04x35 - The Cyclone

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Life & Legend of Wyatt Earp". Aired: September 6, 1955 – June 27, 1961.*
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Series is loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp.
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04x35 - The Cyclone

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ken Darby singing

"Legend Of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may

his story be told ♪


(male narrator)

Dodge city on a bright

September morning at .

Awoke to what

it's residence thought

was just the start of

another heat wave. A scorcher.

To Marshall Wyatt Earp

and his deputies

a very hot day meant more

than usual run of trouble.

Boy, she'll hit a

today, I'll bet you.

Yeah, at least.

Last of the summer heat

is always the worst.

Mind your manners, Mr. Gibbs.

- How you, Ms. Maymie?

- Excuse me.

- Ice, real shorn of ice.

- It's for the prisoners.

You, ah, brought it all

for Mr. Launkurmen, huh?

No, it's for all the prisoners,

Laun's nothing special to me.

Oh, I see.

Well, Mr. Gibbs, you take

all this nice ice in there

and distribute it

to the prisoners.

- Courtesy of Ms. Maymie.

- Have some too, Marshall.

Thank you very much,

that's kind of you

but, ah, well, I'll donate my

share to Mr. Gibbs over there.

Wait on now,

that's mighty kind to you.

I'll save mine for Roscoe.

He's sure feeling the heat.

- Oh, Ms. Maymie?

- Yes, sir.

If you'd like to go in there

and say howdy to Laun.

I'm sure he'd like to thank you

for bringing that ice.

- No, Laun's been wicked.

- Oh, he hasn't been that bad.

He just got a little drunk,

shot up in Long Brand saloon.

Oh, he doesn't

care about me.

I just work at the hotel

where he stays.

Making beds and sweeping floors.

Thanks all the same, Marshall.

I can get some more ice

this afternoon.

You know, Mr. Curbie,

this is the first time

I've been any place

in a long time.

Well, we'll stamp your ticket

and you'll be on your way.

Now, remember, Ms. Jones,

you change cars in Kansas City.

And hurry just a little bit

if train is a little behind.



Excuse me, Ms. Jones.



Cyclone warning.

Storm miles, south west.


Headed your way.

Gathering force.

- Cyclone's coming.

- Cyclone?

Oh, cancel it, Mr. Curbie.

I've gotta get home.

[ticking continues]

Cyclone's coming. Big cyclone.

Cyclone. Cyclone's coming.

It'll be here in a hour, better

head for the storm cellars.

Cyclone's coming,

it's a real twister.

- Cyclone.

- George.

Somebody hire you to yell at

as a practical joke?

No, Mr. Earp. It's the truth.

It come over the telegraph wire.

You can ask Mr. Curbie

at the station.

Alright, you go home.

People will find out about

soon enough already without

you yellin' about it, now go on.

- Okay, sir.

- No more yelling.

- Which way she heading now?

- Quiet, please

We're busy

with train orders.

Two passenger trains

and freight.

We are worried.

- He's say nothing, Mr. Earp.

- Just talking to himself.

Take it easy, no sense

in getting excited.

Garden City been hit?

I'm afraid we're

gonna have a cyclone.

She swung north over near

Garden City, then turned east.


We are stopping

'all trains'

between Dodge and Garden City.

Have you heard from Mansfield?

Charlestown? Ingles?

Mansfield, they can see

the storm there.

Folks she's still got

quiet a ways to travel.

Maybe, she'll blow

herself out.

Mr. Curbie, I'll send a deputy

over. He'll get the latest word.

- Folks, go home just in case.

- How long will it be, Mr. Earp?

Mr. Curbie, will let us know

in plenty of time. Now, go home.

- Stay near your storm cellar.

- You heard him. Let's go.

[indistinct chatter]

- Anything I can do, Mr. Earp?

- No, Mrs. Curbie.

- Take care of your husband.

- Thank you.

[dramatic music]

Hurry up, men. Get those

shutters on and go home.

Yes, ma'am.

- Did you lock the door?

- Oh, I think so.

- Well, hurry up, come on.

- Yes, I did.

(male # )

'Mr. Gibbs.'

- Where is Wyatt?

- Down at the Depot.

Has he notified

the disaster committee?

- What for?

- Don't you know about cyclones?

Oh, that. There ain't

gonna be nothing here.

Indeed now. Are you

a weather prophet, Mr. Gibbs?

No, I ain't, but Roscoe is.

That mule, fush.

There ain't no fush about it,

Mr. Mayor. Take a look at him.

'Roscoe wouldn't like

cyclones or blizzards.'

First thing he does

when ones are coming

is to lay them ears

right flat down.

And he starts

to swishing his tail.

He ain't even bothered

to lift his head and sniff air.

Well, I don't take my weather

information form a mule.

Now, you get Wyatt

and tell the Disaster Committee

'to meet at

Dr. McCarty's office''

It's a waste of time

but you're the boss.


Don't get your feeling hurt,

I believe you.

I'll be down there myself

in a few minutes.

Is it true?

- About the cyclone.

- Maybe.

You aim to keep Laun

and the others locked up?


This building couldn't

stand a hard wind.

It ain't fair for Laun

and the others not to know.

- If a big twister--

- Alright, Ms. McVey.

Go tell Laun that I'll take care

of him and all the prisoners.

'Oh, thanks, Mr. Earp.'

[metal clanking]

I sent you over

to the station.

Mr. Curbie's still trying

to track the storm.

Well, Rascoe is done

already tracked it.

- Oh, yes, huh?

- Yeah.

Much to do

'bout nothing, Wyatt?

I told Kelly so too.

But he wants you to collect

the Disaster Committee.

That's too soon. I won't take

a chance in scaring the people.

Hey, there a lotta

real high flying clouds

moving in fast from the west.

[dramatic music]

I better go check

with Rascoe.

Wait a minute.

I haven't had any trouble like

a cyclone since I came to Dodge.

I don't know how these people

are going to react to it.

Well, ain't you got

no faith in Roscoe?

Mr. Gibbs, I haven't got time

to consult with oracles.

I'm gonna give you list

of special Deputies.

You go round them up.

But Mr. Earp is

a real nice fellow.

He won't keep you in here

if the cyclone comes.

Why, I don't get it,

why you worried?

It's my sworn duty towards

the unfortunate, that's all.

Why, w-well, thank you miss

for the ice and everything.

Don't mention it.

Well, I...I gotta go now.

Is the storm

getting worse, Mr. Earp?

Some high clouds forming.

You round them up

as fast as you can.

Ain't you even

gonna look at Roscoe?

I haven't got the time.

Now, go on, move.

Clouds are getting thicker.

Well, Roscoe's ears

still say no cyclone.


We've got a twister

on our hands, alright.

It's coming

mighty fast you'll.

Ah, don't look like nothing

but a thunder storm to me.

I've seen twister at Wichita.

It never started like this.

Hold it, hold it.

That's ??? at Charleston.


What's the message?

Blowing bad there

he says to warn Ingles.

He says..

Say, closed his key.

I'll try Miles radio at Ingles.

That's too close.

I'm reporting to Wyatt.

[dramatic music]


[music continues]

Where you been and where's

the Disaster Committee?

You think it looks that bad?

We'll need more help

than Mrs. Gerard and Mrs. Ryan.

Pass those mattress

down to me.

- Now, Wyatt.

- I got it.

- 'Start rounding up help.'

- How many you gonna need?

'Oh, at least a dozen,

if you can get 'em.'

It'll be about ten

or fifteen minutes.

Yeah, I'll get 'em.

(female # )

Come on, you men.

Get in, come on.

All the men

in there, get out here.

There's a cyclone

in coming, Gibbs.

Well, my mule

says different.

You're all sworn in as special

deputies. Wyatt might need you.

Oscar, don't go with him, you

can't do any good in a cyclone.

Except get blowed away.

Mrs. Jones, there ain't gonna

be no cyclone blowin' here.

But this thing

can blow both barrels.

I think I'd better

go with him, dear.

Mr. Gresco,

watch this here, ice house.

'Alright, Mr. Gibbs.'

Come outta there, five members

of the Disaster Committee.

'Tis without shame you are.

Hiding like cowards

from a thunder storm.

Wyatt, Wyatt, there they are,

take a look at 'em.

Mrs. Baurman, Doc will need you

and the other ladies to help.

I don't care what Doc needs,

we've got children down here.

There is no use, Mr. Kelly.

I've sent Shotgun Gibbs

to get some special deputies.

We're gonna have to help Doc.

Oh, Mrs. Baurman, here I'll hand

them down to you.


I'll hand them down.

Two women could handle this.

They don't need a whole dozen.


Watch yourself.

Now keep down.

[dramatic music]

It's not blowing itself out.

It's heading straight at us.

You go to

Doc's house.

I'll find Mr. Gibbs.

He's probably over at the jail.

But, Wyatt. What about after,

the losing and all?

If that hits Dodge City there

won't be anything left to lose.


Dory, it's at Ingle.

Ingles? But that's

just west of here.

Quiet, quiet!

Miles radio is still sending.

He says, he can see

the funnel cloud.

He's says it's taking house

at the edge of town.

Oh, no.


[wind howling]


Miles stopped sending.

I guess he..

I'll try to get Charleston.

That's enough.

We've gotta get outta here.

Dora, you go. Tell Marshal Earp

I'll only be a few more moments.

Not without you.

- Dora, you know I can't leave.

- Then, I'm staying right here.

Boys, I reckon Wyatt will want

us to patrol below the line.

Folks down there might get

excited and start stealing.

I don't see

any fellows here, Shotgun.

Well, you ain't heard Roscoe

kicking up no fuss, have you?

This all the men

you could find?


Darn lucky to find them.

Alright, go over to Doc

McCarty's office on the double.

What about looting '

below the line, Wyatt?

The living

wanna steel, let 'em.

Doc'll need you to pull out

the dead and wounded.

That's straight thinking.

Let's go, Joe.

It's a twister.

I can see it!

Not yet, Ms. Maymie.

But it's time to turn Laun

and the rest lose.

Oh, yes, hurry.

- Come on, Wyatt!

- Shut up. Shut up.

I'm letting you men out of here

because it's only fair.

Look's like that cyclone's

gonna blow in any second.

Doc McCarty's gonna need a lot

of men to help with rescue work.


'Mr. Kemit, you look like a

husky man. Wanna help the Doc?'

Well, I-I gotta take care

of her, Marshal.

I-I owe her a favor.

I can't force

any of you to help the Doc.

When you get outside, take a

look at that sky and decide.

We're gonna help the Doc.

Come on, Laun.

- And the rest of you too.

- If you say so, Maymie.

- Come on, boys.

- Let's go. Come on.

(male # )

Let's get out of this place

before we k*lled.

[wind howling]

- ??? Doc?

- She will. Where's Wyatt?

- Had turn 'em prisoners loose.

- Alright.

Now, listen, all of you.

When the twister forms,

we'll go into the storm cellar.

As soon as it passes,

Marshal Earp and Mr. Gibbs

'will lead the rescue party.'

There'll be a lot of casualties

we can save by prompt action.

'I'll divide my time

between the two rescue groups.'

If you have any doubt

about the injured, send for me.


- We've come to help.

- Good.

Where them other

two boys, Laun?

- They run off.

- Laun will fix them, Mr. Gibbs.

- They won't get far.

- Never mind that now.

I wanna repeat my instructions.

We haven't much time.

Remember when the twister forms,

we'll go into the storm cellar.

[wind howling]

[dramatic music]

(male # )

'There she is. The cyclone.'

'She's coming to work vengeance

on this wicked town.'

Why don't you run?

I'll tell you why.

Because there's no place to

run to. She's coming too fast.

All your rotten sins are rolled

up in that big black cloud.

Fall down on your knees

and repent. Repent, I say!

And beg for mercy.

For mercy is the only thing

that can save you now.

Come on, everybody. Let's take

cover in the Ice House.

They won't let us.

It's jammed full.

They'll let us in. Come on!

[dramatic music]

- That's all.

- We're coming in, Driscoll.

- There's no more room!

- Make room.

- That's far enough.

- Who says?

- I'm warning you!

- You k*lled him, you m*rder*r!

Stop it! No more sh**t'.

We can take care of you girls.

The men can lie close to the

wall. It'll be safe enough.

Thanks. Come on, girls.

Help you with him, huh?

This time you're wrong, Roscoe.

You're wrong.

- Take a look over yonder.

- 'Mugsie! Mugsie!

- George!

- 'Mugsie!'

- Georgie! Georgie, Georgie!

- Mugsie! Mugsie!


Come here.

My dog. He'll get blown away!

Now, look,

I'll find your dog, Mugsie.

You go on back

to the storm cellar and wait.

Please, Mr. Earp.

He'll get hurt.

So will you.

You see that cyclone comin'?

You go on back to the storm

cellar. I'll find your dog.

- Go on.

- Yes, sir.

[dog barking]

Mugsie! Come here, boy.

Mugsie! Mugsie!

Come here, Mugsie. Mugsie.

This funnel will be here in a

few minutes. Everybody inside.


Go on, everybody.

Get in fast!

Come on, do what Doc tells you.

I got to go find Wyatt.

- I'll help you.

- You get to the cellar.

No, I'll go with you

and Mr. Gibbs.

Come on, Maymie. O-oh.

I'll take care of you later.

Here! Take care of my hat.

Now listen, Maymie.

You've got to, you've got

to get in that cellar.

What are you doing here, son?

It's Marshal Earp. He'll get

blown when the it comes.

Earp? Where is he?

My dog ran into

the Alamo Saloon.

Marshal Earp went after him.

Mrs. Jones.

Open the door.

- George, come in here.

- Earp's running after some dog.

Come on, Remy.

Let's go.


There is nothing you can do to

help. Just get down that cellar.

We'll help find Wyatt.

The fool's probably

patrolling Front Street.

No reason for you

being a fool too, Kelly.

That's a twister.

A real big one.

Shotgun and me will find him.

The rest of you stay here.

- No. Come on, Laun.

- I'm coming too.

- She's my girlfriend.

- Let's move.

They'll keep me in the darkness.

Sit tight. Keep the women quiet.

It's true.

I'm the biggest fool in town.

Come here. Mugsie!

Now, Mugsie,

you stay right there.

Come here. Come on.

'I'm not gonna hurt you.

Take it real easy.'

Come here. Come on.

Mugsie. Come here, Mugsie,

you little mutt, come here.

Come here. Come on.

Attaboy. Come on.

Come here, Mugsie. Come on.

'Now, be a nice puppy. Come on,

I'm not gonna hurt you.'

Big old cyclone coming out there

and I'm trying to save

your life. Now, come on.

Come on. That's it.

Come on. Attaboy.

Easy now, huh, boy.

Yes, sir.

You like that, huh?

You like it?

Come here.

[wind howling]


Oh, Mr. Thurston.

Have you seen, Wyatt?

No, but, George, said he was

on his way to the Alamo Saloon.

- Chasing a stray pup.

- Heart of a ???

[dramatic music]


Hey, Wyatt, where are you?

I'm right in here.

[dramatic music]


Get in here.

- Wyatt, have you gone loco?

- You better make a run for it.


'No, it's too late now.

Here she comes.'

We'd be better off

in the street lying down flat.


No, get down low,

run to the bar.

- What'd you think, Mr. Gibbs?

- It's gonna hit us, Wyatt.

It ain't gonna hit us!

She's appearing south!

[dramatic music]

She's bearing south.

Take a look.

My God,

she is bearing south.

She's passing.

Red Roscoe, you all owe

to give that mule out.

Well, I ain't scold him.

Just take it easy,

take it easy, Mugsie.

We'll go find, Georgie, huh.

You know I think we all

underestimated that mule.


Alright, let's go.

[dramatic music]

[instrumental music]

It's all over, the cyclone

moved south and missed us.

It's all clear folks,

you can come on out.

[indistinct chatter]

Wonderful isn't it?

Folks, the storm is over,

it's passed by.

Come on, everybody out.

[indistinct chatter]

Come on, Georgie.

Here's Mugsie.


Mugsie, Mugsie.

- Thanks, Marshal Earp.

- It's alright.

Mugsie, eh...isn't

trained to well.

You better take him

home and train him.

That's right what

I'm gonna do now.

Seems kinda stupid

going back to jail.

- We could take off.

- No, you couldn't.

I told you Laun,

she's got ya.

O-oh, I reckon.


Roscoe, you're

a real smart animal.

Well, that ain't

news to me.

What you gonna do with Laun

and 'em other two fellas?

Maybe, just

take 'em back to jail.

I'll turn 'em lose

and then go, try to

find those other two

saddle fancers?? that ran away.


Now, that's favoritism, Wyatt.

People liked it

almost as good as Roscoe did.

And they didn't know that

the cyclone wasn't gonna hit.

Well, if I could afford it,

I'd buy more metals.

Come to think of it now,

I wouldn't.

Most of knew in their hearts,

after that first panic was over

that they acted

like good people.

Knowing that, it's better than

having any old metal.

[Ken Darby singing

"Legend of Wyatt Earp"]

♪ Well he cleaned up

the country ♪

♪ The old wild west country

♪ He made law

and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it

the legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live

on the trail ♪

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp

♪ Brave, courageous and bold

♪ Long live his fame

and long life his glory ♪

♪ And long may his

story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story

♪ Be told ♪
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