04x33 - Dodge Is Civilized

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x33 - Dodge Is Civilized

Post by bunniefuu »

( Men humming melody )

♪ Wyatt earp

♪ Wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous

And bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

And long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

Be told! ♪

( Humming melody )

Male narrator:

In , dodge city's day

As a rip-roaring cow town

Had dimmed into

A peaceful twilight.

Under the stern

Law enforcement

Of marshal wyatt earp,

Judge tobin and mayor kelly,

Dodge was almost civilized.

The chief remaining problem

Was that wyatt had

A number of friends

Like bat masterson

And ben thompson

Who couldn't understand

That the era of saloon brawls

And gunfighting in kansas

Was at an end.

I say it's time

To close all those places

Below the line.

It's a disgrace

To any civilized


We've made dodge

A law-abiding town,

With the exception

Of a couple of rowdy

Saloons and dance halls.

And furthermore, I say

Out with the whole

Kit and caboodle

Of gamblers, hoodlums

And dance-hall girls.

What are you

Grinning about?

What's so funny?

You, jim.

You're funny.

- Oh, indeed, now?

- Oh, well, uh,

Judge tobin doesn't mean

That you're funny ha-ha.

He just means that

You're, uh, impractical.

Isn't that what you mean?

Uh, yes.


And what's impractical

About wiping out

A few of these places

Below the line?

Now, that's

A very good question,

Your honor.

But I think you're

Confusing crime and sin.

Now, as a police officer,

It's my job

To arrest criminals.

It's up to judge tobin

And a jury to punish them.

- But sin is something--

- Are you upholding sin, wyatt?

- Of course he isn't.

- But he just said--

Let him finish,

Will you, jim?

Go ahead.

Well, I'm against sin,

Your honor.

As a matter of fact,

All decent citizens

Are against it.

Schools, churches,

They'll always be

Fighting it.

But it just isn't

A police officer's


Until vice leads

To criminal action.

Wyatt's right, jim.

He's done a great job here.

You've backed him up.

But closing a few

Saloons and dance halls

Won't cure

The human animal

Of his wickedness.

But could take

The temptation away!

Uh, well,

I'm due in court,

And so's marshal earp.

Now, you argue this

With the city council.

City council.

Mr. Mayor,

We can keep

Law and order

Here in dodge city,

But what we can't do

Is to turn its people

Into saints.

My mind's made up!

Yeah, I was

Afraid of that.

Well, I'll see you later.


Allow me.


Excuse me.

Thank you.

Why did they call it

Dodge city?

It's so little.

Little, but oh, my.

You're not gonna be sorry

You stopped off here.

( Chuckles )

Only because of you,

Mr. Masterson.

Now, that's the way

I like to hear girls talk.

- Now, look, the dodge house

Is just up the street.

- ( Coughing )

Oh, the dust!

Oh, I think I got

Something in this eye.


Now, hold still.

- Oh.

- Better?

Much better, thank you.

It feels all right now.

- ( Wolf whistle )

- ( Wolf whistle )

Those men-- are they

Whistling at me?

- Don't you pay any attention,

Miss doreen.

- Fresh things.

- Want me to

sh**t 'em for ya?

- sh**t 'em? Oh, no! I--

Oh, I understand.

A joke, huh?

Don't you try to

Understand anything.

You just leave it all to me.

I know my way around dodge.

Oh, I know

I can trust you,

Mr. Masterson.

I can, can't i?

- Just like a brother, honey.

- Good.

- Where's mike?

- Collecting a shipment

Of beer at the santa fe.

- Fives.

- There's something

Mike oughta know.

Lots of things

Mike oughta know.

You a friend of his?

Just tell mike that

Bat masterson's in town.

He bought the lone star

Across the street.

Mike oughta know that.

- Give the man a dinner

On the house.

- Joe.

Thank you,

Miss sweetie.


How are ya?

It's me.

Me ?

Well, by golly, if it isn't

Mr. Bat masterson.

Look a little different,

Don't i?

Guess it's the clothes.

I bought 'em in denver.

Well, I'd have guessed

Kansas city.

Say, you know, you look

A little bit like jay gould.

You got a minute

To talk to an old friend?

Sure, as soon as

I take this fellow

Over to the lock-up.

What'd he do?

Well, he was riding his horse

Too fast down front street.

You're jailing people

For that?

That's right,

Mr. Masterson.

Dodge city has

Changed considerable.

Now, you just be careful

You don't drop that

Cigar butt on the sidewalk.

Then I hit denver.

A real live town, friend.

Picked up

A big pile at faro

In less than three weeks.

Then I bought the lone star

From willie bessinger,

And here I am.

You bought the lone star?

Well, sure.

What's wrong with that?

It was a bargain.

Besides, I was homesick

For dodge, and I thought

I'd pay you a visit.

You bought the lone star.

Well, can you

Sell it back?


Well, to begin with,

It's right across the street

From mike degraff's saloon.

He and bessinger

Never got along.

Top it all off,

Mayor kelly is on

A spree of reformation.

He wants to close

All the saloons

Below the line.

Come on,

You're joshing me.

No, mr. Masterson.

The old dodge city

Is gone forever.


You're still here.

Well, not for long.

Morgan and virgil

Will be here this week,

Maybe the week after.

We're gonna buy

A cattle spread

Further out west,

Maybe arizona


- Hang up your g*ns?

- Mm-hmm.

No, you'll never do that.

You're a john law

To the finish.

And dodge will be

Dodge too.

- No, sir.

- You can't scare me.

I'm opening the lone star.

What's more,

I'm gonna put in

All brand-new fixtures.

And wait till

You see doreen.


Oh, no.

Now, wait a minute.

I'm serious this time.

I'm to marry her

As soon as the place

Starts paying off.


She'll be the hostess.

( Sighs )

All right.

You sound gloomy.

Just what does

All right mean?

It means I'll try and

Keep the peace between

You and mr. Degraff.

Wyatt, if he gets

Tough with me,

He won't be around.

( Chuckles )

Mr. Masterson,

You are a friend of mine,

And I wish you a lot of luck.

All this talk

About the end of dodge--

I don't get it.

I hope someday

You do get it.

When civilization does

Come to dodge city,

I hope you won't be

The last heathen

Shaking your fist

At it.

Here she is now.

- What kept you so long?

- Bat brought a new girl

To town for his hostess.

- I looked at her.

- So?

She's younger,

Prettier than me.

She'll draw

The trade, mike.

Jim kelly is against

Girls working in saloons.

I handle the votes

Below the line for kelly.

He'll fix masterson.

Get busy, mike.

That girl will take

The trade away from us.

I'm not asking you

To do anything


All you have to do is--

Is sit in a high chair

And watch the dealers.

While drunken men

Whistle at me.

I need ya, hon.

It'll only be for a few weeks,

Until the place gets going.

- And then what?

- Then like I said,

We'll be married.


Why, mr. Masterson,

When did you refer

To the subject?

- Didn't i?

- No, you did not.

Well, I'm sorry.

Will you marry me as soon

As the place-- the business--

Starts paying off?

Well, I'll have

To think it over.

You see this diamond?

You say the word,

And I'll set it

In an engagement ring.


It's big.

And sweet.

Do I get paid for

Sitting in that high chair?

- You sure do.

- All right.

Oh, things are beginning

To clear up for me

Now, darling.

I mean, a girl likes

To know about her future.

Sky's the limit, honey.

( Laughing )

What is this, wyatt--

Bat masterson owning

The lone star

And importing

A denver jezebel

To be hostess?

It's unfair


Well, now, mr. Degraff,

You have miss sweetie.

Also, I've met

This woman that

You call a jezebel.

I'd like to

Lay you odds

That she isn't.

No more hostesses, wyatt.

I've made up my mind to that.

Oh? The city council

Pass an ordinance?

- Well, not yet, but, uh--

- Well, then you can't

Forbid mr. Masterson

From hiring a hostess.

He has one.

Sweetie slaps

The customers around.

Oh, good for sweetie.

Mr. Kelly, just because

A woman works in a saloon

Or a dance hall

Doesn't mean that

She's bad.

If mr. Degraff

Has a hostess,

Then it's legal

For mr. Masterson

To hire miss doreen.

I'll pass an ordinance!

Good. You do that.

And I'll go on patrol.

( h*nky-tonk piano playing )

( People chattering )

Get out of the way.

You've been here

Long enough.

- Thank you.

- ( Chattering continues )

- Man: man, that's

The prettiest girl--

- Thank you.

Look around.

High-class, huh?

It's gonna be


That miss doreen?

That's right--

The future

Mrs. Masterson.

Come on,

I want you

To meet her.

Excuse us.

Honey, this is

My best friend,

Mr. Wyatt earp.

- He's the marshal.

- Hello.


Miss doreen.

My, he's handsome.

Bat tells me

You're a bachelor,

Mr. Earp.


I can't afford

To marry.

Oh, well, that's

A pretty state

Of affairs.

Bat's rich.

Why, he could afford

To double your salary.

Well, thank you, ma'am,

For the kind thought,

But you see, i--

Excuse us for a moment, doreen.

I want to show wyatt what

I'm gonna do to the place.

Oh, well, can I come too?

Because this is awful tiresome

Just sitting here.

Oh, no.

Fellows want to

Look at ya.

Come on, wyatt.

Not too bright, but, uh,

Kind of pretty, huh?

Oh, I don't know.

She's probably

A lot smarter than

You think she is.

I wonder what miss sweetie

And mr. Degraff are

Thinking right now?

He's got all of

Our customers, boss.

We'll fix him.

Hey, sweetie.


Take a look

At masterson's place.

Big business, huh?

- I told you.

- Yeah.

- But kelly's gonna

Close him tomorrow.

- How?

Pass an ordinance

So he can't use

That girl.

Oh? Then you

Can't use me?

I don't need you

With masterson closed.

You think so, mike?

I mean, I don't

Need you as a hostess.

Don't go silly, now.

You and me are--

There's mr. Earp.

- Hello, miss sweetie.

- Hi, marshal.

Just came by

For my weekly

Shotgun check.

Mike's sore.

There's gonna

Be trouble.


I hope not.

A glass of milk

For mr. Earp.

You sit at a table

With me, eh?

All right.

Mike just says,

Sit down.

Well, next time,

You, uh, just tell mike,

Hold my chair.

I have no manners


But I am fairly

Intelligent, I think.


You sure are.

Is kelly going

To pass the law

Against women in bars?

I'm afraid so.

Right away?


Well, maybe not

That quick.

The council

Likes to argue.

They better pass it quick.

I know mike.

He's already sent

For some gunfighters.

- I'm sorry to hear that.

- Mike's stupid, mr. Earp.

I warn you because I'm tired

Of keeping him in line.

Well, I thank you

For the milk

And for

The information.

Do me a favor, will ya?

Talk once more to mike.

Once more?

Of course.

I thank you for

The kind words

You've said.

Well, they're all true,

And you know it.

- Good luck to you.

- My love to you.

What an opening.

Seven hundred dollars'



What's wrong?

I'm tired and sleepy,

And I don't like sitting

In that old high chair

For hours

Just having people

Staring at me.

You poor baby.

Look, it's only

Until we run degraff

Out of business.

( Hoofbeats )

Maybe we can get a ride

Back to the dodge house.



I'm carrying

Mr. Ben thompson.

He's to meet

A mr. Masterson

Here in town.

Oh, ben!

Of course!

- Ben, wake up!

- ( Mumbling )

Oh, not now, son.

Here, help yourself.

I'll be at the hotel.

Presidential suite.

Drive on!

- Ben, ben, it's bat masterson!

- Hey, hey, hey! What?

Well, howdy, bat.

You must have--

Must have robbed

A lot of trains.

Ah, easier than that.

I sold a gold mine.

Your telegram

Said something

About your...

Being in... Trouble?

That's right. Oh, excuse me.

Ben, I'd like to have you

Meet miss doreen.

- Doreen, this is

Ben thompson.

- Well, howdy, miss.

You're a much better

Sight for sore eyes

Than mr. Masterson here.

Why, thank you, sir.

She's the, um,

Future mrs. Masterson.

- Congratulations.

- Well, it isn't absolutely

Definite yet.

Nothing's definite

This early

In the morning.

Bat, you and the young lady

Climb into my rig.

Permit me,

Young lady.

- We got a lot of things

To talk about, ben.

- Later.

I ain't half

Awake yet.

I want breakfast.

And I want to

Change my clothes.

Roll 'em,

High pockets.

( Doreen laughs )

Never mind the pad lock.

Mike's a fool.

Masterson'll come sh**t'.

He'll wreck our joint,

Sweetie. We'd better

Hide the cash.

Move in the window.

Smash up the joint!

Earp: halt!

Put up your hands.

I'll be,

Wyatt, old pal.

Where'd you steal

That outfit?

Masterson accused me

Of robbing trains.

I won me a gold mine

In a poker game in trinidad.

Sold it for

A nice piece of money.

Any gold in that mine?

You know,

That's a funny thing--

It was loaded.

I should have taken a look

At that fool mine, but...

( Chuckling )

You know me, pal--

Sell quick.

All my friends

Are getting rich.

Me, I can't even

Get the council to

Buy me a new star.


It's a cheapskate town.

I just remembered.

I got me a silver mine.

- Now, for old times' sake,

Pallsy, I'm gonna give you--

- Ben, I got to talk to you.

Not now, pallsy.

I got to find me

A silver mine deed here.

Now, ben.

It's important.

Excuse us, wyatt.

See you later, pallsy.

Masterson and thompson--

What are they up to?

Nothing illegal

That I know of.

How did you make out

With the councilmen?

Uh, they want to

Talk to you before

They vote the ordinance.

- Tell them I don't

Want to talk.

- Now, look, wyatt.

Look, I'd have to tell them

I'm against the ordinance.

- I don't want to do that.

You've been a loyal friend.

- ( Door opens )

Oh, mr. Earp, come quick!

Some men have torn up

Bat's new place,

And bat

And ben thompson

Are gonna sh**t them.

You keep her here.

Round up the deputies.

Mr. Degraff shouldn't

Have done this.

You got a g*n?

Left it in

The hotel rack.

Use mine.

I'll get the shotgun.


Come out, bat--

You and your friend!

Try to smash up

My joint.

Get ready.

Bat'll come.

Stop it, mike!

Get inside!

They aren't fools like you.

They'll pick you off.

Shut up! I know

What I'm doin'!

Get in there! Go on!

Wyatt may be partly

Right about dodge.

You ever see

Old-timers spread out

In the open that way?

- Sweetie went inside.

- ( Cocks trigger )

Let 'em have it.

- Wyatt ain't gonna like this.

- ( g*nshots continue )

They started it.

You ready?

Hold it.

Here comes pallsy.

- Cease fire! Hold it!

- Is he on our side?


Cover him.

I got three men down.

They're gonna pay for it.

I said drop that g*n!

You do like

The marshal says!

Dale, john, take the dead

Ones over to the coroner,

The rest of 'em to jail.

Ben, bat,

Come out of there!

You heard me!

I said, come out of there!

Break those g*ns open.

They started this,


You're under arrest.

- Me too?

- No, just mr. Masterson,

For wearing a g*n.

Come on.

Well, my goodness.

Don't you want

To elope with me?

It don't seem

Fair to bat.

Lookit, hon,

We got mr. Earp

To consider.


How's that?

Well, he doesn't approve

Of me marryin' bat.

It would destroy

A beautiful friendship.

- Now, you-- you don't want

To hurt wyatt, do you?

- No, I don't.

I just didn't

Think of it

That way, honey.

Well, you just

Think of it.

My, that's pretty.

I'll go fetch

My traveling things.

Degraff and his men

Get days.

Releasing mr. Masterson,

A $ fine.

Go get him.

Hello, miss sweetie.

You leaving dodge?

Have you told mr. Masterson

About ben and doreen?


It, uh, didn't seem

To bother him much.

Mr. Masterson hasn't

Learned that our...

Marriage customs

In kansas are improving.

Our new crop

Of sod-busters,

Well, they just

Don't treat marriage

As lightly

As mr. Masterson does.

Miss sweetie, i--

I want to thank you

For all your help.

I didn't care

About mike.

I want a smart man.

You deserve one.

- Which trail are you taking?

- Denver... I think.

Well, a lot of

Smart men in denver.

I'm betting on you.


Mr. Earp.


Miss sweetie.

- ( Door opens, shuts )

- Not bad.

Twenty-five-dollar fine,

Mr. Masterson.

I sold out to mike.


My kind of town.

Don't stay there

Too long.

You'll find that

Civilization is crawling

Right up those mountains

To denver too.

Then I'll move west

And keep on movin'.

I'll see you

In arizona

Territory, huh?

Could be.

You know, I wish you could

Find some sweet little gal

Who could settle you down.

Not me.

So long, wyatt.

So long,

Mr. Masterson.

♪ Well, he cleaned up

The country ♪

♪ The old wild-west

Country ♪

♪ He made law and order

Prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

♪ The legend of wyatt

♪ Forever will live

On the trail ♪

♪ Oh, wyatt earp

♪ Wyatt earp

♪ Brave, courageous

And bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame

And long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story

♪ Be told

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be...

♪ Told!

( Humming harmony )
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