02x04 - Saved from Scrap

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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02x04 - Saved from Scrap

Post by bunniefuu »


The Fat Controller
works his engines hard.

They are proud when he calls them
“really useful".

“I'm going to the scrap yard,"
Edward said.

“Already? You're not that old!"
replied Thomas. He was only teasing.

The scrap yard is full
of rusty old machines.

They are broken into pieces

and Edward pulls them to the steelworks
where they are melted and used again.

Today, there was a surprise for Edward -
a traction engine.

“Hello,” said Edward.
“Why are you here?”

“I'm Trevor.
They're going to break me up.”

"What a shame.”

“My driver says | only need paint and oil
but my master says I'm old-fashioned.”

Edward snorted.
“People say I'm old-fashioned

“but the Fat Controller says I'm useful.

“What work did you do?”

“My master sent us from farm to farm.
We threshed corn and hauled logs.

“The children loved us." Trevor shut
his eyes, remembering. "I like children.”

Edward set off for the station. "Broken
up? What a shame. | must help Trevor."

He thought of all his friends but none
of them would have room for Trevor.

“It's a shame,” he hissed.

Then "Peep-peep!
Why didn't | think of him before?"

Standing there was the very person.

“Why does Edward look upset?"
he asked the driver.

“The traction engine Jem Cole drove
is in the scrap yard, Vicar."

“Save him. He saws wood
and gives children rides.”

“We'll see,” replied the vicar.

Jem Cole came on Saturday.
“The Reverend might buy you.”

“Do you think he will?”
“He will when I've cleaned you up.”

The vicar arrived that evening.
Trevor was so happy.

He chuffered about the yard.

“Show your paces, Trevor,”
said the vicar.

Later, he came out of the office.
"I've got him cheap!"

“You'll live at the vicarage now, Trevor,”
said Jem.

“Peep, peep!" whistled Trevor.

Now Trevor's home is in the vicarage
orchard and he sees Edward every day.

His paint is spotless
and his brass shines like gold.

Trevor's happiest day is the church féte.

With a wooden seat bolted on,

he chuffers round the orchard
giving rides to children.

Later, you will see him shut his eyes,

“| like children,” he whispers happily.
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