19x02 - Shrimply Spectacular

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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19x02 - Shrimply Spectacular

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen…

-[all cheering]
-Welcome to Hell's Kitchen.

Eighteen eager chefs
arrived at the flagship restaurant

at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas.

Oh, my God!

Holy f*ck!
In the flesh, Chef Gordon Ramsay!

I brought you here to inspire you all,

because this year's winner
will become the head chef

at a Hell's Kitchen restaurant
just like this in Lake Tahoe.


-I'm so excited.
-I'll see you guys in Los Angeles.

Yes, Chef!

I'm, like, pinching myself
over and over and over again.

Here we go.

While the chefs thought
they were leaving Las Vegas…

Oh, my God!

This is definitely
nowhere near an airport.

…Chef Ramsay revealed surprise number one.

For the first time, Hell's Kitchen
will take place in Las Vegas!

Hell's Kitchen, Vegas-style.

Everything in Vegas is a gamble.

And then came surprise number two--

a spin on the signature dish challenge.

-Oh, my!
-Anybody need any help?

I'm good, I'm done.

[narrator] The chefs had to go all in
with new ingredients.

Elementary school chef…

-Kenneth, you cook for kids?
-Yes, sir.

You had minutes to go,
and you started plating this dish.

…learned a lesson of his own.

For me, that's a one.

While the youngest chef
in the competition, Eliott,

with his rice-crusted salmon…

You know, you've taken the skin off.

That skin is delicious when it's crispy.

…also needed a few tips.

I'm gonna give you a two out of five.

Yes, Chef.

With Nikki, Amber and Kori all earning…

-[women] Whoo!

-Four. Great job.
-Thank you, Chef.

-That's a strong four.
-…for the Red Team.

It was Irish executive chef Declan…

-In the kitchen, what do they call you?
-Big D.

Ladies, say hello to Big D.

-…and his…
-Pan-seared New York strip.

-It's cooked beautifully.
-…receiving a perfect…

-Five out of five. Good job.

…that kept the Blue Team within reach.

I got a five on the first competition

in Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay.

[narrator] It all came down
to executive chef Marc's dish.

A four means a tie. A five is a win.

Five. Marc, congratulations.

-Yeah, baby!

The Blue Team won
the first team challenge.

-I got you. I'm your guy.
-Great job.

-[narrator] The following morning…
-[phone ringing]

-Hell's Kitchen. This is Cody.
-Everybody, meet me outside quickly.

Heard, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Good morning.
-[all] Morning, Chef!

-Time for a special delivery.

[narrator] And now,
the continuation of Hell's Kitchen.

Breaker, breaker,
we got a chopper inbound.

We got a care package coming in.

Something is about to go down.

Gonna drop it! Oh, my God!

What the f*ck?

Wait, that's a crate.
What are they doing with--

Holy shit, they kicked it
out of the helicopter!

-[loud crash]


[mimicking expl*si*n]


Shrimp crate. Ice f*cking everywhere.

-Wow, what a delivery!

I'm in heaven!
Shrimp fell from the sky like, "Ooh!"

Thank you, shrimp gods. Thank you so much.
I love you, I love you, I love you.

Las Vegas is the shrimp capital,

serving , pounds of shrimp daily.

So for your next challenge,
you'll be working with…

[all] Shrimp!


Of course it's shrimp.

In this next individual challenge,
each of you will create

a stunning fine-dining dish
using the most amazing shrimp.

Tiger shrimp, Mexican shrimp,
white shrimp.

You name it, we've got it.

Today's winning shrimp dish
will go on tonight's opening menu.


To have my dish featured in anything
associated to Chef Ramsay

would be phenomenal.

And I really wanna win this.

But there's more.
Today's winner of this challenge

will receive something
very, very valuable.

The Punishment Pass.

-Oh, f*ck.
-[Ramsay] Marino!

Marino, where is the Punishment Pass?

I see a block of ice there,

-but where's the pass?
-It's inside.

[scoffs] Inside? I mean,
I know I said preserve the pass,

but I didn't say freeze the f*cking thing.
What does it look like?

Right here.

Wow. So, there we are.

The amazing Punishment Pass.
That's what it looks like.

Thank you, Marino.

-Thank you.
-Thank you. Goodbye.

Right, the winner of today's challenge

will receive a Punishment Pass,

which will get them out of any punishment

should their team lose.

But it can only be used once.

So use it wisely.

If I was in your shoes right now,

trust me, I'd be desperate
to get my hands on this pass.

Man, there's so much power
that I could have with that card.

I really want it. It's a no-brainer.

What an ace to have up your sleeve.

I've given out the Punishment Pass before,

but this time,
I'm gonna make it even more powerful.

In addition, you'll also be able
to select one person

from that winning team to take
your place in the punishment.

[all] Oh!

Come on, if that's not
the most evil thing ever.

There is a lot on the line
with this challenge.

You've all got minutes.
Your time starts now.

Let's go.

[dramatic music playing]

-Let's go.
-Let's get this done.

-Let's get this, girls.
-Let's go.

I am a big-time seafood lover.

I go saltwater fishing in New Jersey
all the time,

so I'm feeling damn good
about this challenge.

There's no way I can lose it.

[whispering] Let's go.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

-Chef, do we have grits here?
-Uh, check the dry pantry.

Because I'm a Southern girl at heart,

I'm thinking about going
straight to my roots.

Shrimp and grits is something
that's near and dear to me.

So there's no grits? Heard.

Houston, we may have a problem.

I was looking for grits,
but polenta it is.

Gentlemen, less than minutes. Let's go.

-[all] Yes, Chef!
-[Marc] Guys, we need this water running?

[Declan] I need it, Chef.
I'm cleaning prawns.

Going into this challenge,
I'm fairly confident.

I've worked with seafood a lot,
coming from Ireland,

and my dish is gonna be banging!

Gentlemen, we got this again.

What do you got, Nik?

I am working on a sushi rice
on the bottom, toasted sesame seeds.

Asian themes.
Little bit of Thai chili and…

-…some soy.

-It's ambitious.
-I'm ambitious.

Yeah? Good to see, good to see.

I know it has a really high chance
of not playing out well for me,

but I would rather go big or go home

and be as ambitious as I possibly can.

Ladies, we're halfway.
Fifteen minutes to go.

All right. I got minutes
to make this happen.

Kenneth, what do we got going, buddy?

Got my vegetables cooking down
with some bacon.

Yo, today, I need to turn this around.
I got a one yesterday.

A fricking one!

I'm getting this down to get it cooked

and get the flavor to start coming out.

I'm here to knock this out of the park.

I'm here to show Chef Ramsay
that I can cook my ass off.

I didn't learn from a cookbook.
I didn't go to culinary school.

I learned from my great-grandmother.

Three minutes! Just over. Let's go.

Oh, God. It's f*cking gross.

I'm definitely feeling really frantic.

My components aren't coming together
the way I really want them to,

so I'm trying to stay calm,

but I'm feeling a little bit frazzled now.

Oh! Come on, come on, come on.

Come on. Hopefully that will suffice.

[Ramsay] Just under seconds
to go, guys. Come on, let's go.

-Thirty seconds.
-f*ck my life.

-[Adam] Anyone got a half lemon?
-[Peter] Lemon in the back!

-In the back, in the pantry!
-[Ramsay] Ten seconds.

-Nine, eight, seven…
-Get in there, get in there.

-…six, five…
-Come on, hustle! Let's go!

-…four, three, two, one.
-Let's go, let's go, let's go!

-And serve. Let's go.

Well done. Looking good.

Listen carefully.

I'm not tasting all of these dishes.

I'm gonna rely on two exceptional palates,

Christina and Jason.
Christina, you taste all the dishes

-from the Red Team.
-Yes, Chef.

Jason, you taste all the dishes
from the Blue Team.

-Yes, Chef.
-I'll be back. I'll be in my office. Okay?

[all] Yes, Chef. Thank you, Chef.

All right, Declan, what do we have?

[narrator] In the preliminary taste test,
Chef Ramsay is looking for his sous chefs

to determine the best dishes

on each of their teams.

Chef Jason, I can't tell
what he's taking from my dish.


Thank you. Back in line.

But I'm very happy with the way
that my dish turned out.

-Is there any seasoning in here?
-Yes, Chef.

Uh, salt, pepper,
a little bit of rice vinegar, Chef.

It's the tiger shrimp, cherry tomatoes
and Fresno chilies.

The sauce is a garlic beurre blanc.

-What you got?
-Linguine with a pancetta

and a spicy tomato broth.

-[Jason] One shrimp?
-One shrimp.

We are in Vegas and Chef Christina's got
one of the best poker faces I have seen.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Yep, you got it.

And you walk away going,
"What the f*ck?" Tell me something.

Give me a nod. Give me a "Eh."
Give me a "Mm." Something.

[Christina] Thank you.

[narrator] After tasting
each of their team's dishes,

chefs Christina and Jason are ready
to make their recommendations

to Chef Ramsay.

I wanna spend my time with the chefs
that have the potential

to become the next head chef
at Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe.

And so I'm doing something
I've never done before.

I'm trimming the fat early.

-[drum beat]
-[softly] f*ck.

So, Christina and Jason, I wanna taste

the worst two performing dishes
from the Blue Team

and the worst two performing dishes
from the Red Team.

I'm not carrying dead weight.

The chef that has cooked
the dish that I like least

will be leaving Hell's Kitchen.

[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] With Chef Ramsay
raising the stakes

on the Punishment Pass challenge…

The chef that has cooked
the dish that I like least

will be leaving Hell's Kitchen now.

[narrator] It is no longer
a fight for victory.

It is also a fight for survival.

Jason, who was responsible
for your worst two dishes?

Eliott, Chef.

[Eliott] Oh, f*ck!

And the second?

Yo, I don't want him to call Kenneth.
I'm like praying.

Don't call my name, Chef.
Don't call my name.

Don't call my name. Please don't call me.

Kenneth, Chef.

Okay. Christina, the weakest
two dishes on the Red Team.

The first one is who?

This is tough.

The first one is gonna be Nicole, Chef.

-[Ramsay] And the second?

-[Ramsay] Jordan?
-[Christina] Mm-hmm.

Wasn't expecting that.
You ever been hit by a Mack truck?

Cause I feel like
I just got blindsided by one.

[truck horn blares]

[Ramsay] Nikki, Jordan,

Eliott, Kenneth,

make your way
to the front of the pass now.

[dramatic music plays]

Oh, my goodness.
I didn't even see that coming.

-[Cody] I didn't see that coming.
-[Ramsay] I'm gonna taste all four dishes.

From there, I'll decide
which one of you is going home.

Nikki, you're up first.


[Ramsay] Describe the dish.

This is jasmine sushi rice
and chargrilled tiger shrimp

and a little bit of-- I know.

-And a little bit of--
-I'm not laughing.

-Why am I holding it up there like that?
-Because it's not cleaned.

[Ramsay] Rule number one
when prepping shrimp,

what's the one thing we do?

[all] Clean the shrimp.

It's the first thing you do.

Like, who wanna eat shit? I don't. Do you?

Yo, that's like leaving a baby

walking around with a shitty diaper
on all day and don't even care.

[Ramsay] I asked for a dish to go on
a menu. I wouldn't put that near a café.

Take the dish back. Step back in line.

[narrator] Following Nikki's dirty dish,

Eliott steps up to the plate with his…

Sautéed white shrimp
with a spring vegetable succotash.

-And that's it? Just sautéed vegetables?
-The time really caught up to me, Chef.

It's just a clumpy,
greasy pot of vegetables

with sautéed shrimp.

Is it worse than Nikki's?

Eliott, it is worse.

Go back in line.
Nikki, back in the kitchen.

-[Ramsay] You're safe.

I cracked under the pressure.
I cracked hard.

But I know how to cook.

I just have to be able to recover
from this and move on.

[narrator] Jordan comes forward with her…

Sautéed tiger shrimp
with a garlic beurre blanc.

Presentation looks bleak.

-Can you see that shrimp there?
-Yes, sir.

-What does that need?
-It needs to be cooked some more.

[Ramsay] Opening night menu

and now you present me a shrimp
that's not even cooked in the middle.

I've cooked steaks that are bigger
than my damn head perfectly,

and I can't cook a f*cking shrimp.

Like, that is some rookie shit.

Is it worse than Eliott's?

Jordan, say thank you to Eliott
'cause you've just dodged a b*llet.

-Take that shit back in the kitchen.
-Thank you, Chef.

Well, the one thing I can confirm
is the Red Team are staying intact.

Uh, Blue Team, is it Kenneth or Eliott?

I'm nervous as hell.
I'm shaking, I'm trembling.

Come on, shrimp gods. Help me out here.

[Ramsay] Kenneth, describe the dish.

I did a penne pasta, Chef,
with sautéed peppers,

bacon, garlic and mushrooms.

What the f*ck is that? What is that?

I have no clue, Chef.
It looks like a potato.

-A potato?
-And I didn't even use potatoes.

What the f*ck?

Blue Team, we have a potato
that has dropped in Kenneth's dish!

What the f*ck?

Who's got potato in their f*cking dish?

-[Drew] No one.
-[all] None of us, Chef.

[Ramsay] Oh, my God. Potato-gate!

You don't know how that got in there?

Chef, I didn't touch potatoes.

Potatoes wasn't even a part of my dish.

Taste that.

It's a block of Parmesan,
you f*cking doughnut!

Did you put the Parmesan in there?

Yes, Chef,
but I grated the Parmesan cheese.

Grated? It's a block of Parmesan in there.

[Marc] We're trying not to laugh,
but, Kenneth, come on, man.

It's a piece of Parmesan.

You know, you can't fix stupid.

Wanna swallow that or spit it out?

Spit it out.

[Kenneth] Yo, I know the difference
between a potato and Parmesan cheese.

But it looked just like a potato.

It's a mess. Take this back.

Step in line next to Eliott.

Kenneth, Eliott, two appalling dishes.

The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is…

[tense music building]


It's time to leave Hell's Kitchen.
Give me your jacket.

-Eliott, back in the kitchen and wake up.
-[Eliott] Yes, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Thank you.
-That's heavy. f*ck.

[Kenneth] Coming to Hell's Kitchen,
I had a lot to prove.

I thought I was gonna make it
further in the competition

than what I did,
but it's a learning experience.

At the end of the day,

I feel that my great-grandmother
is smiling down.

I really did her proud.
I made it this far.


Really don't have anything else to say.

I'm in desperate need
of a palate cleanser.

Christina and Jason,

we do have
three outstanding dishes, right?

-We absolutely do.
-Excellent, exceptional.

Who are they, please?

My top three dishes, Chef,

are going to be
Amber, Lauren, Syann, Chef.

-[Ramsay] Jason?
-Josh, Chef.

Uh, Chef, Declan.

Cody, Chef.

Boom! Damn, Chef Jason actually chose me.

I thought he hated me.

Amber, let's go, please.
Present your dish.

So, I have for you
a citrus butter-poached tiger shrimp

with a celery root puree.

Listen, wow.

The flavor there's beautiful.
Puree, super smooth.

Shrimp cooked beautifully.
It shows great flair.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Lovely combination.

For now, step back in line. Thank you.

[Amber] Yes, thank God.

It really means a lot
this early on in the competition

to have Chef saying that my dish
was really a standout dish.

[Ramsay] Cody, let's go.

[narrator] Up next,
executive sous chef Cody

follows Amber's successful dish with…

On the left side,
you have the spot prawn in a tartare.

On the right side, you have
an escabeche of the blue prawn.

My dish looks f*cking banging.

The dish actually feels like you
spent minutes cooking it, not .

Is it better than Amber's?

It is better than Amber's.

-Thank you.
-Good job.

Amber, back in the kitchen, please.
Thank you.

[narrator] With Cody
currently holding the top spot,

Chef Christina's second choice,
Lauren, is betting on her…

Chimichurri grilled prawn

with a chorizo cream sauce
around the edge.

…to put her on top.

I mean, visually, it looks beautiful.

Love the colors, they really pop.
I mean, that screams Las Vegas.


Is it better than Cody's?

[sighs] Lauren…

…it is better than Cody's.

-Thank you, Chef.
-Congratulations. Good job. Back in line.

[narrator] Lauren is now the one to beat,

as Chef Jason's second choice, Declan,
hopes his…

[Declan] Pan-seared blue shrimp
with a coconut and pineapple salsa.

…impresses Chef Ramsay.

Already, I can tell that puree's silky.
Really good.

It's a very good dish.

But Lauren's is still the best.

[Lauren] Taking out two boys,
oh, man, it feels great.

Bye-bye, boys.

Sy, let's go, please.

[narrator] With two members
of the Blue Team

unable to top Lauren,
Syann hopes her take on…

[Syann] Shrimp and grits.

-You used polenta, right?
-Yes, Chef.

…will finally unseat her.

Slightly opaque in the center,
grilled beautifully.

This has Southern charm, young lady.
Ah, God Almighty, this is a tough one.

I'll ask Lauren…

to go back in the kitchen, please.
Great job.

[Lauren] Damn. I really thought
I was gonna win that shit.


Hey, hey.

Now it's between me and Josh.

-[Ramsay] Describe the dish please.
-[Josh] You have sautéed tiger prawns

with an asparagus-fennel salad,
toasted almonds, orange segments.

A little bit of fennel fronds
in there as well.

I'm feeling confident about this.

I mean, I'm an executive chef,

so I think
I'm one of the strongest competitors here.

You got the balance right with the citrus.
God, this is really hard.

It's a really good dish.
Step back in line for a moment.

The dish that's gonna be
on the menu tonight,

and the winner of that incredible
Punishment Pass…


[dramatic crescendo]

[narrator] In the first all-important
individual challenge,

Chef Ramsay is trying to decide…

The dish that's on the menu tonight,

and the winner of that incredible
Punishment Pass…

…between executive chef Josh's
tiger prawns and asparagus salad

and line cook Syann's shrimp and polenta.


Sy. Well done.


Thought I had this challenge.
Damn it, I was so close!

So close to that Punishment Pass.

[Ramsay] Well done.



One more thing for you.
Here's your Punishment Pass.

-[cheering continues]
-Thank you.

Sy gets a "get out of jail free" card.

-Head back to the dorms.
-Never underestimate me.

The South always wins, period.

You can all drop your books
wherever you are

and find your knife bags at the pass.

I'm obsessed with knives.
I've got knives everywhere.

I'm, like, so pumped to get
these Zwilling JA Henckels knives.

It's the nicest knife set.

[narrator] With their new knives in tow…

[Christina] Everybody finished
with their Christmas presents? All good?

…both teams are now sharpening up
on the entire Hell's Kitchen menu

before tonight's first dinner service.

I'm gonna start with the beef tartare.
We'll end up getting a partial tenderloin.

It's like Goldilocks--
not too big, not too small.

I am super pumped,
going into dinner service tonight.

And I'm looking at the team.
We are so focused.

Gonna hit it
with some balsamic vinaigrette.

-Just enough to coat it?
-Exactly, yeah.

This is the best risotto
you'll ever have.

We're just gonna sweat it.
We're not sautéing it.

We're not caramelizing it.
We're sweating it.

Once you're all the way foamed out,

just hit it with a little bit
of chicken stock.

Chef Christina and Chef Jason
are just running through the menu

so super, super quick, lightning fast.

Two baby leeks, split in half.

-Too hot, it's gonna melt the cheese.
-Don't forget the lamb sauce. [chuckles]

And we all know that we're gonna
have to cook this menu in an hour.

So, the Welly will come up
with the red wine demi.

So, the crispy skin is the best part
of the salmon, right?

I'm coming off of two challenges
where I didn't do so well

and, uh, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

If we're going too fast, keep up.

[narrator] With an intense full day
of training behind them…

-Are we on that side or this side?
-This is us, right here.

…the chefs have been assigned
their stations.

[Jason] Let's go, guys.

And it's time for Vegas
to experience their…

-[Jason] First service.
-[Declan] Yeah, boys, we got this.

Who's on fish? Are you on fish?
Who's on fish?

I'm on fish.

We're getting ready for dinner service.
Best-case scenario,

we end up making the Blue Team our bitch.

Mary Lou, you wanna keep eyes
on that reduction?

To be honest, I forgot that bitch
was there.

Worst-case scenario, I f*ck up
everything completely,

I get sent home

and then I go back to my own kitchen,

everybody calls me a loser, and I cry.

-Yes, Chef?

-Open Hell's Kitchen. Let's go.

[upbeat dance music plays]

[traffic sounds]

[narrator] Hell's Kitchen is the hottest
reservation in Las Vegas…

-Cheers, guys.


…with tables booked months in advance
for the most anticipated opening

in the entertainment capital of the world.

Boys and girls, we're open.

-All right, let's do this, man.

[narrator] Chef Ramsay
is testing these two brigades

with the biggest and most complex menu
Hell's Kitchen has ever seen.

I'll have the New York strip steak.

-The beet salad.
-[waitress] The beet salad…

I'm gonna do the crab cakes.

[narrator] Chef Ramsay has invited VIPs

to dine at chef's tables in each kitchen.


Comedian and actor Wayne Brady
will be dining on the Blue side

with his family.

-Good evening.
-Good to see you.

-How are you?
-It's a pleasure.

Thank you so much for having us.

[narrator] And restauranteur
and TV personality Lisa Vanderpump,

and her husband,
will be seated in the Red kitchen.

-[dog whining]
-Okay, Puffy, sit down.

They're gonna be cooking
some chicken for you, I think.

Blue Team, on order, here we go.
Out of the gates strong.

Four covers, table one.
One special at tableside.

-Two scallop, one risotto.
-[all] Yes, Chef!

Here's to the Blue Team.

Josh, you're in control
of this now, yeah? Let's go.

-[Josh] Fire scallops.
-Fire the scallops.

-Eight minutes on risotto.
-I need seven.

-[Josh] Got lobster tail to work?
-[Declan] Lobster tail's down.

-Josh, let me know, all right?
-I got you.

[narrator] While the Blue Team gets
started on their appetizers…

-There's a ticket for Mrs. Vanderpump.

…over in the Red kitchen…

Chef's table, two covers,
one carbonara, one risotto. Yes?

-[all] Yes, Chef!
-Let's go, guys.

That's us. We're on.

How long for our chef's table, please?

-Five minutes. Five minutes.
-Five minutes. Five out!

[Lisa] Gordon.

I know. I'm sorry, it's coming.

-Right, uh…
-So is Christmas.

Mrs. Vanderpump is starving. Let's go.

So much stress and strain.

I know. And also,
I just kind of made it a bit worse

by telling him, "I'm starving, hurry up."

-[Christina] How long, carbonara?

-[Kori] Coming up to the pass, Chef.
-Let's go.

Come on, ladies. Pick up
the momentum, please. Let's go.

Coming in hot, hot, hot.

-Okay, watch it. Okay, here it goes.

-You didn't f*cking taste it.

I think it needs a touch more salt.

Perfect. Go.

[narrator] With Kori signing off
on Amber's risotto…

[Christina] Risotto on the pass.
Got it. Thank you.


…all the Red Team needs
is a perfectly-cooked lobster

to go on top from Nikki.

Oh, f*cking hell. Jesus Christ.

Sorry, Lisa.

-Hey, come here.
-Oh, f*ck.

Breaking news. The f*cking lobster's raw!

And it's for Mrs. Vanderpump.

Congratulations. It's f*cking raw!

Perfect risotto, completely wasted
over raw lobster.


Who cooked the lobster?

I did, Chef.


Okay, I'm feeling the stress.
I need a drink.

[Ramsay] I think an apology would be nice.

-[Nikki] I'm so sorry, guys.
-[Ramsay] No, I think-- Hey.

I sincerely apologize, guys.
I'll have that re-fired for you

as soon as humanly possible, okay?
I'm so sorry.

Miss Nikki, you don't cry
in front of anybody.


You cry in the walk-in
where nobody sees you,

and then you walk out and say,
"Oh, shit, I got pepper in my eye."


[narrator] While Nikki wipes the tears
away after her failed risotto…

[Declan] Scallops coming up now.
One minute!

-One minute. Heard.
-…over in the Blue kitchen,

the men work to push out
their first appetizers of the evening.

-[Adam] Scallops are ready to go.
-[Declan] You good to go?

Coming out right now. Risotto, can I pass?

-Coming down, Chef.
-Very nice scallops. Know what I mean?

-Nice color on the scallops.
-Yes, Chef.

We just rocked it out.

[Ramsay] Let's go. Go on.

We've got to keep this momentum going.

If we can keep this up, it's plain sailing

all the way to the finish line.

[Ramsay] Service, please. Let's go.

[narrator] As the Blue Team pushes out
appetizers at a rapid pace…

-Polenta and shrimp.
-Thank you.

No problem.

…over in the Red kitchen,
Nikki cooks for redemption

with her second attempt at risotto.

-Lobster's ready. Are you guys ready?
-Ready to walk.

-All right, walking.
-I'm so hungry.

-[Ramsay] You taste that? Very nice.
-[Christina] It's delicious.

Let's go. Service.

Thank you. No, sit down.
You've got to wait for your chicken.

Okay, well, that looks nice.

[narrator] With the VIP table satisfied,
Chef Ramsay is pushing ahead

with the rest of the dining rooms.

Appetizers. Two risotto, two scallop.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

[Kori] Yes, Chef.

How many scallops was that?

Chef Ramsay, I do not understand
what you are saying.

Scallops are in, yes?

My brain can't even wrap itself
around the accent and the speed

and the volume of your voice.

-Scallops, how long?
-Scallops, how long?

-I have one order of scallops.
-One minute.

Did you give me two orders?

Fish! Where's the other scallop?

Thirty seconds.

Young lady, can't you cook
two scallops at the same time?

I can. I misheard, Chef. I apologize.

You misheard?

Look at her. Look, she's gonna cry.

-What is going on?
-I can't keep it together.

You can't keep it together?

I can keep it together, but…

-It's all right, Chef, she's good.
-We got her, Chef.

All of you, come here.
f*cking put-- Come here.

-f*cking come here.
-Let's go.

Gordon looks like he's under pressure.

What's happened?

And why are you crying?

Are you done?

[narrator] It's minutes
into dinner service…

Are you done?

…and Nikki's meltdown on the fish station

has forced Chef Ramsay to ask her
a critical question.

You're done?

-[Ramsay] You can't bounce back?

-I can bounce back, Chef.
-Let's get a grip, shall we?

-Yes, Chef.
-Get in the game.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

[all] Yes, Chef.

[Nikki] I can't throw away this entire
competition the first dinner service

because I got in my own head too much.

We're going to finish
dinner service tonight.

Not an option.

I need to recover from this and move on.

Behind, walking scallops.

[Ramsay] Good. Nice color on the scallops.

[narrator] With Nikki's scallops
winning over diners…

-How does your scallop taste?
-The most tender I've ever had.

…the Red Team earns rave reviews.

Pretty f*cking amazing.

And now a wave of appetizers
is leaving the Red kitchen.

-Scallops, lobster, risotto.
-Service, please.

[narrator] While over in the Blue kitchen…

Carbonara going.

…the men are quickly finishing
their appetizers…

-Thirty seconds. Keep going!
-Garnish coming up right now.

-[Ramsay] Service, please.
-[Marino] Here you are. Prego.

…and are now moving on to entrees.

On order. Blue Team. Chef's table. Entrée.

One duck, one lamb,
one New York strip, one Wellington.

-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Lamb's going in.
-Lamb's going in.

[Marc] Lamb down.

Being a father of three, one thing
that I definitely know how to do

is throw some meat on a grill.

Between myself and Peter,
I think we're gonna nail this.

-Wellington's going in!
-[Josh] Wellington heard.

There's two things that we do
as being fathers.

We tell bad jokes, and we grill meat.

Yo, this duck.

-Chef's table. Where's the lamb?
-Right here, Chef!

-Walking, Chef.
-Coming down!

[Drew] Lamb and duck coming down, Chef.

Hey, all of you, just touch that duck.

I mean, just feel how firm it is
on the outside.

-It is overcooked, Chef.
-Overcooked? It's f*cked!

-Come on, guys, take that shit back.
-[Peter] Yes, Chef.

[narrator] With Peter bringing
the team to a halt…

Peter, duck's served what?


-[Peter] Pink.

…Chef Ramsay heads to the Red kitchen,

looking for something positive.

Four covers, table . Listen up.
Two Wellington, two New York strip.

[all] Yes, Chef.

[Brittani] How long
till we can fire garnish?

-[Kori] Nine minutes on Wellington.

-I need eight minutes.
-Heard, heard.

[Mary Lou] Steak? Give it to me.

I'm from Texas. Like,
if I don't know how to cook a steak,

they'll probably kick me out.

Damn, that's sexy.
That's the same color as me.

I must be sexy.

All I need to do is go in g*ns blazing,
so they say.

-The New York strip. Let's go.
-Want me to walk it?

[Kori] Yes, please.

Chef Christina,
steak's to your right. Garnish.

We all got this shit.
We all got this shit.

Oh, boy, there's just no color on there.

-Yes, Chef?

Just all of you, come here, come here.

No color. Look at that.

Who's to blame for this? Boiled meat.

It's me, Chef.

-Re-fire New York strip. How long?
-Yes, Chef.

Eight minutes.

[Drew] This duck's gonna overcook.
We'll have to re-fire another one.

-This duck's gonna be overcooked.

New York strip, lamb, duck,
for the chef's table.

How long for the re-fire?

-Six minutes, Chef. Six minutes.
-Is that lamb in?

No, Chef, it is not. The lamb or…

The lamb for the chef's table
is not even in!

f*cking son of a bitch.

It's for our chef's table!

-[Ramsay] I'm getting pissed off now.

They are getting reamed.

Now I'm getting pissed now.
If it's not ready, let us know.

This stuff is not rocket science.
We're just cooking!

It's three minutes.
It's three minutes, Cody!

That lamb, three minutes?
Realistically, is that true?

-That's correct. Yes.

If it's not, that's f*cking it, all right?

Cody's over there giving me some heat.

And it's like, dude,
I am f*cking trying to get this food out.

How long, Blue Team?

How close are we on the garnish? Garnish?

How long, Peter?


Where is it? Come on!

Eliott, did you walk on the garnish?

Eliott, what the f*ck are you doing?

I should give Eliott a hug.

-Get involved, Eliott!

-Help your team!
-Yes, Chef.

Poor Eliott.


Look at the energy in here.

That lamb--

Shut it! He's f*cking
standing there doing jack shit!

[Declan] I'm keeping my head down
because I can't believe what's going on.

Eliott's like ET. You're lost in space.


Going up, right now.

Behind, behind. In front.

Oh, no way.

For f*ck… f*ck off.

Oh, shit!

I'm f*cking done. f*cking done!

-Oh, that's my food.
-I'm done!

So, your duck, now your lamb, now your--

I don't know what f*cking planet you're
on. I've never seen anything like this.

You, you, and you, f*ck off!

-Get out!
-[both] Yes, Chef.

This is our first service
and I'm being sent back to the dorm?

I can't even f*cking believe this.


g*dd*mn it! Oh, that really f*cking hurt.
I shouldn't have done that with that hand.

I am f*cking livid right now.

[dramatic thud]

[narrator] It's minutes
into dinner service…

-You, you and you, f*ck off! Get out!
-[both] Yes, Chef.

…and with lackluster performances
on garnish and meat,

Eliott, Drew and Peter
have been sent back to the dorm.

g*dd*mn it!

VIP. They've waited long enough.

One duck, one lamb,
one New York strip, one Wellington.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Everyone, triple-check everything.

-On your left, Chef, lamb and Welly.

[Josh] New York strip, Chef.

Walking duck.

-It's nicely cooked.
-[Declan] Oh, thank God!

Suck it up, bounce back.

Let's keep going.



[Ramsay] Hey, all of you, come here.

This is so stressful.

Come here.

Chef's table there…

I'm gonna be able to drink
before we get our food.

Look at these fries. They're soft as shit.

Was that my lamb that he just threw?

All of you, get out!

Get out!

Serve the two main courses.
Let me do the other two.

Drop some fries, please.


[Cody] Ugh! I've never not finished
a service.

Tonight was an absolute epic
f*cking failure.

It was embarrassing.

The worst service
of my entire f*cking career, by far.

So, I have the duck for you, madam.

-Yay! It looks beautiful.

[narrator] As Chef Ramsay quickly corrects
the Blue Team's mistakes…

[Ramsay] Serve that one steak, please.

…over in the Red kitchen,
Amber has decided

that she should be the one
to re-fire Mary Lou's steaks.

Yeah? Sorry.

Let me figure it out.
I'm gonna fix it and make it better.

Because I bet if I give him
some raw steak again,

he'd throw it back in my face and be like,

"Bloody hell, you purple-haired witch,

why did you give me this steak?"
And I'd be like, "Chef, no!"

I'm behind, I'm behind, I'm behind.


My heart is like…

Nicely cooked, the New York strip.

-Thank you, Chef!
-[Ramsay] Service, please.



Last table, ladies. Two Wellington,
one halibut, one New York strip. Yes?

Yes, Chef. I'm six minutes out.
What about you guys?

-[Nikki] We're six minutes.

We're on the same page, so holler
at each other, we'll get it taken care of.

-[Fabiola] Walking entrees.
-[Ramsay] Service, please. Let's go.

-[man] This is incredible.
-Incredible. Let me have another bite.

Girls, that was rough,
but you know what? We f*cking finished.


-[Ramsay] Shut down.
-Heard. Yes, Chef.

[Ramsay sighs]

Tonight, both kitchens were disappointing.

However, the Red Team bounced back

and actually finished service.

Now, the Blue Team imploded tonight.

Peter, you f*cked the duck.

You were a disaster on meat.

Drew, the lamb…

I can't get a duck out,
can't get a lamb out.

But then we had the third chef
from the Blue Team tonight,


Literally stood out for doing nothing.

Now, try and do something as a team
and come to a consensus

on the two chefs that you do not
want as teammates.

-Is that clear?
-[men] Yes, Chef.

Now f*ck off!

-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

[Eliott] That was rough.

We went down as a team,
but I'm disappointed in my performance.

I know that my main thing tonight
was lack of communication,

but I just didn't really have direction.


All of us have a sense of what to do,
and if you're gonna look at me

and say you didn't have direction,
it's not your time to be here.

You have to understand, I have experience.
This is my life. This is everything to me.

Drew, you shut down.
You put out three raw lambs.

I mean, Eliott, he didn't f*ck up as bad.

Eliott's f*cking in space.

He didn't speak.
I didn't even know he was there.

But Drew, you f*cked up the most.

-I've been doing this years--
-But it's not gonna keep happening?

-No, it's not.
-Are you sure?

That's never gonna happen again.
This is an eye-opener.

This is not gonna happen again.

I know I had my fair share of faults
tonight, and I f*cked up,

but I never stopped trying.

And the same can't be said
for other people in this kitchen.

I don't know that it was all on me, guys.

Peter, first duck was overcooked,
second one was raw.

There's no excuse for that.

I saw it. I was right there.
I was one guy over from you.

I came across the country, bro.
I'm not going up, man.

I don't know who we're putting up,
but I ain't going nowhere, bro.

Let's get one thing clear.
Opening nights are never easy,

but tonight never went as planned.

-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

Marc, Blue Team's first nominee and why.

We're sending up Drew.

He was totally lost on meat tonight.

That lamb was, in many ways, unforgivable

and was ultimately what led
to the demise of our team tonight.

Marc, Blue Team's second nominee and why.

The second nominee, Chef…

We're sending up Eliott.

Eliott? Why?

Seeing him lost was very eye-opening,

and for that reason,
he's going up tonight.

Eliott and Drew, step forward, please.

Eliott, why should you
stay in Hell's Kitchen?

I lost my focus,
lost my sense of direction,

but I'm confident that's not
a full representation of what I can do.

How do you lose focus
when you did nothing?

I was forgetting what goes with what.

What goes with what?

f*ck me.

Drew, what happened to the teamwork
on the meat section tonight?

Went out of the window, Chef.

Things were obviously crazy,
as you could see,

and we didn't bounce back.

I had a bad service,
but I have more to prove, Chef.

Are you a better chef than Eliott?

I can definitely perform
better than Eliott.

Eliott, are you a better chef than Drew?

Chef, we have skills
in different places, clearly.

[whispers] Oh, my f*cking God.

What the f*ck does that mean?

Are you a better chef than Drew?

Yes or f*cking no?

The answer's no, Chef.

-Give me your jacket.
-[softly] f*ck yeah.

-Drew, back in line.
-Yes, Chef.

You just made it easy for me.

-Good night.
-Yes, Chef.

[Eliott] Coming into this competition,
I knew it was gonna be an ass kicking.

Didn't necessarily realize
it would be that bad.

It's kind of a knife to the heart,
really sucks,

but I'm only just getting warmed up.

Love me or hate me, you're gonna see
this face again. I guarantee it.

I wasn't expecting a perfect service,

but when you stopped communicating,

that f*cked me off.

That is lesson one in Hell's Kitchen.

That's what the Red Team did tonight
and the Blue Team failed to do.

Get out of here.

-Yes, Chef.
-Yes, Chef.

This is the eye-opener I need.
I know I made mistakes tonight.

Unfortunately, my fellow chefs

haven't even come close
to seeing the best side of me.

I have a lot more to show,

and the best is yet to come.

[Cody] Once again,
slightly good news, slightly bad news.

The people who have been
holding us back are gone.

Now I'm very confident in our team.

Tomorrow's a whole new day.

I want that Red Team to f*cking suffer.

I know we can crush them.

[Kori] So far, two boys have gone.

[whistles] …for the girls.

So we need to keep this momentum going.

We cannot stop.

We have to maintain this.

[Ramsay] Eliminating a chef this early
is usually quite hard,

but tonight, I didn't have
to eliminate a chef,

I had to eliminate Eliott.

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen…

Everything I say,
you've got to one-up me. Why?

…will Marc's frustration…

We gotta win tomorrow.

-That's it.
-…crack the Blue Team?

Let's focus on getting this done.

I am. Stop the d*ck swinging,
dude. I get it.

Dude, there's a monkey on a bicycle
just going around in your head.

[Peter] Uh-oh, this ain't good.

[Marc] This guy's over.

-I'll do whatever it takes.
-[bell ringing]

[narrator] And will Fabiola
be able to handle the heat…

-I want you to try to breathe.

…or is it all just a ploy
to oust her enemies?

[Fabiola] Just take me
to the room, please.

I hate to say it, but I call bull.

-[narrator] All next time…
-Oh, f*ck y'all.

…on a conniving…

Don't take it personal.

…episode of Hell's Kitchen.
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