02x32 - Farewell Inferno

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Transformers: Unicron Trilogy". Aired: August 23, 2002 - December 31, 2005.*
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The "Unicron Trilogy" is so-named for the major role that the chaos bringer Unicron plays in each of the three series that comprise it.
1 - Armada
2 - Energon
3 - Cybertron
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02x32 - Farewell Inferno

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(upbeat robotic music)

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

- [Narrator]

Transformers Energon.

♪ Transformers ♪

(light music)

- [Optimus] Kicker, is

everyone ready on Rock Planet?

- - , Optimus.

- [Optimus] Rodimus, what about

your boys on Blizzard Planet?

- [Rodimus] We're

standing by, Optimus.

- [Optimus] Ocean Planet.

- Just give us

the word, big guy!

- [Optimus] The warp

gate will open shortly.

Hot Shot and his team will

be lowering the first tower.

I want everyone to keep focused

until everything is completely

fixed into position.

Then the Omnicons will

end their first, got that?

- [All] Yes sir!

- Soon, the towers

will be placed

upon the three new planets.

- Then they'll be able to

set up the Energon grid,

making our planet

safe from harm.

- And safe from Megatron.

He won't be able to

attack so easily.

(both laughing)

- You did it, Kicker!

- Yes, we're so proud

of you, young man.

(engine whirring)

- [Kicker] There it is,

guys, the first tower.

- But we can't

let our guard down

until it's up and

running, Kicker.

(breathing heavily)


- Speak of the devil, look

who's crashin' the party.

- Fire!

(weapons firing)

(tense music)

Keep on them, men!

(weapons sh**ting)

- Inferno.

- Megatron?

- I was hoping you would've

changed your mind by now.

- I am an Autobot,

and I'll never, ever

be a Decepticon!

(w*apon sh**ting)

- You're a fool.

Men, attack the Energon towers

before they can set them up.

- Ah, you got it!

(melodically screaming)

(laser sh*ts exploding in ocean)

(electric zapping)

(weapons firing)

(waves crashing)

(weapons firing)

(bombs exploding)

(laughing manically)

- [Megatron] Mirage, dive.

Mirage, marine attack.

- Hey, Jetfire, where in the

dickens did Mirage get to?

- Are you serious?

How could something that

size just disappear?

(weapons firing)

- Oh man, what's taking so long?

We've gotta get that

grid up and running.

(grid pulsing)

(weapons firing)


(engine zooming)

- Oh no, it looks like

the grid's operational.

So now what, sir?

- Curses.

- That was too

close for comfort.


- Men, time to take this

battle to Ocean Planet.

- Yes sir.

(weapons firing)

(ominous music)

- Transform!

(mechanical whirring)

(gentle crashing)

Mirage, attack!

Let's see if we can't make

this tower spring a leak.

(weapons sh**ting)


(machinery crashing)

(waves crashing)

(tower exploding)

Mirage, retreat!

Mirage, mission complete.

(engine zooming)

- Blast it all, Mirage sent

charges below the surface.

- We're too late

to save the tower.

Let's head for Ocean Planet.

(tense music)

- We needed that tower to

set up the Energon grid.

Now we can't defend these

planets at full capacity.

- Yeah, and that

planet had the best

early warning

detection system, too.

- Optimus, sir, we've got

only one Energon tower left

that can be mobilized

from Planet Cybertron.

- That's right, we need

a good defense, men.

- Don't worry, Optimus,

I'll look after that one.


- There's an old saying,

Optimus, don't watch your back

so closely that you can't

see what's in front of ya.

- I catch your drift,

Bulkhead, and that's why

I'm setting up a plan

to distract our enemy.

- (laughing) I don't

know how you do it,

but you always

seem to impress me.

- So, what's the plan?

- I know, let me

distract Megatron.

- But Inferno.

(ominous whirring)

- So, do you think Inferno

can handle the job, Optimus?

- Good question.

All I know is Inferno

is one of the most

dedicated soldiers

under my command.

- That doesn't

answer my question.

- Well just in case,

I'll send a team to

keep an eye on him.

- Hm, are you serious?

If you believe he's

such a good warrior,

then why do you

want to babysit him?

- Because I believe in always

having a good backup plan.

(tense music)

(Inferno screaming)

(grunting and heavy breathing)

(robotic beeping)

- I am not a Decepticon,

I am an Autobot!

- Kicker, is Inferno

acting or is he in trouble?

- A little bit of both.

This all started when

Megatron branded him.

Inferno's trying with

everything he's got

not to turn into a Decepticon.

- What?

- Shh.

- Huh?

- Would you keep it down?

We're only here to help if

Inferno really needs us.

- Oh, right.

- We need to stop Megatron

from stealing all the Energon.

If we don't, these new

planets will all be toast.

This is Optimus' plan.

Inferno's out there

tryin' to be a decoy

to draw the Decepticons in.

- Kicker, I've got a question.

- Yeah, what?

- Can an Autobot

become a Decepticon

for only a little while?

- Sure.

- And the effect wouldn't

be permanent or anything?

- Let's just hope not.

(intense music)

(Inferno screaming)

- Megatron!

I know you can hear me, now

show yourself, Megatron.

(robotic beeping)

Show yourself!

- What?

- What is it, Megatron?

- I believe my latest recruit

has just joined our ranks.

- Huh?

- Inferno is calling,

which means only one thing.

He now wears the

mark of a Decepticon.

(Inferno screaming)

(upbeat music)

(w*apon firing)

(rocks exploding)

- Hey Kicker, are you

sure he's all right?

- He's really gettin' into it,

but I'm bettin' he's alright.

- It's to fool Megatron.

- Are you sure?

(rock exploding)

Ah, that's smart.

- Okay guys, I think

we'd better take cover.

- No kidding.

- Let's move out.

(rocks exploding)

(Inferno screaming)

- I really hope you're right

about this being temporary.

- [Kicker] Yeah, me too.

- [Ironhide] Are you

really, really sure?

- It's an act to get the

Decepticons to show up.

(Inferno screaming)

(w*apon firing)

- So how come he's

using live a*mo?

(Inferno yelling)

- He's got a point, there.

(w*apon firing)

- It's just an act,

I tell ya', an act,

and he's doin' a

really good job at it.

(Inferno screaming)

(Inferno screaming)

(weapons firing)

- Where are you, Megatron?

- Come on, Kicker, this whole

Inferno acting as a

Decepticon is going too far.

- [Kicker] Relax, Ironhide.

(Inferno grunting)

(w*apon firing)

(rocks exploding)

(Megatron laughing)

- Ah, I do so love

the smell of battle,

and by the sounds of it,

my newest little soldier

is now truly a Decepticon.

Let's go greet him.

(Inferno grunting)

(w*apon firing)

(tense music)

- Autobots, where

are you hiding?

Show yourselves!

- [Megatron] Inferno.

- Look, there they are.

It's Megatron and his

Decepti-scum lackeys.

I've gotta get ahold of Optimus.

- Transform!

(fast paced music)

(engine zooming)

- (laughing) I've been

expecting your call, Inferno,

and on behalf of the entire

Decepticon organization,

I would like to

welcome you aboard

as a full fledged warrior.

(Inferno growling)

(Inferno screaming)

(w*apon firing)

(Megatron laughing manically)

- Megatron, sir.

- Relax, Starscream.

(Inferno grunting)

(Inferno screaming)

(w*apon firing)

(rocks exploding)

- Inferno.

- [Rodimus] Kicker, Kicker!

We're too close to the

Decepticons, we need to jet.

- You're right.

Ironhide, do you read me?

- Loud and clear.

- Signal Optimus.

- Right.

(w*apon firing)

(flare exploding)

- Huh?

- What's he doing?

- Looks like we're not alone.

- [Wing Saber] There's

the flare, Optimus.

- All right men, lower the tower

and let's get into position.

Wing Saber.

- Sir!

(high energy music)

- Optimus Prime.

- Wing Saber.

- [Both] Power link.

(upbeat robotic music)

- Power link complete.

- [Woman] Opening the warp gate.

(engines zooming)

(warp gate zapping)

(tense music)

- [Megatron] Very

clever, Inferno.

I must say, I bought into

your little plan of deceit.

- But the joke's on you, friend.

Once one becomes a Decepticon,

there is no turning back.

(laughing manically)

- Alright, Starscream, you'll

be in charge down here.

I'm off to Ocean Planet.

- Yes, sir.

- Snow Cat, Mirage, Shockblast,

you're coming with me.

(engines zooming)

- Megatron's headed

to Ocean Planet.

(tower whirring)

(water splashing)

- And you're coming

with us, Inferno.

- You're a Decepticon now.

- Yeah, a Decepticon.

- Signal Flare, fire an

Energon star into him.

- Fire a star into Inferno?

- [Kicker] Yeah!

- You got it!


(star firing)

(energy beam exploding)

(Inferno screaming)

- What do you think

you're doing, Kicker?

- Trust me, the Energon star

should get him back to normal.

(electric zapping)

At least I thought

it would work.

Oh no, maybe he really

is a Decepticon.

(melodic screaming)

- Let's bring that

tower down, men.

Mirage, attack!


- Attack!

- (melodically screaming)

Mind if I join in?

Ha, transform!

- Mirage, attack!

(somber music)

- You're all mine, old man.

- Oh, you think so,

eh, whippersnapper?

(both grunting and yelling)

- Why, you old toot!

- Old toot?

Why, I've destroyed

a hundred of you

smart mouth space

jockeys in my time.

- Well, Optimus, it

seems your little

diversion tactic backfired.

Oh, and you've also

lost Inferno to my side.

- What?

- Oh, don't play

coy with me, Prime.

Inferno is now under my command,

and he can never revert

back to your side.

And what's even worse for

you is you're too late

setting up an Energon tower.

So it looks like this planet

is mine for the plundering.

- I don't think so, Megatron.

I always come with a backup

plan, so don't make a move.

- Sorry, Optimus, but I'm busy.

- And you're about

to get a lot busier.

(both yelling)

- Oh, they just keep coming.

(engines zooming)

- Blast them with

the Energon lasers.

(engines zooming and zapping)

(lasers blasting)

Cliffjumper, time to link up.

- Right.

- Hot Shot.

(energetic music)

- Cliffjumper.

- [Both] Power link.

- Power link, Hot Shot.

(weapons firing)



- This is too easy.

- Mirage loves his job.

(energetic music)

(machinery hitting floor)

Must blast tower, take it down!

(weapons blasting)


- You didn't think we'd let

you destroy it without a fight.


- Oh, like you're gonna stop us?

(expl*si*n booming)

- What's happening?

- What's going on?

(tower sliding)

- Get off my back,

you old geezer.

You annoy me.

- (laughing) Just

doin' my job, sonny.

(both grunting)

- [Woman] The tower is

back up and running.

Preparing to engage

Energon grid.

- No, it can't be.

(Energon grid surging)

Retreat, retreat!

- Not this time, Megatron!

- Oh, right, and who's

going to stop me?

We'll finish this

another day, Prime.

- Back in my time, soldiers

had to be whipped into shape.

Nowadays, they're

all soft like you.

- Love to stay and chat,

gramps, but I gotta fly.

(Energon grid surging)

- That's it, the Energon

grid is up and runnin'.

- Good job, guys.


- [Ironhide] You've gotta

do something, Kicker!

(Inferno screaming)

(electricity zapping)

(mechanical beeping)

- Inferno!

- Stay back, Autobot!


(weapons firing)

- Inferno!

(bombs exploding)

- We're losing him, Kicker!

- (laughing) Excellent,

the change is complete

and irreversible.

Come, Inferno!

(Inferno screaming)

(engine zooming)

(intense whooshing)

- Inferno, what's wrong?

- I'll never be a Decepticon!

- Inferno.

- Never, never!

- Have you lost it?

- Starscream, Inferno, look out!

- I can't tell who's winning.


- I need more Energon!

Get Signal Flare and

give me more Energon!

(tense music)

- Oh no, they're

heading straight for

the center of Unicron,

and if they get pulled into its

atmosphere, they're history.

We've gotta help Inferno.

- Right!

(engines zooming)

- I can feel the Energon

getting stronger, stronger.

- No, you are a Decepticon.

- Starscream, you've

gotta turn back.

- Oh no, we're

getting pulled in.

- I need the Energon.

I must fight becoming

a Decepticon.

- The Energon is burning me up.


- Starscream, we're too

close, it's too strong.

Help me!

(Inferno screaming)

- Inferno!

(engines zooming)

- Now.

- Scorponock!

(electric zapping)

- No, it's over, Inferno!

(weapons firing)


- He saved me!

- He saved you?

(grunting) Autobot.

- Scorponock?

Is that Scorponock?

- Have you returned?

- Returned to us?

- Have you returned to us?

- [All] Scorponock?

- That voice.


(engine zooming)

(electric zapping)

- I'm not a Decepticon.

I am an Autobot!

(fire exploding and crackling)

- No, Inferno, you've

gotta turn around!

- It's too late, Kicker.

The Energon's way too strong.

- He's too weak to fight it.

- Don't worry, Kicker.

I'll be back, better than ever.

- A hero to the end,

pathetic Autobot.

(somber music)

- This is not the end.

I fought off the

Decepticon evil.

(high pitched whooshing)

(mechanical zapping)

I knew I could.

- Come back, Inferno!

- I'll be back,

an Autobot once again.

(fire exploding)

(laser beam exploding)

(Kicker yelling)

- [Jetfire] Well,

at least I was able

to retrieve his spark, Optimus.

- [Optimus] Thank you, Jetfire.

- Inferno faced the

biggest challenge

an Autobot can imagine.

He almost became a Decepticon,

but he fought the evil and won.

Heroic to the end, even

saving his sworn enemy.

It won't be the same now,

but I'm proud of what he did.

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

♪ Transformers, more

than meets the eye ♪

(upbeat robotic music)

♪ Transformers,

robots in disguise ♪

♪ Transformers ♪
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