02x21 - Shockblast: Rampage

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
Post Reply

02x21 - Shockblast: Rampage

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(techno music)

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Announcer]

Transformers: Energize

♪ Transformers ♪

(exciting music)

(engine revs)

- [Kicker] Whoo-hoo!

(Misha screams)

(vehicle thuds)

Oh, yeah!

(Kicker laughing)

- Slow down Kicker,

please, I'm scared.

- There's nothing to

be scared about, Misha.

Everything's under control,

hang on.

(Misha screams)

- [Kicker] Whoo-hoo

- It's time.

- Yes, I agree.

- But we need the boy's help.

- [All] Then let's

bring him to us now.

- Hey Misha,

take a look at that.

- Very good,

he sees it.

- Then it begins.

- [All] Kicker will

bring the Autobots to us,

and at last we will be free!

- [Kicker] Cool, huh?

We're moving at light

speed on Lunicrons head.

- [Misha] It's so beautiful.

- I can't believe we

actually joined forces

with a talking the

talking Q heads.

- Lunicrons bodies moving?

Are you sure about that?

- Yes, we've been watching

it for some time now.

It could be due to

Alvicues influence.

I wonder what

Megatrons up to now.

- Transform!

Hey kicker where are we

taking this piece of Lunicron?

- To Optumus of course!

This is a major score,

and I'm sure he'll be impressed.

Advantage Auto Bots if

you know what I mean.

- Yeah!

Go Auto Bots!

- At first trusting

Rodomis seemed risky,

and then partnering with

the Q heads was freaky,

but now it turns out we're

actually bringing Optumus

what he needs to win this w*r.

(alarm blaring)

We better get there in time.

- You say he went this way?

Cybertons a big planet ya know.

- I'm sure of it sir,

we picked up shot blast

signal in this sector

a few minutes ago.

- Then he must be in there!

Let's get that door open man.

- We can't.

That's a restricted area,

we need special

clearance to go in there.


- But we're trying to

catch an escaped prisoner!

- I know,

but these doors are

not to be opened

under any circumstances.

It's a direct

order from Optumus.


- [Shock Blast] Interesting.

- [] Then stay here and

keep on the look out.

Padlock let's search upstairs.

- [] Yes, sir!


- Open sesame.



- [Shock Blast] One

guard against me?

Huh, who's running this

stupid operation anyway?

They obviously have no idea

who their dealing with.

(suspenseful music)



- What is this place?

Huh, is this Energon?


Who did that?



- Who dares fire at Shock Blast?

- Oh, man.

I found Shock Blast.

Oh, man.

I don't believe it.

He's in the Energon

core of Cybertron.

- We'll get him,

sit tight.

- [] Shock Blast went this way!


- [] Who are they?

- [] I'm not sure.

Let's go find out.

- [All] Right!

- Huh?

What is this?

- Look over there!

Its Shock Blast.

- Let's get him!

- Aye, Aye!

- Gotcha!


- Huh?

A trap!


- Don't move,

or your buddy gets it.

- No,

- No! No!

Don't do it!

- Let him go Shock Blast.

- Well, well.

If it isn't Optumus Prime,

the brave commander

of the Autobots.


- [Optumus Prime] Drop

your w*apon creep!

- You can't tell me what to do!

- Padlock are you all right?

- He's in good hands.

- Forget about me!


- Padlock!

- I'd love to stay and chat,

but I got important

things to do,

and don't try and follow me.

- I'm sorry buddy.



- Padlock?



- Attack!

- With pleasure.

(g*ns firing)


- After them!


- Oh, no.

We sealed the door

from the outside.

- Optumus, we're trapped!

- Come on.

Hang on buddy,

your gonna make it.

Your gonna make it Padlock!

(heavy breathing)

- Oh, no.

- No!

- Hot shot,

see if Rad can help us out.

- [Hot Shot] Will

do Optimus , sir.

- Rad,

the entrance to Primus

has been sealed.

Can you do anything on your end?

- [Rad] Ill get

on it right away.

- Thanks.

- Curse you Shot Blast!


- That's not going

to do us any good.

- But my friend.

- Who are you?

- My name is Wing Dagger, sir.

I'm afraid sir that I

was one of the guards

that was on duty when

Shot Blast escaped, sir.

What do we do now Optumus?


- [Rad] I've got Shot

Blast's position.

He's on the planet surface,

and I should have the

door open in a minute.

- Thanks Rad.

Okay solidiar,

you come with us.

- [Shock Blast]

Megatron, come in.

Can you here me?


- This is Shock Blast.

I've escaped and I'm on

the surface of Cybertron.

Can you hear me Megatron?

Come on,

get me out of here!



- My what a

disrespectful Decepticon.

How are you Shot Blast?

It's been a long time,

hasn't it?

- I don't have time

for pleasantries

right now, Megatron.

I've got some

Autobots on my tail.


are you still

hunting for Energon?

- Of course, always.

- [Shock Blast] Well I

found the mother load,

here on planet Cybertron.

- Huh, well that's fine,

but the Autobots Energon grid

might be a slight problem.

- [Shock Blast] What

if I disable it?

- Go on.

- Then Unicon will have

all the Energon he needs.

- [Megatron] Yes,

then we can finally revive him,

and destroy the Autobots,

so where is this

catch of Energon.

- I'll lead you to it.

That is if you

will be joining me.

- Not just yet.

- [Megatron] I'll send

a team to help you

destroy the Energon towers.

You heard all that.

Move out!

- [Soldiers] Yes, sir!

- Don't trust Shock Blast.

Shock Blast bad.

(alarm blaring)

- Optumus!

Decepticons are headed this way!

With a mobile fortress.

- [Optimus ] Relax Rad,

just power up the Energon grid.

- Right,

initiating the Energon grid.


(Energon grid beams)

- [] Boy,

Shock Blast really

lives up to his name,

doesn't he?

- Where do you think he went to?

- We'll find him,

we have his cordinance .

Let's just make

sure we're ready.

- Hey Inferno!

Let's power link

- Okay!

(Techno music)


- Hot Shot!

- [Autobots] Power link!

- [] Power link Inferno!


- [] Finally.

- [] Let's wait here

for Shock Blasts orders.

- I can't wait.

I'm ready to do

some demolishing.

- I don't get it.

How does a guy who held

prisoner inside Cybertron

get to give us orders?


What a joke!

- Megatron said we

have to obey him.

- Tidal Wave don't like it.

- [Shock Blast]

Are you guys there?

- [] Yes.

- [Shock Blast] Crash the

mobile fortress into the grid.

- [] Crash the mobile fortress?

- [Shock Blast]

That's what I said!

Now do it.

You are ordered to obey me,

so get to work!

Or should I tell

Megatron about this?

- [] No!

I understand.

(suspenseful music)

- [] First a little distraction.

- [] Transform!

- [] Then an inside attack

to get things moving.

Now let's bring the roof down.

Shock Blast!

(loud expl*si*n)

- The tower!

- What, Shock Blast?

(suspenseful music)

- So that's what he was after.


- [] Tidal Wave!

(g*ns firing)

- Missed me.

Too bad.

Missed again.


- This isn't working.

There's just to many of them.

- The Energons grid

has been breached!

Their aiming for the towers.

Target shot blast take him out.


- [Shock Blast] There aren't

enough Tericons to cover me.

Where is my back up?

- [] Hey Shock Blast.

- [Shock Blast] Get over here,

and cover me.

- [] Cover you?

Who's going to cover us?

- Yeah, that's right.

- [Shock Blast] Quiet!

I'm going to destroy

the next tower.

- Tidlewave can do it.

- [] Incoming!

- [] I don't care who does it!

Just get it done you punk head.

- [] Don't talk to

Tidlewave that way.

- Ugh, stay out of my way!

I'm going to take a shot.



Look what you did!

You made me miss.

- No, Shock Blast is a bad shot.

- Oh, really?

Take four!


- And you are heavy.

- I told you to

stay out of my way.

- Shock Blast,

get off him right now.

- Ugh, leave Tidlewave alone.

- You fools!

I order you to stand down,

or else.

- Or else what?

There's three of us,

and one of you boss.

- Why you--

- No!

No! Snow Cat.

- Eat this.

- Optimus , look at that!

- [Optimus ] I see them!

There fighting

amongst themselves.

- [Kicker] Optumus I can

re-align the energy grid,

and give them a real jolt.

- Go for it.

- Wing Decker, get back.

it's to dangerous,

and you don't have

a Energon star.

- But sir--

- That's an order!

- Oh, yes sir.

- I'm going in.

- This is a blast.


- Tidlewave!

- Parties over big guy!

- Take this Optimus !

- Come on Rads.

- [Kicker] Energon

grid initiate.


- [] What's happening?


- You don't have an

Energon star like I do.

You see,

Energon deflects Energon.

- [] What's going on?


I knew I couldn't

trust Shock Blast.

- Ooh, its Megatron.

- Wait, get to work.

(groaning in pain)

- Megatron,

help me.

- Transform!

Megatron fighter mood.

(mechanical noise)

Get Shot Blast out of there.

Hurry that's an order.

Do it now Tidal Wave!

Tidal Wave!

- Let him fry!

- Must obey Megatron.

- Wait,

Tidal Wave!

What a goodie-goodie.

- [] Shock Blast--


You get out now.

- I'm not leaving until I

finish what I came here to do.


- What?

Oh, no!

The tower!



- I always get the job done.

- Good, that's more like it.

We'll retreat for now.

Come on!


- No!

- We've lost two of

the Energon towers.

Unicon can appear any moment,

so we better start

preparing a grid right away.

- It's all my fault.

I let Shock Blast get away.

- This is no time for regrets,

right now we need to get

the grid up and running.

- Of course.

- I'm afraid if we we're

att*cked by Unicron right now

I'm not sure we would

be able to withstand it.

- [Jetfire] Optimus

can you hear me?

Optimus, come in!

- What is it Jetfire?

- It's Kicker,

I've made contact with him.

- [Optimus ] Really?

Is he all right?

- He's fine,

and you won't believe

what he's bringing back.

- [Optimus ] Well what?

- [Jetfire] Misha and Ironhide,

and Unicron.

I mean Unicrons head.

- What did you say?

- Jetfire,

give us a flare so we

know where you are.

- [Jetfire] You got it.

(flare blast)

- There it is,

I hope you can see it Alpha-Q.

- I hope the boy can be trusted.

If not then we are making

a very big mistake.

- Perhaps.

- But my heart tells me this

is the right thing to do.

- [All] We shall see,

we shall see.

- It's,

its Unicron.

- I hope Kicker hasn't

gotten himself in to deep.

He's still got a lot to learn.

- [Jetfire] Hey, Optimus!

- Sorry for the delay Jetfire,

but we had a lot of work to do.

- [Jetfire] So Kicker decided

to come back to us, huh?

- He sure did.

He's got Ironhide and

Misha with him too.

- [Optimus] Kicker come in.

Do you copy? Over.

- [Kicker] I'm here Optimus ,

stand by,

we're coming threw

the warped gate.


- Huh?

Rodimus is with him?

- Optimus I know you

weren't expecting me,

but I have something

important to discuss with you.

We have to decide what

to do about Megatron?

- I don't have time for this.

Just release Kicker

and the others.

- Mm-mm.

You may not be aware of this,

but your friend Kicker

has made an important

Allie with Alpha Q.

I will not let Kicker go

until you hear until

all I have to say.

Is that understood?

- Rodimus I came

here to get Kicker,

and if I have to use force

to get him back I will.

Optimus Prime,

power link!


Fire one combine!

Catcher two combine!

Kicker three combine!

Summering four combine!

Optimus Prime power

link complete.

- No wait,

please Optimus.

- Listen to Rodimus.

- So you really want

to fight me then?

All right, lets do this Prowl.

Power link!

Rodimus power link!

- Bring it on Rodimus!

- You asked for it.


(armor smashing)

- What in the world

are those two doing?

- What do you mean?

Their punching each other out.

- Yeah,

I can see that,

but don't they realize

there are more important

things at stake here.

Energon saber!



- Kicker!

Stop it!

- Kicker?

- Kicker!

- Optimus,


this has to stop.

This is not the time

for you two to be

fighting with each other.

- Your right Kicker,

this isn't the time

or place for this.

Let's go.

- I can't go back.

Not yet.

- Why not?

- Look,

part of Unicron is being

controlled by Alpha-Q,

there's a chance we could

use it to our advantage.

Lets find out what

Alpha-Q has on its mind.

- Kicker!

We can't trust Alpha-Q,

or Unicron.

- Unicron needs the peace

that we have with us today,

but with Megatron

still out there

it's to dangerous.

- Unicrons is the ultimate evil.

- Optimus I know this

plan sounds risky,

but I've made a

connection with Alpha Q,

and I think this could work.

- Kicker what are you saying?

- I'm not asking you to

put your trust in Unicron,

or Alpha Q,

I'm asking you to believe in me.

Optimus, please.

- He really means it Optimus,

he really does.

- Please,


- It'll work.

I know it.

- All right I'll

go along with this,

only until we get Megatron.

- Then we have ourselves a deal,

I mean for the time

being at least.

- [Optimus ] It's a deal.


- That's a relief.

Well let's go meet Alpha Q.

- Remember after

we get Megatron,

Unicron is next.

- We'll deal with that when

the time comes Optimus.

Lets just take it

one step at a time.


- You see what you get

when you disobey me.

If you would've covered

me like I ordered you to,

we would have destroyed

all of the Energon towers

on planet Cybertron,

but no.

You had to do

things your own way,

didn't you?

- You can not order me around.

- How dare you talk back to me!

- Leave him alone Shock Blast,

he's had enough.

- He must be punished.

You heard him,

he's being insubordinate.

- Not much of a team player?

Well neither am I,

and as I am the

one in charge here

you will do exactly what I say.

Snow Cap demolish him.

- [Snow Cap] You

rang your Meganess?

- Leave that worthless

piece of junk.

Why even bother restoring him?


- Hey where are you

taking us Shock Blast?

- Yeah, what about Tidal Wave?

- If that brainless bohemith

thinks he can take

care of himself,

then let him.

- [Tidal Wave]

Tidal Wave, angry.

- Good.

There's nothing like

a power struggle

to keep the strength up.

When the time is right

I'll let you deal with

Shock Blast in your own way.

- Excellent!

- And now that we've crippled

the Autobots Energons grid

we can attack them easily,

and use Unicron to do it!

(evil laughing)

(metal stomping)

- Alpha Q is in the main

chamber just up ahead.

- You know,

no matter how many

times I come here

this place still

gives me the creeps.

- [Alpha Q] Our

visitors have arrived.

- Welcome, all of you.

- Okay Optimus Prime,

meet Alpha Q.

- Huh?

- Hey what is it Optimus?

(Optimus sighing)

- Its nothing Kicker,

so let's hear what you

have to say Alpha Q.

[Alpha Q] Yes, of course.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(techno music)

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers! ♪
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