02x12 - Crisis in Jungle City

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x12 - Crisis in Jungle City

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(futuristic rock music)

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Announcer]

Transformers Energon

♪ Transformers ♪

- Boy, I haven't been back

here since I was a little kid!

And you were here with

me, remember, Misha?

- Yeah, you're right, Kicker.

But I've been back

here since then.

- With who?

- Wouldn't you like to know?

- [Kicker] Yeah, as a

matter of fact, I would.

- Would you relax?

I came over here by

myself because after all,

this was our special place.

- Oh yeah, right.

- Oh, I bet.

- Come on, now let's not

get into a big argument

over nothin', all right?

- Who's arguing?

I mean, after all, I'm not

the one with the short memory.

- I wish I could

figure girls out.

- [Misha] What was that, Kicker?

- [Kicker] They look

like military choppers.

Wonder what's up.

- [Misha] Good question.

And a better one is,

what's in those crates?

- [Kicker] Yeah, good point.

- Suddenly, it hit me.

I felt like something

big was about to happen

out here in the jungle.

I didn't know what, but it

wouldn't take long to find out.

(dramatic music)

(helicopter whirring)

- [Hotshot] Oh, they're

really going at it, Optimus.

But it'll take some time to

finish those Energon towers.

- [Optimus] Good.

Keep at it, Hot Shot.

- [Ironhide] But we gotta hurry!

They're Earth's last

line of defense!

- [Optimus] Then I suggest

we set up camp here

and give the Omnicons

all the help they need.

Ironhide, both you and Hot

Shot'll be in charge down here.

- [Hot Shot And

Ironhide] Yes, sir!

- [Judgement] Ohhh,

this is so delicious!

Starscream's entire memory

has been completely erased.

- [Wisdom] Yes,

however that makes him

completely useless to us!

- [Death] What a

waste of Energon!

- [Wrath] Yes, and now

we're going to need more

in order to eliminate

that Decepticon Megatron!

- [Death] If he thinks he

can steal Energon from Earth,

he's a fool, because

his weapons are useless

against those Energon towers.

- [Wrath] I agree


But, I must admit,

building those towers

was a stroke of brilliance

on Optimus' part.

- [Judgement] There's

no need to worry!

Excuse my ignorance, gentlemen,

but could someone explain

what our precious

Terrorcons are up to?

- [Wrath] They've been

programmed to attack

all the Earth stations

and retrieve Energon

for our cause, my friend.

In their stealth mode,

they can easily slip

through the Autobots'

pathetic radar.

- [Judgement] Oooh,

I'm getting goosebumps

just thinking about it! (laughs)

- [Megatron] So Starscream,

how do you feel?

- I, I believe I feel

perfectly normal.

But, there's just one thing.

- Yes, what is it?

Explain yourself, soldier.

- I have no memory of the past.

- Ha, how is that any

different from before?

The past is

unimportant, Starscream.

What is important is

that you are now under

my direct command.

- Sir.

(alarm blares)


- [Megatron] Tidal

Wave, status report.

- [Tidal Wave] Many

Terrorcons, many!

- [Wisdom] Oh, this isn't good.

Megatron's minion has

discovered our attack!

- [Judgement] No, you fools!

That's part of our plan!

We want them to

notice the Terrorcons!

- [Misha] See all

those pyramids, Kicker?

The Mayans built them

in the th century.

But a hundred years later,

their entire civilization

just vanished.

And to this day, no one

can explain exactly why.

- [Kicker] If you stop

and think about it,

maybe it was Megatron

who wiped them out.

After all, that creep's

been around for like, eons!

- Oh my, I've got to admit,

I never thought of

that possibility.

- Just a thought.

(expl*si*n ringing)

Oh man, I've got a bad

feeling we've got company.

- [Misha] What?

- [Kicker] Hang on, Misha.

We gotta check this out.

Holy cow, there's like

a thousand of 'em!

- [Misha] It looks

like they're digging

straight down to the mine!

- They must sense the Energon!

Optimus, we've got big trouble!

- [Ironhide] That's impossible.

Kicker must be joking around.

I'm not picking up anything

on radar, Optimus, sir.

- [Optimus] I don't think Kicker

would cry 'wolf' like that.

Hot Shot, listen up.

I want the Energon

mines shut down at once

and the Omnicons put on alert.

- [Hotshot] I'm on it, Optimus.

- [Ironhide] Wait,

I've got something!

It looks like a

Decepticon warp field

heading straight

for Jungle City.

- That means we're

being att*cked

from the ground and the air!

- [Optimus] Call in

Jetfire and Inferno.

Then evacuate all civilians

and put every available troop

on a code red alert.

- [Ironhide and Hotshot] Yessir!

- [Skyblast] Hey,

what's with the alarm?

- [Strongarm] It means we're

supposed to shut down the mine.

- [Ironhide] Secure the mine!

Repeat, secure the mine!

Enemy detected and

we're now in code red!

- [Strongarm] I told ya.

- [Skyblast] Ah, just zip it.

- [Inferno] Inferno, transform!

(machinery whirring)

(exciting music)

- [Jetfire] Looks like we've

got some ants at this picnic!

Hey Optimus, Kicker was right!

This place is crawlin' with 'em!

- [Optimus] four,

Jetfire, now return to base.

- [Jetfire] Roger

that, I'm on my way.

(dramatic music)

- The Terrorcons are all around

the edges of the mine, Alexis.

So just stay out

of that area, okay?

- [Alexis] Right,

we won't go near it.

- And you be careful

out there, Kicker.

- I will, Misha.

- Oh, and, please look

out for the pyramids.

- [Kicker] You got it.

- [Misha] Optimus?

- [Optimus] Hm?

- Could you please make

sure that the ruins out here

are protected from any attack?

It's really important to me.

They're like a window

into human history.

And if they were

destroyed, that window

would be closed forever.

And besides, every

one of these places

means a lot to me personally.

(laughs nervously)

Please do your best.

Don't let them

destroy the ruins.

- [Optimus] We will

do our best, Misha.

Nothing here will be disturbed.

- Thank you, Optimus, thank you.

- [Alexis] Hurry up, Misha!

We've gotta go.

- Well if you ask me, the

future is way more important

than the past is.

- That's up to Optimus.

We've got a job to do, protect

the Energon mine at all cost.

So let's get on it!

- Right.

(discordant music)

- Well boys, time to get ready

and battle some Decepticons.

(helicopter whirring)

(somber guitar music)

(Megatron laughs)

- Alpha Q isn't

quite the simpleton

I took him for.

It appears he hasn't sent

in the big a*tillery yet.

(Cyclonus laughs)

- And that means

he can't stop us

from destroying the Autobots!

- The Terrorcons will

keep the Autobots busy

while we pilfer

all of the Energon.

- [Tidal Wave] Must get Energon.

- [Megatron] Once we have

that, we will destroy

their pathetic

excuse for a base!

(lasers trilling)


- [Optimus] Excellent.

Inferno, Ironhide and Kicker,

you three are in charge

of the ground forces.

Jetfire and Hot Shot, I

want you two in charge

of our aerial defense.

Is that understood?

- [both] Yessir!

- [Optimus] We must defend

Jungle City at all costs!


(dramatic music)

- [Ironhide] C'mon! Didn't

you hear the evacuation order?

Get outta here, step on it!

- [Inferno] Hold up!

I don't think everyone's

cleared out of the mine yet.

- [Kicker] Then I'll go

inside and check it out.

(tires screech)

- [Inferno] Kicker, no!

- [Ironhide] Don't

worry, I'll get him.

- [Optimus] Powerlink!

(exciting rock music)

Fire one, combine!

Copter two, combine!

Digger three, combine!

Submarine four!

Optimus Prime,

Powerlinx complete!

(bird Terrorcons screeching)

Open fire, men!

(lasers blasting)

Keep on them!

(dramatic music)

(portal crackling)

(Cyclonus laughs)

- [All] Transform!

- Attack!

- [Cyclonus] It's

party time! Hahahaha!


- [Kicker] Whaddya guys

think you're doing?

We gotta get outta

here and quick!

- [Skyblast] You realize how

long it took us to mine this?

Well we're not just leavin' it.

- [Kicker] There's

no time to argue.

We're under attack

and we gotta move it!

- [Ironhide] That's a direct

order from the top, you guys!

- You mean from Optimus himself?

- [Skyblast] This isn't

some kind of joke, is it?

- [Kicker] No, it's no joke!

Now move it so we

can seal the mine!

- All right.

- Yeah.

(Ironhide grunts)

- [Strongarm Unit] Hurry it

up, or you'll be stuck inside!

- [Strongarm Unit]

Yeah, yeah, all right.

I'm coming, I'm coming.

- [Strongarm Unit] Way to

go! I think we made it!

- [Strongarm Unit]

What was that?


(Megatron laughs)

- [Optimus] Give

'em all you got!

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal

Wave, Tidal Wave!

(Jetfire grunts)

- Here we come!

(laughs) huh?

- [Optimus] Megatron!

It looks like we meet again!

- [Megatron] Always a pleasure!

But this time will

be the last time.

- [Optimus] Yes, but

I'll be the victor!

- [Inferno] Okay, hold your

fire until they swoop in

and start going for the Energon.

You got that, Ironhide?

- [Ironhide] Right!

- [Kicker] All right, you guys.

Looks like we've got company.

- [Ironhide] Get ready!

(expl*si*n booms)

(Ironhide grunts)

- [Kicker] You might

wanna try aiming!

(Ironhide grunts)

- [Inferno] Hey, would you

cut the chit chat, boys,

and start firing at

anything that moves?

- That's what I was doing!

- [Megatron] Listen

up, Tidal Wave.

See if you can destroy

those towers for me.

- [Tidal Wave] Must destroy!

- [Optimus] I won't

let you revive Unicron.

- Right, you think

you can stop me?


(Optimus grunts)

(Megatron grunts)

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal Wave!

- [Optimus] Huh?

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal

Wave, must destroy.

Tidal Wave, must destroy!

- No!

- [Jetfire]

Transform, the towers!

- [Inferno] So many to

choose from, so little time.

But an experienced

hunter is patient.

And waits for the right moment

before he pulls the trigger!

- Whoa, nice!

- Try to anticipate

his next move

and that's where you should aim.

- Oh yeah, that makes sense.

- [Inferno] Okay,

lock on and fire!

(expl*si*n booms)

- [Ironhide] Holy

smokes, I nailed him!

- Way to go, Ironhide.

And remember, practice

makes perfect.

I've been at this

game for a long time

and if you're willing to

take a little direction,

I'll make you the best

warrior, bar-none.

- [Ironhide] I'm

all yours, Inferno.

Huh, fire!

- [Kicker] They

just keep on coming!

- [Inferno] Pull back!

- [Skyblast] According

to our latest communique,

mine F and F

have been captured.

Same goes for G and G .

- [Strongarm] I just

received a report stating

that the enemy is

attempting to break into

our main ground facilities.

You copy, Optimus?

- [Optimus] Loud and clear!

Keep the data coming, men!

- [Skyblast] Areas E ,

and have been seized!

- [Strongarm] Same

goes for C-block!

- [Tidal Wave] Tidal Wave!

- [Jetfire] You're

not going anywhere!

(Tidal Wave grunts)

(Jetfire yells)

(dramatic violin music)

- Optimus!

If this keeps up,

they'll capture our

base in no time flat!

- [Optimus] Not if we stand

our ground, they won't!

- [Hotshot] But they've got us

completely pinned down, sir!

If we stay put,

we're sitting ducks!

- [Optimus] Our mission

is to keep Megatron

from taking our Energon.

- [Jetfire] Optimus!

- [Optimus] Huh?

- [Jetfire] They're all

over the tower, sir.

(explosions booming)

(Kicker grunting)

- [Ironhide] No!

- [Strongarm] Optimus,

they've destroyed

the Energon tower, sir.

All that's left is the mobile

section and ground lab.

- Now what?

- [Optimus] Does the

Energon fueling system

to the tower still work?

- But what do you mean, sir?

- [Kicker] Yeah, what are you

gonna do with that, Optimus?

(explosions booming)

(Cyclonus laughs)

- [Cyclonus] No sign of

them anywhere, Megatron!

- Where did Optimus run off to?

- [Misha] No, Optimus,

you can't be serious!

- There's gotta be another way.

- [Optimus] I wish

there were, kids.

- Optimus,

- [Optimus] I'm sorry, Misha.

It has to be done.

- I understand.

But promise that every

one of you will come back

safe and sound.

Just promise me that,

Optimus, that's all.

- [Optimus] You can

rely on me, Misha.

- [Alexis] Civilizations

have been destroyed

and rebuilt before us.

And mankind has survived it all.

Do what you have to.

We trust your judgment %.

- [Optimus] Thank you.

(expl*si*n booming)

- Where on Earth is that

spineless Autobot hiding?

Find him!

- [Kicker] This was horrible.

It was the first time I

had experienced defeat.

Not just me, but everyone.

We didn't want to talk about it.

Jungle City was in ruins

and there was no way

we could ever go back there.

The memories would

be too painful.

- Hey Ironhide,

you're in charge now.

- What, you're not serious.

- I trust you, and

you can handle it.

Here, you can use

my plasma blaster.

- Thank you, sir.

- [Optimus] Hold on a minute.


- [Ironhide] What is it, sir?

- [Optimus] I'll take

care of it myself.

- No, Optimus!

Gimmie a shot, I

can handle this.

- I don't believe this.

Why would he just run?

Maybe now he's showing

his true colors.

(Cyclonus laughs)

Oh, goodie!

That means now all

the Energon is ours.

- You disappoint me, Optimus.

- Not so fast, Megatron.

Don't you think we might

be walking into a trap?

Think about it.

- Megatron, he's

got a point there!

(laser blasts)

(expl*si*n booms)

- [Megatron] What?

- They're here.

- [Cyclonus] So, what

was your first clue?

- [Tidal Wave] Danger, danger!

(explosions booming)

- Oh no!

- [Megatron] Curses!

I get it.

Prime is destroying everything!

Pull back, this battle is over.

(Cyclonus laughs maniacally)

(explosions booming)

- [Megatron] I'll find

you, Optimus Prime!

(explosions booming)

- I don't believe this!

Everything we've

worked for, gone.

Totally destroyed.

- [Kicker] Sorry, Misha, I

wish it turned out different.

- So this is where

you've been hiding.

- Optimus, I know it

must've been difficult,

but in the end, I think you

made the right decision, sir.

For us, and for the humans.

- [Optimus] What's done is

done and we can't look back.

It was my decision

and my decision alone.

Now it's time to get

on with our mission.

- Optimus?

- [Optimus] Whether it was

the right thing to do or not,

it's in the past and now

we must look to the future.

History can't be changed,

and there's no use

in re-living what cannot

be undone, understood?

(somber music)

- Do you think the Autobots

will build another

Energon tower, Kicker?

- The Autobots'll do what

they have to to save Earth.

(electronic whirring)

- [Misha] Kicker, what is it?

- The moon!

- Hmm?

Yeah, okay, what about the moon?

- Lunar City!

It means Lunar City survived!

I just know it.

I can feel it.

- We could build

a new tower there!

- Yeah, great idea.

Way to go, Misha.

That's where we'll build

the new Energon tower.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(futuristic rock music)

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

(futuristic rock music)

♪ Transformers ♪
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