19x03 - Hell Caesar!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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19x03 - Hell Caesar!

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Hell's Kitchen…


The morning challenge
began with a special delivery.

-[Ramsay] Wow.


[narrator] The chefs were called "uprawn"
to execute a stunning dish.

I'm here to knock this out of the park
to show Chef Ramsay

that I can cook my ass off.

[narrator] But then, Chef Ramsay
served up a jumbo-sized twist.

[Ramsay] The chef
that has cooked the dish that I like least

will be leaving Hell's Kitchen.

-I didn't see that coming.
-[Cody] I didn't.

[narrator] It was Kenneth's game
of "not potato"

What is that?

I have no clue, Chef.
It looked like a potato.

It's a block of Parmesan,
you f*cking donut!

…that made him
the first chef to get eliminated.

I'm in desperate need
of a palate cleanser.

[narrator] Georgia cruise line chef
Syann's take on shrimp and grits…

This has southern charm, young lady.

Congratulations. Well done.

…won her the valuable Punishment Pass

Thank you.

…that allows her to go on a reward

and send a winning team's chef
to the punishment.

Sy gets the Get Out of Jail Free card.

[narrator] At opening night
dinner service…

-Gordon! I'm starving.
-I know. I'm sorry. It's coming.

-So is Christmas.

…Nikki's lobster for Lisa Vanderpump…

This lobster's raw.

Okay, I'm feeling the stress.
I need a drink.

…and Mary Lou's New York strip steak

No color. Look at that.

…had the Red Team going from tears…

I'm a little frazzled right now.

-…to fears.
-Oh, shit.

My heart is like…

-[narrator] In the Blue kitchen…

…Eliott's lack of action…

-Get involved, Eliott! Help your team!
-Yes, Chef.

-…Drew's raw rack of lamb…
-[Ramsay] I'm f*cking done.

Was that my lamb that he just threw?

…and Peter's duck…

Overcooked? It's f*cked.

-You, you, and you, get out!
-[both] Yes, Chef.

…got them booted from service.

-g*dd*mn it!
-[narrator] The Blue Team lost

-and nominated…


Eliott sealed his fate
when Chef Ramsay asked…

Are you a better chef than Drew?

-The answer is no, Chef.
-Give me your jacket.

…ending his dream
of becoming the head chef

at Hell's Kitchen Lake Tahoe.

And now, the continuation
of Hell's Kitchen.

Get out of here.

[Drew] I'm terrified right now.

My best hasn't even come close
to shining through yet,

and they're going to have
this preconceived notion

that I'm just not as good as them.

That's two gone in one day.
My team dropping like flies.

I'll do whatever it takes
till I get my team back on track.

[Josh] Full six for the saffron or two?

-[Peter] Six.
-Six pound for safety.

-And the pot to start.
-[Josh] And the pot?

You know, we gotta win tomorrow.
Straight up, man, we have to win.

If we can't, that speaks to all of us.
Think about it.

Every day you gotta win.

Let's start with tomorrow, dude.

-I hate losing.
-That's all I'm saying. I get it.

Of course I want to win every day.

-Of course I do. We all do.

But I'm saying,
let's bounce back tomorrow. That's it.

-That's all I'm saying.
-Yeah, yeah. Marc

I think he suffers
from a Napoleon complex.

Let's focus on getting this--

I am. Stop the d*ck-swinging, dude.
I get it.

[Josh] Ugh. Man, Marc is just intense.

I feel like I could shake you up
and you'd f*cking pop open

like soda or something. [chuckles]

I'm not trying to one-up you.

All I'm saying, let's start with tomorrow.
Right? That's all I'm saying.

I get it. Everything I say,
you gotta one-up me.

-That's all I'm saying.
-[Declan] That's cool.

There's another monkey on a bicycle
just going around in your head.

What the f*ck?

[Marc] We gotta win tomorrow, period.

-[phone rings]

Hey, it's Jason. Chef Ramsay
needs you guys out front right away.

Heard. Guys, run. Out front.

-[all] Let's go.
-[lively chatter]

Let's go!

We're running out the front
of Hell's Kitchen,

and I see this ugly-ass statue
right next to Chef Ramsay.

-Good morning!
-[all] Morning, Chef!

This guy's ugly, okay? I'm sorry.

-Are you ready to conquer the day?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

When you get a statue made of you,
you know you've attained legendary status.

And the good news is that his name
and legacy continues to live on today.

Any names?

[all] Julius Caesar?

This is a different Caesar.

Caesar Cardini.

Doesn't ring a bell.

This man was the creator
of the Caesar salad.

-Okay, Chef.
-My favorite.

So today, the challenge for each of you
will be to create a classic Caesar salad.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Marino, let's go.

All of you, watch closely, okay?

The most important thing
in a Caesar salad is what?

-The dressing.
-[Ramsay] The dressing. That's right.

So, we'll start off with two egg yolks.

A teaspoon of chopped garlic.

Watching Chef Ramsay give a demo
is like watching a ballerina

just do something very elegantly
across the dance floor.

-[Ramsay] Create the momentum, yes?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

I'm going to slowly drip-feed.

Add oil.

Everything he's doing is just so confident
and smooth and-and precise.

In with the seasoning, gently.

Touch of lemon juice.

Drip-feed that in.


[Ramsay] And then from there,
salad goes in, and we roll around.

And then finally,
our beautiful croutons on top.

-[women] Mmm. Beautiful, Chef.
-That is a Caesar salad.

-Everybody take a good look?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

Good. After you complete
that delicious, perfect Caesar salad,

you need to deliver them to me.

Holy shit.

Christina? Jason?

-[bicycle bell rings]
-[women laughing]

-What is that?

[laughs] Good job.

Oh, my gosh! [laughs]

Yas! I've got a thing
for motorized vehicles, you know?

Vroom-vroom. Let's get it.

Oh, Jason, Christina, good morning.

-Good morning, Chef.
-Man, that's fast.

I ain't scared.
I ain't scared of no scooter.

Right, listen carefully.

Each team will have two of these scooters

to deliver their perfect Caesar salad
to me.

Just like in dinner service,

you never, ever bring anything
to the pass unless it's perfect.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-Head to your stations. Let's go.

In today's attention-to-detail challenge,

each team must recreate
Chef Ramsay's classic Caesar salad.

Get set. Go!

I'll hand you stuff.

-Pull the tray out.
-I'll pass it to you.

[narrator] Once each salad is perfected,

the chefs must keep their dish intact

as they race around the course,
completing two laps,

before being judged by Chef Ramsay.

Remember the process, and we got
this one in the bag, gents, today.

[narrator] Because the Red Team
has additional chefs…

I'm gonna start cutting the limes then.

…Kori is paired with Amber,
and Lauren is paired with Brittani.

Drizzle me in. Slow up, slow up.

-[Lauren] A little more.
-No, no, no, no.

The hardest part is working as a pair.

-We still have to put cheese in too.

She's trying to control
one thing after another right now.

-It's a lot of oil.
-I think it's good.

-Let's add water.
-Tastes good to me.

It's a little messier than if it was
just one person by themselves.

-We're coming up, guys. We're done.
-Shit, shit, shit.

Make sure that salad's crunchy.
Make sure it is dressed beautifully.

-[Lauren] All right. I'm going.
-[Kori] Good luck. Go slow.

This is crazy!

-[Brittani] Come on! You can do it!
-[Kori] Careful, careful.

[Ramsay] Let's go, Red Team, Blue Team!
Come on!

Look out. Beep-beep.

Right, stop there.

Dressing. Talk me through the dressing.

Uh, we mixed the egg yolk, Chef.
Then we added some garlic.

How much olive oil did you put in there?

Not a lot, Chef.

There's way too much olive oil.
Come on, I need more creamy dressing.

-Let's go. Start again.
-[buzzer sound]

I'm shocked.
I thought our dressing was on point.

-Too much olive oil in our dressing.
-Okay. Got it.

Let's go, Red Team, Blue Team! Come on!

First attempt.

I'm very confident
I can duplicate this dressing,

and I'm going to smoke
the competition today.

Aah! No, no! Sorry.

f*ck. Sorry, dude. [chuckles]

[Ramsay] Drive carefully. [laughs]

-[Christina] Come on, ladies.
-Here's mine.

Not too fast! Round the bend!
Full lap. Off you go.

That's good. Perfect. Right there.

And stop.

-Anchovies in there?
-Yes, Chef.

-Garlic in there?
-Yes, Chef.

Delicious. Great job.

We got this, guys.

[narrator] With Josh getting
the first point of the day…

Men are off to an early lead. Let's go.

…the Blue Team races
to pull further ahead.

-Good. Well done.

-…and Declan…
-Thank you, Chef.

…leave their opponents in the rearview.

Ladies, come on!

-[narrator] While on the Red Team…
-Am I moving? How am I--

How do I get this thing to--
[screams] Bitch, I'm moving! [screams]

It's just a scooter. Pump the brakes
and don't drop the croutons,

and everything's gonna be okay.

Don't you fall off, you f*cking crouton!

Watch your step. Keep it slow.

Let's go, Red Team.

[narrator] Despite a shaky start,

-Mary Lou…

-Good job.

-Thank you, Chef.
-…and Fabiola…

-Good job.
-Thank you, Chef. Whoo!

-…get the Red Team back on track.

Ladies, three. Men, three. Let's go!

[narrator] With the score tied,
both teams put the pedal to the metal.

-Parmesan there, crouton. Good. Well done.

-That is delicious. Good job. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

[Drew] I'm right behind you.

Oh, that's-- Aw, are you f*cking serious?

[mimics scooter stalling]
Are you serious?

Lost the crouton.
Back to the drawing board.

[narrator] As Drew stalls out, both Marc…

It's not dressed properly.
It needs more lettuce in there.

At the end, grated Parmesan.

-…and Cody…
-It's dry.

…fail with their salads…

Cody and Marc, come on. Were you not
paying attention during the demo?

…leaving the course wide open
for the Red Team.

-Helmet, check.
-[Kori] Come on! Keep it going!

-[Jordan] Salad, check.

We can see the finish line.

-Delicious. Good job. Well done.


Keep it going!

This is ridiculous.

-Gentlemen, come on!
-Just keep going.

It's not rocket science.
We're making a salad.

Guys, I seriously f*cking hope you guys
can cook faster than this tonight.

-Delicious. Good job. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

-Delicious. Good job. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef.

[narrator] Mary Lou and Nikki deliver
their second salads of the challenge…

-[Mary Lou] One more, guys!
-We ain't done until we're winning.

…scoring two more points
and extending the lead for the Red Team.

Come on, boys. Anything's possible.
Keep cooking, keep getting it up there.

[Adam] The Red Team
thinks they have it in the bag,

but they better f*cking watch themselves
because we're not stopping.

-It's delicious. Well done.
-Thank you.

-Mmm, good job. Well done.
-Thank you, Chef! Whoo!

That's good. Nice shave.
Good job. Well done. Mmm.

-Oh, f*ck!
-[Christina] Last one, Sy. Let's go.

[Amber] Put your kickstand up.

It's battle of the balance.

Just trying to get that initial take-off,

because if you go too fast,
and you zoop off, that salad, it's over.

[Kori] You're good. Go, go, go, go, go!

-And stop there.
-[Drew] Go, Adam, go!

-Nicely dressed. Good job.
-Thank you, Chef.

Keep going, keep going.

[narrator] While Adam's
second approved salad

closes the gap on the Red Team's lead…

Ladies, nine. Gentlemen, eight. Let's go!

…the pressure is on Syann as she delivers
her first salad of the challenge.

[Kori] Come on, Sy!

Sy! I could walk faster than that.

[Syann] Whoo.

My grandma with her walker
could walk faster than that.

You okay?

[Adam] Go, go, go.
Let's move, guys. Come on.

[women] Faster! Watch out, coming behind.

Come on, Sy!

-You got it, baby! Come on!
-Stay consistent, girl!

Right behind.

-Who made the dressing?

-Who seasoned it?

-[Ramsay] Who tasted it?

Keep going. Just keep building 'em.

[Ramsay] Oh, boy.

Gentlemen, come on!

[narrator] In today's attention-to-detail
Caesar salad challenge,

each team is racing to be the first

to present ten perfectly made salads
to Chef Ramsay.

-Nicely dressed. Good job.
-Thank you, Chef.

[narrator] Adam's second approved salad
has cut the lead to one,

but Syann is already on her scooter,

attempting to deliver
the ladies' final salad for the win.

Come on, Sy!

-[Syann] Whoo.
-[Kori] Yeah, Sy, let's go!

-Who made the dressing?

-Who seasoned it?

-[Ramsay] Who tasted it?

Keep going. Just keep building 'em.

Delicious. Congratulations.

-[Syann] Yes!



I'm so freaking happy we won.

Was that ten? f*cking A.

Go Red Team. Big deal.

Ladies, today, for your reward,

you're going on an epic excursion
through the gorgeous Nevada desert…


…with the wind whipping through your hair,
on thrilling, high-powered dune buggies.


The girls are there, all giggly,
and they're going out doing dune buggies?


Man, seriously?

[sighs] Heads are going to have to roll
in this kitchen.

Ladies, get out of here
'cause your buggies are waiting.

-Head up to the dorms. Let's go.
-[women cheer] Thank you, Chef!

Thank you, boys!

Men, while the Red Team
are out in the desert

on their dune buggy adventure,

you'll be stuck here preparing to serve

my reinterpretation
of a classic Caesar salad,

which includes Scotch quail eggs.

I need you to prepare
hundreds of quail eggs.

You have to peel them meticulously.
It's tedious work.

People are dropping the ball, and I'm
sitting here paying for it. I'm pissed.

Peeling these eggs are a bitch.

-It sucks, but these all have to get done.
-Yes, Chef.

-Get going.
-Thanks, Chef.

If for some reason
they're not peeled correctly,

don't chuck 'em.
I don't want to waste any product.

-"Eggs-ellent" idea.

You've got to be "yolking" me.

Dude, come the f*ck on.

-[Cody] Your hands are too big and manly.
-That's what she said.

They are so delicate,

and then we've got
these big sausage fingers,

and we got to peel them all
one by one as a team,

and then get ready for service?

Man, that's hell on earth.

I'm just trying really hard to be happy.

[Peter] Be gentle. Be soft.

And I'm getting so excited.

I'm like, "You're about to be finished
with this one."

And boom! Aah!

The freaking whole top
of the egg comes off.

Shit sucks, bro.

-Dune buggy time!
-See ya, fellas!

-Have a good time!
-See ya tonight!

Hey, don't wreck, whatever you do.

-[Drew] Oh, stop rubbing it in.

[Josh] It sucks.
I would love to be on a dune buggy.

[women laughing]

[man] All right, ladies.
Who's ready to ride some dune buggies?

[women cheering]

[women chanting] Red Team!


[engines revving]

[Jordan] Dune buggies in the desert?
Hell, yeah.

Whipping this thing around, trying to hit
all the bumps and things.

Really just trying to do everything
but tip it over. [laughs]


[Lauren laughs]

I'm definitely an adrenaline junkie.
I ride motorcycles, I love fast cars,

so, dune buggying, man, hell, yeah!

[Jordan] Hell, yeah! Here we go.
This is what I'm talking about.


[Nikki laughs]
I feel like such a little kid!

Fabiola is just tearing apart
these sand dunes

and just pushing it to the absolute limit.


All of a sudden, you look at the horizon,
and it's the skyline of Vegas.

Man, it's definitely a great reward.

I think I might shit my pants now.

[both laugh]

Thank you, Chef.

Oh, these little b*tches.

[Josh] We need eggs, right?

Are you f*cking kidding me right now?

[Cody] Marc and I have right now.

-I have .
-Oh, yeah?

I have ten.

I have two.

-You have two?

[Marc] Come on, Drew.
Pick up the pace, bro!

Keep your hands moving, you know?
It has to be almost like a conveyor belt.

Move fast, gotta move fast.

[Jason] How are we looking? Slow?

What is all this?

-Is this you?
-No, Chef.

So who is this?

Guys, I told you not to throw
any of this shit away. We can use it.

-[both] Yes, Chef.
-Well, someone threw it away, right?

The big man
that was standing there, Chef. Marc.

[Jason] Oh, my God, there's tons of it.

This is a blanket statement.

But I'm on your side until I'm not
on your side, okay? I ask one thing.

I'm trying to help you guys out,
and you dog me like that.

-I can dog you ten times as hard, okay?
-Yes, Chef.

-One thing, please. Jesus, f*ck.
-Yes, Chef.

He looked in the trash, and he saw
the eggs that you f*cking threw.

-I'm sorry. I had to say it was you.
-Lost his shit.

Well, they weren't all me.
I mean, I'm sure you--

I know I saw you throw a couple.

I thought that if they were cracked,
they go in here.

[Declan] Marc, again?
Dude, come on. Please.

You f*cked up, Marc.

[narrator] While the cracks
in the Blue Team start to show,

on the Red Team…

[Fabiola sobbing] I'm getting out.

…Fabiola is having
a mysterious breakdown of her own.

Coming back to Hell's Kitchen,
Fabiola is in complete hysterics.

Is the EMT going to come?
Like, this is a real emergency.

-[medic] Is she over here?
-[Mary Lou] She's over here.

-[medic] Hi, hon. I'm here to help you.
-[Fabiola] Do not!

[Lauren] She's obviously
clearly not feeling well.

Yeah, go inside the room. Come on.

[Nikki laughs]
I feel like such a little kid!

[narrator] Earlier in the day,
Fabiola had an amazing time

driving the dune buggies
on the Red Team's reward

-[Fabiola laughs]
-I feel good.

…but for some unknown reason,

the drive back to Hell's Kitchen
didn't go very well.

[Fabiola sobbing]

Coming back to Hell's Kitchen,
Fabiola is in complete hysterics.

[man] Whoa!

I just don't understand what's happened
between the sand dunes and here.

Put your arm around me, okay?

-Thank you.
-I got you.

[medic] The electrolytes will help you.
You're probably a little dehydrated too.

[Fabiola] I was trying to drink
as much water as I could.

You already seem
like you're a little bit better right now.

-[Fabiola] I'm starting to feel better.
-[Katie] I'm gonna check your pulse again.

[Kori] We're all gonna rally up together.

It's a f*cking situation,
but we're gonna f*cking go out as winners.

[Nikki] I am hoping Fabiola
is able to get her head on straight.

We want to give her the benefit
of the doubt, but at the end of the day,

no matter where your health
and your body is,

if you're in the kitchen,
then you need to overcome that.

Rise above. Roll with the punches.

[Jordan] We're going samurai bun
for service tonight.

Ooh. Okay, Marc.

[Jordan] My man bun is far better
than Marc's. Let's get that shit straight.


I'm sorry-- I'm sorry if I was rude.

I got super nasty.

When I think of Fabiola, I think-- [gags]

I just want you guys to know that.

I have no idea what's going on.

I don't know
what's going through her head right now.

I don't have nothing nice
to say about her.


Can we just take me to the room, please?

-Can we just take me to the room, please?
-No, come here. I'll help you.

I'm gonna take my food too
'cause this shit is b*mb.

I'll bring your food. Come on.

[Fabiola] Actually,
let me use the restroom.

[Lauren] Okay. I got you, girl.

I hate to say it,
but I call bullshit. I really do.


[narrator] While the rest of the Red Team
heads to the kitchen

to prep for dinner service,

Fabiola tries to regain her strength.

-Hey, girls? Rally together.
-Let's hold it down.

Down the line, heavy.

Whatever you have, just always think
that you need more, right?

-[Ramsay] Ladies, line up, please.
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Excuse me, Chef.

-Uh, gents, line up, please. Let's go.
-[Cody] Line up.

I understand that Fabiola
is not feeling well, right?

[women] Yes, Chef.

So fingers crossed
she'll be joining the Red Team.

We don't know if Fabi's gonna be
with us for dinner service or not.

It's stressful. Potentially,
we are gonna be a woman down.

Tonight, in the Red kitchen, ladies,
gracing your tables,

this individual has to be
the most decorated US Olympian ever

in the Winter Olympics.

I'd like all of you to give him
a gold medal performance.

-[women] Yes, Chef.

You're cooking
for superstar speed skater Apolo Ohno.

Yes! Hell, yeah!

I do think he's adorable.

Watching him fly around on the ice
was very cool when he still competed,

so I'm stoked. I'm excited.

Men, in the Blue kitchen tonight
is a true legend.

One of the greatest running backs
of all time,

Hall of Famer, Super Bowl champion,

Marshall Faulk is gracing your table.

There's a man that knows how to focus.

Fabiola. How are you feeling?

-Much better, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Good.

Well, I'm really anxious
to get into service,

but I'm gonna do my best.
It's all I can do.

Get on your stations.

-Let's go, yes?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Okay, Marino.
-, Chef?

-Open Hell's Kitchen, please.

[narrator] Once again,
it's a jam-packed night at Hell's Kitchen,

the hottest reservation in Las Vegas.

-Good to see you.
-Thank you.

[narrator] The dining room quickly fills.

Can I start you off
with a glass of white wine?

[narrator] Orders are already
flying into the kitchen.

-Crab cake and salmon.
-[woman] I'll go ahead and do the risotto.

It's fantastic.

Here's to a great night at Hell's Kitchen.

I hope we get fed tonight.

-To Hell's Kitchen.
-[all] Whoo! Yeah!

Blue Team, here we go.
Peter, you're out the gate.

Four covers, table one.

One special at table side,
one scallop, two beet salads.

[all] Heard, Chef.

-Let's go.

-Are you good with the beet salad, Drew?

This is our second dinner service
right now, and we're amped up.

We're rocking out.

Me and Big D are about to destroy apps.
I'm feeling confident.

-Hey, you, can you pull your shirt down?
-Yes, Chef.

Drew, fix your jacket. Pull up your pants.

Drew, pull up your pants.

I see the crack of dawn
coming out of the back of his arse.

It's a full moon.

[Ramsay] f*ck me.
Size of the that f*cking crack.

In front of the chef's table
with his arse out.

-Am I cool to drop scallops?
-Scallops down now.

-Yes, Chef.

In terms of tonight,
I just have to continue doing a good job

and listen to what Gordon Ramsay says
and adjust my style to his.

Fit his lane.

Two beet salads, one scallop.

Let's f*cking go, boys.

Two scallops are coming up right now.

-Drew, you ready to go?
-Coming, Chef.

Two beet salad, one scallop?

[Ramsay] Oh, man. f*cking hell.

It's not-- No, stop.

Just come here. Time out.

f*cking time out, all of you.

And that's you as well, f*ck face.

The first ticket.
Two beet salad, one scallop.

You cook me two scallops.

So we haven't even got
the f*cking order right.

And look at the shit I've got.

Look, they're f*cking raw.

-Who cooked these scallops?
-I did, Chef.

Get in the f*cking game quickly, okay?

Get your head out of your arses and focus.

[both] Yes, Chef.

Two beet salad, one scallop. Drop now!
Let's go!

-Scallops going on right now, Chef.
-f*cking hell.

Cody, off the bat,
has completely put the team in the weeds.

-What can we do? We can't cook for him.
-I know.

[narrator] While the Blue Team
struggles out of the gate,

the Red Team gears up
to serve a special table here in Vegas.

Ladies, six top.
They are celebrating a bachelorette, yes?

Special table side, one flatbread,
two risotto, two carbonara.

[women] Yes, Chef!

So two carb, two risotto, one flatbread.

Going into dinner service tonight,
I'm energized and excited.

I've got pasta down for carb.

Fabi and I,
we're working app stations together.

-Yes, ma'am.

[Brittani] Flatbread,
carbonara and risotto.

These appetizers are simple.
We've got this.

Hot! Swinging!

Let me know
when you're ready to walk, Fabi.

[Fabiola] Sí. Ready?

-[Brittani] Ready?
-Let's go.

[Brittani] Walking carb.
Hot on your right, Chef.

[Ramsay] Oh, my God.

Hey. Ladies, come here. Come here.

Come here!

Just touch that.

It's underdone. It's underdone!

I asked for a f*cking
gold medal performance. It's underdone!

-Come on, ladies!
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Really? Who cooked that?

Don't worry about it.

I'm trying to breathe.
I'm trying to get through this, you know.

No. Keep this-- Keep this on there. Like--

Pick it up for a second. Pick it up.

f*ck it, do another one.

Fabiola, whether you're sick or not,
I don't know.

But at the end of the day,
you just gotta stay focused.

If you can't pull your weight with me,

I will step right over you
and continue walking. We're here to cook.

-Watch it 'cause it will go fast.

[narrator] While Fabiola continues
to struggle with flatbread,

the Blue Team is still waiting on…

-Scallops, how long?
-[Cody] Scallops, seconds, Chef.

-How many portions of scallops are there?
-Two, Chef.

-Oh, my God.
-He's asking for one.

Cody can't even keep count right now.
Holy shit, man. What's going on?

f*cking hell.


Hey, stop.

f*cking stop. Stop, stop, stop.

[narrator] It's minutes
into dinner service.

-Scallops, how long?
-[Cody] seconds, Chef.

[narrator] And thanks to Cody on fish…

-How many portions of scallops are there?
-Two, Chef.

-Oh, my God.
-He's asking for one.

…the Imagine Dragons lead singer,
Dan Reynolds,

is still waiting on his appetizer.

f*cking hell.


Hey, stop.

f*cking stop. Stop, stop, stop.

Come here, you. Come here.

Stand there, call out that order.

One special app, one scallop,
two beet salad.

And what have you done
for the second time on the trot?

-Plated up two. My apologies, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Get your shit together!

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Okay? Quickly!

I'm so damn aggravated with Cody.
He's burying us right now! Flat out!

-Now can we get going, please, yes?
-[all] Yes, Chef.

-Where are the scallops, please?
-Scallops, seconds, Chef.

[narrator] While the Blue Team
looks to Cody

to finally get his scallops right,

over in the Red kitchen…

Hot! Swinging!

…Fabiola is almost ready

with her second attempt
on the bachelorette's flatbread.

[Amber] Beautiful.

Right behind. Coming over.

-Walking carb.
-Show me that flatbread.

Oh, f*ck.

Out of the way. Out of the way.

-Come here. Come here. Come here.

[Fabiola groans]

-[Ramsay] In fact…
-Let me just go.


-No. Oh, you don't wanna taste it?
-No, 'cause it's f*cked up, Chef.

-Oh, so you want to serve it to…
-No, I don't, Chef.

What-What are we doing?
What has happened to us?

We're gonna get it together, Chef.

Let's get it. Breathe, baby.

Fabiola in the kitchen is--
She's a little bit of a hot mess.

Not just mentally, but physically.

She really needs to snap out of it.

-Check that bottom.
-Needs at least another minute and a half.

[narrator] With Fabiola
bringing the Red kitchen to a standstill,

over in the Blue kitchen…

-I got scallops right here.
-Thank you!

-Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

…Cody finally delivers
perfectly ex*cuted scallops,

and the remaining appetizers
are flying out of the kitchen.

[woman] It's delicious.

[narrator] Over in the Red kitchen…

As fast as humanly f*cking possible.

…Fabiola has now completed
her third attempt at flatbread.

-Chef Christina.
-Let Chef see it.

This flatbread better be perfection.

[Ramsay] Yeah. Go, please.

[narrator] Now that Fabiola
has successfully delivered flatbread

to the bachelorette party…

Lobster walking!

Right behind. Right behind.

…the Red Team is now catching up,

delivering appetizers
to their hungry diners…

-[woman ] It's really good.
-[woman ] Yeah.

…and are ready to push out some entrées.

-Okay, ladies, communicate.
-[all] Yes, Chef!

Four covers, table .

Two salmon, two New York strip.
Eight minutes to the window.

-Yes, Chef.

Jordan? Call back the order.

Two New York strip, two lamb.

-Two salmon.
-Two salmon. I apologize.

-Don't start giggling and f*cking around.
-Yes, Chef.

-Two New York, two salmon. That's it.
-Yes, Chef.

J, my two salmons have been flipped.
I'll let you know an ETA in just a moment.

For what, the next-next ticket?

I'm looking over at meat,
and I see Jordan dying inside.

Hey, hold on that salmon.

-This strip's gonna be dragging.
-It's dragging?

-I need seven.
-You need seven?

Yeah, pull them all the way off the heat.

She's starting to get overwhelmed.

-So you're dragging that now?
-Yes, Chef.

-So you screwed her salmon?
-Yes, Chef.

-And you've backed us all up?
-Yes, Chef.

She's gonna let me know, Chef.

Chef Ramsay is just--

He needs the food. He's trying to sell it.
We don't wanna make him look bad.

I'm ready when you are.
You tell me when you're ready.

-Okay. Garnish is not up, FYI.
-[Jordan] How is garnish not ready?

[Nikki] One minute on garnish.

-[Jordan] Walking to the pass.
-[Syann] We're waiting on garnish.

New York strip. Right behind you, Chef.

[Ramsay] Jordan? The garnish. Where is it?

Turn around.

So, garnish, she's brought up
the New York strip.

She just can't be f*cked to talk
to anyone.

-I need fries for garnish, please.
-Yes, Chef.

-It's all about you, is it?
-No, Chef.

Get a grip, please.

-Yes, Chef.
-And start being a team player.

-Yes, Chef.
-And focus.

-Yes, Chef.

-So how long for the garnish?
-Ready to go right now, Chef.


I'm so annoyed right now with myself.

Like, bitch, you know better. Lock it up.
Just do what you know how to do.

[Ramsay] Let's go.

While Jordan tries to regain her focus,

in the Blue kitchen,

the men are doing what they can
to get their tickets completed.

Four covers, table one.
Two salmon, one lamb, one Wellington.

-[all] Heard, Chef.

[Cody] All right,
salmon started in the pan.

I have to f*cking nail this one ticket.

We're five minutes out, Chef.

Or I'm going to be kicked out
of the kitchen.

-You going up?
-Yeah, yeah.

Lamb, Wellington. Coming down. Garnish?

-Yes, Chef.
-[Cody] Can I walk with salmon?

-[Adam] Yes, go.
-Coming down.

-Put it down. Right here.
-Yes, Chef. Thank you.

-The salmon's raw.
-[Marc] Oh, f*ck!

Come on, dude!

[Ramsay] The salmon
is f*cking cold in the middle and raw.

-[Adam] Yes, Chef.

This is where the wheels come off.

How long on the refire? Tell me now.

-One minute.
-One minute. Is that official?

-Yes, Chef.
-All right.

Cody, if you're touching the product
and you're gonna run it up to that pass,

you better own it.

-Y'all are pissing me the f*ck off, man.
-[Declan] Dude, calm.

-No, I'm not calm.
-Relax, relax, relax.

That was a f*ck up.
We're gonna bounce back.

Let's go. Hustle, Cody! Hustle! Urgency!

Behind. Salmon on your right, hot.

I hope it's hot. It's a f*cking kitchen,
you donut.

Good. Service, please. Go, please, John.

-Salmon nicely cooked.
-Thank you, Chef.

Ladies. Our special guest, chef table.
Entrée, one duck, one Wellington.

-[all] Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Let's go.

I need help with my duck.

Hot pan and rest it, right?

Yeah. Make sure it's scalding hot
and then turn it off.

Lauren's intimidated by the duck,

and she keeps asking,
"Do I drop it down now?"

You should've already dropped it down,
first of all, but yes, go on ahead,

drop it down now.

Do I flip it and leave it, or what?

-No. Just leave it.
-On deck.

And so now we're asking more questions.

"Okay, then what you do?"

"Then what do you do?"
"Then what do you do?"

Duck, Wellington, chef table.
How long, please?

-How long on duck, Wellington?
-Nine minutes.

[Ramsay] Why? I fired it five minutes ago.

-I can get it out in four.
-Why are you on the meat now, young lady?

-I was helping them out.
-So, Jordan, Lauren, what's happened?

Yes, Chef.

You aren't answering him.

-Duck, Wellington, chef table. How long?

-Four minutes.
-Four minutes, Chef.

I'm f*cking furious.

Lauren's not pulling her weight,

Jordan's not communicating with anybody
'cause she's getting overwhelmed,

and we got our VIP staring at us
like a bunch of dumbasses.

-Yeah. I want to try the beef Wellington.

-[Christina] How long duck, Welly?
-[Jordan] Chef's table walking.

[Nikki] What the f*ck's going on
with that steak?

Beef Wellington.

What the f*ck? [laughs]

That's the completely wrong piece of meat.

f*cking hell's bells.

I'm begging for the chef table,
one duck, one Wellington.

I get a duck and a New York strip.

Come on!

I'm lost for words.

I'm done.

It's one hour into dinner service.

And after Jordan
delivered the wrong protein…

f*cking hell.

That's not the insult.

…Chef Ramsay has one more big issue.

I'm lost for words.

I'm done.

Here's the insult.



It's f*cking quacking.

With a table like that,
and that's the shit you serve, I'm done.

Head to the dorm,
have a chat amongst yourselves,

and come up with two individuals
that don't belong here.

Now, f*ck off!


That's f*cking pathetic.

My bad, guys.

I feel Lauren doesn't deserve
to be a part of the team.

She's never ran a brigade,
obviously is lost on the line.

It was just a full,
complete f*cking breakdown.

[narrator] While the women sulk
in the dorms, the men…

Last table. Wellington, New York strip.

-Two salmon, yes?
-Yes, Chef.

-…are hustling on their last order.
-[Josh] Let's make it perfect.

-[Cody] Salmon, behind.
-[Josh] Strip's ready.

Good. Service, please. Let's go.

f*ck yeah, dude.

My energy, my passion, my soul,
is carrying the team right now.

It's just in the air. You can taste it.

-[man ] Steak's really good.

Oh, my God.

Terrible start, but a strong finish.

[all] Thank you, Chef.

I'm gonna go around the room
and ask everybody, "Name?"

I want to know if we're on the same page
before we're embarrassed in front of Chef.

-Nikki, can we start with you?

I guess I just have to say Lauren,

and I swear to God, babe,
it's not personal.

You were just a little bit
behind the curve the whole time,

and it's literally nit-picking.

-I'm gonna have to go with Lauren.

Gonna have to go with Lauren as well.

[groans] I'm pissed.

There are two people on meat,

but for some reason
I'm getting crucified for it.

Next. Syann?

It's hard. I'm trying not to cry
because I'm trying-- This is--

Just say the name.
Just f*cking say the f*cking name.

You guys are so full of shit.

-I'm gonna put Lauren in.
-Okay. You guys got nothing.

My food's always cooked perfectly.

Everything has been,
"Not mine. Not mine. Not mine."

She can stay her Flawless Lawless self,

but in the kitchen,
we get down and we get dirty.

And I don't think she's ready
to get grimy with the rest of us.

No offense, but we had
two pizzas got sent back too.

Burnt pizza, raw pizza.
Got to think about that.

Y'all sent out a strip,
and it was supposed to be a Wellington.

It's 'cause I'm a pretty girl.
Girls like to g*ng up on me.

-We said we'd not take this personal.
-Oh, f*ck y'all.

Don't take it personal.

We said
we were not gonna take this personal.

Yeah, whatever. People are fake.

So she's one, so what's the second one?

Just purely based on tenure
and experience, I'd have to go Nikki.

You know, I second Jordan in saying Nikki,

only because you haven't run a brigade
that big, so I don't know.

I don't know what your skill set
would be like as a leader.

I have no f*cking idea what is going on.
I know I performed well.

I agree. I'd say Nikki as well.

I've shown a ridiculous improvement
in one day.

Well, you don't know how I'm gonna grow
and what I have to offer.

I'm only in two years.

I'm not gonna vote Nikki in.

I'ma put Fabi in,
only because of the pizza. That's it.

-I agree.
-I agree.

This is a lot harder
than I thought it was gonna be.


-Yes, Chef?

The Red Team's first nominee and why.

Chef, we nominate…


We felt Lauren
did not communicate well with Jordan.

We've also felt as though she was
kind of not lost in the sauce, per se,

but her communication and her backbone

for her teammate
could have been way stronger.

Red Team's second nominee and why.

Second nominee, Chef…



What did she do wrong tonight?

Nothing, Chef. I thought she was great.

Explain that one to me.

In the long run, as far as running
a brigade like the one we have,

she wasn't gonna be strong enough.

So not based on tonight's performance
that got you kicked out,

left half your diners hungry?

Nikki, do you feel that's fair?

Not particularly, Chef.

How much better was Nikki tonight
than last night?

Uh, , % better, Chef.

Hell's Kitchen is a journey.

It's not what you come in here with,
it's what you do.

When I ask you to give me two nominees,
I expect you to take this seriously.

And I'm not too sure
what kitchen you were in tonight,

but from where I was standing,
you have the wrong two.

[narrator] The Red Team nominated
Nikki and Lauren for elimination,

but Chef Ramsay doesn't exactly agree.

I'm not too sure
what kitchen you were in tonight,

but from where I was standing,
you have the wrong two.

There are two people
who need to be up here

because they were the reason
why the kitchen went down.

Jordan, you know it.
Fabiola, you know it. Step forward.

Both of you took your team down tonight.

Fabiola, you gave not flatbread,
but raw dough.

And then you were asked
to do it again. Charcoal.

I'm gonna keep fighting, Chef.

I'm extremely f*cking embarrassed,
and I know that I can keep pushing

'cause I'm strong
and I have a great bounce back.

And I know I can push forward,
and I know I can do it, Chef.

I'm looking for a leader.

What would've happened this evening

if I didn't see that flatbread
and you served it?

-Yes, Chef.

You gave me a duck tonight

that was three minutes away
from getting his quilt of feathers back

to go back in the f*cking field.

I have more to show, Chef.

I absolutely have the skill.
I need to show it. I'm gonna step up.

You're not a team player.

I can be, Chef. I shut down tonight
when I got in my head, but I--

I believe I showed, especially last night,
that I absolutely can be a team player.

And I failed to do that tonight,
and I have more to prove and more to show.

My decision is…


Get back in line.


Give me your jacket, young lady.

-I'm done.

[Ramsay] Good night.

-Thank you, Chef.
-And good luck.

I wish my health was in better…

[inhales deeply]

And that's me.

[crying] I tried to fight for myself
as much as I could.

I knew I failed,
and I knew that I bounced back,

and I was extremely embarrassed.


Just sit for a second.

To become a great head chef,

you have to be able
to evaluate your staff.

So when you feed me BS,

I'm gonna throw it back at you
immediately. Is that clear?

[all] Yes, Chef.

Get out of here.

[Jordan] I'm thankful
that Chef saw some fight in me.

If I would've gone home,
I'd probably never cook again.

That shit's embarrassing. [sniffles]

I'm just gonna do my best
to not ever be put

in that f*cking situation ever again.

Oh, my God.

[Lauren] Fabiola in the kitchen
was a hot mess,

and I think the right person went home.

I know what I'm good at,
I know what I'm weak at,

and I'm just gonna get better,
and I'm gonna kick ass,

and I'm gonna be
the last man f*cking standing.

Drew. Have you got one of these?

-No, Chef.
-f*cking get one!

-Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef.
-[Ramsay] Quickly!

[Declan] Thank God
I wasn't a part of the Red Team.

I think the cracks
are starting to show.

The girls are gonna start
stabbing each other in the back.

This is gonna be interesting.

[Ramsay] To be my head chef,

you need to have passion,
leadership and great skills.

Fabiola had passion and not much else.

[narrator] Next time on Hell's Kitchen…

You may now kiss your groom.

Will the sound of wedding bells…

[man] Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg.

…take the Blue Team…

I'm taking lead of this kitchen.

-…to Splitsville?
-[Marc] You listen to me, dude.

-No. You can kiss my ass.

Like a little Chihuahua
barking at a big grizzly bear.

Come at me again,
and you're gonna see the knuckle sandwich.

[narrator] It's one episode that could end
with a fight like you've never seen.

I don't know how it works
with both of you here.

-We're stronger together. All I'm saying.
-Shut the f*ck up. Stay away from me.

[Syann] Just don't provoke him.

-[Declan] f*ck off!
-[Adam] Stop talking to each other.

[siren wailing]
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