01x25 - Down the Mine

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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01x25 - Down the Mine

Post by bunniefuu »

One day, Thomas was at the junction

when Gordon shuffled in
with some trucks.

"Pooh!" remarked Thomas,
"What a funny smell.

"Can you smell a smell? A funny,
musty sort of smell?" said Thomas.

Gordon grunted, "lt must be you."

Thomas liked teasing him
about falling into a ditch.

"Annie, Clarabel, do you know
what l think it is? Ditchwater!"

Before Gordon could answer,
Thomas puffed away.

Annie and Clarabel couldn't believe
their ears. "He's very rude."

And to Thomas, they said, "You mustn't
be rude." But Thomas didn't care.

He chuckled.
He felt pleased with himself.

Annie and Clarabel were shocked.
They had respect for Gordon.

Thomas left the coaches
and went off to a mine for some trucks.

Lead miners made underground tunnels.
The roofs cannot hold up engines.

A notice warns them
not to enter the area.

"Silly board," thought Thomas.
He had often tried to pass it.

This morning, he had a plan.
The fireman went to turn the points.

He jerked his driver off the footplate.

"Come back!" yelled his driver.

"Fire and smoke!" said Thomas,
"l'm sunk."

"Oh dear," he said, "l am a silly engine."

"And a very naughty one. l saw you."

"Please get me out. l'll be good."

"l'm not sure. The ground's not firm
enough for a crane.

"Let me see.
Could Gordon pull you out?"

"Yes, sir."
Thomas didn't want to meet Gordon.

"Down a mine, is he?" laughed Gordon.
"What a joke!"

"Poop-poop, Thomas.
We'll have you out in a couple of puffs."


Cables were fastened to the engines.
"Ready? Heave!"

lt was hard but at last, Thomas was free.

"Sorry l was cheeky."
"lt's OK, Thomas. You made me laugh.

"l'm in disgrace."
"So am l," said Thomas.

"Shall we form an alliance
and help each other?"

"Yes," said Thomas.
"That's settled," rumbled Gordon.

Buffer to buffer, the allies puffed home.
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