01x02 - Day 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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01x02 - Day 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[music playing]

NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen,"

aspiring chefs had

their first encounter

with Gordon Ramsay.

GORDON RAMSAY: Who's this?

NARRATOR: But the chef

was far from impressed.

That is absolute dog shit.

The spices are far

too bloody hot.

I've got a palate

like a cow's backside.

NARRATOR: With virtually

no time to settle in,

they received shocking news.

Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is open.

Oh, my god.

I don't have the potatoes.

Chef Chef Ramsay

quickly realized

that turning one of these

people into a Master Chef

was going to be more difficult

than he ever imagined.

Do it again, OK?

Carolann, get on

the stove and help.

Did you hear my question?

Answer it.

NARRATOR: And no matter where he

turned, from the red kitchen--

Can you all just shut up?

We'll do it perfectly.


the blue kitchen--

No talking.


NARRATOR: --neither

team could deliver.

This restaurant is sinking

faster than a Titanic.

Shut it down.


disastrous first night,

Chef Ramsay declared

the red team the losers,

and gave Elsie a

huge responsibility.

I want you to nominate two

of your team for elimination.

I'm not in a good

place right now.

NARRATOR: And although

Elsie assured Dewberry

that he was safe--

If I get picked

and chef decides

it's time for me to go--

- Enough.

You're not going anywhere.

NARRATOR: --ultimately,

she turned her back on him.

My second nominee is Dewberry.

NARRATOR: With Carolann

as her other nominee,

Chef Ramsay was surprised

by her decision.

Jeff, you dodged those

b*ll*ts well tonight.

NARRATOR: But in the

end, it was Carolann

who lost her dream,

just hours

after entering Hell's Kitchen.

I told you, never, ever

turn your back on the team.

Hell's Kitchen no

longer needs you.

NARRATOR: And now, with

a continuation of "Hell's


Having survived their first

day in Hell's Kitchen,

the remaining head

back to the dorms

for some much needed rest.

Narrowly escaping elimination,

Dewberry seeks a moment alone.

But he's not alone.


That was really hard.

I know.

I'm sorry.

It's really difficult to

really hold much of a grudge.

But if the next time

it were me picked,

it would be payback time.

Jeff, dude, you lucked out.

You were fired.

Yeah, I feel relieved.

But you know what?

I feel like I've

got one more day.

What kind of breakfast

are you going to be

making Elsie tomorrow morning?

That's my big cur--

I'm a little curious right

now, because he wanted

you something ferocious, man.

Jeff, boy, oh, boy.

You dodged those b*ll*ts

well tonight, you know that?

He wanted me out.

He wanted you something bad.

He's going to look for

some improvement is what

he's going to look for now.


torturous first night,

Chef Ramsay decides to send

the teams a wake-up call,

both figuratively and literally.

[pots and pans banging]

This morning, I

heard all this banging.

At first, I thought

maybe it was somebody

running through with a g*n.

You just never know these days.

Wake up now.

It's showtime.

Chef wants you in the kitchen.

In the kitchen now.

Chef [inaudible],,

don't touch anything.

Just get in the kitchen now for

role call, now, now, now, now.

Put your clothes

on and let's go.

Chef Ramsay has a plan to

turn Hell's Kitchen around,

and he's looking to

get an early start.

It didn't feel

great standing there

in front of the blue team,

which was all ready to go,

and Chef Ramsay was

just shaking his head,

wondering where Chris was.

NARRATOR: Nearly seven minutes

after everyone has gathered,

Chris finally shows up.

Good morning.

Good morning, chef.

Blue team, you actually

arrived as a team.

Not bad.


years experience in

a professional kitchen,

last one in, lazy fucker.


I suggest you're up

first next roll call.

Yeah, chef.

You don't leave that

dorm until your team

are standing with you.

- Yeah chef.

Is that clear?

Yeah, chef.

Thank you, chef.

And last night's performance

wasn't good for any of you.

We had a bad, bad night.

And we're still going to put

that behind us and move on.

OK, follow me.

NARRATOR: Everything Chef

Ramsay does has a purpose.

Today's lesson is a challenge

that will teach the importance

of attention to detail.

It was lovely, beautiful

silver tray in front of us

and a zucchini laid out.

I thought we were going

learn how to peel a zucchini.

Lift off your domes.

When I saw all those squid,

my heart just sank because I

absolutely hate seafood.

I don't like anything

that comes out of the sea.


Carolann's departure

from "Hell's Kitchen," the

red team is down a member.

So Chef Ramsay needs

to even out the teams.



You've prepared squid before?



Sit out this challenge, please.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay has put

squid on the menu for tomorrow

night's meal service.

After a quick demo on how

to properly clean a squid,

the team's attention to

detail will be tested.

Make sure you keep

them whole, because we're

stuffing them whole.

So therefore, they

have to stay intact.

NARRATOR: They'll have

minutes to clean

this many squid as they can.

The team that has the

most squid's cleaned

is having dinner with

me, cooked and prepared

by me this evening.

A privately cooked

dinner by Chef

Ramsay, that doesn't happen too

often to anybody in the world.

How cool of a thing is that?

The losing team

will be prepping

squid for the entire

restaurant while we're

enjoying our dinner.

minutes, go.

NARRATOR: A perfect squid

requires the tentacles removed

and the guts

completely cleaned out.

Get your fingers

right down inside.

You got to stick your

hand into this nasty squid,

and take out all this

gookty, gucky, nasty stuff.

It was so gross first

thing in the morning,.

NARRATOR: They must

also remove the skin

on the outside and the inside.

Turn it inside out now.

GORDON RAMSAY: Come on, Andy.

Wow, gotcha.

There can't be any

holes or tears anywhere.

GORDON RAMSAY: Come on, Jimmy.

There you go.

Dewberry seemed

to have had a pretty

good handle on that cucumber.

But then again, I

expected all the guys

to handle that pretty well.


Come on.

Chris, come on.

Andrew, come on.


Down, down, down, down.

Time to find out who is

having dinner with me.

Red team first.

NARRATOR: Jeff, Jimmy, and

Elsie, each have one squid,

giving the red team three.

Now, it's Dewberry's turn.

Dewberry, no tear on the

outside, four for the red,

and clean in the middle.

I actually got two

whole perfect squid out.

I think it really energized me.

It brought me back from

the dead after almost

getting eliminated.

NARRATOR: Chris has

cleaned four squid.

But how many will be acceptable.

Our executive plate,

skin left on, huge tail

on the outside, big hole in the

bottom, clean in the middle.


Big deal.

OK, red team, six.

Blue team, Ralph,

clean inside, one.

No tear, well done, two.

Jessica, no tear on the outside.


I think Gordon's

going to love the fact

that I'm a perfectionist.

--big tear at the

bottom, feels very full.

Bad one.

Forgot to take the

skin off of the inside.

That's very lazy.

That one I stopped because

the hole was too big.

That one you stopped.

Now you're blaming the squid.

Mary Ellen, no tear on the

outside, clean on the inside.

Clean, well done, two.

NARRATOR: With Mary Ellen's two,

that gives the blue team five.

Now, it all comes

down to Andrew.

We have one left.

Andrew, it's clean on the

inside, clean on the outside,

but a big f*cking

hole at the bottom.

Red team, you're the winners.


That was crap.

That squid, as far as I'm

concerned, was perfect.

Red team, we're having

dinner tonight together.

Thank you, chef.

Blue team, you're

going to be preparing

squid whilst we eat dinner.

Clean down and get dressed.

Well, red team's going

to get a little face

time with the chef today.

That's going to be good

for them while we're

in the back cleaning squid.

You guys think I let you down?

You know what?

I didn't turn

anything out either.

Mine was clean on the

inside, I'm telling you.

Yeah, and my hole was minuscule.

So how do you say

never lose again?

[non-english speech],, which

means we will not lose again.

[non-english speech]?


[non-english speech]

There you go.

Can that be out

battle cry for the day?



NARRATOR: Both teams

head to the kitchen

for a much needed training

session with Chef Ramsay.

The key ingredient to Chef

Ramsay's successful restaurant

empire is his ability to

train others to maintain

his quality of excellence.

OK, it's cooking time.

Salmon, we all love salmon.

This is our cooking

liqueur, just

a very simple vegetable stock.

And that's the most important

thing about my particular food

is clean.

So you can actually

eat it blindfolded

and identify flavors.

And that's what

you guys are going

to do over the next few weeks.

You're going to

think along my lines.

Yes, chef.


full day of training,

the red team heads

off to the dorm

to clean up for dinner

and valuable time

with Chief Ramsay.

The blue team stays

in the kitchen.

Yeah, You chef.

There you go.

For morale boost,

the win was huge.

We needed it badly.

And to have Gordon

Ramsay cook for me

and have the pleasure to

eat with him is unreal.

Look at you, J.Lo.

Five people are going to sit

down while this amazing chef

gets to cook for them all, and

they can laugh, and drink wine,

and be merry while I'm going

to be knee deep in ink,

squid, and crap.

I'm definitely jealous of that.

Oh, snap.

How are we doing, blue team.


How are we doing, red team?

- [inaudible], buddy.

- You guys looking good.

Feeling good, Ralphie.


Now you're sitting there.

That's where you're

sitting, next to me.


Gentlemen, sit down, please.

How are you, Jimmy?

Doing well, chef.

How about yourself?

I'm not going to

show off too much,

but I'm pretty sure

they're going to be

looking over at us salivating.

That looks pretty nice out

there, having some champagne,

it looks like.

Yep, that certainly

looks like champagne.

Instead, we're sitting

here cleaning squid.

How do you manage all

of those restaurant--

A phenomenal team.

years we've been together.

I pushed them to the

extreme to turn them

into something quite special.

I get more satisfied

watching the talent

become serious talent.

It was amazing to get to

know him on a little bit more

of a personal level, to

hear about his experience.

Jeff, how's your ravioli?


The lobster's perfect.

It's not dry.

The salmon's not dry.

It's absolutely perfect.

Are there more in the

back, or is this it?

It's been a nice,

pleasant evening.

Thank you, chef.

[interposing voices]

NARRATOR: It's the end of

another long day in Hell's

Kitchen, and everyone has

gone to bed exhausted,

everyone except Jeff.


Are you OK, Jeff?


NARRATOR: After a night of

very little sleep for all,

day three in Hell's Kitchen

begins with the hot topic.

What's really wrong with Jeff?

He keeps moaning.

I've got this

abdominal pain like I've

never felt in my life.

He's like, it's wrecking me.


I have a previous

history of kidney stones,

and I had one last night.

I got really nauseous and then

the pain got really intense.

He's like, he was standing

there, and I touched him,

and he fell to the ground.

I don't know that I

necessarily believed it.

I would think maybe he's

a bit of a hypochondriac,

is what it seems like.

Just like the

worst timing ever.

Get better, buddy.

We're going to get you

back in the action.

I'll be back.

NARRATOR: Tonight,

Hell's Kitchen

opens for the second time.

With the only new item

on the menu being squid,

the chef is not only expecting

improvement, he's demanding it.


NARRATOR: The red team

will cook all the meals

for the red tables,

and the blue team

will cook for an equal

number of blue tables.

Chef Ramsey keeps a

watchful eye on both teams

and their progress.

Let's go, big boy.

Dewberry, just all it takes

so that he can sort of

get stuff going a little bit.

Yes, chef.

- Have you tasted it?

- Not yet.

No, sir.

So you cooked it, and

you haven't tasted it.

I think you should taste it.

You tell me what you think.

No, no, you don't just

stand there and waddle off

and nod your head.

Tell me what you think.

I think it's good, the pasta.

I think it's just

done and it's got

just a little bit of the chili

flavor to it, but not too much.

That's nice.

That's very nice.

Make sure everyone's like that.

Yes, chef.

Dewberry is definitely

on the right track.

Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen,

self-proclaimed perfectionist

Wendy is trying to find her way.

I'm worried about

organizing everything

else because once the order

comes in I got to cook it.

NARRATOR: Just minutes before

Hell's Kitchen opens for only

the second time, Chef

Ramsay has some final words

for both teams.

OK, guys, line up, please.

Red team there,

follow blue team.

Right, how are you feeling?

- Good, chef.

- Good, chef.

That was pathetic.

How are you feeling?

Good, chef.

OK, first night's service was

really bad, really bad, yes?

Yes, chef.

OK, tonight, we're going

to make up for it big time.

Yes, That's chef.

OK, blue team, one more

thing I forgot to tell you,

because you lost

the squid challenge,

there is additional

punishment this evening.

Throughout the blue

team's kitchen,

there is going to be

no air conditioning.

My first night in my very

own restaurant, five minutes

after that first table arrived,

the air conditioning went down.

It was a nightmare.

And you don't

throw the towel in.

You stand there like

a man, and you sweat,

and you get on with it, and

you feed those customers.

Is that clear?

Yes, chef.

Gentlemen, switch

down the fans.

Let's get to work.

Let's go.

Let's go.

No air conditioning,

and that is going to suck.

And so it's going to get

really hot, and real stressful

in there really quick.

But we're going to

pull through, I think.

Here's your f*cking

thermometer right there.

Let's get back to work.

Let's get our station set

up and ready for dinner.


[inaudible] tonight.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: Even though very

few people were fed on opening

night, Hell's Kitchen

is booked solid

for its second dinner service.

Now, the restaurant

patrons are randomly seated

at the red and blue tables.

But they don't care

which kitchen their food

comes out of.


Welcome to the restaurant.


they do care about

is that the food

lives up to Chef

Ramsay's world class standards.

There's a nice

selection of five

starters, five main

courses, and five desserts.

NARRATOR: Once again,

Gordon Ramsay's reputation

is on the line, and he's

looking for the aspiring chefs

to show him they

have what it takes.

So far, none of them have.

First big service on our

opening night really sucked.

And it was just shockingly bad.

I'm so pissed off.

I'm not prepared to see any

more shit food coming out.

It's really embarrassing.

Second night opening

in Hell's Kitchen,

we're going to turn

it around a bit.

NARRATOR: minutes

into service, orders

are piling into both kitchens.

Chef Ramsay is looking

for the appetizers

to come out of the blue kitchen.

OK, Wendy, two

risottos, please.

Two risotto away, chef.

Away now.

Where's thew Caesar salad.

A minute, chef.

Come on.

This is your first table.

Come on, Mary Ellen.

Come on, come on,

come on, come on.

- It's crispy.

- Thank you.

There we go, crispy bacon.


NARRATOR: Mary Ellen's Caesar

salad heads out to the dining

room without a snag.

And the blue team seems

to be handling the heat.

Meanwhile, in the red

kitchen, it's Dewberry's turn

with his appetizer.

Go, come on, please.

Pick it up.

Oh, the no way.

Look at this, man.

You don't understand.

This looks fabulous.

The spaghetti is amazing.

The squid is spectacular.

NARRATOR: With pleased

patrons in the dining room,

the red kitchen is

off to a good start.

Over in the blue kitchen,

the chef is anxiously

awaiting Wendy's risotto.

Wendy, how long for

two bloody risotto?

Coming up right now, chef.

Thank you.


Put it down.

Have you seen this?

Yeah, chef.

The rice is crunchy.

This is turning out

to be a bit of a joke.

Another five minutes, chef.

I'm sorry.

I have to start from scratch.

It's the second

table, sweetheart.

Come on.

Who's making the risotto?

Right here, chef.

Let's go, guys, yeah?

- Coming, chef.

- You wanna do it?


Wendy had a little bit of a

rough start out of the gate.

Two risotto I need now.

I'm going to get the job done.

So by me picking up a little

bit of the slack, no sweat.

I'll take care of it.

Ralph, here we go.

Yeah, go, table two.

Thank you.

Very nice, Ralph.

You got it.

Risotto, ma'am?

Thank you very much.

NARRATOR: By stepping in and

making the risotto for Wendy,

Ralph impressed the

chef with his teamwork

and kept the blue kitchen

from falling behind.

That is really good.

NARRATOR: One hour into

service, the red tables

have received all

their appetizers.

It appears the red team has come

a long way since opening night.

They've delivered their first

main courses to the hot plate.

But before they can go out,

Chef Ramsay needs the vegetable

garnishes from Jeff.

Spinach, please?

Spinach, please?

Right here, chef.

I had it.

- I had it, here we go.

- I did.

I put it back on.

I didn't realize.

Just give me the

f*cking spinach, Jeff.

Look, there's the food.

Yes, chef.


It's there.

You can have the

meat standing there

or the fish sat there

waiting for the vegetables.

Why should everything

else suffer?

Can you not see

that that's burned?

- Yeah, chef.

- Yeah?

So you're mixing away

like a f*cking donkey.

I was keeping that

on the other side.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah, chef.

Throw the lot away.

Start again, yeah?

Throw that away--

It's going it

the garbage, chef.

--now, so that means

you won't use it.

You won't sneak it in.

No, not at all, chef.

Just throw it away

then, you little fucker.

Well, I was suffering

from kidney stones,

and the pain was getting

more and more intense.

And at that point, that's

when I started losing focus.

I say, Jeff,

what are you doing?

Come on, big boy,

get it together.

Stop what you're doing

and clean it up first.

We're not going to work

in that, big boy, yes?

I don't know.

In a selfish way, I just

wish he would have just

come through a little bit more.

But I just didn't have

time to feel sorry for him.

NARRATOR: Hell's Kitchen

seats people,

and each kitchen serves .

It's an hour and a half

into dinner service.

And though the red team

started off strong,

Jeff's problems at

the vegetable station

have slowed them

down dramatically.

They have only

served four entrees.

Meanwhile, the blue

kitchen has caught up,

and has served

of their entrees.

But the heat may

be taking its toll.

In case anybody's wondering,

it's about degrees in here.

Damn, it's hot in here.

Yeah, on you're

right, Michael.

And right now I don't need

a big drama queen on my hands,

you know that?

Yeah, of course it's hot.

That's my idea.

You know that.

Had you not lost a challenge,

it would have been fine.

But right now, just look at

that board there, Michael.

MICHAEL: Yes, chef.

Yeah, OK, that's

not funny, is it?

Chef in the kitchen, he's

the king of the kitchen.

It's a monarchy.

If we say anything except for

yes, chef, we're done for.

I feel helpless.

NARRATOR: In an effort to

jumpstart the red kitchen,

its most experienced chef Chris

has jumped in to help Elsie.

Just do the tongs

and then that.

So it's like an X, OK?


Leave it for a minute

and a half, two minutes,

just so it gets some nice lines.

Same thing on the

other side, OK?

One, two.


Can I get those tongs?

NARRATOR: While Chris and Elsie

are demonstrating the teamwork

the chef wants to see--

Where are my f*cking tongs?

--in the blue

kitchen, there's a power

struggle in the meat section.

Let's take this out.

No, it has to cook.

He wants medium rare.

I don't want to

overcook this one.

I've got it covered.

Don't worry.

Where's the

Wellington, please?

It's right here, chef.

Let's go.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

I'm going to need

better than that.

Come here, you.

That was me, chef.

Well, I'm going to

need better than that.

I have another

couple in the oven.

Yeah, and for goodness sake

for the first time, tell me,

do you really want

me to serve that?

[inaudible], chef.

Move, stop the table.

I wish you'd listen to me.

I know, but I just

want to get it right.

I'm trying to tell you how

to get it right, Mary Ellen.

Don't argue.

Yell at me later, OK?

And every single time, she's

pulling the meat every time

saying it's not ready.

It's rare.

And she goes, oh, we'll

talk about it later.

And you know what?

At the rate I was going, I

wasn't going to have a later.

NARRATOR: Clearly,

the meat section

is the weak link in

the blue kitchen,

while in the red

kitchen, dewberry

has just delivered lamb and

beef Wellington to Chef Ramsay.


Yes, chef.

Come here.

You've cooked the

lamb beautiful.

Yeah, chef.

What about the Wellington?

- That's almost well done.

- Yeah, that's right.

I want it pink.

Yeah, let's go.

Quickly, let's go.

And beware, Dewberry,

all these tickets are

people waiting for food, yes?

- Yes, chef.


Let's go, red team,

we're halfway there.

Dewberry, back on

your station now.

Stop running away.

Oh, f*cking hell.

God, almighty.

Come on, Dewberry.

What are you trying to do?

I'm confused.

I don't know what I'm doing.

The only thing I mastered

was cooking spaghetti.

Thank god I could do one thing.

Can you get back

on your section?

Yes, chef.

NARRATOR: Over two hours into

meal service, and only eight

main courses have come

out of the red kitchen.

Their customers are

growing impatient.

- Hi, how are you?

- Great.

Thank you.

We've been sitting here.

And it's the red kitchen, chef.

You're waiting on a

Wellington and one bass, yes?

I'm deeply, deeply,

deeply sorry.

But right now, we're

about seven tables behind.

That doesn't do much for me.

Yeah, right.

Can I just say you do

f*ck all for me either.


You do nothing for me either.

I just don't understand why

it's so difficult to serve

some people their food.

Are you that arrogant?

You haven't got a clue

what's going on behind me?

It seems like you have a

lot of amateur sous chefs.

Right, finally your heads

coming outside your assh*le.

Now sit down you f*cking d*ck.

What an assh*le.

NARRATOR: Nothing upsets

Chef Ramsay more than when

customers come to the kitchen.

Away now, two cod,

two Wellington.

Two cod, two Wellington.

Away now, two

cod, two Wellington.

Yes, chef.

How long?



Surely you're

Wellington's rested.

I have no idea, best answer.


I have no idea.

I am so confused.

Oh, my god.

You don't care, do you?

At this point, no I don't.

- You don't care?

- No.

You aren't

interested, are you?


No, you can't cut it?

No, I can't.

You're useless, you know that?

I am.



That's it?

What are you doing?

Come on.

When I got ready to

leave, and I looked across,

and saw Elsie, and saw

the look on her face,

I couldn't walk out.

I couldn't.

I'm confused, I don't

know why I'm doing.

Thank you for coming back.

You never-- hello--

desert your section again.

Do you understand?

- Yes, chef.

You stand there like

a man, and you face it,

because I'm standing here

in front of customers

taking shit because of you.

Yes, chef.

Get on your section and

get those Wellingtons out.

Yes, chef.

He was trying to

get me to understand

where the shortcomings were

and about staying with a team.

And he was trying to get me to

be better than I am, evidently.

All right, all right, don't

worry about it, Dewberry.

Don't worry about it.

He hasn't cooked

anything standing there.

And now he wants to

run back to his mommy.



Dewberry's meltdown

has caused the red kitchen

to come to a screeching halt.

And now the customers

want some answers.

Excuse me, we've been

waiting for food for about

two hours and minutes now.


And we were

curious about that.

Yeah, well, you're a

clever girl, aren't you?

It's a new restaurant.

Yeah, it's been a tough night.

But two hours and minutes?

Yes, anything else?

So why don't you f*ck off.

Asparagus please?

How nice.

He tells us to f*ck off.


Come here, you.

You can't run from the heat.

I know.

Did you hear the plea, the

cry of support from the team?

- Yeah, chef.

- It's the same for me as well.

Do you think it's any

easier over there?

No, chef, it's worse.

And what about the idiots

coming to the hot plate

asking for food?

It's worse for them too.

The chef said to f*ck off.

Apology is the

last thing he said.

- Ridiculous.

- Well, what's his problem?

He's the one

screwing up the food.

Can I have a

Wellington, please?

Right here.

NARRATOR: In the blue

kitchen, despite her problems

with Andrew, Mary Ellen

has been able to get

half of their main courses out.

Very nice, Mary Ellen.

Go, please, table , yes?

Gently, let's go.

NARRATOR: But Andrew is

playing the politician.

Where's the other garnish?

I ended up taking

over a lot more

control of trying to

gauge the temperatures,

which she just wasn't--

she wasn't able to do.

That's not what I saw.

He's the guy that would

just sell you down the river

to make himself look better.

Do you want me to do that?

No, continue talking

trash about me.

I like it.

I'm not talking

trash about you.


hours into service,

patrons from both red and blue

tables start to walk out unfed.

It appears the second dinner

service in Hell's Kitchen

is yet again another disaster.

And some customers have taken

matters into their own hands.

I'm sorry.

You can't.

- What?

Don't tell me I can't.

No, seriously.

You can't.

By law, by law--

Did you bring us our entree?

Let me ask you.

Look at the food.

I wish your education could be

as good as your voice, yeah?

Oh, did he really

just say that?

Yes, sir?

I have a doctorate in

music from the University

of Southern California.

Do you have a doctorate?

I do have an education.

Do you have a doctorate?

I do have an education.

Then you are less

educated than me.

So don't get in my face, buddy

about what kind of education

that you have.

Right now, right

now, right now.

Sir, you're out of here.

Let's leave, please, now.


After a pizza was delivered

and his maitre d' was insulted,

chef Ramsay has seen enough.

Red team, shut the

place down and clean down.

Yes, chef.

Last table, shut it down.

Everything off.

Yes, stove's off.

Turn it off.


NARRATOR: With disappointment

in both kitchens,

Chef Ramsay must now

decide the losing team.

Oh, dear.

That was tough.

That was bloody tough.

Blue team, your diners said your

cold starters were horrible.

But you did get

main courses out.

But don't get too excited.

You know they weren't that good.

Red team, three-quarters

of your diners

really enjoyed the appetizers,

but nearly half your diners

didn't receive

their main course.

In fact-- and this is

a real first for me--

one of your tables

was so frustrated,

they phoned for a f*cking pizza.

And guess what?

They ate it.

And the main course

still hadn't come out.

That is one not to forget.

And losing team tonight

is the red team.

Chris, I've been squeezing your

balls for the last three days

because every time

you opened your mouth,

you sounded like a right w*nk*r.

But tonight, you

turned it around.

Thank you, chef.

Just do a tongs and then that.

Let's go, red team,

we're halfway there.

You were the least

bad in your red team.

Thanks, chef.

I want you to nominate two

of your team for elimination.

Yes, chef.

And I'll decide

which one of those two

will be leaving Hells Kitchen.

I was doing fine up until the

pain started getting intense

and I started losing my focus.

Oh, for God's sake.

I was looking at the tickets.

They were standing there.

I had two Wellingtons.

I had that stuff going.

That wasn't my problem.

I had a rough last few

days and last few nights.

And I am worried

about my position

because, again, I

wasn't up to par.

He knows it's even the

second straight day in a row.

It sucks.

I want to be the guy to stay.

But you know, it doesn't--

Well, I appreciate that.

I appreciate that.

It's been a god

damn good pleasure.

I appreciate that.

And none of the

decisions are personal.

No, absolutely not.

So how are you feeling?

I shouldn't have

let my emotions

run everything like they did.

And this has been the

worst night of my life,

and I've lived for years.

And this was the single

worst night I've had ever.

I don't know what's

going to happen.

If I don't get cut, I have to

work and get the respect back

to my team if I ever could.

And I don't know

that that's possible.

This point, it's

still about the team.

And it's going to

be a tough choice.

But in the long run, I

want to win a restaurant.

And I'm not going to do that

if my team continues to lose.

So that's the bottom line.

If they're dragging me down,

then you're getting cut off.


these people will

win their very own restaurant.

But tonight, for one

member of the red team,

that opportunity will be gone.


Yeah, chef?

First person you nominated

for elimination and why.

I'm going to have

to say Dewberry.

The fact that he let himself

get so upset about things

is going to hurt the

team in the long run.

Second nominee?


He lets his own

head get in the way

and is going hurt the

team in the long run.

You two, step forward.


- Yeah, chef.

That's the right choice.

I agree with that %.

You two so deserve to be here.


Yeah, chef?

Why should you stay?

I think that I definitely

had some decent work

that went out tonight.

But the fact that I let

everything get under my skin

was inexcusable.

And the only thing I can

say is I can promise you

it would never

happen again as long

as I were in Hell's Kitchen.


Chef, I feel I'm

the team player.

I put the team before myself.

This entire day, the last

two days, the dedication

is there, and the heart,

and the commitment is there.

But you're a shit cook.

You really are shit.

So what a big decision to make.

That's nice.

That's very nice.

Well done.

You're useless, you know that?

- I am.


You're mixing away

like a f*cking donkey.

Jeff, what are you doing?

Dewberry, you're going tonight

for one very simple reason.

You're a coward, and you

turned your back on your team

after you screwed them.

Give me your jacket, and

get out of Hell's Kitchen.

Well, what happened happened.

I can't say that I

didn't deserve it.

I felt like I was

making a comeback,

but I was not justified

in walking out on my team.

And if you want your

own restaurant, is desire

I want to see.

He told me I was a crap cook.

And it was embarrassing.

I'll never be on the

chopping block again.

I'm waiting for it to get

a little more cut throat

and backstabbing,

which I think is

an inevitable course of action.

Once I get comfortable

in the kitchen,

there's absolutely

no stopping me.


looking for someone

who can weather the storm,

inspire individuals,

stand as a great leader.

That clearly is not Dewberry.

[music playing]
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