.

I hate him!

Gimme my . And I'll ride

Back to dodge and g*n him.

- ( All laugh )

- Big talk.

- You wash the dishes.

- No.

You hold him, boss,

I'll whip him.

Here, I owe him

A few licks too.

Ow ow!

And his father and I

Tried all the rules

To win alfred's confidence.

Judge horton took him

Hunting and fishing.

I reasoned with him,

So did his teachers.

And mr. Radford,

Our minister.

Nothing seemed

To do any good, judge.

Instead of loving us,

- I think he came

To dislike us.

- Hmmm.

Well, people who don't

Have any children

Always say that parents are

Too harsh or too indulgent

Or-- what do you say,

Mr. Mayor?

I don't know.

I was in favor

Of sending him

To reform school.

But after listening

To you folks,

I just don't know.

- A reform school?

- Now, madge.

This has been a trying

Session for all of us.

When marshal earp

Brings the boy back,

I'll ask him his opinion.

How we gonna get alf

Outta there without sh**ting?

- We won't.

- Whaddaya mean?

Alf has joined greasy's g*ng.

A day or so with them

Will teach him

More about outlaws than

All our preaching can do.

We'll tell his folks we came

Back to form a posse.

Ain't you taking

A big chance, wyatt?

That boy needs a good

Whipping, I admit,

But ole greasy might

Hurt him real bad.

If he keeps on the way

He's going now,

He's gonna hang some day.

Toughen up, mr. Gibbs,

It's a hard world

And outlaws are scum.

And alf, he's gotta

Learn realism.

If he doesn't, what's the point

In taking him back

To bedevil his folks

The rest of their lives?

Let's get outta here.

- Put it down.

- You make me.

- I'll bust your head open.

- ( g*ng clamoring )

- Drop that knife, kid.

- No.

I hate you.

I hate and despise you all.

- Well, gee.

- You're afraid of wyatt earp.

- Yeah?

- I'll blast him down,

But you won't gimme my g*n.

Give it to him, boss.

He's loco enough to try

Gunning earp.

Yeah, maybe even

Lucky enough.

All right, kid,

I'm calling your bluff.

It's no bluff.

Just gimme my g*n.

- You couldn't find him?

- No sir.

- We'll have to form a posse.

- Right away, marshal.

- His mother's frantic.

- No tonight, judge horton.

It's just a couple

Of hours before dark.

He's probably hiding

Someplace in the brush.

I'll go along,

Explain to your wife.

I'd appreciate it.

She's almost hysterical.

- Good night, marshal.

- Good night, sir.

Mighty nice folks,

The hortons.

I don't understand how they

Could have a son like alf.

Well, I'll tell you,

Mr. Kelley, I think

They had an ancestor

Way back about

Generations ago.

Some romantic fool

That rode around on

A great big white charger,

Shining armor,

Poking swords at windmills.

Speaking of local fools,

I gotta go check

The cattle pens.

That's the romantic part

About my job.

( Mooing )

All right, mr. Earp.

Howdy, mr. Horton.


I dare ya, draw!

No thanks.

All right, I gave you

A fair break.

You know,

All the bad men of the west

Have notches in their g*ns.

So I'm gonna give you

A notch, mr. Horton.

You k*lled a steer.

Of course it won't be

A very big notch.

You only k*lled

A small steer.

But you can remember it

With pride for the rest

Of your life.

My mom and dad in town?

Yeah, they're at

The dodge house.

Look, hide me in jail,

Tell them I'm dead,

Anything but the truth!

Don't you ever be afraid

Of the truth, son.

I think judge tobin'll

Parole you to your folks

- On one condition.

- What's the condition?

Just say you're sorry.

( Knocks )

- Who's there?

- Marshal earp, sir.

Come in.

I've been a fool.

I'm sorry.

- I'm awful sorry.

- Thank you, marshal.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made

Law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt earp, wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

♪ And long live his glory

♪ And long may

His story be told. ♪
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