02x43 - Break Through

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x43 - Break Through

Post by bunniefuu »

(rock music)

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Optimus]

Transformers Energon!

♪ Transformers ♪

- [Kicker] All this

Energon gas is so thick,

you sure you can see

where you're going Arcee?

- [Arcee] We'll be through

this in a second, Kicker.

You just hang on tight

'cause we're going in!

Autobot employ the

temporary Energon field!

That should keep the gas

away from us for a while.

- [Kicker] Doesn't bother me,

just do your job and take

care of the rest of the team.

- [Arcee] Can't you

see I'm trying, Kicker?

- [Kicker] Take it easy,

I'm only trying to help.

- [Arcee] Don't see another

word till we get on the ground.

- (grunting)

- [Arcee] This is it!


- [Kicker] That

was one wild ride!

- [Arcee] Nah, that was a

piece of cake, I've had worse.

- [Kicker] Hey Arcee,

where are we, anyway?

- [Arcee] Well, if my

calculations are right

we shouldn't be far

rom the Energon Tower

that's releasing

the gas, I think.

- [Kicker] Sounds to

me like we're lost!

(dramatic music)

- C'mon Kicker, it's

all up to you now.

I know you won't

let us down, pal.

- Any sign yet, Ironhide?

- No, nothing, sir.

- [Optimus] Alert me

if you see anything.

- Yeah, I will, sir.

But that Energon cloud

is getting bigger,

in fact it's covering

the whole planet now.

- Then we'll just have to

sit tight until we find

a safe way to get onto

the planet's surface.

- [Q ] Poor Autobots, with

that super Energon gas around,

they'll never get

back to Cybertron?

- [Q ] They're trapped!

There's no way in,

and no way out!

- [Q ] What about

the boy, Kicker?

He can save them, but

first he must find a way.

- [Q ] Yes, he must stop

the Energon gas that

flows to the towers,

it's the only way that

the Autobots have a chance

of surviving this ordeal.

- [Q ] Megatron

will never allow it!

If he has his way

there will be nothing

left of the planet,

nothing at all!

- [Q ] Yes, Cybertron will be

a barren wasteland forever.

- [Q ] This must not

happen, it must be stopped!

- [Q ] Then the

only hope is Kicker.

- [Q ] Oh, can the boy do it?

Oh, I'm afraid, afraid!

- [Q ] We will wait and see,

but time is running

out for everyone.

- [Q ] A single human

cannot make a difference!

- [Q ] There is no

choice, he must.

- [Arcee] Kicker, keep a

lookout for any Autobot troops.

- [Kicker] You can count on me!

It looks pretty

deserted out here.


- [Skyblast Unit ] Boy,

are we glad to see you,

we could use some help.

Where's Optimus, and

the other others?

- There's no time to explain,

we need to know where

the Energon pipeline is.

(console beeping)

- [Gold Autobot] That's

definitely the ship

that Dr Jones was on,

looks like it was shot down.

- [Green Autobot]

This is important,

we'd better tell the others.

- [Gold Autobot] What

does that mean, though?

- [Green Autobot] I don't

know but it doesn't look good.

Let's go!

(Terrorcons squawking)

- There's Terrorcons everywhere,

we'll need a distraction.

Run for it!

(Autobots gasping)

(Yellow Autobot snores)

- [Gold Autobot] This is

outpost SW , we're in trouble.

We're surrounded by

Terrorcons, come in.

We need backup

immediately, do you copy?

- What's all the racket,

I've been here for days

and I haven't heard a thing!

- Yeah, dozy, listen,

for your information

the Miranda II has crashed,

and its passengers are

in serious trouble.

- What a predicament!

- [Sixshot] I've

picked up a signal

above the planet's

surface, Galvatron.

- Well, who is, Trickshot?

- The name's Sixshot,

and it's the Autobots.

- [Galvatron] What

are the coordinates?

- The signal's coming

from somewhere above

the southern hemisphere.

But I'm having a hard time

pinpointing the exact location.

- Huh, that's right around

where the Miranda II went down.

- What, you mean there

are Autobots in the area

and you didn't even tell me?

- It's not a problem sir,

the Energon gas will

take care of them.

(Galvatron growls)

It could be a lost

band of Autobots

that came across the wreckage,

now they're probably just

trying to make contact

with headquarters here, right?

It's nothing to worry about.

- Galvatron, just to

be on the safe side,

it would be a good idea

to send out a recon unit.

- Yes, perhaps you're right.

Are you two ready for a mission?

- [Both] (laughing) Always.

- Very well, get moving.

(spaceship roaring)

(dramatic music)

- [Skyblast Unit ]

The Energon pipeline

is straight ahead.

- [Kicker] Yeah,

there it is, I see it!

- [Skyblast Unit] We're

gonna to have to break

an opening in the

main flow chambers,

so this could get

a little dangerous.

- [Kicker] I understand.

- This is outpost SW ,

headquarters can you hear me?

Please come in.

- I think I'm gonna

to go get the captain.

(Terrorcons screaming)

Oh no!

(Yellow Autobot yelling)

All of this is like a bad dream.

What's that?

- [Sixshot] I have

the Autobots location,

they won't be bothering

us anymore (chuckles).

(energy blast whooshing)

- Oh no, my buddies

were in there!

Now what am I going to do?

- [Autobot Captain]

What's going on?

I want answers, soldier.

(engines whirring)

- [Kicker] We've gotta hurry.

What's that?

Are the Decepticons

attacking again?

- Don't worry, it's

probably just exhaust.

- [Kicker] Exhaust?

- I just did a fly-over,

and I didn't see much other

than a few Terrorcon bots.

Come on, we gotta keep moving.

- [Kicker] I know, but if

there's Terrorcons there,

the Decepticons

can't be far behind.

(Terrorcons squawking)

(fast-paced action music)

(Terrorcons clanking)

- [Sally] I sure hope that

dad and Rad come back soon.

- Here you go, Sally.

I'm making you cookies,

I know how much you

like them (giggles).

- Mom, this is hardly the

time to be baking cookies.

There's a lot of

Terrorcons out there,

and that means we're in

for some real trouble.

- Yes, I know that, dear.

That's why I'm

keeping myself busy,

to keep my mind off things.

Your dad really

likes these cookies

and I know he's going to

be hungry when he gets back

so I could use a hand right now.

- Sure, mom.

- Well, the elevator's

out of commission.

This is a real

set-back for us, Rad,

because it could've taken

us directly to Primus.

- Well then I guess

we'll just have to

find another way

there, Dr Jones.

(footsteps clanking)

- Hey, did you hear that?

- It's the Terrorcons, come on!

(Terrorcons screeching)

- They're onto us Dr

Jones, what should we do?

- I'm afraid we'll

have to get down

that elevator shaft

ourselves, we have no choice.

It's the only way,

can you handle it?

- Sure, I'm in.

(Terrorcon footsteps clanking)

- Rad, go for it!

Now, jump!

(both screaming)

(portal whirring)

- Lets go hunting.

- Hang on, Bruticus

Maximus, hang on!

- For what?

- Let's get in some target

practice, just for laughs.

- Sounds like a good idea to me.

- Hey, check this out.

(lasers whirring)

- Watch this!

- Get in contact

Optimus if you can.

- Captain, you think they

have a chance making it?

- If they don't,

then I'm afraid we might

be stuck out here for good.

- Huh, hold your fire!

- What's the matter?

- Look, the Autobots

are trying to escape.

- They'll keep the

Terrorcons distracted, men,

let's go to the crash site to

see if there' any survivors.

- [Unit] Yes sir!

- Oh no!

- Watch this shot.

(lasers whirring)

- You still got it, buddy.

- [Both] Huh?

- (laughing) Looks like they

found us before we found them.

- This is way too

easy, blast them!

(lasers whirring)

- [Green Autobot Jet] Keep

moving, we can make it!

- Okay, this place

is good enough.

Everyone transform.

- This is far enough away.

The Decepticons won't

come all the way out here.

- [Kicker] We just have to

shut the valve off, right?

- [Skyblast Unit ]

No, the Decepticons

are controlling the gas flow

from the master control room.

They can re-route it, and

we'd be in the same fix.

- [Kicker] Well, how are we

going to stop the gas, then?

- We could put hardening

jam inside the pipe,

it would be difficult

to detect and I know

it would stop the gas flow.

- [Kicker] That sounds

like a good idea.

(planes whooshing)

Who's that?

- [Arcee] Do ya think

it's the Decepticons?

- No, I think

those are Autobots.

- [Kicker] If they are Autobots,

they're trying to get out of

the area as fast as possible.

Hey, what's going on over there?

It looks like some

kind of battle.

That means the Decepticons

must be close by.

Lets go Arcee!

- [Arcee] But Kicker,

don't you think we should--

- Don't argue with me!

Our friends could be out there,

and the might need our help.

- [Strongarm Unit bot]

Go, we can handle this.

- [Supportive Strongarm

Unit bot] Yeah,

we can take care of things.

- [Arcee] All right then,

lets go take a look.

- Go for it!

(engine roaring)

(lasers whirring)

- Autobots, fall

back, fall back!

Everyone get out

of here right now!

(lasers whirring)

(dramatic music)

- We're going to squash

every one of you Autobots!

- This is starting out

to be a really bad day.

- Hurry, take cover!

- The only thing these Autobots

are good at is running away.

- Come on, lets

get this over with.

- Here they come.

Fire at will!

(lasers whirring)

- Transform!

(autobots yelling)

- That building's coming down!

Get out of there, now!

- [Constructicon] Going

somewhere? (laughs)

- [Kicker] Okay, Arcee, give

'em everything you've got.

- [Arcee] With pleasure.

(Constructicon yells)

(Panicked Autobot screams)

- [Constructicon] Lucky shot,

I'm not though with you yet.

- [Kicker] Yeah, that's

what you think, yee-haw!

- [Constructicon] Now

I'm getting really mad!

- I'll get them, transform!

- Hurry, Skyblast,

put in the gel

before all the gas escapes.

(Autobots yelling)

(dramatic action music)

- If that's the case then

the Energon gas will disperse

and the sky will start to clear.

I only hope that the

gel holds long enough

so we can get a signal off

to Optimus and the others.

- (grunting) That oughta do it.

Everybody cross your fingers.

- Then there's no time to waste.

We should launch the

signal right now.

Prepare to fire, men!

[Unit] Yes sir!

- Where are they?

Come out, you Autobots,

I'm not done with you yet.

- [Bruticus] Oh

relax, they got away.

- (angry grunting) Curse them!

- [Arcee] Looks like everyone

got out of here safely, Kicker.

- [Kicker] Yeah, but,

where'd they go to?

- [Arcee] Most of these outposts

have emergency hidden

bunkers, Kicker.

So, they probably

went underground.

- [Kicker] Underground?

- [Arcee] Yeah, anyway,

they'll be safe for now

so we'd better get

back to the others.

- [Kicker] Right.

(plane engines roaring)

- [Skyblast Unit ]

Okay, launch the signal.

- [Ironhide]

Optimus, something's

happening down there.

Look, it's the signal

we've been waiting for,

Kicker did it!

- Rodimus, you stay

here with Jetfire.

The rest of us are going

down to the planet.

- No problem, Optimus.

But call us if you

need any backup.

- All right, let's move out.

- [Autobots] Yes sir!

(electronics beeping)

- [Sixshot] Galvatron, I'm

detecting another signal.

- From where?

- It's the Autobots,

they're trying to break

though my Energon grid again.

As if that's even possible.

- Quit patting

yourself on the back,

and bring them up

on the monitor!

- Er, right away sir.

Perfect opportunity,

we should attack now

so I can avenge my

brother Shockblast.

- Don't tell me what to do.

I want you to maintain

surveillance for the time being.

- Of course.

Still say it would be a

good time to attack, though.

Huh, what's this?

(monitor beeping)

We've got big

trouble, Galvatron!

The pipeline's jammed.

- It's what?

You'd better find a way

to fix this, and fast.

- With the pipeline blocked,

the Energon grid will shut down.

- Shut down?

- [Kicker] Is the

gel still holding?

- Yeah, but the Energon gas is

still flowing to the towers,

and Optimus may not

be able to get through

if we don't knock out the grid.

- We could block another

line if we had enough gel.

- [Kicker] Forget it, we

don't have time for that.

And besides, looks

like we've got company.

(suspenseful music)

- What do we do now, Kicker?

- [Kicker] If we've got to

make a break into the grid,

then I guess I'll

have to do it myself.

Skyblast, give me a lift!

- You bet!


(energetic music)

- Ironhide, are you sure the

signal came from this sector?

- Yes, Optimus, sir.

These are definitely

the coordinates.

- [Hot Shot] I hope it wasn't

some kind of Decepticon trick.

- And I don't see

an opening anywhere.

- Well, it should be right here.

- Well, if you're right,

Kicker must be trying

to break through.

We'll have to sit tight

and wait for an opening.

(plane engines roaring)

- [Skyblast Unit] What?

You want me to fire an

Energon star at the tower?

- [Kicker] Yeah, if we

can blow up the tower,

the gas will disappear

along with it.

- [Skyblast Unit] Oh, I get it.

All right then, hang on tight.

Here we go!

One more for luck.

And three's a charm.

Nothing happened, Kicker.

- [Kicker] Maybe there's

no gas left in the tower.

- [Skyblast Unit] But I used

up all my Energon stars.

If that doesn't

work, nothing will.

- [Kicker] Give it some time.

And don't give up yet,

it could still work.

(energy crackling)

(Skyblast Unit yelling)!

- There it is.

Follow me.

- Yes, Kicker blew

up the Energon tower!

Lets give Optimus and the

rest of the team some cover.

- [Autobots] Yeah!

(lases whirring)

(dramatic music)

- [Bruticus] Those

Autobots are on the attack.

- [Kicker] Take 'em down!

- Leave up, Bruticus Maximus!

(lasers whirring)

- Link up,

Constructicon Maximus.

(lasers whirring)

- Oh no!

- (yodels) Got ya!

- [Kicker] Easy

does it, Skyblast.

- (yodels) Follow me, Mirage!

- I'm right behind you.

(Snow Cat yodeling)

- Kicker needs our help,

and he needs it now!

- [Autobots] We're on it.

(lasers whirring)

- On no, you don't!

- [Kicker] Somehow

we've gotta shake

these losers off our tail.

- End of the line, kid.

(lasers whirring)

(Starscream yells)

- [Kicker] All right!

(triumphant action music)


- Hey, you need a hand, partner?

- [Kicker] Boy, I sure

am glad to see you guys.

- Out of my way!

- (laughs) It's always a

pleasure Optimus Prime.

Welcome to my planet, Cybertron!

- Galvatron.

- You're mine.

(metal clanking)

- Optimus!

- It's all over now, Autobots!

(dramatic music)

- Well that's interesting.

The battle's really starting

to heat up out there.

(chuckles) It's a perfect

time to wipe them all out

and take control.

(suspenseful music)

- [Kicker] Oh no, the

gas, it's coming this way!


- I suggest you stay

down, Galvatron.


Oh no, Energon gas.

Everyone get out of here!

- What, Energon gas?

Hot Shot, can't let that

stuff stuff touch us

or else we'll all

be history for sure.

- Get moving!

- Blast them!

(Galvatron groans)

- Energon gas?

I never gave the order

to open the valve!

Someone's behind this and

I think I know who it is.

- Okay, the coast

is clear, lets go.

- Optimus, the other

Autobots are here.

Look, they must have

been waiting for you.

- All accounted for,

and ready for duty, sir.

- You know a safe place to

escape from the Energon gas?

It's getting close.

- It's safe underground.

I've sent a message to Wing

Saber and the other outposts

to meet us there, but I'm

not sure it got through.

Follow me, we don't have much

time so we'd better move.

- All right, we'll have

to hope the other teams

can make it on their own

until the gas clears.

(lases whirring)

- Huh?

(dramatic music)

That's not much backup.

They can't be the

only Autobots left!

- Who's that?

Time to clip their wings.

- [Green Autobot Jet) Transform!

- Are you all right?

- Shut off the pipeline,

destroy the grid.

- Huh?

The pipeline?

What does that mean?

Are Optimus and the

others still around,

stuck outside the

planet's atmosphere?

What should I do,

what should I do?

- [Q ] Again, again, the trap!

- [Q ] It is the Energon gas,

it kept them off the planet,

now it keeps them under it.

- [Q ] It's not over yet,

Optimus will find a way.

(rock music)

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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