02x06 - 6 Chefs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hell's Kitchen". Aired: May 30, 2005 – present.*
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Reality television show that uses a progressive elimination format to narrow down a field of 20 to 12 aspiring chefs to one single winner over the course of one season.
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02x06 - 6 Chefs

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Previously

on "Hell's Kitchen."

You all have pallet

like cow's backsides.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay tested

the chefs' taste buds.

I'm a supertaster.

Like, I ate dirt as a kid.


NARRATOR: And a near

perfect Virginia

led her team to victory.

Three out of four.

Very well done.

Thank you.

Virginia did the best.

Whoopie frigging do.

NARRATOR: Even though they won,

the red team was in turmoil.

Virginia and Sarah

continue to feud.

I thought you were

actually like a good person.

Shame you're that shallow.

NARRATOR: Maribel is homesick.

It's hard.

I miss my family.

NARRATOR: And Rachel's

closest ally, Heather,

was on the opposing team.

If I go you better win.

If you go, I will cry.

Stop it.

NARRATOR: Then, at dinner,

Virginia was at her best.

RAMSEY: Salmon's

cooked beautifully.

Thank you, Chef.

NARRATOR: While Rachel

was at her worst.

It's barely edible.

Do you want to go home?

That man will not break me.

NARRATOR: In the blue

kitchen, Keith took control.

Cut that one and

go right on it.

NARRATOR: And received

a rare compliment.

Has anyone ever actually

told you how good you could be?

No, Chef.

NARRATOR: The red team lost.

Virginia was chosen

the best of the worst.

Nominate two of your

teammates for elimination.


she trashed Sarah.

She made me look like a liar.

NARRATOR: But then she

nominated Rachel and Maribel.

Rachel, take your jacket off.

You don't quit having the

dream because of one night.

[theme music]

NARRATOR: And now, the

continuation of "Hell's


Although the red team has lost,

the chef feeling the most pain

is on the blue team.

I know you are.

I'm extremely sad

that Rachel's gone.

I'll have her in the back of

my head going, come on, girl.

You can do it.

Come on.

I'm definitely

going to miss her.


I'm like not that I thought

that he would pick you,

but you know, what I'm saying?


She can say whatever she wants.

Now that I'm still here.

I can't allow anyone to

make me feel like I'm small

or I'm not capable of

doing what I know I can do.

That's what I'm dreading.


Man, I'm not saying

she's not good.

I'm not saying that at all,

but she ain't untouchable.

That's for damn sure.

Heather and Garrett,

they're both pretty strong.

Heather might be

a little stronger.

I don't think she's

as strong as me.

They're f*cking done.

The girls are done.

Heather was their heart, and

Rachel was their backbone,

and that's all gone now.

We've got this f*cking

thing in the bag.

All we gotta do is do it.

NARRATOR: After a late

night, the only thing up

is the sun and the sous chefs.

Wake up, everybody.

Time to get up.

Rise and shine.

This morning I was

snoozing and Chef

Scott came in with Chef Mary-Ann

going vroo, time to get up.

Up, up, up, up.

Blue team jumped up.

We were ready.

Man, I thought this

was over, you know?

Not again.

Get up.

Let's go.

Everybody outside in

front of Hell's Kitchen.

Let's go.

Pull up to the market

with butterflies.

The anticipation is

so nerve wracking

when we're on these challenges.

NARRATOR: Chef Ramsay

believes that it

is impossible to

have quality cuisine

without the freshest



Morning, Chef.

We're here for one reason,

one reason only, inspiration.

And that's your

challenge for today.

To go around this

market and be inspired

and create a three course meal.

You've got just minutes

to complete that menu.

Now, move your asses.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: In this test of

inspiration and creativity--

Do you want to

do some prosciutto?

NARRATOR: Each team must find

all the necessary ingredients

to prepare an appetizer,

entree, and dessert

to impress Chef Ramsay.

We can do a spinach sun.

Let's just do the soup.

Virginia was the one who

was taking the initiative

to build the menu, and it's a

little frustrating because I

know what I can do with a team.

That's why I'm here.

Come on, you guys.

Let's walk down the

middle, you guys.

NARRATOR: Virginia takes charge

of the menu for the red team.

Guys, you have

minutes left.


the halfway mark,

neither team has decided

all their dishes.

Here it is.

For dessert, what am I doing?

Heather, she gets flustered.

I don't know.

Yeah, but look at

all these fresh fruits.

As long as those

desserts come out money,

we're gonna take those girls

down on the right side.

NARRATOR: The red team

is ready to purchase

their entree, a dish

Virginia thinks will attract

Chef Ramsay's attention.

The biggest breasts.

They're huge breasts.

Virgina, she wants

to be a leader,

but I don't feel that

she has it in her.

We're all picking

up the wrong thing,

not getting enough things.

You know, forgot

the flavor liqueur.

Going the wrong direction.

Where the f*ck?

Three minutes left, guys.

It was insanity.

seconds left.


Yeah, get a red pepper.

WOMAN: Let's go.

Thank you.

All right, guys,

pull it together.

Come on.

Come on, sir.

Sir, please.

, , , , .

Time is up.

We're done.

NARRATOR: With the

shopping completed,

both teams must

prepare a three course

meal in one hour that will

satisfy one of the greatest

chefs in the world.

You have one hour,

guys, one hour.

Hey, with those

peppers, make sure you

roast the shit out of them.

- Burnt soup?

A lot of the ideas were my

ideas, so maybe I'm the leader,

but I like to think that we're

all leading our own dishes

with the help of others.

Blister the f*ck out of them.

That's a hot, hot pan.

That's going to burn.

I'm checking it.

Don't worry about it.

I really don't feel like

they have confidence in me.

I mean, I totally

think that they thought

that I was going to screw up.

Ask him to do things.

I'm going to get dessert.

Who's-- Garrett,

you'll do appetizer?

Yeah, me and Garrett are

going to do both together

over here next to each other.

I didn't want to put too much

responsibility on Garrett,

you know, because he's

kind of like the weakest

with the knowledge.

You want this thing

done the same way, right?

Yeah, we just need a

little bit of each kind.

Are you gonna blend that soup

or did you already blend it?

I'll blend it right now.

SCOTT: seconds.

Right here on

top of the crepes.

MARY-ANN: All right, guys, stop.

Everything up here, please.

NARRATOR: It's now

time for the teams

to present their market

inspirations to Chef Ramsay.

First up, the appetizers

from Sarah and Garrett.

Garrett, what is it?

What we have here is a roasted

corn scallop and shrimp bisque,


Presentation, looks nice.

I'm just really concerned

about that sharp spiky tail

there that we couldn't see.

Put your finger

on the end there.

Out your finger

on the end there.



If I'd swallow that, I'd

be on the way to hospital.

If you order shrimp, guess

what you automatically assume?

That there's going to be a

tail on there, Old Gordo.


This is a bell pepper soup.

It's a shame, because the

color looks really appetizing,

but the minute you

taste it, it's burnt.

Hey, with those

peppers, make sure you

roast the shit out of them.

It was my fault. I told Sarah

to char the hell out of them,

but then again, she

didn't say no either.

Virginia wants

some time to shine,

but cherry bell peppers

weren't the best.

What a shame.

Slight advantage to

the blue team there.

Just a slight.

Entree, let's go.



A chicken roulade stuffed

with Mexican hard salami,

sliced tomatoes, and garlic.

How many chickens are there?

That's one chicken

breast, Chef.

Your bird's got big breasts.

Thank you.

We haven't even got

that sophisticated

yet in Hell's Kitchen

with our own chicken dish,

so I'm quite pleased

you've come up

with something inspirational.

Thank you, Chef.

NARRATOR: Virginia's

chicken breasts

have satisfied Chef Ramsay.

Now, it's up to

Keith and his entree.

I got a bone-in pan roasted

rib eye with a tomatillo

and smoked chili demi.


The steak's cooked perfectly.

Delicious, in fact.

And even though the

vegetables look a mess,

they actually taste quite nice.

Thank you to you both.

Thank you, Chef.

NARRATOR: Now, the final course

with Maribel and Heather,

and it all comes down

to their desserts.

My hands were

literally shaking

underneath that platter.

because I didn't want the

girls to say that it was

my fault, that I screwed it up.



Fresh fruit crepes with

a mango, peach puree.


The unfortunate thing about

them, they've gone soggy.

You know, like a soggy sandwich.

It's a great shame.

Thank you.


It's a strawberry

shortcake made

with like Latin ingredients.

I would have loved to

have seen more inspiration.

Yes, Chef.

However, it's

actually quite tasty.

MARIBEL: Thank you, Chef.

- And it's refreshing.

Quite palate cleansing.

Thank you, Chef.

I was like thank you, God.

The team winning

the challenge will

be spending some

serious time with me,

basically, a night on the town.

Sadly, the losers will

be on delivery duty.

Well, both teams,

you've put me in a very

difficult position right now.

Tough one.

The winning team

is the red team.

Well done.

- Yes.

- Well done.

Thank you, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

Now of all the dishes that I

would choose off a restaurant

menu was the chicken.

That would be the one.

Virginia, you're on a roll.

Keep it that way.

Thank you, Chef.

Just because I might come off

to a slow start, doesn't mean I

won't finish with a bang.

I don't understand

how that won.

I'm so pissed off right now.

It's like he's

playing favorites.

Winners, start

thinking about what

you're going to

wear this evening,

and I'll see you later.

Blue team, when you hear

that horn, get off your butts

and get straight to

that delivery dock.

Yes, Chef.

He judged wrong, period.

They win with a burnt

soup and one strawberry?

Are you kidding me?

We got cheated

out of our victory.

That's such bullshit, right?

f*cking bullshit.

And he said her

soup was burnt,

and he said our soup was money.

He said our dessert was money.

We had f*cking times--


I cannot believe

we f*cking lost.

I wouldn't even eat

that poached chicken.

It's f*cking disgusting.

f*ck them, b*tches.

There she is.

She's on board now.


She's on board now, baby.


We gotta send those girls home.

That's it, plain and simple.

Girls are going home.

Oh, they rolled up a chicken.


I'm not pissed that I

just heard you talking

about my rolled chicken.

I rolled a chicken.


Nothing against you

personally, I just

think we got f*cking cheated,

so we're going to talk shit

and that's it.

- And that's fine.

We're going to blow

right the f*ck up.

And we been getting

f*cked since the day we

walked into Hell's Kitchen.

I hope they have fun with

their consolation prize,

because that's

exactly what it is.

None of those three

will be in the finals.

We're knocking

them out right now.

They were horribly

bent out of shape today.

It was almost

intimidating with the way

they were running their mouths.

To the same degree, it was

also pathetic, because they

were such sore losers.

Chef, do you like

my chicken breast

because I'm running the show.

They're just so

negative right now.

At first, it was funny,

and now I'm ignoring it,

but nothing can really bring me

and the girls down right now.


What was that?

NARRATOR: While the

red team relaxes,

the punishment begins

for the blue team.

Let's go.

Unload the truck, stack

everything behind the bar.

Next time you hear another

horn, come right out,

there'll be another delivery.

You want the

beast, you got him.

Watch out behind you.

There was enough wine for

like dinner services.

Looks cute.

I'm really, really, really,

really excited about going out

with Chef tonight.

Chef's been talking about

getting his groove on,

and I want to see him

move his groove thing.

I was sweating like Tom today.


Girls, look at this.

Oh, my God.


Hi, Chef.

There they are.

Working hard.

Let's just watch them

unload for a little while.

Say hi, Gordon.

Oh, are they flipping us off?

They flipping us off?


Garrett flipped off Chef

Ramsey, which I don't think

that was a good idea,

and I really hope

it doesn't affect our team.

NARRATOR: While the blue team is

left to wonder if there will be

consequences to Garrett's

use of sign language,

the red team is off

for their big night.

RAMSEY: Ladies, let's go.

Thank you.

It was special.

We were treated like

we were just Hollywood.

The food was just exquisite.

And we have an extra

dish here for you guys.

Oh my goodness.

Chef was an absolute gentleman.

We had so much fun with him.

I'm batting my

eyelashes at you, Chef.

Oh, is that what that is?

It's the wine,

no more for her.

I didn't feel that Maribel or

Sarah were on the same caliber

as me at all tonight.

We don't say it out loud, but we

know that we don't really bond.

We know that we're

just in it to win it.


We need m*therf*cking ice

machines in Hell's Kitchen.

I don't know why we're

getting ice like that.

Do what you want to us, man.

We'll just come back.

We're fine.

Heather is one tough bitch.

I'm the toughest

bitch there is.

So this place is

renowned for its steaks.

NARRATOR: Now, the red team

has moved on to entrees

at another Hollywood hot spot.

Nice and private, very nice.

NARRATOR: And Virginia

has an important question

for the owner.

What's the one key thing

that you can honestly say,

I'm saying right

when you think of it?

What can you tell me

right here right now?

I'm saying like right when--

If only she could ask it.

What have you learned now

that you didn't know then

when you opened up a place?

You need consistency.

That's it.

- I just find it--

I mean, I love the fact

that you grew so quickly.

I mean, that's so--

We were like shut up, shut up.

At what point is

Virginia not fake?

[inaudible],, but

you know, anyway--

Blah, blah, blah.

Yadda, yadda.

Virginia, she annoys me.

Thank you very

much for having us.

My pleasure.

Goodnight, G.

Goodnight, girlfriend.


We were just in the dorms

for maybe like five minutes

and the horn goes off again.

We're like, ah, f*ck.

Cheers, everybody.


NARRATOR: Despite a late night--

Sara, let's go.

Blue team's already out there.


Ramsey is up early

with something on his mind.

Garrett, yesterday when I

was going out with the girls,

you gave me this.

Do you want to go?


I never, ever want to see

that in front of my face again.

Let's get that clear.

Yes, Chef.

Having been impressed

by both teams yesterday,

I've now decided

to let both teams

take control of your own menus.

Now, get back to your dorms,

and start putting it together.

Let's go.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: With just hours

left before tonight's service,

the teams must create and

prepare a brand new menu.

I think we should do three of

those scallops and the shrimp

and a little risotto

in the middle.

Take the tail off the shrimp.

Yeah, no doubt.

OK, the rack of lambs.

When I do rack of lamb,

what I do is I sear it,

hit it with a little

Dijon mustard.

It was so hot, it got me fired.

The owners couldn't take

it at the restaurant

that my menu was

better than theirs.

OK, do you want to add sushi


Because I used to make

sushi, and it's easy.

Can I just say something?


They're both

seeing eye to eye.

I'm like the odd one out.

And you know, I'm at a point

where I'm really frustrated.

I'm just going to let them do

whatever the hell they want.

We can do a

lobster Wellington.

I just think people

would order it.

- Oh.

- Forget it.

Y'all just f*cking

figure it out then.

You've got to put in ideas.

Where are you--


So you can be like, no, I

don't want to make that.

Every idea that I had was

just shot down and just

not good enough, so whatever.

NARRATOR: Now that the

menus have been designed,

it's time for prep, and

with just over three hours

until dinner service

starts, every second counts.

I wonder where Maribel went?

Maribel is moving really

slow, which is bugging

the heck out of me right now.

She has the Chinese

disease dragon ass.

You all right, man?

You're not even talking to me?

- Nothing's the matter.

Let's get it resolved

now before this f*cking

whole day goes so f*cked.

I really don't even understand

why I need to be here today.

I have no input on

menu planning, so--

OK, guys, let's go.

OK, this is it.

Any moment now, Hell's

Kitchen is going to open.

And for the first time

ever in Hell's Kitchen,

it's the blue menu

against the red menu.

This is your moment to

shine, but it's my standards.

Any questions?

No, Chef.

Let's go.

Would you care for the

red menu or the blue menu

this evening?

I'm feeling blue tonight.

I'm ordering

from the red menu.

NARRATOR: Tonight, it's

the battle of the menus.

The red kitchen will feature

an elaborate pepper seared

bluefin and hamachi sashimi

created by Virginia,

and a Colorado rack

of lamb from Sarah.

The blue team has kept it

simple with classic dishes

like the dry-aged New

York steak from Keith,

a pear tarte tatin from

Heather, and from Garrett,

well, nothing.

Where's the risotto?


Come on, put it down,

so I can taste it.

Where's the tomato?


- Yes, Chef?

Good man.

Let's go.

Well, it was an honor

for him to recognize

some talent in K Grease.

I'm just going to

try to k*ll it,

and K Grease should

rise to the top.

NARRATOR: Thanks to Keith--

- Let's go.


On your own, go.

NARRATOR: The blue team

is off to a strong start.

Complete, please.

Let's go.

NARRATOR: In the red kitchen--

That's raw.

NARRATOR: Not exactly

a great beginning.

Listen, Missy, I'm not going

to listen to your bullshit

to end that crap.

That's f*cking raw.

Get them in the pan.

Let's go.

Service, please.

Just let it go.

Just let it be.

It's OK.

I got it.

All right.

Is it your first

time cooking these?


I've been cooking

them for years.

Every time I try and

offer help, she doesn't

want to take it from me.

Hey, idiot, there's

a reason why I offer.

We're running way behind

on these appetizers.

I know, Chef.

This is your menu.

Yes, Chef.

How long for two sashimi.

Um, I need to

collect my thoughts

before I answer you, Chef.

Oh my God.

NARRATOR: With Virginia

lost in thought,

the red kitchen is

at a standstill.

Sorry, we're serving

the blue team appetizers.

The red team still aren't ready.

NARRATOR: minutes into

dinner service and appetizers

are flying out of

the blue kitchen.

Again, we're going to

have to serve the gentleman

before the lady because

they're waiting for it

to start from the red kitchen.

NARRATOR: Which has

led to customers

at the same table having very

different dining experiences.

After you.

Are you sure?


You guys, this

sashimi is f*cked up.

I was having trouble

cutting the sashimi

this evening, because the

sashimi was just too wiggly.

It got a little difficult.

- Virginia?

- Yes, Chef.

Look what you're sending me.

Come here, you.

It's just getting thicker

and thicker and thicker.

All right.

It's just fish sliced.

Yes, Chef.

That's all it is.

It's raw fish, f*cking sliced.

We still can't get that out.

I used to make

sushi, and it's easy.


- Maribel?

- Yes, Chef?

Get over Get over there.

She's not going to say

anything, and give her a hand.

What do you need help with?

NARRATOR: With Maribel's

help, Virginia has finally

solved the sashimi situation.

Unfortunately, it's

an hour into service.

Meanwhile, Keith has finished

all of the appetizers,

and Heather and Garrett

are moving on to entrees.

What in the f*ck is that?

Why is this?

Get me a duck salad now.

Got another one the way, Chef.

Why'd you serve me that

when we're doing so well?


If there is a time to get a grip

on your team, it's right now.

Let me see that duck.

That's a little raw.



This one.

This one.

Convection oven.

- .

Get-- move.


When you hear that horn, get

straight to that delivery dock.

Don't look at me

like that, Garrett,

now, one more delivery.


Let's go.

What is that?

NARRATOR: The red team now

has a chance to catch up.

Service, please?

Complete table .

Oh my God, we had

another stupid delivery.

It was probably like boxes.


Table .

Let's go.

The blue team is not

going to go down easy.

You can't break us.

- Go, please.


NARRATOR: The red team has

now moved on to their entrees,

and Sarah has brought her lamb--

What's that?

NARRATOR: To the slaughter.

What the f*ck is that?

Missy, just what are

you doing with the lamb?

I'm learning, Chef.

You're learning?

Yes, Chef.

What do you mean

you're learning?

When I do rack of lamb.

It was so hot it got me fired.

The owners couldn't take

it at the restaurant

that my menu was

better than theirs.

Sara, what is going on?

Are you f*cking blind?

No, Chef.

What is that?

I don't know what the

f*ck you're doing.

Me neither, Chef.

That is not going

anywhere, Missy,

except in the f*cking bin.

Yes, Chef.


blue kitchen, Garrett

is hoping to impress Chef

Ramsay with his first entree.

One duck, let's go.

Yes, Chef.

What's he doing to that duck?

It's white.

It's not even pink.


That goes on there.



Don't move anywhere.

The rest of that

cooks it in there.

That goes into the

oven for seconds.

There you go.

Now if you run around

there, down, now off you go.

I saw Chef Ramsay

spending more

and more time on my station.

You know, it's never

a good thing when

he's just hanging out with you.

Oh, f*cking hell.

Oh my God.

Welcome to f*cking

Hell's sh*thole.


NARRATOR: Despite Garrett,

blue team entrees are being

sent out to the dining room.

I apologize again,

we have to serve

the gentleman before the lady.

NARRATOR: Which is putting

pressure on the red kitchen.

Where is the lamb?

It's working, sir.

I'm about to send the

third table of entrees

from the blue team,

and I still haven't got

a lamb out from the red team.

Yes, Chef.

Now, it's turning into being

a f*cking, big embarrassment.

Yes, Chef.

And I'm going to

kick you out any minute

now, unless you get

me a f*cking lamb.

Yes, Chef.

You know, the lamb

was a big deal,

but where was my team

jumping in, coming

in and helping me cook lamb?

I was left alone to just burn.

What is your name, first off?

- Jean-Philippe.

- Jean-Philippe?


OK, I'm starving.

Yes, well,

unfortunately, I can't

give you any time

on how much longer

you're going to have to wait.

- Sara?

- Chef?

Come here, Missy.

Yes, Chef.

I don't know if

you're colorblind,

or you got a problem

with your f*cking contact

lenses, that is blood.

Look, it's blood.

They want it medium.

It's still f*cking rare.

Yes, Chef.

There's blood everywhere.

We still haven't sent an

entree from the red team.

Yes, Chef.

Take the lamb off the menu.

Stop it.

I don't give a flying f*ck.

You, don't dare

cook any more lam.

Jean-Philippe has taken

so much flak on the back

of your inconsistency.

Tonight, I'm just fed up.

JP just can't wait

to go out and having

little bit chill too, because

tonight I just had enough.

NARRATOR: While the red team

continues to keep their diners

waiting, the blue

team has a completed

dinner service in sight.

Heather has taken over

Garrett's meat station,

and now her steaks

are at the pass

for Chef Ramsay's approval.

- Who cooked the steak?

- I did, Chef.

It's nicely cooked.

Oh my God almighty.

Can't even take

a compliment now.

f*ck off, you go.

The only reason the

steaks were going out good

is because I did them all.

Garrett clammed up big time.

But I mean, towards the

end of the night, he-- no,

he really didn't get it towards

the end of the night either.

Oh, Christ.

NARRATOR: Now that Sara's lamb

has been pulled from the menu,

the focus turns to Maribel

on the fish station.

I think hers-- yours

is lukewarm, right?


It's not warm enough Chef.

Oh, come on.


Yes, Chef?

Where's the ticket?


Undercooked, Chef.

Thank you, Chef.

What's the temperature

supposed to be, Maribel?

Uh, regular.

It'll be ready--

- Normal.


Regular, oh.

I can't believe the first

thing you touch this evening

in service has come back.

Yes, Chef.

NARRATOR: While the

red kitchen can't

seem to master the

menu they designed,

the blue team is

about to accomplish

a Hell's Kitchen first.

How about those

desserts, Heather?

Let's go.

Delivering desserts

to their customers.

OK, the last thing at absolute

final table in the dining room.

Oh my God.

Very nice job.

You saved my white ass.

NARRATOR: The blue team has

completed their first service,

while the red team still has not

successfully served an entree,

and Maribel is struggling with

the salmon dish Sara designed.

If you're going to grill a

salmon, Sara, you don't tie it

and f*cking stuff it together.

- No, Chef.

That's the third

dish from the red team

that is totally impractical.

Can we just cut the salmon into

a slice without f*cking around?

Stuffing it.

- Yeah.


Don't f*cking dare.

Don't f*cking dare.

Missy, Missy, come

here, you fat-mouthed,

little stupid bitch.

Yes, Chef.

You're pissing around with

something that's not working.

- Yes, Chef

- Has that f*cking clicked?

Yes, Chef.

It's f*cking rare.

Just stop.

Blue team, come here.

All of you.

I am so f*cking

determined to have

a successful completed service.

I've got tables waiting for

main course from the red team.

You get on the section

and work together.

Thank you, Chef.

I personally, I don't want to

stick around for any more shit.

What a f*cking embarrassment.

When Chef Ramsey called the

blue team over, by that time,

it was just out of control.

Just completely out of control.

NARRATOR: With help

from their competitors,

the red team finally completes

their dinner service.

Blue team.

Yes, Chef.

You completed a service.

Well done, and thank you.


Yes, Chef.

Your best performance so far.


Garrett, you're lucky to

be in the same kitchen

as Heather and Keith.

I agree.



Tonight has been

your worst ever dinner

performance in Hell's Kitchen.

Yes, Chef.

Ladies, you know

damn well you lost.

You designed a menu that

was way over your heads.

Tonight there's no such thing

as the best of the worst.

You're all equal.

Go back to the dorm

and each of you

will nominate one

person for elimination.

Get out.

Red team failed.

We just couldn't do it.

We weren't good enough.

It was one of the most

horrible nights I've

ever had at Hell's Kitchen.

What the hell happened?

I haven't cooked

meat in many years.

So then why did you

suggest the lamb and say

it's so simple if it wasn't?

You know what?

We can go at this

and pick at things,

but I'm not the only one in

the whole picture that failed.

Shut up.

Oh, it's on.

It's on.

She's going down.

Maribel, where

were you during prep?

You weren't with us at all.

If you feel that's the

reason why we f*cked up today,

please elect me.

Sara likes to point fingers,

but who really screwed up today?

She did.

Everything that you

put together failed.

You think you're the

golden child of the day.

I mean, you with--

Did I say that?

She's just like

[sarcastic mocking]

She just looks like a bitch.

I'm so sick of hearing

her voice right now.

You know what the worst

part of all this is?

Is that you don't--

you say you made a mistake,

but you have no like remorse.

You don't even at

all say you're sorry.

I do have remorse.

I'm very hard on myself.

You're not even sorry.

Virginia, she's a

little snotty crabcake.

Everybody is looking

to defend themselves

in a way out of getting

pissed on, and if it's me,

bring it on.

NARRATOR: While the dream of

having a restaurant in Las

Vegas is still alive for

Keith, Heather, and Garrett,

it will soon be over for

one member of the red team.

Ladies, made your decision?

Yes, Chef.

Because I've also

made a decision.

I'm not going to listen

to your nominees.

All three of you, step forward.

Sara, why should you

stay in Hell's Kitchen?

Chef I believe

that I'm responsible

for a lot of

dynamics of the team

as far as organization,

bringing the team together.

My major mistake that I've made

thus far is I can't cook lamb,

but who can on our team?


Yes, Chef?

What do you think

about what Sara said.

It makes me sick.

The fact that she says that she

doesn't know how to cook lamb,

then why would she

be so confident

and lead us into

thinking that she

knew what she was doing when

she didn't have a damn clue?


Yes, Chef?

Why should you stay

in Hell's Kitchen?

I think I should

stay in Hell's Kitchen

because I have a lot

of drive, and there's

a lot of things against me.

I get treated like the third

wheel when it comes to them.

I try to give them my two cents,

I feel like they pushed me out.

I could see how she

felt like the third wheel,

and that's why I kept asking

her, what do you think?

What do you want?

And I really honestly don't

feel I bully her around,

and if I do, I want to know how.

Can I just say something?


Let me just give

you a little summary.

Sara, talking to you

in service tonight,

you had your head tucked

up inside your ass.

It's still f*cking rare.

There's blood everywhere.


- Yes, Chef.

You're as good as

what you put on a plate,

and tonight's

sashimi was shocking.

That's all it is.

Is raw fish f*cking sliced.

We still can't get that out.

And Mirabel?

Yes, Chef.

You were like a rabbit just

bobbing around the kitchen,

but accomplishing nothing.

Maribel, get over there.

The person leaving Hell's

Kitchen is Maribel.

Please take off your jacket

and leave Hell's Kitchen.

You worked hard.

You're a sweet girl,

but I need a leader,

and you're clearly not one.

Thank you, Chef.

Good night.

Yeah, Sara and Virginia

are just out for themselves.

I'm here trying

to work as a team.

I think that was my weakness.

I was myself

throughout the process.

My husband will see that,

and he'll be proud of me,

and my daughter will too, and

that's all that counts to me.

One simple message for

all of you, if you think

it's going to get any

easier, forget it.

Just right now, you've

gone up another level.

I just want to keep

proving to Chef Ramsey

that I have it in me, and I

hope that he doesn't put me

in the same category as Sara.

Because I think she's

really two-faced right now.

Virginia, she's stood up on

that chopping block three times


People like her are

disposable, and it's

just all a matter of time.

Tonight I shined, and

now I'll shine even more.

The fewer the people

that are here,

the better I'll have an

opportunity to show that.

At this point, I'm pretty

much the whipping boy,

and it really sucks.

It is motivating

the hell out of me.

I am going to overcome

people with more experience.

Now that it's down to

five people the claws

are coming out.

Oh, man, it's

going to get rough.

Go and get some sleep.


I'm trying to find someone

that deserves a restaurant.

Now, to run that restaurant

properly, you need a leader.

My Maribel clearly can't lead

a section let alone a kitchen.

NARRATOR: The next

"Hell's Kitchen."

- Congratulations.

- It's down to the final five.

We're all soldiers now.

We're all the strongest.

NARRATOR: And things get

ugly when a woman comes

between Garrett and Keith.

You're a liar.

He's dead to me.

NARRATOR: Then it's a trip

to Las Vegas and the Red Rock

Resort, where

they'll see the site

of the restaurant

that will belong

to the Hell's Kitchen winner.

This is it.

This is real.


dinner service, will

the five chefs be able to

come together as a team.

You need help?

NARRATOR: Or will old

rivalries sink the service?

You got to watch

those scallops.

Heather's just a

loud barking bulldog.


NARRATOR: And what happens

when one of the chefs

makes the biggest mistake

you can make in a kitchen?

You're gonna k*ll someone.

NARRATOR: Find out next

time on "Hell's Kitchen."
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