Mob Land (2023)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Mob Land (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[indistinct racing announcer]

[engines rev]

[loud engine rev]

[man] Dead of winter.

Cold as all hell.

A man hails a cab.

He slides in, sits in the

warmth of the backseat.

A few miles down the road,

the cab hits a sheet

of black ice.

Starts spinning

out of control.

Heading towards the edge

of the bridge,

nothing but blackness below.

The driver screams,

"We're all gonna die!"

The man calmly leans

forward and softly says,

"Could you turn the radio up?"

[engine revs]

I don't get it.

Which one are you?

The driver or the

guy in the back?


Hey! Hey!

We may all be sliding towards

the edge,

but it's up to you how

comfortable you are doing it.

Pay your debts, friend.

[door opens]


Oh, hell. [sighs]

[horn honks]


-How's it going?

Good, yeah. Getting there.

I need you back on

32 tomorrow once you

get this buttoned up.

Yeah, okay. Yeah.

Think you can handle two of

Jim's shifts next week?

Well, hell yeah.

Good. He's gonna need

to take the week off.

Kid died.


Shit, Caleb?


He's gonna take the week.

Funeral and all.

Yeah, yeah.

Damn. How it happen?

[man] Overdose.

f*cking pills or whatever else.

It's a shame, too.

He's a good kid.

Or used to be. I don't know.


[sighs] All right.

Get out of here.

-Thanks, Mike.


[car starts]

[car drives away]

[girl] I still don't get why

that's gotta be so loud.


Well, 'cause loud is fast.

[girl] So, how come you race,

and mama doesn't?

Well, baby girl,

'cause your mama's smart.

And you're what?

Well, I'm tough and strong.

And mama's not strong.

Oh geez, girl.

Look, sometimes it's not about,

you know, how much you can

lift, right, but about

how much weight you can carry

that makes you strong.

You know what that means?


[sniffs] You know those, uh,

those big old trees we learned

about out there in California?

Ones so big you can drive

a car right through 'em?


You know how those

trees survived

for thousands of years,

right, just standing there?

Right? And then one day,

a skinny little man

your height, maybe even

smaller than you, comes along,

right, with a little axe,

a few hours, he cuts that

big old tree down.

She's a skinny man?

No, baby girl. The axe, right?

She might be small, but damn if

she can't cut that big old tree


She doesn't need to race

to prove she's tough.

She doesn't even need to cut

down a big old tree.

You know, like the axe,

right, you can just take

one look at her

and realize what she's capable

of. That's your mama.

Daddy says you're an axe.


-What, like an old battle axe?

No. Not an axe. I meant like a--

a shiny, you know,

slender blade.

Boy, I can cut you down to size.

Yeah, ain't that the truth?

Get me in trouble.

[woman] Trey's stopping by.

Oh, great, well,

he can slide under there

and help me swap that,

uh, that rear end.

Oh. Well, good luck.

That boy doesn't know a monkey

wrench from his assh*le.


-Hey, come on.

Help me with dinner.

But I'm helping Dad.

Come on. He can clean up his

own mess. Let's go.


Well, thanks for nothing.

[man] Damn. Never miss home

cooked meals till I get 'em.

Doesn't beer count as home

cooked if you live at a bar?

I live above a bar.

Cut me some slack.

No, seriously though.

That was delicious.

Not as good as your mom's,

but pretty decent.

[siren chirps]

Oh, shit. Damn. You knew.

Well, I didn't know if

you'd come otherwise.

Well, I wouldn't've.

Oh, yeah. I know.

Well, hey there, Uncle Bodie.

Hey, hey, Shelby.

How's my favorite driver?

[laughs] Good. Good.

What do you know, Trey?

I'm just here for

the food. Same as you.

Uh, oh, we're guilty.

You take care of that ticket?

It's in the mail, Sheriff.

Uh, aren't they all? [laughs]

How you holding up, Sheriff?

I'm still standing.


Oh, oh, no. No, no.

My heart--my heart is a racing.

Are you the most beautiful

princess in the world?

Mr. Bodie.

Mama's got your plate.

Plate? I ain't here

for no plate.

I am here on official

police business.

Yeah, I bet. Like every week.

What? I am.

Come over here.

Ah, you're too good to me.

Thank you.


We missed you at service Sunday.

Yeah, you know,

I don't know about

that new preacher.

Call me old fashioned, but I'm

kind of more of a, I don't know,

fire and brimstone type of guy.

-You know?

-Yeah, I hear that.

Well, I hate to grab

a plate and run, but

I think you all don't really

wanna watch me eat. [laughs]

Good night, Sheriff.

-Take care, now.

-You, too.

All right little lady, bedtime.


-No! No! Oh.

-Good night.

-'Night, Daddy.

Sweet dreams, beauty.

I love you.


-All right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa. Come on.

-'Night, booger.

-Good night, little booger.

[laughs] Come on.


Hey, Earnhardt.

Thank you.

How long you gonna do this for?

Well, as long as it takes.

Fine anyway. These are

doing the trick.

They k*lled Muhammad Ali.

This shit ain't no joke.

Hey, you think I

don't know that, Trey?

The hell you want me to do, man?

Let me just get our heads

above water,

then we can

deal with me, all right?

You can't get shit by her.

You know that.

You never could.

Think I like keeping secrets

from her, Trey?

Just give me some

f*cking room, huh?

Your funeral.

[snaps] Come grab this side.

But-- now?

We just-- we just ate.

Now, fucker! Let's go!

All right, all right, all right.

Oh, man. Mm.

[upbeat music]

[engine cuts off]

f*cking Trey.

What you doing here?

[man] Let's go for a ride.

I don't know, man. Caroline's

gonna be home in a few minutes.

[Trey] Come on. I wanna

show you something.

Now, I know you don't like

to be seen in an import,

but get in.

What's going on, Trey?

Ain't nothing going on. Just

take a f*cking ride with me.

Thirty minutes,

I'll have you home.

Yeah, all right. All right.

If I wake up in Mexico

with no pants on,

Caroline's gonna

cut your nuts off.

[laughs] Your pants

will stay on. I promise.

[Shelby] They better.

Unless you're feeling frisky.

Hey. Buy me an Oreo shake

and we'll talk.


f*cking seat belts

and everything.

Man, I can't believe

I'm in this thing.

[laughs] f*ck off.

Been here, what, twenty years?

You're still driving

this piece of shit.

Go, go, green. Hulk here

is unbeatable. [kisses]

Oh, my God, Trey. It's f*cking

embarrassing, man.

I can't be seen in this

piece of shit. Christ.

Ooh. Listen to that purr.

That's what I'm talking about

right there, bro. Woo-hoo!

Don't k*ll us, Trey. Jesus.


What, man? What is this?


[laughs] What? You working

on your black belt?


Okay, so what is it?

Hundred K, cash, at least.

What is?

What do you know about Oxy?

I don't know shit about Oxy,


Nothing, man. Don't need to.

Get me out of here.

There's a doc in there.

Some bullshit hack.

People come in,

"This hurts. That hurts."

The doc will write out

a script for 'em.

Hundreds of 'em, every day.

Okay. The hell's that

got to do with me?

And now these yokels, they go

and fulfill those scripts.

And guess what, they

come right back here.

Those pills go in

and out that back door

and sold all over the county.

[sighs] Man, I don't f*cking

care, all right? Take me home.

And once they sell those pills,

they bring that cash

right back here.

Hundreds and thousands of


running through this piece

of shit right here every week.

And nothing but a couple

backwood inbreds running it.

Trey, are you f*cking

kidding me?


Are you suggesting

that we stroll in there

and we take that money?

We can. We can.

Man, that's a stupid

f*cking idea.

Never have I seen more than

one or two tweakers

in there guarding that place.

It ain't rocket science.

Oh, that's for damn sure.

[Trey] Shel,

they k*lling people with

this shit. You've seen it.

-I know.

-[Shelby] We all have.

This town is dying,

and these f*ckers are getting

rich from it.

That's your cash in there.

That's our cash.

We put our blood, sweat,

and tears into this town.

And they're just taking

it all from us.

This whole place is

becoming a f*cking clich.

First the factories fold.

Then no jobs, no hope,

and then these leeches.

They come in, they suck

what's left off the bottom.

I'm sick of it, Shel.

I'm sick of it.

And I don't wanna see Mila

left in the mud either.


Hey. This is easy money, Shel.

Don't talk to me about

this shit again. You hear?


[engine revs]

Don't tell me

someone else died.

I can't handle

that shit right now.


Hop in. Catch some of this AC.

What's going on?

Jim needs those shifts back.

Damn. Okay.

Gotta pay for the funeral.

Yeah, I get it.

Ah, Shel, that ain't all, man.

Oh, shit, Mike.


Well, hey there, Shelby.

How we doing today, sugar?

Oh, I'm hanging in, Ms. Whitney.

How about yourself?

Well, I'm still upright,

praise Jesus.

[chuckles] Yes, ma'am.

I hear that.

[Ms. Whitney sighs]

Early this month, huh?


Oh. Damn it. I'm so sorry.

Well, I appreciate

that, Ms. Whitney.

-But you know what?


Uh, might as well add that, too.

All righty.

You want your balance receipt?

Nah. Hell, couldn't

pay for the ink anyway.

Love to the girls.

Appreciate that,

Ms. Whitney. Take care.

[Ms. Whitney] Bye.

I don't know, man.

g*ns and dr*gs.

[chuckles] That shit ain't me.

No, it ain't.

That's why you leave

that shit to me.

You just drive the car

and watch my back.

You don't even need

to touch a g*n.

I promise.

Look, I know these dudes.

We're not talking

Goodfellas here.

We're talking a couple

slack jaws with pill problems.


The girls are going

to Tupelo this weekend.

Lookie there.

Wish you were coming.

Sh-shit. No, you don't.

You love that big old guest

bed all to yourself.

Stay up late watching those

God-awful dating shows. [laughs]

You gonna be good here?

Of course.

Well, good.

'Cause I do love that bed.

[laughs] Hey, you know what?

Why don't you take a couple

hundred and get that

old block from Kenny?

You know, keep going

a few more weekends.

I mean, you said Mike gave

you those shifts.

Aww, baby. I told you,

I can't fix it what

we got, stays broke.

Damn, I love you.


What are y'all talking about?

Little girls

not finishing packing

and getting left behind.

[Caroline] You have three

minutes or this train's leaving

with or without you.

I just need someone to

sit on it while I zip.

Okay. I'll be up

in a few minutes.

Well, we're leaving in three.

Oh-ho. Boy, she is definitely

your daughter. [laughs]

Open it.

The hell is this?

Open it.

[Shelby chuckles] Damn.

You are too much.


Daughter's calling you.

[Caroline] Mm. Mm-mm.

She's definitely yours.

Yeah, this'll do.


Where'd you find it?

Don't you worry about that.

Jesus Christ, Trey.

Color's ugly as shit,

but it's a turbo,

just like you asked for.

Yeah. What about the plates?

Well, I took care of it.

I do love a turbo V6.


Look at Shelby Connors all

excited about a stolen vehicle.

You little criminal.

Hey! This isn't New York.

All right? This is

my own backyard, man.

Act like you understand

we're breaking the law.

Act like you understand

what's at stake here.

Hey, she's my niece.

I f*cking understand

what's at stake.

I'm not the one

we gotta worry about.

Let's just get this over with.

Mr. Bodie?

That ain't good.

I'll get with the oncologist

in Birmingham.

But in the meantime, you go

home, enjoy your day.

We'll take this one

step at a time.

[sighs] Man.


Look, when we get in there,

you just watch my back,

that's it.

Okay? We'll be fine as long

as you watch my back. Here.

What the f*ck is this, Trey?

You said I wouldn't need this.

Just hold the f*cking thing

and look like you might use it.

What the f*ck, man?

All right? You won't even

need to lift it. Trust me.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, man. f*ck!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, we got

this, okay? We got this.

Jesus Christ, Trey.

f*cking shit.

What? Does it clash with

your outfit? Come on.

I don't know, man. I don't know.

Hey. Just do what family does.

We're family, bro.

We look out for each other.


-All right?

Okay. f*ck.

All right, come on. f*ck.

[heavy breathing]

Hey. Take this. Come on.

Let's go.

Come on. Get out of

the f*cking car. Let's go!

[woman screams]

No, no, no, no, no! Hey! Shit.

Hey, what the f*ck? Ugh!

Over there!

That might have been

an accident,

but the next one won't be.

You hear me?

This guy moves,

take his head off.

Come on.

You all know whose

money this is?

Do you have any f*cking idea

whose money this is?

Shut the f*ck up!

Shut up!

Are you okay?

Don't look at me.

Don't f*cking look at me.

Oh, shit. Tough guy.

Y'all don't want to do this.

You don't wanna do it.

Hurry the f*ck up.

Come on!

Hey. S-s-s-hey.

You a Bronson fan?


Come on, hurry up! Let's go!

What's your

Death Wish movie?

One, two, three?

You know, my friend on

the floor was a Bronson fan.

Why don't you ask him?

Huh? Go ahead.

Shut the f*ck up, okay!

-You wanna know what

my favorite is?

-Turn around!

The one where I hunt

you all down and snatch

the life out of you, cut

the heads off all your kin,

and sh**t your f*cking dog!

It ain't your all's world, huh,

but you're gonna

f*cking die in it.

Shut the f*ck up.

Come on!

Hey, your voice sounds familiar.

Yeah. Yeah, look at me, huh?

Yeah, I know you.

Yeah, I seen you, boy.

You all are gonna f*cking die.

Let's go! Come on!

Let's go!

You should listen

to your boy here.

No, no, no, no! No! No!

-No! Ugh!

-Ah! Shit.

Let's go! Let's go!

Ugh! [pants]

Oh, shit. Shit.

Oh, shit.


Oh, f*ck.

[engine revs]

Oh, you shot that guy!

What the f*ck is wrong

with you? Huh? Shit.

Who is it, Trey?




Trey, someone's

following us, man.

Ah, shit!

[on radio] Sheriff Bodie,

you read me?

Go ahead, Beth.

Reports of sh*ts fired.

1911 Bass Lane.

Oh, shit.


The gate's f*cking closed, Trey.

Put it in park.

Come on.

What the f*ck you doing?

Trey, get back in the

f*cking car!

Come on! Shit. Oh, they're

sh**ting at-- come on.


Shit, shit, shit. f*ck. f*ck!

[siren wails]

Hands up. Up!

Come on. Get your hands up.

Come on, now. Get 'em up.

Yes! Look at this.


We did it!

Ugh. [grunts]


Stop! Stop. Let go.

The f*ck was that?

We got the money.

The f*cking money!

We k*lled two people, Trey!

You shot him!

What was that shit, huh?

Those weren't people.

Those were drug dealers,

scum, pill pushers! f*ck them.


Man, who the f*ck are you?

We got the cash.

f*ck the cash!

What was that shit

with the pills? Huh?

We didn't go there for that!

You f*cking m*therf*cker.

I didn't f*cking sign

up for this shit.

Yes, you did! Yes, you did!

Yeah, we got the money,

God knows how much,

and yeah, we got

a shit load of pills, too.

I'm sorry you thought you

were gonna be halfway in.

He said he knew

you, Trey. Did he?

Do you know those guys?

It doesn't matter now.

We just need to--

to lay low for a little bit.

Keep our heads down. All right?

Oh, you're taking it?

You want it? Here. Take it.

Go on. It's yours.

It's called trust, bro.

Just keep it safe. Uh, hide it

in your toolbox

or something to keep

away from the girls.

We f*cking k*lled 'em, Trey.

Yeah, we did. We k*lled 'em.

The way I see it,

it was us or them.

And I'd f*cking do

it again if I had to.

We're family, bro.

That shit back there,

that was nothing but

taking care of family.

Come on. Come here. Come here.

Let's go home.

We got a 904 on

Old Finch Road off 58.

We got two dead and

a BOLO, red Buick Regal,

and I do not have the tags.

[over radio]

10-4 Bodie. Dispatch a car

to your location.

[Bodie] Let it burn.

Hey, baby. What you doing?

Going to bed.

Yeah, well, I miss you.

You look beautiful.

I know.


[Caroline] All righty,

you, get in there.

I'll be in in a sec.

-Sweet dreams.

-[Caroline] Go on.

-Love you.

-[Mila] 'Night!

What are you up to?

Just out here in my office.

Are you sleeping?

Uh-uh. Oh, not without you.

Baby, you already

have me. No need to keep

up with that sweet talk.

Well, I know you like it though.

[Caroline laughs] I do.

How're you doing?

Today was a good day.

It's good to be out here.

I wish you were here, though.


[Bodie] Just you?

Just me.

You doing all right there?

Oh, hell yeah.

Been a while since I

had a dust up, but I'm fine.

In there ain't.

County is sending the coroner

down for what's left.

Ben, what are those?

Oh. [laughs]

I had just gotten my boots

off when I got the call.

Man, we're like the g*dd*mn

boy scouts out here.

All right, let's-let's

go in. Cameras?

Sure. But the drives were taken.

The car wash has one, though.

[Bodie] Well, let's get 'em.

I already got it on my laptop.

I bet you do.

[chuckles] Two men,

in and out, off in a hurry.


Well, let's see.

Let it out.




What you thinking?

[sighs] I'm thinking that

he's a poor bastard,

what I'm thinking.

Now, were there any witnesses?


Sure. Ms. Whitney.


Yeah. She wounded over here.

And the doc,

but he ain't talking yet.

All right. Well,

well, we just wait for

Ms. Whitney's story, I guess.

But I tell ya what

it's gonna be about.

It's gonna be about pills

and money and cussin'.

[chuckles] Two men,

shotgun and a p*stol.

Yeah, well, the p*stol did that.

And the wood furniture

done that guy in.

And he ain't here.

No, he isn't. And the

whiskey in them cups.

And that arm is junkies

robbing junkies.

Just like with two guys

from the highway.

[sighs] Man, this is as crooked

as the Chattahoochee.

Well, all right.

Call me if anything

turns up. Oh.

-That's it?

-[Brodie] That's it.

We gotta wait

for--for Ms. Whitney's story,

and State's gonna wanna

be in on this one.

Sure you don't wanna look

at that, uh, tape?


Come on. Let's go look at it.

Wheelman can drive.

That's a fact.


All right, well, [clears throat]

I'm going to sleep.

Call me if you need me.

Otherwise, don't.


You sure you're all right?

Ben, find your g*dd*mn boots.

[indistinct chatter over radio]

[country music over speaker]


Anything else I can get you?

No, ma'am. That hit the spot.


Mm. A moment.

One of these is your tip.

Which one will be

determined by the answer of my

next question. Okay?

What did you wanna be

when you grew up?

I don't know.

I guess I always told

my mama I wanted

to work with horses.

Horses, huh? Well, how long

you been working here?

[sighs] Nine years, I guess.

Do you have kids?

I do. A daughter. She's eight.

And what's your

little girl wanna be

when she's all grown up?

[sighs] [chuckles] A dancer.

I mean, hell, that's what

my tips go toward anyway.

Well, that's sweet.

Well, thank you for the pie.

It was delicious.

So, um, which one do I get?

It doesn't matter.

[indistinct chatter over TV]

You sure about it?

Yeah, I'm sure as shit.


So, we're good?

We're good, right?

It's not me.

I mean, I don't care

that you f*cked up.

But someone does.

Come on, brother. [coughs]

I'm dying anyway.

Come on. Just let me be.

It don't have to be like this.

There's no reason for it.

That gon' do it?

That's it.

All right, thanks, Sheriff.

-All right.

-Have a good one, man.

You, too.


[Ben] Bodie.

What do you know?

You see the statement

from the doc and Ms. Whitney?

Is that it on your seat?

Then how did I see it?

Well, the doc wants immunity.

Is that right?


Yep. He says this thing

they got into goes all

the way down

to a New Orleans

outfit down that way.

Pills, clinics, girls, money.

He's saying it's

a damn empire, Bodie.

You know what they're saying?

This outfit is mob.

Will you stop it?

Acting like a preteen

at a Beatles

concert for God's sake.

What does the State say?

They want in?

-[Ben] Nope.

-They don't want in?

-[Ben] Nope.

-Why not?

State line thing.

They're saying DEA.

Can you believe that? DEA here.

What'd Ms. Whitney say?

Not much.

Don't ask, don't tell.

Paid her cash though.


Lordy, it's just Sunday. Man.

[Ben] That ain't all.

You find the shotgun vic?

Yeah. Well, neighbor found him.

[Bodie] You got him?

He's dead.

Well, how? Did he bleed out?

-[Ben] Oh, yeah.



Pills and blood for sure, but--

that ain't what did him in.

A lamp cord around

his neck k*lled him.

Hmm. Shit.

[Ben] Shit?

Someone's cleaning up,

Bodie. Mob.

Well, 'least you got

the right shoes on today.

[both chuckle]

Hey, Bodie, you think

the DEA'll give me one

of those jackets?

[exhales] I will slap you to

sleep and slap you for sleeping.

Now get out of here.

Morning, Shelby.

Get up.

[Shelby] Hey, listen,

I know what you want.


Get down.

Give me your hands.

I don't f*cking know you.

No, sir.

So, what do you want?

Well, I heard you all thought

it was a good idea

to steal from the NOLA folk.

Said you all thought

we were all a bunch of

stupid c**ts, wouldn't do

shit about it. That true?

I don't know what that

means. None of it.

But if something was stolen from


and that something's

been returned,

I don't see why we can't

forget the whole thing,

just go on about our lives.

Over here, wherever

you come from.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

Hey, hey, please.

Look. Hey, look, this can be

worked out, okay?

All right, whatever

happened, all right,

wrongs can be righted.

Well, that's why I'm here.

Okay, well, let's do that then.

Okay, let's just talk about it.


You got what you

came here for, right?


[Trey grunts]


No! No! f*cking no! Trey!

No! f*cking stop! f*ck!


2292 Kent Street,

Tupelo, Mississippi.

Yeah. He gave that up, too.

They got nothing

to do with this.

They do now.

You try and leave town,

cops, whatever, my man

in Tupelo gets rambunctious.

You understand me?

I'll be in touch.

Is that a tulip tree

or a dogwood? [chuckles]


[cicadas chirping]

[engine revs]

[Bodie] Morning, Shel.

Hey, Uncle Bodie. What you

doing out around these parts?

'Hell you been, boy?

Oh, I got a, uh,

couple hog traps

out at the end of 579.

River's been rising a little,

I guess.

They're all but under water now.

I just had to move them

a little higher.

Well, better you than me.

I'd just as soon as sh**t 'em.

[laughs] Anyway, I'm here

looking for Trey.

-Mm. Yeah?

-[Bodie] Yeah, you seen him?

Heard from him?

No. No, not in

a couple days, I guess.

You know, Caroline's

back with her folks,

so he, uh, he hasn't

been around.



Why, what's going on?

Oh, probably nothing.

I--I got a call early this

morning from the High Bar.

They were complaining about

noise and whatnot.

And, uh,

I gotta check it out 'cause

if a bar is complaining

about noise from an apartment

upstairs... [laughs]

but as I said, you know,

it's probably nothing.

You know Trey.

Yeah, I do.


So what happened here?

Just locked myself out.


And when you broke the glass,

it went this way?

Caroline took Mila to her folks

up in Tupelo for a few days.

We, uh...

we got into it the other night.

Threw a damn beer

through the window.

[sighs] That's why she

left, you know.

It's all just getting to us,

you know. Just everything.

Yeah, I do know. I was married

38 years.

But I'd get this cleaned up

before Mila comes back.

Those little feet, oh,

you know. That's my princess.

Yes, sir. Will do.

All right.

Let me know if Trey turns up.

And good luck tonight.

Thank you.

[Bodie] Oh...

does Trey still drive

that--that Jap thing?

Yes, sir, he does.

Can't get him to go

American quite just yet.

[laughs] All right. Take care.

-Yeah, you too.

-All right.

Pack of Camels.

All right, there you go.

It's eight even.

[register dings]

Thank you. There you go.

Say, uh, what do y'all

do in this town?


Oh, no disrespect, old timer.

But what do people do here?

Like for fun?

People have fun here?

[chuckles] Well, sure. I mean,

we got the track

on Monday nights.

And hunting.

And football

in the fall, I guess.

So between, uh,

sh**ting squirrels

and high school football,

people just kinda

meander around, waiting to die?

I--I--I guess.

No, that--that ain't right.


You grow up around here?

'Bout a mile thataway.

When you were growing up,

you always want to run

the local gas station?

Oh, you know,

my daddy, uh, ran the

station down there on old 24.

I guess I just followed suit.


And here you are, huh?

Yes, sir. Here I am.

You got kids?

Got a son. He grown though.

I see. What's he do?

[laughs] You--you ask

a lot of questions.

[man] I'm intrigued.

Y'all intrigue me.

All right.

Well, come back.

Pardon me.

Eat a d*ck. Fancy f*ck.

I need some oil.

All right.

...on my honor

Bid farewell to my loves

Give penance at the altar

And I ride off for the w*r

The skies are

Low and cloudy

The grass is mud and clay

I'm a knight in

Shining armor

With a rusted iron blade

I've k*lled a dozen farmers

I've m*rder*d Jonah--

Pretty far north for you.

[man] Not in the car.

[door shuts]

What are we dealing with?

[sniffs] Nothing that can't

be handled quick.

Unaffiliated locals, that's

all. I'm dealing with it.

I'll recover what was taken.

I just need a bit more time.

I would like the, uh,

responsible party brought

to me personally.


-[man] Yeah.

-And the doctor?

-[sniffs] Yep.

A woman, too.

They talk?


Not sure how much yet, but

enough to pull the ripcord.

And when does that happen?

-As we talk.



Because you keep talking to me.

And if I'm listening to you


then they're out there...

talking to people they

shouldn't be talking to.

Pull the f*cking cord.

Do you need help?

What, locals?

No. I don't need no hicks

in mismatched shoes.

I'm handling it.

Then handle it.


Listen, Clayton,

you light a cigarette

in my car one more time,

and I'll smash your head

in with a piece of concrete.

This Steve McQueen,

Johnny Cash bullshit...

it's tired. Straighten up.


... you in the window

I need you in the snow

Your weight is never ending

Much like my sorrow

I've k*lled a dozen farmers

I've m*rder*d Joan of Arc

I've pillaged

The cathedrals

To soothe my aching heart

[grunts] God. [yells]

[grunts] [gags] [yells]

Took pleasure in

Their torment

So I could feel alive

[engine starts]

Son is low on my shoulders

We ride on to the west

Only one man left to die

Till I complete my quest

With your name on my breath

And my horse

Can finally rest

Whatcha got there?

Nine-mil? .45?

No, .38.

Were you gonna k*ll me?

Yeah, I was thinking about it.

Well, pull it out.

Go on.

This here blood'll paint

the f*cking walls

of that shitty place

down on Kent Street.

k*ll me or don't.


It won't be me either way.

I don't k*ll the innocent.

No, it'll be that gorilla

of a man down there

watching your little girl

play in the yard who does it,

who rips them apart

and dances on their bodies.

So you better keep that

little .38 tucked in there

nice and snug.

'Cause, brother,

I'm the only friend you got.


So what now?

Where you going?

I'm going to work. Let's go.

[engine revs]

Why me?

Well, this is your milk.

And you're mopping it up.

Ugh, I hate these small towns.

Illinois, Mississippi,

Massachusetts, Arizona.

You know what they all

have in common?


[indistinct shouting]


Man, who are you?

I'm just a man.

A man here to break

my world apart.

Your world?

This ain't your world,

your life.

You don't control this shit.

Sure. Sure.

What are you doing with that?

We're all just a bunch of blobs

of mass running into each other

till we break down

or are shut down. That's it.

[Shelby] All right.

So if none of this matters,

no reason for it all,

why are we here?

For him.

Tick-tock goes the doc.

Follow him.

[engine starts, revs]

All right, when he hits

the highway,

you're gonna pull

alongside of him,

easy, like you're

gonna pass him.

Nah, I can't do that.

Driving is easy.

Not getting the chance

to say goodbye is hard.

[grunts] Ugh. Wait, no. No.

[over radio]

Hey, Sheriff, you read me?

Go ahead.

Bodie, gonna need you down

here at Ghost Hill Road

two clicks north of 24.

What is it?

Single vehicle wreck.

Victim with g*nsh*t wound.

[sighs] All right, on my way.

[sirens blare]

Keep it under 50.

We should get another car.

No, I'm done.

I did what you said.

We ain't done yet. Under 50.

Look, if you just let

them go, all right,

I'll do whatever the

f*ck you want.

Oh, I know.

[banging on door]


-[yells] Whoa.

Ms. Whitney!

Goddamnit, Sheriff.

The hell's wrong with you?

I--I do apologize,

but it is urgent.

Now I have reason to believe

that your life is in danger.

So what I want you to do

is just pack a couple of things

and come with me.

[scoffs] The hell you

do, and the hell I am.

Ms. Whitney--

[Ms. Whitney]

I don't care about what happened

down at that clinic.

I'm staying the hell out of it.

Okay. You win.

Now would it be

all right with you,

and with your permission,

if I just have my deputy

stay outside parked there?

As long as he's off my property,

I don't give a rat's

ass what he does.

I understand.

I do. Thank you. Thank--

[Bodie] Lord have mercy.

Well, isn't this a pickle.

A pickle?

The hell you want me to do?

I'm getting the feeling

you're angry at me.

Angry as if you didn't take

it upon yourself

to rob some very wealthy

and powerful people

at gunpoint and didn't

get away with it.

As if what's happening now

wasn't a direct result

of your own actions.

That's the feeling I'm getting.

I didn't ask for this shit.

Yeah, you did.

[phone line rings]


Sheriff's Department.

Yeah, hi. Um...

you're gonna have to head

over to the station on 46

because, uh, there's

a body in the trunk of a car.

And make it quick.


Come on.




Oh, God.

Is she dead?

Not yet.

What the f*ck, man?

What the f*ck?

Go on.


No, f*ck you. Get the

f*ck away from me.


Shelby, I don't k*ll innocent

people. I told you that.

Well, I'm sure as shit

not gonna do it.

Well, I'm gonna show you

something right now.

I have to give you

a warning before I do.

It's gonna be very unpleasant.

[muffled screaming over phone]


I'll k*ll you.

I swear to God, I will k*ll you.

Okay. Okay.

Get it done.


[muffled screams]


[g*nsh*t, dog barks]





We gotta go.


We gotta get. Now.

Go, go.


f*ck. [pants]

[engine idles]

Come on. Come on. Oh, sh**t!

[door closes]

Where the hell you been?

That ain't fair, Bodie.

We all got that call.

And you made the wrong one.

She is dead.

[engine starts]

[Shelby] I want to k*ll you.

[Clayton] Don't I know.

Your family's on the way.

What, here?

Not here, but close.

They're safe.

Oh, shit.

Stay cool, Shel.


Hey, Sheriff.


Don't believe I know you.


This here's my new sponsor

over from New Orleans. [laughs]

Fred Ellsworth,

Ellsworth Construction.

NOLA, huh?

Most of the time.

But I'm opening up a small

shop down these parts

and recognize the power

of local marketing

to this here young talent.

Drag strip, huh?

Mm. Whatcha got there going on?

Oh, [scoffs] yeah.

I nicked it on, uh,

I nicked it on the--

on the door getting

out of his old car.

Just clumsy is all.

All right, so what is this,

a early-morning meeting?


Hog hunting.

-Really now?

-That's right.

Showing this city slicker

how it's done, he said. So --

In those?

Oh, God, I hope not.

I mean, these are--these are way

too expensive to get dirty.

No, I won't do that to you.

I got some mucks for him.

Oh, good. You're welcome to

join if you'd like, Sheriff.

No, no.

Shelby here uses a bow.

That's a young man's game.

Too much running around for me.

I like--I like to keep

a distance,

you know, so they

don't see me coming.

Well, now I know

what I'm in for.

Yeah, you do.

So, Caroline and Mila,

they're still back in

Tupelo way, or what's going on?

Yes, sir. Yeah. Through

the week, I reckon.


You know, Mila just, uh,

just loves that little house

there on Kent Street.


Shelby, let me talk to you.

Yeah, you guys get it.

[clears throat]

You seen Trey?

No, no. Not since last

week when he was here.


We found his car.

Oh, no shit?

No shit.

Firestone factory,

all banged up.



Not considered missing, is he?

You okay?

Yeah, just, uh, getting

ready to get out there.


You wanna tell me something?


Go ahead. Go ahead.

That robbery at the clinic

a few days ago?


I, uh, I think that was Trey.

You do now.



Yeah, and that m*rder.

The, uh,

the doctor I heard

about last night.

Yeah, I think

maybe Trey's trying to,

I don't know, clean up.


I'm real worried about him,

Uncle Bodie.

Yeah, it was more

than a hundred K.

That could change a man's

life or could ruin it.

You telling me the truth?

All right. Now you--you

tell me if you run into Trey.

Will do.

And what's your name again?


Fred. It's a pleasure.

Nice meeting you, Sheriff.

[sighs] Now you be careful

with them hogs here.

They're ugly bastards.

And they'll get your goose.

And they'll put a tusk right

straight through you

like it was nothing.

And leave you out there

on the field bleeding.


[laughs] Thanks for the warning.

All right.

Well, get after it. Yup.


See you, Sheriff.


Get on the horn to Tupelo PD.

Get me an APB on Caroline

and Mila Connors.

Get Caroline's maiden name

and, uh, Kent Street,

that's all I got.

Ben, do it now.

[Ben over radio]

Ten-four, Bodie.


I'll see you at the office.

What'd he have to

say over there?


Just looking for the guy

you k*lled with

the trash bag is all.

And where is he?


[Clayton sniffs]

It's almost that time.

Take me to my car.

You gonna s*ab me

or slit my throat?

Maybe both.

Who's the battle axe?

The one who taught me

it's not how hard you swing it,

but how sharp it is.

So let me get this straight.

Small-town racecar driver

with Parkinson's

struggles to make ends meet

for his wife

and his little daughter.

God damn.

We all play the hand

we're dealt, I guess.

And you're still going.

Still fighting the good

fight left in you.

That's what we do.

Who's we?


All of us. I don't f*cking know.

[Clayton] Not all of us.

The f*ck do you care?


f*ck, man. After last night,

after this whole damn week,

you want to just keep

sh1tting on me?

You k*lled my wife's brother.

You made me k*ll that woman.

I took money from

the wrong f*cking people.

I get it. Jesus Christ.

Look, I'm doing

everything you say.

I'm just trying to get

my f*cking life back,

whatever life I got left.

[Clayton] We're all going

in the same direction.

Even you?

Oh, I know I am.

That's the difference

between me

and people in places

like this...


Yeah. You keep talking about

how it's all meaningless.

You just do that to justify

the horrible shit you do.

There's a world where

all this has meaning.

It's this one.

[man over radio] don't have to be alone.

Here at Heeley Family

Funeral Home,

we will be by your side

as you navigate

this special time...

...with quality, affordable

services and headstones.

We offer a variety

of packages--

Christ, well, you can

count on that, huh?

When your business is

death in a town like this,

business is booming.

Half-off headstones.

Now people k*lling

themselves for pennies

and then taking them

for some rocks

to put over your rotting body.

Or call us. 424-98--

When my folks died,

they didn't have two of

those pennies to rub together.

It took me years,

save up to replace that

shitty wooden gravestone

the church donated.

And what was the point?


I mean, we should

all be so lucky

just to have a proper place

to rest when this is

all said and done.

You know, something that

says, "Hey, we were here."


I was nine years old.

I came home from school and, uh,

found my dad dead

on the kitchen floor.


Blew his head off

with a shotgun.

Not before putting two

shells into my mom

while she was in the bath.

Shit. Coroner took them.

I watched.

No clue where to.

Some distant relative

probably thought it

was best for everyone.

And they burned 'em

and tossed the ashes.

I don't know.

Where are they?

They're safe. I told you.

You got my word on that.

So this is him, huh?

Whoa, whoa, wh-wh-what

is this, huh?

[man] He doesn't know?

Know what?

[man] Well? Go on.

No. No. I did everything

you asked. All of it.

You did.

You said you don't k*ll the

innocent. You said that.

I saw you k*ll that woman, Shel.

I watched you do it.



We're all heading the same way.


I believe that's it.

I believe so.

Back to New Orleans?


Okay then.

[Clayton] Yeah.

There is a house

In New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun

And it's been the ruin

Of many a poor girl

And me, Oh God, I'm one

My Mother, she's a tailor

She sewed those

Old blue jeans

My father was

A gamblin' man

Anything else?


Who drowned in New Orleans


[g*nshots continue]

Damn it.


Hell, Clayton. [pants]

We're family.

We ain't ever been family.


Oh mother

Tell your children

Not to do the

Things I've done

Spend your lives in sin

And misery

In the House of

The Rising Sun

[engine revs]


[Bodie] Hey, Caroline.

Hey, Mr. Bodie.

Whatcha doing out here?

I don't really know, to be


I just felt like being

around something loud.

It is loud.

How's Mila?

She's, uh, with my folks.

You know, everything

she's been...

going through--

hell, I don't know. I just...

feel like it's

better for her to...

get away from here

for a bit.


Yeah, that's a good thing.

That's a good thing.


Mr. Bodie, where is he?

Caroline, I--I--I don't know.

You think I'll ever

see him again?


Well, I certainly hope so.

[engine revs]


We gon' play another game?

Oh, just a coffee.


So tell me, what do you

want to be when you grow up?





Well, that's it then.

Hey, Ben.

You're all right.



Been staring at these

Walls too long

My sweet baby blue eyed

Don't belong here

I been counting the miles

Between lightning strikes

Wishing down

On a twisted knee

I let the cat black

Sleep in my bed

The same sheets where

She and I did lie

I been married to the m*rder

Of the crows in my mind

Wishing down on

A twisted knee

People ain't evil

and people ain't good

This life don't leave room

For the dreaming

I was born to believe

In the fire and the flood

But everything I love

Has been leaving

I been trying to remember

Your last kiss to me

It was wasted like

They all must be

If I cried out to you

Would you cry out to me

Am I wishing down

On a twisted knee

People ain't evil

And people ain't good

This life don't leave

Room for the dreaming

I was born to believe

The fire and the flood

But everything I love

Has been leaving

On the wings of

Ascension let's ride

One man's misfortune

Is my gain

I've been dying to

Believe in

A world full of liars

Wishing down on

A twisted knee

Wishing down on

A twisted knee

Wishing down on

A twisted knee

Wishing down on

A twisted

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