04x30 - Doc Fabrique's Greatest Case

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x30 - Doc Fabrique's Greatest Case

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ken Darby singing "The Life

And Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous, and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪



Dr. Fabrique of Wichita

had been

an old loyal friend

of Marshal Earp.

When Wyatt moved to Dodge City,

he kept in touch

with his doctor pal

in Wichita.

But friendship has its

stresses and strains.

Never did Dr. Fabrique imagine

that he would become

the storm center of a case

which made medical history

in Dodge.

But then Dr. Fabrique

had not met Shotgun Gibbs

and his muleRoscoe.

And I'll explain just once more.

I'm a doctor of medicine,

not a veterinarian.

I do not treat mules.

You'll look at Roscoe.

I will not look at Roscoe.

I'm a busy man with

many patients.

- Now, you stand aside.

- No, sir, I won't.

Mr. Gibbs? Dr. McCarty?

What's goin' on here?

Mr. Gibbs wants me to look

at his mule. I've refused.

- Now, if you'll excuse me--

- Wait a minute, doctor.

- Is Roscoe sick?

- He's awful sick, Wyatt.

Dying, most likely.

I can't help that. I don't have

time to look at a mule.

Just take it easy, doc.

Look...I'm gonna ask you

as a personal favor

that you look at Roscoe.

It'll only take you

five minutes.

Well, I owe you

a favor, Wyatt.

Let's get it over with.

But keep this quiet.

I don't want my patients

to know that they are waiting

while I look at-at a mule.

Roscoe is a heap side better

than most of your patients.

[dramatic music]

Maybe, he ate

a stale bale of hay.

He's been drinking.


Smells like somebody

gave him a lot of rum.

He'll be alright.

Just let him sleep it off.

Why, that's plum stupid!

Roscoe wouldn't drink

nothing but water.

He knows what's

good for him.

You asked for my opinion, Wyatt.

I gotta get back to my office.

Thanks, doc, for coming over.

[door closes]

By golly, it does smell

a little like rum.

Can't be.

Roscoe wouldn't drink

no kinda alcohol.

He's running

a fever too, Wyatt.

He sure looks bloated.

Maybe, there's a vet in town

that can tell us what's wrong.

- 'Howdy, marshal.'

- Good morning, Mr. Lenhart.

We're awful sorry to turn

your stable into a sickroom.

That's alright.

Uh, what do you think

is wrong with him?

Why, the animal's been poisoned.

I got this blanket, we'll wet it

and put it over him.

I'll get ice

for his head.

We gotta do something

to break this fever.

Doc McCarty says he smells like

he's been drinking rum.

You ever hear of such

a darn fool idea?

Well, doc ain't

no expert with mules.

I'll wet this blanket

and-and get some ice

and may be it'll help.

- Mr. Lenhart?

- Yeah.

There a vet in town who can tell

us what's wrong with Roscoe?

Marshal, I've been doctoring

horses and mules all my life.

Shotgun hisself is a better vet

than anyone we got around here.

Dad and me, we've tried every

trick in the trade, Wyatt.

Better go soak up

the blanket, dad.

- He's mighty sick.

- Yeah.

As a matter of fact..

...this is the sickest mule

I ever did see.

Well, I'll send for

Dr. Fabrique from Wichita.

There ain't no better vets

in Wichita than we got here.

Dr. Fabrique is an M D.

If he takes a liking

to Roscoe, he'll save him.

What's liking him

got to do with it?

Well, you don't know

Dr. Fabrique.

If he takes a notion,

he can be a medical genius.

It'll take him a little while

to get here by train and stage.

You just keep Roscoe

alive until then.

I shouldn't let you go through

all this trouble, Wyatt.

Guess I'm a plum fool

about Roscoe.

Don't you worry,

Dr. Fabrique's our man.

I'll send a telegram.

You and dad just try

to break that fever.

[dramatic music]

Are you sick or something?

Gallop them horses.

I told you this was

an emergency case.

Keep your shirt on, doc.

Shove along, boys.

It's none of my business,

but did Marshal Earp get shot?

Fool's question.

I'll give you a fool's answer.

I don't know.

He sent for you without

telling what ailed him?

He wrote that telegram

with his last strength.

Only seven words.

That's too bad.

Wyatt's probably dead by now

with only that Doc McCarty

to help him.

Faster, faster. Wyatt will be

buried before we get there.

Shove along.

[music continues]

Where's Wyatt Earp?

I'm Dr. Fabrique from Wichita.

Oh no, oh no, no, no.

Howdy, doc.

Don't you howdy me.

- You're supposed to be dying.

- I didn't wire that.

I just said it was an emergency

and you should come quick.

Never mind.

Who's the emergency?

I'll tell you about it,

come with me.

Is Doc McCarty dying? Took some

of his own medicine, huh?

I'll tell you about it later.

Now, we got no time to lose.

Livery stable? You mean, you put

a dying man in a barn, Wyatt?

Well, you see, doc,

he's too sick to be moved.

A mule!

You brought me all the way

from Wichita to doctor a mule?

- Why you--

- Wait a minute, doc.

Wait a minute.

You see, this was

Doc McCarty's patient.

Doc just..

McCarty just walked off

and left him to die.

- McCarty walked off the case?

- Yup. Sure did.

He said he was drunk

and just up and left.

Big-headed fool.

Drunk huh?

Doc, he's got a fever.

You're his only chance.


Take that blanket off him.

What's that you got

in your hand?

- Ice.

- Throw it away.

Throw it away.

What a pretty mule.

Cholera morbus. Who's been

feeding him Sorghum beer?

Sorghum beer?

You know what that is.


All you gotta do

is smell em'.

Either one of you

own this mule?

Me. His name's Roscoe.

Doc, this is my

chief deputy, Mr. Gibbs.

Doc, I sure am thankful you

could come down and take--

Gabble, gabble, gabble.

Time's too short.

Just what I thought.

You hop right over

to Doc McCarty's office.

Tell him I want some ipecac,

tincture of belladonna

and a quarter

of saline solution.


Tincture of belladonna and

a quarter of saline solution.

'I'll fetch it, doc.'

You go get a drench bottle.


But we already drenched him.

Shut up, I'll drench him.

Wyatt, I may have to use

a vet's aspiration needle.

Get me one, will you.

- Sure, doc, but--

- Get it. Get it.

Don't you worry, Roscoe.

You ain't dead yet, honey.

Nip and tuck.

That Sorghum beer

is the devil's own brew.

Who gave it to him?

Nobody has Sorghum beer

here in Dodge, doc.

That's a Missourian Kentucky

drink, ain't it?

Yeah, that's right. They also

make it in Tennessee..

...Oklahoma and Arkansas.

But if he's had

the Missouri-type Sorghum

I don't have

much hope for him.

- I'll find out, doc.

- Wait a minute, Mr. Gibbs.

Doc, are you sure

it's Sorghum beer?

Doc McCarty says this stuff

isn't strong enough to do this.

That's what confirmed

my diagnosis.

Doc McCarty

is an easterner.

He's from Ohio.

Bet he never tasted

any Sorghum beer.

That's right, doc.

'Did you ever taste any?'

- No.

- Well, shut up.

You're old enough.

Wyatt, freshly brewed Sorghum

is a fine reasonable drink

but it don't keep too well.

And once it's turned,

look out.

I'd rather be bitten

by six rattlesnakes.

I want some breakfast

and you're buying, Wyatt.

No, sir.

It's on me.

Well, Mr. Gibbs, I-I think

you oughta stay here.

If Roscoe wakes up,

he'll wanna see you.

Isn't that right, doc?

Yes, yes. The animal is

probably very found of you.

If he has another chill, you can

send for me over at Dodge House.

[dramatic music]

- Doc?

- Hm.

Sure glad you caught on.

I don't want, uh,

Shotgun going out

gunning for those

practical jokers.

Giving Sorghum beer to

a poor mule ain't no joke.

Well, they thought it was.

Sorghum beer..

Just doesn't

sound plausible, doc.

Why would they toot that stuff

all the way to Kansas?

Anybody who's addicted

to it would.

You don't understand, Wyatt.

Because you're not

a drinking man.

Sorghum beer that's turned bad

in a jug is quite a challenge.

I lost a patient with it once.

Did he have the same symptoms

that, uh, Roscoe has?

Well, Roscoe is just a mule

but he's led a nice, clean,

wholesome outdoor life.

Yet he's just got

cholera morbus.

I lost my patient with a brain

hemorrhage and heart failure.

Well, how long had he been

drinking that stuff?

Seventy five years.

Man and boy.

That ain't funny, Wyatt.

You know, Sorghum beer

that's just turned bad

is too much

of a challenge.

And this fellow,

he got too brave.

Can't feel

no temple pulse.

Let me feel.

You missed the right spot, dad.

His heart's still beating but

his pulse is awful slow and..

...thready like.

- Want me to get the doctor?

- Well, maybe you better.

Mr. Gibbs.

- I'm busy, Schuffles.

- Roscoe's dying?

It was Heck Miller and some

of those Missouri boys

that arrived for the JW.

They gave him a full bucketful

of Sorghum beer.

- When was this?

- Why, yesterday afternoon.

You left Roscoe

at Toby's trough.

Miller and the boys

were about half drunk.

They thought it was

a good joke, see.

Where's Heck Miller now?

Why, at the JW camp, I reckon.

Just south of town.

I thank you for that.

- Dad, can I use your horse?

- Oh, sure.

- But Wyatt said--

- It ain't Wyatt's mule.

[dramatic music]

You better tell Earp.

I didn't figure Shot's gonna

get that riled.

I ain't telling nobody.

Neither are you.

Yes, sir. If that's

the way you want it.

That's the way

I want it.

I'm not arguing

for Shotgun's sake alone.

He went out there

to punish somebody.

You know about it,

so you're in trouble.

How do you figure that?

Because if Shotgun's mad enough

to k*ll, that'll be m*rder.

You'd be an accessory.

- Ain't that right, doc?

- Yeah.

You'll have to hang 'em both.

Don't make any difference

with Lenhart.

- He's old enough to go, anyway.

- I ain't as old as you are.

You're still at

the ripe hangin' age.

Get him out of here, he's making

me lose count on my dosage.

Let him stay here, then at least

I'll know where he is.

Wait, Wyatt.

I ain't aiming to get hung.

You find Schuffles Monaham,

he's the one that told Gibbs.

- Schuffles Monaham?

- Yeah.



- Pearly's got a whole jug.

- I hope it ain't turned.

I'd take it easy, Heck.

It don't taste just right.

I told you to get it

from the Kentucky boys.

- They'd already gone south.

- Well, we'll soon find out.

- It's turned.

- Well, not that bad.

It's just as bad as

the stuff we gave that mule.

You go ahead and drink it.

You'll get sick as the mule got.

Who's next?

Not me.

- Red?

- Uh-huh.

Alright, you chickens,

watch the big rooster.

- No.

- Wait a minute, Heck. You--

I don't care what happens to you

but I wanna keep some of this.

- Listen to him, Pearly.

- He better listen to me.

You give me that cork.

You know, there's good and evil

spirits in Sorghum beer.

Once it's taken a notion to turn

bad, a man should respect that.

Come on, I still

got some whiskey.

[dramatic music]

You go and tell Doc Fabrique

I've gone on to the JW camp.

Yes, sir.

If Roscoe's feeling

any better, you ride after.

- Did Shotgun go out there?

- Yeah, he sure did.

Hope I get there in time. It'll

help if Roscoe's feeling better.

Blast! Where's

my stethoscope?

Around your neck.

Oh, so it is.

Is he dead?

Nip and tuck.

Give me the syringe.

[dramatic music]

Doc, Wyatt wants to know if

Roscoe is feeling any better.

Shut up!

You lock that door, Lenhart.

And bar it.

He's just

about gone, Joe.

Don't drink

it all, Red.

Here, Pearly.

Good, ain't it?

That's right good liquor

but it ain't Sorghum beer.

You still got

some sense, Pearly.

Seems to me, Heck, we could

risk a bit of Sorghum.

- We put in a good foundation.

- Yeah. How about that, Heck?

No. You boys quit talking about

Sorghum or I'll bust the jug.


Get your hands off them g*ns.

What's that you're sh**ting,

mister? A cannon?

You drop them g*n belts

or you'll find out.

Is this a jug of Sorghum beer?

Go on, help yourself.

No need to get hostile.

We'll give you the whole jug.

Which one of you hombres

is Heck Miller?

I am.

Where you from,

Johnny Law?


You k*lled my mule.

Oh...that old mule die?

We're plum sorry, mister.

We was only funnin'.

Well, I ain't.

W-well, now look,

we'll pay for the mule.

You ask the JW foreman.

There ain't enough money

to pay for Roscoe.

Well, now look, you're not

aiming to sh**t us.

I ain't right here

because Wyatt Earp is

probably trailing me.

Get over there in them bushes.


[dramatic music]


- Up you go, up you go.

- Come on, come on.

- Up, up, up.

- Up you come.

I'll get down here.

Come on, come on.

- Come on, come on.

- Up, up, up.

Whoopie, whoopie, whoopie.

It's a miracle, doc.

Foosh! It's just a case

of medical science

winning out over

Sorghum beer poison.

You helped, Roscoe, by leading

a nice, clean outdoor life.

Don't feed him any water

till I've had my breakfast.

- And keep this door barred.

- 'Alright.'

[knocking on door]

Dad Lenhart.

Get out of my way.

- I happen to be a lady who--

- Open your mouth wide.

Ah-ha. You're bilious. You go

to your hometown doctor.

- I'm an out of town specialist.

- Hold on, doc.

Is the mule dead?

[mule brays]

Any more bright questions?

- Get out of my way.

- That was Roscoe.

Doc pulled him through.

[people chattering]

Hey, hey, hey!

You folks, skedaddle.

You're making Roscoe nervous.

[people chattering]

- Doc Fabrique.

- What do you want?

Wyatt went after Mr. Gibbs.

He told me to go to the JW camp

soon as I've had definite word.

Nothing's definite.

You can't count on a mule.

He'll die on you

just to be contrary.

- Doc, Mr. Gibbs went gunning--

- I hope he finds him.

Now, skedaddle, I'm hungry.

[dramatic music]



You k*lled 'em.

I reckon so.

I made 'em drink

what they gave to Roscoe.

Mr. Gibbs, you're under arrest.

'Suits me.'




They're still alive.

Are you a loco?

All this over a mule.

Don't you know, if they die,

Judge Tobin'll call it

first-degree m*rder?

- They done it to Roscoe.

- Roscoe is a mule.

You don't go around poisoning

four men out of vengeance

for a practical joke.

Why take it

so hard, Wyatt?

Hanging is as good a way

to go as most others.

Heap side better than some.

(male # )

'Hey, Wyatt.'


It's Joe.

Over here in the bush.

Now, Mr. Gibbs, you've saved

my life quite a few times.

You're gonna get a running

start. Now, go on.


But I thank you kindly,

just the same.

Of all the stupid,

senseless idiots.

There is your mule, Mr. Gibbs.

[mule braying]


You take care

of this critter, Gibbs.

He just tried to bite Joe and

he's already kicked my horse.

And don't you send me

another lying telegram, Wyatt.

Wait a minute.

Mr. Gibbs fed them fellows

some Sorghum beer.

They're mighty sick, I don't

think they're gonna last long.

Sorghum beer! I ain't even

gonna get off my horse.

Oh yes, you are.

If those fellows die,

Mr. Gibbs is liable to hang.

You wouldn't want Roscoe to die

of a broken heart, would you?

[dramatic music]



Do you have any Sorghum juice

left in that jug?

- A little.

- Give it here.

Doc, that's poison.

Shut up.

Just turned a shade.

Just what I needed.

Sorghum beer, it's

a mighty fine drink.

You mean they're not gonna die?

Them scamps, they just

got weak stomachs.

They haven't just been

drinking Sorghum beer.

They've been drinking

corn liquor.

They passed out

from being plain drunk.

Sorghum beer won't hurt you

if it ain't turned bad.

Sorghum beer is

the finest nectar on earth

when it ain't turned bad.

Remind me to send

you a jug, Wyatt.

It might break you of

that miserable milk habit.

The least we can do is take

them fellows on back to Dodge.

- Doc Fabrique won't treat 'em.

- Doc McCarty would.

You don't need

a hometown doctor.

They'll be coming to and

crawling around like jackasses.

No offense, Roscoe.

I'm going back into town,

I'm hungry.

[Ken Darby singing "The Life

And Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well, he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law and

order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of Wyatt

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous, and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪

♪ Long may

his story be told ♪
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